THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 10 FIVE The McGilchrist Salem's New Business Block a The !33ljl See Range I "Wf This f hv.--rx Range " tea You 1 now S duj I THE CHURCHES Tree Methodist, yo. 1228 North Winter street. Sun y services: Sabbath school 9:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p W. J. Johnston, pastor. m. You've Wanted a Range Like This Here It Is Every housewife in America has long dreamed of a range that would successfully burn coal or wood or gas or oil, singly or in combination. The Duplex Alcazar is the first range to fully fill the bill. It is as near perfection in construction, operation and re sults as human brains and great manufacturing facilities can make it. Furnished in two types to burn coal, wood and gas, or coal, wood and oil as fuel. The Duplex-Alcazar is a year 'round range that conforms to every conceivable weather condi tion and every possible requirement of cooking. The change from fuel to fuel is made instantly. In its very simplicity lies its strength. Duplex AlGAZAR You will recognize its unique merit when you see the range itself. Back of these ranges is the most progressive stove factory in America. Let Us Demonstrate It To You Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a ,m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. T. P. L., 6:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, ( :o p. m. Woek night services every night except 1 Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs. : Kelso. Tirst Methodist Episcopal. Comer State and Church streets, Rich ard N. Aviaon, minister. ! a. m., Class meeting. 9:45 n. m., Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramm and Oilkey .(Superin tendents. 11 m., Morning worship, sermon by the pastor, "Hid) From the Sanctuary." :30 p. m., Intermediate League. Mrs. M. C. Vindley, superinten dent. 0:30 p. in., Epworth League, Miss Eva JScott, president. 7:30 p. m., Even ing worship. A musical program by the chorus choir under the direction of Dr. Frank W. Cliace. First Presbyterian. Dr. Hutchinson, of the Ticdinoiit Presbyterian church of Portland, will preach both morning and evening. The subject in the evening will be "Whith er?" and in the morning "An Irrepar able Lost." Dr. Hutchison was form erly, pastor of the First Church of Seat tle, which is now tho lnrgest Presby terian church in tho United -States. Meeting each evening of the week with Dr. Hutchison preaching. "Whither!" is the subject of Dr. Hutchison's ser mon Sunday evening in the Fresbyter ian church. Hear him. WEAR EVER ALUMINUM TRADEMARK, This $1.80 "Wear Ever" Pot Roast Kettle for onlv $1.07 For one 'week only, commencing SCuesday, March 14. Coupons will appear in the Port land and Salem papers, cut these out and bring them to this store, which will entitle you to buy this $1.80 Wear Ever Pot Boast Kettle for only $1.07. """ mwm 111,1 a W'j . mm, , ..i.,l,w.iiL,-- - Tint Baptist. Corner North Liberty and Marion streets, Rev. George Frederick Holt, D. D., pastor. Sunday Bchool at 9:45 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Topics, morning "The Greatest 'Business in the World." Evening "God's Dynamite." The public ra cor dially invited. Sacred Concert at Tuberculosis Hospital. Sunday at 3:15 p m., the choir and male chorus of Centrnl Congregational church will give a sacred concert at the Tuberculosis hospital. St Paul's Episcopal Robert 8. Gill, rector. Holy com munion 7:30 a. m. Matins and address 11 a. m. Evensong and address 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sural Chapel. East, of state fair grounds, H. C. Stov er minister. Morning service at 11:30. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. irtj Central Congregational. Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry Btrects, H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7:30. Junior Endeavor at fi p. m. Senior Endeavor at 0:43 p. m. Mid-week pray er service Thursday at 7:30 p. m. 1 V . ':4 i hi . M, lU ! H P i :y M ! r" V i V 1 i i i f ; , J. f. : : n I. X ..tea l4 The McCiilchnst building to be eompVted mnl cocupied the latter part of t'lie month is an evidence of the coming business prosperity due for S.ilem. It covers H2'-j feet on State street nn.T S'J'.j feet on Lilierty street. The building is of the same buff brick as used in the construction of the T?oth block. The east hull' will be occupied by the F. W. Woolworth five and ten cent .store, which will also have an entrance on Liberty street. P. E. Fulleiton will occupy one of the rooms facing oa State, mid the Capital Drug store the corner, witii entrances on both State and Liberty. ..V)S, ,, Stayton News Our Sabbath school begins promptly at 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle Jveuworthy, su nerintendent. Meetinus fur worship nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Junior in clirign The first of the week a deal was of Bessie Shinn, 3 p. in. 'Christian En- consummated whereby the Lilly Hurd dcavor 6:15 p. m., Dcvn Moorman, lend- ware company comes into possession of er. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 the stock of goods of the Stayton p.m. In the absence of tho pastor Mrs. . House Furnishing company, owned by Myra Smith, of Portland, will occupy G. C. Eksman. Invoicing was com tho pulpit both morning nnd evening, pleted yesterday, and' Mr. Lilly is now Come and hear her. Josephine Hockett, in possession. As previously stated in pastor. Thonc 1405. t,lis paper tho hardware company had I leased the Roy building, so the furni- Tirst Conare (rational. tore stock will not need moving. As James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school soon as shelving can be arrnnged the Lutheran. East State and Eighteenth streets, G. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school in Ger man and in Engli-sh nt 10 o'clock. Di vine service at 10:30 a. m. Subject, "The Glory of Our God." Luther League at 7 p. m. Evening service in English at 7:30 p. m. The Church of God. No. 1770 Fairgrounds road. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Edward Becker, su perintendent. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Wednesday service at 7:30 p. m. All aro cordially invited. Ethel Williams, pastor. Phone 801-M. meets promptly at 10 o'clock, W. I. Sta ley, superintendent. Church service at 11 o'clock. Music morning nnd even ing chorus choir, Wm. McGilchrist, Sr., director. Subject for morning sermon, "The Christliness of God." Everybody welcome. Christian Endeavor service 0:30 p. m. Pleasant Sunday evening Borvice 7:30. Good music, good cheer, good fellowship, and beautiful motion pictures. An informal serrieo 'for the people of Salem, xou arc invited. Prof. W. S. Pittmnti, of Monmouth Normal, will speak ou "The Converted Public." Subjects for motion picture "FFrench Naval Maneuvers," "Chaf finch and Familv. "The Birth of Christ Our Saviour." Doors open at 7 o'clock. Come early and get a good seat. AH friends of the Congregational church are heartily invited to attend the "In stallation Service," on Tuesday even ing, March 14, at 7:30, -when James Kl- vin will become the permanent, pastor of the First Congregational cliurcti Sermon by Dr. Drott, of Portland. Spe cial music by chorus choir. Regular monthly meeting and dinner of Pilgrim clnb Tuesday evening at (1:15. Addresses by ministers nnd lnymen attending the installation service. All delegates to the installation will bo the guests of the members and friends of the club at din ner. Thursday evening service 7:30, subject thirteenth chapter of Book ot Acts. LITTLE, TALKS ON .THRIFT 4i:.'- By S. W. STRAUS ' ::','v Pnmier.t American Socitty for Thrift ' -' . ' , ' - ' , i f . .-. x ? ., '. ii ii ii. iii urn i4 null i Chancellor David Sta r r Jordan, de fined thrift as "a deter mination to live with a margin for future ad vancement ; to earn a little more than one spends or t o spend a little less than one earns, Retting meanwhile' the value in strength, in satisfaction or in other worthy return for the . money one feels free to spend." "The spirit of thrift," lie said, "is opposed to waste on the one hand and to recklessness on the other. It does not involve stinginess, which is an abuse of thrift, nor does it re quire that each item of savings slioold be a financial Investment. The money that is spent In the edu cation of one's self or of one's fam ily, in travel, in music, in art, or in Jielpfulnesi to others, if it brings real returns in personal development pr in a better understanding of the .vorld we live in, is in accordance with the tnirit of thrift." An artist is dying in a New YotIc losnital. Until he became ill a few months ago he made $40 a week, lie is thirty-five and his wife is lrntv-one and thev have a child less than a year old. This family .lived -Very comfortably, until the husband was taken ill, in a four: room fUit for which they paid $22.1 a month, but they did not save1 money. The result is distress Tliere is no sickness-insurance mon ey for the husband while he lives. There will be no life insurance for the wife and child when he dies. How many such tragedies do wo witness daily because of the improv idence ef our people. We 'never hear of a man who climbed to a place of eminence from obscurity and poverty that we do not say of him: "He was thrifty." Henry Fountain Amhurst, United States Senator from Ariiona used every moment of his time to the best possible advantage. He is only 41 years old now and has had an in teresting career in his upward climb, which he began as a clerk in a fron tier store ; later he worked as a lum berjack and then turned to hod-car rying. The life of a cowboy ap pealed to him and he "hired out." This was in territorial days and when statehood began to loom up he decided he would be one of the rul ing men of the new state. He be came a newspaper reporter, and studied taw. At 22 he was a jifstice of the peace and the same year was elected to the territorial house of representatives. He was speaker of that body at 2S, was made district attorney and finally was elected sen ator in 1912 by unanimons vote of the first legislative assembly of the state of Ariiona. His life so far is a demonstration of what industry, thrift and determination may accomplish. German M. E. Corner Eighteenth nnd Center streets, A. J. Wcigle, pastor. On account of communion service at Pratum there will bo no meeting in the city church in the morning, but Epworth League meeting at 7 p. m., Arna Gralapp, leader, and sermon by District Superintendent Hev. E. E. Heizlcr, at 7:30. hardware stock will be moved to the new location. Last Friday Consxtfile Henry Smith received word from the sheriff nt Salem thnt one Luke Dillnid was wanted by the police of 1'oitlniul. charged with being connected with rtn organized vice ring snid to exist in tlint city, nnd charged with contributing to tho delin quency of girls in their early teens. It happened that Smith knew Dillnrr hy sight nnd about wfcere to find him. Ho was arrested at the Henry Benson place, cast of Sublimity, where his fam ily has been for somo time. Dillard is about 35 years old and has a wtfe nnd two children. He was taken to Salem nnd the following day to Portland. One of the best known evangelists of the Methodist church, lecturer, preacher nnd traveler, John Lcwtns, of Tneomn, Wash., is billed to visit Stay ton and ou Sunday, March 211 to beirin a series of evangelistic services nssist- mg Kev. Mr. Lockhnrt, pastor of the Methodist church of this city. Mr. l.ockhart has been acquainted with Mr. Lewtas for muny years nnd having, wlulo pastor of nnntker ctinrge, once tried to secure Mr. Lewtas, and fail ing to do so, but being successful in securing him for meetings in Stayton, feels that Stayton is to be congratulat ed Tor ho is bringing to tins cilv n man who will appeal strongly to those who seek the highest things in life. Standard. WEST SALEM sit 111 the process of shrinkinir the hat-body and making the famous Crofut-Knapp flats, the "Cavanagh" edge is turned, and the fold is made a part of the brim. - The old methods were to leave the edge raw, or bind it, or turn it over and stitch it, or to use wire. This famous Cavanagh edge is patented and used only in the famous Crofut Knapp Hats. New Spring Hats are here in profusion. ?3, $1, $5, ?G MKOMSHOP CO. The Toggery 167 Commercial St. Leading Clothiers Now Today Ads work while yon sleep will have results for you, in the morning. - Unitarian. Corner of Chemoketa and Cottage streets, Richard F. I'fscher, minister. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Miss Ethel Fletcher, superintendent (ndult class meets nt 10 o clock, Mr. Huston, lead er.) Morning service at 11 o'clock, sub ject: "Tho Everlasting Reality of Re ligion." (No evening Berviee). Music by Mrs. T. H. Oalloway, Mr. Harry Mills, organist. All friends of liberal religion and of progressive thought are cordially invited to our services. United Evangelical. North Cottage street between Center and Winter, A. A. Winter, minister. 10 a. m., Sunday school, Mr. A. A. Flesher, superintendent. 11 n. in., Ser mon and reception of members by the pastor, "The Reward of Persistence in Ciood." 3 p. m., Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m., Young People's meeting, topic, "The Causes of Failures in Life," lead er, Mr. Harold Asiinwnll. 7:30 p. m., Address by Dr. Allen Moore, director Palestine pageant of tho social service exposition, which will be in Salem the week of March w to z: inclusive, inis religious and social exhibit is worthy of the interest ami lojui pntronnge of all our churches. Wednesday afternoon the lust meeting of the. Woman's Mission ary society for tho e.onfercnco year at the home of Mrs. A. M. LnFolIette, 1005 Chemoketa street. The nnnual election of officers. Full attendance of mem bers desired. Friday night second lec ture by Mr. It. H. Reed, subject, "Cus ter's Last Bnttte." Admission free, silvor offering. Welcome to all our services. Swedish Tabernacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth end Mill streets, Rev. John Ovall, minister. Sun day school at 2:30 p. m. Trenching at 3:30 p. ra., and 8 p. m. Rev. David Hassel will assist in this service. All are most cordially invited to attend. Ladies' Aid society "Dorkas" will meet in the church next Tuesday, March 14, at 2 p. m. All welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday services aro held at 440 Chcm eketa street, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of Biblo lesson, "Substance." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting nt 8 o'clock. Reading room in the ITubbard building, suite 303, nnd is open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m. All are welcome to our Bervices and invited to visit our reading room. Associated Bible Students. Tho Associated Biblo Students meet on southwest corner of High and Ferry streets, at 10 o'clock a. m. All inter ested in real Bible study are cordially inviteii. mono 161. Cwitai Journal Want Ads Will Get You What Yoa Want Highland Friends. Corner of Highland and Elm streets, ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists Nazarene Tabernacle. North Nineteenth and Marion streets. Bible school at 10 a. m., Wm. Dennis, superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. by the pastor. At 7:30 p. m. tho services will be in charge of Miss Myrtle Wil liams, who will tell some ot her tlnil line experiences as a missionary in In dia. Don't fail to hear her. It will be interesting nnd instructive. Wednes day 7:30 p. m., everybody s prayer meeting. B. W. (Shaver, pnstor, 15H6 Waller street. First Christinn. Corner High and Center streets, F. T, Porter, minister. Bible school 8:45 a. m., Dr. H. C. Epley, director: Lloyd Holdiman, assistant. Let, every member of the chnrch rally to the contest with Portland. 11 a. m., Worship and Bcr mon, subiecr, "Ihe Iemptation ot Christ." Mary Schultz, violinist. 0:30 p. m C. E. 7:30 p. m., Sermon sub ject, "The Meal City." (live us your idea of en ideal city. Orchestra, large ehorus. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Mrs. James Shields has sold her resi dence, corner of Johnson avenue nnd Second street, to her niece and husband, Mr. anil Mrs. Crawford Moore. Leslie Cade and wife of Albany, were recent guests at the D. Cade home. Miss Bennett, primary teacher in West Salem school, spent the week end with her parents, Kev. and Mrs. 0. II. Bennett, in Dallas. Attorney and Mrs. Ernest Blue hud as a recent guest Mrs. Krits, of Idaho. Mrs. Krits is a sister of Mrs. Blue. Sho and her husband will mnko their fu ture home in Portland. Mrs. C. Hughes, of East Salem, was a Thursday nil dny guest at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Bedford, and family. Mesdames Edward Brock, Crawford. Moore and Clay Heise were Wednesday dinner guests at tho homo of Mrs. I)e Mara iu Yew Park. Mrs. Do Mars is a former resident of West Sulem. The pupils of our school will givo nn entertainment Friday evening, the 17tb of March, which will bo well worth hearing. Among tho good things prom ised for the occasion is an operetta by 20 or more voices. They are practic ing faithfully nnd will be sure to please you. Ho sure nnd encourage them by being present. The city council met in regular ses sion Monday evening with all members but one, who was out of town, pres ent. Th,'o riegular Imontly bi.'iiness was transacted. Rev. Chester Bees, of Amity, ft re tired minister of tho Methodist chnrch, Oregon conference, was n AVodnesday over night guest nt tho home of his nephew and wife, licv. and .Mrs. T. D. Yarncs. Mrs. Fred Hnnnon, of Brooks, was 11 culler in tho neighborhood recently. KERBER-FRAJTK WEDDING 1 Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of the Presbyterian church, (Piedmont) Portland, who is conducting a Berles of meetings at the First Presbyterian church, Salem. will begin a series of meetings at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., nnd each evening during the week at 7:30. You nro in vited to attend. The object of these meetings is the advancement of the kingdom. Bible school at 10 a. m. C. E. meeting at 0:30 p. m. Salvation Army. Tonight special service in the Salva tion Army hall. Rev. A. A. Winters will bo the spealter. The public is genernlli invited. Commons Mission. No. 2U State street. J. D. Cook speaks Sunday nt 3 p m. Colored evan gelist, Itev. Henry Fernander speaks every evening until further notice, at 7:30. Mission board meets Tuesday ev ening after service. J. D. Cook, super intendent. , w. c. t. tr. Y.. T). Jackson, formerly of Kansas, will address the gospel temperance meeting nt Ramp Memorial ball Sunday it i o'clock. All are welcome. South Salem Friends. Corner of South Commercial and Washington itrscts. Brother Glascock United Brethren. At the United Brethren church, cor nor Seventeenth nnd Nebraska streets, Dr. Allen Moore, general director of the Palestine pageant and Oriental cxposi tinn which is to be in Salem beginning March 20, will preach at the 11 o'clock hour Sunday. You are invited to at tend. Ministerial Union. ihe Salem Ministerial I nion will meet in regular session Monday morn ing nt 10:30, Y. M. C. A. building. Dr. J. H. Talbot, president of the Kimbnl Theological School of Theology, will address the association upon the sub ject "Tho Religions of Authority nnd the Religions of tho Spirit. " Whv stay home when sncli a treat its this i:: onf Let's give him a full house. At the Catholic church in this city on Tuesday morning occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Frank to Mr. Frank Kor ber, Rev. Father Laiuck performing the ceremony which was very impressive. The bride was daintily attired in 11 dress of white nun's veiling with net overdress trimmed with handsome bend applique. Her veil was hold iu place by white carnations and 'idio carried a handsome bouquet of these suine 'flow ers. Her ninid was her sister, Miss l.eona Frank who was becomingly dressed in light blue and carried pink enrnutions. Tho groom who was dressed in u suit of navy blue, was attended hy the bride's brother, Mr. Ohm.! Frank. I After the service tho brido and groom received the congratulations of I they many friends who had gathered I to witness tho ceremony. Later a boon-' teous wedding dinner was served at the Frank home, only relatives of tho con-1 trading parties being present. In the afternoon the newly weds in company with Mr. mnl Mrs. Dan Doll, motored to Salem where they hud their pictures 1 taken. 1 Mr. Kerber and his brido will occupy I tho Viin Ehrmen house which was re-' cently vacated by S. H. Heltzcl. W estimable couplo have grown to young manhood nnd womnnhood in this city, tho groom being the only son of Mr and Mrs. John Kerber, wiiilo the bride Is tho eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Frank. They have many friends here who join with tho Standard in wishing them 11 long fo of prosperity ? '1?"' ! '1 '"Cl"? ! 0 n'! I, "r,';, crnl director of the Palestine pageant nnd Oriental exposition, will preach. Don 't miss this. United Brethren. Castle Chnpid, corner Seventeenth and Nebraska streets, II. B. Dorks, min ister, O. O. Tookcr, Sunday school su perintendent. Bible school. 10 e. m.. promptly. Morning worship nt II o'clock. Christinn Endeavor nt 11:30 flospel service st 7:30. At the II o'clock service Dr. Allen Moore, gen- THREE ACCIDENTS WERE REPORTED TROM COUNTY Three accidents were reported te thn Industrial Accident commission from Marion county for tho week end ing March 1). Shirley K. Agee, of Sa lem, muffered a bruised and sprained shoulder at tho snnd company plant: Theodoro Ilizzo, of Staytton, fractured a leg in tho employ of the telephone company, and H. Walker, of Sslem, sus tained a bruised linnd in a sawmill. ft): . Our circulation la coming up and still growing read the. paper and yon guest tho reason. Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is first aid to success in the work of the day 45c Coffee 45c Quality Folger Week Mnrch6to 11 Save 10c a pound Tin lib. 21b. V2 lb. 51b. R .vols' Price .45 .85 1.00 2.00 Crater will fAe difff Spcctil Price .35 !.65 '.75 ; 1.50 rem mm Telephone or send the order to your grocer today J.A.Fo!gcr&Co. San Francisco