Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 18, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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r tttttttttttt ttttttt
Meyers9 Spring I
Fashion Exhibit
Tuesday Evening, March 21st
We cordially invite all Women and Misses of Salem and this vicinity to
attend this event Tuesday eve. Bright and beautiful garments-Fashion's
latest modes will be shown onliving models. Children's wear will
also be displayed.
New Suits, New Coats, New Dresses, New Gowns, New Skirts, New
Waists, Latest New York Millinery.
Democrats Hold Rally
at Court House to
Revive Party Spirit
The leading dcmocrits of Marion
county met today at the court house to
regenerate the party spirit that has lain
dormant so far this year, on the eve
of the primary elections. While the re
publicans have been holding get-together
meetings the democrats have been
sulking in their tents mil it is proposed
to draw them out with a little of the
enthusiasm that bids for victory at the
County Chairman T'raser called the
meeting to order this afternoon and
sought to inject some rejuvenating and
encouraging remaiks for the benefit of
the " imterrificd '' few who answered
the party's call. The democrats as a
party are tar outnubered in this county
and in the state at large but democrats
have been consistently elected to of
fice in tile past through the popular
vote but the Marion county delegation
proposes to issue the call to the polls
to weld the scattered ranks into i solid
body to work for the success of tho
ticket at the general election.
Crown Prince to Risk All
On One Grand Assault
(Continued from page one.)
Will Not Limit Warfare.
Berlin, Mar. 18. A bill opposing any
ngreement with other nations to limit
submarine warfare except with regard
to passenger ships was introduced to
day in the reichstag by the National
Liberty party. The conservative cen
ter parties introduced similar measures.
Hint British Did It.
Berlin, Mar. IS. Two British sub
marines were near the Dutch liner Tu
bantia the day before she was sunk
by an explosion, the Vossiche Zeitung's
Amsterdam correspondent telogruphtvT
ti Do not put of f w
Just Receiyed a Large Shipment of New
Draperv Fabrics
Among these new things are dalnty pat
terns in SilkolineRadium.Cloth, Creton
ne, Venetian Cloth, Scrims in plain and
bordered effects, Swisses in various pat
terns, Marquisettes in plain, drawn
worked and heavy tape borders in white,
cream, champagne and ecru. Silkolines
also in plain colors.
See these new arrivals in the Drapery
Section (Second floor.)
In the Embroidery Section New
Novelty Underskirting
Full forty inch length with an em
broidered flounce 18 inches wide,
joined to foundation with French
and ribbon beading.
Patterns of beau-knots, Flordelis
and dotted effects beautifully em
broidered on fine swiss. Ask to see
Pattern No. 469A.
NO. 787TII
Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of Women's Sheer White Waists
juxiia vaiue 1 euucsuaj yc horn - ,f
An entirely new assortment 01 dainty yirr
Waists to choose from in this event;
among the lot are all-over embroidered
waists, some with pin tucks and pleates,
others hemstitched and with embroidered af
fronts some are lace trimmed. Every -
needs from this sale. Next Wednesday ,
only 98c Each
.Sale starts at 8:;)0. See the window dis- f I
piay. jno pnone or man oruers taKen ior
these. 1
. --
All Around Town
March 18 Republican rally at
Orange day. ;c
Democratic rally, Court House.
Children's Auxiliary Salem
Floral Society will orgutiizo
at high school, 12 p. m.
Mutt and Ji-f f at Opera House.
. ijc
March 20 Scenes of the Holy
Land at Kyan's hall, hero six
days. ijc
March 21-25 Marion County ijc
Sunday school convention. jc
March 25 University of Ore-
gon musicians at Prosbyteri-
an church, benefit Chemekota
Camp Fire Oirls. sjc
April 18 Registration fur
$ primary election closes. $
Dr. Mendelsohn, apeclallrt, flu glasa
t correctly. U. 8. Bank. bldg.
The funeral of John A. Sherwood
who died March Id, will not be held
until a sister living at Centorville,
Kansas, arrives Sho is expected to be
her by next Tuesday.
Tor twit, desirable office room, Mur
pliv .hIc, corner of Htnte nnd Commer
cial streets. L. Beehtel Co., 317 Htnte
Mreet. MarlS
Dr. Stone' i drug store.
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 13.
The Elks' dance was a decided suc
cess last evening. About .SO couples
were on the floor and everybody was
so well pleased that ine entertainment
cum mil lee is thinking of putting on an
other dance sometime next month.
Painloss Parker, dentist, will not be
responsible, for any of Dr. Cox's bills
ior any of his unfinished or unsatisfac
tory work. Mar21
"Storm Signals" will bo discussed in
a meeting ior men only to bo-held nt
the First l'resbyterian church tumor-
' row afternoon at 3 o'clock. The address
will bo given by lr. Hutchison, who
has been holding special meetings.
, Arciuo ruuitn win sing.
Tire insurance written, best old Hue
j companies. J,, llechtel & Co, Maris
I Dr. Stone's mug store.
i The A. I. Eoff farm of 70 acres and
the Hubert Craig farm of 63 acres, two
and n half miles northeast of the city
on the Silverton road was recently pur
chased by John Schoffo of Columbus.
Neb, The consideration was $1.S,IMI0
nnd the sale was made by W. 11. lira
j benhorst & Co.
Try Qilson's shoe shining parlor,
'parlor. MarlS
! 25o sortma this week 12Vc. Buren
lA Hamilton.
Change of Business Location
I wish to notify my customers and the general public that 1 luve sold
mv interest in thn Cnnilnl l!.,,,., .i v.. ........ .
- " . . . u umv uiuteu inr uiuce ur iny
transfer business to my old stand at the (ilobo Confe. tioi.ery in toe
Hubbard Hldg. I have purchased a new three tun truck and in in po
sition to handle general transfer business.
rton 13- K. L. Kapphahn
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 13.
One-Half Price sale on scrims, voiles,
marquisettes nnd lace nets, liuieii &
D. A. White & Sons are doing a little
catalog business themselves, just like
the big mail order seed houses in the
east. To convince the people in t
Willamette valley they need not sent'
east for their seeds on account of price
or quality, they are sending out I
week 1,000 catalogs.
Sixth Annual Spring Opening Sale
begins today at Mosher's.
Automobile for hire, passengers and
baggage trnnsfercd, rites reasonable,
country trips a specialty. (J. 0. Me
Klroy. rhone !M7 or 030. tf
A. H. Oago, superintendent of the
l'nidciitial Insurance company in Sti
lem, fell on the steps of the slate hos
pital yesterday and when he recovered
consciousness about nn hour later, found
one side of his fair pretty badly
bruised, but already dressed as he hud
been taken into the hospital nnd given
medical attention,
Dr. R. T. Mclntyro, physician and
surgeon, 21 1 Masonic llldg. l'iiono 410.
Make the beginning now In the study
of shorthand or stenotypy. New classes
at the Capital Hnsine College next
week. 'ill and talk the matter over
wilh the principal.
Judge Galloway left this afternoon
for YVeiser, Idaho, being called there by
the serious sickness of his brother,
Thomas C. tialloway, who is very low,
from chronic bronchitrs contracted to'
lowing nn attack of grip several years
ago. The judge expects to be back so
as to take up his work on the ben
next Thursday.
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves.
l'rieo $1; for sale by all druggists.
No bad dyes. All colors guaranteed
in suits made by Mosher. Sixth annual
spring opening sale starts today.
Petitions for the paving of the fair
grounds road are now in circulation nnd
it is thought thnt n majority of those
interested will sign by Monday evening
in order that the matter 'may In
brought before the city council Monday
evening. Those in favor of the paving
are also in favor of work beginning
enrly this spring in order that the w
may be completed before tho dusty
season bejins.
See the Orbon De Luxe ranges at E.
1,. Stiff & Son.
50c does the work of a dollar at Trov
er & YVeigol's Studio.
Eyres and Cavanaugh shipped anoth
er car of hogs to Portland yesterday,
bringing their total shipments up to 21
cars for the season. Today Mr. Eyres
said that the price in Portland yester
day was nine cents with the exception
of one car of extra large stock from the
eastern part of the state. He also says
that he expects to install within a short
time Fairbanks scales at the Southern
Pacific yards.
Sonora stands for perfection in talk
ing machines, fitted with the tone mod
ifier. Mvrtlc Knowland, 121 Court.
Easter is coming. Order your suit at
our sixth .inuunl spring opening sale
which starts today and be dressed up
for Kaster. Mosher, the Tailor.
The Sons of the American Revolution
and those who are eligible will meet
next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in
the Commercial club rooms and arrange
plans tor an appropriate celebration
April 111 of the battles of Concord and
Lexington. At present about 25 are
eligible to join the organization and n
chapter will be formed in Sulem as soon
as satisfactory proofs can be made. The
Daughters of the American Revolution
was organized in the city about a year
nnd a half ago and has a membership of
Till April first, photos at half price.
Trover ; Wcigel.
We hang awnings and retire go-carts.
K. I j. Stiff Son.
The student body of the Washington
junior high school installed officers a
few dnvs ago as follows: President.
Vernon Mentzer; vice-president, Althen
Dorks: secretary, Wayne Allen; treas
urer, Furl Shnfer; editor, Arthur Rose
braugh; board of directors, John Dome
galla, Irene Faulkner and Helen Corey.
A hoys' athletic association was also
formed with the fallowing officers:
President, Armorv Gill: vice-president
Hoy Anderson: secretnrv, Lester
Swart a.
Trade in your old stove for a new
ihbou Do Luxe range. E. L. Stilt &
Why go to Portland for your sweat
baths, when Salem service is so effi
cient! Save fr fare nnd take treat
ments at 213 Hubbard Hldg. Phone
Wanted, to make your photos at just
one half our regular price... Trover &;
j Weigel, opposite liligh theatre. Maris j
I An automobile belonging to Ralph A. '
Van Cleave was run into this morning
i by a car occupied by five Corvallia stu-!
dents on their way to Portland. The i
I Van Cleave car was heading for the
bridge on Center shrct and the Cor i
vallis car was traveling at a fair speed
on Commercial and the cars cdMded
exactly nt the center of the inler-;ec-,
tion of the two streets. Neither torj
was cum ged to any great exteNi, but '
as tho Corvallis car appeared to b'j inj
t'-e wring, the matter waj timid coin-;
promised and the students went on their j
iv.y to i'oitland after a couple of ho. us;
!-day. j
Eyre and Cavanaugh are still in the'
market for hogs, sheep and wool and,
are paying nurket juices. Hogs next
Monday, N"i cents, next shipment will,
be made Thursdav, Phone 2200-M, or
21S3-M. j
The Church street paving proposi
tion w ill come before the meeting of j
the city council next Monday evening.!
A majority of the property owners have
nlready signed and it is understood
there will be no pnrotest. Ten days are!
required for advertising and 20 days
allowed for a remonstrance. Other usual )
delays will bring it up to close to .May 1
before the work will begin. The paving
will extend on Cliurcn street beginning
at State adjoining the First Methodist
church and extend seven blocks to Mis
sion. Between State and the mill race,
the paving will bo -10 feet wide, and be
tween the mill race nnd Mission street,
the width will be 30 feet.
Do not be misled, you pay no morei
tor glasses from me than you pay else
where. My 33 years of experience in
fitting gl.isses correctly is nn asset to
you. 1 use only the best materials that
can be obtained. T can refer you to
thousands of satisfied people that 1
have fitted in this vicinity during the
last 0 years. My prices are very reas
onable. I guarintee satisfaction in ev
ery respect. 1 do not use drugs or drops
in making examinations as they are
dangerous. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn,
lloom 210-211 C. S. Hank Pddg.
Here is a chance for patriotic citizens
will all kinds of money handy and plen
ty of time on their hands. Several con
ventions will be held this summer to
which either the governor or mayor will
be asked to appoint delegates." Right
now a. patriotic citizen with an nbund
ance of time nnd money may secure the
job of attending the Patriotic, Prepared
ness convention to be bold nt Spokane,
March 27-28. The Columbia Naval Base
committee writes Mayor White that h
iy entitled to appoint from three i
delegates to represent Salem. The ap
pointment is entirely honorary, as the
delegates will be permitted to pay their
own expenses.
Cnn rnl,,n.v;A ... t ,
uviuiuuia iivci CACIIISIOUS cy
auto. As soon as the weather permits, j
Kdmnndson & Humor, the stage men,!
will run a big seven-passenger Pierce-j
Arrow car tiom Mtleiu up the I olumbi.i
river highway and return every Sun
day. Leaving Salem at ti a. in. nnd
Portland at 0 a. m the day will be
spent along the highwiy with an hour
or more stoo at the most desirahle
place for lunch, etc., reaching Portland!
at li:30 or 7 p. m. and Salem nt 9:30 or
10 p. in. Only seven passengers will
be taken to the car and reservations'
can be nude singly or in parties of!
seven. For further information, sec Ed-1
iiiuinlson & Hurncr at the -Maxwell'
flarage, or Phone !."!. I
In order that Salem may line up with j
the larger cities of the country ami!
have a fashion show all of its ow'n, the
Meyers department store is arranging!
for exactly that kind of a show, one
that will demonstrate the very latest in
ladies' wear. The interesting part of
the show is that the latest in designs'
will be shown on living models. Ten!
young ladies of the city will appear on!
the stage of the Oregon theatre next i
t destiny evening in the fashion show I
ami demonstrnte to the folks of Salem
what's what in nifty clothes. There
will be nothing in men's wear shown,
but the fact that 10 young lnd'ca
several of them perfect' thirty-sixes,
will appear us models will be in it
of enough interest to guarantee a rec
ord breaking attendance.
J. L. Stockton does not know yet of
the recent action of the Business Men's
league of the Commercial club, concern
ing the Oregon Retail Merchants' asso
ciation, as he was taken seriously i
anil had sent in his resignation before
the meeting. He had been suffennj
from apoplexy and thought he won
recover from the stroke which lie
two months ago sufficiently to carry on
the work of the association. When he
felt this Inst attack cominir on. h.
thought he might be imcapicnted for !
carrying on the work successfully and
for this reason resigned. He was pro
nounced out of immediate danger Fri
day which wns good news to his many
friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur P. Reid an'
their young son William, nceonipnni
by Mr, and Mrs. K. F. Hitchcock, nv
tored from Portland this morning for an
over Sunday visit with Mr. and Mrs.
V. S. Gannett at the Court apartments.
English Deny Story.
! London. Mar. IS. Berlin reports that
British submarines were near the Dutch
liner Tubnntia shortly before she was
sunk by an explosion was branded uii-
: true today by the secretary of the ad
miralty i .
I French Aviators Busy.
Paris, Mar. 18 French aviators made
five raids on German cities and im
portant militnry positions (luring the
night, engaging in 32 duels in the air
above Verdun, it was officially announced.
Great Aeroplane Battle.
Taris, Mar. .18. Shelling of German
trenches in Corbenux wood and a bom
bardment around Fort De Vaux were
reseribed in today's official commun-'
iquc. In other quarters there was no
important activity in the Verdun region
last night. j
Imost unprecedented nerial opera-
tiers were also described. Seventeen j
French aeroplnnes attacked Conl'l.'i,;-,
station, through which pass some of the
crown prince's supplies for the Verdun
oi tensive, rorty uoniDs were nuiiCil
upon the tracks.
Another air squad of 14 machines
dropped bombs on the station at Metz.
Three fires broke out in the depot, nnd
there were numerous explosions along
the railway. German batteries itiiato-l
nearby opened a vigorous fire nt the
flying muchines, which escaped un
harmed. A third flotilla sent 10 bombs into
the aerodrome at Dietize. ind hnr'ed
five more on Amaville station.
In addition to these exploits, ih" com
munique said French neroplares made
CD 'flights pursuing enemiii. and pn
pnred in 32 sky duels, damaging a tier
niai. Fokker.
Ordering Glasses that g
are needed today' ei
Unquestionable qua!
ity. Unsurpasses,
Guaranteed Service.
208-9 Hubbard EUhj.
Phone 109
Mrs. Hattie E. Reeves, who niutic
Woodburn her home for a number ot
years, died at her Home in Portland
Saturday last.
Deceased was (il years of age and a
native of Xew Jersey. She came t i
Oregon 23 years ago with her hus
band and children, the husband havir.g
died several years :.go in this city, rilic
is survived by two sons, ll.ury K.
Reeves, of Hillsdale, and Frank R.
Reeves, of Hermistoii.
Mrs, Reeves was a nurse for man;
years, following thur avocation here
and then in Portland, where she muvol
from Woodburn a few years ago. She
took a deep interest in the ti. A. Ji.
nnd was past department president of
the Ladies of the G. A. K. s!:c was
also a member of the Ladies of the
Maccabees. .Mrs. Reeves was of cheer
ful disposition, a woman of fterliug
worth, a good mot her and much loved
by a large circle of friends. She was
always found a good friend in need.
Funeral services were held in Port
land Sunday at 3 p. m., at the resi
dence establishment of J. P. Fiuley &
Som Montgomery and Fifth, Portland,
under the auspices of the Ladies of the
G. A. R, The remains were taken to
Hubbard, where farther services were
held at 11 a .m., Monday, many attend
ing from here. Interment was in the
family plot nt Hubbard Cemetery.
Woodburn Independent.
Congress Splits Over Plans
for Army's Increase
(Coptinuert from Pane One)
soldier may be examined, and if found
efficient be may return to civil life
as a reservist for the rest of his term,
subject to call only in ease of war. The
aviation arm of the service is increased
by Chamherlnin's measure, which also
tremendously enlarges the machine gun
organization nutl the equipment and
personnel of the field artillery.
Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock are the parents
of Mrs. Gannett.
Mrs. Henry Shomaker is in Portland
to spend two weeks visiting her son.
Charles O. Shomaker. She has been a
resideut of Salem for the past 50 years
and this is her first visit to Portland
since 1888.
Phone 700
Good Oarage in connection fot
ttorage of cars.
Seasonable Bate.
246 State Street.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
PETKRSOX In this city, March M,
HUii, Mrs. Augusta Peterson, in bn
53th year.
The body, accompanied by relativ.-,
was forwarded from the Cottage no
deretakers to Marion this morning for
SMITH In the city March 1.".. IP'
Mrs. Kilna O. Smith, in her :i2d yeni.
The body was sent last night by b
don & Richardson to Portland fei
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all djruggists.
ntis ;
lift" a
Miss Spencer Sings
for the Edison
Miss Klizabeih spencer, the well
known Kastern soprano, -was heard in'
a varied programme of delightful song'i
at the White Temple in Portland lait
night The affair will be in the na
ture of a private hearing to which,
musicians and inuvie-lovera will receive
special cards.
Mis Spencer is rapidly becoininir
popular on the concert stage. She ba'i
studied and coached with sonic of tho
masters in Kuropo.
Miss Spencer sings for the Kdison
Talking Machine and you may hear
her voice at
The Sewing Machine and Music Man
132 State Street
- .