Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1916, Image 4

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    age of "The Capital Journal"
Mar.-h -Jo. I!) I It.
Editor sad Manager.
1 P
XL at
Capital Journal Pig. Co., Inc.
President Vice-l'residont .Sec. and Tri'ua.
Daily bv carrier, per vear $3.00 rvr month...
Daily by mail, per year
... 3.00 l'er month
Now York 'hicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Hirry 1!. I"islir Co.
Tritium Huilding X. dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys aro instructed to put the papers on tin
porch. It tin currier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting tin
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only
way we can determine whether or not t lie carriers are following instructions.
Phono Main SI.
It is claimed Villa intends to make a joke of the Amer
ican's attempt to capture him. This he can very easily
do, and make it a standing joke too. It depends entirely
on him whether he is ever caught, for if he so desires he
can compel Uncle Sam to continue the hunt indefinitely.
All he has to do to accomplish this is to separate his
band when ever he is closely pushed and allow his men
to scatter among the other Mexicans. All in the district
where he will probably go into hiding are his friends, of
at least enemies of the despised gringoes.
Pursuing one man with an army of 12,000 would cer
tainly get in the comic opera class, and that is what he
can make of it if he chooses.
It would be much like an elephant hunting a flea or
a bull dog chasing a butterfly. If he keeps his men to
gether and undertakes to show fight his capture is only
a question of time. This js what he is likely to do, and so
prove his own undoing.
If he permits his men to scatter and goes into hiding
he loses prestige with the peons, and he would about as
soon lose his life as to cease to be a popular hero. On ac
count of this trait, he will probably undertake to as
semble an army and give battle to the Americans. He is
ignorant, and does not understand the power of the
United States, or realize that it can keep all the army
necessaryUo whip him at any time, in the field in
definitely. His overweening ambition will cause him to get him
self at the head of what he considers a respectable army,
and undertake to run the Americans out, and in that
disposition lies his great, in fact about his only danger.
The job of capturing or disposing of Villa, under ex
isting circumstances is far greater if he chooses to make
it so", than it would be to overrun all Mexico, and "push
the border along ahead of the army."
Dr. Eliot, president emeritus of Harvard, has been
delving in statistics and discovers that Americans spend
their money yearly for things which are not, so-called,
necessities. He finds we spend .$2,200,000,000 for intoxi
cants; $1,200,000,000 for tobacco; $800,000,000 for jewelry
and plate; $500,000,000 for automobiles; $200,000,000 for
candies and confections; $120,000,000 for soft drinks;
$100,000,000 for tea and coffee; $90,000,000 for millinery;
$80,000,000 for patent medicines, and $15,000,000 for
chewing gum. He does not give the figures on gasoline,
probably considering that a necessity since the big sum
was spent for autos. The Dr. also classes among the
things that are not necessaries "church work at home"
which he estimates costs $250,000,000. and foreign mis
sions on which we spend $12,000,000. Comparing the last
item with the booze figures and those for tobacco may
account for the statement that, "the heathen rage."
Strange isn't it how the dignity and glory of official
place swell the average American far beyond his normal
size once he gets an "important" office, and how small,
and low, and mean seem all other earthly things wrhen
sized up in comparison to it. Saturday, in Portland,
there was a lively tilt between school Director Lockwood
and some other members of the board, one of whom was
Judge Munly, its president. Lockwood made some
charges about favoritism being shown, and Judge Munly
took it as it was probably meant, that he was one of those
who benefited by said favortism. This was too much for
a gentleman who sported the dignified title of "Judge,"
and also wore on his crown the insignia of the presidency
of the Portland school board. In calm and dispassionate
language fitted to his exalted position he squelched Direc
tor Lockwood, thus : "You, Mr. Lockwood, were elected
to this board as a mere clerk. "Do you catch wherein
Mr. Lockwood was guilty of lese majesty? Think of the
gall of him lifting up his voice and expressing an opinion
as against that of the president of the mighty board and
he "only a mere clerk."
"Swift Water" Bill, famous in early Alaska days, is off
on a hunt for a mine in Bolivia, leaving San Francisco on
the Colusa, with a few picked men to assist in the search.
Chasing the pot of gold at the foot of a rainbow is of a
piece with this kind of mining. Every state on the coast
has a lost cabin mine or its prototype, and thousands
there be who waste time in looking for them.
From the rate of registration to date it seems there
will be not more than 200,000 voters registered for the
primaries. Up to Saturday night there were 10:1,890 on
the lists and this is far below the normal. Registration
closes April 18, so there are, not including Sundays, but
21 more days to get on the rolls before the primaries.
After a pursuit lasting sixteen years, and which
led the woman making it all over the United States in an
effort to find her husband, Mrs. Gussie Reisfield won out
Saturday by finding him in San Francisco living with
another woman. Having wasted sixteen years she at
once began action for divorce.
The startling statement is made that diamonds are
soon to take a big jump in price. This is sad news in
deed for the newspaper fraternity whose members were
liable to purchase a pint or two each to take on their
summer vacation and leave w-ith their friends just as
The Star Spangled Smoke!
Alert, square-shouldered, ready-for-a-fight-or-a-frolic men like
the punch, dash, vim and vigor of the great American smoke
"Bull" Durham. Wherever the flag goes over the seven seas, there
you'll find these lively lads "rolling their ovm'vyithBull" Durham.
Saturday was the coldest day in New York since the
weather bureau was established in 1871, the mercury
dropping down to 6.6 above zero, which is about eleven
degrees colder than our coldest day during the winter.
Gardens doing nicely here in Oregon at the same time.
The San Diego aftermath of the Panama exposition
was formally opened Saturday afternoon, Secretary
Daniels at Washington pressing the button that started
the dollar mill grinding.
It takes only a little practice to learn to "roll your own" with "Bull" Durham.
Simply get the knacki then you'll enjoy your cigarette as you never did before.
Because the live, crisp, snappy taste of "Bull"
Durham has never been equalled by any other to
bacco. And rolled up in a cigarette it gives you the
freshest, mildest, wholesomest smoke in the world.
The distinctive mellow-sweet flavor and aromatic
fragrance of "Bull" Durham make it unique among
tobaccos. For genuine smoking pleasure and satis
faction "roll your own"
with "Bull" Durham. - T1
Aik tor FREE
pachagt of "paper"
with each 5c tack.
i 1 i iLb&ixili'
I Ml I.' . ' :.""..
I 1 2
- J. W. '
i lift
fftljt hi ....... .vtAkJ
An Illustrated
Booklet, show
ine correct wav
to "Roll Your Own" Cigarette,
and a package of cigarette papers,
will both be mailed, free, to any
address in U. S. on request. Ad
dress "Bull" Durham, Durham.
N. C
Admiral Peary not satisfied with getting into the
same class with Doctor Cook as a discoverer of poles now
purposes to enter the list with the doughty doctor as a
mountain climber.
According to the dispatches Saturday Villa was posi
tively located in six different places more than 100 miles!
distant from each other. He is sure some fast mover. I
The war news from all sections except around Verdun
is conspicuous by its absence. There seems to be little ,
doing, but reports indicate that Russia is preparing aj
tremendous force to throw into the field so soon as the
weather moderates and Spring is fairly underway. The
win stories in Mav and June will probably discount any
so far told, as the movements will be on a larger scale, so!
far as the allies are concerned, then ever before.
' It is stated on "high authority" that Rumania will
join the allies in May, and that at that time there will be
a grand offensive at all the fronts. It is further stated
that Rumania is working all her munition plants fulUhne
and preparing for the event. As she has halt a million
soldiers ready for service at a moment's notice her action
will have a far reaching effect, and should go a long ways
toward forcing some kind of peace soon.
The gentlemen in charge of the advertising of
"Orange" day either had one slipped ewer on him or else
had an idea the Irish trade wasn't worth catering too
or he would never have selected St. Patrick's day for
boosting the orange business.
Bryan and Roosevelt are apparently in eclipse.
Neither has been seen or heard from for some time, a
fact greatly appreciated by the entire country.
If you have not arranged about securing flax seed for
a few acres at least, better do so at once and avoid the
A7 'IJrf
Boys al Chemawa Do
Fine Job of Printing
Tlio Cliemnwn Amcnrnii. a monthly !
imiynzim "uilmslieit in the interrsls or
tlu Jiuliiui tritiniiii; srluuil, stjitos on
tin title ihiki that it is printed by ap
prentices nt the Nilt m Indian srhno.
Ciiemnwn. (liejjon. Nneh being the case.
Superintendent W'adsworth may justly
teel prowl ot the work done by his ap
prentices, as the magazine is put up in
a neat classy form and the mechanical
work equals that of the regulation high
class printing houses.
The March issue includes several in
teresting articles, such as "An Indian
Legend" in which the Chinook event
ually defeats Old Boreas, and an article
on Abraham Lincoln. An article of
practical value is one by Albert II. Gil
lett. toucher of agriculture, in which lie
tells how to beautify and utilize fence
The issue also gives general informa
tion on coining athletic events. Taken
as a whole, the March issue is.wortli
'reading, even for those who are not es
pecially interested in the school.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a General Banking Busines3
Safety Deposit Boxes
At school I learned a lot that helped me not at all; I
conned, till I was hot, cheap maps upon the wall, and
learned the names of hills in Lapland and Cathay, to trace
the creeks and rills that wander near Bom-
mmm U.,.. T 3 1 , i. i J..4. . - ...I C 7 1
6'fl fl Ulv 1 if at neu u loi ui nates iwnen nmsiieu
"iwi me iuaj;, .Mien iuuys aim uuiei
y skates went forth to have a scrap. The
VI midnight oil 1 burned, and bucked the Rule
v of Three, and all the things I learned were
not worth shucks to me. I learned some
H-"- 1 Latin roots, but never did thpv aid in hnv
v..:--f a pair of boots, a bucksaw or a spade. I
ffvyi dug a while in Greek, and when I went to
i s : .' I . T lit . l . .. s . . i.i
W&laiLuikfcy w 01 K 1 earned inree oones a w eeK, as naoer
dasher's clerk. They never used to teach
the things that really count; the youth who tried to reach
the top of learning's mount, would find, in after days, the
knowledge he'd acquired obstructed all his ways, and
made his wishbone tired.
A blae
Spontaneous combustion was said to
have started the fire. The hotel, a drug
store, a book store, an undertaking es-
Astoria. Ore . Mar. ifl.
which swent n Portion of tht business
district of Astoria Iat night caused ; tablishment. nnd a roominjt houe were
dnumge estimated today tit $;5,l'U0. ; destroyed.
Hundreds of people have been reliev
ed of the agonies caused by weak, dis
! eased or elogged-up kidneys by using
j SSolvax, the new remedy that quickly
reaches the source of all kidney com
plaints. If you suffer with pains In your back
I and sides or have any signs of kiduey
j or bladder trouble such as rheumatic
pains, puffy swellings under the eves
or in the teet an. I ankles, it you nre;
I nervous, tired and run-down, or bother-j
! ed with urinary disorders. !solvax will
i quickly and surely relieve you of your ;
misery. " " I
Solva.t is probably the most potent
remedy yet devised for ridding the sys
tem of uric acid and driving out all;
the poisonous impurities which cause j
such troubles. It neutralizes, dissolves
and makes the kidneys sift out all the!
uric acid and poisons left bv the blood.
aud renders the kidneys and urinary
organs clean, vigorous and healthy. '
Many of the best druggists say that
no medicine ought to be paid for tin-i
less it does the user some good. iolvax!
therefore sells under a positive guar-j
antee to quickly relieve the worst coses
of kidney trouble or your mouev re-'
funded. Try Solvax today and if you
cannot see and feel a decided change
for the better just go to the dritiriist
from whom you bought it and tell him
you want your money back and he will,
return it without question. This is the
strongest argument that can be offered
in behalf of any medicine. Solvac Is'
sold in Salem and vicinity by Daniel J.
Fry and other leading dealers.
zMs Where Your
Money Goes
On the stubs of vour check book which tfiis hank fur
nishes you, or will be glad to furnish you if it is not doing so,
is written your financial history. These check stubs tell th
story of your receipts and expenditures.
Spending from the pocket is like scattering money to the four
winds; you know not whither it has gone, or what it went for.
But if you have the stubs of your check book to consult, your
position is fortified when claims for a second payment are made.
And if you would like to review your financial history of
months or years past, and determine where you could curtail a
little, your stubs and your canceled checks spread the story of
your expenditures before you in clean-cut characters.
And if it is your desire to create a surplus from your income,
you can watch where it goes, stop many a leak, and insure your
progress, by writing as you go along your financial history in a
check book which this bank will furnish you.
Member of National Reserve Bank
Salem, Oregon
Canital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Wast
Always Watch This Ad Changea i Often
0 .. ..... A.
Strictly correct weiehh
, " , -t - uigaesi prices ror a k ndi of
junk metal rubber, hide, and furs. I ray 2uc per pollnd fof w
fraVfofboth rZeS;7n,d,bSnJ inCUbat0"- AU ki"J "nSitrf
luoleum E0fin W" Md
H. Steinback Junk Co.
Th House of Half a Million Bargains.
302 Xorth Commercial 9t.
Pjone 80S