Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Masquerade ball tonight, over Pom
emy's jewelry store at S o'clock,
(icntlciueu 0c, ladies L'.V,
"Is Thoro Yet a War Eotweet Sci
ence and Religion," is the subject to be
disi us-ed by Dr. John O. Hull ami Wil
lamette university in ft lecture before
t m fedoriitel women's clubs at the
Portland -. W . C. A. this evening. His
Hecon 1 lecture will be given ill the same
uuililni ium March 31, speaking on Die
N ii I ii i of the Scandinavian Ameii
en. ' '
The Liberty school will give a pro
giain and basket social at the hall on
Cr.l TTT I : ,vr or v & c a i :;c.ti err NY.
on 1
ONE thing above ail other can
spoil a good cigai. That is
good tobacco, badly cured.
Curing is a matter of time nnd
time alone. To bring ot th full
mellowness of leaf for the OWL
we cure the tobacco an average of
eighteen months.
This means we must carry eigh
teen months' supply of reserve to
bacco on hand, so that every leaf may
oe properly cured before we use it.
The value of this reserve stock at
all times exceeds a million dollars.
This is quite a large non-interest-bearing
investment, isn't it?
But think what this million dollar
reserve supply of leaf means to the
It means he gets a mild, full
flavored smoke from perfectly cured
leaves when he buys the OWL.
It means that every OWL is
mellow. This million dollar reserve
supply insures uniformly good flavor.
We might almost call the OWL
the "Million Dollar" Cigar. Perhaps
we will.
Eridiiy evening, March 31. The pro
ceeds are to bo used for the benefit of;
I ho school.
Although no spinning test has been
n r.de of the dew rolled flax, Mrs. W,
l ord says that a test was made of the
water ndted flu:: in lSiS and that the'
test was entirely satisfactory. Mrs.
Lord now has in her possession a rap
kin made from tho linen of the fii
water retted flax. Orogiuiully she ha
cloth for a dozen of the napkins, but
this was given from time to time tc
ninnn'faeturers in endeavoring to inter
est thoiu in Willamette valley flux.
The finest Sun Klirt oranges, per box
if'J.oO, 1-2 box 11.2.-1, per ibven 3."c, 3
dozen for II. 00. We undersell because
e can underbuy, lie sure you see our
fruit. Poth tlrocery Co.
The children's auxiliary of the Flor
al society will be formed tomorrow nt't
eniooii at 2 o'clock at the meeting to
be held nt the auditorium of the high
school. Not only are children invited
to attend this meeting, but parents es
pecially. Arrangements will be made
and committees appointed whereby the
city mtiy be divided into sections and
supervisors appointed. Announcement"
will also be made ,of what is expected
of the children to will tho various
prizes offered.
Our best bananas 20 and 2,"e dozen: '
Hood River apples $2.00 box: hard
wheat flour $l.3."i: the finest California
lettuce, peas, artichoke, egg plant, all
uni bo had lit the Roth Grocery Co. j
Two big political pow wows are bill- j
ed for tomorrow. Tho democrats will;
meet nt the court house and discuss Ihe
proposition of the ins and the outs and
oilier matters of Importance to the
county organization. The republicans
Kyau Hall Salem, Oregon
Another Ciackorjack
Boxing Smoker
Best in the West
Northwest Contender
Reserved seats, Jt.00; ringside
S1.50; club member, 60c.
Tickots on Bale Watt Shlpp Co.,
Elett'i Billiard Rooms. Smoker
starts at 8, sharp. No delays.
Charlie Davison Makes Hit
. Wiih Fans at Short Work
out Yesterday
Charlie Davison worked nut yester
day fur his bout with Hilly M ascot t at
Ryan's hall tonight and impressed the
fans as being a tough, rugged boxer
with plenty of punch. He does not ap
pear to be as fast as Mascot) "ho is hit
tin"; up a lively elip, but the Seattle
boy is aggressive and will gin the fans
a run for their money.
Holly Jones, who boxes with Kerb
Savage, in an eight round preliminary.
woiKei) out wiin Uavrson, aim wane
Jones is taller than Davison, the 1ms
taniweight boxer showed that lie could
step out and get them and that he was
a glutton f ir work. He has not the fin
ish of Mnscott nor does he appear to
have hail the ring experience of the
l'O-'thinil youth,
".Shorty" Weston and Alex Tiambi
tas two Cortland bantams, will meet
in an eight round semi-windnp. Train
bitas lias appeared before Salem fans
before and needs no i lit mil net ion as the
Ifiiort foljowcrs are well acquainted
with liis ring style.
I lie matches will slart at !':l:i to
night. will get together at rr.e armory In the
afternoon and after tin address by tin
governor, will listen to addresses of
how the country and the office can be I
saved. Also listen to the story of those I
who feel the call of duty and are will j
ing to accept office or sorve another
Dr. Hutchinson, speaks tonight on
"Why Join the Church." He consid-:
ers this the most practical of all the!
addresses yet sjiven. Don't fail to hear!
Iiliu at 7:'M at the Presbyterian church.'
Carl Gregg Doney, president of Wil-;
lamette uni ver-.ity, is on a ten days' i
visit in Idaho, Washington and eastern1
Oregon in the interests of the univer-!
sity. Today he is in Boise, Idaho, and.
Sunday he will be in Spokane, llefore!
returning iie will visit several towns in
Idaho ami eastern Oregon, lie will help'
lo some extent in the endowment cam-'
paign for Gooding college, but the
yre. iter part of his time will be in work-!
j iug for the interests of Willametle.
Call tlio Capital Business College if i
you are interested in shorthand or;
slenotvpy. New glasses next week.
Tall; with the principal. See a demon-;
stra)ion of steuotypy. I
Ten miles an hour is the lilriit of speed
for automobiles passing school houses I
during sciool hours, beginning tumor- j
row. An ordinance to this effect was
passed by the city council .March b' and!
signed by the mayor the following day.j
This ten miles an hour limit iseflective!
from H a clock in the morning until
5 in the afleruoou during school days or
when school is in session. The parent
leachers' association of t he Lincoln
school called toe attention of the city
fathers to the 20 mile speed with which
autos were traveling while passing the
school. The ten mile an hour limit in
Salem conforms to tiie Cortland law
an l is being adopted by almost all
1'ilies in the west.
Sunday Columbia River Excursion by !
Auto. As soon as the weather permits,
Kdiuuiison & liuruer the stage men, will
run a big seven passenger Cieree-Arrow
car from Salem up the Columbia River
highwav and return everv Smnlav.
Leaving Salem at li a. m. and Cortland-
at 9 a. in., the day will be spent along
t';e highway with an hour or more stop
at the most desirable place for lunch,
etc., reaching Cortland at (:30 or 7 p.
m. and Salem at ! : :ti or 10 l . m. Only
seven passengers will be taken to the
car and reservations can be made
singly or in parties of seven. Cor fur
ther information see Kdmunson & Hum
or at the Maxwell garage, or phone 959.
The Maccabees axe preparing for big
doings, the evening of Wednesday.
March 22. State (''omniumler Sherwood
TIIE essential qualities of good
clothes are STYLE, COLOK, FIT
and FAIililC; style is most import
ant quality of material is absolute
ly necessary while grace and com
fort must receive due consideration.
$20, $25, $30
?15, $20, $25
Embraces all these necessary
Woolen Mills
Store -
Will Ginger Up the Circuit"
Says Dagdale Murray Is
Picked As Wnner
San Jose, Cat... Mar. 17. Managers ol
the Tacoma and Vancouver teams of
the Northwestern league are negotiat
ing with -Manager Wolverton, it was
announced todav, in au effort to es
tablish a connection with the San
Crancisco Seals whereby players Wol
verton is unable to use may be given a
"I have not yet decided with which
club to make the arrangement but the
deal will be closed before our training
season ends,'" said Wolvortou.
The work of Ad Marhold and
"Dutch" Kock. new pitchers, is being
closely watched by the Seal boss and a
pretty contest will probably be staged
by these two to determine which shall
be retained on the Seal pitching staff.
Auofiler pJmtice game featured to
day's tiaining work in the Seal tamp.
Murray the Favorite.
Cortland. Or., Mar. 17. All good
Irishmen today expected Fighting Hilly
Murray to uphold the glory of St. Cat
rick's Day and baud Valley Trumhitn.
Cortland middleweight, a stiff lacing
when they meet for six rounds tonight.
Murray was picked as the lngic.il
win nor.
I.eo Houck. of Seattle, and Muff
Bronson, form tljv next biggest attiac
tion on the card. They are feather
weights. will be on hand to keep things g.diig
at a lively gait, and several local enter
tainers are billed to put on their bes"
vaudeville act. Crank Davey will tell
the boys how to keep out of the pen.
and August Huckestein. junior, is on
for a musical number. Professor Han
and Professor Dotson will emerge
'from the studio and school room and
give the members an exhibition of high
class sparring. A. T. Moffit is pfepai
ing a special act. ami others who nug
make a living on the vaudeville stage,
are preparing their acts. All this enter
tainment is due next Wednesday even
ing and is part of the grand campaign
to arouse interest and aid the increase
committee in securing new members for
Willamette Tent, No. l'.
Here is a chance to get a box of or
anges for nothing and all it costs to
take a chance, is to buy one doen
oranges from your grocer tomorrow,
and then guess how many oranges were
in the last car received by the Salem
Fruit company. This is quite easy. In
the car were .'i!Hi boxes. The oranges
were packed from til to inn to the box.
With a tablet and pencil it is easy
enough to figure the number that
should have been ill the car, and the
first person that figures right, gets the
box of oranges. The fruit is the famous
Snnkist. and like the peach eaten by
little .Tun ii n v Jones anil his 'sister Sue,
they were kissed by the sun and wet
by the dew.
For the first time in two years, one
way colonists rates at a very low rate
will be on sale from the east and Mis
sissippi river points into Oregon, from
March 25 to April I t. In a little book
let issued by the Southern Pacific for
the benefit of colonists, special atten
tion is given to the three river valleys
in western Oregon. The booklet says,
"Oregon lias a vast acreage of unfilled
land. Farmers have more land than
they can cultivate and the valley sec
tions of tiie western part of the state
offer great agricultural opportunities."
Ilv offering these low rates especially
for farmers, the railroads expect to
bring to this country many home seek
ers who prefer to live in a mild cli
mate. Efficiency methods of shipping were
demonstrated n few days ago when II.
S. (lile & Co. shipped a car of prunes
over the Southern Cacifie to ( hicago.
The shipment was made in a "lit ton car.
which according to custom and regula
tions, can be loaded 10 per cent over
marked capacity. This permitted trie
loading of 110,0(111 pounds and the
shipment was so loaded and packed
that the total weight was just within 41
Clears Away Pimples
There is one remedy that seldom fail;
to clear away all pimples, black head,
ami skin eruption and that makes t!i
skin soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with zemo
which generally overcomes nil skin ilis
ca-es. Acne, eczema, itch, pimples
rashes, blark heads in most eases givi
way to zemo. Frequently, minor blem
ishes disappear overnight. Itebin;: pen
ally stops instantly. Zemo is safe, clean
easy to use nnd dependable It eosis ouiv
25c; an extra large bortle. .SI.iM. It
w ill not slain, is not greasy or sticky and
is positively safs for lender, sensitive
; pounds of the total capacity. This was
! perhaps the largest single car load of
! prunes ever shipped from Salem. The
1 minimum load of a "o ton car is 30,
j iKHJ pounds and the shipping company
could have called for three cars in
: which to make tln-ir shipment, but as
j the order of the day is efficiency, the
I lU!i..i,i!) pounds were caietully packed
in one car.
SHERWOOD At his home on the Sil
vertou road north of the city. J. A.
Sherwood, .March Pi, 1910, in his IlSth
As yet no funeral arrangements huv
been made.
PHONE 937 f or wood saw.
fl.OST Ladies silver mesh purse, find
; er please call I -1 , and receive re
' ward. atari?
pav on -1 acres near railroad J Phone
-10. Marl7
l AKCKTS electrically clealned, also
furniture, stoves and plumbing re
paired. Call lSiii'W. Marl7
COM SALE Two passenger car in first
class condition, must be sold at onee.
Price $300 cash. Phone 382. tf
WAXTElI I.adv roomer in modern
home, cheap rent for companion, also
three room suite. Phone 311. tf
LOST On Dallas Salem road, box mo
torcycle tools. Return to 1340 Perry
St. ' Reward. Phone 901-J. Mar20
CO li SALE OR RK.N'T Eight lots, six
room house, bam, chicken houses,
fruit, city water. Phone 204 t-H, own
er. Marl7
MEN' liecome detectives; openings ev
erewhere; highest salaries. Write
Rubber Citv Secret Service, Akron,
TO EXCHANGE Good property for
carpenter work on new house. Phone
204 l-R. Marl7
l-'OR RENT s, room house and barn
with 4 acres of land in Salem. In
quire at People's .Meat Market.
Phone 994. Marl 8
PLC CP HUGS The Northwest Rug Co.
agent is here for a few days. Rugs
made from old cat pets. Phono Ii30
Capital Hotel. Marl7
' lady, taking care of children or wait
ing table in hotel or restaurant. Miss
X. K., care of Journal. Marl7
TO TRADE Cor house, a shoe repair
ing machine and full shop outfit,
some cash and balance payments. Ad
dress J. 11., care of Journal. Marl 7
COR SALE Or what have you to trade
for small business, well established,
best location ill city. Cor particu
lars address R, care Journal. MarlS
er with family wants work. A good
stockman. Can take full charge. J.
Montgomery, General Delivery. Sa
lem. ' 'MarlS
SAW MILL COR SALE 50,11(10 en
pacify. H is been operated about 12
months. All ready for operating at
present, time. W. A. Taylor, Maeleay,
receiver V Phone 38K24. Marill
Kf LY" M i" f'Wi:nr &A t;' fti
rnu?n rLAI I.N 3 nfcriRY" tsPlOKlVN.II ' 1
Mallory Hats, $:.30
Just Wright Shoes, $1.30 and $5.00
Edwin Clapp Shoes, $7.00 and $7.30
Arrow Shirts, $1.50
HAEBY Windowclcaner. Phone 769.
WANTED Girl at Salem Pakery.
LLEWELLYX Pird pups for sale. 196
Wilson. MarlS
WANTED Beef cattle and horso.
1425-M. Apr
WANTED A few potatoes for seed.
PhoneolG. MarlS
sale. Phone tioCo. Marl7
1310 N. Summer. Mar2U.
WANTED Girl ory woman for house
work. Phone 7E23. Mar20
clean. 170 Court street. Aprla
POIt KENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 491 North Cottago. .Mar31
OAK, dry ash, fir nnd maplo cord wood.
Phone 1322-J. W. P. Proctor. AprlO
EXPERIENCED primer and Rrafter.
Phone orders to 47F23. J. I'. May.
SEVEN MONTHS old Jersey heifer
calf, for trade for pigs. Phone NfiX.T.
Mar 17
ONE JIPf.K FOR SALE Gentle, 4 yrs.
old. Will Gritton. Thone (If. 123.
ROOM WD 1JOAPD $3 per week at
322 N. High street. Proue 522R.
WILD TRADE New i'ivo .passenger
'Ford auto for stock cattle. Phone
094. MarlS
FOR. SALE Four China pheasants,
one mule, three hens, $0. Phone
858J. Marl7
YOUNG SINGLE MAX 23 years old
wanted job on farm or ranch. Phono
11E3. Mirl7
ALMOST NEW $R0.00 dropherd Sing
er sewing machine for sale, 430.00.
Call 222 Hubbard Bldg. Marl3
FOR SALE Good rubber tired bucgy,
almost new, cheap, for cash, 508 S.
25th. MarlS
WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room house
reasonably close in. Address N. E. (i.,
care Journal. tf
FOR SALE OR TRADE Sawmill, 10m
capacity Donkey. Timber. 744 N.
Commercial. Mar2l
carpet weaving. 31 North High St.
Salem, Or. Aprla
FOIJ SALE My new 5 room modern
bungalow,Iess than cost, address A.
L. Journal. Mar20
FOE 8 ALE 15 acres DOttnm Hnd,
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Taom&s,
Marion, Oregon. April!
FOB SALE Swedish select white oats
at 40 cents per bushel. Geo. Sehaap,
Pratum, Oregon. MarlS
Fpil TRADE IS aeres of good land
near Eugene, for modern honso in
Salem. Phone 2500.1 1. Mar20
DESJRAI1LE ROOMS Furnace heit,
fine location, excellent meils. Thone
1156-M. 1510 State. April7
PLOWING WANTED Lot or acreage,
work guaranteed. John Hunus, 2;t95
Cherry Ave. Phone 2301,12. Mar20
FOR RENT A good 10 room house,
1079 t'heheketa street, $12. Inijuirg
at G. A. Paeh & Co. jViiirl?
NURSERY STOCK Lowest prices at
Northwestern nursery, rear of arm
ory. Grafted Franquette Walnuts.
Budded Holly. .Choice roses, etc.
Phono 413. Mar23
On approved security, 7 per cent in- Jl
tcrcst. W. A. Liston. MarlS
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 acres of good potato land. Must
be cheap. Adress Journal C-50. Mayd
FOR SALE At a bargain, Auburn 5
passenger car in first class condi
tion, newly painted. See at Kaylor
Paint Co. MarlS
np to dato power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel Yards, rhone
529. tf
ORDERS TAKEN For top grafting,
tree, and rose pruning, 10 years ex
perience. Phone 413 for M. E. Jones.
SALEM STEAM Vacuum Carpet Clean
ing Works, rent hers and mattresses
renovated. Otto F. Zwicker. Phone
1154. Aprlj
WHITE ROCKS An egg strain of ex
hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel
post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Eouto 3. Salem, tf
FOR SALE Limited quantity of hest
known early variety seed potatoes,
seed properly cut if desired. Prolific
yielder, no run out seed. 500 North
Capital or Phone 350. MarlS
FOB BENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec
tric lights and steam heat. See Watt
Bhipp Co., 219 Norta Commercial
street. Phone 363. tf
FOB SALE Fine residence lot, 62x103
feet, Capital and Center Btreets. Price
2800. Write J. W. Bcckley, Ner.
strand, Minnesota. Mar23
WE WILL PAY Fourteen cents pound
for good liens, 15 cents for eggs per
dozen. Cherrv Citv Cafe, 108 s'llich
strcot. Miekenhnm & Lindley. Mar2l
FOR RENT Modern five room cottage
with garage, one-half block from
pavement, c irline and grocery stores.
Cheap to desirable part v. Phone
427-R. ' MarlS
pair work and painting see A. W.
Lindell, S. E. comer Itoyt and Com
mercial streets. Work guaranteed.
prices right. Marl7
BIGGEST SALE ever you cm find:
20 acres, 16 to 17 acres plough land,
balance good timber and pasture, no
buildings. On county road. I.ittl-
work to irrigate 2 or' 3 acres. Good
black garden land. Price $1300, is
worth (3500. I need the monev. 2' J
miles from Salem. "20 Acres," care
Of JonrnaL April