Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 18, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
M;i n h t l'.'l'i.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Vice -President
IK) HA ('. M)Hi:si:x,
See. u inl Treas.
While little is being said about it, here in Marion
county, there is a great amount of mining work being
done, beveral companies in the (icld Creek district have
men at work and are doing much development work. One
company is running an 800 foot cross-cut, which will cut
its ledge at good depth. A road is being built making it
possible to ship concentrates and it will not be long until
this will be done. The ores in the district are base, and
though carrying good gold value, have so far not been
worked because of lack of machinery.
Both chalcopyrite and galena are abundant, and with
the present price of lead and copper, concentrates that a
year or two ago would not stand shipment and leave any
profit now will pay good dividends.
Those interested in mining are watching with a great
deal of interest the results of the first shipments and are
hopeful they will be such as to place Marion county
permanently in the mineral producing class.
The OreGronian in its leading editorial yesterday There are some good bodies of ore m the district, and
preached a fine sermon on the duty of Americans, and j they give evidence of permanancy. However, their values
pointed out that they must stand together forgetting that cannot be determined until at least a small plant is at
they are republicans or democrats, and all work tor tnei worK ana snipments 01 concentrates made
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common good of the country. Then the rest of the page
is devoted largely to roasting the adminisration.
We are not finding fault with our contemporary for
so doing, for that is its privilege if it feels and believes
that way, but simply call attention to the fact that what it
preaches it does not practice.
As a matter of fact in this, as in any other so-called
democracy, where every man is as good as the other and
sometimes better, there always has been a difference of
opinion as to the best policy for the nation to pursue, and
there always will be. This being the case no matter what
party is in power those against it will contiune to voice
their objections to it just as does the Oregonian in the
column next to that in which it reads its homily; for
parelling its leader is a half column devoted to a roast of
President Wilson in which it calls him a political weather
cock. It would be very easy to reach the Utopian heights
which the Oregonian so eloquently describes if we all
thought alike; but we don't. The Oregonian does not lay
aside its opinions and stand back of the administration;
and it refuses to do so because it thinks the president is
wrong in his ideas, and weak in enforcing the laws. It
may or may not be right, that cuts no figure in the matter,
for at present Mr. Wilson is our president, and as such is
entitled to the support of the country. lie won't get it,
that is its unanimous support, for thousands do not agree
with him, even as the Oregonian, very frankly, does not.
If his course was such that our big neighbor could
heartily indorse it, there would be countless others who
would not, ami there you are. We could all arrive at the
desirable condition the Oregonian describes if the other
fellows would only be sensible and think as we do, or if
we could, as they would put it, be sensible and think as
they do. Neither of these things will happen, and so
things will wag along in their old way, simply because
there is no other way for them to wag.
: CITY news :
Have you arranged for your seed for that tract you
are going to plant to flax this year? Have you made up
your mind to plant double the area you did last year? If
At present the haul out from the mines is hard, a big
hill having to be climbed to get to the railroad at Gates.
It is understood a new road is building that will do away
with this and make Lyons the railroad point for the dis
trict. Salem people are behind most of these mining ven
tures and they have shown faith and grit in the way they
have put up their money for development work. They
deserve to win anyway, and Salemites generally hope
sincerely they will.
The attorneys for Mrs. Isabel Clayburg wanted in
Seattle on a charge of running a "badger game," are do
ing all they can to prevent her being returned to Seattle
for trial. It is claimed by Sheriff Hodge that some of her
victims are putting up the money to make the fight
against her extradition, as they fear the disclosures that
will be made if she is placed on trial. He also threatens,
if their interference in the case does not stop, to turn
over to the newspapers the letters seized when the raid!
M IUUUI, lUIU tllC pICUI C3 Ul L11C JJrti 111 CUIll-
promising positions, captured at the same time. Hodge
is rather noisy, but is not afraid, and if he carries out his
threat there will sure be things doing among Seattle's
upper crust.
The Mexican trouble had one good effect, it stirred
congress into action on the matter of preparedness. The
Hayes-Chamberlain bill was up before the lawmakers'
yesterday and more progress was made on it in six hours
than would have been made in six months under normal
conditions. It is probable from yesterday's action that
the army will be increased to about 140,000.
While not much is being said about it, it is evident
neither the administration nor the army. officers have an
abiding faith in the promises of Carranza. It is probable
the latter are keeping at least one eye on the Mexican
president, and they are making no mistake in so doing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Davis received
the sail news this morning cf the
dentil of their grandson, lialp'i Davis.
Jr., in Kansas.
Pied A. Lewis, who was arrested last
nijfht on chariiP of being intoxicate.:,
was given a sentence of seven days in
the city jail npon his plea of guilty to
the charge in police court this morning.
The Pythian Si3ters' club met with
Mrs. Frank Si hrani Friday afternoon to
celebrate St. Fat rick "s day. After a o
cinl hour, refresh nie'nts were served.
Mis. Colonel ,f. Olmsted Mill entertain
the club March
Miss Emily J. Griffin, of Eugene, haE
been elected physical director for the
gills of the hi-h school nnd will bcgi.i
her work next Monday. Miss F.volyn
Cash until lately director, was called t
1'ontiac, Mich., by the illness of her
mother and was not able to return tin
semester. Chief of Police Welsh brought Victor
Knight back to this city from Mi-Minn-ville
yesterday evening to stand trial
on a charge of defrauding an inn keep
er. Knight was about this city for some
time and it is said left for M. Minnvillc
without settling all of hiills. He nil1
be arraigned in justice court before
Justice U'ebMer this aiferuoon.
Motorists will do well to put on the
soft pedal while passing school huuses.
The limit henceforth is In miles a,
hour when schools are in session ai
the ordinance passed l.v the citv eouu
cil March (i is now in effect. Aft.
passing the school house, the limit is
miles and in the congesied parts of the
eitv. la miles an hour.
A linen napkin mao from fiax tiber
grown near Salem in IS is on display
in the Court street winilo-. s of the Mov
ers department store, loaned In- ?d.s
William I'. I. ord. who has aliv.avs i-ik- :
an active interest in fax ctii.v r. in
the Willamette vullev. The straw w;.
retted ill a tank built for th" Vomer's
Flax association in lSSt-S and was spun
mo woven in TV1g;.i:'i. All of v-nich
tends to prove that w'-rn flax is prop
erly water retted, :f wi1! pr.-.li!M!
f'lcr from which the 1 Lieut lifer, n.vy
be made.
The next meeting of the Polk-Yam-hill-Mariou
Medical society will be held
at Salem Tuesday, jfiirch 21, in the
chapel of the Oregon State hospital.
The program of the evening includes an
address on "Some Anotomical Anom
alies and I.esions of the Lower Spine
and their relations to weak and Painful
Backs. Sciatica." by Dr. Charles K. Mc
('lure, of Portland. Dr. Md'lure is one
of the leading orthopedic surgeons of
the northwest. Another paper of in
terest will be the one to be read by Ir.
F. II. Thompson of Salem, on "Sugges
tions as to First Aid 'for Accidental In
juries as Viewed from the Standpoint
of the State Industrial Accident Com
mission "
For Immediate Delivery
5 Loads at
Front & Ferry Phone 1830
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It is claimed that Villa's bandits can travel fifty miles
not why not? It is practically demonstrated the crop is a day and that Uncle Sam s pursuing army can make but
a success and that the product is first class. All that re-j 15 to 20 miles. At this rate with Villa given a week's,
mains is to produce enough of it to attract the eastern! start how long will it take to capture him? j
manufacturers and bring them and their plants to t lie j I
valley. There is an urgent demand for all flax products) The only thing absolutely certain about the battle that!
and once the industry gets on its feet here it will make has raged for several days on and around Dead Man's'
the valley blossom like the rose. Every farmer should j Hill in France, is that everybody telling about it is lying.1
make a try at it even if only a small tract so as to learn j
how to crow and handle the cron airainst the time when: The weather in Mexico is said to be unusually warm.!
he will want to plant acres of it. It is a duty he owes ; This being the case, while the cavalry may not feel it, the
himself to encourage flax growing in every way possible.
Once it is a success it will make a market for other
products, for it is an industry that employs lots oC labor.
The state will furnish the seed at cost and will aid so far
as it can in harvesting and taking care of the crop. Try
an acre or two of it and get familiar with the new am
promising business.
The "reliability" of European war news is again illus
trated in the case of the Tubantia. Lord Robert Cecil
says he has reliable information she was anchored when
blown up and could not have struck a mine. A dispatch
from Berlin says the American consul says it was a mine.
London asserts it was a torpedo. Berlin asserts with
equal firmness that it was a mine. The only thing certain
about it ami on which all agree is that the Turbantia was
sunk and the cause was an explosion.
'dough boys" are pretty certain to be "hot" on the trail.
From all indications since the raid on Columbus, Villa
intends to fight a "running" fight.
i i rr?&
Congressman Gardner should have a dose of twilight
sleep given him. He has visions of war and destruction
all the time that must keep him awake of nights. Some-!
thing should be done to make it easier lor him.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Depesit Boxes
Last night I heard an ancient dame hum divers sonrj-s
of bygone years, and tender recollections came, which'
filled my old green eyes with tears. "Oh, Birdie, I am'
tired now, I do not care to hear you sing"; ;
thus warbled on the withered frau, while'
darning socks, like everything. Beneath!
the brigt Canadian skies I used to sing that
simple lay; folks heard my boyish treble'
rise, and wished I'd quit, or go away.'
Where are the men who cried "Shut up!" j
and promptly sicked their dogs on me, when!
I, before their wickiup, turned loose that!
song in ecstasy? The beldame bv mv fire-!
U6J& side waits, and sings old sones to you un-i
known, as, "Wait for me at heaven's gates, I
sweet Belle Mahone, sweet Belle Mahone!" I used to sing
the same sweet song, beneath the warm Canadian sun,
and neighbors rang the chestnut going, and put more i
buckshot in the gun. Old songs : Sweet songs! They
blaze the track to bygone days and vanished scenes, be
, fore I had to break my back to earn the beefsteak and;
I the beans.
Republicans Hold j
Candidates Rally j
at Armory Today
The republicans of Marion county
were yiven a chnme to ponder over t.ie
promises of the numerous candidates in
the field at a miss int'et in y held at the
armory this afternoon. livery ea nil i -
dale ia the county was invited to he'
present and to make a speech outlinins;
his platform. The meetino was well at
tended and coiiM.loraMe entiiusiasiu
was aroused for the success of the
party at the coniiie.' "eiii'val election, j
Coveruor Withy.-oinlie was the prill '
cipal speiker and delivered a plea for
a united party as the only means of;
ensuring a vepuldican victory through-'.
out the state.
The meeting was . -ailed to order l.y
I'.. I'. Rol.crtsna. chairman of the ooun-l
ty central committee. Senator Hal L. '
P.itton then iatiodm-e.l I'rank A. Miller
who acted as chairman of the meeting,
(ioveruor W itiiv cond.c was the first
speaker follow e. I l.y .lames llidtzel.
. resident of the Salem liepuldican club.
The tollowin' candidates were each
allowed three minutes for political
l'..r circuit .indite, l'eivv I;. Kelly,
lieoie (i. liiniilinm and V. !'. I'omie. '
Tor representatives. Mr. U. K. 1'aije, '
S. ymour Jones. I'.. II. Belknap, Thorn is
I'.roivn, Mr. Kei. h. Sam Crown, lien F.1
Koliertsmi. II. I'. Mc 1 iitm tf -nd Ivan
Martin. Tor n 'osecutinu attornev. (!uy
l. Smith, I'.laine McCord. W. I-).' KevsJ
W. t'. Wiuslow, (. 11. Carson and -Max
lichlhar. For county commissioner, .1 ip'
Hunt. A. C. I.ililiv and Monroe Nve.j
For sheriff. W. 1. N'eedham and K.'F. ;
Cooper. rnr county s.-hool superin-,
ten. lent. Kliral.eth Cornelius. Clarence
I'hillips. V. C. tiannt and W. M. Siuit'.i.,
Fast Time by the Route De Luxe
5. 5. Northern Pacific
An Ocean Liner in Coastwise Service With the
Speed of an Express Train.
The North Bank Road Steamer Express leaves
Portland 9 A. M.
S. S. arrives San Francisco Sunday Mid-afternoon.
Fares include meals and berths and extra comforts.
Los Angeles Jee San Diego fji r-
Round Trip pOO Round Trip $01.51
Six months limit stopover privileges.
For tickets and reservation call on or write,
J J- RITCHIE, Agent, Oregon Electric Railway,
Salem, Oregon.
Officer Stubbs Quits
Salem Police Force
Patrolman K. V. Stuld.s, who lias
lieen serving recently as deputy health
offii-r, has resigned from the Salem
police force and has handed in his star
to Chief YVel-h. It is stated that
Stuld.s was re.piested to resign on ac
count of a report that he appeared on
the streets in mi intoxicated condi
tion and that the matter would lie in-
estimated l.v the council if he did not
resign. 1,'ather than arouse unfavot
alde comment l.y a hearing Officer
Stuld.s decided to resign quietly and
enter the real cMate business in this
city, which move he has lieen con
temptation for some time.
German Attacks Slacken.
Perlin. March 1. Cernan ntta.Us
around Verdun have slackened on n.'-j
count of had weather, the war offee!
announce. I today. A thick mi-t hinders!
operation nil alonj the west front.
Salem Heights Happenings
Mrs. McCollum hail as dinner quests
Saturday, Mrs. A. Nye and daughters.
Horis and I.ois, Little Miss ilaxine l'l
r'nli of Salem, and Miss Me A. lam of
Mr. and Mrs. V. I,. I'ray had a hap
py surprise last Wednesday when their
youngest son. John and wife, of Fort
Pudge. Iowa, malked in on them.
Mrs. Will Smith and small daughter.
Kuth, of West Salem, are. visiting with
the former's mother. Mi's, llemslev.
Mrs. W'm. Trudgen visited lit
'oino of her parents, Mr. and
.1. I!, (iil.-on. of l.iliefty, Tlnirsdav
Mrs. M. I.. Fuller-on taught scln
couple of days this week while
Benjamin had the ''poison oak.''
The Uidies' Aid mc.' at Mrs.
Morris' last W.liips.t..v A
pleasant afternoon was spent l.y a larae
number. After liyht refreshment
were served by the hostess and her
daughter, l.eoiin, the ladies ujourned
to meet with Mrs. Will Sawyer, ia two
Mr. and Mrs. R,,y stover visited at
the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Wallace I,a
Fountain, last Sunday.
Mrs. M. C. Thompson visited in West
Salem last Thursday.
! Lord Xortliclil'f,. says Verdun is morn
j interesting than important. He niav b
rinht. and it would be still more inter
l tstinjt did it not arouse so much mor
! id interest.
Get prices on commercial printing
at Tiie Capital Journal office.
the !
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