Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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I Will Be at the Chicago Store
for a few more days and continue the sale, and I will also con
tinue to cut the pi ices, lower and deeper than ever before.
Remember, that in order to share in the many bargains that are
offered, you must attend every day. Wake up to the fact that
you don't have an opportunity like this every day in the year. Think
of the hundreds of things you will need this spring, and buy it
now during this, the greatest money saving saving event that you
ever heard of. Coming each and ever day now, it gets closer
to Easter. Its high time you were thinking of getting that Easter
outfit. Dont put it out one single day longer come act quickly.
15c Libby solid
pack Tomatoes,
the can
15c Columbia Riv
er Salmon, the can
01 LUrtL
10c Corn Flakes,
special at the
Ladies' Linnen Suits
sold up to $6.00,
Special lot of Ladies' 'Linen Suits,
sold at one time up to $6.00; these are
slightly soild, but while they last, I
will sell them at 25c each on sale at
9 a. m. tomorrow.
-1 0 .;! 1 1 0c e6 e 1 0c 1 8c
&: .i.:te. .......sJmtklt . l,--,J - , ,
15c Can Molasses B 20c Schipp's Co-
coanut, 1-2 pound
cpecial the can
Blankets and Comforters
$1.50 Silkoline Knotted Quilt. . J9C
$1 Camping Comforters 55c
$1.35 Cottoh Blankets at 89c
15c Linen Crash, yard 9c
12'2C Outing Flannel, yard ..-9c
15c Dress Ginghams, yard 9c
12 YiC Flannelette, special yard 5c
18c Ripplette, the yard . . . :
12iC light or dark Percales, yd 9c
15c Curtain Scrim, yard . : 9c
Ladies' New Spring
Suits, worth up to
$18.00 regular
$1.09 19c 13c 10c I
; for genuine $1.45 1 for 25c b o t tie i 25c 75-foot Wiro g for 15c Acme Try- p
O'Cedar Mops g O'Cedar Oil Clothes Line g ing Pan
Extra Special
; Slippers, Gaiters, Odds and Ends in Children's Rubbers, . J
V Carpet Slippers, while they last, etc., worth regular 45c,
75c and 95c, 19c
$1.25 and $1.19 Lace Cur- 1 - J 25c and 35c Veiling, all colors
tain, at the pair I )',' -: fY the yard
P : 4 &.-ds Vli,' H ' . S V. J-J I
i SPECIAL Hats, worth to $6.50, 1 SPECIAL I, j
B. 1
Ladies' Linen Jack,
ets, sold to $1.50
and $2.00
Special lot of Ladies' Linen Jackets,
slightly soiled, at one time sold up to
$1.50 and $2.00, but to move them
quick I have priced them at 10c each
while they last.
Silks and Ribbons
35c Shepherd Check, yard Jgc
60c Crepe, all colors, yard .... 39c
25c Silk Mull, yard JQg
Ladies' new Spring Suits, all the lateqst
styles, pust what you are looking for,
sold up to as much as $18.00, absolutely
this Spring's styles, to go at $8.90.
$2.00 Lace Curtains, at the
85c Lace Curtains, at the
Ladies' new Spring
Hats, worth to $6.50,
go at
Ladies' new Spring
Hats worth to $5.00,
$1.25 Silk Messaline, yard . . .
$1.25 40-in. Silk Poplin, yard.
35c Moire Ribbon, yard
25c Ribbons, all colors, yard.
18c Ribbons, all colors, yard.
39c Scotch Plaids, yard J9C
$2.00 Charmcuse Silk, yard. .$1.49
12 l-2c to 30c Embroidery and
Insertion, the yard
15c and 25c Fancy Braid, at
the yard
Ladies' New Spring II
Coats, worth up to
$1 2.00 regular
Ladies' new Spring Coats, all the
wanted patterns, neat, and right up to
tho minute in style, absolutely this
Spring's styles, worth up to $12.00, to
go at $0.50.
d3) COli
E. G. Seaman, Representing Lewis Bros. & Company in Charge
Ordinance To Be Submitted to
Stop It, and Another
About Car Fenders
Ill Health the Cause Many
Alarming Symptoms of Wo
men's Ailments-How Cured.
An onlinnure will lip ,rtnted to the
city council at the meetmi; this evpiiiii
niaUiiif; it unlawful to mix muitar, plas
ter, i'oitlaiul ceiueut, coiurete, a.silml
tie i-oiu-rt'ti; or .uy substance which will
set ami Hanli'ii or which is ol' a sticky
nature or to (.lace such mixtures upon
any hanl surface pavements of the city,
unless in a platform or in a mixing box
that will prevent the mixture from
leukimr or overflowinn onto the nave-
nient. All of which menus, tli.xt after
this ordinance is passed iiiul goes into
effect, the street with a hard surface
prcivement. will not be the correct phu(e
to mix mortar or oeuieut.
An ordinance permitting the uso of
nat is known as the Eclipse fender on
the street cars will also be introduced.
On the outer edjro of the Kclipso fend
er is a lare rubber tube .ibout four
inches in (.liaiueter and this tube is sup
posed to act us a bumper in case of
accident. The fender is so made that
if a man is run into, he is thrown back
ward onto the fender and held there un
til the err is stopped. The new fend
er ulso enables the motormnn to give
his entire time in case of danger to
shutting off the power and upplving
the brakes. The Eclipse fender is' one
of the latest safety nppliaiic.es for
street cars and its adontion bv the Su-
I lem street e.ir company has been urged
as a matter of safety, the company fav
oring its adoption.
; Elliott W. Major Out
For Vice President
On Democratic Ticket
! Elliott V. Major, governor of II is-
soiiri, iias filed a request to have his
name printed on the official ballots of
the ileinncratic party as a c.iudidate for
.nomination for the office of vice-presi-dent
of the Cnited States.
W. J. ( lark, of Independence, filed
as a candidate for nomination by the
'republican party for the office of rep
i i sentative in the legislative assembly,
llth representative district.
I Uhers who filed are:
A. (. Thompson, of Portland, can
didate fur nomination bv the remilili-
iin party for the office of circuit i
Judge, 4th .judicial district, department
X.i. :t.
William If. (lore, of Mcili'uvd, en-
I'lidate fur nomination by the republi-!
can party fur the office 'of reprcsenta-!
live in Cue legislative asseudily, lllii!
ri'presentalive district. ' I
('. M. Thoinas, of Mcdfonl, caudidale
! fur niimiiiatinn by the republican party
! fur the office of representative in the
legislative assembly, Sth representative
! Wesley O. Smith, of Klamath Fulls,
Icanilidate fur nomination by the re
publican party for the office" of repre-i-cntative
in the legislative assembly,
il'lsl representative district.
Republicans Maintain
Lead On Registration
Tin' republicans of this state are
I holding their heavy lead on the regis
'tuition hooks iccordiug to the report
jof Ni-retary of State ( (b ut t whir lias
received the reports from all of the
' ties of the state and compiled n
record of total registration up to March
II of this year. A total of o:!,s;j(
oiers nave registered ami ot this num
ber (iS.SL'll ire republicans, L'li.;'..;ii are
democrats, (i.'l.l are progressive, D.IUi"
are prohibitionists, ..",7(i are socialists
and :i,M7 are miscellaneous.
Multnomah 'comity lends with a to
tal registration of ,'KI,.".'iM, of which L'L',
O.'IO are republicans mil (i,:i07 an.' dem
ocrats. J .inn' is second with a total of
V'bl republicans and 'J.:i.'lo democrats.
Marion county ranks third with a to
tal registration of 7,tiS4 or ti,t.'i:i re
publicans, l..".H.", deniocr.its, 25 progres
sives, 117.1 prohibitionists, 1J7 socialists
and - II miscellaneous.
Paterson,N. J. " I thank you for tho
Lydia E.Pinkham remedies as they havo
made me feel happy
and healthy. Some
time ngl I felt so
run down, had paiim
in my back and side,
was very irregular,
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams,
did not fuel like eat
ing and had short
breath. I read your
advertisement ia
the newspapers and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.I'ink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, so I took a second
and a third, also a bottle of Lydia K.
Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I cm
just as well as any other woman. I ad
vise every woman, single or married,
who is troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier
and I am sure they will help her to get
rid of her troubles." Mrs. Elsie J.
Vander Sande, 7 Godwin Street, Pat
erson, N. J.
Women suffering with any form of
female ills, or any symptoms that they
do not understand, are invited to writ) .
the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co ,
Lynn, Mass. (confidential), and receivo
advice wholly free of cost.
Americans Want Use of
Railroad to Supply Army
(Continued From Page One.)
House Bumd WMle
Tennant Is In Jail
Oscar Poi'l'o's, who was lolged in
jail Satunliv ev ening on a charge of
being drunk n ml disorderly on the!
street suffered I'liother stroke of mis- j
fortune at It: 10 this morning when the
house occupied by him which is located'
on the alley between IL'tu and Kith
streets between Ferry and State streets
was gutted l,y fini and none of tin,'
contents was saved.
Tho house was a frinie structure audi
went up in a Hash. The house wnsi
owned by A. A. Knglebart and the In-s
is estimated at from if 1, 110(1 to $I,.")IM).
The loss was partly cov ered by insur-1
unci.'. The origin of the. tire is iin '
Known and it was burning freely whem
the flames were discovered. I
The Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
infantry regiments of negroes left Co
lumbus yesterday following Pershing's
trail across the Chihuahua wilderness
Other troops are still pouring into O -luinbus.
(Strict censorship still prevails
Despite the evidence that America i
troops need the .Mexico Northwestern
railway and the reports of uneasiness ii
the interior, it is said (ienernl Carran. i.
refused the first Washington reipiesr
for use of the road. A renewal of th'.
reiptest couched in even aiore urgent
terms is believed likely, and in th
event of refusal it is rumored the 1'ni
ted Stutes soldiers will forcibly seiz.i
the line.
El Paso is prepared for nay omere
eiicy. Several hundred Spnnish-Aine:-icau
war veterans have tendered their
services to the mayor. The militia ha
ordered 'fully recruited. Fort ltliss cam;'
is being enlarged to aecommodute tnnt'i
men. All is quiet here and along th
nearby border, however.
T)e Facto government troops nre rr
buihling the Mexican Xorthwestei n
bridges recently burned by Villistas.
Salem Testimony Eomains Unshaken.
Time is the best test of truth. Hoi
is a Salem story that has stood tho tot
of time. It is a story with a poii.t
will eotno straight homo to many of v.
P. W. Brown, fanner, 1309 State St ,
Salem, says: "Threo years of mill
wright work in a damp atmosphero dis
ordered my kidneys. I Often lian lame
ness nnd soreness aeross tho small of
my hack. When having an attack, I
heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and got
a supply. They removed the bnckacli
and soreness, together with olhe." symp
toms of kidney trouble." (Statement
given Jan. 31, 7!)(W). After a lapse cf
more than six years, Mr. Brown said:
"All I said recommending Doan's Kid
neys Pills when I publicly endorsed
them before, holds good. I usi them
occasionally when I have symptoms of
kidney complaint and I never fail to
get ouick relief. Another of the f.nnil
has also used Doan's Kidney Pills for
kidney weakness and has had the be: t
of results."
Price liuc, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy gin;
Doan's Kidney pills tho same that
Mr. Brown has twice publicly r n-
mended., Foster-M ilburn Co., Prop-.
Buffalo. N. Y.
Fll.l.MKS ..! ..(! ,.ii
Deaduian's hill, u
rightly named, wl u
.11 . .11
Mpies it
Mexican Troops Ready to
Strike On Hour's Notice
(Continued From Tage One.)
transferred to Mulntn to replace tli"
garrison of regulars tliete, which is re
ported rushing over the mountains t
Xumiiiuip.i where Villa was last said lo
be hiding.
Meagte reports of the American i".
peditinn's progress indicated that (len
eral J. .T. Pershing and Colonel Doibl
had Joined their cavalry forces in the
icinitv of Caleana.
At noon today, refresh the mouth and
cleanse the teeth with
A Standard Ellikal Dentifrice
Send 2c stamp for n generous :.aniple of either Dr. I.yon'l
Pirtett Dcnu.l Cieatn or Toolh Powder.
I. W. Lyon A Sou., Inc.C 0 ryy. 27th St, N. Y. Cily