iffL ml (! . FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . ; . j n .... CIRCULATION 15 OVER 4000 DAILY s)v y QJlQ c n q n THIRTY-EIGHTH -YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWfc STANDS FIVE OK NT ft rfff? 73 A- III ILL ENTER MEXICO PROBABLY FRIDAY MORNING 12,000 Men, 48 Batteries of Artillery and Scores of I 1 Machine Guns ALREADY ASSEMBLED AND FORCE ABOUT READY Canuto Reyes With 2,500 Horsemen Rushing to Join Forces With Villa By II. D. Jacobs. (Tinted Press staff correspondent.) HI Paso, Texas, Mar. 14. Mobiliza tion of I'nited States soldiers oil the border continued today while Curranzis tas were reported in hot pursuit of T'ranciseo Villi began here today. :ind render the Americnrt invasion un necessary. With Major General Fred Funston declaring Carranza 's possible opposi tion will not halt the expedition, army leaders were planning to smash south ward simultaneously from El Pnso. Douglas and Columbus. It may be Thursday- or Friday before the Amer icans eater, although with more than l'J.000 men, -IS batteries of artillery and .scores of machine guns alreudy on the boundary, officers declared the troops ready 'for the word. The Carranzistas are more active in northern Mexico near the border than they have been for months. They are concentrating at Naeozari and Chihua hua City. It is reported 500 cavalrymen left for Casas Grandcs and trie Galena dis tricts to protect American Mormon colonists and attempt, to cut off Villa General Hertttni is watching the Vil li's! as from Palomtis to the westward. He predicted the bandit chief v either attempt-to ntassnere the Mor mons or clfo ride to Sinnloa for refuge. Villa Gathering Recruits. Canuto Reyes anil 2..100 horsemen are reported near Torerou endenvorrng to join Villa. Reyes is lending a con-t-iderablo part of the former Villista force that cut through the Carrtinzista jinny anil marched almost to the gates of Mexico "City during the height of Villa's rebellion against Cnrranza. General Itodolfo Fierro, called "Vil la '-i butcher," recently reported kill ed, is now said to be with Reyes, There has been 110 direct news'of the Mormons since Sunday. Officials of the Mormon church here stated the ab sence o'f news indicated the church inon had suffered no disaster. General Pershing, who will command the American expedition, is at Colum bus, N. M. Colonel George Taylor, of the Kighth cavalry, is in command at Kl Paso, indicating that the main col umn probably will start from Colum bia. Lieutenant Martin I.. Scballenhcrger. able de camp, nnd official censor, is sued his first bulletin today. He said: "Concentration and mobilization are now being arranged. General Pershing is engaged in studying out a strategic phi u of movement." War Correspondents Mad. The army of "war correspondents'' here is already having trouble with .Schallenberger. They charge lie re-fu-c.i to aid them in their work, and tint they were obliged to gather their own equipment, and even transport their own horses to concentration points. fCnntinnet on Papa Tbrpe.) . Aha IHartia - I. ts o' fellers that w:,lk film: tl. streets, with bowed hi nds theie das y ircMit ou!v I for being dejected when t her 'kin' at th' girlv' feet. In time I'tivthing prepare i'cr Bryan. "II n iintbui !' J MESAYS GffiL Badgered by Slaughter's At torneys Girl JHrectly Ac causes Minister Oroville, Cal., Mar. 14. Trembling and apparently on the verge of a break down, Gertrude l.amson, 15 years old. began her fourth session on the witness stand today in Kev. Madison Slaugh ter's trial on charge or attacking her. Led by interrogations of the'district at torney, the girl described wtyit the prosecution claims Bur attempts on the part of defense supporters to make her retract her allegations against the pastor. She asserted defense attorneys visit ed her frequently, urging her to say the charges were fulse. As a result of their visits the prosecution says she wrote two letter declaring all the ac cusations were untrue. On the witness stand the girl said she wrote these notes under the impression that by so ihiing she would save her mother's life. She had been told ner mother would die if the letters were hot written. The missives, admitted Gertrude, were dic tated to her. While, she testified, Slaughter viewed her steadfastly and listened eagerly to every syllable. At times he gripped the arms of his chair and glanced at the clock. Defense lawyers took voluminous notes, preparatory to an attempt to im peach the girl's testimony. One of the most dramatic moments of the trial was when Gertrude, bad gered for hours by a enr.-s-exaaiina-tion of sharp questions from defense lawyers, looked wearily toward Slaugh ter and made a direct accusation against him. The defense had been en deavoring to show Her in some way culpable. Turning toward the pastor she said in a low voice: "Look what that man has done. lie is the guilty one, nnd not myself." The words produced a 'small sensa tion. Slaughter took tight hold on the arms of his chair, but maintained his composure. His daughters looked un concerned, Eev. Madison Slaughter, accused of attacking Gertrude Lamson, aged 15 controlled her parents so hey refuse) to believe her story, according to th girl's testimony in Slaughter's trial to day. She declared her father at first be lieved all she said, but later was won over to the other side and refused to credit her assertions. In this connec tion Gertrude cried with considcrabi, dramatic, emphasis. "I told him he must believe me, be cause what I told him was the truth." Defense Counsel Kennedy instantly complained that the girl was indulg ing in irregular dramatic poses under the direction of the prosecution. Assist ant District Attorney Davids hotly de nied it. but Judge Gregory ruled out her last statement. Telling of a mock trial staged at her home by defense attorneys so they could practice, Gertrude Lamson. 15 years old, continued testifying this af ternoon in the trial of Kev. Madison Slaughter on a charge of attacking her. She said her mother suggested every thing that went into her letter in whicji she denied all her accusations against the pastor. On the stand today the girl could not define the words used in the affidavit which she signed, saying the charges were false. She claimed her parents made efforts to frighten her by the power of Guy H. Kennedy, Slaughter's attorney. They were said to nave told her he was a "terrible man" who could get anybody out of trouble or nut anybody he wanted to into the reform school. Her mother; the girl said, told her she could never convict Slaughter, as he had an alibi for every day of tin six alleged acts. During the court recess Gertrude met her in an ante-room and attempted to embrace her, but Mrs. Lunisin pushed her away. Gertrude wept. Carranza Already Is Playing Crooked Kl Paso, Texas, Mar. II. It was re ported this afternoon the Carranza ttov ernnient asked the I'aited States through llrigadier General ,lnhn .L Pershing to delay the start or the American expedition two weeks. General GutieiTez. was said to have made the request. He would neither deny nor confirm the report this after noun. General Pershing's reply was report ed to have been such that it angered Gutierrez. Whether it was a fl it refus al or not Gutierrez, would not say. The delav is believed to have been requested to give Carranza tim to cap tore Villa. How the reported conference between the two took Jace was not learned. Fort Bliss authorities, in further nice of the stiict censorship, refused to ad mit Pershing had returned to Kl Paso fioin Columbus or that Gutierrez, had talked with li i in on the long distance tcli phone. A iMe.xicuu railroad bridge ten mile couth of Juarez has been destroyed by lire. Carranzi officials were unable to aceoiint for it. American military irca believe it was burned in an atteinitt to ' prev ent the United Stales expedition . from using the railroad on it a haive ' into Mexico. GERMAN ATTACK REPULSED WITH TERR! Charge Through Forest Halted and Ranks Shattered by Artillery Fire GRAND ASSAULT HAS NOT YET STARTED AT VERDUN Great Bodies of German Troops Are On March Destination Unknown By Charles P. Stewart. (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) London, Mar. 14. Breaking the long lull in infantry fighting before Ver dun, Germans today ch lrged into Haudremont forest only to have their ranks shattered by artillery fire whica coveted every foot of ground with mathematical precision, according to Paris accounts. The Germans did not attempt to ld vance with large forces, and those who survived the hail of French shells were forced to flee. In the Lepetre forest Taris said the Germans attempted to regain lost ground. Again the French artillery blasted scores into eternity and hurled nick the charging Teutons in defeat. There was a steadv artillery bom bardment around Vaux, but the expect ed grand assault against Verdun hail not begun, latest dispatches s lid. Berlin remained silent regarding all operations around Verdun. The only im portant infantry work mentioned by the Germans was a repulse of British near Wieltje, in the Vprcs district. Clear weather brought out the avi ators, and bottles iiigh aloft were frequent. Berlin announced three Brit ish and two French machines had been brought down. Artillery Duel Continues. London, Mar. 14. German reinforce ments arrived near Verdun today while the kaiser's great guns continued the smashing at the French trenches. Delayed Swiss dispatches said the Swiss-German frontier had been closcil, to insure secrecy of troop movements. French aviators hovering over the Teu ton -lines observed greit bodies of Ger man reinforcements on the march. Swiss sources nlso revived the re port that Field Marshal Von Mackon sen is commanding the German attack on Verdun and that Kaiser Wilhelm has summoned Field Marshal Von Jlinden burg there to assist. Critics believe that in his new thrust the crown prince will drive simultane ously at Goose Hill and Dead Man's Hill, striking also at Foist De Vaux and Do Tavanues. Artillery fire is di rected most severely against those hills. It is thought now the Germans will re sume heir offensive with an attempt to fight through Corbeaux and Cumieres woods, to offset their losses in assault ing Goose and Dead Man's hills. The Paris correspondent of the Lon don Mail declared the lull in infantry work noticeable for the past few days has been duo to a need for nri'JIerv preparation, and partly to a redistribu tion of German forces. "The Seventh and Twenty-Second di visions which bore the brunt of the fighting at Bethincourt and at Goose Hill, have been severely handled nil need rest," wrote the correspondent. "Possibly, like the Klevent'n reserve division, they must be entirely replaced by new men." Berlin Says Nothing. Berlin, Mnr. 14. Fighting around Verdun was ignored by the war office official announcement todav. KaiMer's Throat Bad. Paris, Mir. 1 4. Kaiser Wilhelm 's throat is again troubling him, accord ing to nn unconfirmed report from Koine today. Asquith Is Laid Up. Loihlon. Mar. 11 I'retnim. Auninlli in suffering from bronchial catarrh, his office announced in a statement todiy. Norway Is Angry. Christiunia, Norway, Mar. 14. Nor way asked Germany today if it was true that n German submarine had tor pedoed the Norwegian bark Silius. A complete explanation is demanded. Rioting in Munich, London. Mar. 14. Amstiirdnm r. I ports today told of rioting in Munich ! because of the Bavarian losses it Vr. dun. The Bavarians bore the brunt of much fighting there, nnd their casual ties were accounted enormous. I ! O. & C. LOCATORS FAVORED ' Washington, March It. The senate public lands committee today adopted Senator Phelan's amendment to the Ferris land bill, uiving patents to locators on the ground prior to the Tnft ! withdrawal order, and giving j leases to those who located after the withdrawal order, but be I fore congress took nction 1 Fl LOSSES 50,000 Spanish War Veterans Available Washington, Mar. 14. Congressman Dyer, national commander of the Span ish war veterans, today requested state commanders to notify him how many men were available for service in Mexi co if President Wilson calls for volun teers. Dyer thinks i)(l,0UI) could be raised". Saa Francisco Has 1,000. San Francisco, Mar. 14. One thous and Spanish war veterans in San Fran cisco would be willing to enlist if Presi dent Wilson called for volunteers, (.'has, J. Dutreaux, past commander of Gener al Miles camp, said today. Three com panies are ready to fight, Oregon Could Send 600. Portland, Or., Mar.. 14. "There are 000 Spanish war veterans in Oregon who would willingly volunteer for ser vice in Mexico," said State Commander Koy V. Kesl today. Commander Kesl says lie will open books within two days and ask all vet erans who would volunteer to register. Anticipating that National Commander Dyer might ask for figures as to the number of fighting men available in each state, Mr. Kesl telegraphed him yesterday. Nevada Has One Troop. Bono, Nev., Mar. H.-Tliomas H. Barry troop of the Spanish war veter ans with headquarters here, will i ready for service at the front in case President Wilson calls for volunteers to fight against the Villistas, accord ing to a statement made today by Di R. R. Kane, commander of the troop, Dr. Kane said that whilue his troop is not large in numbers every man would be willing to bear arms, in case volun teers are needed. Arizona has 230. Phoenix, Ariz., Mar. 14. Captain Charles Alexander, head of ho Nation al Spanish War Veterans in Arizona, when told today of Congressman Dy er's request for information as to how many men would be available in case of call said that every able-bodied mem ber of the organization would respond. He estimated there arc about 250 in tin state. Washington Has 1,000. Seattle, Wash., Mar. 14. In response to the request of ,'ongressman Dyer, national commander vt the Spanish war veterans for information as to the availablo number o'f men ror service if a cull for volunteers is issued by Presi dent Wilson, State Commander T. J. Cunningham of the Washiagton Spanisl War Veterans' association, today said a complete regiment of volunteers coub be promptly organized here. Idaho Reports 200. Boise, Idaho, Mar. 14. Two hundred Spanish war veterans in Idaho, wouli volunteer their services in case o need, officers of their organization es timated today. Thomas R. ffamer, colonel of tin First Idaho regiment in the Philippine.' campaign, is endeavoring to organize a cavalry regiment for service in Mexico. MEXICO IS SATISFIED Washington, Mar. 14. Joso Aeunn, representative of the Carrtinzista government, form ally notified the state depart ment today that the American note regarding the "military reciprocity" agreement with Carranza, and making arrange ments for the pursuit of band its across the international boundary, was wholly accept able to this government. VOULD CAPTURE VILLA BEFORE OUR TROOPS COULD CROSS BORDER Kl Paso, Texas, Mar. It. General Guiterrez arrived at Juarez, today am! announced that his Carranzista troops are surrounding Francisco Villa in the Galcann district. He 'said he hoped ti capture Villa before tho American ex pedition could enter Mexico. Gutierrez is in Juarez outlining what is believed to be an effort to forestall the American expedition into Mexico. "The Carranza government can take care of Villa," he continued Gutierrez outlined a comprehensive military scheme for the surrounding of Villa, and indicated the Carranzis tas already have the bandit chief vir tually hemmed in on all sides in the Go lcana district. "We are in touch with Villa," hi said. "My scouts will follow him oiiti nil my columns can come into action. He has only a small guard with them.' Gutierrez, commander of the de facto government, troops in Cliihiialiuu hti " has been placed in complete commaiol of the Carranzistas hunting Villa. "Five cavalry columns of l.li'M) men ench have been ordered into the fieh1 to pursue him," declared Gutierrez "They will draw a complete ring around Villa. General Jose Cavasos will move in from the south, General Herrera from the east. General l'afnel THE RAID TOWN IS BRISTLING WITH WAB fmmtrtr Trains Unloading Cavalry Horses and Munitions Crowd Side Tracks AMMUNITION BOXES AND SUPPLIES PILED UP And Mixed With All the Army Mule Lifts Up His Voice in Battle Chant CARRANZA'S ARMY TO AID San Antouia, Texas, Mar. 14. Full cooperation by General Carranza in the American hunt for Francisco Villa seems as sured today. According to Mexican Consulate representa tives, five thousand soldiers of the de facto government are inarching toward the border to help United States troops sur round the bandit idiief. It is understood General Alvaro Ob rcgon will command the consti tutionalists. Dispatches from the border to the consulate indicated all dan ger of C'trraiizista resistance has passed. A telegram from General Pesquiera to Douglas saiil the administration's agree ment with Carranza hail allay ed all nnti-Anierican feeling in Mexico. By H. D. Jacobs. (I'nited I'ress Staff Correspondvnt.) 'Columbus, N. M., Mar. 14. Under Brigadier General John J. Pershing, conqueror of the -Moros and the fili pinoes, organization of tiie main United States army division which will hunt Francisco Villa begun here today. Colonel Herbert J. Slocuni, who "licked" Villa when the bandit chief raided Columbus, was appointed to com mand the "flying squadron" of civnl ry which, it is believed, will comprise the larger part of the armed forces en tering Mexico from this point. .To investigate reports of Venustiano Carranza 's soldiers mobilization at Palomas in the direct line of the con templated pursuit General Persuing has arranged for a conference with the con stitutionalist General Bertani. He wants to ascertain if the Mexicans are planning to oppose his advance. The two will meet on American soil today. General Pershing is keeping close touch with developments at Palomas. Carranza reinforcements undiV General Guieterras reported en route overland from Guzman to .join Bertani 's forces have not yet been sighted by Ameri can border pat rols. Expect to Slart Thursday. There is a marked conviction among the rank and file that the order to en ter Mexico will come Thursday. Offi cers refuse to discuss it. Privates had no definite information. Knoiiuh men and supplies are here today for an earlier dash, if it is ordered. General Pershing is evidently await ing reinforcements. More cavalry was (Continued on ouca two) Maldaiiado and Benjamin Garza i, command the other two columns I will have charge of the column from the north. My troops are alreudy moving ror inis purpose. t "I have ordered Geaeral Bertani to ! assist and he will evacuate Palonia;. shortly. Bertani probably will join our forces at Guzman." Gutierrez intimated that to offset aay further need for an Mexican ex pedition, Curranza 's government wouli attempt to completely wipe out the V listas. "In addition to our five columns," he. declared, "we have ordered between 5,(100 and troops to concentrate in towns where Villa's bandits are." Gutierrez will leave Juarez within n day or two and take charge of the cam paign. His statement was interpreted to forecast a further attempt by de facto government to prevent American force;. from entering Mexico. Giileana where the constitutionalists are reported surrounding Villa is in Chihuahua state, about 110 miles dm south of Fl Pimo and 50 miles west of the Mexican National tailroad line. It is within two days' ride of the Amer ican Mormon colony in the Casus Cian ilcs district y Women and Children Kl i'aso, Texas, March 14. Fears for 500 American Mormon colonists in Chihuahua were renewed this afternoon when a Villa deserter arriving at Casus Granites reported the banjit chief was marching against the settlenfent de termined to exterminate the colony. Information to this effect reached Carranzista officials at Juarez, over the restored telegraph lines. Despite earlier constitutionalist claims of Villa being surorunded by Carranzistas, he was said to have ar rived at Casus Graades nnd to have de manded surrender of the Carranza gar rison there as well us of the American colonists. Villa has burned every bridge of the Mexican Northwestern railway between Corralitos and Sabinal, making it im possible for the train awaiting the Mormons at Pearson to travel toward the border. According to the deserter's story, Villa became enraged over stories that the Mormons were to act as guides and scouts for t ho American expeditionary force. The loss of half of his COO men at Columbus by the fighting around the town and by 'subsequent desertions further angered him, and he swore to kill all Americans, men, women and cliilrdeu. Philadelphia Man Sees Jap Bugaboo Los Angeles. Cal., Mar. 14. "Japan wants the Philippine islands and is de termined to grab them." This was tho statement of former Mayor Rudolph Blaiikeuhiirg of Philadelphia hero to day. "She is backing up this determina tion by contriving every clever schemo iinuginablo to annex tiiut territory," he added, "We all knew that Japan) sympathizes with .Mexico in her gnev anceit against tie United States, and the first nutagdiiistic step taken by Mexico against our country would be welcomed by the Japanese. It is a critical situation this invasion of Mexico by American troops. Philadelphia's former mayor is hero on a short vacation. Would Increase Army By Abmrt20,000 Men By J. P. Yoder, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, March 14. Urgent ac tion to increase the United States reg ular army by 111 1)17 men was decided upon today. Secretary of War Baker asked congress to pass the necessary resolution immediately An attempt to rush it through the house will be made late this afternoon, Secretary of War Baker and Assist ant Secretary Hay discussed tho plan today. Baker thought it should be au thorized by congress specifically. The senate declaration will be made later today. The conference decided neither to call militia or volunteers at present, nor to increase the army to strength above its war footing. There is lack of appropriated money for additional forces. No Opposition. Washington, March It. Within five minutes after its introduction the Hay resolution incrensing the standing army by !!),! 17 men pasted the house this afternoon There was rising vote. Only a few Opposed. Mexicans Wished Them All a Happy Return Douglas, Ariz., March 14. The refugee train from Naeozari, Sonora, 75 miles south, arrived here shortly after noon today. It brought ;)50 refugees to the border. The party consisted of 2000 Amer icans, .'!0 Chinese and the balance wero Mexicans, according to .1. li. Hamilton, assistant superintendent of the Moctez ii inn. Copper company who arrived with the train. Mexicans at Naeozart gave the party a send off ami wished them an early return Hamilton said. Twenty five Americans at Kl Tigre, 50 miles southeast, have decided to await further developments before coin ing out. THE WEATHER Oregon: Tonight itnr--r ami Wednesday, f"! ?kS ' fuir, frost tonight. W'yy. !WAf?M interior south and h-.(.HLS) east portions, and north c isterly ""7 winds. SENATORS RAISE VOICES. AGAINST PACT VITH MEXICO Outburst of Criticism Expect ed Over the Lansing Reciprocity Agreement DANGEROUS FEATURE Delay In Starting Expedition Also Causes Much Sena torial Criticism MEXICAN PAPERS SAT NO DANGER OF CLASH Mexico City, Mar. 14. All danger of a break between Mex ico and the United States has passed, according to evidently inspired articles in today's newspapers. Thcro was no official state ment, but Washington dis patches said America had con ceded tho justice o'f Carranza 's demands in accepting kin in formal note. General Conditio Aguilar, newly appointed foreign min ister, ill handle further Amer-. ican negotiations under Car- zranza's guidance. It is believed Aguilar will bo provisional president before tho regular elections, Carranza resigning so that be himself may become n candidate. General Alvaro Ob- rcgon's appointment as war minister hat king been fore casted. By Bond P, Geddes. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, Mar. 14. With Ameri can troops on the eve of entering Mex ico President Wilson today was threat ened with congressional revolt against' his Mcxciun policy. An outburst of criticism was be lieved imminent in the senate, where tho "military reciprocity" agreement with Carranza is disliked by a numher. Many senators hnvo already expressed indignation because Carranza was giv en permission to enter the I'nitml States. An explosion was also tlireuteu cned in the house On the other hand, the Whito House was indignant at the Mexican "war talk." It let it be known that ".jingo dis cussions" were the most embarrassing and dangerous features of the situation. Tho administration considered drastic measures to halt the war and inter vention agitation both in and out of congress. Administration member? dis cussed an investigation of intervention propaganda, possibly by Attorney Gen eral Gregory. 1 Tho principal protest in congress was based on thu fact that President Wilson failed to consult the legislative bodies before accepting (tnrranrn's "reciprocity" proposition. Coosiileriug that many CurranziKtas are semi-organized bandits, and that many o'f them are former Villistas, opponents of the schemo fear the agreement will result in forays on American soil by outlaws masquerading as soldiers of Carranza. Senators Disagree. With the state department udmittiuj; that no "military reciprocity" treaty or written uuthority exists, opponents declared President Wilson had exceeded his constitutional powers in agreeing tu tho technicul "invasion" of America. Jealous of the presidential perogutives, some insisted the nR.,.ument would bo void unless ratified by the senate. Administration supporters charged opponents of the pact were actuated by political motives, and promised to. severely criticise any attempt to mako political capital of the incident. Some fear Wilson's course will ulti mately mean intervention, if not hostil ities with Carranza and a united Mex ico, while others believed congress should not hesitate to legalize the presi dent's procedure. Delay in starting the expedition also, threatened to provoke criticism, aimed chiefly at the army, its transportation, facilities, nnd its lack of ammunition. Administration officials insisted di plomacy had not impeded the work of mobilization. Final orders for the Villa hunt arj in General Funston ' hands. The wires hummed today with messages rouveytn details of the expedition, while Wash ington awaited news that tho Amer icans had entered Mexico. Army men believed General Persh ing's main column would not start be fore tomorrow at the earliest. All reports agreed that tho "mili tary reciorocitv" imreenient had a quieting effect upon Mexican popular sentiment. John Bull always was a poor corres pondent, except when he had Bonao de maads of his own to make. , ,,