EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT'RNAL. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MAR. 18, 1916, f fV Automobile News real Western Using Copper Coating For Inner Auto Parts Recent Discovery by. Metallurgists Ma.res New Autos Last Longer. ! FLYING SPARKS (P A A P F c A GOOD PLACE TO STORE CARS-FIRST CLASS WORKMEN IN CHARGE. NO WORK TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE FOR US TO HANDLE SATISFACTORY. HEADQUARTERS FOR Reos, Hudsons and Auburn Gars WE CARRY EXTRA PARTS Full Line of Auto Accessories on Hand at all Times DISTILLED WATER AND BATTERIES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE-FREE AIRBAT TERIES LOANED 10c PER DAY. Bring Your Car Work TO US -SERVICE FIRST-SATISFACTION FIRST AND ALWAYS. C C. SMERAL, Proprietor 147-49 N. HIGH ST. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE SAXON "SIX" A Big Touring Car for Five People 77us Saxon "Six" proves what a quality car should cost F. 0. B. Salem 'SIXES" Touring Car $sl.r Roadster fSSS "fours" Roadster $105 Delivery Cnr luf A short time ago price to many men set the standard of a car's quality. But not any longer. The coining of the Saxon "Six" has altered old-time ideas of what a high grade car should cost. For in this Saxon "Six" at 85 you noto feature after feature formerly found only on the costly car. It will surprise you with its finished perfection in detail and equipment, CLASS CAR STANDARDS YOU NOW FIND In Saxon "Six" you find light ness together with uncommon strength and mgRednesB. won through the use of drop forging! Instead of castings finer steel and skillod engineering. You find unusual power on minimum consumption of gaso line. You find matchless speed, flexibility, acceleration, iiulet bws and coolness. You find noteworthy beauty the newest type of yacht-line design. You find roominess and comfort. The wheelhase is 112 inches. Five passengers have plenty-of space. You find real operative economy. Both In fuel and tire costs Saxou "Six" lowers usual standards. You find Timken axles and full Timken bearings throughout the chassis. There's no need to argue their superiority. You find holical ..bevel . driving gears. You find a silent, effici ent two unit electric starting and lighting system. You find an exquisite, luxurious body finish linoleum covored, aluminum bound running boards and floor boards and many further Improvements. Order your Saxon now. After April 1st The Saxon Six advances in price to $015, owing to the in crease cost of materials. The four remains the same price. Lloyd L. Ryan, Agent 173 S. LIBERTY ST. PHONE "83 rail I The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring You Results OF M0T0RD0M The Massachusetts Highway Commis sion has issued statistics that answer tho question of whether or not women figure in more accidents than men. Because a bill was put in the legisla ture to prevent women from driving cars of more than 30 horse power, the Highway Commission was requested to furnish some facts and figures These show that women drivers are not dan gerous, on the highway. The commis sion reported that out of 217 fatal ac cidents hist year in which motor ve hicles were involved, women figured in seven, or U 1-3 per cent. Out of a total of iMl.109 private op erators in Massachusetts, women num ber SliSO So they constitute 8 34 per cent, yet were involved in only 2 1-3 per cent accidents. There were A0,."19 men licensed as private operators, and 37,730 profession al chauffeurs a total of 12o,2."i licensed men operators These men operators figured in 2X0 fatal accidents, or ono fatal accident to every 432 licensed men. Steering is faulty on the average car because it requires too much effort. There i too much power lost in fric tion, and it is also inefficient because of absence of true casfcr action. The mathematics of castor steering are not complicated, but they admit of plenty of room for discussion While the front wheel with a central pivot, raked a little fore and p ft, is the ideal, there are other ways of obtaining a similar effect; and it only needs to drive a car with perfect steeling to appreciate what an enormous amount of additional pleasure it gives. New York state has expended $"", 000,000 in highway improvements, rep resenting all the first highway bond issue and one-half the second, approved in 1012 Of the second bond issue there remains i)cJ.',000,000 to be expended. Hond construction totaling 738S miles has been completed out of 11,088 pro posed. The New York Albany route will be completed bv the summer of 1017. All owners of cars in Champaign county, Illinois, have been invited to join u new organization, the object of which is to "meet discuss and prepare to carry out, in an approved manner, all such matters as shall or may appear to be beneficial to the owners with ref erence to pleasant profitable traveling, the prevention of depredations and of the violations of the' laws, particularly touching the ownership and use of motor cars." With $1.(100,000 worth of horses and mules sold each week from the Kansas City territory, and with the first agri cultural motor tractor exposition held in that city the same week as the an nual motor' show, the motor car manu facturer should be especially assured that the day of motorizing the farm has arrived The. places of horses and mules sold must; be supplied by motor power, and the agricultural motor tractor is developing at a good pace to till the gap. Vick Bros. Are Busy Setting Up New Cars Itusy time at Vick llros., is it keeps a large force of men busy nowadays un loading and setting up new ford cars and teaching new owners to drive. Four car loads of S intos to the car ar rived at Silem this week. Vick ltrus. say that Kurds arc selling better than ever this year and are way ahead of last vear's sales at this time. As the result of its power to attract the highest-prices talent in all lines of endeavor, the automobile industry his developed many branches of produc tion sience to a far greater degree than had ever been deemed possilde. Metallurgy a science practiced by every village blacksmith for centuries has been especially advanced. Many of the hardening and other heat treat ments of steel have been brought to a state of versatility and exactness new to all former exponents of the science. Automobile metallurgists have been able to turn out steel so tough tint it could be tied into knots. They have made it so hard that it can be used to cut glass. They have combined a tough core with a iiard surface. Now one of them comes forward with a series of operations which mike possible a piece of steel tough within and on both sides, but hard on a scries of points definitely I placed. copper Plate the Key. The presence in the Maxwell plants of a eoiiper plating device is thekep to this situation. The piece on which th operation is performed is the large ring gear which transmits power from the m.iin shaft to the rear wheels. The rinir gear comes to the copper plating bath, forged and machined. Be fore the bar ii, a workman covers th5 face of the teeth with a coating of wax. The copper is therct'oro deposited over the whole gear except tho teeth. The gear is next taken to i harden ing heat treatment. The wax melts im mediately and the hardening treatment takes effect on the gear teeth only, the conncr plat preventing the process from attacking the remainder. By this treatment the Maxwell met allurgists produce a gear which while hard and enduring on its face, is com prised chiefly of tough, resisting steel. Kven the gear teeth are hard on the surface only, the coating of hard steel being in the nature of ooly a thick skin, backed up by material which is tough and resisting. Theory Mofees Good. The Maxwell process has already been tested successfully in thousands of cars and the theory has been confirm ed by practice. Stripped ring gears are virtually unknown, as the hard teeth no longer imply brittle backing, as in the gears treated by methods which harden the entire part. The fact that a ring gear of this kind was recently run more than 22,000 miles without repair, and under A. A. A. observ ition in the recent champion motor non-stop Maxwell is further proof of the fact that gears produced in this way do not wear and become noisv. SAXON FORCES AGAIN EXPAT ON COAST L. H. Boydston Becomes Assistant Dis trict Manager for the Pacific Coast. If the carrier doe not gtre service notify the office. T.. II. Roydstnn, who has been identi fied with the Studebuker corporation as j district representative, has just been appointed assistant district manager for the Pacific coast, under B. O. Wille-brand. Before going to T.os Angeles for the Studebaker corporation, Mr. Boydston became well known in San Francisco as a lecturer and authority on sales effic iency and organization. He is a mem ber of the Shively Advisory Board of San Francisco. In speaking of hi new connection. Mr. Boydston said that he was at tracted by the growing popularity of the Saxioi and the strength of the fac tory and distributors. He referred to the rapid growth of the Saxon in T.os .ngetes una sum mnr inc ueinoustra tinn tests given by our I.os Angeles distributors were nothing short of mar velous. "Never have I seen such stren uous tests given nnv car. and seen the ear survive,'' said Mr. Boydston. I l THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1 The larsest shoe factory in the country j hi i The larsest shoe factory in the country makes le 's thau one-fortieth of the en tire shoe output, but the Ford Motor Company builds hat: or all the automo biles made in America. This volume is necessary to. supply the demands of people who are looking for economy at a low cost. Get yours today! Runa bout $443.25; Touring Car $193.2.r. All prices f. o. b. Salem, Vick Bros. 2G0 N. High St., Salem. -.t - r' -rf'i I! The Proof DON'T accept claims or opinions. Every man selling an automobile will tell you his car can be run at low cost. He'll tell you this because he knows and you know that gasoline, oil and tires are costing more and more all the time. He knows and you should know that the operating cost of any automobile during five years' t'me is worth your careful con sideration. We don't give you any guesswork. We tell you what we know. We state the facts and figures proved and verified figures. Here they are: Maxwell World' Noa-Stop Record Fact Miles without a motor stop ; 22,023 Average miles per day (44 dayn). 500.6 Miles per gallon of gasoline ' 21.88 Miles per gallon of oil 400 Average rr.iles per tire 9,871 Most Maxwell owners et even better results than these but we are just giving the actual figures set when the Maxwell stock touring car broke the World's Motor Non-Stop Record. When you get your Maxwell you can be cure it will give you economical service probably far more economical than these figures indicate. But to be sure that you cn cet your Maxwell, ORDER NOW. If you prefer, make a small deposit and pay the balance as you use the car. Touring; Car, $G55 Roadster, $635 Prices F. O. B. Detroit ,i..uiii y 1 J ,-"itr. " $ -- f 'v i HALVERSON & BURNS Cor. High and Ferry DISTRIBUTORS FOR BusanzEEBKa Have you seen the New HJarley-Davidson Motorcycle If not drop in and look it over Scott & Piper 252 State Street Phone 451 FINE COMMUNITY MEETING Friday, March hK being an ideal day, there was a crowd of more tliun four hundred people in atteidr.r.ee at the citizens' community meeting !ild at the Cole 'school building. s;x dis tricts were represented, viz: Alt. Pleas ant, teacher. Miss Miles: Kingston, teacher, Miss Ruth Fuson; Queen. "r, teacher. Mrs. Smith; Mu-lliurn, teacher. Mrs. Win. Hirons; District l5, teacher, Wm. Miller: and Cole school, W, IT. Fu son, teacher. The various schools furnished ileccla mntions. songs anil class drills; Mini the aide manner ill which they werj ren dered showed careful prepint'on on the part of teachers and pipils The speakers pre."'. it were: Coni.ty Judge 1. H. Mi'KnigV. County School Superintendent W. 1.. Jackson. Assist ant Superintendent Jon. Benner. C. ('. Wade, who represented Dr. A. G. Trill in interest of the l.inn county fair, and Mr. C. M. Kendall, who appeared upon the stage several times and gave Svme cxi'dleur and comic readi is. The speeches were int-'re-tin and in druetive and we feci that mu'di g. ad may he derived therefrom. Several high jc'oiol pip's :if Stay- Ion were excused rom their work that tbey might attea I this rail The fo lowing ou!r.r " s t- ta-M charge o' the J-hit, was npp, in'-',i: Mrs. II. Shank, Mrs. C. E. Chrhsman, Mrs. Chas. Bates, Mrs. M. M. Meiser, Mrs. Howard Montgomery and Mrs. Chas. Schaefer. Two tables, each about 32 feet long-, were arranged on the school ground and both were filled with such delicious edi bles that would tcmp the 11-ott deli cate appetite. After all had ca.o i au I wire filled, tlie- j remained enr.igh ti feed another C.uic hundred. Til-! no.:n hour was spent in a very pleasant and -sociable manner. The following K'l'ools, Q-.ce.ie.-. Oul", t'.il Shclburn, lu-.v.ng completJJ all ) quircments, were standardized. After completing tho program tho crowd dispersed, all seeming to feel that the meeting had been a complete success, and that they were well com pensated for their efforts. We hope that there may be mora such gatherings in tho future. Stavton Mail. , " ; New Today Ads work while yon leep will have results for you In the morning.