Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
satii;i. V KVKMMI
March II. 101 f..
Editor aad Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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Xew York Chicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency II irry K. Fisher Co.
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It was only the expected that happened yesterday
when the president ordered American troops to cross in
to Mexico and put an end to Villa and the intolerable con
ditions that have existed along the border for a year or
The killing of Americans in Mexico had been ignored
almost to the verge of criminality. President Wilson had
exhibited a patience with Mexico in her troubles that,
while prompted by a broad sympathy for our neighbor,
was far from satisfactory to the great majority of the
American people. They realized fully the difficulties of
the situation as well as the president's earnest and honest
efForts to keep this country out of war. The United
States is so much bigger and stronger than Mexico that
it seemed almost cowardly to use force in dealing with
her, notwithstanding her many abuses of our friendship.
The attack of an army of bandits on our own people
in their homes and within our territory, was the last
straw, an act that could not be condoned or allowed to go
unpunished. Even President Wilson's immeasurable
fund of patience was exhausted, and he has issued orders
that will stop the border troubles for all time. That he
has solved the problem correctly in invading Mexico, not
as an enemy, but as a friend, to punish murderous Mex
icans who were beyond the control of their own govern
ment, and as much an enemy to it as to us, is evidenced
by the unanimous and generous indorsement of his poli
tical enemies, and this too on the eve of a presidential
It speaks well for American institutions and American
manhood that when the test comes, regardless of party,
patriotism is placed above partisanism, and the native
and foreign born, the hyphenated and unhypenated citi
zens stand solidly together in the common interest and
to uphold in stainless honor the flag of our common
As a matter of form President Carranza has been
asked permission for United States troops to pursue
Villa in Mexican territory. His answer has not been
received, but it is a matter of indifference, for Villa will
Professor Edward Winslovv Gifford, assistant curator
of the Museum of Anthropology has written a paper
about the shell mounds at Emeryville and around the
shores of San Francisco bay. There are a great many of
these mounds and they have caused much speculation as
to what caused them. The professor says they are simply
the kitchen dumps of a prehistoric people, who evidently
had seven Fridays a week so far as fish diet was con
cerned, as no other bones or remains are found in the
It would seem also that the old residents of the Bay
city were especially fond of clams and other shell fish for
that is what most of the mounds are composed of. As to
the time they were deposited the professor fixes the
date at :),000 years ago.
The time is a matter of guess work, entirely, as is the
assertion that they were kitchen dumps and were thrown
out in a pile being "cooking refuse." It is possible they
were served on the half shell in those days just as they
are now ana were guiltless ot acquaintance with fire.
However it is a matter of no grave importance now
whether they were cooked,or not. What is of importance
is the fact that so long ago people lived on the site of the
earthquake visited cities of California. It is encouraging
to the present residents to know that the location has
been habitable so long, and that three thousand years
ago human beings considered the places available for
residence purposes. Still come to think of it, they are
all dead now.
Representative Lehlback, of New Jersey, is of san
guinary disposition, and his blood boils at a low tempera
ture. Besides, like most congressmen, he doesn't know
what he is talking about. Yesterday, urged on by the
enthusiasm of his own per-fervid oratory he climaxed
with: "Hang Villa to the nearest tree." This showed the
same blood-thirsty character ascribed to all Jersey mos
quitoes, and it also exposed the speaker's ignorance of
Mexico. The nearest tree in Villa's case would probably
be a good many miles distant and there would be much
speedier ways of disposing of him. He might be hanged
to the nearest cactus or suspended from his command, but
the Jersey representative's plan will not work. Besides
he has to be caught f before he can be hanged, a matter
the irate congressman overlooked.
We will be in our new location at
372 State Street, Monday, March 13th
Thanking you for past patronage and hoping
to be favored with a continuance of same
we beg to remain, very truly yours
Hauser Brothers
Paul H. Hauser Lloyd J. Hauser
Representative Mann, minority leader in congress, has
shown himself on every occasion broad '"minded and
patriotic. He has placed country above party and again
comes to the front in regard to President Wilson ordering
troops into Mexico, saying "The president did exactly
right. He will get united support from all sides. He did
the only thing possible. It is not war.". This is a frank
manly statement and contrasts vividly with the actions
of those who are already trying to belittle the administra
tion. Since the party is shv of presidential timber, we
suggest that it might go further and fare much worse
be eliminated with or without Carranza's consent, and tnan umtin" 011 Congressman Mann.
our troops will travel over such parts of Mexico as mayi -
be necessary to accomplish that purpose. There will be I There is one person who has supreme confidence in
no turning back until the brutal murderer is made to pay, ( Villa, and that is his wife. She bitterly denies that he has!
so far as his worthless life can pay, for the crimes he has attacked Americans and insists it is a lie told by hisi
committed. , enemies to injure him. She showed the same confidence '
It would no doubt have been better had more drastic ( when told he had married again, denying it and insisting'
methods been adopted a year or more ago, but that is aihe was true to her. There is nothing in the world so!
past matter and cannot be remedied. All that can be j sublimely trustful as a woman, excepting of course a dog,1
done now is to teach the Mexicans such a lesson that they , and nothing living whose confidence is more abused, and
will never forget it. They must be taught while we are, this goes without'the aforesaid exception. j
at it that the killing or maltreating an American citizen 4 j
or any other non-Mexican, will meet with sure and certain Tt . . , . , . . J
punishment. If we are to maintain the Monroe doctrine. ' . 11 ls n, 111 T ei'pf01' Br'?n Gf f Chamberlain and
we must show that we are able to protect those people .lho rtf of the ute flag contingent to move that Amer-:
whose countries we have notified to keep hands off . !f "sfJe vTai'ntHl t(? mY? to s01f,a1r TO from the border;
America Mexican bandits would lack the energy to hunt
Mexico, more than any other nation on the Western1'10111 (Knui ana "uiruer mem
continent needs to be taught this lesson, and now is the
time to give her a college course in this branch.
If possible Villa should be taken alive and an effort
made to learn from him who has financed his revolution.
For some time there have been ugly rumors in circulation
to the effect that American money was backing him, and
it would be well to investigate this rumor.
If it is true, it would not be too high a price to pay to
give Villa his life, for if true the crime of furnishing him
money to murder American citizens for the purpose of
permitting some other American to gather in a fortune,
.en fiir nvfr slindmvs nil that lu h:is done, thnt there is no
" . . - .... T ,
comparison, only contrast. If such an one is found he or.
thou elinnld liu o-ivmi tlio inmiitmipnr s rifhlv ili;pvvti f
by their hired assassin.
I r4
K Walt Mason,
Villa sent greeting to the new secretary of war yes
terday morning thoughtfully having his message await
ing the secretary's arrival at his office.
LADD & BUSH,1- Bankers
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Safety Depasit Boxes
Oh, March is bad and boisterous, and rude and rough1
and roisterous, she's like a dippy squaw ; she howls around
us frightfully, and blows our hats off spitefully, the worst
you ever saw. And as our lids co flutter-i
ing, the language we are muttering the airj
around us taints; of course it's rather rude
in us to use oaths platitudinous, but then we
are not saints. We paw around and swear
again, and long for summer air again, for
breezes warm and sweet; we think we'll
then be happier, but doubtless we'll be'
scrappier, when summer brings its heat.
Our language will be vigorous, when ouri
sore legs are chiggerous, when ants crawl
up our backs; we'll still be cussine drearily.'
while we are swatting, wearily, the flies that stick like!
wax. Uur discontent s inherited; we hand out roasts un
merited, to all that comes along; instead of smiling mer
rily, we yelp and say, "Yea, verily, whatever is is wrong."
Man ought to face things cheerfully; complaining always,
tearfully, betrays the spineless rube; man's head is largely
ivory and he for sense must strive or he becomes a hope
less boob.
.... "JJ-" '
f' ;1
j fk"'NV V ,
Installation Services
To Be Held Next Tuesday
The iiistnlliition of the Rev. .Tunica
Klvin as permanent pastor of flip First
Congregational cluiivh will be held next
Tuesday afternoon and evening, under
the auspices of the East Willamette
Congregational association. Kach clml'ch
in the association will be represented
by its minister aiol one member.
As soon as the delegates arrive tliev
will form a council and go into exocu-!
tive session. Officials of the local i
church will be called on to read all the
data in connection with the call of Mr. :
Klvin to the church. Mr. Klvin will then
be obliged to make a statement regard-:
ing his call to the 'ministry and of the
churches he has served, lie will also be
obliged to read n paper expressing tlu
fundamentals of his faith. 1
After this, the council will go into
secret session and if the evidence is sat
isfactory, a vote favoring the installa-;
tion will be taken.
The evening services will begin with
a meeting at ti:l." o'clock of the Pilgrim
club of the church, to which all attend
ing ministers and delegates will be in
ited. Brief toasts 'rfl be made by
the visitors. Follow ing the dinner with
the Pilgrims' club, the visitors will be
show n moving pictures which will in-1
elude colored pictures of the life of
Christ! I
After the showing of the pictures, the
regular program of the evening will i
follow. This will include the singing of
anthems by the choir and a sermon by I
Dr. Luther Dyott of the First Congrega
tional church of Portland. The install-
ing prayer will be given by the Kev. I
T. K. Sherman, of t'orvallis. greetings!
from Seattle by Kev. .lohn 11. -Matthews
and the greetings from the,
church at The Oalles by A. S. Roberts,!
moderator of the Congregational church
of Oregon. The right bund of fellow-,
ship will be given by the Kev. X. Kd 1
wards, of Oregon City, mid the benedic '
tion by the View K. X. Avisou, of the j
First Methodist church. j
called for March 22 to discuss plans
for a new school building. The next
! regular meeting will be held April 12,
J for which a program is being prepared.
I All present spent a social hour after
; the business meeting adjourned.
, : : ;s !(
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The Keizer Parent-Teachers' associa
tion met :if th school house Wedtiesdnv
evening. March S. and the fofloning
program was given:
Duet "Whispering Hope." Irma
Keefer and l.ily Bluke.
Recitation 'Whistling in Heaven."
Kdaa Weathers.
Reading "The Shooting of San Me
ti re w." Arthur Oldenburg.
Address Mr. C. K. Cummiugs.
fong "Somewhere n Voice is Calling.'-
Belle Chnor. I.ois Keefer.
Irma Keefer. l.ily Blake.
"Scenes From the Opera." Marion
Recitation Arthur Cummiugs.
Mr. Seymour .tones led the round
table discussion. A special meeting was
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