THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916. THREE cnassaaasna Free Aluminum Washboards Today be FURNITU EXCHANG n li mm a o 3 v, U4 5 bfi v. J3 "o Q u -- 13 11 II II II II tl Free Washboard Today RE ri'ee Aluminum Wash Boards Today with ev ery Cash Buy of 1.00 or more. WE CAN FURNISH YOUR ROME FOR ONE-HALF PRICE. The economical buyer will find our store a good place to save money. Hundreds of families furnish their homes here and make their money reach twice as far by buying furniture slightly used. By careful buying you can obtain furniture that looks like new and that is in perfect condition, or in many cases you can get a high priced article for as little money as you would pay for a cheap new one. Here are a few illustrations: One $18 3-piece solid oak Parlor Set, beautifully upholstered in wine colored velour, only $5.00 One regular $6.50 large Rocker, like new, only $3.00 One regular $8.50 Mission Rocker, witn leather seat $3.00 One regular $12.50 quartered oak Hall Seat $3.50 One regular $22.50 quartered oak Hall Tree, like new $9.50 One regular $6.50 Kitchen Treasure, fine condition $2.50 Two regular $2.00 Kitchen Tables, each 50c One regular $9.50 glass front Cupboard $1.50 Two regular $16.50 glass front Cupboard (eastern hardwood) each $8.00 . One regular $65.00 Garland Range, with reservoir (perfect condition).... $18.00 One $9.50 No. 7 Cook Stove (perfect condition) $1.00 One dozen regular $2.50 Airtight Hea'ers $1.00 each One $15 white enamel Dresser, can't be told from new $9.50 One $12.50 2-in. white enamel Bed, to match above $6.00 One $15.00 Couch $4.00 Thousands of bargains, too numerous to mention. We'd like to figure your bill we usually get the business. 23 tl 11 11 u U u u tl u tl ti n n n to SET 3 mm 3 cs B o Qu a 3 SOCIETY (Continued from Pafce Two.) Free Washboards Today E.L. StiffS Son THE BUSY STORE Free Washboard Today n ti u 11 tl la 11 11 ii (1 sa B233 "We Sell for Less Because Our Expenses Are Lowest" ,ffiaa This Will Be Done Only In Case Mexican Actions Cause of War Washington, Mar. 11. Monday Pres ident Wilson is expected to announce 1 whether he will go before congress ami ; explain his move against Villa, possibly ; asking more authority and money. Suchj a step is not believed necessary, how-! ever, unless a need develops for more xtnsiv opration than are contemplated ' now. I Solidly supporting and approving the president, congress obliterated all par-; tisanship and members promised to' keep "hands off." i The senate foreign relations com-1 mittee met specially today. A legal ( basis for President Wilson's action, inj view of the treaty with Mexico, was I under consideration. j The war department recommended to j runston that a squadron of eight aero planes at San Antonio immediately be engaged in active service. Chairman Hay of the house military committee said today he believed the militia would b called if the Mexicans generally rebelled against th American expedition and joined Villa's forces. Jn that event the national guard would probably be required to act as a second line of defense along the border. Con stitutionally, of course, the guardsmen could not be rdered into Mexico un less there was an actual declaration of war against that nation and a subse uent call for volunteers. I Congregation Prays For Exoneration of Minister I Oroville, Cal., Mar. 11. While there I ;was no session today of Ifev. Madison i .Slaughter's on a charge of be lt raying Gertrude l.anison, 15 year old I school girl, members of his church' prayed for his acquittal and Assistant 1 'District Attorney Davids sought new; ! witnesses for an unexpected angle of j ! the case. This unexpected angle developed, when the defense in cross-examining i the girl introduced a letter, admittedly written by her, in which she declared , all her charges against. Slaughter were j untrue. The district attorney claims this letter was obtained by "threats, persuasion and duress." Davids is hunting witnesses tos upport this con Invasion Will Make Villa Hero Says Mexican Columbus, X. M., Mar. 11. "An Am erican invasion of Mexico will make Francisco Villa a national hero." Captain Isudnr Farias, wounded Vil lista captured during Thursday's raid made this declaration today. " Villa will probably retire before the I Mrs. Aline Woodburn Americans for a time," said Farias. "But when the interior is reached, the Villistas will be strengthened a hun dredfold. All Mexicans will resent the invasion." Villistas raided an American rnnch near Mnlpais, New .Mexico, Inst night. Local troops were rushed to Malpais, which is 2i miles east of here. Another wounded Villista prisoner tention when the trial is resumed Moil- dov. I died today, leaving onlv six. They During the recent session, members 1 probably will be sent to Albuquerque of Slaughter s cniirch have stood under, tor sate Keeping, trees in the court house yard, praying for his exoneration. Members of his congregation, it is understod, will con tinue such prayers during the holiday recess. Slaughter plans to preach two sermons tomorrow. He will not touch on his trial. Ferris Would Have Puter Apprehended CLAGGETT-DREHER WEDDING Last Wednesday morning, March 1, Mr. Clyde Clnggett and Miss Louise Dreher were married in Salem. Aft er the ceremony they took the electric for Portland, arriving in Hubbard Fri-! day morning and returning to Salem j that evening. Miss Dreher is the daughter of Mr. I and Mrs. L. Dreher ami grew to young! womanhood in Hubbard, living in Sa-! lem the past year. Mr. Clnggett is a prosperous young rancher living near night, man, Fred Deckebach, Charles Johns, Kenneth Moores, Fred lleitzhausen, Hert Peacock, HnroIdTregilgas, Charles Newcastle, Lynn Mel 'ready, Fred Fen ton, Turner Xeil, Charles McDonald, Jake Kisley, Joe (ledges, Keith Kig gins, Don Roberts, William Tiierck, John Becker, Xeil Morfitt, Holaud Geary, (lleun Dudley, Russell Fox, Dor ey Howard, Borden Wood, Can oil Wag- tier, Ross .Me Kenny, .Milton Stoddard, I illiam (larretson, Harold Sexton,, j Fred Dunbar, Wayne Stater, Leslie! Tooze, James Vance, Tom Campbell, j ! I'nul Spangler, Warren Wilkins, Seth' j Smith, Walter Kresscr, Joe Jordan, I Henry Sims, from the universitv, Ceo.; jOtteii, from Portland, liilbert Hell and! I Harry 1 owell. j Patrons ami patronesses for the cven ling were 'resident and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, I'rof and Mrs. Sweetzer, Dr. land -Mrs. W. A. Kuvkendahl, Mr. and I Mrs. If. A. Booth, Prof. Koswell Dosch, i.Miss R. Louise Fitch. I Among the Salem girls wiio are meni I bers of the Tri Delta sorority are: Miss Jennie Fry, Miss Hazel Downing, tho .Misses Agnes and Johanna Driscoll and Miss Marie Churchill, president of the Theta Delta chapter in Kugene. The Mil Upon Dramatic club composed of a coterie of the younger contingent I were charmingly entertained by Miss j Vivian Hargrove, Wednesday evening. .Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish delighted the I members with an illustrated lecture on "Voice," interspersed with recitations. ! Later a dainty lunch was served at a table prettilv adorned with fragrant I hyacinths, violets and columbine and shaded pink candles. Covers marked eighteen places. 1 About sixty-five women of the lid society of the Relief Corps were en tertained at the home of Mrs. L. Forst ner, litif) .North Commercial street, Thursday afternoon. Sewing and quilt making rounded out an enjoyable afternoon. Assisting the hostess were: Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Mrs. W. A. Aikerman, Mrs. George Winched and Mrs. Ada Simpson. N- The members of the Sweet llriar club were pleasurably entertained by Mrs. Jennie Hudson Wednesday afternoon at her home on the Wallace' road. An en joyable sewing was preceded by a brief business session and roll call. The iiostess served delicious refreshments assisted by Miss Helen Taylor. a The Loyal Woman's class was enter tained Thursday afternoon .it the First Christian church parlors by the fol lowing hostesses: Mrs. John Harriett, Mrs. J. Riggs, Mrs. Fanny Mulkey, Mrs. C. A. Wallace and Mrs. Leah Jiiiker. Sewinf? and music formed the after noon rs diversions. Those present were: Mrs. F. T. Por ter, .Mrs. Thomas Brunk, Mrs. .1. Todcl, Mrs. Kli Godfrey. Mrs. Leah Baker. -Miss M. Thomii- son, .Mrs. KianKJM.oose,. Mrs. . ). I W hite, Mrs. (Y .". Witzel, Mrs. Kdd ; Keen, Miss Bob Mortoil, Mrs. .Mercer, 'Mrs. Irene Nash. Mrs. Flora Clark, Mrs. I W. Thomas, Mrs. D. D. (Iliustend, I Mrs. ('. ,T. Beach, Mrs. I'. S. Hartley, j M is. .1 i 111 Godfrey. Mrs. K. W. Powers, Mrs. 1). F. Timmerinan, Mrs. X. Scritclilcu, Mrs. Kiigenin Gilliiigliani, Mrs. B. ('. Kennedy, Mrs. C. L. Davis, Mrs. W. A. Penne'v, Mrs. .1. (1. Hall, Mrs. W. A. Clement, Mrs R. K. Wilson, Mrs. A. Porter, Mrs. M. .1. Peters, Mrs. C. L. Babington, Mrs. C. (i. .Nichols, Mrs. C. K. Knowlniul, Mrs. J. C. ('.imp bell, Mrs. M. Fa vn, Mrs. Ben Walciier, .Mrs. J. 1). Barker, Mrs. S. R. Wolf, Miss Beth Bedford, Delbert Moore. I Mrs. Cclia Moore, Mrs. A. Aline, Mrs. G. F. Keeton, Mrs. .1. M. Kskew, Mrs. j 14. K. Martin, Mrs. M. .1. Stone, Mrs. L. j.M. White, Mrs. A. K. King. Coegoleum lugs MADE GALLANT RESCUE Santa Monies,, Cal., Mar. 11. Fight ing a heavy surf, James Goodwin, aged 14, a high schol boy, dragged J. R. McGee .'i.'i, unconscious from the ocean here today. McGee became exhausted 3."0 feet from shore and cried for help. Goodwin plunged in and rescued the drowning man just as he started to sink. He was 1 rushed to St. Catherines Hospital where physicians said he would recover. BOY EMPEROR TO MARRY Washington, March 11. Whilo Rivin Rittenhouse, head of the land bureau of S. A. D. Puter, who has located many settlers on Oregon-Califoni'a public lands, was testifying before the house public lands committee in the Oregon-California land case today Chairman Ferris told his fellow mem bers: "I believe it is essential for the de- 'tpartinent of justice to apprehend, I Puter' and the abstract company for The Y. M. C. A. Juniors defented the 'making an abstract of this sort" I Lincoln Junior High school in a fast j He referred to the abstract under game of basket ball at Willamette 1 which settlers located by Puter hold I gymnasium for the .junior city chain- j their places The documents were pre-, pionsliip by the close score of 11 to 10. pared by the Title Guarantee and Jrust: jyi,lp 1(i s(.ore: , Y. M. C. A. Juniors A musical event of unusual interest will be the concert given by the Salem Festival Chorus composed of over one hundred of Salem's most talented sing ers, at the Grand theatre. Thursday March the sixteenth. The For every room in the house. Two years ago Congoleum Rugs were first offered to the American house wifetoday they are in hundreds of thousands of homes, giving satisfaction and joy because of their low price and excellent quality. Congoleum Rugs are made in a great assortment of beautiful patterns, in all the popular sizes, suitable for every room in the house from kitchen to attic. For porches they are ideal because the sun or rain does them no damage. Another feature about Congoleum Rugs is the fact that they lie flat with out fastening. It is next to impossible to kick up their edges or scuff them in walking. They give exceptionally long wear for the price, and being abso lutely waterproof, they are both washable and sanitary. See our window display of many beautiful patterns. SIZES AND PRICES: 3x3 feet 60c 3x4i feet 90c 3x6 feet $1.20 4,x4i, feet $1.35 4ix6 feet $1.80 6x6 feet $2.40 6x9 feet $3.60 6x12 feet $1.80 Congoleum Two Piece Rugs 9x12 feet $7.50 10x12 feet $8.50 You will always find the latest at Moore's. Prices and Quality Always Right. Ybu Get more at Moore's en r? The Store for the People Y.M.C. A. Juniors Defeat Lincoln Junior Team company, ot MarshtieM, Uregon. 1 lie first pages purport to be a full nb- j stract of a portion of the Oregon-California lands, but the documents con tain only a certificate showing that the land has been patented to the rail roads, and thnt Puter was the first ap plicant for holdings J I'crris declared the purpose of such an abstract could only be to defraud, but l'uter denied this. ANGELTJS UNIVERSITY DEATH OF JOHN MUTTER San Fr.imisco, Mar. 11. Well in formed Chinese have advised Bishop v.. i.ewis or .vietii.Miist elinrcii, no. .,.,. university of Tos n-i ''" Mutter, whose home has been said today, that the boy emperor oft The Angelus university ot i.os .ui - , , China, last of the Tsing .ivnastv, is be-1 K''les, is closing up its affairs its a's '" f vo ars l trothed to one of Yuan Shi K-ii 's : Hubbard patrons ana has authorized atur.ii nigt t, h 4 1.110 at tin owiini io uni ox rni t,n s v,,. V-nt Ti,,l.l,nr,l tn ro. , lmn of ms sister in Portland, alter a youngest daughters. According to the, the State Bank of Hubbard to "f" 1)ricf m , - Mr, Mut. bisliop s informant,, who is now ent it n mm ' : ter h id been employed bv the Southern Codington, Minnie Cornelius, Lola Cool S;0 r"'1S 'a ',"S,i! V0'' ""V1; ' nm rof,,n 1 i ''''- on this sick,,, for the past two : .v.. Jessie Cox, Mrs. PenV Cupper ........ ... . .,. ,,,IK. iMc . ,T. V. 1 . ivears and was wel thought of by his reported betrothal and the wedding, i ed. 1 he publicity given the misrepre-1 pn1()V()r9 " ' wnicn is si-neiiiiei to lie celelirateil in sentauoirs or nn'ir reprcsvuiuinc him , .. ..... i,,, .. .i, .,i .saiem. ine luiiie linvi many friends chrous, which is under the direction of here who extend best wishes. Enter-1 Frederick Metnleiihall will offer the I'tise. , beautiful cantata, "The Hymn of ' Praise ' by Mendelssohn and tiio "Cru saders" by (lade. Mrs. William iiurg hardt, dr., will accompany the chorus which includes the following singers: Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Wesley Ham mond, Ethel Harding, Norma " Harper, Murray L. Hart, Mrs. A. Hcglen, Mar garet Hodge, Ruth Hodge, Frank Hughes, Flo linns, A. W. Irvine, Mrs. F. W. .Tnscper, W. R. .Jeffrey, 1(. H. Jones, William Kelly, 11. F. Ruck, Lu cile Kuntz, S. F. Lamb, F. A. Legg, Mrs. F. A. Lei'ir, Keba Lucas, H. li. Lyon, Amy Martin, Jessie Martin, Syl via McDonald, Isobel Mctiilehrist, Win, McOilchrist, J)r. K. T. Mclntyre, Mrs. John Mi-Narv, F. S. Mendenhall, Mrs. F. S. Men.lenhall, K. W. Metclaf, Clara Miller, Florence Miller, Verdun M. Moffitt, Mrs. Hazel Newgent, Theresj Olson, Frances Penn, Mrs. Perlicii, Mrs. (I. P. Putnam, Carl Jtectz, Mrs, J. J. Roberts, A. L. Seamster, S. G. Sargent, Mrs. Frank Schniitt, A. A. Schramm, Scott, Mrs. K. K. Spauhling, CJuay St. ( lair, Lahan Stecves, (.lladys Stev enson, Ami' . Sweezey, Cora Turn ridge, Kit. i White, Jtuby Wilson, Grace Voung Noun linns, (lustavc Anderson, K. S. Barker, Mrs. Dr. Bates, Olive Beckley, Lillian Bel), Louise Benson, Mizpah Blair, Harry Bowers, Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Bernico Clark, Marv effective in her number. Barbara Steiner was especially artistic mid dnin-i ty in Chnpin's Valse in (,' Minor. Mil-! ,lred Brunk is developing uiwer and i expression and deserves special credit : tor her work in ' ' Cipriecioso," by I Mendelssohn', Thelnia Blessing's friends were ghul : to hear her again, she having lieeu away lor two years. She has not lost! her winning style of enterpretiug mu sic, the Mazurka by Godard was i'.iult-, lessly given. 'Thursday night's programme was-given-by the younger pupils of Mrs. Denton. Too much praise cannot be spoken of these young performers, who brought forth enthusiastic: applause from their freinds and parents. Little Margaret Steiner was winsome I in her part in the symposium, reciting I perfectly the life of Bach, the great! j musician. Nie rendered her piano num bers with perfect rhythm and expres-i siou. Paulino Mariinch, Kthclwynne Kcl ley, Margaret Lewis ami Kntherine Voorheis were also winning and fault-j less in their numbers. The Haunt of the Fairies K't he I ivy ii ue Kelh Flowing Streamlet Klliert Laihele. Spinning Wheel Donald Luci.i ... Cidsliy Schmoll by Tonelli Campbell (;)).. Stnley (s) Griffith Ryan liusev .... F ... C Lincoln Blumenberg (ti) Jirown (2) Mull Harris Jones llarber Score: Y. M. C. A. Juniors 11, Lincoln Junior High Referees: 10. Jierger and CI ill. Allison. Arr Helen Flimer. Song of the Birds .Icnni'lle Vaudevort. Invitation to the Dance Henrietta Voorhies. Alpine Hut .M inoii steiner. Con A more Denzil lleniik. Silver Waves Monl'ord 'Adams, A Song of May Ruth Griffith. The Silver Nymph Ileitis F.ugenia Biaiitlhoist. In the Flower Garden I 'niniiuond Florence KIliii. Love iu May Catherine Vincent. A Japanese Romance Karl Shafcr. Spring Showers Frances Hodge. Beaumont Williams Among the younger boys, Donald Al-1 Symposium on Bac h lisou and Klbert Ladicle, did excellent work. There was not a number on the programme but what deserves special mention, each pupil rendering their numbers in a fiiibhcd manlier. Here nre tae programmes. Grand Galop de Concert Ganz Grace M.'Cill, Mrs. Kenton. Tonelli Ins Karl Shafer, Mrs. Denton. Thursday evening. March '.), at, o 'i loc k. our inactivity. A short sketch was giv en of Ihseu's life by the professoi, which brought out the fact that lbse.i was not ot pure Norse descent, but thar. his parents were of mixed n.Uionnlitie-s. Kven as a child Jbsen was gloomy and morose, unwilling to issociate' no. I miiKe lriends with those about him. I,c lleins his dramaturgy unci theme Ibsen wrt-i ju revolutionist, ami uu expounder of Boiiuijthe doctrine of individualitsm. IIM : primary object was to free humanity Lunge! from useless customs nud tiadtions. Ho was opposed to convention and mater ialism. Two liieat thiiiL's which he eonstant- Kvaiis. ly strove for were: Ideal marriage ainl. realization of tiie value of the individ ual. Although not the originator of tho modern drama movement, lie was i great factor ill its development. Ho gave modern exprtssinn to old thought, and ideas, he knew life and endeavored to interpret it. Ibsen 's characters seem I leal and living, and their dialoguo Mcirct j Hindis with hum in life. Ibsen's best works are tierhnna tcli Fink ; epics; Hrniit. Peer Gvnt. and Kiincem,- and Gallileau. The first presents a character who is the embodiment of activity, he kninix no power to prevent him from accom plishing his end. The second. Peer Gvnt. is tvnicnl of Roire; Rcnnrd the ... Renard, Wac Lack Lcvbach great inovement to modernize the iliaiiia. Traditions tnul customs were a great hindrance as people then believed , implic itly in them. 1 lie in nil value ot traditions and cus- two years, are for political purposes, i October is responsible for the matter i,,,;,. iM flni, ,Jr in,.knian wns (.ale,, to i.eing laKen up o I """'"'' i his iefhide and found symptoms of far irartment and this Settlement The, (f oma,.h n,, bow,,ls ,, j agent promised so mucn ami leu so rnr ; n,vis(., that he be taken to a nospital. Columbus, X. M., Mar. 11. Six Mex-i below his promises in some eases that i ue was taken to Portland and was ienn prisoners who were released by the ' they did not bear comparison. It is placed in the hospital in care of the Thirteenth cavalry yesterday "were ', thought that the affair will be till set-1 Southern J'aeific, Co. doc tor and after- lound Head todav a mile east of the, tied tins weed, similar statements : tvara taken to the home of his sister , were made to prospective purchaser ot i but grew gradually courses or stuuy to citizens oi anoy. ,star. Aurora, and other towns and worked fairly well foi a time, but when the! MAPLE RITCHEY WEDDING .lav of fulfillment did not resemble , jthe clay of promUc, trouble started. I Hubbard Knterprise. SIX MEXICANS KILLED town. Their bodies had been riddled with Tifle bullets. When the prisoners were freed, they were ordered to leave the city. Some of them were alleged to have been among the Villista raiders. Civil ami military authorities are investigating. Clifford Dane, Grace Dane, Marie De Muth, Ucni Dotson, Mrs. I'. S. Dotson, j. C. Douglas, Helena Dnpertius, Lu cile Kmmoiis, Mrs. R. L. Fanner, Jvy F'ord, Saclie Ford, Keresa Fowle, (Jrace Fugate, Ruth Fogate, La Verne Gibson, j Rondo Capriccioso Nettie Gibson, Ttiikham Gilbert, Lucia Haley. 3fc SfC i?C SfC Sfc 5fc 3S 5S The only Electric. Carpet Sweeper and Vacuum Cleaner combined is The Hoover. Wm. Cahlsdorf, Phone G7. ( !5(t))t c O. H. Luck and W. M. Hamilton are in Allianv tor the permanent orgaaia- I Mr. Len Maple of Lettie Hitchey of ' in marriage March ." of the bridegrooms 's parents. if... ;.. . i. ...t.. .i . e D,. .virs. .iaiot: is uie oiciv uiiiiKixer ici cvelon- ' , ,. , t ami 1 rtt I unron 1 , t . - i.e. v n-lit l,v "" " " ---".-- ...... .. . near Gervai, and has many friends Why are wt popular? Be- here who w i-h her hap.ines, cause we tell you every day, They will make their home in Port the news of the world. land Gervais Star. tion of the Willamette Valley ment association Pupils of Mrs. W. A. Denton gave two most interesting and enjoyable pi- worse. Gervais anoforte recitals last Wednesday and I Thursday evenings. Pupils from the ndvanced and intermediate grades gave Wednesday night's programme most pleasingly and creditably; a few on the Portland and Miss programme appeared for the first time, rvnis were united rendering their numbers remark lbly 1911,', at the home."''1'; 0,h"r" .o have appeared on pro- KiaM.iiM-n w ,r,T.Hi, unun, nv"'i great improvement in the rendition tit their numbers, also self composenre. Karl Wenger gave, "Then Von 'II He member Me," with sweetness and ef fect; he is always a favorite with his listener". Clan Brcitcnstein was brilliant and Miserere (from II Trovatore) Tlinln.a Johnson, Valse Hp. s;t Gladys t 'anatsey Danse Arabescpie Kthel Swarts. Bnlancelle Margaret Griffith Cabaletlo Charlotte Horning. Fifth Nocturne Margaret Goodin. Valse Biilliaate Moszhowski loins is when they serve to evilve some- Grace Mi-Call. .thing better. Some of the striking Faust Levliach f statements made by the professor were: Clara Bi ietensteia. " Alt) ir,. s" endeavoring to find C.ilse Styiienne olleuhaiipt - ,i ,,,,1,1;,, tion lit'.. ,,,..,,, is I the moster of ait. Aspects of ,i liter .. art of today houll serve as a pat . item for the nit of tomorrow. The task ( llOplll I ,,f j,'(, ,1Ul s (0 unify lelioiiH so , J m 1 i hat they will harnionize conditions. l.itiu'titure li 11 h its toiinctations in so cial movements, ami the greatest liter ature ot a people is found to be lit the time when the history of the people marked their highest development, i Primitive literature portrayed only the stronger emotions modern art ippre man ot dreims and of the spirit shunned albican, iH of tho asserting ot niti .Nolseiioin. Prot. Wallace MacMurrny delivered; the embodiment 'a lecture on "Ibsen, nud the Modern bv Brant. j Drama, Movement." A fair sized The last, Kmperor and crowd ittca.leci, but. then- should have the attainment of the fulliie I been more to hear the iiispuini; lecture entire man. and the Durnii'1 "h"'" tne professor delivered. 1 lie lee-, iron will. I tun- iu its beginning surveyed the! Jbsen believed that, every man should ground upon which Ibsen began his e stablish his life on truth, ind the moro work, pointing out some of the many he was alone the better. Free oiio'h obstacles which confronted him iu hisiself from ehostN of the Mist and then ! through evolution produce tho super ; man. j In dosing the professor rend the la-it. act trom the popular drama of Ibsen's, Ghosts, iuterpretincr the s e between Mrs. dlvay, Oswald and Re; ma. Mildred Brunk. Then You'll Remember Me .. Karl Wenger. (a) Valse in C Sharp Minor (b) Solitude Barbara Steiner. (a) Barcarolle from "Tales of lloff- I man ' ' Offenbach (b) Second Mazurla Godard Thelnia Blessing. i Mrs. Clyde J. Carlton and small son Clyde, Jr., of Portland and Mrs. Gce-rgn Butzer, of Juneau. Alaska, who liivn I1 i the guests of the former's sister- I in-law, Mrs. Harry Klgin, returned I iiiime Wednesday. fbiring their visit they were also guests of Mrs. William J. Carlton and Mrs. H. H. Ridywav. Wednesday .Mendelssohn uiiig, .Marc ii h, at S o'clock. Honey Bee Gavotte Catherine Vincent hies. Two Flowers Ruth Moore. Mountain Pink Lelit Baum. Merry Ploughman Blondel Carleton Lightly Tripping S Kntherine Vooiheis, Goodnight Little Girl .Margaret Lew Stafford Henrietta Voor- fa) "Kvening" Spaubliag wood (b) Dollies Dream Spanieling Margaiet Steiner King's Jester Knglemnnn Pauline Mnrnac.i. Teacher's Institute Held at Woodburn A local teachers' institute was he' at Woodburn today and was attended by a number of prominent educntoti from outside of that city. Trof. M Pitman, of .Monmouth Normal, and (Su perintendent W. M. Smith, of this coun ty, both attended and delivered reveal those things whic h will enable dresses . Among tho Wooilhum tench- Fieldhouse humanity to see the center of r.vthm in ers who took part in the program weio ! order tint they may be handed down to: Miss May Cook and Miss Mable 8imp Liudsny posterity. ' son who gave class demonstrations in ' i The dutv of nit is to solve the prob- ,'irst K"'de work. Miss Jessie Irvin who hiefl'elbein cm of existence, in order to do this it i talked on Palmer writing, Miss Luellu ; in iiHt necessarily -hock our sensations, ' " ulsli who spoke on the tundnmen Cramm to arouse us to a realization of itsltnls of arithmetic and Superintendent work. .Nature has its unlet, peace! ill oiiins, w no mined on supervision. ates also the fainter and more complex' emotions. i Appreciation of life and beauty broad ens as the heart unci mind develop. It Koellinir an artist is true to his work he must but it has also its rugued. trriml Prof. Sherwin Shonlcs, of Hubbard, mountain, o there are the two ex-; spoke on the eonitrol of contagious ibs treines in human nature to be depicted. eases in tho schools, and after nil i This was the great- secret of Hendrik Ib- the addresses the teachers held an open sen, he einlenv orecl to arouse us from , discussion on the topics treated. I