Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Kato per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word It
One week (fl insertions', per word .. ?
Ono month (-0 insertion), pur word 17c
All nils must bo ordered for stated
lnnjjth of timo, no ul to count less thsr i
10 word.
Tho Capital Journal will not tie ro
sponsible or morn tlmn ono inscrtioi '
for errors in Classified AdTcrtiae
merits. Head your advertisement thf :
first "lay it uppenrs ami notify us iru j
mediately if it contains an error. i
Minimum ehtrgo, l."ie. I
I'HUNK U.S7 for wooj nan.
II Ali'ltV Wiudowelcancr.
Fhone 70S
Apt 1 i
UISIIKS Ml il'SKW I il!K - I'lioiie
:!.'!!' I :!. Marl:!.
HliO-J, Atari 1 j
WANTKD -licet" cattle ami horse.
!l'J.-)-M. AprO.
SMALL ( ASK liKlilSTKI!-- Wanted '
at am o. :i;i SI lie. .Mai 1 1
l'i Mil, TAI'.LK - for h lie, t in. Harbor;
shop, llllh mill Stale, tf!
' I
Full liKNT Furnished housekeeping'
moms, l!'l North Cottage, .Mm:!!,
FO It KKNT Furnished and itiifurnish-j
eil inoilern house. (1. W, Johnson, tf
OAK, ili v nsh, fir iiinl maple curd wood, j
I'hone l.lL'.l. W. I''. I'roi'lm. April'
HOOKS HKI'AIUKD Uuaruntoe.l not
to leak. riione (ill H, or 717 M.
full SAI.K 7 vein- old wink lmi"ie,
weight I 1 1 0 ' lbs. I'lioiie :!!I-'L' I.
.Mill K!
Knit KNT -SI rietly modern li room
house III good 1'onilllinu. I'lioiie "Jil.'i I.I,
FOH It KNT- I 'nl tuge son I )i west rorner
(Ink iiinl Suiuiner streets. I'lioiie 71.
M il l t
I'Olt SALK Store shelving polluters
ami ono showcase. F. W. Woolworth
(Jo. MarKI
.KNTKUIKNCKD (i I HI, Wants house
work, (.'an give references, Fhone
1110. Marll
WANTKD I'luce to work lor loom ami
lioinl. ( an give references. I'lioiie j
.I'.UI. Marl I
Foil KKNT Three, or four room mod
urn furnished apartment. !",") South j
Mill sheet. Alar II
WANTKD To rent 7 or S room liousf
reasonably close in. Address N. K. lb.
earo Journal. tf
.11 CI KLOKS IIOMK-ltest in town.
Itoom anil luiaril ICi.Oi). Kine meals, j
:iiir N. High. MarKI
FOU HAI.E 15 acres Dottom Imil j
south of Marlon. Mrs. K. T'jonms. j
Marlon, Oregon. April! :
FOU SALK -Swedish select white outs J
it. !() cents per Imsiiul, lleo. Schaap, I
l'ratum, Oregon. MurlSj
DKrtlKAIILK KOO.MS Kurnaee lm it. i
fine location, excellent me lis. Fhone
I bill M. loll) State. April; j
MAY Kolt SALK-I.noso client also!
-onie mixed clover. Itiipiiio at stale'
lair ground hay ham. Marl I :
WANTKD Will pay cash rent tVr 4 oi j
5 ncres of good potito land. Musl
ti cheap. Ailress Journal C-50, Mayfl
up to date power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel Yurds. I'hone i
Ft)B KIONT Storo, 2U18J feet, idee
trio lights and steam heat, See Watt
Shipp Co., 810 Norta Comninroia j
treat. I'hono .10.1. t I
FOU BALK Fine residence lot, tSllxll)!
feet, Cipitnl and Center streets. Trice
2S00. Write, ,T. W. Hockley, Nor
strand, Minnesota. Mar'J?
WONKY TO I, OA N On farm piopert.v.
Twenty years time. Finable in small
annual instalments. Impure at Cap
ital N Hional Hank, MarKI
I "- " " . -n
V ' ' :
V ;"' '' , "i
I -
Susanna TT: w - ' -
..I j , i
; -.tr. ... . : 'Qj
"Jails and ponitontiaKe.-' arc tlie
most expensive development of civi
lization." This is the declination of
Miss Ktinnnnn Cocroft, of Chicago,
leader in alfaira with which women
liuve to do. The scandals nt Sing
Sing, whose warden has just heen in
dicted and removed, miirjit have been
unother slory, Miss Cocroft thinks,
hud more 'attention been paid to
physical muses back of crime.
Out of yenra of experience do
Voted to the promotion of health, this
woman's champion has within recent
months been studying the jail re
form problem. Tho conclusion she
has reached is that tho world nui.it
eradicate the physical causes which
promote the crime tendency.
"The gospel of gooil health should
go hand in hand with the gospel of
good conduct," declared Miss Cocroft,
"if we are ever to have a world in
which prisons may bo turned to some
more prolilablo use than at tho pres
ent time.
"The man or woman who is
physically healthy is almost sure to
lie mentally healthy, but not always
morally so. Hut the unhealthy man
or .woman is the surest victim of
moral sickness, You cannot beat,
torture, terrorize, preach or pray re
form into a criminal successfully.
There must be an effort toward his
physical improvement at tho same
"If your physical self is not in
perfect harmony, you are 'fit for
trensons, stratagems and spoils.'
Can you remember nn unkind, un
pleasant word or deed of your own
of today or yesterday, that yoif can
not trace directly to a physically
imperfect stato temporary or
chronic ?
"Unhealthy words nnd deeds differ
only in degree. Growling nt a friend,
swearing at an employee these are
symptoms of an off-condition physic
ally. Emphasize and exaggerate
that same condition, and you arrive
at the physical stato with its similar
mental state, which produces greater
"If wo begin today with the
physical instruction of every child in
America, wo will rear generations in
which crime will bo as rare as ill
health. The timo is coming when
thero will be a system of gymnasi
ums in our jails and when our courts
of law will prescribe healthful exer
cises in tho sentences they impose."
sale. Salem, Koulc
Ami Imikb.v i
I, llox 111'-'.
.Marl 1
W.WTKI) or ID acre.
Salem, addles,, A ,
to n
nt, near:
.1 on t int I.
Mai l I ,
I'Olt SAI.K Thorouglibri
horn ivuhh, ."Uc per se
L'I U7 .1.
d White Leg
ting. I'hone
Mai II
giiiceiv store,
oeniu;s, SK'J
I 7, wa n(
I'hone ul't
position III
Marl I
er i o
room house in good
in. I'hone ":ll M.
Modern eiyht
oiulition. close
Mail I
limits. Price $11 per mouth. Also for
rent or sale, I acre, small house oa
good road, near car line. Selling
price $SII, easy terms. Wo also have
a fine luiri;aiii in ti.'t .leres excellent
farm laud, good buildings, on good
road, will take some Salem property
in exchange. Square Deal liealtv
Co. '.'icj I'. S. Hank llldg.
Germans Torpedo
Norwegian Vessel
(Continued From Page One.)
MAN AND Wll'K-To work on small
place. Write !ox liiil, Koute !', or
I'hone I.M'M. A. K. IVterson. MarKI
Will i' l-i KKiillOK N - Mulching eggs,
tl.U0 per l.'i, $1,011 per 100. dcliveie.l.
I'hone ..7Fi:l. D. X. Ueechlcr. Mario
FOK SAI.K Cheap. IS acres of good
grain or fruit land, well improved, I
with or without stock and impliv ;
inents. Salem, Koute !, Hex 7S :
Marll ;
Fob' KKNT - A good S room house, fiort
Water street, between Marion nud
Cnion sheets. Call before S n. in,
,ir niter .") p. m. mid lady will show
the house. Marl I ,
WWTKD- Hy married man, work on
farm or ranch, or to take charge of
place with stock ind implements,
furnished. .Mate wages and nceoni j
mo. latinos. Marll
I'Olt S A I, K 1,000 II
wagon, 1 1 inch plow,
Owner going away.
team, light
leasehold goods.
V-Vi S, tilth St.
Mar 1.1
tile or trade, good farm
1'nli Je'.VVOO - The Trover Weigel Stu
dio will teach any bright young man:
or woman the picture business, fur-j
nish von mi outfit nnd a good Iocs .
tion in II good town. Marl 1
WANTKD -A farm of M to Sd acres,!
mostly in cultivation, family orchard
and good improvements. Cash doll.
Address Mr. .lohn Schefee, Salem, Or.'
tsj Soiilu High street. Marll,
M KSKliY M'OOK- At lowest prices
it Northwestern Nursery, rear of
armory, drafted l'i inquette Wal
nuts, S to 10 feet. Top I'lnfted lioy-1
til Ann cherry, Ituddeo Holly. Choice!
roses. Special price on large orders j
"A little of evervlhing." I'hone
in. Mnrl.V
UKNTKU WANl'KD-One with small
family, and lias S to (1 cows, seine;
hickeus, one good horse and enough
ensh to buy more stock for my IdO;
ncres above South Silver Creek Falls !
I'll give him bargain that wilt set
him thinking. I.uther Myers, SnleniJ
Oregon. Marll
JiliiOI'.sr SAI.K eves you cm find !
0 acres, 1(1 to 17 ncres plough land.'
balance good timber and pasture, no :
ImildiiHjs. (In county Mad. Little
work to Irrigate S or 1 acres (lonj,
black arden land. Fr'ce IV0, is;
worth :lo0it. 1 need the name v. 2U
miles from S.ileni. " 0 Acres," care1
of Journal. AprlJ
If this is demanded, it is believed
the desired steps will be taken with
out hesitation and without the exchange
of notes which marked former incidents
of like nature.
The Norwegian consulate staled Ihis
afternoon four Americans were in the
crew of 17 aboard the Silius when it
was torpedoed.
Among the charges mnde against the
Hritisli nnxiliary cruiser Lnurcutic
which stopped the China off Shanghai
are the following:
That the China was fired on though
en rrvi wit llu, tmri,H n flniT nti.l line
stock and implements, l" i,ti ,, i ...... r i,.,r !,,,.
That the China was boarded by Bri
tish troops, heavily armed, despite the
fact thai Captain Fra.ier warned the
soldiers to come abonrd unarmed.
That (ioniums who had no connec
tion with army or war affairs were
taken away from wives and children.
The Hritisli expedition was headed
by Lieutenant Steele, who declared tit
every effort was made to stop the China
from sailing.
Considerable secrecy surrounds the
next move to be taken by Washing
ton. Captain Fra.ier admitted he had
received word to make no statements
and hold photographs and statements
ot certain passengers as evidence. Col
lector Davis said Washington had wired
him instructions and that the fhips of
ficers would be called upon to make a
full report,
Trngedv and comedy both figured i
It'lA Ford as part payment the seizure of the (ierinniis. Fathers
room ( ottage on were torn from wives and children, wo
will make yon a men were left without mouev or means
laud with
tides close to rnltoad station
N. 1'iice. !ox 12. West Stay ton.
I'Olt KKNT Largest hall ill town room
for 100 sets to dance at once. Large
gulheiiu'is of anv kind. For tonus see
K. U. Kynti, ' Marl t
WANTKD At I'-'on Chetoeketa stieet.
four people to room And board, iM.oO
per week. Modern com cniences.
I'hone -I'JI M. MarKI
TWO COWS One milking, one to bo
fiesli next month, am leaving here,
will sell both cheap. Koute !. Hex
I (in. I'ooue l.'iFS.
WANTKD A young single man 1o
work on farm and dairy ranch. Meet
(lie at Cherry City Feed Stable at 11
a. in., T'uesitay, March llth, Salem,
Oregon. Marll
W ANT K 1 1
on my modern .
paved street, or
good cis.i or installment offer. I'hone (1f ,,lu,,,,t nud business men'of (iernian
........... ,:,w 1 ... -til l- M .... i i 1 . ...
... ,, i , ,,. na;m, ijn-o charges ot being spies
WANTKD - Solicitors to represent the
Singer Sewing M ichine company, in
IK countv. Also for Marion coon-
F K' . .' , -'-. "' i i
:. r
a 1 IP
me juaiiy
t CliibLieg Offers by
apitai journa.
rI7 Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the
CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who
will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate,
$2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica
tions for one year:
The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00
Boys' Magazine, regular price, . .
Today's Magazine, regular price . .
Household Magazine, regular price, .
Total of regular price, .
. 1.00
. .50
. J5
. $2.75
REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad
vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem.
Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if
you prefer it:
Today's Magazine, one year, and
McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat
terns of your own selection, free.
Today's Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and better
than ever before.
McCalPs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction
it is growing bigger and better all the time.
M;i Q,,koko to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may
Mail SUbSCriberS seCure either of these clubbing
bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of
$3.00 per year.
Call at the business office, or address
the cable to its owners describing the
capture was undated nnd did not locate
the scene of the capture.
I Over a year ago, when the Kdnr
j was known as the Mazatlan, she had
i difficulty in clearing from a Mexican
! port, l ust year she was given Amor-
icaii registry. No reason for the Hri
tisli seizure was assigned. It is pre
sumed the Hritisli wanted her cargo.
Start Raising Funds
To Build New Church
Iv. Address
Hex 4.V.
II. F, Kuck, Salem.
Only one Herman escaped. He was
William Strenger, a paralytic, and could
not be taken ashore because of his crip
pled condition.
The American Vessel.
Washington, Mar. 11. Confirmation
of the capture of the American steamer
Kdnn. formerly the Mexican merchant
man Macallan, bv a Hritish cruiser.
whs received here today. She was taken
into the port of Stanley fn the Falk
land islands. She i-s owned by Sudden
and Chiistenseii of San Francisco.
The F.dna left San Francisco some
time ago with a domestie eargo for the
west const of Mexico mid South Amer
ica. She was returning with nitrnte.
valuable in the manufacture of muni
tions, and left Chile February SI.
Representative Juliiw Khn, through
t'oit KKNT-- L'i . acres, ti room house, the state department, today requested
tain, fruit, one half iudo from eily that tho vessel be released, lie M
F1VF, bright, capable ladies to travel.;
demonstrate and sell dealers. jc'." to
"HI per week. Kailrond fare paid.,
Coodrich Drug company. Dept. 5LV
(hush. i, Neb. ;
FOK SM.K Flectiieillv hatched day
old eh ii ks and also hat, oing eggs
every month in the year, of our sn
einl improved Costal White Leghorn
strain. The world's cliAmpion fall
and estly winter Livers. Vld"ess
( hallos A. Kibbe, li'.'." South Com
nierciiil, Salem. M ule
I At n meeting of the official board of
the I'nited Kvaugeli. al church hel l lat
; December, it was decided to recommend
j to the membership of the church that
! the congregation begin at once to ruNe
i money for the erection of a new church.
1 The recommendation of the board was
ll,.,,,,t,K- ,,.i.,-.,.i 1,, , i..,
ii . iir i n ."..... ... ....
Wext Wednesday tvemng tJtt':
A musical program and one including ' which contributions for building pur
sever il readings will be given at the 1 ,lls0!, ,v,,rc 0 be deposited.
First Haptist church next Wednesday. To a(U ,0 ,his fum, a rt,urse ,lf
evening. The entertainment is Riven;, s has j,,,,,,, amiliri.j Bi!n p u
will be determined in tie near future
'and it ib hoped tlutt arrangements can
I be made to commence the erection of
the new church some time this summer.
The present pastor, Kev. A. A. Win
1 ter. has been in charge three years,
Twenty five new members have recent
ly been uado'i to tlie memherstnp anil
the church iu general is ill a most
prosperous condition.
Program at Baptist Church
for charitable purposes and is entirely
undenominational, and in order that a
program of unusual merit shall bo giv
en, the best artists of the city will take
put. Admission will be free but a sil-
lor offering will be taken.
Tiie program is as follows:
l'iano duet, two pianos, Miss Alioe
Haker and linth Schulti.
Soprano solo Miss Marguerite Flower.
Heading. Miss Beatrice Walton.
Fiauo solo, Fred Cline.
Contralto solo. Miss Lucile Harton.
Heading, M'ss l.ivonne Ceppoek.
Violin solo. Miss Mary Srhult.
Splano solo. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
beading. Miss lirace HabeocK.
Mixed chorus, by
chorus classes.
need. 1 he tirst ot the series was giv
en last Wednesday and was fairly well
attended. He is an interesting speak
er and pleased his nudience with de
scriptions, of old stage coach days and
! frontier life. His second lecture will
be given next Friday evening when he
jwill speak oa " Custer 's I.at Buttle.''
i The present Fvangclical (hunh mi
jXorth Cottage street was built in J ;-
'during the pastorate of the Kev. ,1
: Howersox With the present require
. nients for Sunday s,ho,d work the pres
', cut ihurch is inadequate. Among the
! church members there I lls been s"tne
; discussion as to whether the new
the high school church should be built on the locution
of the present cluircB or w I, ether a new
Accompanist, Miss Lucile Kuutz. ! location should le teenred This matter
Francisco as an einmisnry from thn
Ford peace tribunal. They sent word
to Aked that the conference did not
fare to take any active steps at present.
CopeniiUgen. M:,r. 11. A conference
of the premiers of Sweden, Norway and
Den in .irk here today refused to ' re
ceive Dr. C. F. Aked. formerly of San
IVj Not He Misled by out of
town coffee houses showing
you a catchy premium and de
livering to you coffee roasted
in Chicago. Win. (iahlsdorf,
Fhone 07.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
j Strictly correct weigM, quar ical and highest prices for all kinds of f
junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2c per pound for old rigs. I
Big stock of all sites second hand inenbatorg. All kinds corrugated T
irn for both roofs and buildings. Koofing paper and second hand
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
802 North Commercial St.
Fjons 80S