THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1916. TWO SOCIETY EVERY THREE M MUTES ONE DIES IN THE U. S. XI Z new .mil perfectly delightful idea m for chanty, "flower Lfliy, novel and clever method for aiding the unfortunate. Saturday will be Flower day and an array of society natrons and maids who never turn a ilenf ear to any wor-tt- cause will sell dainty primrose bout onnieres for the benefit of the Pisgah lome, which is located at Lents, Ore gaii. The Pisgah homo colony has its headquarters at the Woodmere old people's home near Portland and is a country home and human repair shop for loom) dear old souls who perhaps by no fault of their own aro imong the less fortumte. The thought of these dear old people quickens our teuderest emo tions and it is indeed an apathetic per son who hits uo call to be of use to them at the meager sum of ten cents, the amount for which the blossoms will be old. Mr. Miller, of the Hotel Marion, has generously donated space for the flow er sile which will open at the hotel at nine o'clock Saturday morning. Among the smart set who will be en during the dny with bankets of these pretty boutonnierei are: Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, chairman; Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, .Mrs. Henry Mey t'rs, Mrs. Hen Olcott, Mrs. Asnhel Bush, Miss Margaret Gosper and X bevy of youuir, girls. Frank Meye s, of the Spa, has kind ly donated a lovely five pound box of candy to the committee to be present ed to the matron or maid selling the must blossoms. The Breakfast flub composed of t group of young girls enjoyed an in formal evening recently with Miss Lois Martin as hostess. Tuesday afternoon this same coterie of maids went on a picnic. Tim party included the Misses Barbara Steincr, younger set was the Kappa Kappa (lamina formil dance given Saturday night hi the Hotel Osburii, Eugene. Beta Omega chapter served aa hostesses to a merry throng of guests. The hotel The Anti-Tuberculosis Society illus- was ''.ecorate.t artmiri iy w ,- , trates the frightful toll of consumption i ture dailt.e wa8 in ear,orate affair with res sX 7(M,atirav Lois Mar in Vary-' minutes, and shows that it is the man (making a picturesque attraction iae ZTtiffi rMnT , or .onun, girl or boy, .ho neglects - bv the numberof pre,- Hughes, (.nice Holt, Lthel rrusier and , colds, whose blood IS impure, who feels rol,BB,s included Mr. a:id Mrs. lleorge v lu itoscnqucsi. m T)r. and Mrs. Harrv Clnv motored Milwaukee Siturduy evening for an ov er Sunday visit with relatives. ALINE THOMPSON . I vfinmiiihintr a Ywht everv three ! intrant,. nmri'hM nn.I iluintv fieu XD now Salem society has a brand ; Caroline Dick, 11a Sp lulding, Ruth J o o ,i,i . ni.-rure,ne attraction. 'I weak and languid, who is the very if. Gerliuger, of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. ,i.'one to contract tuberculosis and Frank L. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. F.. F. ;mino DeCon, Kugene; Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Sa- , ov-l none are immune. lem; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rover, of Eu- i During changing seasons, or after geilp sickness, blood-quality is most impor- After the dance dainty refreshments "e. 1,0 i tant, and if you and your family will were served in the Japaneso tearoom. tr" '. tnk Srntt's Fmulsion after meals it T1 'l'rmill2 evening gowns worn by oneoftae cotts tmuision alter meats u )y ,lot.orations e . . ! will olinrrr iiAllt1 Vilrvul until hfinltn. I .....- . a About fifteen young girls were the guests of Miss Dorothy Hurktier ovntiimr ultnti ult.i iin trt u i 11 oil nr the attractive St. Patrick's dav fostiv-, will charge your blood with health ities. Five hundred was the diversion: sustaining richness, quicken circulation, arranged for the guests and the tables' and strengthen both lungs and throat, were circled by the Misses Dorothy Scott's is free from alcohol easy to Dick, Margery Brown, Lulla Fitton, Kataryn Slade, Vallerie Bnggs, .Yiar guret (ioodin, lieulah Fox, Margaret Legg, Charlotte Croisnn, Kthel Hupert, Kva Handall, Mabel Patrick, Catherine Campbell, Emma .Snook and Marie Briggs. Miss Mabel Patrick anil Miss Mar garet floodin were awarded the high score honors. Mrs. Charles H. Fisher went to Kosc burg tod iy for a several days' visit with her mother, Mrs. X. Owens. Miss Edna .Tosse went to Portland Saturday to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. George Haick, for several days. take it can not barm. Get a bottle to-day. Scott It Bowuc, Moonifield, N.J. li-JJ Friday evening tiie members of the Young j'eople's Bible class of the First Congregational church, gathered at the! home of Miss Teresa Fowlc for a Hook party. Tho rooms were prettily adorned with St. Patrick's decorations ind spring flowers. Miss Kdna Townsend. and Harvey Wilson weic awarded the prizes. Later tho evening was rounded out by a Vir ginia reel and a dainty collation. Those en joying the gnyotios were: Misses Iso bel Mcililchrist, Hazel Huberts, Agner B.iyne, Margaret Garrison, Ruby Wil son. Adelta Nye, Beruiee Clark, Bertha Clark, Miss McGregor, .lean McGregor, .lessie Ilolcomb, Marie Holcomb, Edna Townsend, Alice Blake, Catherine Fowle, Teresa Fowle, and Messrs. Willis Bartlette. Harvev Wilson, Ravmond At- jteibury, Dick llarbert, Adarr Lock 'wood. ' Leland Hendricks, Stewirt Lamb, Richard Hansen, ThomRs Mc (lilciirist, (George McGilchrist, Kenneth Bnvne, Carl Beckett, liussel Beckett, Mr. Swabl), Mr. ami Mrs. Dana H. Al len, Mr. anil Mrs. McKce, Mr. and Mrs. .lames Ehin and Superintendent O. M. Elliott, the teacher of the class. Miss Helen Pcckcbich went to Eu gene Saturday to be a week end guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority house ami to attend their dance at the Hotel Osburn Saturday night. Miss Mnrgiret Rodgers, who was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kodgers for a couple of days, re turned to Portland Sunday afternoon. Of interest to many of Salem's LAST CHANCE TO Get this $1.80 Kettle for only ..tUe for only W h TRADEMARK. Without Grease and Without Water k ni-di d t ii VJol n ycuuuud i ui nuai iiuhi mc 'TOR-EVER" Aluminum WINDSOR KETTLE (Note Adjustable Bail) Place the kettle empty over a low flame. In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all sides; then turn the fire down to a mere flicker. When half done turn the meat over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be made as palat able as more expensive cuts. The "Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may be used for many purposes every day in the year. Clip the Coupon Get your Kettle today for only SI. 07 Take coupon to your deiler and for only $1.07 get k "Wear-Ever" four-quart Windsor Kettle. The ket tle which regularly noils for $1.80 is offered for a limited time at the special pries so you can see for yottrwlf, if you do not already know, the dif ference between "Wear-Ever" and other kinds of aluminum and enamel utensils. If your dealer will not tonor the coupon, mail it to us with $1.30 the 23c being added to pay the cost of packing and transportation we will send you the ket tle prepaid. You will get the kettle at the special price at the following stores on or befcro March 21, 1916: gave the dince a distinctive note of beauty. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Allen, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hamilton, Miss Frances i'oung, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, Miss Genevieve Keller, Doris Sloeeum, Helen Casey, Marie Beach, Helen Decbebaeh, Bea trice Wetherbv. Marcaret Gray. FJean- or Spoil, Heleu H ill, Lois Hall, Mildred i Broughton, Gladys (artwnght. Stevenson, H. Dunbar, Glenn Wheeler, Carroll Wagner, Dale Butt, Franklin Allen, Kalph Allen, Glenn Stanton, Fred Hanssen, Carl .elson, Percy Boatman, James Vance, Francis, IJon Koo- erts, Gordon Clark, Lhvight Wilson, Marion V. ilelson, Harold Jlamstreet, Dorman Leonard, William Montgom ery, Joe Skelton, Spragtie Adam, F.rn est Hossington, Frank Farrell, Nich luaraguv, George Cook, Kennetn Shct- terly, Harry Dement, Hirold Brock, Fred Deckcbach, Harold Tngilgis, Ed Garbade, MacLeod Maurice, Ed Bailey, (iraham Smith, Harry Powell, Max Keigard, Emmett Katfibun, John Hus ton, Don Hyrd, Chester Miller, Koy Brown, Earl Murphy and Hermin Gil-felin. The active members of Beta Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma are Constance I artwnght, Jessie J'urciy, Louise Kailey, Esther Ch.umers, lionise Allen, Bertha Hanssen, Dorothv Wheel- Erva Uurdtck, Lillian Littler, Ha zel Wymore, Cora Hosford, C'eleste l oulkes, Helen Puringlon, Alva Wilson, Grace Keid, Roberta Veal, Lucile Mess ner. Vera ton and Kathryn Hirtley HAVE GOOD HEALTH Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Old Reliable Spring Tonic. Don't let the idea that you may feel better in a day or two prevent you from getting a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla today from any drug store and starting at once on the road to health and strength. When your blood is impure and Impoverished it lacks vitality, your digestion is imperfect, your appetite lu ririt- flnrl all tho fiinrtintlB of VOtlT ' horlv are imnaired. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a wonderful blood tonic. It will build you up quicker than any other medicine. It gives strength to do and power to endure. It is the old standard tried and true all-the-year-round blood purifier and enricher, tonic and ap petizer. Nothing else acts like it, for nothing else has the same formula or ingredients. Be sure to ask for Hood's; insist on having It. SALEM: Buren & Hamilton Ray L. Farmer Imperial Furniture Co. Salem Hardware Co. INDEPENDENCE: Craven & Huff Sloper Bros. & Cockle SILVERTON: 0. M. Wray DALLAS: Craven Hardware Co. Guy Bros. WOODBURN: Landon Hardware Co. Other stores located whereveifefci tiis paper circulates may honor jMjflj wear-t.ver i oiipons. I i i t i We want voti to tret tho ketll so von nill understand wliv su l'j many women prefer "Wear to other cooking wares, why so r-Kver"MS WKAlt KVKIt" COI 1'ilN Any store Hint sells ' WKAH -EVKU" aluinliinin wave ni!iv Mve't ilils CmiiMin Hint $1 o" In piivmcnt l'ir one "WKAH KVKIC inur iiimrl Wlmlsur Keiile. which sells ruciilni'ly in provided yon present the Coupon lu on tit store on or Itclore Muveti i. iimii. nnu wrue on the coupon your nmne. nthlress mid tltite of pur chase. Only one Is to he solit to il customer. Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "wear ever." The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company New Kensington, Pa. mm mi lloiinriM. . , , IVnuo.wV Address V. r 4if fin - - . rv a. MS' A " mm lill :: jlH tVtsl :: I'eiinsy Ivunia 'V T mm I mm i i EAST AND WEST WILL IGHT Patriachs of Old and Present Times Will Be at Religious Exhibition The patriach of Abram's time, the shepherd ot Kind Davids day and the wise man of the year of our Lord will mingle tonht at the Ryan hall iwth Ruth and Boaz, of Biblical lame, the present day Mohammedan chanting his prayers to Allah, score) o'f other inter esting personages and Salem church folk at the opening of the Social Serv ice exposition and Palestine pageant. This is the lourtn city wtueli tin; --SHIPLETS-- Spring Apparel FOR Women, Misses and Children Coats $5.00 to $45.00 EACH Suits $15.00 to $50.00 EACH Silk Dresses $9.75 to $42.50 EACH Wool Dresses $5.00 to $35.00 EACH Dorothy Flegel, Lorothv Robertson 'great exposition has visited since the . Van Rchoonboven, Lucile Stan-'dose of the Panama-Pacific exposition Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BKOAIC) U1IN1JNL. LOOJt for signature of E. W. Grove. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. Blood Flows Freely In Drunken Brawl Considerable blood was spilled about five o'clock Saturday eveninsr when Oliver Keissbeck. and Oscar Bridges, a painter, engaged in a fist fight at the comer of 12th .mil Mill streets. Keiss beck was pried loose from Bridges by Officer Varney and tiien Keissbeck at tacked the officer viciously and was only subdued by the officer's club after about 150 spectators refused to aid the officer. One man, whose name was not learned, did attempt to lssist the offi cer to overpower Keissbeck and re ceived a black eye and the others re fused to join in. Keissbeck received a sentence of 20 days in jail this morning in police court and admitted that he was insanely drunk and that the detiils of the fra cas were hazv in his mind. He said the party had two quarts of alcohol to jthi , f doi u g it .I1.111I utnl 4hnt tiio linnTn clnitd.l tlv . trouble. The light began in the shoe shop of William Porter who was alo Arrested. The men then went out on the street where they attracted a large crowd and the police were called. Offi cer Varney went on his motorcycle and arrived at the scene of the fight ahead of the other officers who arrived later. A bloody knife was picked up on the street and it is thought Keissbeck was cut with the knife on the face. It required seven stitches to close a gash in his head, made by the officer's club and four stitches to close the gash in his face which was clean cut. and the manager, Mr. G. U. St. John, states that he has booked the exposition for two years ahead. It was planned to visit cities of not less than I00,00ti population but the Saioni Ministers' Federation invited the exposition to Sa lem and it is here to stay for six dayB. After the exposition closes here it will proceed to other cities going as far south as Dallas, Texas, and us far east as Providence, i. I. As its central attraction it comprises all the religious and social service ex hibits showu under the committee of One Hundred in the palace of education at the recent exposition. Many tons of this exposition has been set up here. These exhibits had the distinction of winning greuter honors in San Fran cisco than any other one group of ex hibits being awarded forty-one and were pronounced by religious leaders as the greatest collection of social serv ice material ever assembled. 0. B. St. John, formerly with thi Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, who collected the exhibits and in fact made most of them for the many boards and agencies exhibiting says that the church boards and social service agen cies are very anxious to have the coun try at large see just what work they ! are doing, and that they have chosen liev. Aliei Moore has charge of a very large sec tion of the exposition representing the Holy Land. He has scores of the fin est "eostumes the far east has ever pro duced and he will lead Ins groups ot "Every style and color and fashion favored material." We have never shown a more comprehensive assort ment of ready to wear garments than this spring. Collars and belts are introduced in novel ways. Belts often appear at sides and front, leaving the back loose and flaring. Skirts are circular; others with yoke top and full flaring. Extremely Moderate in Price. AGENTS PICTORIAL PATTERNS. U. G. SHIPLEY CO. PERSONALS : Bollin K. Page was in Portland over Sunday. Mis. II. Haltels is in the city from Macleay. Rev. L. C. Poor is in the city from Woodburn. Dr. W. A. Cox went to Albany tins afternoon. Miss Geneva Enos was in Albany over Sunday. Attorney H. F. Mclnturff was in Pra tum yesterday. Dr. M. J. Butler, of Independence, is visiting in the city. Miss Knima Godfrey was a Sunday visitor in Portland. .Miss Dora Patterson was a Sunday visitor in Portland. X. M. Xewport, an attorney of Xew port, is in the city. Kol 0 Drake, ot rortiumi, is 111 tne When In SALEM, OREGON, itof t BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem Free ana Private Baths BATES: 75c, $1.00, fl.50 PER DAT 1 The only hotel in the business district. .Nearest to all Depots, Tueatret ana Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto But. Concert by U of Trso lnte .. TIIK Al.l MINIM riltlKlMi VTKNSII, n New KeusliiKU'll t'.p-a people from place to place through the (.j(V attending to business matters, streets of Jerusalem and tell stories of j jS!) Kdna Purdy, city treasurer of the life and customs of those of that Orenco, was in the city visiting her pa- far awav land. Another section will be given over to scientific temperance by Miss Edith M. Wills, assistant editor of Scientific Temperance Journal, who appeared at the San Francisco exposi tion. Still nnotltter department will be con ducted by Miss Mary Agnes Best, ra conteur and magazine writer, who will tell her Molly Bret stories of "How the Other Half Lives." Another sec tion will consist of a moving picture theatre where social service work will be shown. Mr. Max Dietshe is in charge of this section. Mr. Dietshe was 111 charge of the large motion picture hall at the exposition under the supervision of the Federaied churches. This hub was a great success and many thou sands visited it during the year. The program will begin tonight at ', o'clock with a specially conducted tour through the exposition. The realisti presentation of u modern Holy Land rents. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker were in Orenco over Sunday, the guest of .Mrs. Frank Powers. Harold Forrest went to Albany yes terday whero he will enter the employ of the Southern Pacific. Mrs. Marry Mover and two children, of Portlandare in (he city for a few days' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Itagiin are visit ing at the home of Mrs. Kagan's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Caciniiugh, 1 IT-, Court street. H. 11. Kirbv. who his been associated with the Mutual Lite Insurance com- pany in this district will return to his former home at Greenbuig, Indiana. George House, a wide awake news hustler recently employed on the Spo kane newspapers was in the cilr to day visiting his old friend, 11. F. Mcln turff. Knv Penieroy, of St. Vincents hos- Vnder auspices of (henieketa Camp Firo Girls, at the First Presbyterian church, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, AT 8:30 P. M. Tickets on sale at Pattu.4iw. aud the Commercial Pok Store weddinir will be L'iveu at 8:W 0 'clock , I'ltal, Portland, spent Sunday 111 the followed hv n discussion bv Mr MooreM'tiy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('. on "Eastern Dress. -Miss Best give her famous story " The Lilly Lung try Literature Circle" (Jewish). At f:l" special tableaux will be pre seated. The interesting exhibits il be open throughout the expositions. Salem Marksmen Make Good Scores at Traps1 The T. Pomerov. He was accompanied bv I Dr. Frame Murphy, i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyons, of Al bany, were the week-end guests of their niece. Mrs. K J. Engdalil. and nephew. A. F. Lyons, of Salem. They came down I to attend the St. Patrick's day pro gram at St. Joseph's hail which they greatly enjoyed. TTTi 1 ""I IS jTtTi levers ois ir asoion snow . SALEM GIRLS AS MODELS TOMORROW NIGHT -:- OREGON THEATRE Come Early NO RAISE IN PRICE Come Early meetings at the Commons Mi- sion tire growing in interest and attend- The Capital City Hod & (tint club nine. The colored evangelists will re shot gun experts held a practice shoot . main this week. Meetings every even at the 17th street grounds of the club 1 ing t 7:45. yesterday to test out their aiming eyes; for he shoot next Sunday when hej Independence gun club will send overj a dozen shooters to trv the Salem traps.! The shoot for the Western Trophy is; still undecided but will be siiot off next Sunday. On account of a number of the early shooters bein r absent lately it1 is difficult to find the leading shoot- ers who have shot at but -0 birds havti high percentages and may count in the finals it' they bring up their missing runs. I At present James Lewis is probably! the leading man out of those who have; shot most consistently. Lewis has dropped but four birds out of (id shot at. Arvil Wilson has dropped ! out of, ; NO shot at and Mark Siddall has drop-' i ped 10 out of SO. ! I The scores on yesterday's practice! ; shoot ore as follows: i Birds Parker "" iWiKon b'O Siddall 1 -'. : Baltyniple "0 Anderson mil . Moore 1"0 Harbison 75 O. Mooie Hareon -" Cleveland -3 10 40 March Winds, '999 Make the skin lursii and rough. A few of our face treatments will leave it soft and smooth as velvet. We can cure that nervous head ache with an Electric Massage. A well groomed man or woman is shown by the attention given the h.inds. Try our manicures. Ladies Jo cents, gentlemen 33 cents. Shampooing, Massage, all Beauty Culture work. Moles and warts removed with out pain, and leaving no scar. Specialist in diseases of the Skin and scalp. Open Saturday Evenings. IMPERIAL BEAUTV PARLORS 301 Bank of Commerce Building, rhono 3!3 Salem, Ore. ft Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Caiboni? Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Colombia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Go. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. m Broke 47 !H lit 44 77 7:1 :.:t 17 s 10 ret. 1 1.4: 01 j 70 , J white! KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT the r.r.PHLIY BUFFALO, N V