Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 18, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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)t3CfC3(c3Cs)C 3C 5fC 3fC !fc )t 3)C )C 3f ift
beginning with
at 10:00 a. m.
In the
ECONOMY Basement
Silk and Wool Dresses for Women, values to $20.00,
for $4.98 Each
There are 23 of these dresses
Also Children's Wool Dresses, Values to $7.50, 98c
"i',51 V:rf
Free Methodist,
jfo. 1228 North Winter street. Sun
day services: Sabbath school 9:45.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
Salvation Army.
Sunday services as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30 a. in. Sunday school and
Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. L., 6:15
p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m.
Week night services every night except
Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs.
Rural Chapel.
H. C. Stover, minister. Morning wor
ship at 11:30. Sunday school at 10:30.
Christian Sndeavor at 7 p. m.
Central Congregational.
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
streets, H. C. Stover, minister. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Junior Christian
Endeavor at 6 p. m. Senior Endeavor
at 6:45 p. m. Evening sermon by the
pastor at 7:30. Prayer and Bible study
hour Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
First Methodist Episcopal
Corner State and Church streets,
Richard N. Avison, minister. 9:00 a.
m. Class meeting; 9:45 a. in. Sabbath
School, Messrs Schramm and Gilkey,
superintendents; 11:00 a. m. morning
worship sermon by the pastor, "The
Conscience that Makes Cowards";
3:00 p. m. Intermediate League, Mrs.
M. C. Findley, superintendent; ti:30 p.
m. hpwortii league, itiss i,va bcott,
i . ort , 1
present; 7:30 p. m. evening worship,
sermon bv the pastor, "Recovering a
Mntil 'f M no, Ktr 4hn r.horna phn.rj
both morning and evening under the
direction of Dr. Frank W. Chase.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Bible School 9:45 n. m., Joseph Bar
ber, superintendent; morning worship
11 o'clock, address by Eev. Philip
Deschner, of Portland, on The Anti
Saloon League; Junior League 3:00 p
m., Mrs. J. C. Spencer, superintendent;
Epworth League 6:30 p. m., topic, "A
World-Program for the League," with
the nations of the world represented
ir'costumo; evening service 7:30 p m.,
sermon by the pa9tor topic, "Is God a
Hard Mastert" The public is cordial
ly invited to these meetings. Good
singing, and a cordial people will greet
you. liev. J. C. Spencer, pastor.
James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school
-l in w t stotov ...norin-
t --
instant BUlliOn ilCISet
tlf 7 rniCir
Don't Cut
Don't Swear
Don't Fret or Fust
Don't give up hope.
Don't say that your
bunion can't be cur
ed. Don't think
that vou are doomed '7-"ri
to go on forever R16
with swollen, misshapen feet. Thou
sands u pon thousands of men and women
just like you have cone to us, willing to
p.-.y most any f-rir willing to do most
any thing to rid thctnsolrcs of torturous
Bunion. Today th.-y are bapry bfc-aL.w
thev :",uir.d inut.izt relief and iiu.'.l CJre in
J. C. Terry, Drussist,
115 S. Commercial Street
5 i
j i' n v. mt
Over 7-. W) ii;tisf.jd civ' itners lr t yerr
Bid' 15 ve-ars of c- nli-ivous n'ccos. V."h.
thev lu'vo 0 -re f.ir oii.c.s tK'V c-a ii f'
voj'-'JC v,- it c ."- - l'. i'..i
bcx W-.y-tr; -r - " ' ;K :.;
yr.U eti- u-it .1 1 1 " ' "" l'
bcs l:-.-.-- ; '
fie r-n::l
mnnr '
eitl-iv '
; 1 i
tendent; morning service at 11 o'clock,
music morning and evening by chorus
choir, Win. MeGilchrisc, director; ser
mon subject for morning, "A New
Church for a New Age"; Christian
Endeavor meeting 0:.'!0; pleasant Sun
day evening service at 7:30; congrega
tional singing, good music, a brief ad
dress by Dr. Mooro who will appear
in Oriental costume, a motion picture
in color of the beautiful Bible story,
"The Woman of Saninria"; a hearty
welcome, good fellowship, a church
homo atmosphere, everybody invited
and everybody welcome. On account
of the social service and missionary
pageant there will be no Thursday
evening meeting. Marion County Sun
day school convention will meet in our
church on Friday and Saturday of this
United Brethren
Castle Chapel, corner Seventeenth
street and Nebraska avenue, H. B.
Dorks, minister; G. G. Tookcr, Sunday
school superintendent. Biblo school
10 a. m.; morning worship 11 a. m.,
sermon by the pastor; Christian En
deavor 6:30 p. m.; evening service at
7:30. A representative of the Anti
Saloon League will have charge of this
First Baptist
Corner Marion and N. Liberty
streets, Kev. G. F. Holt, 1. D pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m,; public, wor
ship 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.; Young
People's service 0:30 p. m. Topics
morning, "Brought Out to be Brought
In;" evening, "Loss Through Neg
lect". A cordial invitation is extend
ed to the public.
First Christian
i inner jiilmi uuu . cincr nutnn.' .
J h J 4-
m ' v. ,,ilwto, Lovd
tt-.i. j ...,... ..I-,.,..., 17)
r . t i .
Holdiman, assistant. Great contest
now in full swing orchestra and great
music. 11 a. m. worship and address
by R. P. Hutton. Mary Schultz, vio
linist; 0:30 p. m. C. E.; 7:30 p. m
sermon subject, "The City of God."
Orchestra, large chorus. Welcome to
East State and Eighteenth streets,
G. Koelilcr, pastor. Sunday school in
German and English at 10 o'clock;
DiviVic service at 10:30 a. m., subject,
"Thus Saith the Lord." There will
be 'no evening service.
United Evangelical
North Cottage street between Center
and Marion, A. A. Winter, minister,
in. oil n tu Stnnilnv school. Mr. A. A.
ricsner, ... .. . ...... ......
preaching, "Good Habits
11:00 a. 111.
' 3:00 p. 111.'
t;. v:,,,l..ovnr lender Pan ne Rom-M
riKton, Feral Flesher; 0:30 p. m. Young
l'eonr 'a meeting, topic. "Power from
our Pledge", leader,' Mrs. S. C. Rals-
ton; 7:30 p. m. "Echoes'' from the
stnte Christian Endeavor convention
held at Grants Pass, bv Mr. Holdemnn,
delegate from Salem. 'Monday evening
Bible class- Wednesday afternoon
monthlv meeting of the Woman's Homejnt 3 p.
and Foreign Missionary Society, at the 1 da eve
home of Mrs. A. M. LaFollette, 1003 I incuts )
LaFollette, 10031
Ctiemnketn street, full attendance de
sired annual election of officers.
Corner Chemeketa and Cottage t
Btreets, Richard F. Tischcr, minister.
Sunday school at ten o'clock, Mr. H.I
Huston, lender. Morning service at j
11 o'clock, subject, "What Sookestj
Thou." Music by Mrs. T. H. fiallo-,
wav, Mr. Harry Mills, organist. The
Men's Libernl Club meets Wednesday
evening nt eitfht o'clock. All friends;
of libernl religion nnd of progressive!
fhouchts are cordially invited to ourj
meetings. Bring your menus.
Nazerine Tabernacle
North 10th and Marion streets.
Biblo school 10 n. in., Win. Dennis,
superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. and
7::id p. m. bv the pator. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The Rev.
"The administration realizes that the
search for Villa may be long and dif
ficult. There is little expectation that
Villa and his bindits will fight in the
open. Guerrilla warfare is almost cer
tain to result, hut the American sol
diers will have orders to follow Villa,
no matter where lie goes. Maj. Gen.
Frederick Funston will probably direct
tho expedition if lie does not actually
lead it."
This statement from Washington
raised the foremost question in the
minds of American people today.
How long will it take to cenpture
Francisco Villa and his bandits?"
There are three great factors in the
campaign which will determine the
answer. Thev arc:
Francisco Villa, half negro, half Mex
loan, all cunning and
proud, known
nmonpr his followers as "The Tiger, ": years.
Maj. Gen. Frederick Funston, brave, Goronimo, also known as "The Ti
resourceful, independent, and having ngcr," tho famous Apuche chief who de
tenacity which is only equaled by his fieri the government, kept to the war
determination. !path for more than 3,01)0 miles, cost
0. Howard Bavin of Portland, Oregon,
will speak at the tabernacle Monday
and Tuesday at 7:30 p. in. Don't fail
to bear him. He has a message for
you. 15. W. Shaver, pastor, lotij Wal
ler street.
The I. B. S. A.
Class of Salem meets each Sunday nt
10 a. m. in the Rogers building 011 the
southwest corner of High and Ferry
streeth. All Bible Btudcnts are invited
to meet with us.
First Church of Christ, Scientists
Sunday services aro held at 440
Chemcketa street, at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m. Subject of Bible lesson, "Mat
ter." Sunday school nt 9:45 a. tn.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet
ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room, in the
Hubbard building, suite 303, and is
open every day, except Sundays and
holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m.
All are welcome to our services and in
vited to visit our reading room.
Services at corner of
fapitol ondl
Marion streets. Sunday school 10 a. m.
German preaching 11 a. m.; English
preaching 7:30 p. m. M. Denny, pas
tor. uoapei juboi"ii
Formerly Salem Mission, corner
enter anil commercial sirecin. e-
organized under new management.
1 Sunday school 2:30 p. 111. I reaching
3:30 and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meoting
Wednesday 7:4.. p. m. E. K. Spyker.
Commons Mission
At 211 State street, Mrs Fernandez,
I colored lady evangelist, speaks Sunday
Services Tuesday and Fri
nings at 8:45. Other announec-
mcnts later. .J. V. took, superinicnu-
Revival Moving Nicely.
A splendid sermon was preached last
night by evangelist Gliiycnc
Liver Sluggish?
You are warned by a sallow skin, dull
eyes, biliousness, and that grouchy
feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate your
liver remove the closging wastes
make sure your digestive organs are
working right and when needed -take
LwtMt St of Any Mcdirtn Wi th Worli.
ioi4 Trrwhe. Ut boxe, lOc 25.
, Fichtine face of General Frederick Funston..
Northern Mexico, bigger than Texas,
diver than Kansas since the dry vic
tory and hotter than the Sahara desert.
In the higher regions the humidity may
vary, but the temperature never does
during a summer along the border, and
this campaign is starting ia tho sinn
er. Given these factors, how long will it.
take General Funston with his 8,000
troops to catch Villa with his 1,000 or
The dispatch from Washington did not
say that it may take two years, but it
may. It may take longer. Unless Gen
eral Funston equips his troops to trav
el faster than Villa can possibly travel,
unless the soldiers are kept in con
stant contact with the fleeing band,
the ciiase will last for months, nd may
! not be ended at the expiration of two
gregation increasing, souls making de
cisions to live a better life at moat
every service. Everybody should em
brace this opportunity to near Mr.
Glasscock. Mr. Miller who is assist
ing in the song service, will soon be
able to sing again, using his guitar
accompaniment. Every evening at
7:30 sharp.
The Church of God.
1770 Fairgrounds Rd.
No. 1770 Faircrounds Rd. Sundav
schooP 10 A. M. Edw. Bceken, supt.
Sunday services nt 11 a. m., 2:30 & 7:30
p. m. Wednesdny meeting at 7:30 p. m,
Ethel Williams, Paste
W. C. T. IT.
Rev. Brown, pastor of the Jason Lee
Memorial church, will address the gos
pel temperance meeting at Ramp Me
morial Sunday at 4 o'clock. You are
North Salem Friends.
Corner of South Commercial and
Washington streets. Biblo school nt 10
a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent. C. E.
. ... nr . . ...m
p. m. The meetings will continue each
evening at 7:30 during the week. All
are invited to come and take part in
this great work. IT. E. Pemberton, pas
Col. Herbert J. Sloritm.
Col. Herbert J. Slocm-i, cor.ima i'lT
of the Thirteenth U. ?. ivali y, :.i
jLii.ing in the hunt for Villa.
f - V.v
X y
Gen. George Cook Vis command in ISSfi,
and made his own terms of surrender in
much less difficult country for flight
than northern Mexico.
Ai'iiinalilo, tho Philippine lender,
kept himself and his guerrillas in tiio
tield tor two years.
General Funston won famo for the
capture of Aguinaldo. Reports said
that he captured the rebel ieader sin
gle handed, lie was honored by con
gress and given promotion for tho ser
vice. It. is the reputation gained by
lieneral tunhton in tho Aguinaldo cam
piign which has mado him the logical
man to head the chase of the Mexican
bandits under Villa.
But there were nioro than 100,000
American soldiers in tho Philippines
during the campaign against Aguinaldo
and tho territory 111 which he md could
be dropped into northern Mexico ami
not found any more (juickly thin Villa
win oe lr no is permiticii 10 gci cienr
of the American troops who are pursu
ing him.
8ynop..fi of the Annual Btitemcnt of tho
of .New York, In tin' Sliile nf ,Nw York, ml
ttw- Slsl .lay of lloi-i'inlKT 1111.1. ii.m1i 10 the
liiiir;iniH t 'oni.n iH-.toi.fr of tlm Slule of Ore
gon, iioiHiieiit to lii.r:
Amount of cniiltul imld n $l.(Hio,00ii.')0
Nt vpiiiim.ie riM-olvcil liming Hip
j-i-ni 111:1. ::jn.si
Itileri'fl. ilirldt'itili mul l-ciili re-
cclvi it Inrtn' rite ..fur :i:t1,lr.47
lnii.iiM. frmn oilii-r noiiicee ifrclvi-il
ilm-lliK Hie .vivir I.2:l.i.llil
'J'oliil I111-01111' .til.olTi.T'J.T
ft. 1ohi' pnli tliiihiu the
HIvIiIpikIh iiitl.l on f-n;il tit 1 HliN-k
.lining tlit .veal-
('oinllllMlolie Hint ell lurlrfl i:llil ilill'
Iii Hh- .Vfltr
Taxc. tii-pnefi, mil feci pa I.I ilur
It.ix tlo' ynf
Ann nut nf nil otlttT f tpi'lnllliiifi. .
Toliil pnMiilll'iri S.I.:l.4.H.L'0
Vnl.it' of t'-nl t'HIn.c ouin',1 I ti.i.r-
ket tiiI.i.') 7:;s.i:i.fl2
Y'llliip of itl'irkH ..ml hninl'. "W in-il
(ii'iirki-l velino .",:iul,lWI.TB
I.OI.IIM Ul. .... r KH .S Rill) .'illli.l.'l .1 1,
Mil. 407.40
('n"l. In In.nlts i.n.1 on lut ii .1 .
I'ri'inlniiiH lit ('"in'M' nt colli
cl Ion
wrl.l.-n Mince Sept. .. Il.l.'t
n'iliw.llllll'f on l"o-i pnl.l
lntcrcet n.i.l it-nla th... u.i'l H'-.-r..f.t
Tnll 0"HCt!i
I.e.-!. vpfrcit ilcpoxiu lr
lf uiij- (li.-l-c In'.
Tiil.il nNPle i.lmll.pil In Orcom. .$...21l..."il.S4
C-osk .-Inline for lo-. ..npnlil $ 2Wi.!27.76
Anion. tl of nm-ni-ii.-il iircnliiiiiM on
nil oiil.lnn'liiiit rl-k" 3,:.:.s.l.71.M
I.e.. ti colli.!. livloi. H.iil LntkiTiIKe .ri.44.1.2S
All nlhcr ILihillllcK Soik'j'i."!)
Tl.l 1. 1 llllllllitll".. .'XI'IllHlVf of
l.i.l Hlock oi l..ns...Ha. !.20,2li:
. M
Totnl pl-clnliuiiH In Tores iM'.enl-
l-i- M, 1S.1A All. tl.-.l.. Hill. Oil
Tolnl Ili-li.n.Kt- .Milieu .luring t 111-
yenr 2,Oii.-,i:i7.00
(iriH pn iiilini n r.-i-plii-.l Oiii-lng ll.o
y. .. i- ri;. 1 1 :i.rti
I'ri'nilniiiH i-i'liii-in-il 'Iniing the yp.-ir 7,121. ..'til
lwoH pni'l tininiit tin' "i..'...... :m. oi.i ii2
I.n-nri...l ilurintf tin' ycitr... 4I.144..C
'lo.nl icnoiint of lii-.iiu.in'i out
wi et'll.tK in Oi'k'on I.cci'iulii-r
ll.l.-, I.OS2..'M.f4)
(Slnm.lj Iiy fiftilAV K l-:u ( .
Si'.i'.-ii.i y.
HttOolorv rPHlilent gifilcml occ.lt ...Ml .tornir
f..r civ l.-o : A. II. HIIIKKI.I,,
1'orl liio.l. Or.
Thursday afternoon of last week Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Kiixton, of Warm
Springs, Montam, arrived in Hubbard
with the intention of becoming citizens,
hiving previously become interested in
property interests here. The new citi
zens nr.. friends of K. M. Pierce who is
responsible for their becoming inter
ested in locating in this desirable part
of the northwest country.
Mr. and Mrs. Saxton hnvit purchased
several acres of the (loudy tract south
of town and will consider building oper
ations as soon an they get properly lo
cale, i fo iney ein give tneir attention
to tho task. They are wide awake, en
terprising people. Hubbard Enterprise.
The Oakland Bunch.
Boyes Springs, Cul., -Mar. .--Oakland
will have its first opportunity of
learning what manner of ball club it
will have this year, when Elliott '8 n.eii
stage a special practice game igainst
Vallejo for the benefit "t an Oakland
fan delegation here tomorrow.
Elliott is planning to work four
pitchers, probably "Speed" .Martin
KUwittor, Hoyd and Iteer. ".lap"
linrbeiui cut a finger while ivrittling a
stick, so he may be unable to handle
the ball at his usual gait tor several
days. Several recruits tailed to show
up, but Elliott is not worrying, as he
h is too muiiv men on hand now.
Elclred and Murphy Look Good.
.Modesto, Cal., Mar. Hi. Kl.lrcrl, of
Sacramento and Herb .Murphy, of Spo
kane, both look good for jobs in the
Salt Lake infield tois year, judging
troiu training camp indications.. In
the outfield the Hoes are liable to be
weak, with Hy.ni and Ojiinlnn tempor
arily out of the running. Frank Moll
Icr, sou of the veteran Kid" Mohler,
ho climbed into a suit and hopes to
land. The Modesto lids were tin kled
in a pinctice struggle today, and tomor
row the Suit Lake crew goes to Fresno
i'or a game.
"Pec'a" Still in Honolulu.
Sin Fnnicisio, Mar. IS. "Peck"
Griffin, San Francisco tennis wizard, is
barkening to the song of the ukelele.
He failed to return from Honolulu with
other American tennis players after tiie
tournament there and his friends said
today he was considering making his
home underneath the sheltering palms.
Gibbons Won Easily.
St. Paul, Minn., Mar. JH. Mike Gib
bons didn't need tremendous speed to
gain a decision over Jeff Smith, ac
cording to the 111. 'minimis opinion to
dav of newspapermen who witnessed
last night's ten round bout between
the two. Gibbous showed little of his
class because he was never pressed. He
outpointed Smith nt all stages,
Ilishop & Keyt ire reported to have
bought 700 bales of hops Saturday from
the association, paying up to l.'i cents
according to .piality. They are sup
posed to be for export to Kngluud.
Ocean freights Now York lu London
have advanced to -I'.j cents a pound.
The report that '17 Ut 10 per cent of
tho hills in ni.iny imp vaids were killed
by the ravages of hiuiev dew last, lull
may be t.retty well discounted. Probab
ly some yards were badly damaged and
some hills may have to m replaced in
many yards, but this is seison of re
ports of damages discovered when
cleaning the yard for spring work.
II. L. Colvin has been delivering hops
at the Southern Pacific warehouse this
week under contract to the Oregon Hop
mowers association, 01 wnicli lie is 11
member. Air. Colvin is convinced that
thorouuli organization is the only means
fly which the growers can be nssured
of a fair price tor their Imps. Ho is al
so a member of the Hood Itiver Apple
(.rowers association, having 11 i-oiiiiiier-cial
orchard in that district.
A few contracts have been written
here for the new lOlii crop', Henry L.
Ments it .is written the following: (lib
bons Bros., Ilutteville, ((. W. (iib-
bons, Woodburn, 111,0(10; V. f. Kgim,
Hiooks, 'J0,000, and F. K. Osborne,
Clianipoeg, 10,000, all at. II 1-1 cents. II
is said thai there are plenty of growers
willing to contract at 11 1-2 to IU cents,
but that dealers cannot get orders at
J thoso figures. Observer.
After suffering a number of venrs
with heart trouble Mrs. Herman Hoedel
died at her home just north of lliil.bnr.l
Friday night, March 10, 1010. The fun
eral was held Wednesday at one o'clock
fit the .Methodist church, conducted by
.vi r. i. i.,. inucinler ot the Advent ist
church of which the decciised was u
faithful member. With tlio execution
of those ut a distance she was sur
rounded by her family when the end
c.une. Interment in the Hubbard cem
etery. Anna f.. Niiinuiin was born in Thco
philo Ottoni, ISrav.il, South America,
February 7, I Sli.'S, being at, the time ot
her death ,r.:i years, 1 month find :i
days. July :i, ns:i, she was married to
Herman li. Hoedel and soon after came
to this country. To this union nino
children were bom, six girls and three
boys; one boy ami one girl dying quite
Mrs. Morgan S.-hrack of Itcno, No
va.la and Mrs. Henry Power, of licit v
crton, Oregon, were hero for thu fun
eral. i.nbbfird Enterprise.
Dallas, Or., M r. IH. William H.
Klepper was lodged in the Polk county
jail yesterday on a charge of non-support.
Klepper 's wife lives nt Iudoend
ence, in this county, and tho grand jury
of Polk county, nt the January term of
court, indicted him on her complaint.
Search by the sheriff's office finally
resulted in Inciting iiini at Madern, Cui
:.. :.. " '
i .. ot no..
About a year ago Klepper was con
victed in Albany before ,lu,go Kelly
on a charge of iioii supp.irt and was
given ii year in the penitentiary. Af
ter lie had served six months tiie gov
ernor paroled him. Klepper, it is charg
ed, first deserted his wife in Alh.in.W
find since that time has refused to con
tribute to her support, lie refuses to
A teacher ill the Pendleton schools
though to test the knowledge of her
scholars in current, events in connection
with tlieir composition work. Thus she
directed them to build a sentence using
ill it the unities of tho governor and
secretary nf state of Oregon. Shu was
surprised to receive the following in
geniously constructed sentence from
one boy: "George Washington Jin-k-vnii,
the darkey boy in our class, hid
bims in his huii- and we Olcoft tnem
Withvrouibe." Hill I'uggcr in Pcudle
tou Tribune.
Tell yonr neighbor of the sat
isfaction of reading the Cap
ital Journal.
IsCJ. There's a
c--u in town !
Just arrived from the
"Florsheim" factory !
It ia made on the new
English last; the leather is
of black calf and the soles
and heels of white rubber.
The "tout ensemble" is
very striking!
And the price is only
Five Dollars!
Live wires take notice.
The Toggery
167 Commercial St
Leading Clothiers
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
tho wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are theso paid tho
producer. Corrections are made
Saturday and .Monday are always
fpiiet days in the market and pi'ices l.i
day tire practically unchanged. Wheat
wns weak yesterday in I'mtliind mul
today 77 cents is top. Sugar retail
seems to have settled down to n price
of $7..S."i for sane and iji7.li5 for beet.
Buyers lo.lny arc offering S 1-1 cents
for hogs on foot.
May, timothy, per ton lofii'ltl
Oats, vetch $11.1)0
'beat $11.00
Clover hay ttl-'.OO
Wheat 77,j
Oats 30ew37u
Kollcd barley $3o.(l0
Corn $3"i.".0
Cracked corn $37.00
Hran H2li.00
Shorls, per ton ,. ifS.OO
Hiitterfnt 3t
Creamery butter, per puund 35.:
Country butter liOcfe'-jo
Eggs and Foultry.
Kggs, candled, No. .1, cash ISu
l.'ggs, case count, cash Itic
Kggs, tru.lo , J.S
)lcns, pound loo
HoosterB, old, por pound o'cNo
Spring chickens, pound 10c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed S(o!'e
Cork, dressed I Ic
Pork, on foot ,H('S 1-L'c
Spring lambs 7cr(i)7 1-L'.!
Steers 5 i-Sc(ti'tio
Cows leto'coc
Hulls 3c3 1-L'o
liwes 3d
Wei hers ti
f.uinbs, grain fed 7 l--
Cabling.. $
2..j()oi :i.0D
Lomutoes, l lon.ln and Cuban
String garlic
Potatoes, cwt $1
Brussels sprouts
Green onions
Green peppers
Fgg plant
Celery, case
California, head lettuce, case .
.. .$."..IH
.23 (ff 1. 75
Apples, Hood Itiver H
Wulla Walla spinnch ...
Oranges, Navels
Lemons, per box
Hummus, pound
California grape fruil ..
Florida grnpo fruit
3 1 1.1
.... $,j.oor$o.oo
7 I .i
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 20
Sugar, cane $7.S."
Sugar, beat $7.03
Creamery butter -10
Flour, hard wheat $l.u0(o 1I)
Flour, valley U0
Portland, Ore., Mar. 18. Wheat:
Club, S7( !::..
ISIuestciii, !"ic(o 1.00,
Forty fold, Mif.iOSc.
Ited Uussian, !l I (.' 0:ic.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $'M.7j"'
Hogs: Pest live, $0.10r.i 0.13.
Pime steers, M.II0(aS.lO.
Fancy cows. f0.73(ii'7.00.
Calves. .110.
Spring laiiilis, Mi, U)M.
Spring lambs, if'.t.OOoY ID.00.
Butter: City creamery, 33c.
County butter, .'II iii 32c.
Kggs: Selected lo. nl ex., IS 1 20c.
Ileus, liidi'lli I -2c.
Hi-oilers. SO t'.i 22c
(Iccso, HH.i lie.
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you think worth more than you