I TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1916. SALEM'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE it W' , I J Don't fail to see Meyers' Spring Fashion Show at the Oregon Theatre, Tues day evening, March 21st. All garments shown on Living Models. Salem's big Fashion Event. xx This Sale of New Spring Suits ends tomorrow Women's New Spring Suits A large number of the season's newest garments, of desirable fabrics in the much wanted black and white checks tans blues and greens. Be here early and get an. earlv selection. (See window display.) Your Choice $19.85 XX XX XX This Sale of Fiber Silk Hose ends tomorrow night. Women's Fiber Silk Hose, 29c a pair, 2 pairs for 55c Excellent quality fiber Silk Hosiery in black or white. We were exceedingly lucky in procuring such a good number and we will give our custom ers an opportunity to save considerable on this purchase. It will be worth your while to see these and supply your needs, 29c a pair, 2 pairs for 55c Just the hose for spring and summer wear Extra Value. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY JiyjJ.oo6ploooD is fcziJ This Sale of Newest Millinery ends tomorrow night Latest New York Millinery, up to $9.95, choice $5.45 Absolutely new styles none of these Hats have been in stock more than two weeks. Exclusive styles no two alike. Don't fail to attend this event if you want a new hat, regularly priced up to $9.95. Your choice LAjijA All A iiAiiiliiAiiAAi ! XX nan Change of Business Location I wish to notify my customers and tlio general public Hint I hive sold my interest in tlio Capital Qnrn.ro and have, moved tlio office of my transfer business to my old stand at the Cllobo Confectionery in the Hubbard Hldg. I have purchased n new three ton truck and jni in po sition to bundle, a general trans 'er business. Phono 13. KAPPHAHN TRANSFER COMPANY E. L. Kapphalin All Around Town Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass es correctly. U. 8. Hunk, lildg. o Everything seems quiet along the banks of the Willamotto uud the stage ubove low water todny is 7.1 feet. Dr. Stone's drug store. Prince Camaralzaman and the Pii:- cess Hadoura will be the subjects of Hie t i i - . muuicu o siury nour tumunuw morning at the public library at 0:30 o'clock, One-Half Price ebIo on scrims, voiles, ; liurquiscttes and Iiko nets, Huron & I Hamilton. I Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Easter vacations are now on at Wil lamette university and things will be (iiift on the campus until Tuesday the L'Sth, when studies will be resumed, o Try CHlsou's shoe-shining parlor, parlor. Mnrl8 Adolph Bros., who recently bought the business of Toozo and l'nttersou, are arranging; to put in a new front and make several improvements in Hie in terior of the store. Your suit pressed, GOc. Phone 43. Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43. Living is becoming cheaper in sonic lines and that is soino satisfaction. . sign in front of a grocery store this morning announced 'smelt for sale at five cents a pound with the privilege of tukir.t! eight pounds for L'5 cents. Choice roasts of beef, 9c pound. Cap ital Meat Market. IL'1 S. Com. While the sugar market is doing con siderable wobbling, tho report of Hie Cuban a nu i i.'an Sugar company shows earning of 100 por cent this yenr ngainst 70 per cent in 1015 and Hue. per cent in 1014. ' T-Bone, Loin and Round steaks, 122 cents pound. Capitil Market, I'll S. I 'oin. Everything is now In readiness at tho Tllks' lodgo for the St. Patrick's dance to be given this evening. The Klk or chestra of five pieces will furnish the music and the social rooms w ill be turn ed over to those who do not or cannot ! dnnco. I John Claire Mouteith, teacher of sing ing, in Salem S.ttudnys. Call 2043-.T. COMING EVENTS TONIGHT March 17 Miss Ida Davis re.uling at public library. St. Patrick supper by Ladies' Social Circle, Central Con gregational church. Christian Science( lecture, Armory. Mrs. William Sherman, who has been in the Salem hospital for the past , onys, has so far recovered that she w be removed tomorrow to the home of her son-in-law, George II. Patterson, !V.5 South Seventeenth street. , Automobile for hire, passengers and I baggage transfered, rites reasonable, country trips a specialty. C. O, Mc Kirov. Phone 017 or (WO. tf March 18 Republican rally at Armory. Orango day. Democratic rally, Court House. Children's Auxiliary Salem Floral Society will organize at high school," 2 p. m. March 20 Scenes of tho Holy Land at Ryan's hall, here six days. March 24-25 Marion County Sunday school convention. March 25 University of Ore gon musicians at Presbyteri an church, benefit Chemcketa Camp Kire Girls. April IS Registration for primary election classes. I Shoes ! Shoes! i X t 4mmmHWHHHH "'"7' ANYTHING THAT YOUR HEART DESIRES THE LATEST Ipm STYLES FROM BOSTON-LOW HEELS, HIGH HEELS, WHITES, BLACK AND COLORED KIDS, ETC, ANY SIZE, m 2 TO 8, TRIPPLE A's TO E. NOTHING IN THE CITY CAN COMPARE WITH THESE FANCY CREATIONS. YOU 2$M OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE. EXCLUSIVE OUirS"" rllLLINERY 2 70 Worth Commercial aSCa z it 25c scrims this week 12'2c. Buren & Hamilton. o "The Dogma of Formal Discipline" is the subject on which Dr. H. D. Shel don ot" the University of Oregon will speak Saturday morning in the auditor ium of the high school before the teach ers of tho county. Following his ad dress Miss Ainbrosine Murphy will meet the teachers of the primary school and explain tlio Paniler system of writing. Fine $35 o4-inch roll top desks $22.50. K. L. Stiff & Sonr Dr. F. C. Hagel will give another demonstration of his substitute for cof fee at his offices over the Weller Bros, next Wednesday afternoon from 5 to 0 o'clock. All business men and others interested are invited to attend and sample the beverage. It is understood arrangements have been made for man ufacturing the cereal product on a com mercial sale and placing it on the mar ket. Fire insurance written, best old line companies. i. Hoehtel & 'o. Maris o There are still at large some mighty mean 'folks in this part of the country. At least that is the private opinion of Mrs. M. J. McCoy, 115:5 North Capita street. She has been taking great pride in her daffodils and last night someone came along and stole every single one of them. Perfection oil stoves at E. L. Stiff & Son. Dr. Ellis is in receipt of a letter from the Rev. A. McLincoek, of Saslutclie wau, stating that on account of the severe winters in that part of Cn;:ndn, he n-i vell as many of his friends hope to mov" to n milder climate 'nd alter making all sorts of inquiries, have rnn clud'l that the Willamette vallnj offers the best in climate as woil as oppcr tuiutics. $1.80 "Wear Ever" aluminum pot roast kettle, this week, $1.07. Buren & Hamilton. d. N. Howell, meter reader for the Portland Railway, Light & Power com pnny, is wearing a blue serge suit with tlio'lettors P. R., L. & P. and this natur ally meets with the approval of the wo men of the city as it. gives them some assurance that the right man is reading I "SALEM'S BEST MARKET PLACE" Now at 426 State Street Demonstration and Special Sale of National Biscuit Company Cookies and Crackers for Saturday only: All , packages, six for 25c All 10c packages, 3 for 25c All 25c packages, li for $1.25 Don't 'fail to sample these goods today. Saturday is Sunkist Orange I ay. Special pr Mies are made on Sunki.-t grnde. SO oranges to box-, $2.50; 1-2 ox, $1.25; dozen 50c 100 Oranges to box, $2.75: 1-2 I ox, $1.40; dozen 40c 150 Oranges to box, $3.40; 1-2 1 ox, $1.70; dozen 30c Don't be deceived into taking inferior grades at a little lower price or you will be disappointed. Come to the fruit and vegetable headquarters fur the .genuine Sun kist grade. Get the wrappers! WESTACOTT-THIELSEN CO. 426 STATE STREET PHONES 830 and 840 the meter. Harry Morris, the meter tester, is not so fortunate as to wear a uni'forni. but if his authority is ques tioned, he can present a badge showing he is the right man on the job. Don't neglect to buy that $1.80 Wear Kver aluminum pot roast kettle this week for only $1.07. iiuren & Ham ilton. The Senior King's Heralds of the First Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street at 2:30 o'clock Saturday after noon. The hostesses are Lela Baum ! and Myrtle M.txwell and Miss Clara school. Her program will include the. reading of stories by O. Henry and two scenes from "If 1 Were King." Th ordin.iry reading may not be interest ing, but with Miss Davis as reader, an entertaining evening is assured. For rent, desirable office room, Mui -phv .nil.'., corner of State ami f'oiumei cial streets. . L. lWitel Co., 347 Statu stivct. Marl'i S.hnasse will conduct the lesson, "Prom Pagoda Land to the Lion City. ' Willamette brand tents, awnings, flies, and wagon covers and camp fur niture. K. L. Stiff & Sou. An interpretative reading will be giv en this eveiiin;.' at the public library by Miss Ida H. Davis of the senior high ic Js 'f sje $ sje FREE ON SATURDAY :!: A Beautiful Easter Novelty With Each Dozen Oranges. CLARK & FREEMAN Pure Food Grocers. 23rd and State St. Phone 670 (e !: $ An entertainment in honor of St. Patrick in St. Joseph's hall Friday, March 17th at 8:30 p. m. Admission, 25 cents, children 10 cents. Marl? The Rev. William Nichols is holding special meetings at the Liberty church assisted by the Rev. .1. C. Spencer. They will eloso this week unless arrange ments are made Sunday to continue an other week. Painless Parker, dentist, will not be responsible for any of Dr. Cox's bills or any of his unfinished or unsatisfac tory work. Mar21 Judge P. II. D'Arcy, A. J. Anderson, Kugcno Slater, William Patterson and Herman Meiring went to Independence today to represent the Salem Klk lodjjo at the funeral of J. W. King, formerly of Salem. The funeral was held from the home of .Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. J. S. Bohannon. Photos at half price. Trover & Weigei. The sub-contract station of the post office located at the Crown Drug store is doing a good business and has no complaint about general prosperity. l.ast nigar, in uie close ot mo nrsi half of the month, the total stamp sales were $15ii. All of which indi cates that the downtown postoffiee branch is filling a long left want. j Boiling boef, 7c pound. Capital Mar-: ket, 121 S. Com. The employes of the Salem Street j Railway compnnv are arranging to give! a dunce nt the armory on the evening of April 2S for the benefit of tho Street Railway band. The music, will be furn ished by the entire band of 22 piece. The company now employs 00 men and w ith these (10 men and their friends and ! families, a successful dance is ussuied. Trover and Weigei photos half price. D. V. S, Reed with his wife and two daughters are here from Lebanon and will make Salem their home. W. If Oilson remembers Mr. Reed when they both lived nt Tallman about 40 years ago. Mr. Reed was the teacher and Mr. liilson was learning to rend in McHuf fey's first reader such difficult sen tences as, do we go u,., we do go up. Your suit pressed, 60c. Phone 43. --rTM An Economical, Delightful Place to Trade Special for Saturday I ? A limited quantity of Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine suitable for Shirt Waists, Party Dresses, Under Garments, in leading colors, ?Q to 42 inches wide, sold as high as 98c, special for only 45c. Saturday only, 45c Headquarters for Star Brand Shoes for lien, Women and Children KAFOURYBROS. 416 State Street The Store for the People Mail Orders promptly filled We pay postage on mail orders. w IT S3 niousecieamng i ime Is Here Why Not Use a Brilliant Electric Vacuum Sweeper and eliminate all the hard work. We have just what you need at the right price. Guaranteed to have as much suction as any $35.00 machine. Sent on 30 day free trial. The little sweeper with the hig pull. Price only $19.50. fit Bargain day is every day at our store. Watch our windows