Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 14, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Meyers' Spring
Fashion Show
Will Take Place at the Oregon
Theatre, Tue. Evening, March 21
Newest authentic styles of garments for Women,
Misses and Children will be shown on living models.
This Fashion exhibit, the first of its kind in Salem
will be interesting and instructive, showing models
of various garments that will be popular for Spring
and Summer wear.
Remember this date keep it for the Oregon Theatre
First Congregational
Installs New Pastor
No. 786th
Wednesday Surprise Sale
A Special Offering of Women's and
Misses' Silk Auto Caps at .... . 98c
Those who motor will be much interested in this Wednesday event for it offers
Motor Caps of unusual style and quality at a very low price; there are several
models to choose from black and white check effects poplin and taffeta
Plaid effects. Special for only 98c Each
. Sale starts at 8:30. See the window display
No phone or mail orders taken.
This Is Positively the last week of Free Embroidery Instruction.
Scores of women and misses are now making Grecian Cut Lace Work
through the instruction of Mrs. C. M. Dickson of New York." All the new
est stitches in embroidery are taught in our Art Section absolutely free of
charge; classes from 8::J0 a. m. to 5 p.m.
Salem s
Big Department
IXIIgoodIgood. s fcr
l All Around Town
Dr. Stone's Drag store.
March 14 Installation of Rev.
Jumps L'lvin, pastor 1'irst
Congregational church.
H. I). Carpenter at Commer
cial ('lull.
.Six O'clock cluli, Methodist
church; Pilgrims' cluli, Con
gregational duirch.
Chandler Bmer Watson, of Ashland,
filed today us a candidate for nomina
tion by the reiulilicam party for the
office of district attorney for Jackson
March 15 Monthly meeting of
members of Commercial
March 111 Salem Festival chor
us annual concert, opera
DeMoss entertainers, Armory,
benefit Company M.
March 17 Miss Ida Davis
raiding at public libinry.
St. Patrick supper by Ladies '
Social Circle, Central Con
gregational church.
Christian Science lecture, Arm
ory. March IS Republican rally at
Orange day.
March IU-L'5 Marion County
Sunday school convention.
March ."University of Ore
gon musicians nt Presbyteri
an church, benefit Chomohota
Camp Pire II iris.
Salom Festival Concert tickets on sale
nt Will's Musie Store. At the (Iraud,
' Thursday, March HI. Keserved se lls
Try Odlson's ghoo-sliinlufi parlor.
I iivlor. Maris
1 The loss by tlieft of a bicycle is re
ported by J. V. Jones, living nt ll.rl
Perry street. The wheel was left, on the
front porch und made its disappearance
i during the, night.
J. M. Hammond, driror of an auto
stage line out of this city, was arrest
ed yesterday on a charge of being in
toxicated, ilannnouil pleaded guilty in
police court this morning and was given
a fine of .til) which he nniil.
J Automobile for hiro, passengors and
baggage. trnnstVred, rites reasonable,
country trips a specialty. C. 0. Me-
Klroy. l'liono 017 or llll'u. tf
I Dr. F. II. Thompson will read a paper
tomorrow evening in Portland before
the Portland City and County Medical
"T society. His subject will be, "Pirst
Aid Work Tudor the Oregon Componsn
lion Act."
Cot tickets for Festival Concert at
" 1 1 Patton's and Commercial Hook stores.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass-1 Keserved seats '.Vi cents. Large chorus,
t correctly. U. 8. Bank, llldg, j beautiful music, at the Grand Thurs-
o '.lay, March HI.
The Reverend Splker, of South Sa-j
lem( will speak this evening at the Sal j Bliss Ida Davis, who has charge of
vatiun Army hall on Court street, to Publish in the senior high school, will
v hieh cu-iybody is invited. deliver a lecture next Friday evening
0 nt the auditorium of the public library.
Dr. Stone's drug store, she will rend first from the writings
i I of O. Henry and second from "A Farm
Edward Joshua Clark, of Toledo, also er King."
filed n a candidate for nomination bv ! o
the republican party for the office of I rhotos at half price this month Only,
district attorney fur Lincoln county. 'Trover Woiucl.
Change of Business Location
I wish to notify my customers and the general public Hint 1 hive sold
my interest in the Capital Garage and have moved the office of inv
tianstor luiMiie-H to my old slnud at the Globe Confectionery in tn'o
Hubbard Wdg. I have purchased a new three ton truck and im in po
mtion to handle a general transfer business.
I'lioiiw K.I,. Knpphnhn
Only 17 days left to get photos at
half price. Trover Si Weigel.
The Pilgrims' club of the First. Con
gregational church will meet this even
ing in the church parlors. A dinner will
bo served at t : 30 o'clock and addresses
will be innde by ministers and laymen
hero attending the installation cere
monies of tho Rev. James lOlvin.
Let its estimate the cost on that new
awning. K. L. Stiff & Son.
The revival meetings now being con
ducted by Evangelist J. I, (Hancock, of
Cincinnati, lit the South Salera Friends
church, are attracting considerable in
terest, Vpon an invitation to lead a
better life, three enmo forward Sun
day evening and two last night.
We re-tire go-carts. E. L. Stiff &
Tonight the would-be checker cham
pions will try their skill with Roy Rry
ant, who will play all comers nt the
rooms of the Salem Chess and Checker
club, over the Ward drug store. Mr.
Hryant is willing to play everything
that looks like a checker player and
play them all at tho same ttmb.
Dr. Nelson, the expert chiropodist,
has moved his office from room -8 to
room 1 in the llreyninn illdg.
Caroline Testout roses have been
planted on all sides of the public lib
rury lot while in the rour to secure
! cut. flowers, quite a number of Madam
J Hrieu Hriinner and Frau Karl Prusch
ki rose bslieshave been-set out. They
I were given by .1. V. Maruiiy, president
jot tno mi lent floral society.
I Salem Festival Chorus, Thursday
! night, March 111, at the Grand, lie
'served seats, "." tents.
"The City Man's earden" is the
subject on which L. .1. Chnpin, former
county agriculturist, will talk this even
ing at the meeting of the Six O'clock
club of the First Methodist church.
Dinner will be served by the ladies of
the church at (IjIHI o'clock and the lec
ture will clone at 8 o'clock.
Get a fine 3 piece Bet of tho best
aluminum Wednesday for Si) cents at K.
L. Stil'f & Son.
School children are to to enlisted in
the effort to mako Salem a city benuti
fill. The Salem Floral society has plans
under way by which children will be
come members of the society and prizes
will be given for the best floral show
ing made. The children will be taken
into the society without membership
Buy your tickets now for the musical
event of the season, by the Salem Fes
tival Chorus. Keserved seats, 25 cents.
A. M. dough enjoys the rather unl
que experience of serving the county
almost n quarter of a century as coron
er, and in order to nmko it nn even
quarter, has announced again for the
office. He has held the office con
timiously for the past IS years.
The ceremonies of the installation as
pastor of the Rev. James Klviu of the
First Congregational church were in
progress this afternoon and will be
closed with services at the church this
The council of the delegates from the
Past Willamette association of Congre
gational churches met this afternoon to
receive tho report of the call of Mr. El
viii to the Salem c'nurch and a state
ment from him of the fundamentals of
his faith.
The evening services will includo the
entertiining of the delegates by the
members of tho Pilgrims' club, tho
showing of several moving pictures and)
rne insinuation sermon nv tne nev. an
ther H. Doyt, of Portland.
1 Mr. Klvin was borft in Patterson, N.
.1. in LS76 and was graduated from
Dickinson college in 10112. from Boston
university in 1905 and from the Pen-1
nington, K. ,T. university in,190S, lie I
came"rto Seattle in 100!) where he was!
: Assistant pastor of tho Plymouth
church for four years. From Seattle he
went to The Dalles, where he was pas-
tor for two years. His work with the:
First Congregational church of this city!
began January 1, 1!)1".
I -
i 400 pounds small potatoes suitable
for seed, le pound. W'estacott & Thiel- j
sen Co.
' The Cherrlan band is now holdlne
j weekly rehearsals and lining up a lo
j of new music for the general public
next summer. Their contract with the
'city culls for 21 performers and that
23 concerts must be given, beginning
as soon as the weather permits and to
close not later tnan Oetouer.
Reserved seats 25 cents. A small
price for a Cine conceit at the Grunil,
March Hi, by the Salem Festival
Chorus. ,
Soudan grass is attracting the atten
tion of several of the prominent farm
ers in this vicinity. William Taylor,
of Mehama, will soon plant fivo acres.
The seed was furnished by D. A. Rou
ble, who lives near Lincoln. A sample
of Soiidnu grass seed is now on display
at the real estate office of Scott & By
non. In the Sonora Talking Machine you
get the best, silent motor that is made,
near a Sonora pl.iyod. Myrtle Know
land. 4:il Court.
Mrs. Edyth Tozier Wethei-red will
come from Portland Saturday to be
present at the mass meeting for chi
ll re n to be held at the auditorium of
tho high school at 2 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, when an auxiliary branch of
the Salem Floral society will be formed
for the children. ""
$22.50 solid oak 6 foot extension
table with 2 inch plank top, can't be
told from new, only $11.23 at 10. L.
Stiff & Son.
Houser Bros, are now located in their
new store on State street and will bring
up the general artistic effect of their
store by the display of six large hunting
pictures, painted by Henry Lee of tin
city. The painting ure of extra large
size and are now on .display in the win
dows of Burue & Hamilton who did the
f ruining.
See Our West
Window for
Used Furniture
Special for
89c Each
One $65.00 Monarch Malleable Range (perfect) $35.00
Other good Steel Ranges J1J-0J
One $22.00 large fine hardwood Dresser with swell front $ 9.00
Other Dressers 53'J Up
One Kozy Kitchen Treasure 2.o0
Kitchen Tables 50c to $1.50
Fine hardwood Diners 0c feh
One $3.00 oak Sewing Rocker ;1;;0
Others .'. Up
Iron Beds JVxX
Springs 50c to $2.00
$9.50 Cupboard, good as new -J0
$9.50 Wardrobe, good as new $-0
These are just a few of our thousands of bargains. Come and see the rest.
Three Pieces
Aluminum Ware
Special for
E.L. StiffS Son
"The Busy Store"
We'd like to figure your bill We usual
ly get the business.
Extra Good
Special for
of City Will Be Made
A ceneral industrial survey will be
made of tho city by members of the
This evening at 8 o'clock R. D. Car-1 1 Jcti.:ol Ciinrmr
neuter, merchandise manager of the ( IIIUUOU Ittl OUlVCJf
Meier & Frank store. Vortlnnd, will
address the members of the Coninierciul
club, coining here through the invita
tion of the Uusiness Men's League.
After accenting the invitation. Mr. Car
penter wrote inquiring as to what kind , Commercial club, with the object of
of men were in the Commercial club. ' finding out just what industries might
Upon being informed tnat the club rep-, nave a enuuee 01 succeeding in i?un-ni
resented all the business as well as ; and to also get information as to water
professional men of the citv. he docid-i power, rates, fuel, railroad connect
ed to speak on co-operation. j Hons, markets and other information ;
o ! lllat wM l f assistance to any firm ;
n ht Til.-.... ...... determining whether this city would I
O. M Elliott, Supextcndent of the a ,
city schools, was unanimously oleerM Committees were appointed who will
lust nigh t for the thud t.me at a sal- fl ( fl , ' t h ,h ,.
ary of 2,,50. Dns w, 1 place him in , . . favorable or not. These I
cliarce of the citv schools until July Li jn c.
,1 , l i y I conimiirees are as lonows: niinuniiii i
1 chips and dried potato factory, Then-
twin rans, iiiaao, wnere lie una ueen , , - ., , y- p,lid fmit
and Claude h.
and knockdow n
i . c a ii , i nine jioui noil x.. iuuc;
superintendent of the schools several f , p fc Jr '
years He ,s a grndiiatc of the ! Belle; chicken brooders an
versity ot Iowa During h two years', Q R 8l!luiding an
work here, he lias done much for the
schools of the city and in all tit-
changes that have been made and in
coops. U. A. hpaiuiling anil irank tub-'
son; fruit syrup factories. V.. M. Croisan j
and Walter Stolz; leather bonk binding
mid cover factory, beorge F. Kodgers
.. ....,n:-i i ,.s i....:.. 1. 1 ...i. i 1 iu-.iui
u,c. "Mi , me );" auJ c. LaChelle; mineral paint factor-
schools, has had the approval of the I; R Jf lri,td,s(jn ,, Floriau Von
entire school board. lichen; woolen hosiery factory, 1(. C.
0 I Hishop and O. C. Locke; linen factory,
The Marion county republicans wil ! W. M.. Hamilton, Carle Abranrs aiid
Expert furniture repairing, upholster
ing, ret'iiiishing, mattresses made over,
carpets cleaned and laid. A. F. Ting
strom, 043 Court, in nlley, phono 2'M.
Gasoline has nothing on sugar. Tor a
time gasoline was making fast, time for
a record high price, but now just ordin
ary sugnr is reaching for the high rec
ord. Tomorrow, the price will not take
an ordinary jump of 10 cents a hundred,
but will climb for a high plnce by mak
ing a sudden advance of 25 cents,
bringing the retail to S a hundred.
This is an advance of 05 cents a hun
dred since the first of the month.
The party who took wheel from the;
porch nt 'Mod Perry street is known'
and if they will return same nt once
there will be no questions asked, other
wise prosecuted.
The Rosarians hare called off their
excursion to Honolulu which was to
leave Vortlnnd April 15, by way of the
steamer (treat Northern. No reason has
been given for this action but it is a
50 50 guess thnt the average man in I
this neck of the woods did not have!
three weeks' time at his disposal nor I
spare change to the amount of .-(-50. j
Dr. Hutchison, who is conducting S
meetings at the Viesbyterian church,
puts emphasis on the church's respon
sibility in oring for the unfortunate.!
"Estimate n human soul from the di
vine standpoint." Services at 7:30 p.;
in. during the week. j
State Treasurer Kay, who is looking
out for Senator Cummins' political fu-j
turc in Oregon, declared today that i
Cummins' name will go on the ballot nt j
the prefereutinl primary in May. If the!
senator himself does not file a declnra-j
Hon of his candidacy, said Kay. a peti
Hon signed bv one llionsiuid mimes "ill
bo filed. " !
hold a general confabulotioii nt th
armory nt 1 o'clock next Saturday aft
ernoon. The meeting will be presided
over by Senator F. A. Miller. Governor
Withycombe is on the program for nn
address as well as the lesser lights. In
tact, every good republican in the conn
Joseph II. Albert.
Pan Diego, Cal,.Mnr. 14. Lester D.
Welch, prominent uical attorney and
andiilate for the state senate from this
Two Cavalry Regiments
Cross Border Tomorrow
Douglas, Ariz. March M. A column
composed of the Seventh and Tenth
United States cavalry and one battery
of the Sixth field artillery will bo
ready to enter Mexico tomorrow morn
ing from Culberson's ranch, sixty miles
east (if here, 1iccording to apparently
reliable information- from there thw
Three wagon loads of entrenching
tools crossed from Douglas to Aguii
Vrieta totlay for Carranza soldiers
mobilizing at Cabulloua, on the Xaco.
ari railroad, 18 miles south of the
Arrivals from Mexico report the Car
ran.istas at Cabullonu are taking up de
fensive positions in the hills with tht'
apparent intention of defense against,
any American advance south from
flenernl ('alios remains at. Agun.
Vrieta. He asserts all Americans in his
territory will be given protection, even
in case of intervention. The interna
tional law as enforced in the United
States will apply in Sonoin, he said.
O. Hubbard and A. D. Bishop, of M- -Minnville,
were registered at the Bligl'
ty, who possesses a political lightning I district at the last state election, is to-
road will he given Ins day in court and , day sought on an embezzlement w Ir
an opportunity to show himself to tl' I runt. If. is alleged he appropriated
common herd 'of voters. And to enliven ' "''out 15.000 of an iflS.OOii estate of
the spirits of those who are not run-lrs- Henrietta Huff, of Santa Kosa.
ning for office, the Cherriau band and i ,lls wit3 n"d 'l'hid are destitute. I
Willamette university singers will : w ''ll h s l'liotogr lphs are today being
"render" a few selections. j mailed throughout tiie United States, j
o lie nas ueen missing lrom San Diego
Instead of putting on ,v membei '. hip i tor f'Ye (l!lYS- , , ,
campaign the Maccabees er. goirg at; T0 NAME DREADNAUGHTS
it in a ditlerent way. McmlieiTiiin
campaign is old stuff and has been Washington. Mar. 14. Secretary
- , . .....j.-. . "l - ; uaiiiels announced tod.iv the diend-
idea is to appoint on inenns.i commit-: nall,ht ,,, u to bc ;.01lstnl(,,ei1 ttt
tee and this is what State Command, r . Mare Island will be named the "Cali
Sherwood has done for the Maccabees, 'ornia," and the dreadnaiight number I
The increase committee will not put on 40. to be built at the New York cards,
a campaign, but will make it their bust- the "New Mexico," nt the request of'
ness to increase the present member- the Cilifornia legislature. 1
shin of the Maccabees bv 100 for the i - I
grand review to be held here March !Z: I
Tlin innrafi-an unmniiilAa 3u no f.,ll.i,-a. i
F. A. Boehringer A. T. MmT.tt. Furl' .ortlan,l, dr., Mar. M.-Thc whole-i
Summers E. R. H.ullong. C. A . Leeper, , ,.;. of SHKr wil, u,,van,0 ton
, ti. v.i.si-i. uii-i . r.. i mil-. i cents a hundred pounds tomorrow, it
' iwns announced here today, This makes!
a jump of fifty cents a hundred with
in three weeks.
Phone 700
Good Garage In connection foi
storage of cars.
Seasonable Rates.
246 State Street
An "At Home" social will be held
at the Unitarian church next Friday
evening, March 17, at 7::0. The invita
tion is extended to the members, and
others wlio ue attending and are in
terested in the church, including their
families, and also the Sunday school.
It will be free, the object .being to
become better ncipiainted and engender
an "At Homo" feeling in the church.
Articles of incorporation were filed"'
today to allow the Ceorge Wills & Sons.
Limited, of London, Fngland, to con
duct a general exporting and importing
business in this state. The corpora-;
tion is capitalized at 200,000 pounds
Sterling which is about 07;,000 in
regular money. The principal office in
Oregon will be in Vortlnnd. i
Officer E. W. Stubbs, who has been1
nerving as patrolman for the police de-1
partmeiit part of the time and as dep
uty health officer all of the time hns ;
found the dual role too heavy with the
increase of spring work mid hereafter
will devote all of his time to the duties,
of the health department under the su '
pervision of City I'hvsic inn O. B, Miles j
It is probable thnt anothter officer
will be put on during the day time at:
the next meeting of the city council. I
Picnic Hams on sale, per lb. 10c
Onion Sets, 3 lbs 25c
New Prunes, 5 lbs. .. 25c
Best Valley Flour, per sit. $1-15
Small Onions, 1j lbs. .. 25c
Snyder's Catsup, 25c Sottle 19c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit 1 A
15c package lUC
Our Best 60c Broom on sale 50c
Take advantage of the
low prices during this
sale and lay in a supply
of groceries.
Phone 68 855 N. Com!
Washiinrtnii War 1 i U,, i , m 1 V
Shively, United States senator from In- j
diaiin. died here today following an ill-1
, ness extending over several mouths.
J Hen .1. F. Shiveley was just be
ginning his second term as senator
illicit ,1,-aui ciit'incil nun.
Do Not Bo Misled by out of
town cofice houses showing
yon a catchy premium and do-
livcring to you coffee roasted
in Chicago." Wm. Guhlsdorf,
l'liono 07.
Artificer Joseph Martin, and Private
William Hawkins, of Company M. en
listed today in the U. is. marine corps
and will be discharged from the local
militia company to begiu service in the
Reliable information may be obtained
on the suh.iect ot hnsti:in Science, at I
a free lecture to be given Friday even-j
iut:. March 17 at s o'clock, at. the arm- I
ory, by Charles I. Ohieiistein, C. S. H. !
of Syiacuse, N. Y., who is a member of
the board of lectureship of the mother
chunh the First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Mass. All are wel
come. The Breakfast club, composed of sev
eral young ladies, gave a supper Inst
night nt the home of Miss l.oid Mar
tin, Union and Capital streets. Tin
Breakfast club does not always gi . e
suppers as the young ladies are plan
ning for several 5 o'clock bn-akfasts.
ju't as soon as the sun begins to vis,
earlier and the weathter permits morn
ing parties out of doors.
Watt Shipp company opened up for
business this morning in their nev store
in the Bush bunk building formerly oc- I
copied by C. T. Pomeroy. The perninu- j
cut locati-m for the Watt sliipp com-
pnny at the store room recently vacated !
by the Hauser Bros, company will not '
I... nvnil-il.l.i v.nill ll.., fltt ..,' .,.., '
month. Today Watt Shipp in conducting )
two stores in this city, one nt -l North i
Commercial and the other in the row j
location. '
Clocks Repaired Hl
Also a Nice Line olpl '
Masonic Temple xnJr'W'l'''
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 721. Salem, Ore.