Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 14, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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HIE coming of grand opera to Tort-
land lit the lli'iliir tiieatre March t
'Jl is hoiiiki anticipated nidi keen I
ileliulit Viv Salem society mid a mini-
lirr of reservations have already been Rose Kintz, of Snldimity.
made. Manv favorites of music lovers
will appear im-ludi tif$ (liovanni Zen.itel-j Mrs. George Burnett has a her house
Jo, Hiecardo Martin, Thomas Chalmers, guest Mrs. L. N. Honey, of Kugetie.
.lose Mardonnes, Giiiscppe Gnuden.i,l ...
Tamaki Miura, Felice Lyre, Maggie I Tho members of the Elite Embroidery
Teyte, Elvira I.everoni, Fely (.'lenient, 1 club were asked to enjoy tuoir favor
Jllanca Soroy i and other notable artists i ite past time at the homo of Mrs. J.
The oneninir bill is on Tuesday night, I Bernard! Thursday nfternoon. Decora-
March 21, when Maggie Teyte, will be'tions suggestive of St. Patrick's ilay
presented in "L'Amore dei Tre lie "; combined with yellow daffodils were
Love uf Three Kings), with Mile. Pav-
Iowa and the Snowflake ballet. At
Wednesday's matinee the Jnpaneso pri
ma donna, Tomiki Miura, will sing in
'Madame Huttciflv" and Mile. Pav-!
Iowa" aud company will present "Cap-
pclia ballet.
(hi Wednesday niuht Felico Lyne, the
young American i r 1 who took .ill Lon
lon by storm with her beautiful colora
ture soprano, will appear in the dearly
beloved " L Houeme," with Mile, Pav
lowa in her individual dunces and the
ballet in Spanish dances.
Friends of Mrs. Frederic 1). Thielson
will rejoice to know that she is rapidly
recovcring from the recent operation
vhe underwent at the Salem hospital.
he is still, however, confined to the
hospital, but will return home in about
a week.
. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Council Dyer
had as their week end guest the form
er's mother, Mrs. 8. ('. lyer, of Eu
gene, who was en routo from Portland
whu-e she attended the annual state
eenlurenee of the Daughters of the Am
eric, a Revolution held in Portland at
the lotel Benson hist week.
Oiio of the largest dances of the
new college semester was the formal
ilinner dunce given by the Alpha
-h ipter of Kappa Alpha Theta fra
ternity of the University of Oregon
Hatuiday nigiit, at the Hotel Oshurn.
A banquet was served in the main
ilinii g and Japanese tenroom of the
lintel and the guests danced between
.outm's. Pina and white cherry blos
Mms, suggestive of old .lupin, gaily
fcwinging, lanterns, tiny butterflies and
columns covered with wisteria, convert
ed the ballroom into a Japanese garden.
In the feature itnnco each
person ;
lloated tmv balloons. Colored soot
limits pliyed among the varicolored
decorations while Mamie and Albert
4illett sang the Hubble song from
"High Jinks," accompanied by Ilen-
flerscuott orchestra.
The patron and pntrnnnesses for the
evening were: Presideut nnd Mrs. P.
It. t'ampbeli, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bov-
nnl. Mrs. M iblo Holmes Parsons, Miss
It. Louise Fitch and Mrs. E. II. 13ovr.
Mr. ami Mrs. B. L. Sleeves left to
lay for a several month 's sojourn in
the east. They will visit Philadelphia.
Jim York, Boston and other points of
interest and will return by way of Chi
cago. Mrs. Joseph Rothchild (Marguerite
gin) who iias been a guest at the
.'gun country place for several duys,
returned to Portland today accom
panied by her sinull son, Fritz, and
mai d.
Miss Lucile Zosel was diuner hostess
Pnnday evening at her home in Liberty.
The rooms were Adorned with violets
1h same spring flowers centering the
table which had placet) for: Mr! and
Mrs. William Zosel, Miss Estella Bloom
of Pallas, Miss Jennie Weaver, Miss
I.tiella Zasel, Charles ' Haggles, Walter
.owl ind hugene (lutten,
Miss Martha Zosel served the young
, A delightful event of recent date was
1he five hundred party given by Mr.
and Mrs. II. M. Elgin on the occasion
of the host's natal anniversary.
The Kbrin abode was at I r Active in a
decorative scheme of greenery and pot
ted plants.
tiuesta circled six fubles of cards.
rvinre. nonors were awarded to Mrs.
Canfield, S. Z. Cuher nnd Clifford
Mrs. Klgin wis assisted by Miss May
Cleveland and Miss Hose Kmti.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. S.
Z. Culver, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Canfield,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Walker, Mr. aud
Tating for Health'
consists in selecting food that will surely rebuild
the tissue cells of brain, nerve and muscle. In
this daily rebuilding certain elements richly
stored in the field grains are all-important.
made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies
in splendid proportion all the rich nutriment of
the grains, including their vital mineral salts,
phosphate of potash, etc., lacking in the usual
dietary of many, but necessaiy for building and
storing up reserve energy.
Grape-Nuts comes in sealed packages fresh,
crisp and ready to eat. It has a delicious nut
like flavour, is easily and quickly digested and,
with cream or good milk, is an ideal ration for
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere
Mrs. Harry Klgin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Cleveland,
Mrs. Fred Mclntyre, .Mrs. Josephine
Klgin, Miss Mav ( level ind and Miss
used .llxmt the rooms.
Mrs. W. M. ISushey and Miss Rosalia
Hiich assisted liernanli in the 1
serving. The club members present
were: Mrs. 11. I). .St. Helens, Mrs. A.
M. ( lough, Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mrs. O.
li. Sehellberg, Mrs. P. L. Frazier, Mrs.
W. L. Bryant, Mrs. Hurley I'ugh, Mrs.
Fred Prince, Mrs. Hnv Clark, Mrs. F.
T. Barker, Mrs. C. T. Mclntvro, Mrs. E.
V. Rvder nnd Mrs. B. Welier.
The nddition.il guests were: Mrs.
W. M. ltushcy and Miss Rosalia llaih.
Saturday, March 25, the ( hemeketa
( amp lire Girls will present Mrs. Mid-j
uieton, soloist; Airs. inacKer, pianiNt,
and Miss Forbes, violinist, of the I'ni
versify of Oregon, iu concert at the
Preslivteriiu church nt eight-thirty
0 'clock.
Wednesday afternoon there will be
a meeting of the parent-teacher's jsso
ciution of the llrnnt school iu the
school building at three-thirty o'clock.
All parents are urged to be present as
the meeting will be of special import
ance. ...
Society is deserting some of the gay
eties since Lent and is aiding in altruis
tic deeds Which attoril a most accent-
able substitute for the round of fnvo-1 it i easy enough to fill a column
lous affairs. Of special importance this . with the gymptoms afflicting those who
week is the benelit entertainment .it!nave dysivpsia, but there is no need
too Baptist church Wednesday even-, of (pscribing thoir condition. What
n.g. An exceptionally dl.glittul pro-lth want 5 re,ief and th t
dude several of Salem s favorite art
ists. Everyone in invited mid the ad
mission is free. A silver offering will
be ttken during the evening.
n. n '
Files Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure Itching,
mina, jsieeuing or Protruding Piles.
first application gives relief. 50c.
K, A. Bond is registered at the Bligh
from Eugene.
A. I.ongnecke, of Dallas, was in Sa
lem yesterday.
C. D. Fults is in Dallies on real es
tate business.
Judge Daniel Webster went to Port
land this morning.
Frank Meyers, of the Spa, is in Port
land transacting business.
0. J. White, of Dullas, iu hero at
tending to business matters,
O. F. Coulter, of Kickrenll, was a
business isitor here yesterday.
Mis. Lafayette Townsend, of Mission
Bottom, wus in the city yesterdny.
K. T. Bnrnes and W. C. F.mmel are iu
Portland attending to business affairs. 1
S r. ni.d Mrs. J. H. Albert returned
this afternoon from nn over Sunday
visit in Portland.
J. B. Knight was in Portland yester
day attending a meeting of the state
Studebaker agents.
Walter Kirk was in the city yester
day visiting his parents. He is a student
nt the I'niversitv of Oregon.
I Chus. S. Piper, of the firm of Scott
I fi Piper, returned yesterdny from a two
j dav business trip to Portland.
' Mrs. Mary Evuns rfiirneil to her
home at Portland yesterday after a
j few days' visit with the family of ,1. E
Scott. '
Mrs. 11. M Fuller returned to he
homo in Portland this morning after n
short visit with her brother, .1. E. Scott.
and other relutives.
Airs. Bert Denni entertained yes
terdny her mother. Mrs. W. I. KeynoliK
of Dallas, nnd her sister. Mrs. W. Y.
Nichols, of Falls City.
The Cook's
Girls Sake your
cakes with Merit
Vanilla and you'll
have cakes that will
make you popular with
all who eat.
Order a 25c Bottle of
Your Grocer
Danlol J. Fry Will Return the MOneyl
If Mi-o-na Does Not Believe
Among all the remedies in Daniel J.I
Frv'a popular drug store, there are fewi
c . .... . . . '
that he, is willing to sell on a guarantee
to refund the money if they do Dot
Mi-o-na, the famous dyspepsia remedy
has helped so many of bis customers
that Daniel J. Fry says, "If this
remedy does not relieve you, come back
to my store and I will cheerfully re
turn your money."
Anyone who has dyspepsia, jndigesr
tion, headaches, dizzy feelings or liver
troubles, should take advantage of this
chnnce to be made well without any
risk of spending their money to ao pur
pose. Mi-o-na will relieve you, will
regulate the digestion, will enable you
to eat what you want. If it does Dot
do all this it will not cost you a cent.
Daniel J. Fry has sold hundreds of
boxes of Mi-o-na in the last few weeks
! and has yet to receive the first com
plaint from any customer. Such a
record is simply marvelous and speaks
volume, for tho m-rit tf th rm,lr
,f , li.n.Tii In n fliirfAV a Hw
longer with disordered digestion. If
Mi-o-na relieves you it costs you 50
cents a box, if U does not, yon have
Daniel J. Fry's personal guarantee to
return jour money.
The Railroad Town
Is Bristling With
War Preparation
(Continued From Page One.)
expected today, together with the sig
nal and aeroplane corps.
Trains carrving engineers, avittors
and signal corps men from Fort Sam
Houston have passed through El Paso,
and it is believed they are hound for
Columbus. The train is reported to'be
also carrying six scout aeroplines. They
were to be set up immediately upon
their arrival here, the reports said.
Troop trains were uoticibly scarce
in arriving here before noon, although
it was known that soldiers of all army
br inches left half a dozen iuterior
'posts for the front on rush orders.
Freight traius are unloading tons of
canned goods, hay and grain boxes
marked "h indie with care." The
latter contain the shrapnel shells and
otiier ammunition with which the army
""I''1 ,u kl" x llla 8 bandits ana force
nun io surrender.
Sienes ill cump brought home the
rculijitiun that I'liele Sum has- a real
little war on his hinds, l lie spec-
tacle was reminiscent of frontier days..
Cavalry predominated. There were
thousands of horses tethered in long
rows while uieu in fatigue uniforms
worked around t'uein.
The Army Mule Sings,
Mingled with the neighing of horses
came the clamorous braying of army
mules hauling rumbling- w igons, the up
roar of burros, lugging chests of am
munition and mountain guns, the clat
ter uf hoots as squadrons of horsemen
rode about their duties or maneuvered
on the dustv plaiu. Bugle calls arouss.l
I the martial spirit. In huge cook tents
scores ot soldiers bustled over the im
mense cuildrons of rations. Kvery
tiiing appeared to move smoothly along
systematic lines. The meu were all
cheerfully confident.
Around the batteries of business-
A . !
,-.....";.:. i. .-."-'. ...'-:-". .".;.
Supreme Court Affirms Judge
Galloway's Ruling In
Thompson Case
The supreme court today decided two
Marion county eases. The rulings of
Judge Galloway were affirmed in the
case of Uertba a. Thompson againsr
John W. Thompson and in tho rase of
Charles T. Tooze ngatnst B. L. Heighten
and wife the decree of Judge Galloway
was reversed. The Thompson case was
.. i? . : u :..i. t.La
anion ior uivorce m un-n ..u..
Oalloway granted a decree to the plain
tiff, Mrs. Thompson, and gave her one
third interest in a quarter -section of
land owned by Mr. Thompson and he
appealed the case. In his opinion Jus
tice Bean statese that there is ample
evidence to justify me decree on the
grounds of cruel and inhuman treat
ment. The land in question is a homestead
and at the time the decree was granted
the final patent had not issued to the
defendant from the government Jus
tice Bean holds that it is strictly within
the letter and spirit of the law that the
land should be divided according to the
decree of the lower court Attorney
Dana H Allen represented the plaintiff
and respondent and M. V. Weatherford
and Guy O. Smith appeared for the de
fendant and appellant.
The case of Charles T. Tooze against
B C. Heighton and wife involves a
series of complications arising from
realty deals and promissory notes. The
case began with nn action at law and
was transferred to the equity court. The
trial court overruled a demurrer to the
eomplnint in equity, Heighton refused
to plend further and a decree; was then
rendered in accordance with the prayer
of the complaint and Heighton appeal
ed. Justice Harris held that the de
cree of the trial court should be re
versed and the demurrer to the cross
bill sustained.
Other opinions handed down were:
A. H. Wright, appellant, vs. L. Wim
berly and wife, respondents, a suit to
foreclose a real estate mortgage, ap
pealed from Douglas county. Opinion
written by Chief Justice Moore affirms
the ruling of Judge J. W. Hamilton.
Barton A. Wheeler vs. Hehalem Tim
ber and' Logging company, appeallant,
appealed from Multnomah county, ac
tion for personal injuries, opinion by
Chief Justice Moore, Circuit Judge
Morrow's judgment for plaintiff af
firmed. City of Rainier vs. Charles Masters et
nl, appellants, appealed from Multno
mah county, action for damages for al
leged breach of agreement, petition for
rehearing denied, opinion by Justice
Portland & 0p;nn City Railway com
pany vs. Ladd estate, appellant, appeal
ed from Multnomah county, suit to con
demn strip of lnnd, opinion by Justice
flenson, Lireuit Jude McOmu s judg
ment for plaintiff reversed.
Jacob Mattson et al, appeallant, vs,
A. C. Dresser et al, appealed from Coos
county, involving contracts for sale of
real estate, opinion by Jntsice Harris,
Circuit Judge Coke's judgment for de
fendant reversed.
W. B. Strieker, administrator of the
estate of Ed Wachfer. appellant, vs.
Portland Railway, Light t Power com
pany, action for damages, anpealed
from Multnomah county, opinion by
Justice Bean, judgment of Circuit
Judge Gatens for defendant affirmed.
Robert Sanders vs. J, M. Taber, et
al, appellants, appealed from Multno
mah county, action for damages, opin
ion by Justice Benson, Circuit Judge
Kavanangh's judgment for plaintiff af
firmed. Petition. for rehearing were denied
in Jnkel vs. Seeck, Doolittle vs. Pacific
Coast Safe & Vault Works.
Petition for hearing was allowed iu
Johnsou vs. McKenzie.
like lookiug tartillery parked in the
idst of camp clustered crowds of the
curious from Columbus with here and
there a peering Mexican face. Mexi
can women with their children stared
it the guus with impassive faces. Sen
tries kept all at a distance.
What looked suspiciously like an at
tempt at real censorship was the close
scrutiuy specially detailed officers gave
all messages leu ing tne Columbus tele
graph office. After learning this the
"war correspondents'' with character
istic ingenuity, telephoned their stories
to El Paso. Major .1. A. Ryan after
ward put the correspondents on their
word of honor not to thus attempt to
"beat" the censorship jnd reveal mili
tary secrets.
: COURT HOUSE news :
Judge Galloway today issued an or
der luthorizing the receiver, Harvey
Wells, of the defunct Oregon Men hants
Mutunl fire Insurance asociatiou to
turn over the names of the members of
the company w'ao have failed to pay
their assessments to the creditors uf the
company to proceed with the collection
of the issets of the company if they so
desire. I'nnaU YV. Miles, attorney for
the company, was authorized to bring
suits against tiie members who have
tailed to pay their assessments.
Judge Galloway today granted v de
cree ot divorce bv default to the plain
titf in the case of Orra Vox against J.
M. Kox on the grounds of gross niton
cation. Th eouide were married ii
lsW aud have two children, Arrilla
Wilson. daughter aged -- year, and
Roval (lobar t Fox. a son aged lti years.
There were no property rights involved
iu the suit.
W. A. Rutherford has filed a suit in
the circuit court of this county avinst
'A. C. Smith to collect alleged due
for house rent and in addition ashs
judgment for the further sum of tW.SJ
alleged due on an old ubbgition.
i Ajiother chapter was added to the
- i
Claim They Were In the Game
Willi the Clayburg Woman j
to Levy Blackmail j
Seattle, Wash., Mar. It. Deputy ;
Sheriff Mcflillivray caused a whirl- j
wind of excitement here today when 1
iie arrived nt the county court house
with Miss Dottic Coots aud Miss Lil
lian Peterson, Seattle's alleged "Bad
ger girls" one on either arm.
'We ire innocent,'-' chorused the
two pretty young women.
Their testimony, it is said, may di
vulge the names of many alleged vic
tims in Seattle, San Francisco, Los An
geles and either Pacific coast cities, all
of reputed respectibility.
There are to be used by Prosecutor
Lundin aud Sheriff Hodge in clearing
up the illeged operations of a blackmail
gang, which is said to have existed here
for more than two years.
Miss Peterson is accused of conspir
acy to blackmail a wealthy mining pro
moter" who" is now in New York.
Charged jointly with her are Isabel
Clayburg, now fighting extridition in
Lo Angeles and Louis P. Sichlcr, a
financial agent of Seattle.
Benjamin divorce case today when
Judge (inllowny sustained a motion to
dismiss the pending mitt of Jlnbel A
Benjamin against Gilbert II. Benjamin j
on the grounds ihat tho couple were
again living together ns man and wu
and were reconciled. The couple were
first married in Portland October i.
l!)07,,they were divorced January 2ti.
1909, and remarried again July 2ti of
the same year. Surly this year Mrs
Benjamin filed a suit for divorce on
the grounds of cru.d and inhuman treat
ment and today thfy are reconciled. In
her complaint. Mrs. Benjamin asked for
total of $175 sun. monev, SL'a monthl'
alimony and 3,Hl-') cash as her share
of the property of her husband.
An inventory and appraisement file
today in the matter of the estate of
Amiihield MeCavcnnugh estimates the
personal property to bo worth s2.1Hf
and the real property to be valued nf
$(5,2i5. The appraisers were Fran'
Durbin, W. F. Buckner and J. A. Pool
A marriage license was issued n '
county clerk's office today to Elmer
Holloway, a farmer of Gateway, and
Eva Loretta Blinston, of Salem. This i
the first license that has been issued
at the county clerk's office since the
first of the present month,
WTO-A XT A t 111.) Tlovt street, Sa
lem, Oregon. Monday. March 1.1, 1!)H3,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wygant, a son.
MKTCAl.F To Mr. and Mrs. Roily M.l At a mass meeting held in West Sa
Metcalf, at their home two miles e i;-t t,m iast is),t. a resolution was passed
of Brooks, Tuesday, March 14, 1916, a asking tho .ioint county courts to place
son. : the approach to the new bridge on the
1 1 i same site as the present approach re-
Wednesday the first, the Ladies' Aid ' gardless of where the bridge is placed
of Brooks met with Mrs. Bennett, of' on the Marion county side. Since tlie
Hazel Green, and the Hazel Green Aid approach to the bridge on the Polk
entertained them, a dainty lunch was . county side is built on a curve it will be
served and all report a nice time. The possible to move tho steel of concrete
Brooks Aid meets at Mrs. W. R. Jones' span one block dowu the river and still
this week. j permit the approach to remain as it is
';. ..'-j I
i ' 'tfwyje -; ij
. '
Justice Ilughea (left) and Governor Whitman.
Lad by such men as Governor Whitman of New York, tho boom ol
Justice Charles E. Hughes for the Republican presidential nomination ia
raining considerable headway. Hughes declares, however, that ho will not
accept the nomination, even if tendered him. This picture of Justice
Hughea and Governor Whitman was taken on the occasion of the recent
I mtcUEg of the .New York State Bar Association.
Foods prepared with Cottolene have their natural
flavor and goodness. Whether you use it for short
ening or for frying, Cottolene will always produce
the most pleasing results. It is unequaled for
making biscuits, pies, pastries and other foods that
require shortening. Fish and vegetables fried ki
Cottolene are wholesome and delicious.
Make your cooking more tempting by uslrg Cottolene every
day. Get regular supplies oi your grocer. It is packed In
pails, of convenient sizes.
Always Watch This
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest rriees for all kinds ot
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2ic per pound for old rgs
Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated
ton for both roofs and buildings. Koofing paper and lecond hand
linoleum. ... -t. . -
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargain.
302 North Commercial St. " Paone 808
MM t
Market Was Active With
Little Change In Prices
v.. vrk M irch II The ew as ,0 tne 'i'loa ot the PP"aea from
New "iork, Marth 11. i nt tn0 Mi(1.ion ,()Hntv ell(l of aaU bridge,
York Sun's financial review this alter-nor to offer any suggestion as to the
noon said: I kind or type of bridge to be construct-
"In its principal characteristic' the cd, other" than to express its approval
, ,-, i onlv of a hridge of sufficient weight
market was like yesterday s, trading be-1 strcn(th mect the requirements'.
ing controlled by much the same in- 0f present day traffic, urban and intra
fluences. Despite the moderate increase! urban; and that it cross the Willnmette
in commission house buying, dealings! river at a point which will best serve
largely professional with interest ! nt purpose.
converting on war stocks and industrial
specialties, but ns trading advanced the
market broadened considerably, and
railway shippers developed a pro- j yesterday at the ottice of the corporu
nounced activity and strength While t;on commissioner. The principal office
movements therein gave encouragement,! 0f ,i1( ,.0mpany is at Salem, and the in
some regarding the trading as a diver-1 corporators arc G. O. Swales, R. R. Ry-
4 .bin.. ... r,nnl ia. I 1 T f'l... ........
sion to permit profit taking in pool is
sues, some of which reacted while the
standard shares were moving up. The
issues concerned with Mexico like
American smelting, Southern Pacific
and Mexico Petroleum were generally
steadier, but made little headway un
til the market was well under way when
they sympathized with the general list.
Steel was active and its continued im
provement favorably affected senti
ment." West Salem Residents
Want Approach to New
Bridge On Old Site
Ad Changes Often
at the junction of the Dallas-Independence
and Wallace Roads.
In the resolution it was stated that
it is uot the intentiou or purposo of
this meeting to offer any suggestion
Articles of Incorporation for the Big
Four Telephone company were filed
an and iv. miner. iuu tuipujr
capitalized at $1,500.
Rain or
We ire open for business every
day, and our treatments will
benefit you just as much. Face
or scalp treatments by a special
ist of twenty-five! years experi
ence. Scars, moles and super
fluous hair removed without
Manicuring, Hairdressing, Sham
pooing, Dyeing and Bleaching.
Hair goods to order. Creams and
lotions of our own manufacture,
for sale.
Open Saturany Evenings.
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
Phone 3SI3 Salem, Ore.
I will tench you all about
making Hair Goods, until you
are satisfied you know ns much
asI do. Price only, if 10.00 for
a limited time. make up your
rombinps iu switches at very
reasonable prices. Also switches
for falo.
Phone IfilT -W fox information.
81(1 82