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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1916)
PTIE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 14. 1916. c fwp PLAN TO IKE SALEM a lini u mm ton ii M mm ii m mm am am mi mt im art rrJ SIX i j i i Use Now 'till n mm ti II II II II 11 11 II II IJ II tJ ii M U M II II M You owe Wi ey 521 COURT STREET Si WOMAN FIGHTS HY . f r . Arrow points lo Mm v. I'alhnah. Slme. rutiniali, who ;g shown in this picture by the side of her husband, boasts that she is the only woman Jt,'hter in the French arm v. Her husband, a lieutenant with the Morocco . sharpshooters, has been decorated twice for bravery. The picture shows M. Fatimuh and his wife presiding at a distribution of rice to the soldiers. SILVERTON NEWS (Capilul Journal Special Service.) Nilvvrtmi, Ore., Mar. II. I'airl .Smith in reported very sick at the home of his parents, iLr. and Mrs. J. (I. Smith, on Fink street. ItoHCne Starr ia leaving for eastern Oregon where tie expects to remain per manently. S. Harmon has accepted the imsilion with the Pacific Transfer coin jnny vacated hy Mr, Starr, .Mrs. M. Conley vis'ited tit the T. Hunk home in Alt. Angel on Afondny. J!r. Jlook is in very poor health at tiie pies vat. Miss Kstlier Hiues has been in lVrt hind again pnn'lin.-ting her millinery tock for the liij; millinery opening next week. Tho holicH of the I'nited l.utlieian church served one of their bounteous dinners lit the luiHcnirnt of the church last Saturday There .was also n sale of aprons and fancy work Regardless of the disiigreeuble weather the atteinl nace, was excellent and the ladies feel Veil paid fur their work . Mr and Airs. Dan (leiser were taken Welcome News For Uunlon Sufferers If you nro suffering from nn olmox Ijui Bunion no matter how largo or painful it may be oomo hero and get full box of the celebrated Hunnm Comfort Plasters try one or two plas ters, as per direction, 'ami if vm do not jet almost instant relief and feel perfectly' satisfied, bring back the remainder anil fcot your lull money back. Yixt need not pay one cent if "llimiou Comfort" docs nut prove entirely rut i .f.u-torv. Why continue to go nUmt with swollen, mis shapen feet.' Why say that Bunions can t be cured, when here is a guaranteed remedy ea..ily applied no cutting no pads ir plates but n w,m.l..i-i'i,IK. medicated plaster that works like magic n.l givi-j initnnt irln-f. Uvi'f i:'.000cM'aird lat yi:iir ever 13 yr..r ot cum unions nt tcda not .a oMM-r-imrnl, hut nn cstuh. lisli'-d mut'ite. It't Woith trn tituoi its li-icht in tr"lj and y.m can hum it on guarftnliMd trad todiw. HIS J. C. Perry, Drussist, 115 S. Commercial Street 53 rl ii'inhWn You need not delay the joy of Victrola ownership on account of lack of the entire purchase price.' : Our in stallment plan of payments removes the obstacle. Victrolas $ 1 5 to $200 on Easy Terms The Victrola will bring a wealth of the world's best music into your home. It will provide unlimited enter tainment and amusement for yourself, your family and friends. a Victrola to your family B Allen Co. R. F. PETERS, Manager. "ROYAL TYPEWRITERS" HER HUSBAND'S SIDE IN ; A- .- :,,,: . ;f V -ii ' l -. V by surprise last Friday night when about ;i.r of their neighbors anil friends all came for a social evening, bringing well laden baskets of good things to eat. Music and games were indulged in until a late hour, and a most enjoy able evening was passed. Those who attended the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Vick Urunner, Mr. and Mrs. Jermnn nud little son, Mr. and Atrs. Will Alooros aim lamiiy, tr. ana air, wren ' ."I - on am lanniy, ir. m ' Tu 'T t ' t'0'. ,? ,'. ' and Mr... B. I lorry. Johnny nd A1-, via Urunner, Johnny and Jennie Kaser, , Orel and Alarv l.gan. Johnny nud s,, , plua finder Honor ad W rd lo.iy, Miss liuth Fin ley ami Miss Kichmon.l. ',,,,,' p0liitio with ,iu, silver 11 (lood, the North Silvertou iiurKiry i v'iis.Timlfr man, lias been over in Washington the y- . Kline came from Rosebnrg the forepart of this week on business '"' 1 fi,st 0f the week to visit his dniigh nlso to renew old associations with j )l,1.Si lt ,iR, ),',., ,4 Uojrers and Fred Yn friends in the vicinity of A'ancoiiver. i ' 'k i, lie returned home on Thursday morn- i nig. 1. Miller has been assisting in the care of Mr. J. B. Robinson, one of the .0.1 i.T Marion coontv. who is 1 I ... .. . .. , , I . ... I very ill at the Home ot ins uaugnier. i program niol t no ttuiner win oe mtv Mrs. Arthur Fry, on r-vtr street. tut noon as usual. The Independence high school has ! Shevinnn Hays, a prominet hop grow ketball team cmne over to play the Sil- 1 er and buyer of Independence, was 1U vertoH high last Saturday night. The; town the Inst ot the week first part of the game was played by j A. A. I Iven was over at the ( npilal the frVdimen when the score stood at City Monday ultendiug a meeting ot '2'2 t o .'I. The first team then played the, the Marion county assessors, last half At the finish the score was; J. H. Johnson, of Portland, came Inst (II to :i in favor of Silvertou.. i Saturday for n visit at the home ot Ins Mrs Rolliu K. Page, of Salem, was j daughter, Atrs. Aithur Williams, the guest of honor at a card partv at, Mr. and Airs. Nnsh, ot Lvergreeu. the home of Airs. P. L. Brown on Friday , have been enjoying visit Iron, their afternoon. .daughter. Airs Burn ham. who lett tor Mr nud Mrs. Amie Fggiinan of Verb her home in Portland .Monday, land. 'visited relatives in this vicinity I Alfred Cool.dge left tor Spokane, Sundnv and Monduv. Air. F.ggiman is a I Wash,, Aronday alter several weeks brother of Albert ' Fgglmnn and Mis. j spent in this city looking utter business Sam Kuse, west of this eity. 'matters. T. M. 1 .likens ha., been having ,uite a Miss Alma Hubbs was aa over sun bit of trouble with his eves of lateldny visitor under the home rooT. re that has kept him from his duties at I turning to her school work at ( niil.y the store. It seemed to be in the form . the first of the week, of a pink eve. that hns been going; lr. lleisley was a oo.llmrn business around among the school children. 1 caller the first of the week. Gilbert Moser. wh,. went to Oregon i: i.. inneKorny, wno tins oecn speim Citv to assist his sister, Mrs. Bella ing the past week on business nnd visit Youi'ig, in settling in her new heme vo-! K relatives here, lett ror Salem Sat tinned the last of the week. iirday Airs Will (Irahain Is convalescing! rank Uoge, of lVnver, Colo., arrivetl from a severe attack of sickness. Iler.i" this city last Friday, and is a finest sister, Aliss Alicia Weltv, of Prntuni.lof his brother, Kd Hoge, who has been has been stnvinir with her to assist with the work, -since the first of the weca Mr. nnd Airs. Chowen have gone to Forest (irove, where they expect to spend the summer. They came from Minnesota last full, and while much ri I J 13 CI n H n n ii n ti u ti n E! ft if II ia ray Laser TELEPHONE 1187 ai 1 m 4 mM mr tM mi Hm nM ml n ri ti THE FRENCH ARMY ,,, ,,,, 1 t S f -i.;'s:: plcnsed with this part of the stale, they will not settle permanently until they have looked around more thoroughly. The little folks of the primary de partment of the Alethodist church had a merry time nt the church parlor lust Saturday nflernonn. A number of the teachers helped to make the day a happy one for the children, and the visitors who were present tuny enjoyeo the good time. A nice lunch was served and there was a tired but happy littl- bunch at the close of the day. .g umu from , he ,m8 ,((on ,,,,,,,,,,1 01l ,;,,,.,; work t(,r tho u. W. H. & . ,,,,, j, ,, MesduiiioV .T. Ouall. V. Jacobson and l.nndiu will entertain the A ouag Peo ple's society of the Vnited Lutheran I church on Sunday, March lo. A noted 1..... 1. ! i. ., i, ill ,w.ouf with the lo.-tono-e on China will ... , ..Ml 1 I " very poor health the past tew weeks, Al. H. Hostetter was over front llul bard on business the last of the week. J. K. Hosmer spent Monday on busi mvs in Portland. Joe Kercher has been among the sick Mrs. W. P. Lord Makes Valu able Suggestions at Meet in of Floral Society Salem will he known aa the city beautiful within a few years if the plans of the Salem Floral Society are ronowert out and also if the enthusiasm developed at the meeting last evening , holds out. ! Mrs W. 1. Lord believes that Salem has the opportunity f making itself lone of the most artistic cities in the I country, and in her address before the society last evening not only told what could be done to improve the appear ance of our streams, but gave practical suggestions as to what plants would thrive on the banks of the streams "I came here .'111 years ago from the east," said Mrs. Lord, "and noted the beauties of Mill creek and the possi bilities for making it a beauty spot, but regret to say that it is ia the same condition now- as when I first saw it." The fact that AT ill creek seemed to be a general dumping ground for glass and tin -cans was noted hv Airs. Lord. "There are great possibilities for Alill creek and many eastern cities would give a million dollars for such a stream running through the residence district. It has manv beautiful trees I and along its banks would grow the Japanese cherry tree, syringias, white show berry, dogwood ami many shrubs that grow in our woods," Jf the beautifying of our streams had been taken up years ago and many of the Japanese ideas followed, Airs Lord believes that Salem would have been a city twice its present, size, and al though tho citizens have been negli gent, it is not too late to begin. Mrs. Lord nlso noted the fact that about 'JO years ago Hie women of the city made an attempt to organize a society to work for the good of the city and to beautify the streams, but at that time, it was not customary for woineu to take an active part in civic life, and the . men ciiine- in and. pro ceeded to run the society until it died a year or so later. Willi the changed ideas of women's activities, Afrs. Lord hoped that the, women of the Floral Society would go iforwnrd in f'ictr work and make Salem within a few years what it should be, the city beau tiful of the northwest. To Interest the Children. An endeavor to interest the children in flower planting and in the city beautiful idea will be made. The supervisors of 'the society were iu- structod to work .for classes or associa-j tions of children. in their ward, and to bring the mutter into a definite .form for the wftrk of the children, if was j decided to hold a mass meeting JMiiur day' afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the High school for the children of the city. AL-s Kdyth Tozier AVetliened sug gested that it would be a good idea for the supervisors of each ward to over-see the work of the children and to organize them Later, to follow the plan of Portland, that of meeting all trains with flowers, and to supply the hotels, and ill every way to impress visitors or those passing through that Snlein was a flower city. She also suggested that it should be regarded as a misdemeanor for any one to permit moss to remain on their houses, especi-1 nllv those seen from the railroads. j With the address of .Mrs. Lord and' her practical suggestions, and the or-1 ganization plans presented, the meeting I of last night was ot more than usual interest. Twenty-five new names were added to the membership and it was apparent, from the plans laid out at the meeting, the Snlein Floral Society intends to do its share towards making Salem what it should bo, the cityj beautiful of the northwest ones the past few days but is up and around again. tlrandnia Rogers assisted by Airs. Alurqunni, entertained the Loyal Bear ers at her home oa Coolidgo street on Thursday afternoon of this week. Our circulation is coming op and tUl g roving read the.... paper and you guess the reason. I f dives n brflltnnt trlossy shlno that - ilon. nt ui! i' it or dust oil that V ! unne:iN f the iron that IasU tour tmius i& kuitf a& ttiiy otlior. ; Black Silk Stove Polish Is In ft class by Itself. It's mors l i-.pv'i.VnuuUiaa.'l miulo f. Try (t on yonr prtrtor i-r y.-ur ... r.nnv. f-r-Srr-C. ' it" y.ntn"t Una it Ii . ; Oi.-bt ..llnliv..ii J;' . . 7 s ! M,..t,,r V' SlSi'W ' nTr .1. ..lor is fii I iV 1 V 1 fund Jt C.f XJ" f A ' Sttinmln vFk , H UNCLE SAM'S WAR MUNITIONS TRADE HAS REACHED CREST, SAY COMMERCE EXPERTS . IT h t - ' , ' ' "St J ' " r . ft is; Kegs of horseshoes ready for shipment to allies (top); activity along New York's water front; barreled beef in New York ready for shipment. That the Uuited States is now on the crest of the big business of sup plying" munitions of war to the allies, is the belief of experts in tho U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce at Washington. This trade exceeded $200,000,000 in 1015; but the allied powers do not intend to spend lhatjiiuch here this year, their own munitions factories are. growing. EASY WAY TO REMOVE FRECKLES AND ERUPTIONS Some women have skin of su-h tex ture they occasiocallv are umoved hy the sudden appearance of freckles, sliuht eruptions or fine lines. March winds usually pl.iv havoc with skins of that kind. In such cases if one will procure aa omii"1 of i-oiiiuion mercolize.l wax it any drug store, apply a little ot it before retiring, like cold cream,' she can easily overcome tiie trouble. When the wax is was'ie.l off next morn ing, flaky skin particles come with it. The entire outer ciiticule is removed in this nay in a week or so, with nil its defects. No hriacli could so effectu ally remove freckles or blemishes. The new surface is smooth, cleir, ficsh looking. No pain or inconvenience ac companies this simple treatment. In case of wrinkles which skin be neath the outer skin, a solution of pow dered saxolite, 1 ii., dissolved in l-'J pint witch makes a fine bath which is wonderfully effective. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. The Object of the Farmers' Cash Store Is to try and win back custom ers that have drifted to the mail order houses. We feel sure that they would rather ' buy at home provided they can buy as cheap. The business men of Salem should not feel sore because we are cutting prices. Brothers pull off your coats and go to work. Cut out some of the luxuries. Give your customers more goods for their dollar and help to get the trade that belongs here and make Salem a better and a larger city. , i fi .i ! III 1 rm. - P. To Al'ow Lower Rates Cn Carload Lots of Building Materials The public service commission was! notified yesterday that the Southern' Pacific would allow- lower rates on car-j load lots of 10,0110 pound minimum of Hnn, plaster and cement. The rates for! lime, plaster and cement from I'ortland! to Salem in carload lots nf 40.000 1 no,,,,, , w i, eight cents for any on one carload, but single commodity where lime, plaster and cement were mixed in the same came load the rate has lieen nine cents. The new- tariff provides that the three may lie mixed together in the same shipment and the rate of eight cents will prevail for the entire carload if it is not below the minimum of 40,000 pound. Thi, matter was taken up in the in terest of the small contractor bv the commission some time ai!o and today's notitication indicates that the railroad! conipanv will comply with the requests! of the commission without a formal order or hearing. STOMACH TROUBLE DUE TO ACIDITY T Stomach troubles such as indigestion, wind, and stonnch-nche are simply evi dence that fermentation is taking place in the food contents of. toe stomach, causing the formation of uns and acids. Wind distends the stomach, and causes that full, oppressive feeling sometimes known is heartburn, while the acid ir ritates and inflames the delicate lining of the stomach. 'Pho trouble lies en tirely in the fermenting food. Such fer mentation is unnatural, anil acid for mation is not only unnatural, but may involve most serious consequences if not corrected. To slop or prevent fer mentation ind to neutralize the acid, H teaspoonful of bisurated iii'auiiesiii, probably the best and most offectivo corrector of acid stomach known should be taken in a quarter of a ylass of water iinniedi itely after eating, or whenever wind or acidity is felt. This) stops the fermentation, and neutralizes the acidity in a few moments. Bisurat ed magnesia can he obtained from any (linguist. It enables tho stoacli to do its work properly without being hin dered hy poisonous gis and dangerous acids. HIGHWAY BRIDGE COMPLETE Kcdding, ( al., Mar. I t The bridge across I'itt river at the mouth of th-3 AlcCloud river is completed yesterday. It, cost !f4"i,(lti(l and is the longest con crete span on the stite high way. Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. Dr. Ebarle and Dr. Eraithwaito an well aa Dr. Simon all distinguished authors agree that whatever may b the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing us with a clue to the princi ples upou which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning tbn nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. fierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.; send a sample of urine and do scribe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr.Fierce's chemist has examined the urine this will br carefully done without charge, and you will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce during mnny years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which ha finds is thirty-seven times more power ful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheuma tism, go to yonr best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of "Xnuric" put nn by Dr. I'ierce. Dr. Tierce's Favorito i Prescription for weak women and Dr. 1 Pierce's Uolden Sledical Discovery for the blood have been favorably known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies to-day as well aa Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels. You can get a sample of any one of these reuiedica by writing Dr. I'ierce. Doctor Pierce's Telleta are unequaled as ft Liver Pill. One tinv, Sitw-twiffl Vtttet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangeuienu of tho Liver, isiomacU and Bowels,