"TTE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAR. 18. 1016. NINE Large Audience Heard Christian Science Lecture At Armory Last Night At the armory lust night Charles 1. 1 in t ho translation of Knoch and Elijah Oreustein, of Syracuse. New York, lei-1 these and otther instances will recur tured on Christian Science to a large j to all. nnd appreciative audiei.ee. The speaker Spiritual Healing Reverent, was intriduced by Mrs. Anna Holers j But here our good friends of other de Fish, who said: nominations mav exclaim. "God indeed "Friends: To that which Messes, wei'li'i these things in the (rood old Bible! give thanks. There are, in the world j times, hut to claim such things possible today, many thousands of rejoicing men .in ' times is blasphemous!" Others i and women, who are daily giving grate- may content themselves with dismiss-' fill testimony of vast import, stating nS these things as mere legends or" that they have been lifted out of lives : myths. . I of selfishness, miser,., suffering and! May it not be said that if it be bias-j sin: have been healed of great physi-: phemous to expect God to do these good, cal ills, and save, I from intense mental and needful things now. that it was al torture, have been repossessed of sight. , ways blasphemous Again, if these) hearing and speech: have gained love 1 things are mere myths or legends, is not and pence and eontent. because, at some the whole fabric of religious teaching, time in their experience, there has eoiuej mythical and legendry? Such assertions j to them a message which said. " Be- may furnish easy ways of brushing I hold, now is the day of Salvation." ; aside the central ana tremendous fact( "Christian Science is a religion, not ' f religious history. Before this is done, j merely of promise, but of fulfillment. beforr the ancient Bible worthies are I That religion, which says that all things; ft down as either blasphemous or un- arc possible to God but that man 'truthful, would it not be well to con must wait until lie enters n future life , dr that possibly these ancient seers for any bettering of his Conditions, lip. and prophets really had some glimuscs comes "a mere test of endurance; mid all f a knowledge of God unknown to men are martyrs whether thev will or .modern thinkers, which enabled them to no. ' ' prove that God indeed "givetli to all "Christian Science proclaims the im- lit, autl breath, and ait thing's," and mediate presence ot tfie Kinrrdnm ofittiat lie is in truth the only Sa God; and asserts that he who hungers nnd thirsts after righteousness shall be filled, now. To yon who are desirous of knowing something aright concern- .... n j i . i i . . ing this good news which has brought hope anew to those from whom nil hope hns fled, the one who is to ad dress you will speak as one having au thority, "He is a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Sci entists, in Boston, Massachusetts. It gives me great pleasure to introduce the speaker of the evening, Mr. Charles I. Oreustein, C. S. B., of Svracnse. New York." Mr. Oreustein spoke as follows: In the discussion of any subject it is always desirable and helpful to start with some point of agreement. Not withstanding all our diversified views and varied experiences, let us see if it t is not possible for us to find some such point. One that very naturally presents itself, and upon which all would prob ably agree, will undoubtedly be found in fhe fact that we all desire to live. But even if we live, there is not much satisfaction in living without bodily comfort or health; for health is abso lutely essential to peace, freedom, prosperity, and happiness. ere w e to ask ourselves the ques huh, nun iu.i e me, ue wei , nee, i I J, ;: "I, ; :. . lv ' " cr has there been any dearth of answers to this question. Mere theoretical ans wers nre valueless. Sow-ever, and this has been shown in the experience of the race by the fact that life still appears uncertain, nnd health, peace, freedom, prosperity nnd happiness have been at tained by comparatively few, nnd then only in limited degree. Consequently, the answer to our question would have to be in a system of education or mider titnndiiig that would give health. May we not, then, ask ourselves whether any practical system of educa tion exists which teaches how we may live, be well. free, prosperous, and hap py? More than this, since the subject we nre to discuss is religion, may not we further ask whether the religion of the Bible and more particularly the religion of Jesus Christ, provides such I a system and the correct interpretation of it. the education capable of nceomp- lishing the desired result? ,ri L, . Answers the Question. The Christianity ot Jesus Christ was. the vision ot the seers ot Israel. It was their hope, their prayer, their ideal and "i"""":1 '-'i"'iHi. it wus expecTco to usher in health, pence and plenty, the reign ot God and ot the Messiah, and to protect against any other reign. If we first turn to the old Bible, the Bible of the Hebrews, accepted by all v.i.ii.-iniiis. we snaii nun piain. simple, understood or twisted to mean nnvthiii and direct answers to the questions un-i else. der consideration. The first thing tieed-j Jesus came to preach the gospel or ful in a quest of any kind is an ae- good news to the poor. Did this mean quaintnnce w ith that' which is sought, j that thev should remain poor? He came If the research is for life and its felici- t0 heal, to liberate, to destroy the oner ties, the first thing needful is to learn ntions of evil of every kind in liiumm what life is. Now. have any of the experience, to confer abundant life as sciences through nil the research of the a result of the knowledge of God which ages discovered what life is? Xot one . ,e taught, and to usher in an era nc of them. This being the case, the gen- j ceptable to God. in which God should erally accepted methods are 'seeking be accorded all power and reiuu over all they know not what. Is such a quest j absolutely and completely. Did he ful likely to be successful? With all respect fill this mission .' for the men who have been nnd nre en- Jesus preached very little, but did n gaged in such research, and for their 'great deal. The gospel shows this, devoted efforts, is not this an example ; From boyhood he was about his Fath of the blind lending the blind, and fr 's business, but he ). reached only one will it not of necessity continue to j sermon- of which a record has come fail in its purpose? I down to us. This business consisted of The Bible, on the other hand, speaks, teaching by example as well as by pre upon this question definitely and withjeept whnt God is. wnat God does, and great authority. In Deuteronomy we imv- God does what He does. In provid read. "He (God) is thy life." Conid j ing the wine at the marriage feast in anything be more definite or concise; i Canii. the tax money in the draft of nnd since' God is our life, must not the fishes, and in feeding the multitudes, he knowledge of life and all that it in-! showed that God provwtes for the ni..t eludes be the knowledge of God and of j simple and common needs. In healing a man's relationship to God? The im- j few sick people in Nazareth, the noble portaaee of this knowy,1ge is also i man's son of fever, nnd the case o'f shown bv the statement, "Acquaint now thyself with him (CodW and be at peace." and the Bible is full of as surances that to know God and to be obedient to Him means health, freedom, prosperity, happiness, and all that is desirable That the Bible says these things, nil will admit: that its teachings nre 'rue and binding, nil religioonists should ad-1 nut. But the Bible and by tins for the present we are content to mean the Old Testament does not sotisfy itself bv making mere assertions. It substan tiates its teachini'-s by citing innumer able instances which prove them. Nna man's healing of leprosy: the providing for the Shnnaniniite woman; the heal ing and restoration to life of her son; the preservation of the lives of the three vonnc men in the fiery furnace, nnd nf Daniel in the lien's ilen: the emancipation of the children of Israel from Egypt, their sustenance and heal ing throughout their sojourn in the wilderness; the bringing of them into the prosperity of the premised land the proof that death is not inevitable, viour? Glimpses of a knowledge of God! Wonderful as their works appear to us, glimpses are all these men claimed to imva !...: m - .... ..w.v, iui iiicii M ruit 1 1111 nit 11IHI 111 the fulness of time one would appear who would reveal God fully; who would be the representative of God and fulfill all righteousness, save, redeem, and de liver, be Immunuel, "God with us.' In the fulness of time lie came. Did he suit the mighty men. thp scholars, scribes, so-called scientists and relig ions leaders of his time? Not at all. They had pictured their deliverer as a representative of a god of wrath, who would lead them to destroy the nations which had conquered them. He came as the representative of God who is Love, to lead them to victory over themselves,- over the sins or mistaken beliefs which alone were destroying them. Impregnated as thev were with self-righteous beliefs, beliefs of ambi tion, pride,arrogunce, retaliation, and the belief in the wisdom and rightful ness of these, it is no wonder thnt they could not recognize the meek and lowl'v peasant-carpenter as their king or mas ter, the ideal of their seers and propu ets. the "Prince of Peace." the "Light," and the legitimate ruler of the work). Jesus.' Mission. TV1. T ... ... rimi .icsus came 10 (10, want lie t, .,, ., ,i . W.-tli( ideal Judaism.-nnd as absolute Christanitv, What was this mission? An ancient custom, still followed nmnn tt.n T . .1 . j 1 mi- ,ien, is mar or Honoring distinguished visitors by calling upon them to rend from the Scriptures - at services in the synagogue. This honor was conferred on Jesus, w hen at the be gimining of his ministry he visited his home in Nazareth. In responding to it he turned to the book of Ksias and read: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. because lie hath anointed me to preach the gospel (good news) to the poor: he hath sent me to heal the brok enhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the' acceptable vear of the f nv.l .i Scripture fulfilled in vour ears'. t nu- other ti Din liit t) tl 11 All n M.ul 4lmf li.-. ......... to fulfill the law and the prophets; ,,nd again that he came "to bear wit- WKli UIlt0 ,ho truth." He also said. "I hnvo come that thev might have life and that thev miglit'have it more abun- dantly;" and defining life he said "And this is life eternal, that thev might know thee the oulv true God This may be said to be a summary of Jesus, mission, given in his own words. The statement is again -simple, direct, and definite. There is not a word in : that could in any way mislead, be niis- dropsy recorded in Luke, he showed that spiritual means should be sought nnd applied not only in extreme cases but in minor ailments. In restoring sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, hearing to the deaf, in healing leprosy, epilepsy, the withered hand, paralysis, and dementia of various kinds, lie showed that God "healeth all thy dis eases. " and that none are incurable to Him. In loosing the woman from th evil which had bound her many years, and the multitudes from sins of all kinds, he showed the emancipating pow er of God. In disappearing in the midst of multitudes, entering through closed doors, stilling the storm, and walking upon the water, he showed the iinrealiti of matter and of material forces: in raising the ruler's daughter, the mid nw son, and Lazarus from the grave, he showed that God does give life, and that He gives it abundantly. No Miracles." Here again the good Christian mav exclaim that Jesus indeed did these things, but that they were the miracles ' of our Lord, and lo look for such things now would be sacrilege) and the grea. multitude of the unchurched may again content itself -with ying. "Legend? myths." While the word miracle origi nally had the meaning of marvel or sign, in common usage it has come to mean a u act setting aside or breaking a law of, nature. With this view of Jesus' works, it is not to be wondered at that good Christians look with hor ror on any attempt to essay such works, and that others, looking upon such acts as never having been performed, con sider thein impossible. Jesus gave signs or evidences of his Messianic mission, and these signs were and nre marvelous to the human sense of things. He came, however, to fulfi' law, and he was not a law-breaker. His acts were contrary to what was and still is looked upon as law, but they were veritable illustrations of law, the law of nature's God: and far from look ing upou the repetition of his works f sacrilege, the command he gave to all his followers to repeat them was im perative. Jesus' Works the Result of His Chris tian Science It has been shown that the ancient prophets had given evidences of some knowledge of God. that a complete dem onstration of such knowledge was look ed for by them, and that Jesus fulfill, this expectation. Science is defined as (lie "knowledge of principles and causes." Now, if Jesus did the works which have been cited. and that he did them is attested by those who have been looked upon as the best and most honest of men, met who witnessed them, did he do them through ignorance or mere belief in something, or did he do them because o a specific, accurate, and demonstrable knowledge of their underlying Principle or cause? No rational iiefng would for a moment claim that they were done through anything but such knowledge; and if they were thus wrought through an exact knowledge or -science, applied by Jesus Christ, then were they not wrought through Christian Science? That Jesus looked upon his work as the result of this Science, is indicated by that immortal utterance: "He thn believeth on me, the works that I d shall he do also, ''a definite demand upon his followers for like proofs that they understand and practice his teach ings; nnd his immediate followers, and their followers for three hundred years after them, did as he commanded.' The proof of this is historical. Jesus commanded his first twelve stu- dents, or followers, to preach the gospel . l.l 11. .1. TI-l 1 . . i uu iv iieui uii sick. uen lie sent out the seventy ho repeated the command, and at the end of his own ministry he commanded his followers to teach all nations to do whatsoever he had com manded them. These were the first ordi- nation articles of the first Christian ministers; and although the second of xaese articles, tlie command to heal, has ceased to be observed bv the older de nominations, it still remains a part of the ordination articles of the bishops of some of the orthodox churches, an ad mission that it is still binding. It has been indicated that Jesus did his marvelous works because of his knowledge of their underlying Princi- tlo rtt Tl ...til 1. t v........ Liu - auiuiiieii iiiari this 1.' nou-led io u na lin L-i.iu-llmi r ! God, the knowledge of the reign or the kingdom of God, the knowledge of man and of mail's relationship to God, which he came to teach mankind. The question that occurs very naturally at this point is, What is God? Prevalent Idea of God. All of us when visiting curio shops or museums have seen grotesque images that probably at some time served as objects of heathen worship. All of ns, too, have probably viewed these idols with a mingling of curiosity, pity for those who prayed to such things, and incredulity that people who had the skill to carve suc h images should be so blinded and superstititoiis as to worship them. But have we differed from thein very much nfter'hll? While visiting the art museum in New York some years ago, my attention was attracted to a picture, apparently by an old master. It was the figure of a venerable man with flowing white beard; he was clad in a robe and seated above the clouds. This picture portray ed not only the artist's but the popular idea of God in heaven. Heaven was above the clouds and God was an old man. This in the main is the picture which the older religious teachings have painted, not only on canvas but also in the thoughts of their adherents. The picture was but a reproduction of a world-wide misconception of God; and the Christian world, which scorns the heathen's idols, accepts nnd worships a misconception of God which exists only as a 'figment of the imagination. im plores it for life and health nnd all things, and then wonders why these prayers do not avail. Is not the reason plain? Recognizing this, do we not again have to ask. "What is God '." True Idea of God. In the tongues in which the Bibb was originally written, two terms and their variants are mainly used to des- to be witty and concise, defined ninn as ignute God. One means "strength" or ' a featherless biped. Now, how much of power, and the other "the existing j a man is a mere featherless biped ? Not one." or plainly, the one and only exis-jverv much, all will admit, fence. Other terms are usedrbut chiefly i How then do we, cn,, --o. tell what b to avoid the use of the name of God in ! a man? By how much of God one niani vain. I fosts. Jesus illustrated this.. In re- It is generally admitted that God issoonse to Philip's reiitest. "Show us simremelv (rood. Annlvini' this sense (tf the Fnlher." Jesus said: "Have T been God to the Bible designations, it be - i comes clear that God is the one and only power, that this power is supreme- j ly good, that He is the one and only i Philip seen the intelligence, power. ; existence or presence that is likewise ; Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love manifest i good. It is this God that made all thai j cd by Jesus, and had he not seen a i was made, nnd all that Tfe made TTe! great deal of God and a great deal of .made like Himself, good, "verv good." man? When it is remembered that all that is Jesus showed forth, Illustrated the called intelligence could not linve form- perfect man. but not becaue of hi ed the idea indicnted by the least pri- physique. He said, "The 'flesh prol'b ' mary object, it will be appreciated that I nothing." Can that which is truly man 'the "great First Cause." called God j or woman be shown forth by mere flesh must be supreme, infinite intelligence j nnd blood? "And God (the all-intell'' or Mind. The Bible further speaks of ; gent, all-powerful, paternal, immortal. I God as "thy life," and ns the "rock " meaning basi,- reality ns Truth, and in I the inspired words of the .Master s be loved student, as "love," "God i ' love. ' ' Taking thep Bible definitions of ' created he them." ! God. and they are identical with those This godlike man, the man that ! of Christian Science, is there any one I created, is the only kind of man ther j who does not believe in God, or who 'is. Wherever wc see a man, woman, or ; would not trust Him? If bo, there is (child, we see something of this mail, j some one who does not believe in and ' the figure, the symbol of this man, I would not trust intelligence, Life, Trull- j just as wherever wc see a figure four. ' and Love. But. surelv. there is no sort i no matter how imperfect, we sec that 11 I ..I! 1... I... . I.'...!. .tn...l., tf. In.llint,.- iMtiii, lei nil IM'I nni .iM-in-.e, mil ii i the very fact that tin v are alive, know that this God is: that He ic the supreme and infinite good not above the clouds for some one to bring down, but "verv nigh unto thee." and that each and every one is constantly in touch with and completely dependent upon Him. As an illustration of this important fact, permit me to say that there is no one here or anywhere who could have one right idea without Mind enabling him to have it; that there is no one who could draw a siriff breath w ithout life animating him, or have one moment of true peace or happiness without Truth and Love being expressed to him or by him, without Truth and Love govern ing him. With this Christian and scieatifii idea of God. the universe is seen to be a state in which the infinite and benefi cent Mind, Life, Truth, and Love, "Spirit" as designated by Jesus. "Principle of being" as taught by Mis. Eddy (Science and Health, p. 25), reigns supreme. Ia such a state, recog nized, admitted, realized, entirely a state of Mind in which all are the ideas of Mind, it must be self-evident that no sin could be, uo misery, strife, want, woe, degradation, sickness, denth. In such a state, that only could be which such a God would cause; that onlv could be which would ex-pri,s His bounty and, beneficence, that only winch is like Himself, good, "very good. ! L.ct any vue acre lahe mi. single proposition, which Christian Science teaches, of God's nllness and of God's invariable goodness: let him recall it in times of quiet or of stress, and see if it does not overcome misgiving, fear, fore- Doaing; ana tioiug mis, ir n noes noi overcome the torments of fear. As sure ly as this is remembered it will be found helpful, a preventive and a cura tive of ills. The Kingdom of Heaven. Religion, rightly viewed, has a two fold purpose, teaching men to know God and saving them from ills of all kinds. Probably nothing could show this more clearly than the fact that those who were commissioned by Jesus to preach were also commanded by him to heal. Not only did Jesus command the dis ciples to preach and to heal, but he told them what to preach; and in the Huh' of - the Christian Science which he taught, it was plain to them, as it is quite plain to Christian Scientists to day, that what he commanded them to preach was intended to and did heal the sick and redeem the sinful. It is recorded that when the dis ciples returned from their mission they reported that the very devils were sub ject unto them. What was it that Jesus told them to preach? Nothing worldly wise, erudite; on the contrary, some- tnmg very simple, "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven - i 1 I , fTM. 1 . 1 1.' is at hand." The kingdom of heaven it at hand! Did this simple statement have the potency to reform and regen erate men, to purify and heal them? What is the kingdom of heaven? All thinking people would probably agree thnt by the kingdom of heaven is meant 'a happy and harmonious state in which God reigns. If we remind ourselves of the idea of God which Christian Science teaches, and which has just been indicated, and of the universe governed by this the only true God, we shall very plainly see that the kingdom of heaven which Jesus commanded his disciples to preach, is indeed at nand, and that we are entitled to the full enjoyment of this kingdom as the Bible teaches, for "in him we live, and move, and have our being." Recognizing this, that the place wherein we arc is " holv ground,' as holy as God, how many of us would behave unseemly, debauch ourselves or others in any way, lie, cheat, rob, be lieve that there is something in our en vironment to injure, infect, or impair us? Would not dis ease or lack of ease, which is disease of every kind in the making, be banished, and the ease and peace of being in the presence of our Father, God, have possession of us? Where Truth is, there Christ is, for Christ is Truth even as Jesus said. Where Christ is, there heaven is; and since Christ Jesus saiu, "Lo, I nm wit you always," does not this mean every where? Christian Science teaches that it does. Teaching this, it teaches that it is not strange that the sermon which Jesus bade his disciples to preach, should heal; and there will be nothing strange about it if many of you here are healed by learning and remembering that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand," indeed, not onlv at hand but as Jesus ulso said, "within you." Within what "you"? How many of each one of us are there? No one would think of claiming aloud, so thnt he could hear himself do so, more than one of himself. Who or what is this one? In other words, What is man? Man. If this question were nskod at ran dom, the answer would probably be that man is a 'fleshly mechanism or machine that walks on two feet, has two nrms and hands, a trunk surmounted by what is called a head, supposed (o have a lit tie or a big mind inside of it, and the whole thing, mind nnd body, operat ed by chemical action and reaction. Tin is not a definitou of the schools, but U ....,,.,, j 1.,, l, nm tl,:.,rr Tl . is no wonder that one of the ancients ' so long time Willi vou. and yet hast tliou : not known mc. Philin? he that hath i seen me hath cen the Father." Had pure, and perfect Mind, Spirit, T'rinci pie. Life, Truth, nnd Love) said. Let us make man in our image, nfter our like ness. ... So God created mini in his own image, . . , male and female I " ii i ii mining .fi. in". , '.I i. -,'ii seats the perfect and only four ther is in the science of numbers. I am sure that ns each one knows himself better, knows thnt he is a god like mil ii. and that his first u ml chief business is to be this man, he will think better, feel better, do better, and live longer. Knowing also who or what .his neighbor really is. he will see through the strutting, fretting, or cringing mask of the "feather-less biped" by which all have been deceived too long, and think better of him, treat him better, and love him more. Matter. - If what has been siitd about man i; plain, it must be evident that man is primarily spiritual, as Mrs. Lddy teaches. If this conclusion be correct, then any evidence which -would indicate a materdial man must be changed ny the fact presented in order that the spiritual, which is the. real, may be come more and more apparent. 11ns does not mean that Christian Scientists claim to ljuve no bodies, as is often asserted, o that by accepting j tne logical teaciiing tnat taere is no matter, they claim that there are no such things as sun, moon, stars, earth, trees, flowers, or othter phenomena which are called material. Thev see ,i.a, n,: j ;,. i' ,'..i. '., otheM (l0j ,, hl,lll(,(, tlu,ir vi(iun am, ultimate enjovmcnt of them have been enhanced ' bv Christian Vience Siill they maintain that there is no matter, and not only is this position impregnable, but so-iailed material s-i-euce is fast concedinir it to be rnv indeed, P. ilosophers and sciet tnm,Kh t, ,mvc wsav(, to ists. ul so f r .i.-i time immemorial, have ne.ver been a oe if explain what ni'.ttir ia, and con-e-.'.lu ntly have never been sure that .it. it niut'er. The individuals wti j a'ro' tu- eutirely certain that everything they iOguLe is matter aro tlus alone to wirm fi. f.ttcr is natter bcCM'so it is matter. It has long been recognized thnt mat ter is merely the term used to desig nate all that is appreciable to the phys ical senses; but the nature of wliut is called matter remains absolutely un- kuov n. Various theories have been ad vui.ci'd to explain matter, but these have always ended by explain.ng it away: .The atomic tHeory, wtiieh was for n lour; time believed" .to exp'.iin it, was 'filially found to be absurd, because the absoluto (not the chemical) atom would have to be an indivisible pacticle, having "an under and ton' upper, sur face, a right and-a left Hide," and yet without extension in order to be inca pable of being thought smaller. Such minuteness could never be reached by any thought-process. The theory of Boscovich, that mutter is composed of points or force, proved just as absurd, ns a point of force could not have lengthth, breadth, o rthirkness, 'neither could it be matter, and no number' of points of force could form the minutest dimensional object." The theory, that now obtains most widely, I beiiete, is that matter is iormed of electrons, but lib one knows what an electron is. .Thus, is it not plain that the nature of the constituent being unknown the nature of that which is constituted is unknown ? In other words, until some one can tell us what matter is. no one will know that matter is. That von mav lie enlightened on this subject by those who nave made a special study of it, I snail read a few extracts from the writ ings of -sonic of the world's recognized scientific scholars: Sir Oliver Lodge: "pa ml is a debris of rock, and fresh rocks can be com pacted of sand." Very enlightening. Ldison: "We are still ignorant of the true character of electricity; indeed, to me after all the years I have spent in studying electricity, it is more a mystery now. than cvcl" Sir Oliver Lodge, again: "The elec trons themselves must be explained, and the only, explanation which at present holds the field is that they are knots or twists, or vortices or some sort of either static or kinetic modifications of fhe ether of space, a small bit partitioned off from the rest and individualized bv reason o'f the identifying peculiarity." So much for the electrons. I am sure that now you all know what matter is, because that is what it is said to be made of Prof. Karl Pearson of the University of London says: "Not matter thnt is seen, but sense-impressions and change of sense-impressions." . Herbert Spencer wrote, as far buck as lSSfl; "Matter, then, in its ultimate nature, is as absolutely Incomprehensi ble as space and time. Frame what sup positions we may, we. find in tracing their implications that they leave us nothing but a choice between opposite absurdities. " The natural scientists -r ti?k con cluding that there is ,no mnlter, but they are doing so upon an entirely dif ferent basis from that of Mrs. Lddy. They are concluding that there is no matter because there are no tenable constituents that cotmT make it- such. Mrs. Lddy on the other hand, while recognizing that what is called matter is to be dealt with in human experi ence, and that it can be dealt with sat isfactorily and successfully only bv I : i,',.,. .,, i, ,' , f' ' . . I ".' ""' possible and having the dominion over it which Gnrf gave man, also recognizes and reveals that (rod being Spirit, mid Spirit being infinite nnd all inclusive, not included by nil, there is and can be no matter. The Cause and Cure of Ills. "Yes," I hear some say, "it is plain lhat if man is the iinaire nnd likeness iiT iGod, he is like God, perfect, well, nble. """ never otnerwise; nii'sseu or nappy peaceful, intelligent, loving, ami immor ; tnl; but human experience contradicts this. There are many sinful, fick. ca pneitafed, suffering, dying, dead. What causes all this?" Those who have to dial with what is i;oiunionlv called sin and with what a vague way is seen and acknow lodged to be its etlects, sickness nnd ill -t ress point of death as the result of an ucci in their various forms, and who Is! dent; but she did not stop with that, there that does not have to do so.' Nothing short of the prospective heal- cannot help asking the cause of it nil. Christian Scientist recognize this seem ing power of evil, and Car from being taught to rgnore sin and sickness, thev lire taught to face them squarely, to analyze them, to cope w ith them, and not to attribute them to things that doj not cause thciu; indeed, not lo attribute i them to any legitimate cause. Cnlil the success of Christian Science healing of till kinds of diseases forced the schools to recognize mental pro cesses ns at least a factor iu both the procurement anil the cure o'f ills, medi cal theories attributes sickness almost altogether to material causes and tried to cure it entirely by material men as. I immediate followers have been healed. While there have bini changes, ninny I many of them of what are called incur of them not for "the better, especially I able discuses. ThouSiltids of these, out i those leading to hypnotism instead of to God in tin1 main material menus are still employed in the more serious or organic troubles. Not so did Jesus look upon human ills, or trejit them. In speaking of sin, which has death for its wages. and most frequently with sickness as the hard paymaster doling them out, the Master attributed it altogether to thought-processes: "Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts."- and "These are the things 'which defile a man." said this great Teacher. Again, speak ing of sickness, he -said, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; " nothing from without makes silliness, but the sinful beliefs enter tained, finding expression, do .so. An other proof' that this was the Muster's attitude may .be found -in. his state ment, "Behold, I give unto you (those who truly, adequately understand and practice his teaching,) power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall bv anv means hurt vou." . ' That Jesus understood what degraded and defiled men was amply demonstrat ed bv the fact that he reformed the most depraved and healed all manner of diseases; and this Christian Science, as whole, following his methods, has also done. If he was right, and he cer tainly gave ample proof that he was. and if sin and sickness remain the rule instead of the exception, do not man kind still thiuk w rongly. 'and are physi cal punishments for wrongdoing, and material rcmcdiei for wrong-being, or being sick, likely f Cure them! Jesus indicated the sources and the effects of right and Wrong thoughts; but this had gone unheeded until Chris tian Science again revealed his teach ing. In speaking to the people of his time Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto vou. they are siiirit. and they are life;" and speaking of his"! words, "The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Kather-'s which sent me." This translated would mean, the true and life-giving thoughts I express em anate from God, the source of all good. Again, speaking of tnc destructive ele ment in human experience, he said: "Ye are of vour father the devil, and the lusts of vour father ve will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." This also, translated, would nifan ,that his hearers were th? expressions of the thoughts or beliefs they entertained; that the beliefs were untrue and the cause of all that these people manifested, their wordii, feelings, actions, circumstances, pleasures, and sufferings; thnt all that these people manifested in the way of sin, sickness, and death, was duo to their untrue, wrong beliefs, their ignor ance or false education, the ultimate destructive agencies, the devil in whom there is no truth, the "murderer from the begmuingi" Is not this the case to day, notwithstanding two thousand years of Christian civilization, culture, education,- and progress; and if Jesus were propounding his Christian Science now, would, not he still have occasion fo the same summary ? " Who shall deliver me 'from the body ... ,111.-, uviiiii i nu ui mini muni , cue mankind of this muss of solid, mis-1 f ti,;., .i..n,i.ti in ...I..., ..i...ii taken beliefs or convictions which, ac ceding to Jesus, cause their ills? The Christ, the truth which Jesus taught and illustrated; the truth which he com manded his disciples to preach; the truth which Mrs. Lddy has again dis covered and proclaimed, tho truth of God and of 'man's godlikeness; the truth that the kingdum of God, the reign of immortal, unvarying Life and Love is at hnnd, available here and now; the truth that all are under the protection of this kingdom mid must be obedient to its rule. Individual Application. There are, no doubt, many here upon whom the burdens of the world, of the flesh, and of that in which there is no truth, the devil, weigh very heavily. Amazed at the simplicity of all that has been said, tliey may be asking, "Can these things irnlly be?" Let them remind themselves that to be free it is imperative to know the truth, for that alone is able to emancipate. Let them remember that this truth is, thut now there is a God, an infinite and ever present good, and that this God is their God, Spirit not matter, the Spirit that is Love. Let them remember that each and every one is the reflection o'f this God, having nothing underived from Him unit subject to nothing but Him. I.et tliem "judge not according to the apeparance" but this righteous judg ment about themselves and others, and conform to this judgment in thought and actum as far as possible. When they have done this steadfastly, loyally unceasingly for a week, a month, i l-year, let thein compare their thoughts icenngs, dentins, anilities, Health, ca pacities, with those they formerly mani fested, and see if they have not proved. Doing this, they will begin to practice Christian Science, the Chris tianity of Jesus Christ, It was this life-purpose, this life-mission, so clearly seen by Jesus when only twelve years old, which prompted him to say, "Wist ye not that T most lie about my Father's business?" In other words, Know ye not that as man, the Image and likeness of God, I must show forth ifur Father, omnipotent Life, Truth, and Love? It was this reflection of the Father, the divine Spirit, with out measure, lhat enabled .Testis to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, to be Jniinnneiil, "God with us." The Discovery and Discoverer. "I am the way, the truth, and the life," said Jesus. It was the recogni tion of this, the recognition that no man has any other way or truth or life, that no man has any other true mission or purpose than that which Jesus hnd. winch led Mrs. Lddy to her discorey of I this Science. It healed her when at the ing and redemption of mankind could satisfy her loving heart. She practiced what she had discovered, healing others and teaching them in turn to lo the same. She made clear her doctrine in a I text book of this Science, " Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," a book which hus done more for the nllc- viutioa of human ills and the reclama tion of mankind than any book ever written except the Bible. She wrote other books making clear her meaning; organized the church which now spreads its branches over thp whole known world, with members numbering hun dreds of thousands who like her and her of gratitude for what has been done fo- I them, have in their turn taken up tin sacred ministry of making God better 'known through healing the nick, prov ing that He is a very present help ia trouble. Mrs. Kddy gave to the movement ail its publications: The Christian Science Journal, a monthly magazine; the Chris-' tian Science Sentinel, a weekly; and a daily paper, The Christian Science Mon itor, that has taken its place in the' front rank of daily newspapers and is the pioneer of absolutely e-an journal ism. In addition to this, she has given to the German-reading public a monthly magazine, Der Hcrold der Christian, Science. She has also instituted the form of service for all Christian Science churches, issuing the Bible Lessons for this purpose in a Quarterly. These Les son-Sermons are studiea onrfy Tjy Chris tian Scientists all over the world, ard are read in all the churches every Sun day, making the services uniform throughout. This vast work is due to the fact that Mrs. Kddy was healed through the Christ, Truth, and that she had the wis dom, courage, and unswerving faith in God enabling her to show others the wav to be healed and saved according to His teachings, which constitute Christian Science. Looking back fifty vears, when the idea of spiritual heal ing through Christian Science was new to the world, and tracing its progress, one can see. though dimly, the difficul ties which this noble woman must have encountered. Through unimaginable hardship, trial, and persecution she bore herself not with mere fortitude, but with a Christlike confidence which will continue to be an ever increasing in spiration to mankind. Christian Science Not Hypnotism. In the textbook of Christian Science, Mrs. Lddy has devotecJ a whole chapter to the subject "Prayer," and a whole chapter to the subject "Christian Sci ence Practice." If she had written noth ing else, done nothing else, her clucida tiou of these subjects would hav placed her in the front rank of thinkers! and immortalized her. The careful study of these chapters and of the whole book is recommended to all, and only a word will be said in explanation of these subjects. All will probably agree that prayer, in its highest sense, is loving and sin cere cemuiuuion with Clod. Some of the definitions of the word "communion" are, "Sympathetic intercourse; inti mate and helpful association; fellow ship." Most obviously, nothing could have more sympathetic intercourse, more intimate association, or closer fel lowship with God, than man reflecting ; God. This reflection becomes possible : only by learning to know clearly what God is, what man is, and what consti- j tutes the reign of God "in earth, as it f is in heaven." It becomes possible only by learning to bring every thought ; into obedience to Christ, Truth, through, i unceasing silent communion, or prayer; through rising step by step, and iu as ' great degree as possible, into "the staturc of the fulness of Christ," until , the truth and perfection of Clod and of man's godlikeness are radiated anu ex- ... . ., . ,,u Prsed 'Bn9 following," the s gti ot healing accompanied by spiritual regeneration, the healing being inciden tal to this regeneration in true Chris tian Science practice. That this devout method has nothing in common with any other must be self evident. To charge it with being in any way tainted with hypnotism or -so-called mental therapeutics, or any new or old, unchristian thought, is to charge it a Jesus was charged when he answered, " tf I by Beelzebub east out devils, by whom di your children cast them out I . . But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you." Conclusion. The process leading to this Christiaa practice is educational. It is aot only a higher education, but the very highest; an education transcending the hirnaa beliefs called knowledge, as God's thoughts transcend them. This educa tion is Christian and it is scientific; so. it must be Christian Science. Who, looking out upon a war and woo rent world, will say that this education i not needed, or that it is not of supreme importance! Who will not ackuowledg that not only the supplication Thy kingdom come" is needed, but the un derstanding also that God's kigdom ii come, and that every mnn, woman, ana child is a sacred idea or state o'f the di vine consciousness, and for this reason to be held inviolate and inviolable! Mrs. Kddy says, "When the omnipo. fence of God is 'preached aud His abso luteness is set forth, Christian sermons will heal tho sicK-' (Science and Health, p. 315). It is this higher edu cation, which Christian Science is again, bringing to the world .that is dispelling the darkness of both religious and irre ligious agnoticism, and thus removing tho fears and torments of this not Tt reiiulL'es all with the un erring, righteous judgment of Truth aud Love, and redeems, restores, and re generates suffering multitudes from all kinds of sin und sickness; Mid it is do ing this bv again preaching, as Jesus commanded, the kinnnom of God at hand and within; by preaching, teach ing, that all are the children of God, subject oulv to God, good, who alone legitimately rules, and that "of such is the kingdom of God." Tim Messiah or deliverer who was looked for, hoped for, prayed for by seers and prophets of old, who was not recognized and ttieretore was rep-ci'-u when he came in fleshy form unto hii own, is again, as ine lomiorit-r. the Spirit of Truth," Christian Sci ence, knocking for admission. There is ngaiii some commotion, out many are admitting this incorporeal savior. Those that arp doing so are being led "beside the still waters" and "in the paths o righteousness." They are being led iif more ubiiadunt life, health, peuce, free dom, prosperity, and happiness. They are being led into all truth, the under standing of the first and great com mandment, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." Hear, 0 all man kind: the power thnt is over us and over nil is one power, and that nower is God, good. yy".a?.MEg WATCil AND -Irwin DY Clocks Repaired Also a Nice Line jeweiry. v. EARL NEUGEBATJXR - MibouIc Temple