THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAj&M. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAR. 18, 1916. SEVEN : NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SATE Bate per word New Today; Each insertion, per word One week (8 insertions), per woidfa Oae month (26 insertions), per word 17 All ads must be ordered for i stated length of time, no ad to count leat thai 10 words. The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertiot for errors in Classified Adrertise meats. Bead your advertisement tht firet day it appears and notify us im mediately if it contains an error. Minimum chirge, 13c. PHONE Vil For wood saw. HAEBY Windowcleaner. Phone 768 Aprl LLEWELLYN Bird pups for sale. 196 Wilson. MarlS "WANTED-1425-M. Beef cattle and horse. AprO WANTED A few potatoes for seed. PhoneSlG. Marl8 "WOHK TEAM FOR SALE Call at 1310 N. Summer. Mar20. BLOCKY IiriLT MARE-For sale, l'hone 7HF13. Marls FOR SALE White Rock Hatching. Phono 403-B. egs for Mar21 ipirillu-To loan. State street. See J. A. Mills, 31 iiar20 FOR SALE Two fresh cows with calves, cheap. Phone 2jilOV2. Mar:M WANTED Several good second band show eases. Address XX, care of Journal. MarlS FOR RENT Modern 4 room new house furnished complete. Telephone 7!WV. MailS BROWX LECillOKX KlitiS 40c per setting. Phone :ii!F13 at meiltiine. Mar21 FOR TRADE A line driving mare for larger horse that's gentle. S-J") N. 2-uJ. Mar:! FOR SALE Cheap, man's bicycle and Edison phonograph and "records, l'hone 814-R, l.'ij Court street. Marls FOR RENT One outside- furnished housekeeping or sleeping room. Llti") South Commercial St. Mar-0 "WANTED Girl or woman for house work, l'hone 7F2.1. Mar20 HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS New and' clean. 170 Court street. AprlS FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 491 North Cottage. Mar3J OAK, dry ash, fir and maple cord woo-d. l'hone 1322-J. W. F. Proctor. AprlO EXPERIENCED primer and grafter. Phone orders to 47F23. J. F. May. Marl8 ONE MULE FOR SALE Gentle, 4 yrs. old. Will Gritton. Phono UCF22. Mar2J BOOM VND BOARD $5 per week at 322 N. High street. Prono 522R. Marl8 WILL TRADE New five passenger Ford auto for stock cattle. Phone 994. Marl8 ALMOST NEW $60.00 drophc.-d Sing er sewing machine for sale, $30.00. Call 222 Hubbard Bldg. Marl? FOE SALE Good rubber tired buggy, almost new, cheap, for cash, 508 S. 25th. Marl8 FOR SALE li room modern house, $127.") cash takes it. Star Groeerv, 041 Market, l'hone ISo. tt WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room honst reasonably close in. Address N. E. G., care Journal. ti FOR SALE OB TRADE Sawmill, JOm capacity Donkey. Timber. 744 N. Commercial. Mar21 CAPITAL RUG WORKS Rugs and carpet weaving. 371 North High St. Salem, Or. Aprl 5 FOB SALE My new 5 room modern bungalow.less than cost, address A. L. Journal. Mar20 FOB SALE 15 acres Tbottom hnd sooth of Marion. Mrs. E. Thomas. Marion, Oregon. April! FOE SALE Swedish select white oats at 40 cents per bushel. Geo. Sehaap, Pratum, Oregon. MarlS FOR TRADE 4.8 acres of good land near Eugene, for modern house in Salem. Phone 2500J4. Mar20 DESIRABLE BOOMS Furnace heit, fine location, excellent meils. Phone 115C-M. 1510 State. April7 PLOWING WANTED Lot or acreage, work guaranteed. John Bonus, 239") Cherry Ave. Phone 2504J2. Mar20 FOB SALE Two passenger car in first class condition, must be sold at once. Price $300 cash, l'hone 382. tf "WANTEi" Ladv roomer in modern home, cheap rent for companion, also three room suite. Phone 511. tf IjOST On Dnllas-Snlem road, box mo torcycle tools. Return to 1310 Ferry St. Reward. Phone !M4-J. Mar20 MEN Become detectives; openings ev- ervwhere; Ingliost; salaries, urnc Rubber City Secret Service, Akron, O. FOR RENT 8 room house and bin) with 4 acres of laud in Salem. In quire at People s -Meat .Mantel. 1.1 an. M..rl FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres, 2 miles from station, Umatilla county, at $10 per acre, for valley property," 75, care Journal. ' Aliil? A SNAP Two more couples wanted at 125S Chcnieketa to board and room. Home privileges, cheaper thin apartment rooms. Phone 424M. Marl 8 FOB BENT Store, 21x185 feet, elec trie lights and steam heat. See Wati Bhipp Co., 219 North Conuuercia street. Phone 363. tl TEAM OF PONIES And outfit, .lust the thing for small tract. Cheap for cash or trade for light car. Guv C. Griffin, West Stavton, Or. Mir 1 8 FOR SALE At a hnrgiin, 9 acres, nearly 'all improved, part in fruit, 5 miles from Salem. C. Mitchel, Turn er, Ore., Route 1. FOB SALE Fine -residence lot, 62x10k feet, Capital and Center streets. Prict $2800. Write J. W. Beckley, Ner strand, Minnesota. Mar23 SALEM STEAM Vacuum Carpet Clean ing Works. Feathers and mattresses renovated. Otto F. Zwicker. Phone 1154. AprlS WHITE ROCKS An egg strain of ex hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm, Route 3, Salem. tf WE WILL PAY Fourteen cents pound for good liens, 15 cents for eggs per dozen. Cherry City Cafe, 108 S. High street. Mickenbam & Lindley. Mar21 FOB BENT Modem five room cottage with garage, one-half block from pavement, oilinc and grocery stores. Cheap to desirable party. Phone 427-R. . , Mai-18 FOR SALE Limited quantity of best known early variety seed potatoes, seed properly cut if desired. Prolific yiclder, no run out seed. 500 North Capital or Phone .""0. MarlS J -i; , - r-r b . v.? ----i--",;"l.-'-:,-.:'; 0mi 1,,.:, . MASTER REYNOLD BILLINGS Positively the youngest comedian In the world, at the Oregon tonight. change for Salem property. Vilue of house anil acre $2,000. ' See .1. A. Mills,-384 State street. MarL'O TEN ACRKS A nice cleared tract of land all in cultivation has running water, 4'ij miles out, on easy terms, $100 down and $10 per month, 0 per cent interest. See J. A. Mills, 3S4 Stite. Mar20 LCaJyert Plays Vampire Role With Success E. H. Calvertf lakes the role of Hen ry L. Bnnerjtt, Wealthy owner of a de partment store and a 'Vampire of so ciety, in the five-act Essanjy feature, "A'Daughter of the City." Mr. Calvert, physically, is a splendid type for the role he plays. Tall, well built and lithe, he suggests the hunter of bir; game. He has a strong fnce and a fighting jaw, the type of f ice whose owner fights a fight through regardless of the cost. That is what Henry L. Bancroft does in the play. He has made his money and goes to business because he has contracted the business habit. He is the swift, sure, iiilcul.iting type of busi ness man which is encountered in all large American institutions. Nothing affects his business. It is always as strong as he has built it. But his emotions are tumultuous and his method of yielding to passions is lawless. So when he meets the beau tiful girl, her very innocence lids to the lure she has for him. And Mr. Calvert keeps the type of man he is playing in mind. He is strong, master ful and unscrupulous in his hunting. When he loses, he is merely stunned, not beaten. As the play ends, he real izes that he will hunt again, just as domineeringly and just as unscrupulous ly. He is a type, not v man conjured in the writers' brain. He is one of the factors that makes "A Daughter of the City" a cross section of city life and city dangers, and he plays iiis role in a way that makes you hate him, which is the ultimite of success in such a character. Mr. Calvert also directs this play, written by H. S. Sheldon. Oregon, Sunday and Monday. DEATH OF MRS. ADAH SET- TLEMIER-JONES IN PORTLAND 75 PER ACRE For 40 acres. It is low iiill land, is 3 miles from R. li. town, has 30 acres in cultVation, some tim ber on the balance fine spring water, mostly fenced with woven wire, has no buildings. $1,000 down, balance it li per cent. See J. A. Mills, 3S4 State street. Mar20 Commencing Sunday Big Double Show UIOORE'S (pOMEDY w&usical Company SINGING and DANCING---Full of Fun Never Before Shown in Salem First Bluebird Feature- HELEN WARE in "SECRET LOVE" BIG SHOW iltiB IT T a TT THEATRE Small Prices Si.j ACRES 5 room house, good barn, chicken house, o acres in cultivation, some fruit, fine springs, a little tim ber, on a good rock road. Price $2,000. $500 down anil bal on terms at 6 per cent. See J. A. Mills, 384 State St. Mir-JO AGENTS WANTED LARGE MAXITFACTFRER wants rep resentatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 500 Broadwav, .New York City. Try Capital Journal Want An. The death of Mrs. Adah Settlemier Joues occurred this morning at her home, 804 Front street. Mrs. Jones was a daughter of the late J H. JSct tlemier, a pioneer of IS-lil, and was bom in this city July 27, 1805. The husband, R. F. Jone, and three chil dren survive her. They are Mrs. Irene Dudley, of Tualatin; Eleanor Jones and Chester Jones, of this city. There arc five sisters and brothers. Mrs. Jones was a member of Corinthian chapter. Order Eastern Star, and president of the Parent-Teachers' association of the Failing school. Mrs. Jones had been president of the Failing Parent-Teachers' asso-iu tion for the past three years, and un der her able direction, the association has grown to be one of the lurgest and most efficient in the city. Airs. Jones was tactful in her relations with both parents and teachers and the meetings were always largely at tended and of general interest. Funernl services will he held Satur day at 1 p. m. from the Finley chep-d Fifth und Mout'ornerv stree s. It -v. RENT OX SHARES Two lots on N. Capital street, one on E. Court street, suitable for raising potatoes or gar den. See Jov Turner, .'Silo Cap ital street. Phono 40S-M. Marl8 BABY CHK'KSFrom a heavy lay ing strain of pure bred White Leg horns. Twelve cents each. Place one mile sont'i of end of 12th street car line, .lolm W. Yates. R. F. I). 4, Box 120. MarlS OK llO( IS FOR TRADE For clover hiy, also hogs for sale, also 7i year old mare, weight 1300 lbs., and registered Jersey cow and calf, l'hone H4F2. " MarL'O FEMAJjE HELP WANTED FIVE bright, capable Indies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $2. to .-)0 per week. Railroad fare piid. Iiooilrich Drug company. Dept. ."1". Omaha, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE A six room house and one acre with some fruit, over looking the river at Xewbers. to ex- WW ff H' " ' yj.. if jr" ' S lrc a - i 1 w Phone 9!'4. The First Blue Bird Feature to be shown in Salem at The Bligh Theatre Sun- FOR SALE Or what have you to trade for small business, well estahlisiieii, best location in city. For particu lars address R, care Journal. MarlS A THOKOl'lill EXl'KRlEM EU farm rr with family wants work. A good stockman. Can take full charge. J.( Montgomery, General Delivery, Sa lem. " MirlS SAW MILL FOR SALE .10,000 ea-j pacify. His been operated about 12 i months. All ready for operating at present time. W. A. Tavlor, Macleay, ' receiver). Phone 38P24. Mar31 ; NURSERY STOCK Lowest prices at Northwestern nursery, rear of arm-; orv. Grafted Franipictte W limits. -Hudded Holly. Choice "ses, cte. i Phone 413. Mar23 21,00 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN On approved security, 7 per cent in-1 terest. W. A. Liston. MarlS ' WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or 5 acres of good potito land. Must be cheap. Adress Journal C-50. May0 : - i FOB SALE At a . bargain, Auburn 5i passenger car in first class condi-; tion, newly, painted. See at Kaylor I Paint Co. MirlS, GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING By op to date power equipment. List youi order at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone 629. ORDERS TAKEN For top grafting,' tree and rose pruning, 10 years ex-, perience. Phone 413 for M. E. Jones. ; maris day and Monday. BIGGEST SALE ever you cm find: 20 acres, 16 to 17 acres plough land, balance good timber and pasture, no bniblincs. On county road. Little work to irrigate 2 or' 3 acres. Good black garden land. Price $1,100, it worth ,)300. I need the money. ZH miles from Silem. "20 Acres," care cf Journal. AprI5 OREGON Tomorrow ANITA STEWART IN THE LAST CHAPTER OF "THE GODDESS" Don't Miss the Last One Every Girl in Love Every Father and Mother Should See "THE DAUGHTER OF the enr 5 ACTS 5 Full of Heart Throbbing In tensity, Featuring Marguerite Gayton AND E. H. Calvert Matinee to 6 o 'Clock, 10c 6 to 10 o'Clock 15c Children 5c diui BUD FI5HEP5 BIG MUSICAL COMEDY REVIEW MUTTe JEFF in COLLEGE ALL NEW VIE CANNOT TELL A LIE, PROFESSOR. HE DID IT WITH HIS LITTLE PUTTY BLOWERy w,e UiLikr arx tm that? h-hiA-i Villa Is Arousing Peons Who Flock to Join Bandits (Continued From Tage One.) around Diiranfjo his favorite haunts. High army men expected that the pursuit will last at least three months, bairiiiff the unexpected. General Pawning is lending the flower of the army into barren deserts and the most inaccessible mountains on the contin ent. Officials have already warned the people to be patient. Additional troops nro reported en tering Mexico, and 10,000 men, may eventually bo enlisted in the "chase. One officer stated that such a number ought to patch Villa in a few weeks. Peons In Ugly Mood. The points of crossing into Mexico were not selected as best for speedy marching and strategical moves, but were chosen because those routes did not lead through cities where sight of the troops might have excited the peons. The real test is expected next week, when fighting is believed likely. Cnrranza has spread broadcast claims that he won n diplomatic victory over the Cnited States in securing the military reciprocity agreement, but in spite of this Villa Is reported arous ing the common people against Car runza. and the Americans alike He is circulating a report that 300 Mexicans were cremated at El Paso. Toons flocking to Villa's aid may entirely offset the co-operation Cnrranza is giv ing, it is tenreit. Reports persist that insulting demonstrations occur whore- ever Americans appear in Mexico. The situation in hi Paso is iiuiet, but antic ipating momentary trouble, the provost guard is now 2.")0 strong and the police force has been doubled. Strict military censorship continues. Xot a line of news has come from cor respondents accompanying the expedi tion. Word is hourly expected, how ever, probably from (iiiiuan, Mexican miners from Casus flrandes brought reports of a long supply train following Villa, llchind his wagons, his men are burning bridges, it was said, apparently in an atempt to delay pursuit. Villa was declined heading for San Bucna Ventura two days ugo with 300 bandits. Will Make Villa Hero. Reports of Cnrranza 's men making progress in the pursuit of Villa are lacking. If Villa plans to enter l)ur ango, it is believed do facto govern ment troops from chihuahua City or Torreon might cut liim off. Villa is now in the mountains of (incrrcro dis trict, where some believe he might hide until his followers either dis persed or split up into guerilla bands tor indefinite warfare ngainst Amer icans. The possibility of Villa becoming an idol o'' the peons and raising an army with the aid of Cunanza deserters to attack the American troops was not re garded as too remote for consideration. hiscussing a report that a rich null ing man was willing to offer a large reward for Villa's head, officials said this might influence smile, treacherous Villista to sacrifice his leader's life for gidd. Authorities, who declared the capture one of the hardest tasks ever under taken by an army, favored exhausting every means to gain the desire, end. Thi-v aborted that if once Villa were permitted to select his own hiding place in the mountains lie would never be caught. Mormons of El Paso are uncommon ly interested in the chase. They were greatly relieved by the report that Colonel Dmld's column might enter (laleana district tonight. Empress s. & c. Vaudeville SUNDAY-ONE DAY ONLY ARE YOU A MASON? If so don't miss WM.LYTELLAND CO. In a screaming Comedy An All Nights Session Libby and Barton Thrills and Fun on Tires. THE ALLEN TRIO Singers that really sing. BURT AND LYTTON "Those Characteristic Girls" MILLS AND LOCKWOOD THE IIICKVILLE RUBES STRASSLE'S ANIMALS Wonderfully trained Seals, Dogs, Ponies and Birds SIX BIG ACTS Grand Theatre Matinee and Evening lira 111-. Prank I.. I.ovelnnd in cha'g". -- I'lirtland Journal, March 0. i New Dispenser I Comes to The Spaj The Spa is to be congr itulated on1 securing one of the best soda dispensers i thnt can be had in the person of Mr. ' Harold Woodruff. Me has had VI years experience, worked in tiunther's of Chi cngo, also the famous Alegretts, recent ly from Shulls, of Seattle. The Spa's patrons will enjoy some of the latest dishes lint are being served in the east und also on the const. SUNDAY-rMONDAY The Charming Actress Mary Miles Minter Supported by TOM CARMGAN in an Unusal Romantic Story Five Acts of Supreme Phota Drama Capitai journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want At the Grand theatrs tonight. Meyers' Big Spring Fashion Show 20 Salem Models 20 No Better Fashion Show Ever Shown in the Northwest OREGON-One Night Only-Tue. March 2 1 This is not a moving picture 2j3