Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1916, Image 1

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    "t v h t s(t k k
I s u. -it-ittt rrrrvT T2 A
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;i! ! 11
Villa Is Reported Trapped Be
tween American and
Mexican Forces
Rumored Americans Will
Seize Railroad If Its Use
Is Refused Them
By E. T. Conkle.
I Tinted Press staff correspondent.)
td 1'aso, Texas, Mar. 2(1. Reported
hemmed ill among the canyons of the
iuenere mountains, Francisco Villa
was believed to be surrounded today by
several C'arranzista columns and" the
American expedition closing down on
him from the north. There are manv
square miles of mountain nnd desert hi
side the net, however, and his escape is
considered likely.
Aeroplanes may be used tu spy out
Villa's hiding dace! Soaring over the
peaks, they could pick him out below
and wignnl his location to General J. J.
Pershing's scouts.
Villa is reported to have left a de
tachment at the Hernandez ranch to
hold off the American cavalry until he
has a chance to hide in the Sierra Ma
"Ires. Fighting between Americans and
this Villista rear guard is expected
daily. Americans, watching corn fed
horses against tireless ponies, have
made forced marches in an effort to
overhaul 1 1 la and make him fight. In
that move lay the first hope of cap
ture. '
With the expedition penetrating into
a barren interior country which nialv
the usual method 01 provisioning nn
army by automobile impractical, it was
reported Washington had made a sec
ond request for immediate permission
to use the Mexico Northwestern rail
road for military purposes.
May Seize Railroad.
. A sensational rmor was current that
American troops would give the Juarez
garrison IS minutes to surrender, and
then seize the town ami control the rail
road terminus there i'f permission to use
the line were refused.
General Garcia believes that Carran
zn will probably grant the required
privilege. He repented his assurances
that Cnrranza wanted to co-operate
with the Americans in everv wav pos
sible. Cnrranzistns soldiers are, in fact, at
tempting to drive Villa toward the
(leurrero district. Troops from Chihua
hua City, Guzman and Numiquipa arc
closing in on him. The American van
guard is crowding him from the north
while his retreat across the Sierra Ma
il res toward Sunora is believed cut off
by eonstitiitionalist forces gunrding all
Pacing a certain fight if Villa is over
taken, General Pershing ami Colonel
Dodd led their columns over 100 miles
of foreign country without a single sol
dier killed. A few horses nnd mules
perished from effects of their terrible
trials nn the sesert.
Negro Regiments Join Chase.
Following this remarkable march, Oil
oncl lodd is believed, to be 1.15 miles
south of the bonier, near the fertile
plains of American Mormon colonists.
General Pershing's vanguard may have
joined him. but the arrival of the main
American infantry and artillery units
nt Cnsns G ramies has not yet been re
ported. Continued on Pairp T'lrenA
Among th' things that'll alias remain
n. mystery t' th' average layman h how
a Teller in his right mind bin resign a
tn thousan' dollar job. Mr. Tdtor.l
M"ots has a niece that neither smoke
or diinki.
Indianapolis, lad., Mar. 20.
vernnr Ralston today ap
u ted Tom Taggnrt, democrat
tate leader, to succeed Cni
States Senator Benjamin
ely, deceased.
believe in the presi
s policies and will do my
to siipiort them," said
t, when informed of his
Fleet of Allies' Airships, 50
: In Number, Drop 10,000
Pounds of Bombs
London, Mar. 20. In retaliation for
Sunday's German air raid on the Ken
tish coast. oO allied aeroplanes attack
ed Zoebruge, Teuton submarine basc)j.
and military works at Ilaultade, inflict-1 j.
ing severe damage with high power'
bombs, it was officially announced at
tiie war office todav.
The great allied sky fleet carried 10,
000 pounds of bombs. Kuch machine
bore missiles weighing a total of 200!
pound". These were mined down on!-
the seaplane station at Zeebrugge, ami;
on the aerodrome At Houltade. jj.
Accompanying the bomb thrower
were 1" ''battle cruisers of the air"
Heavily armored planes which formed a
protective cordon aiound the smaller
flyers as Ihey hurled fire and destruc
tion on the enemy establishments be
low. The admiralty announced every
machine returned home safely.
This is the first time that the allies
have retaliated immediately after a
raid on Kugland. It will be the ISrit
islt policy every time hereafter. Lord
Derby is reported to have come to that
lltX'wilII UAflll ffF llliinrr !,, in, 1 Itiinld.
(mi- nt nvlitlmi It u-u ro,. , 1 1 ,,.1 tlmH
Winston Churchill, former first lord of :
tne admiralty, recently declared that i
the onlv wav
iu sio' .i-iciiu rums
would be to launch immediate counter
attacks, and burn the German air cruis
ers in their hangars.
Eleven were killed and more thjn 30
injured in the German raid on Kent.
The Kent raid was only one of a num
ber which have been directed against
Kngland by German machine from Zee
brugge. Marion County Democrats
Select Committeemen
At the close of the get-together meet
ing of the Marion county democrats,
held at the court house Saturday after
noon precinct committee men were ap
pointed for a number of Marion eountv
precincts. It was suggested that Grant, in one of tho most spectacular encount
Corby or District Attorney Ringo be ! ers of the war. Four French and three
placed in nomination for district attnr- j German aeroplanes were wrecked.
ney but no definite action was taken.
The name of F. A lieiiihnrt was also! London, Mar. 20. Fifty allied aero
suggested for circuit judge as n running' planes have attacked Zeeburgge, a Ger
mate for Judge Galloway. : man submarine base, and enemy works
The following were elected precinct i
committeemen: Wallanie Elder, Fast
Stay ton; John F. Theodore, B. Bren
tano, St. Paul; George W. Morley,
North Salem; K. K, howell, Jefferson."
A unanimous standing vote of hon
or was given ,1. Shoemaker, of Jet-
ferson, for his faithful attendance of !
democratic meetings in Marion county
(luring the past 20 years. P L. Frazier,
chairman of the Marion county demo
cratic committee, presided nt the rally
and William Fleming actd in his of
ficial capacity as secretary.
(Capital Journal
pecial Service.)
I Kaiser Bottom, Mar. 2o. Kaiser Hot
I toni schools celebrated St. Patrick's
i Day Friday with twelve new cases of
chicken pox.
If the epidemic continues the schools; Foiirche type last Saturday, it was of
here will no doubt be compelled to tem-i ficially announced today in iVenna.
pornrily suspend from smtrtnge of pu-l i
pils. The malady is in a light form. I (Continued on Pago Eight.)
By Robert J. Bender.
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Mar. 20 President Wil--on
will do nothing iu Mexico to em
barrass Veimstiano Cnrranza. Wishes
of toe de facto Bovernnient
will be
way pos
strictly adhered to in everv
sible, it was made plain it a
ence today between the president and i eminent is entirely satisfied with the
Counsellor Pull of the state depart-1 conduct of tho American expedition,
merit. The president was informed that Car-
If Cnrranza deems it inadvisable for'ranza had formally requested American
Americans to use Mexican railroads for j troops to avoid occupying Mexican
niilit iry purposes iu hunting Francisco towns, but orders to refrain from so'
Villa, there will be no formal demand : doing had previously been issued by
for such permission, and no attempt to American cnimanders.
force it. The Americans will devise Government representatives reported
I other methods of transporting troops; conditions on the border quiet. Tam
Innd supplies. icn and Vera Cruz conditions were
I President Wilson intends to do his ut-isnid to be "satisfactory."
Vienna Admits Some Gains
Were Made, But Not Im
Assault Made to Prevent Ger
mans Sending More
Troops to Verdun
sj :! iz
London, Mar. 20. The Ger
man erowu prince is about to
relinquish command of the Lor
raine army as a result of the
Verdun offensive's failure, dis
patches from Heme, Switzer
land, declared today. The mes
sages asserted this had been
learned positively.
By Charles P. Stewart.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, Mar. 20. Strong Russian at
tacks on the Austrian and German
fronts today shifted interest temporar
ily from the waning battle at Verdun.
Vienna's official communique admit
ted a retirement near Vocieezko bridge-
At that point, alter a severe
!'mbardment the Slavs charged, hurl-
""n(1 fTe" "lla-,,
But elsewhere," said Vienna, "all
attacks were repulsed."
Berlin asserted that the Russians lost
20,000 meu assaulting Field Marshal
Von Hindenburg 's forces pu a 05 mile
front near Vilnn. A bombardment
which continued all day before the Slav
infantry appeared pmved ineffective
against the Germai defenses, according
to Berlin. A stream of fire from mass
ed machine guns checked every at
tempted charge. Petrograd was silent
regarding the 'fighting there. It is be
lieved the offensive was undertaken to
prevent German troops being shifted to
the western front.
Developments of the past two days
have increased the Parisian belief that
the Germans arc preparing to abandon
their offensive at Verdun. Aeroplanes
were most nctive on the western front
nil day Sunday. Two sky fleets clashed
t Houltade, it wn-s officially announced
Great damnge was done by air
German' Attacks Weakening.
Paris, Mar. 20. Gcaman infantry at
tacks against Pepper Heights were hurl-
"1 back today's official war office
communique asserted. Pepper Heights
is four miles north of Verdun. Inter
mittent artillery work around Vnux and
a sharp exchange of shells at Kparges
were also described.
The Pepper Heights attack was made
after a long bombardment, but the war
office said it seemed to lack soirit.
French guns easily checked it. West
of the Mciise there wa3 severe cannon
ading couth of Malaiioonrt.
Sunk French Destroyer.
Berlin, Mar. 20. An Austrian sub
marine sank a French destroyed of the
most to help Carranzn maintain his
dominant position in Mexican affairs.
While there has been no reply from
f arranza with regard to use of his
railroads, the delay has caused no con
cern here. A favorable answer is ex-
! peeted.
l Advices from Queret.tro, temporary
Di) 65 HE FRQN
confer-Mexican capital, said the de facto gov
Chicago, Mar. 20. Although
the sub-committee on arrange-
nicnta for the republican nation
al convention meets here this
uf teruojin, selection of a tempo
rary clinirnil.il will probably bo
postponed until the April ses
sion. Franklin Murphy, delegate
from New Jersey, said there
was very little Roosevelt senti
ment in the east. L'lihu Root,
he declared, was apparently the
strongest presidential possibil
ity. Ef
fobbed the Government of
$500,000 On Roads Built
Only On Paper
Region, Sask., Mar. 20. Imaginary
reports from imaginary supervisors,
passed by real auditors of the roads de
partment after being approved by lib
eral officers, resulted in looting the do
minion treasury of more than $50i
is the sensational charge upon which
several members of the legralature and
cabinet officers will shortly go to
Most of the roads reported built were
"north of Fifty-three" across bliz
zard swept mountains.
Tho phantom roads are in a territory
which has never been surveyed and cir
cumvent the laws of man, whose river
banks are precipitous and where dog
teams and sleighu must be lowered from
a sheer 200 foot drop, over rock piles
that would defy German 42 centimeter
guns to dislodge.
One report of the investigntors rends:
"That is not all. The contractor is
not there, nor here, nor anywhere else;
he simply does not exist; he's a phan
tom, the road is a phantom, the contract
n phantom, the steam engines and grad
ers are phantoms, all of the officials
are phontoms, and he only real thing
about it is that the real cash went out
of the treasury- for months."
Wiam Marks Killed by Fall
ing Tree, in Home Three
Miles From City
Portland, Or.. Mar. 20. One man is
dead today as the result of an electric
al storm which struck Portland at six
p. in. yesterday, doing considerable
scattering damage.
Tli ii tiilor and lightening were follow
ed by a furious gust of wind, which
gave way to a deluge of rain. The wind
uprooted a huge fir tree three miles
east of Portland ami crashed it through
the roof of the home o'f William Marks,
a rancher. Marks was caught under the
tree and killed. His wife and little
daughter were only slightly injured.
Lightening struck several houses, do
ing minor damages. Streetcars in many
parts of the city were stopped and pow
er wires destroyed.
Cloudbursts swept down on Milton
and Stanfield in eastern Oregon, flood
ing those two towns. Little permanent
damage was caused.
Woman Found Dead
by Her Kitchen Stove
San Francisco, Mar. 20. Mrs. Luck
L. Coote, 112 years old, wife of C. II.
Foote. of the I'liion Iron Works, was
found dead today ih the kitchen of her
home. Gas was streaming from the gas
stove over which she hail cooked her
husband 's meals.
Miiis Kdith Castain, who found her
body, and Foote, were examined by the
Miss Castain told Captain Shea that
Foote V wifo called at her apartment
last night and demanded to see Foote.
S:ie had been drinking, the young wom
an dei-liwil. She urged Mrs. Foote to
go home. F.itrly today Miss Castain
called to see how Mrs. Foote was feel
ing and found the body.
Foote has been living away from his
wife. lie said he moved because his
wife took to drinking and they quarrel
ed frequently.
Japanese Recruits Wreck
. English Newspaper Plant
Vancouver, B. C, Mar. 20. F.xtra po
lice g uarded the Japanese colony here
last ,',ight to prevent further rioting
which started Saturday night when a
Japanese newspaper plant was wrecked
by 100 or more Japanese recruits in the
British nrmy.
The Japanese were incensed over re
ports in the newspapers that their uni
forms would be here on the 17th. When
iney mo nm i-ume. me uriciim goi
even in their own peculiar stylo.
One Man Killed by Falling
Tree Near Portland
Church Spire Struck
UlUiill llrtLb Ul liniLlV
c n . w i . i
Southeastern Washington1'
T II Ci i T J
to Regular Rivers
Portland, Ore., Mar. 20 Two are dead
and thousands of dollars worth of prop
erty destroyed today us tho result of I
ine eieciric siorm which swept por
tions of Oregon and Washington late
A terrific gust of wind sent a huge
fir tree crashing through the roof of tin
home of William Marks, cast of Port-
lanil. Marks was killed and his wife, Tho bodv of Vilardo was found dis
and little daughter slightly injured. Tlu miemhercd and hidden in jute sacks af
other fatality occurred in tho foothnlls
of the Blue mountains in eastern Ore
gon, where cloudbursts swept through
several little valleys. Thomas Shumwell.
a farmer, was carried away by a big
wall of water. His body was found
lodged in a clump ot tnrshes.
Damage was greatest in southeastern
Washington and eastern Oregon. Sev
eral houses were carried away and fam
ilies in the Blue Creek neighborhood
were rescued by men on horseback. Wa
ter ran through the streets of Milton,
Stanfield. Weston, Dayton and oilier
small towns.
Oregon Electric Tied Up.
Portland, Ore., Mar. 20. Traffic on
the Oregon Klectric, was completely
stopped for several hours today by the
collapse of high tension lines.
Stock Market Stagnant
and Prices Dropping
New York, Mar. 20. The New York
Sun's finncial review today said:
Further notable contradiction in mar
ket activity as compared with the ses-
is I ...
sun Inst week was attributed this
morning to over Sunday discussion of
an earlv peace. Business decreased
rapidly after the first hour, and deal
ings were largely professional. Activ
ity at the outset centered on industrial
specialties. Crucible steel, Mexican Pe- :
troleum and a few others increased a j
point or more. Steel was fnirly active!
and fractionally higher, but it devel- j
oped a heavy tendency which affected i
the entire list. The reactionary tone
of railway stocks was associated with
J. P. Morgan's assertion that he ar
ranged no loan for the allies based on
American securities and thev can con
tinue selling its holdings here. The re-
action became more pronounced whenlnncse liner lenvn .Maru was held up
Crucible Steel, American Car. Stude- f ive miles out of Yokohama by a Hrit
baker, Baldwin and Mexican Petroleum : ish warship and eight Hindus woro
iii'mr iitiii i ti ,j i u ii, hi (inline, j ii u iiai
showed no pronounced rallies.
("Capital Journal Special Service.)
Kaiser Bottom, Mar. 20. Norman
Hanks, tiie 15 year old son of .lames
Dunks, of this id ico. was accidentlv
kicked by one of his father's mules at
his farm
here Thursday. The lad will
By E. T. vonkle.
(I'nited Press -staff correspondent.)
F,l Paso, Texas, Mar. 20. Indications
today pointed to a long pursuit of Fran
cisco Villa ,far into Mexico and the
problem of supplying the American ex
pedition with food and munitions was
uppermost in the minds of army men.
A few considered that withdrawal ot
the expedition without capturing Villa
was likely as nn alternative to forcibly
taking Mexican rnilronds, defying Ven
ustinno Carranzn and possibly preci
pitating actual intervention, with r
year's bloody warfare against all fac
tions. In view of President Wilson's past
favors to Carranzn, aiding him to de-lran.a trap.
feat Villa at Agua Pricta by transport-1 When the pursuit extends below Oil
ing de facto government troops through , liualniii City, supplying of the expedi
I'nited States territory 'from F.agle Puss; Hon by wagons will no longer be prnc
to Douglas, the desired permission tolticable. The use of railroads will be
ship American military supplies by rail come imperative.
and perhaps to send reinforcements to American Mormons, relieved by the
General Pershjug over Mexican rail- presence of American troops, do not
roads was confidently expected. (want to go to tho border. General
There were renewed reports today , Pershing may order them to leave Mex
that Villa is heading into the mnuii-jicc. With its burned bridge replaced,
tains of DurniiL'O. He was born there, commiirucat ions over the Mexican
j villistas under the command of Cener-
0ia ( niixtos, Contrctirns nd tieyes wnnncwcu.
Washington, Mar. 20. By a
rising vote of 153 to 82 the
house today defeated Represen
tative Kahn'a amendment to
the Hay bill for a larger regu
lar army. Kahn's amendment
was in favor of making the mil
itary forces 220,0110. This voto
was considered overwhelming
evidence of congressional oppo
sition to a large standing army.
Uli UilnUUL
V . T I I 'I J 1
nsus 10 woman in jan Leau
to Arrest for Murder
Seattle. Wash., Mar. 20. Jim Mar
iano, Seattle market clerk charged Sat
urday with the ghastly murder of li.
Vilardn, 11 years ago in San Francisco,
still proclaims ins innocence in tho city
jail hero today.
After two hours of grilling by Cap
tain of Detectives Tennnnt, Mariano
still denied that he is Pietro Torturici
whose pictures hail been sent broadcast
by tho San Francisco police. He said
j he would willingly return to California
tor trial.
ter the murder, l ietrrt Torturici was
charged with the crime in 1!I0," but was
never captured.
Mariano was arrested whilo at work
in the Pike Place public market Sat
urday bv Detectives t!i inrlii and Coch
rane. He had been making frequent
visits to the city nnd county jail to boo
Mrs. G. Boozer, arrested February i!8
for shoplifting. A police department j
telegram from Kiinsns Citv concerning I
Mrs. Boozer said "her husband, Piotro
Torturici was badlv wanted in San
IVunciaro for miirdc
Thirtv minutes later Mariano was in
Will Send Him Back.
San Francisco, Mar. 20. Kxtradition
papers for Jim Mariano, Seattle mar
ket clerk, suspected of murdering B.
Vilardn here 11 years ago, will be asked
today by Captain of Detectives Patrick
Shea, he announced. Shea believes
Mariano is really Pietro Torturici, long
suspected of the crime.
Washington, March 0.
Northwestern railroads today
petitioned the interstate com
merce commission for a hew
hearing if the Astoria rate
A recent decision ordered
Astoria rates put on a par with
railroad rates inland from
Paget Sound points.
Kan Francisco, March 20 The Jap-
taken off, passengers declared today
when they arrived on the vessel from
the Orient.
The net aroused the ire of tho Jap
anese government, say the passengers,
and several notes have been exchanged
with Loudon.
The wasliip, passengers claimed, was
ostensibly looking
for Germans who
had escaped from the concentration
camps. They were not found.
the remnants of the forces under Gen
eral T'omns Oibinas and Benjamin Ar
gumedo, are lurking there.
On Way to Durango.
Villa is reported in the Chihuahua
mountain's, riding toward Durango. To
an expedition as large as Pershing s the
trails which Villa uses present an al
most impregnable obstacle. Colonel
Iodd's cavalrymen nre suid to bo (10
ilcs behind Villa, but fiO miles means
two days marching in those mountains.
Between Villa and his supposed goul
at Durango, however, arc the Tara
liuinar mountains, also one of his favor
ite haunts. He is approaching them to-
I day, and is
not yet out of tho ar-
Northwestern railroad have been re
;Army of 25,000 Waiting To
Head Villa Off If He Goes
Toward Sonora
General Calles Insists There
i Has Been Peace In Mexico
for Some Time
Nogalea, Ariz., Mar. 20. Am
ericans have been ordered to
leave tho Altar district of So
nora, 40 miles w.ost of here, on
tho border, according to a tele
phono message from O. B.
Glover, receiver on tho Reproso
ranch for the P. Tasteno com
pany, a New York concern.
Dan Phillips, rancher nt
Altar, corroborated Glover's
statement. They said that mani
festos had been posted ordering
tho American citizens to leave
this district. Stories were be
ing circulated, Glover said, that
all the American troops enter
ing Mexico had been annihilat
ed. 55 j( jjc sjc jjc )c Sjc )c 3C 5jfi )C
S By H. C. Boelune.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Douglas. Ariz., Mar. 20. Following
unconfirmed reports reaching Agusi
Priota that Francisco Villa was headed
toward Sonora, Consul Ives Le Lcvier,
rtpenking for De Facto Governor Calles,
doclarcd Villa would meet with a warm
"There nre 2",000 de facto troopn
waiting 'Pancho' Villa in Sonora,"
ho said. "Villa met his Waterloo in
Sonora, it will be remembered, losing
a big army, all his artillery and was
forced to become a bandit."
Two thousand Mayo Indians, under
Colonel Fierro are. preparing to leave-
Agua Prictii lor tho honora-L.ninuanu
, mountain passes through which the Vil-
listas would have to pass to reacn Hon
ors state. Tho Indians will travel
light and aro equipped to make great
speed over the rough mountainous coun
Apparently trusting the Carranzistaj
to guard the Konora-Chihuahiia line, tha
United States troops hern made no
move as a result of Auga Pricta infor
mation. In an interview granted tho United
Press today, General Flias I'. Calles,
military governor of Sonora, declared
tii.it his orders are to co-operate witll
American troops in case an invasion la
to Sonora is made necessary.
Says Mexico 19 At Peace.
Calles officially discredited all re
ports of mutiny and insubordination on
tho part of the soldiers under his com
mand. When asked if the capture of Villa
and his band would result in "peace in
Mexico," General Calles, somewhat sur
prised, replied through his interpreter
that there is already peace in Mexico
and has been since the recognition ot
Villa, he said, is nn outlaw, a thief,
and so aro his followers. If it is the
impression in some parts of the United
Sttacs that Villa is a patriot and th
friend of the poorer classes in Mexico,
then the Americans are misinformed.
Villa is a bandit nnd is being treated
as such.
Calles headquarters nre located in a
building formerly occupied by a gener
al store, nnd to all outward appearances
.... :.. .. l .,.,,.,. l,,,t IK
IllO Hiriicmiu in u ii"ii, ,vm,-i, b ...
interior of the place has been trans
formed into complete military quarters.
Persistent rumors that Francisco Vil
la had escaped the American trap and
was safe in the Sierra Madres east ot
Madera were unconfirmed today. It is
known, however, that General Gutier
rez scouts have lost track of him.
Three hundred Sonora militiamen con-
I ccntratcd
at Agna Pricta will bt
(TnntlniKU Pe Th' I
i hope rws is
Oregon: To
night und Tues
day occasional
rain, southerly