fTM. ' '. : ; , MSS PRETTYPEACH AND THE. WILLIBOYS I PAPERS 9 ' MW3MPR3' i2 NEWPAPI?R 4 fATIOWBRV. N0 I TAKE- yi r" B .PVM82 " THAT ' s&Kd TxriMSM ' ' MISS PRETTYPEACH : "Awfully jnea paper?" II ' r i y j , . YOUR BAG, ' 3-, ' " ("well, . W WilK Yy ?RtrTvpJjr s T7t k ' f0SS Hfi i. ' ' ' ' I MISS PRETTYPEACH " I am homo now. and will bid you both good-bye." OUCH! PAIN.1PA1N. ' RUB RHEUMATIC, j ACHING JOINTS ! Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial Bottle of Old Penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" Rheumatism is "pain only." Nut uuo oust' in. fifty requires internal treat iiioiit. Stop drugging. Huh soothing, Ioriet rat "St. Jacobs Oil'' right in to your sore, stiff, aching join! ami muscles, niul relief conies instantly, 'Ht. Jacobs Oil" is u harmless rheu matism cufo uli'u'li never disappoints mid run nut bum the skin. lumber up! IJuil complaining! (let small trial bottle of old, Ii.m.'st "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, mid in just ii moment you'll be free from rheiiuiat ie pain, soreness, stiffness uiul swelling. Don't suffer! liolief waits you. "fit. Jacob's Oil" lias eurcd millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, au.l is just us Kood for sciatica, neuralgia, lu'tibago, backache, sprains. Imperial Chancellor Gets Vote of Confidence By Cart W. Ackernian. (I'liited I'tYMt ntuff correspondent .1 lierlin, Mar. 1 7 --Imperial Chancel lor Von H''th m a n ii I loll has reeeiveil vote of I'onfiilenee from the Huvailan ministry, necoriliuj; to Munich ilis it( lies toilay. The rliancellur, it l lin.lersten.l. lias a lurep majority in the roiclistajr which will express itself iMiiplintically JiKin tho coming teu tr opposil ion' to 1 1 1 1 wcg nsserls itself. j Autlioritntio infornintinn to K l"ni-1 led I'tet said the resiiiinitinu of t.iraml Admil'nl Veil Tirpitz, oricinntor of tiie ' culminrino ciimpaiu, followe.l u Uis nfrreenient with llollwei; over illsaijrev 1 tuents nith the t'uitej ftutes. The clian collur favors u vigorous sitlnnarine af I rir., l.ut fiisnirreeJ with Veil Tiriut' over lh .Icsiiabilitv of JircjjaiJini! n, n ! tral riiiht. I , A Jiiurtlal Ktfw UJajr will ' conrert w?t Into wfa'.'h. j glad to meet you, Bertie j won't you get A Rare Poem of ( Kast ( irenoui in. The worits were composed by the late Mon. Onirics Miner, an edlter and member of conioss of Wilhes-llarre, I'll., mid lio wrote tho first History of vYyomine;. .lames Uird was n volunteer, goina" with the Kin'sioii Volunteers to join I'env at l.ako Uric. He was wounded , in bailie, iii.I ordered by l'erry to leave. 1 1 he ileeU, but he would not n. For iiis lliiavery he was honored and excited tho 'oiny of a youiiji lieutenant. Bird was jcoudeiuned to be shot for deseitiou, The I war was over. 1'eriy was away and ; Uird and yonm; man named b'anliin I left, it was supposed, to join .lackson at I New Orleans. They were hrou-ilit bach, nnd condemned to be shot. A reprieve was sent, two men riding on horsebacl; 'were seen in the distance, waving H, Init they were too late. Thai iiioiit the iieiiienant or.ieitt i uunnl put in nis lent to keep nwny Itird's uliost, the sec mid nisjht ho comiuitted suicide. I lime the story from the late .lames A. (lordoii, who was at l.aho Krio tit the tiuio and siw ihe three uraves, those of Mird, liaulviii ii it, I the lieutenant. Junius Bird. Vo so,ns of freedom listen to nie And ye daiiuhters, too. give e.ir; Von a sad niul mournful story As ever was told shall hear. Hull, you know, his troops surrendered, Ami left defenceless the west; We our torces ipticli assembled The invaders to resist. Amoiiij the troops th.it. inarched to Trie Were the Kingston Volunteer: I'aoniiu Thomas there commanded I'o protect our west frontiers. Tender were the scenes of purtini;. Mm her wriin their hands and cried, Maidens wept their swains in secret, l athers strove their tears to hide. There was one nniontf our number Tall Hud liillant was his mien: I'iini his step his look undaunted Scarce u nobler youth w seen. One sweet Kiss he snatched from'.Mary, Craved his mother's, prayeu once more: Tressed hi father's hand nnd left him, 1'or 1. ike Krie' distant shore. Man- tried to say, ''Farewell .Tames," Waived her hand hut nothing spoke; "Hood bye Uird, may heaven protect T'rom the rest, at parting broke 10011 i hey came where noble Terry Had Assembled nil h;s fleet: There the nal! nit Uird enlisted. Hopiii soon the ftu to meet, Where Is nir.l? The battle rages. Is he in the strife or not f Now the cannot roars tremendous l'aio he meet his hostile foe See! ltoholtl llitil therrt u-irh P.ipfr In the seif same ship thev f'hf." Ttmuitii his inessmutes fail all ronad him Nothing ran liU noul affright. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. PERCY " the War of 1812 I Hut. beh.dd. a ball has struck him, ee tlie crimson current flow, "l.e ive the deck-" exclaimed lirnve l'erry, "No!" cried Hird, "I will not go, Here on deck I took my station, Ne'er will l!inl his 'colors J'ly; I'll stand by you gnllnnt captain, Till we compior or 1 die." Still he fc.uuht both faint and bleeding, Till the "stars and Stripes arose; Victory having crowned our efforts, All triumphant o'er our foes. And did Hird receive a pension? Was he to his friends restored No, he never to his bosom t'hsped the maid his lieurt adored. Hut there came most dismal tidings l'roiu Lake Krie's distant shore; Hotter far if Hird had nerishe,! i Midst the battle's awful roar. '' Hearest parents," said the letter, "Thi.s will ! ri ii ji sad news to you; Ho not mourn your first beloved,' Though this brines his last adieu. "I must suffer for doseilin' i l'roiu the J : r i n Ni man: Head this letter brothers, sisters It's the last you'll have from me." Sad and gloomy was the morninj; Hinl was ordered out to die. 'Where's the breast no dead to pity? Hut for him would bretith u sigh. I.u! Ho fouiiht so brnve at Krio, 1'ieely bled uid noblv dared. I Let Ins cournuo plead tor ineicy, j Let ids precious life be spared. ' i See him march! And hem his fetters , i llarsli they china upon the enr; i I Hut his step is firm and munly, i j l'or his breast ne'er harbored fear, j (See! He kneels upon his coffin, I Sure his death can do no good, I Spire him! o Cod they've siiot him!,' 1'arewell Hird! Farewell forever I Home and friends y see no more; t i or your miiuKie.i corpse lies turned On Lake line's distant shore. ft TODAY'S ODDEST STORY Xeaia, Ohio. March IS. lit the grave exactly one thousand, six hundred and thirty five times and si ill living is the un usual distinction of ,T. II, Hick man, who has just resigned as sextou of the Cherry vSruve Cemetery after Co years' service. X Don't make Joule of It, If uae- fui try Journal New Today. What luck I I am just in time to carry iBEBTIli ." I'll lake the bag now Percy.',' Portland Hog Market Reached Highest Mark; rortland, Or., Mar. 17 The hog miir-j ket has been on tiie "tear." The past j week the advance is still on and no one knows where it will end. although the' eastern markets h ive in the pust three1 or four days shown a weaker tendency.' l-'roin u Hie level Chicago showed a d'e-1 dine of lo to 2()e. About the same con- i ditions prevail at South Omaha. How ever, on the coast nothing has ap-j poured ami there is nothing in sight to stop the upward tendency and prices have risen curlier this year than has! been predicted, even by tho most rapid1 "hog predictor." ' I Last Monday 'h advance was 40 cents.1 Tuesday's market was steady. Wednes day showed u 10 cents rise and today steady. Not only has n !! price been usher ed in but prices have made a long stride towards a higher level. Tho market has taken but one direction and that is sky ward. In fact ever since the first of the year prices have shown an up ward tendency and closing figures to day are better thin .f.'. over the lowest spot since last December. The present price of hogs is the highest since Sep tember, lit 1 1. HOLY LAND HERE Tabernacle of WUdomess and Things of Scripture to Be Exhibited. Dr. Allen Moore the expert on Orient alism who is in Salem preparing for tiie pigeants to be given next week in Ry an hall from Monday to Saturday under the ausoices of the Ministers' associ ation of Salem in describing the show this morning said: "On entering the exposition visitors w ill at once find themselves standing I net ore- .latta t..atc. Jerusalem and close to Davids Tower the. only piece of solid masonry that yet remains as it was in Christ's time. They will either pass through Jaffa Cute ox through the fa mous breach in the wall, "Surprise after surprise awaits them on wulKiiijj through David street, the principal street of Jerusalem. The shoe store will cause all to sav that Cue shoe stores of Salem may us well shut up shop the rest of the 'week at least, j "Among tho relies will be a splendid specimen of the scroll of the law, tho ) scroll of F.sther, the feast of 1'iirinia. nnd the use of the phylacteries and! Christ's association with the Jewish I prayer shawl will be explained. The rich man 'a house and the peas in t home will muke nil glad that they have had a peep into the Orient. The mill stone, the water vots. and how the man was let down through the roof will be Uliovvu. "The visitor must not overlook the golden gate or the Jtedouin encamp-1 ment. The model of the tabernacle in 1 the wilderness will he handled at each atteruoon sossiou. I SATURDAY, MAR. 18. 1916. the bag." Had a Big Blow Out and Great Quantities of First Class Sunshine Sau Diego, Cal., Mar. IsThe Pan-ama-Califoruiu international exposition of HlKi wns formally dedicated today. With a bright California sun shining, all San Diego and thousands of her vis itors gathered within tho gates of the Magic City today to reabzo their dreams of an international exposition. An imposing program was arranged for the day. Principal speaker was (ioveruor Hiram W. Johnson, of California. Land and water parades, aeroplane iHgltts by- I mted States mil aeroplane ingnts oy i nitea states mil- sttirs and stripes and the flags of 18 other nations bv "Miss San Diego,' and a score of other features were pro vided. At noon, in response to a touch of a button in the White House at Wash ington a huge gong clanged on the plana, the exposition toast was drunk in orange juice, the flags of the na tions were loosened from the staffs and the Panama California International exposition was formally open. DEAL. OF ED HOGE Kd lloge died at his home on Oak street Tuesday niter an illness of sev eral weeks with heart trouble. The funeral was held at .ae Christian church yesterday afternoon, Rev, Albyn Ksson officiating. Mr. Hoge has lived in Silverton for a number of years and was highly respected bv all who knew him. lie is survived by n wife and brother. Silverton Appe it. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. CORRECT ENGLISH How To Use It JOSEPHINE TUBCK BAKER, Editor A MONTHLY" MAGAZINE Sample Copy 10e Subscription Trice a Year L'VANsTON", ILLINOIS " Not if I know it, " It's awfully kind of you, carrying it for raa-V Valley Lumber Mills I . (toosePttrWD Portland, 0,, Ma, aS.-Conf.ic.ing! claims of Oregon and Wasaington lum- ber producers were presented here yes-1 terday at the opening of an interstate! commerce, commission bearing on an ap plication of Portland lumbermen for a' referential freight rate over Astoria 1 and l'uget Sound points to points southern Idaho and I'tah. The hearing is being conducted bv F.xaminer Edgarl Watk'uiM. ' j The petition of the Portland lumber1 manufacturers affects the Southern Pa-j cific and the t'nion Pacific railroads.! (.In October 11, llilfi, the carriers placed ! all the lumber mills on their lines in the j northwest on a parity with the Port- land mills in hiiadling business to what j is commonly known as the Ogden ter-: ritory, the rate being fixed at 37?.j I ents per hundred pounds. Before that! time only Portland eujoved that rate. other points having a rate of -10 cents, lief ore the new rate went into effect tiie Portland mills filed a protest with' the commission, asking for n reduction ' or tiie t'ortlan.t rate to .io cents tie- cause the haul is shorter from here, but the commission withheld action pending! today's- hearing. Numerous parties to 'urriiiij(p oic ivt'lCJUilTU IUC intervention of lumber producers of l'uget Sound, (jrav's Harbor, Willatu Harbor, the Washington public service' commissi, ,u aim . lumber producers ot the Willamette valley. Hood Hiv.er and Astoria. The hearing will last two days. Early in the hearing it developed that the principal opponents to the Port land petition for lower lumber rates are the Willamette valley mill backed by the lumbermen Harbor and Seattle. who arei of Cray James C. Wilson, attorney for the! sample have bought a box of Mi-o-na Portland petitioner, brought out the j that my clerks have been busy selling backbone of his contention when hoi the medicine ever since. I "have so stated that "if Portland is granted the: much faith in this article that I ata preferential asked in her petition the goina; to guarantee it in the future and railroids still will make more per cnrjwill return the money to anv purchase mile from Portland t.ian from tiuv , 0f Mi-o-na whom it does not help That 0,hor point in the territory. ' uaay eem rash but mv customers have GIVE A CHETR TOR ! man-V g0J WOrcU ia its f avor GIVE A CHEER FOR that I do not expect to have many pack- . . OL vraiAMETTE B?e9 retnrne(i. The winning song at Me annual fresh- u i.vnn. .),, ,,, .,.. . , mau glee, held Wednesday evening tootl$ the J-irst M.'tnolist church was won bv t," fl, VI I . i the junior class. It is entitled. "Gives!'0 ,UH ' . ' h Can Cheer for Old Willamette." The words 1 ? .a caa 'eav a,) ceuU deposit were written bv Arnold (iralapp, of Sa-j?f. m-v s,or nd 'ake h,,n,e a box of lem, rural route 6 of . the junior class Ml0,'na ? . rmJy does not and the music bv a resident of Salem. ! 'elllate. his digestion and help hi MUh F.ugeiiii Mclutui t'f. : dyspepsia he can withdraw his money. The words of the winning song in- .t','.,n ' but what we would be dude three verse and a chorus. Here' """'"(J to pay him interest' they aie: j This shows great faith in the merit I. f Mi-o-na. It is really a most unu I'pward through the gates of morula;. ; nal medicine and the rapid increase of Hides the glowing king of day; ' sales siuce Daniel J. Fry introduced it Down the vale his ways are wending.1 in Salem shows that it does all that it Whence W illamette w inds it way. is claimed to do relieves dyspepsia, Xow upon our cnlleic campus, ' ' regulates digestion aul enables those Hich in legen.ls born of old. i who me ir to our i.ist .!, ), -.--I. I Softly falls the shimmering sunbeam. you won't," s,b00' of ea1na gold' 1 tlorA. To the wearers of the letter Let us sin? our songs of praise, Ii-V.,hei'; 'fU we have conquered, They have brought us victories II. 01'- 'I1011 happy days in college. in i waned aimtir with memories dear, Pleasures ot the hall and class room, Cherished more each passing year. Tn our daily trials and triumphs I" 0llr nights of 'varsity fun. 0,lr ideals are ours. Willamette, '' desires and ours are one. HI, Through the portals of the evening, Fades the day's last purple ray, Twilight breeze's fan our valley, Whispering of wild ocean's play, While Willamette, our Willamette, Plans and strives for greater fame, Let us aid our Alma Mater, Sea to sea her nam proclaim. itj VflTID CTflmAril IJ lUUu ulUiilALM fl fiTm linTI! llf I CTTI ' LLvUUtU Willi llAMll. Daniel J. Fry Guarantees to Eeturn till Money If Mi-o-na Doe Not Believe You. "It's a pleasure to seli a mediein when my customers come in afterward an'd tell ine how much good it has done them,' - said Daniel J. Fry, the popular druggist to a Journal man, "and that is why I like, to sell and recommend Mi-o-na, the dvsnensia remedv. Tha umtriOutioa of samples that I made 's: created so much talk and ao large a I proportion of those who rtweived a with no fear of trouble after. is r