Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 14, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Kate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word 1
One week (6 insertions), per word 5t
One mouth (26 insertions), per word 17(
.All R'is must be ordered for x stated
length of time, no ad to count less than
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insortioi
for errors in Classified Adrertise
ments. Iiead your advertisement thf
first day it appears and notify us im
Tieiliately if it contains an error.
Minimum ch irjje, loc.
cattle and
KOK SAI.K l'liie Diirh iin cow. John
Wikbcrjr; Route 3. Mnrlti
bo ME eoooGrt RSM-
J:il0 N. JSutmnor.
-Call at
eleaiu 170 Court street. Aprlo
lady. l'hone lllt'l. Mario
OAK, dry ash, fir and maple cord wood.
1'lione 13J2-J. W. l 1'roctor. Apr 10
FOli KKNT Cottage south west corner
Oak and Summer streets. Phone 71.
PHONE 937 tor wood saw.
'WEfOL oe'-rox.ebo"'
X tor rVrrtoM ,
I OF s.koks,
vJto fRe You? J
put Trte JV )
SoU6H in) A) '
tfj. ll i.
f. f - - -
Ii I -
-----Vx&K toVl
UAEKY Windowoloanei. Phone 708
LI.KWKUA'.N liii-,1 pupa for sale. I'M
Wiisuii. MarlS
j LOST lilacl; .".ml while check skirt
1j. !t. I'hone "'''. ihirlj
When you get puffing along at a Smile-a-Minute gait behind a pipe-"
ful of mild, mellow, good-for-a-fel!ow "Tux" you're bound, to, become
the Cheer Leader on the road to Success.
fOli KKNT l-'uiuiliod housckeepin?
rooms, 4:tl North Cottage. Mnr31
sAI.KM STKAM Vncimtn farpot Clean-
in- Winks. 1'eathcri ami luu 1 1 rinses
rciiinaldl. I ): to P. Zwii-ker. I'hiniP
Jt.-.l. Aprl")
the only
The Perfect Tobacco for Pips and Cigarette
Tuxedo develops more joy-power to the pipeful than any other tobacco why? Because it's
the only tobacco made that will not "bite" nsr even try to "bite" the
most sensitive tongue and throat.
Tuxedo is made by the original, secret "Tuxedo Process'
process that removes all sting and harshnessfrom
tobacco. And the tobacco used in Tuxedo is the
ripest, mildest leaf grown aged 3 to S years to
delightful fragrance and mellowness.
Tuxedo is widely imitated (did you ever hear of anything
orhrinul and worth while that wasn't?), but when you call for
a-bhow-down vottr iite, imitation brands will quickly bite
KXI'KUIENCKD primer ami (,'rarter.
l'liono ori'lers to 17KL':i. J. l' Mav.
A 0001) FANCY MOUSE And bussy
for sale. Salem, l.'outo 3, ISox 'J2.
Front street, opposite liichanlson 's
store. MarKi
CLOSING DVT Choice nursery stock,
cheap. l'nv V. Ohniart. Phono
53 F 1.1 ' Mar 15
LOST A bar brooch pin, Sunday. Re
turn to Journal office and receive re
ward. Marl!
Seattle Crack Bantam In Good
Condition 24 Rounds
Fast Boxing r
s ;', ,'-.r
f. --rvCvV-y-v'vv77t)l
, !l;-s V I ':,!- . iV' Ii
A Hi ii iZttxg si n iff o
i;-.-r,i ii ui m -sj lii in ici
" i'n in j .1 ft xj r-M a vf m.' r .
r.inioin; Pa0.
.bull Pitcher.
" Tuxedo gels to rrs i
plcnwt way. It's n'lii
honesl, companioimbh- jJ'.j
to ill."
C lll good,
Ihi 'kind
their way out and leave you and 1 uxedo together in peace.
Convenient, Rassine wrapped,
moisture-proof pouch . .
Famous green tin with gold
lettering, curved to fit pocket
In Tin Humidors, 40c and SOc. . In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c.
1 W..-5
Tl.' ."1. !. l.Mil.l .u..li:'CVfjOi..l:jji.l..
FOR SALIO Vermont Uolil Coin seed
potatoes. Koule 1, liox '1 (', Salem,
Oregon. MarUi
WAJMTKD To rent 7 or 8 room house
reasonably close in. Address N. . O.,
care Journal. tf
Folt SALK My new f room modern
bungalow, less than cost, address A.
L. Journal. MarlM
FOli SALF ID acre farm, well im
proved, 2 miles from Salem, l'oute -.
W. Lmek. M irHi
.IF' , ii" ItllillMHIiMl
match 'for tin
l.avd Friday night the Iiini'ks Liter
ary sucii'ty met at the sclnml house tiiul
the well rendered prugrain gave much
credit to the children, liny Oo.cl huh
chairman and did liis purl well. Alter
the program spelling ns the amuse
nicnl of the evening. 10 children spell
ing against III grown people, after much
cvitcmoiit the grown people had to
take their seats as it hud been too long
since they linil looked into their spell
ers and thev wen1
Will Hawkins left this wcel,
Cortland to join the Marine corps pro
viding he can pass the examination.
Mrs. L. S. Murdoch has been on the
sick list for the past week but is im
proving. Mr. and Mrs, 1!. V. Ramp left Wed
nesday for an i extended business trip
cast. Mr. linnip's business is in the in
terest of loganberry juice, llcrvnis
St nr.
Sport News
Your Eastern Trip
Should ho arranged via California so
that you can stop over at San Fran
cisco. Liberal stopovers allowed. The
cost is no more for this privilege on
either first or second class tickets.
Ogden Route
Train service is excellent. Three daily
transcontinental limited trains to Chi
cago and the East. Latest equipment.
All steel observation library cars,
through sleeping cars, dining car serv
ice unexcelled. Protected by electric
automatic block signals.
Overland Limited---Paciiic Limited
San Francisco Limited-Atlantic Express
Ask your loeal agent or write
John M. Ecott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific - Union Pacific
Trimming Down the Oaks.
Moves Springs, Oil,, Mar. II. The
work of trimming down the Oaks sipiad
has begun already. With S in uniform
M Dinger b'owdv F.lliott considers that,
iic has too many men to handle to best
advaiits"e and it is likely that before,
the week is out he will have cut scv-(
eial of t liese ot'l'. !
"Huxy" Mi.ldletou had better be get
ting here for tiaiinug work or he is
ILojus Take Two Out
; of Ihrcefrom W. 0. W.'s
: The l.oju bowlers took two out of
three games from the W. O W.'s at tin
Club allies last night in n hotly con
tested game in which the losers nuulc
j a total of four more pins than the
! winners. Kress of the Woodman team
Seals Start the Season-Mc
Credie Gets "Sassy"
Other Sporting News
Stilt esmail
i l'ilkenton
; 1 1 ill
I Fieeland
lit to find Ins out field lob occupied H, lay ..
bv "Newt" Kiiudill. according to close
! observers h'ntiilall is going in great' Totals .
form and many predict he will land thci Total pi
j regular outfield job,
I Manager F.lliott declared today that '
i his ankle, spriincl Sunday, will be as Wilson ...
( good as ever by tomorrow and he does,p,ean ....
I not expect to be laid up. F.lliott ile-j,l,,Vcl .,,
I i in i es ill' "ill c.-u oiuv 10 men ncsoies , JolinlllSoll
scored the high nveraj
I!. May of the l.ojus
game of 122;,
The scores follow :
.... 1S2
. ... im
. ... nil
1 1 ; i ;
!,i;i i
7n:i stur
i 1P7
1 .
San Jose, Oil., Mar. 14. The first of
ficinl practice of the MHti baseball sen
son for tlie M'iiis was neui mis aiu-r
i noon, two hours alter me main )'" ) h i ni 1 1", , luring the regular season.
or iiic ociii hi ii in iiiiiv-i in i'3 i
1 from San Francisco.
Interest of the baseball scribes cen
tered mainly in Napoleon I'resi hctte. n
I former soldier, who is one of the few
baseball pitchers in captivity woo car-
j ries a inniuH'or with him. Nipoleon's
I iiianager, Sergeant Keyes, of the roast
artillery, visited Mauager Wolverton s
i office nud told Wolverton that. Fres-
chettu is a wonder. Wolverton tigrecd
' to give him a tiymit.
! More thin 20 Seals, or prospective
Seals, were out in uniform this af
ternoon when the first training took
place. Most of them had been doing
some private preliminary work at home
and were in fairly good condition,
! McCredio Talks Back.
, Portland, Or., Mar. H. " I guess
that'll hold him for .1 while," remark
ed Judge W. W. McCredio vindictively,
shoving a messenger boy out of his of-
ifue door with a telegram.
! "What do' yon think of this fellow
Willi-; (The former Cleveland outfield
er.) Mere we haven't got his con-
tract yet and tviiiuiug svnsou is start
'nig. And today. he comes through with
tnis message," cOiiHluiod MeOredii' dis
gustedly. "Hii Wanli bonus of 'J"t
'at the' end of Ihe sOason if ho hits
' .27.") or better." ''
i nis was .aici reuie s niiioii'i;
"Von will have to hit .300 to hold
vour job. No bonus."
Salt Lake Enes Busy,
fodest o Oil., Mar. II. Twenty
eight Suit Luke llecs were here toil i.v
for the training work preliminary to
the IPIri baseball season. Only the
lightest sort of exercise was taken to
day anil it will lie several days before
Man igor lllmikciiship will permit his
men to Oo imv real liascliall
UliMikenship is enthusiastic over th
O. W.
. isl
. 21:1
. liin
. l is
Total pins.
l.liW: average.
1 I I
West Stayton
prospects ot his team
ing season and he dei
observers who do not
right near the top ire
Trainiur will continue
Match 20. -v
during toe eom
lares that those
here until:
Juarez Races Declared Off.
Id I'aso. Texas, Mar. 1 (. The Juarez,
race meeting has been officially called
off, it was announced today, because
of the unsettled conditions in Mexico.
Today's card miiv lie rim off but even
this win declared to be doubtful.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 2oc at all drugc'ists.
(Tnpital Journal Special Servi
ti... ........ i,.,. u ..f ii... n n .lull nr..
idnyiiig.. ) T puiertuim-d bv Mrs. Louis
r t ho
of visitors wort' present. Tlit hostess,
i i ... t..f i i.
HI 1 'noun i ii in ii,
far off in their j . V- C':S1" m,,l,l " b"in" rnl1
Aiimsville Siiturdav.
Milton Weatherby. who hns been
quite sick with malaria fever, is sloW
ly improving.
The play "The Freshman" given by
the young people on Friday evening
was splendid, surely a success.
The old folks tiro preparing an enter
tainment for Thursday evening. March
2J F.verybody come.
Miss Tiielma Foff of deer, came Fri
day to visit her sister, Mrs. A. Kolrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker were
:i!en visitors Saturday.
J. W. Nipple was called to l'ort
land last neck en busiiuvs.
I. Tripp, of Lebanon, was visiting
friends in West Stayton over Sunday,
A. .Kolrich went to Snlem Saturday
to see his sister, who is verv sick.
Charlie Davidson will arrive in Sa
lem tomorrow to indulge in a little light
training to take the kinks out of his
muscles before his bout with liilly
M'ascott Friday, M irrh 17, at (van's
hall. Davidson is a rugged lad and
will have no trouble in making the ro
iuireil 120 pounds ringside.. Mascott
can put up n good fight at llo ring-i-.dio
and all he needs to nuke 120 ring
side is a clean si.ave. At the same time
Mnscott is taking no chances on not be
ing in condition tor the Seattle youngs
ster and is training hard at Ins qunr
tcis for the coining bout.' Me is work
ing out with Al Summers, who is 1 ly
ing off for a few weeks while he nurs
es a battered car back into such shape
that it can be introduced into polite so
cietv and the boxing arena.
Herb Savage, a tough local boxer, is
ilso working out with Mnscott and will
appear in one of tue preliminaries for
an eight round go with liollv Jones.
Savaue is fast and strong but lacks
ring experience though he promises to
put up a creditable exhibition as he
keens lioriir' in all of the time and it
takes i huge wallop to make him break
ground. Jones appeared at the first
smoker against Jimmy Moscow with
whom he secured a draw.
The semi windiip will be staged be
tween Young Alec Trambitas and Os
car (ianluer. Young Trambit is started
in to box cigiit rounds at the last
smoker but his opponent Farl Zimmer
man refused to stay with him and the
bout was called off in the third round.
Trambitas is a fast .unl fearless youth
and the Salem fans would like to see
him in action again against u buy who
would give him a lively bout. Oscar
(i.irilner is the sou of the Oscar (lard
ner who fought Young Corbett lor the
world's lightweight championship when
Young Corbett was in his prime. Gard
ner Junior has been under the careful
instruction of his father who has given
the boy tiie advantage of his ring ex
perience. Manager Hobby Kvnns prom
ises that 1 ho little fellows will put up
a rittling exhibition of the fistic art.
Mnscott will probably soon have an
opportunity to appear before the east
em fight critics as Tom Andrews, the
sporting editor of the Milwankie Sen
tinel, has written Mobbv Evans that
there is a shortage of good bantams in
Wisconsin and that Mnscott will find
ensv pickings among the present crop
though he would gain little prestige by
beating the lot of them. Tommy Bums,
ex-world's champion heavyweight, who
is now a promoter in New Orleans, has
also written- to M.tnager Kvans for
some additional data about Lilly's sio
and accomplishments. Mnscott is the
legitimate bantam weight champion of
the northwest by virtue of his victory
oyer Jockey Dennett, the title holder,
and over all others who Ate rated
among the top notc'uers. But liilly
went, outside of his class to find op
ponents and has been fighting above
the bantamweight limit of 1 1.0 pounds
and met and beat Tex Vernon at .122
pounds. Vernon claimed the nortu.
west ch.impionsliip of the feather
weights and Billy won that which gives
him two belts though he is a legitimate
bantam and can fight at 111) ringside
and make the best of tiiein step some.
Bobby Kvans. who munages the des
tinies of Billy Mascott s.iys his boy is
a coming world's ch union and will soon
be ready to meet the title holder of the
world. Kvans and Mascott have been
together for the past nine years about
South 1'ortland and played together on
the s.une baseball teams and football
teams and fought the same gangs in the
allev. llolibv knows his man from the
ground up and when he savs he
handling a championship contender
nianv fans who have watched the
little Krench-Ciaadinii work and nrc in
dined to see it in the same light.
FOR SALE lb acres tiottoro Kind,
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Tiiomas,
Marion, Oregon. Apr' 11
LOST French Doodle dog, responds to
mime of "Hags." Return to O. K.
Grocery, reward. ' Marlti
FOR SALE Swedish select white oats
at 40 cents per busiiol. Geo. Schaap,
Pratum, Oregon. MarlS
fine location, excellent mcils. l'hone
lloG-M. 1510 State. April7
WANTED Second hand typewriter,
will trade good bicycle. l'hone 4fl.
Call 2o2 State street. MarU
TIIIIKE good Jersey in
James Winstanley
4 FX W. T. Jenks.'
Ik cows for sale,
estate, l'hone
WANTED TO KENT A five or six
room modem houso at reasonable)
rent, l'hone 2107J. Marlt
HAY FOR SALE Looso cheat also
some mixed clover. Inquire at state
fair ground hay barn. Marlt
KKNT FREE To man and wife in ex
change for some work in apartment
house. 170 Court street. Marlt
I'LOWINll WANTED Lot or acreage,
work guaranteed. John Burmis, 2J05
Cherry Ave, l'hone 2501,12. Marl 3
Kor sale, $1.50 per 1,000. Write K.
Anderson, Route 3 Box 155. MarU
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 acres of good potito land. Must
be cheap. Adress Journal C-50. May6
KOR SALE A Xo. I good horse, also a
fine farm fof sile or trade for city
property. 320 Hubbard llldg. Marlj
WANTED Clover hay by ton, will pay
cash or trade stock hogs for sime, al
so stock hogs for sale, l'hone H4K2.
np to date power equipment. LiBt your
order at Salem Fuel Yards, l'hone
KOR RENT Largest hall in town room
for 400 sets to dnnce at once. Largo
gatherings of any kind. Kor terms see
K. R. Ryan. MarU
WHITE ROCKS An egg strain of ex
hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel
post for 1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Route 3, Salem. tf
Washington, Mar. 14. Former Frcsi
dent William Howard Tuft. Klihu Root
and Joseph Chonte oppose the elevation
of I.ouis I). Brauileis to the supreme
court bench. This became evident to
day when Austin Fox, testifying before
the senate siib-cnminittee investigating
Brandcis' qualilficntions tor the office
to which he was appointed by Vresi
dent Wilson, produced a letter signed
by nil three men, in this letter thi
declared it to be their "painful dntv.
m view ot the "reputation, rharncter
and professional career of Hrandeis,
to express the opinion that he was unfit
for the supreme court bench.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Try Capital Journal want Ads.
FOR SALK Good young mare, 4 years
old, weight 1250, also 3Vj inch firm
wagon, l'hone 35F31, J. R. Maey,
Brooks, Oregon. Marl7
WANTED Everv Tnursdny afternoon,
two or three quick, wide-awake girl
to fold papers. Apply at 150 S. Com
mercial street. MarU
FOR RENT Store, 21x165 foe, elee-
trie lights and steam heat. Hoe Watt
SMpp Co., 219 Norti Commercial
treet Phono 363. tf
FOR SALE Fine residence lot, 62il08
leet, Cipital and Center streets. Price
2800. Write J. W. Bcckley, Ner
strand, Minnesota. Mar23
FOR RENT Attractive suite of house
keeping rooms, nicely furnished. AH
modem conveniences. Very reason
iblo. Telephone 1181. Marl5
WE WILL PAY Fifteen cents pound
for good hens 10 cents for eggs per
do7.cn. Cherry City Cafe, 108 S. High
street. Micheninan & Lindley. MarlS
WANTED Bv married man, work on
farm or ranch, or to take charge of a
pi ice with stock and implements fur
nished. State wages and accommoda
tions. Frank Hunett, Turner, Oregon.
NURSERY STOCK At lowest prices
at Northwestern Nursery, rear of
armory. Grafted Fr.inquette Wal
nuts, 8 to 10 feet. Top grafted Roy
al Ann cherry. Budded Holly. Choice
roses. Special price on lnrgc orders.
"A little of everything." Phone
413. Marlj
BIGGEST SALE ever you c.in find:
20 acres, 10 to 17 acres plough land,
balance Rood timber and pasture, no
buildings. On county road. Little
work to irrigate 2 or 3 acres. Good
black garden land. Price $1500, is
worth $J500. I need the monev. 2Li
miles from Silem. "20 Acres," care
of Journal. Aprl.l