Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 14, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Match H. I'.'ld.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
and Tivas.
Daily by currier, per year
Daily by mail, per year ...
..",.iiu ivr montli.
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N'ew York Chicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams S ial A;iry llirry K. Fisher Co.
Tribune HuiMing 'M X. Dearborn St.
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i'lione Maiu SI.
Senator Chamberlain's little buncomb speech in the
senate yesterday about Villa becoming a "national hero"
and rallying 60,000 trained soldiers under his banner is
about as silly as anything we have heard for some time
past and many silly things are being uttered in these
clays when statesmen ought instead to show cooler
judgment and higher courage. We heard the same
Mexican bluffs and threats when the Americans landed
at Vera Cruz and yet within a month the natives were ap
parently all on our side. It will work out the same way
in this Villa campaign if properly handled, because there
is no Mexican army just a lot of half starved, illy-equipped
ragamuffin bands, the members of which are fighting
because there seems to be nothing else to do in the re
public. In the first Mexican war, it only required an
army of 10,000 men to march from one end of the repub-
A GREAT POWER BUT SELDOM USED I lie to the other, capturing all their strongholds, although
The Oregonian yesterday had an editorial on -the! the Mexican forces outnumbered it ten to one. His-j
punitive force of public opinion. Theoretically its posi-i tory will repeat itself this year and tunston s little army,
tion is correct, but practically it is far from being so. It: if it is necessary, can march from the Rio Grande to
refers to the case of Richard A. McCurdy, former presi-j Mexico City and back again, defeating any and every
dent of the Mutual Life Insurance company, who while: force that may gather to oppose it.
there were no legal punishments applied to him died an ! Wrhat the present administration needs is more back
outcast from society, shunned by his former acquaint- j bone, and fewer advisers of the scary type like Senator
ances and cut ofF from that class of pleasures he had; Chamberlain. The opportunity has come at last after
struggled, swindled, and robbed his friends to acquire, j years of weary, watchful waiting, to settle the Mexican
This i :m knlnted c:ise. nno where nublic ouinion trot: question for all time to come. But we are fearful of the
rurvf Mrrn cm I rsrMVM I
j Vic Y ntVDC' i nuu uiw l.
in its work and showed its power. The reason public
ooinion here in America is not punitive is that in most
cases, no matter how crooked the means by which great
wealth is acquired, once it is acquired, like charity, it
covers a multitude of sins.
There is a reason for this. The "financier" who by
devious methods accumulates great wealth is generally
influences of the peace at any price statesman who are
so numerous in Washington, and it would not be surpris
ing if the Villa hunt ended in a fiasco like the expedition
to Vera Cruz.
The United States circuit court of appeals yesterday
sustained the decision of Judge Dooling convicting James
nQcnr.inrf.rl with !i rlnss that is im hi gent to anvthintr that! 13. Smith, the millionaire vice president ot the western
brings in the dough, for they are engaged in similar shady j Fuel company, and some other of its officers, of defraud
pursuits. " ing the government in the weighing of coal. Smith must
It is not meant to even insinuate that all wealth is so serve eighteen months in jail and p'ay a fine of $10,000.
acquired, but that in every large city there is a class of I Uncle Sam will stand a good deal but the fellow caught
finnnr.ir.rc trim ire t:iw hvenkei's. who dI a v the came ' cheatine him can expect no mercy. His heart lies in his
1,1 1 1 4 UVV 1 k ' f I tkW MAW A U I , O I -J
shaving as near the edge of criminal prosecution as they
can, and generally getting over it.
The list of those who violated the laws and got away
with the swag who were neither punished by the law nor
bothered by public opinion is too large to even Degin to
pocket and he resents it being "touched."
Some Texas cattlemen have raised a regiment of cow
boys for service in Mexico and it is said will tender the
command to Colonel Roosevelt. Is this another Demo-
name them. Public opinion could damn them, but it don't, crane scheme to side tracK tne oionei irom tne piesi
as a general thing, anil it don't, because the majority ofjdential race by appealing to his pugnacity and thirst for
the American people ignore the methods by which wealth; gore ana battier
is acquired, and really have a sneaking admiration tor
What is puzzling the public just now is to try to un
derstand how this country can have an army "trained to
war" when we have no war to train it in; and how we can
ever have an army at all since under the Chamberldin
idea they must be seasoned veterans before they can be
sent into battle.
the man who shaves the penitentiary doors and gets away
with the swag.
Public opinion is all powerful, but the trouble with it
is it is too much like the boys definition of salt, which he
described as "that white stuff that makes your potatoes
taste bad when you don't put any on."
Congressman Hawley suggested to the Senate Public; Now there is considerable doubt as to the Norwegian
Lands Committee at Washington yesterday, that before! bark Silius being torpedoed, the theory being that she
disposing in anyway of the forfeited Oregon & California struck a mine. This illustrates the foolishness of getting
railroad land grant that "necessary lands" be placed in1 excited and borrowing trouble over possible international
reserves for protecting the water supplies of Oregon City,! complications.
Salem, Eugene, Corvallis, Cottage drove, Albany, Rose-f
l.in-tr Mwtle Point. Oakland. Medford and Ashland." In this hour of dire need, of the republicans for a
When each of these cities has a reserve set aside for its presidential candidate it is respectfully suggested that'
i i 11 1 . . P -m r . T 1 "d- Alt t I 2.-1.!
water supply, there should be no trouble in disposing 01, Minority Leader Mann 01 tne nouse 01 representatives
the remnant if any.
l y0i VALUABLEN. f j
The lci'ture on "Ilisen" ly I'rof
John O Hall last niylitjtt tin- Willam
ette elnipel was one of "the mot inter
esting and at the same time itmie
hensive lectures that lias heeu heard
for some time from the ehapel rostrum. I'
.u;,...n,. ..,.! ne
idoulile standard of sex morality." Al
j th"ui:h not a moralist he taught great
moral lessons to the peojile throuah
, his plays. He saw a truth in life ami
! lielieveil that men and women should
follow it. In his plays, not the play
ers are important but the ideas. He
had the faeultv of knowin'' how to eom-
liine realism with symbolism. Very it-
11,. H..II .,ltl...,i.rli ..hvu;...IU- ..I'i'Hflii.l "e sienen is iiei-iii'ii lu suie ins ms
and with doetors instnu-tions to he.at!- they grip the attention of those
!.,.., ;.. vi,.i.,i L.ifnrn t),.. .irir..,Hho see them, liocuusp tliev are Im-
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty! Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and von ran Virenfh
of modem dramatists, holding the in- "?'! '. . , e-M'""".e ' "-" 1 1 1 i ireeiy. iso more suuttling, hawking,
ui i j: i . luuuiisiii, i-iuiilliuy null I n mUCOUS
manistic and real. Ilisen was not only
leetured on the greatest!" thinker l.ut also an artist. He
audienee that filled Waller hull and
for two hours
about a person is
will. '
that he
.......... t.t 1.; fin.i;.iif'.. tl.rmi'rhrmt
nnf,'ro TIm 1,1.-4 n t-lear well mo, In-i -,v!,t ,lli"S
luted voire that rarried to all iarts of
the room and his manner of speaking1 Ibsen presented vice in a vulgar wuy
is srtieh that one sees the main points of : and virtue in an attractive manner,
the lecture stand out. while the rest j His business was to ask questions, not
fits in forming a unified whole. Dr. I answer them; he presented great prob
Hall's lecture was varied uccasinnaHyi lems of life, which each individual must
with witty remarks that never failed j solve for himself.
to produce a laugh. In opening the lec-1 Dr. Hall while studying at t'oluin
lure he proceeded by giving the myth-Jbia uuiversity made a thorough study
oloiiiral history of Norway, and the of Ibsen, his life, times uud works a no
genealogy of Henrik Ibsen's ancestors., was once privileged to have the oppor-!
mucous discharge, dryness or headache;
no struggling tor breath at night.
Get a small bottltr of Ely 's Cream
Balm from your druggist aiid apply &
i; ,l nt
;n ......-..m.. t. . . ..... .1 u
iu jvui uo.7i.iis. ii peiit-iiuies luruugii
every air passage of the head, soothing
and healing the swollen or inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you inStant
rolief. Head colds, and catarrh yield
liko magic. Don't stay stuffed-np aini
miserable. Relief is sure.
out classes any one so far suggested.
Amni'iMnc "li'n rvi.ttiiirv nut of IVftivinn .'114 f-'ish HS linS-
XllUl 1 IVIIH til. tvvm.w . . . . . . 1 . 1 C a i . . , i .
,. r-., rn' .. 1 I'. O : l . fi . .. ir:n. rpl j. i. ...1 J.1 . J.l J Clll 1 dllVed dlSOOMMCll that
sib e. Mine managers ot im ligre ana rsacozan. oimura,; to go alter vina: iney seem lu get iiuter mt aicuim , nterarv ability. Hi
yesterday ordered all employes to .the border. 1 hey ; to bring into camp.
claim all' Sonora is apparently ready to take up arms; .
against the United States, no matter what Carranza's; c seems to be under the impression that is not
attitude may he it is prouao y oeuer u tne joniy the law-making branch of the government, but also!"
wiuiu vi ait- M-iuiut; a; -"-' 'v;":;.,, the executive part
well settle them all as being satisfied with just getting ndi 1
of Villa.
There seems to be a wide divergence of opinion among
the senators at Washington as to the character of the
Mexican troops. One says they are blanketed indians and
another classes them as a mob; while Our George seems
to think they are well trained soldiers far outclassing the
militia boys' who he says might do for bonier patrol but
are unfit 'to tackle a live, well trained greaser bandit.
George's think tank has sprung a leak, or something, for
it surely needs fixing.
A Iltuiuiam druggist has found a way of plugging a
bad hole in the Washington prohibition law. When he
sells alcohol for "mechanical purposes" he adds without
cost to the consumer a few drops of camphor. This does
not impair the effects of the alcohol for mechanical pur
poses, unless used for assisting the inner mechanism of
the human system. When so used the camphorated alcohol
refuses to stay put but comes right back.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Doves
fating that for anyone who considered
studying Ibsen it was absolutely neces
sary' for them to uu.rr-fanil the politi
cal, economic and religious conditions
of the time, thus finding out what re
lation Ibsen V environments had to the
forming of his life.
Dr. Hull then gave n condensed biog
raphical sketch of Ibsen's life as a
i-iimio- man. statintr that he became a
Why not employ some of those Chinese Tong gunmen; druggist's apprentice, ami while thus
career as
an author ncgan in i-.t'" wuen ne i,c
gan to write poetry. He was a morose
and gloomy individual ami even then
his writings have a unge of the cynic
ism that later characterized his workv.
isen alwavs had an economic and so-
ial struggle to face due to his abject
poverty. He was not a genius, but hi
knew how to utilize his talent and time
to advantage and in addition he had a
singleness of purpose, which he con
stantly Ue.pt before him. Ibsen's works
there are -! dramas, and a book of
poems, have been translated into many
languages, but it is impossible to get
the best from mere translations, a
study of the original is necessary tc
understand him. His epic dramas con
sist of three plays: "Urand." ''l'ecr
Ovnt." and "Kmpeior and (ialilean."
The first. "Brand.' was an endeavor
to show forth how the Norwegian poo-
Tl, n 1 rv,,l. ::U..1 ;Ul- I'1'' (? dogma, traditions and old
liiv viiuuu Lune inciiuuis. nns v.uiur-u mjiuc figiil ui I ideas and customs. The striking factor
siH'pn mnntVis non" Viw ill-fnnnrl enlrlim-c rnnlrl nor ar.nnri i about "Brand" was his idea "All. or
against the well-armed, full-fed foe. His men were ll "' '" MnUl"'s-P""' "r r0
armed with rustv cuns. and had no powder i "lv,'r !' ' .I, ,0's fiv w,.,rk-
, , iiii ii j, ii i i iportravs .Norwegian itre because thev
and less shot; they could not face the fight- were proud of bragging of anything na
ing HunS, nor yet endure the German SWat. tionalistie in nature, they were dream
t-, i , .i rt i ,i nrr i ers. and live to a large extent on leg-
Remarked the Russian ruler then, Grand: ends.
Duke, you fail to cut the grass; I'll send, vTli;v,kor to T,"ou'- ',l!!-vs i?, in-
'.', . . . ' , I divulr.alisin. He never Treated a rhar-
you with a bunch of men to guard some j ct.T without great deal of . are. ibsea
lonesome mountain pass." "All right, myjWM angry B.i jilted witu the v
.. , ,1, i i r ..1 wegians for the manner m which the'
liege, the grand duke cried, before the j had treated him. so w hen he created
monarch bending low, "your orders I'll! tVvp;",'' "Tf ,,'i,r 1.aPi,0r
Hvy,j Obey With pride, for What yOU Say mUSt cry office 'but who i finally redeemed
i y 1 i A .,:lif -..-ll ! l.v the mire love of a virgin woman.
UiVMt unnutn uuab ""S h "tu IWn added the fourth act to "Peer
have cussed, ana nursed a sore ana acmng oynf later: in it he s, enraged not
head, and vowed his treatment was unjust, and grouched :;T,irn,'ef uu o'lTlrl"
around till he was dead. But, smiling, Nicholas retired,! tor in "Peer ovnt."
and led his bunch of also-rans, a group of has-beens,; cIilTM
worn and tired, to play before the bush league fans. But, heathenism and Christianity, n.sen was
oh, how Nicholas came back and led his has-beens to the!,,--;:!.;;;:
front, and gave the Turks a deadly crack, till Russia! 'oy about v. iu. was a careful
gloried in his stunt! Say, do yotfsit around and curse, ! wol
when youve been taken down a notch, or grandly rise ' " .ima.
i u a ...i i i.. . .iU9' " v roll's Hoitse"
auuve mi an nie huiui join fcmutvt" musi nuiv.ii; central idea, "Thou
The Freshman Olee contest will be
held in the First M. E. church. Wednes
day evening. Xo admission is charged
and the public is cordially invited to
attend this Fong fest; when each of the
Slip a dollar bill in an envelope
with your name and address and re
ceive the magazine up-to-the-minute,
merchants are reading. -
The Advertising World
tunity of meeting the great Ibsen and!
asking him 'several ouestiniw in nxrni,!
. . - . '. . " 1 TT . . . i t ... .t
to Ins works. Dr. Hall states that in Juw gooit your advertising metn
ti is mind lljsen will become a great j !lr0 t'n-'.v can be improved for a
man. for he was a prophet, and that hi. I 'h'Har a. year.
works will live forever and be studied
more and more.
Preceding the lecture Miss Joy Turn
er and Dr. Wilbur Chace entertained
the audience with two selections on vio
lin and piano, that were much appreci
ated. Or. Doncv presided and intro
duced Or Hall.
four classes render a song that hns been
w ritten by some member of the class.
The senior class rehearsed at the
church last evening after the lecture.
An army on paper would have a dali
gerous psychological effect.
Iv (
ha f,,
shalt not ha
Packard and other promi
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their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are j
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When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero
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