TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORECON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1916. THE past week was brimming full of happy affairs, ami from the calendar the coming week will not he devoid of entertainment despite the fart that soeiety matrons and maids will retire from some of the gayeties of the winter and pay their devoirs to Lent. Large fuuetions, however, will no doubt be in Abeyance, for in respect to the season, a. airs sponsored by society will be of a small and informal nature I'urinjr the penitential period. Charming in arrangement and detail was the dinner presided over by Jlrs. William Connell Dyer Monday evening in honor of ner husband s natal anni versary. It was a stag affair, the men being the close friends of the host. Toe table was most artistic and spring like with a handsome art basket of palo piuk tulips and a huge airy tulle bow. Covers were placed for: Dr. Harry i iay, Lawrence lloter, James Young, Ealph MooreB, Frank Spears, Elmer Ludilen, R. M. Hofer, Clyde Graham and Mr. Dyer. Mrs. Dyer was assisted by Mrs. Harry CUy and Mrs. Clyde Cirahum. Mrs. William H. Hoot returned Mon day from Portland where she was the .gncst of Mrs. J. U. Hart. Friday Mrs. Hart gave a charming luncheon for Mrs. Hoot, the guests be ing old trienils or the honor guest when she lived in Portland. Mrs. Hoot was also the motif of sev eral other affairs during her visit. In celebration of their wedding anni reisary Mr. and Mrs. George (1. Brown were hosts Friday evening for a five hundred party. Their guests included the members of the Nemo Card club and eight additional guests who were members of the Avenue Tennis club, a elub composed of 4(1 members to which the Browns belonged when they were first married. Resides Mr. and Mrs. Brown the only members of the Tennis club now living in Salem are: Dr. and Mis. John Grif fith, Mr. and Mrs. M. (). lluren, Mr. and Mrs. Clurenco Hamilton, Mr. and Mis. Joseph Albert, all of whom were guests of the Browns last night. Nine tables of cards were arranged in rooms effectively decorated with golden hued daffodils and pussy willow. The guest favors fell to Mrs. Jesse Flanders and Cluienee Hamilton and Ihe elub honors to Mrs. Charles Mc- 'Nnrv unrt f)r W V i nn Uf.,1 ...... Mrs. Brown wis assisted by Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Hairy dinger and Miss Gertrude Cunningham. Mrs. John Me Nary asked a group of society matrons for a charming lunch on Friday. The beautifully appoint ed table was all dono in yellow and green, pale yellow candles and lacey ferns being combined with airy tulle liows. Luncheon wus followed by an after noon over the bridge tables. ('overs were nln I fur Mr. fiv Pargent, Mrs. Charles (Irav, Mrs. Chmincey Bishop, Mrs. hn'rlos Mc Nary, Mrs. Harry Cl.iy, Mrs. Frederick Stewart, Mrs. Kiiben Boise, Mrs. Thos. C. Hmith, Jr., Mrs. John I). Sutherland and the hostess. Miss Margaret Gray assisted. Young Man, Prepare 1 To Meet Miss Spring In Dress Appropriate For the Occasion No man is prepared to properly cope with the social, mental, moral and physical encounters of life unless dressed to best advantage. And bear in mind "best ndvautage" doesn't imply ex tremely stylbdi clothes, uor extremely durable clothes, nor extremely expensive clothes it stands for the most of the three that eun be procured for a given price. And that's what you get in Hrniidegee, Kincnid clothes the new Spring Suits we feature. ft? lt SZ ALINE THOMPSON SSssS IX tho repertoire of attractions on One of the smartest and most attrac society's calendar this season, "A the affairs of the week was the in Mid Summer Night 's Dream, " to be i formal tea for which Mrs. John Mc prcsented by the drama class of the Sa- Nary was hostess this afternoon to lem Woman's club at the Grand the- minor her house guests the Misses Gcr atre, Saturday afternoon and evening, I trude ond Margaret Gray, of Seattle, April mo twenty-second, will no doubt overshadow all otuer local offerings in charm and excellence. The comedy will be read by Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish whose ability ig al ways reflected in every detail' of her work. To complete the artistry of tbe performance there will be a musical setting from Mendelssohn with Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., ut the piano, and a group of prominent society wom en including: Mrs. li. M. Hofer, Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, Mrs. T. 11. Galloway and Mrs. John J. Roberts, ap pearing in the quartet, duet and solo parts. Too offering will be further en hanced bv Miss Mildred White who will give the clown dance and a dozen i other dainty little maids in the dance of . the fairies. The date for this benefit is extremely apropos, as it marks the .ilium anniversary of the author Wil liam Shakespeare. The proceeds from the entertainment will be used toward tiie building of a Woman's club in this city. The drama class is composed of the following women: Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. John II. Alberts. Mrs. A. X. Bos'i. i Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. William H. Burghurdt, Jr., Mrs. E. F Carlton, Mrs. H. P. Min to, Mrs. John II. Mc.ary,l Mrs. 8. A. Kozer, Mrs. II. H. Fish, Mrs.j Ray Farmer, Mrs. Robert .1. Hendricks, Miss Mnttie Bcatty and Miss Edith ! llazzard. I Ono of tho most nttrtctive social functions of the week was the party for which Judge and Mrs. William Callo- way and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Minto were hosts Friday evening. The Galloway residence, where the affair was given, wis artistic in ar rangement and detail, the decorations and appointments, being suggestive of St. Patrick 's day. Tho I'ftril i-oimis wir all done in feathery greens, missv wil- . . . ' " . ... '... . I low, and pule yellow daffodils. Four teen tables of the game were circled by the guests, card favors being award ed to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Aldrii-h. Assisting the hostesses were: Mrs. It. B. Houston, Mrs. L. M. Hoggs, Miss Zilpliia Gullowuy ami Miss Ruth Hoggs. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. ('. P. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills, Mr. an.) Mrs. C. K. Spaiilding, Mr. mid Mrs. Walter Spauld ing, Mr. ami Mrs. F. W. Nteusluff, Mr. nnii Mrs. I. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Schmidt, Mr. niid Mrs. O. W. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. C. . Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mr. anil Mis. 1,. T. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Craig, .Mr. and Mrs. Cnrev F. Martin, .Mr. nm! Mrs. D. J. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. C. (). Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Win. McGilchrist, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Eniiuett, Woodburn, Oregon, Mr. nii.l Mrs. li. J. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Eoff, Mr. ami Mrs. E. Hartley, Mr. anil Mrs. . E. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. I,. M. Hoggs, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Poisal, Mr. mid Airs. A. T. Wain, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dnvey, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Dancv, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mr. and lr h" 1. U..I...H M I M.. 1.' Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Itidiardson, Mr.' and Mrs. A. Steiner, Mr. Eugene Houston, Mis, Florence McKiunev, Miss Ruth I Hoggs, Mrs. R. II. Houston. Miss Edna .Tosse again will be honor guest Fridnv lit a luncheon to be pre sided over by Mrs. Roy Mills. It will be an inform il affair and will include only intimate friends of the bride elect. A Stylish Pair of Boots Is the Foundation For AH "Good Dress," and Here They Are (Just as illustrated.) A very smooth, highly finished Gun Metal luce boot, Goodyear Welt, solid leather wile a fine product. .$-4.75 The sumo in Dark Brown Russian Calf with red Du Flex Soles $4.65 till ii Metul with White liiibb ber and Miss Eva Hailev, of Hillsboro. fiie rooms were artistic ami spring like, with golden yellow daffodils and greenery. Miss Gertrude Cray presided at the tea table which was particularly lovely and dainty with an arrangement of grace lul terns, flutry tulle bows and pale yellow candles. Assisting in the dining room were: Miss Veda Cross and Miss Margaret Uray. Anout twentv maids mid younger ma trons called during the tea heur in cluding: -Mrs. George William Gray, -Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. William Con nell Dver, Mrs. Elmer Ludlen, Mrs. If ink Myers, Mrs. Clyde Graham, Mrs. Zadoc Riggs, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Rita Stciner, Miss Tllcn Thielsen, Miss Veda Cross, Miss Aline Thompson, the Misses Esther and Catherine Carson, ; Miss Ma Simmons, Miss .Malile Robert son, Miss Margery Marvin, Miss Grace Bean, Miss Cora Talkington and Miss Marie Hofer. Mrs. Henry Mevers went to Portland Friday to attend the third annual state conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution held at the Hotel Benson. - Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain were hosts Tuesday evening for the Cherry City Five Hundred ciub. The rooms were aglow with an artist arrangement of golden blossoms and ""p 1 . i, " 7"" ? n . Kobert uw"'8 Dougl; ( ard honors were aw-irded to las Minto. Mrs. J. B. Craig assisted Mrs. Wain. Mis. Fred H. Thompson and Mrs. W. E. Moreland were hostesses Thursday for an attractive luncheon. The af fair was given at the Thompson resi- deuce in honor of Mrs. John Bailey. I, 1 1 i!i i Baskets of golden daffodils and fes toons of greenery mado an effective setting for --the small luncheon tables, which were adorned with yellow shaded candles. The appointments were unusually ar tistic, dainty place cards marking cov ers for: Mrs. R. B. Goodin, Mrs. J. C. Moreland, Mrs. F. L. Ctter, Mrs. G. Bellinger, Mrs. Rny Pembertoii, Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mrs. Carl G. Doney, Mrs. B. L. Sleeves, Mrs. L. Leedy, Mrs. C. J. Green, Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Elliott Coloney, Mrs. Corey and Mrs. P. E. Graber. Luncheon was followed by music. Miss Esther Eininel assisted the host esses. Society matrons and maids who arc devotees of bridge will enjoy most ev ery afternoon next week over the card tables, as there are a number of those delightful affairs planned. Opening the week, Mrs. William Dnncy will pre side it the first of a series of bridge parties Tuesday ntternoon entertaining at n similar affair Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Al Jones. A most nrtisticnlly appointed dinner was presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Meyers Tuesday evening. , Illl'' An army of lovely yellow daffodils ked tho table, around which were T" l",V , r n ii- i- i n ! '"' R"''"' K. Page, Dr ! , L lsU"M' M! "ml ""' '"m'e '''mon, Mr. and Mrs. A- tlll0,t amJ ,h,e h,mt- Miss Jennie Fry went to Eugene yes terday to attend the Delta Delta Delta dunce at the Hotel Osbiirn list night. While in Eugene Miss Fry will visit at the Delta Delta Delta house of which sorority she is a member. Soles .. $3.83 6 1, 1 1 ,1 I mmmk ltHlll. lflli I C. Cllk A SPRING TONIC Old Reliable Hood's Sarsaparilla it Pleasant and Effective. In the spring your blood is impure and weak, eruptions appear on your face and body, you lack vitality, strength and animation, your appe tite is poor and you feel nil tired out. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any drusKist. It combines Just the roots, barks, herbs and other substances that you need. It purities and strengthens the blood makes the rich red blood that you must have to feel well, look well, eat and sleep well. This is confirmed by thousands of letters from people In all parts of the country Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best spring medicine, but is not simply a spring medicine !t is an ail-the-year-round blood purifier and tonic. Remember It baa stood the test of forty years. Be sure to get Bond's, and get It today. Among the smart social functions scheduled for next week are the at tractive bridge parties for which Mrs. E. C. Cross and Miss Veda Cross will be hostesses Thursday and Friday af ternoons. Their guests will include about thirty matrons and maids of the smart set Thursday and the same num ber on Friday. At the tea hour the party will be augmented by about a dozen more guests. Messages of sympathy are finding their way to Mrs." Edwin L. Baker upon the death of her mother, Mrs. Emma Brinkerhoff, in Wiiithrop, Washington, Thursday. Upon the news of her moth er's very delicate condition, Mrs. Baker immediately left for Washington, only to receive the sad message on her ar rival in Portland. Mrs. Baker did not continue her trip but returned that af ternoon. A delightful and irtistie affair of the mid-week was that for which Mrs. Robert Hendricks and Mrs. Fred Stew art were hostesses Thursday afternoon at the beautiful Hendricks residence on Slimmer street. Over twenty promin ont matrons of the Thursday afternoon club were aske.l to participate in the afternoon, which wis made unusually memorable bj'Mrs. Alice H. Dodd who told the Blue Bird story in an artistic and inspiring manner. The rooms were aglow with spring blossoms and pussy willow, baskets of similar flowers adorning the small refreshment tables which were arranged in the dining room. Mrs. Paul Johnson gave a most en joyable afternoon of sewing Friday, having a score or more of guests, in cluding besides the maids and matrons of the La Cornier club, Mrs. Frank Meyers, Mrs. Grant Bunnell and Mrs. Armin Steiner. Does All the Work I expected of It The Hoover Suction Sweeper re moves not part of the dirt, but all of it, including the clinging hairs, threads, lint, and the ground in heavy dirt, which suc tion alone can 't dislodge. See it demonstrated nnd you'll know it's the machine you want. Wm. Gahlsdorf 135 N. Liberty St. ..Phone 67 LEARN TO MAKE HAIR GOODS I will teach you all about making Hair Goods," until you are satisfied you know as much ssI .do. Price only- $10.00 for a limited time. I make up your combings in switches at very reasonable prices. Also switches for sale. Phone M07-W for information. Rain or Shine... We .ire open for business every day, and our treatments will benefit you just as much. Face or scalp treatments by a special ist of tweuty-five years experi ence. Scars, moles and super fluous hair removed without p.iiu. Manicuring, HairdressiuK, Sham pooing, Dyeing and Bleaching. Hair goods to order. Creams and lotions of our own manufacture, for sale. Open Saturday Evenings. IMPERIAL BEAUTY PARLORS 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 3M Sulem, Ore. ONE of the most delightful mem ories of the week was the Monday night i.nuce the Moose hall. The affair, which was attended by a large number of the members composed of a long list of the younger girls and men and married contingent was fol lowed bv several supper parties, among the hosts were Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Webb, who presided at a supper, their party including: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hurdntg, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Marvin, Miss Harriett Har grove and William Walton. Mrs. Jesse Flanders, of Portlind, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. F. Grif fith. , Charming and informal with fragrant hyacinth blossoms arranged about the drawing room, a group of society ma trons enjoyed bridge with Mrs. George Rodgers as hostess Thursday afternoon. Sixteen guests circled the tables, in cluding the Thursday atternoon club and Mrs. Ben Olcott, Mrs. James Wil son, and Mrs. Jesse Flanders of Port laud. The attractive card favor fell to Mrs. Milton Mevers. Mrs. Joseph Rothchild (Marguerite Egan) of Portland, is a guest at t'ie Egan country place. The handsome and artistic Frame and Giftery Shop will be formally opened next Friday and Saturday, when the Gilberts will give a reception both in the afternoon and evening to their patrons. A charming musical programme will be given by -Mrs. Carlton Smith, Miss Lucile Barton and Miss Marguerite Flower, interspersed by piano selections an, readings. The matrous of the Brode Embroid ery club were delightfully entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Fred Erix on. By way of varying the sewing the guests appeared in fancy costumes. Gay colored daffodils were effective ly arranged about the rooms. Mrs. Joseph Reinhart assisted her mother in the serving. As additional guests Msr. Erixon asked Mrs. Stanley Morgan and Mrs. F. T. Harlan. Mrs. Milton Meyers about six teen prominent matrons at her homo for an attractive bridge Monday afternoon. A veritable air of spring time sur rounded the guests, a harmony of fra ginut pink hyacinta and palo yellow daffodils being effectively used in the drawing room and dining room. Card favors fell to Mrs. Harry Olinger, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner and Mrs. Joseph Albert. Assisting were: Mrs. R. E. Lee Stein er, Mrs. Harry Olinger and Misa Bar bara Stciner. m Mrs. Walter Minier was hostess on Thursday afternoon for an enjoyable sewing, including as her guests tho members of Iho W. A. E. elub. During the afternoon Mrs. W. R. Kane favored the guests with several delightful instrumental selections. Mrs. Cecil Cooper and Mrs. Daniel Bright assisted the hostess in tho serv- The club is composed of the follow ing matrons: Mrs. R. S. Melson, Mrs. M. E. Moore, Mrs. Fred- Zimmerman, Mrs. W. K. Kane, .Mrs. Charles M. Ful ler, Mrs. L. Alickcrson, Mrs. Warren Poiile, Mrs. W. 0. Asseln, Mrs. A. A. Guetfroy and Mrs. W. B. Minier. Additional guests of the afternoon were: Mis. Cecil Cooper, Mrs. Daniel Bright, Mrs. E. M. Rulifson and Mrs. J. C. Cooper. m Sunday evening u musical service will be given at the First Methodist church, under the direction of Dr. Frauk Wilbur Chace. A chorus of fifty voices will en hance the excellent programme whiea will also include a number of solos by Miss Lela MueCaddain, Miss Louise Benson, sopiaaos; Miss Ruth Fugute and Miss Lucile Ballon, alto; A. A. Schramm, tenor; U. H. Jones and Richard Barton, bass. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olinger on the Walluce road, was the scene of a pleasant surprise party Fri day evening iii iionor of the silver an niversary of their wedding. Their friends assembled with belles, thus announcing their arrival. During the evening the couple was presented with a beautiful gift by their guests, including the ladies of the Sweet Briar club nnd their huidiaiids. The guests were favored with music and readings, games were also enjoved. Supper was served the Merry Makers by Miss Olinger. Those participating in tiie festivities) were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. M. ('. Peetvs, Mr. and Mrs. A.' It. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Beckett, Mr. j nuil Mrs. Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Isherwood, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Moll, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams, 1 Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Webb, Mrs. James, Inilah, Mrs. Jennie Hudson, Mrs. J. C. j Ferguson, Miss Mildred Inilah, Mis Mildred Bunn, Lock wood Fianklin and Gaynol Beckett. Mrs. G. 0. Wills was hostess Friday afternoon for an enjovable sewing, iier guests being the members of the Three Link Needle club. j After a short business meeting the guests indulged iii games appropriate of St. Patrick 's dav. ; ! Mrs.-Ida McDanicIs ami Mrs. C. J. j Nichols captured the prizes. ! i Mrs. A. A. Miller assisted the host-1 jess iu serving dnintv refreshments. I I I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell enter tained the members of the Oaks Lodge Jcluh Wednesday evening. Five hun-! Idred was the diversion of the evening,' three tables being circled by tue guests. I The rooms were prettily decorated with , violets and greens. Miss Eva Piint. innd E. Donelson captured tho higii, j score honors, the consolation being j awarded to Mrs. John Shipp and W. Campbell. 1 I Tuesday the North East section of; I the Congregational church will enter-! I tain the Pilgrims club at a supper in t ic euurcn parlors. The Delta Delta Delta sorority gave ! its annual formal dancing party at the i Hotel Ostium in Eugene Friday even jing. The hull room was unusually at tractive with baskets of yellow jonquils and greens. The lights were also cov- ered to resemble huge yellow flowers. White programmes bearing t'ie Tri Del I ta coat of inns in gold were tied with heavy yellow silk voids. Receiving with Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions By Margaret Masou. What ravishing frocks For wee curly locks Fine feathers for little birds fine, What fetching chapeaux What stunning mauteanx For little Miss Threc-up-to-N'ine New York, March 10.-They're little, but Oh my! For frocks and frills the tiny Jills mount up as enormous bills as the big gals. No longer are little sisters content with dresses made over out of big sister's or mother's cast offs. Nowadays, with all the sophistication of a full grown follower of vogue, the wee ones insist on the latest Spring lines and silhouettes in tho replenish ment of their wardrobes. Like the elders, the children's styles smack of period dressing: Louis Seize, directoire, 1SH0, is;i0 and also Louis Quinze. Of course, all their skirts arc as full and wide as their mother's and but a mod icum shorter. Cunning little peasant frocks with pointed bodices of laced black velvet over short sleeved, frilly blouses of white batiste and little full flowered skirts of challie or crepe are quaintly charming and also childish. Many indeed are tho little models shown with separate waists and skirts, somo with pe.plums and others with lit tle suspender effects to match the skirt material. Dear indeed to the hearts of little girlhood are these mini ature separate skirt and blouse affairs the patrons and patronesses were the national ch. pter presidents and their i escorts. A feature of the dance was the Delta Delta Delta waltz sung by. Misses Marie Churchill, of Salem, and Margaret Spraugler, while the others danced. j During the intermission each girl wasj given a tiny Kewpie doll dressed in a striking blai k anil white costume bear-i ing the name of the man who was to be' her partner tor the next dance. At tho! beginning of the last dance serpintiucs of various colors were thrown about the room and multi-colored balloons were; set free to float over the dancers. j Tho refreshments consisted of ice : cream, and cake served in small individ-; ual flower pots, from the top of which bloomed tiny yellow flowers. Tiie cakes were Delta shaped iced in yellow. The guests remained over the week j on 1 1 and were the motif of a number of informal affairs. New Arrivals in Spring Shoes HERE ARE SOME OF THE NEW ONES: White ivory sole, patent leather vjimp with cravenette top and white laces. Rein skin cloth, also white nubuck with ivory and leather soles, rubber heels. English mahogany ton with the popular ball strap effect. We are showing all of the very newest styles in Ladies' Shoes. Mrs. P. E. Exclusive Suits 270 Morth Commercial 4 mm rnrTf IP r- X -Hi This is the PHONE Number if you need a Drug Store. We specialize on prescription; all prescriptions filled by registered pharmacist. Remember we are here in the interest of you, call and see us if you want information in the drug line. You will find on. inspection that we carry a com plete line; we. will convince you if you will make us a call. Central Pharmacy 410 State Street Formerly Toole's Drug Store Thone 276 just liko a real grown up lady's Ohm of the suspender models comes with a skirt of striped green and white lineu, a veritable little shirt waist of whito batiste, its turn over collar and cuffs finished with a frilling picot edged in green. A wide, band like belt of plain green linen embroidered in a vine of white has two wide suspender straps going one over each shoulder, the square ends of which protrude below the belt, line in little tab effects, like a peplum. This model also conies in rose and whito and blue and white As for coats, they are all narrow across the should ers and flnre modishly townrd the finish. Silk peplum or gabardine are the smartest materials, always of course including faille. Some of thorn show touches of smocking, insets below tbo high waist line of blocks and pleats or tucks and some are frogged smartly iu gold or silver braid. Yet others rely on a collar of real lace, a jeweled but ton or two or just the lustre of the ma terial to add chic. Hats run mostly to inverted bowl effects of leghorn audi Milan braid or to quaint littlo bonnets. Picot edged ribbons are used lavishly as trimming, as are button roses and the gay cherries so beloved of the grown ups just now. Littlo feet shod in high, white-kid-topped patent leath ers and white silk stockings show daz zlingly below the full short skirts just, like Mother's. Indeed, these little feet follow in mother's footsteps often moro sartorially than fittingly. Tho girls and men who were guests for the dance were the Misses Frances TalUnadge, Mirjorie Crittenden, Jean Stevens, Bonnie Henderson, Thelina Cunningham, Mildred Gillan, Lavelle Young. Constance and DoroCiy Sharp, Ruth Buckley, from Portland, Helen Casey, from Dalias, Irma Yates, from Corv'allis, Harriet Rigdon, Doris Saw yer, Ila Spaiilding, Bernice Craig, Kdiia ilowd, Doris Churchill, Katiierinc Slade. Helen Deckebach, from Salem, Ger trude llollingsworth, from Newberg, Grace Brewer, from Portland, Helen Love, from Junction City, Lois Hall, Helen Hall, Mabel Maneriid, Nora M.m erud, Beatrice Weatherby, Ada McMur phy, Marion Gilstrap, Helene Kuyken dahl, Lyle Bryson, Iris Bluet, from Eu gene, and Earl Broiiaugh, Charles Dun dore, Charles Tisdale, Glenn Shockley, .I n k Elliott, Ed llnrwood, Laird Woods. Robert Earl, I. B. Bowen, Fulsom Tol- (Continued oa Page Three.) Fullerton and Millinery Salem, Oreeon