THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON' SATURDAY. MARCH 11, 1916. MOMENTOUS PLAN'S ON FOOT TO GIVE AMERICA RUSSIA'S TRADE; MONOPOLY ONCE ENJOYED BY GERMANY TO BE OFFERED U. S. ' J, : ...i t :'mmH9t . IT .-'-iikv- "1 "f A - ...vsr. j A - A ' , . V k ? A if:: Sirtinn of lite port of Gdrssa, a new Jour in Uussia to American rom):'A-a; laiion at iiiga, Kussia's gateway f) lo Lialtic; it. li. I'raiu-i.s, new American amuassador to K.issia. rrtrngrnil, Mar. 1 1. (Special.) It Yi:ih nut lifi'ii iiiiiiiHiiti't'il (it't'ii.'ially tliat a I'.allic port of Jiusxia in to In1 mailc li new lionili'il Hiirt'liiin.'O or free liar lor (lrtrii-r, (oiit'(l nftnr Hamlnirj; n ml iiilninli'il to Hupowdc Hainhiirj,'. to (jive (iermniiy' In-fore the war ijuaxi inOMO)olv trnile lo nflierx. t Iiim not li-'cn niinoiinced official ly that linssia j-laiw to make Oile-wa (tucli nnotlier free harlor ilistrict. wliere Anii'iicniiK eau leave their joinl inilefinilely, 1 1 t . t even set up fuctories. all ill homl, free fnun for malities, to finish off, put together, etc., a k i tiiI of nn maii'n tatnl on the thri-.-lihold of lii(; lnHinr-oi. ft haM not lieen rtnnonnccil official ly that f 'mistsi utiiU'l'lo i. to be (lie flohlea Trate of east anil west, where American firms will ho invited to set ii their rei-eivinj; ami (lirei-tintf of fices ami pnjuy notalile faciliticii fur n vet vaster tcrrilory. Such thills are not niiDOimvuil of ficially in the mhlst of war. lint those who prepare to net on them will have reason to thank their forcsicht. Itussia is iletermineil to throw off lionantiently the qiiasinionoioly of sii;ilvinix her people with all Uimlrf of merchnmlise which (lermany ea jnveil liefore the war anil give it to America, The establishment of free ports in the Mark sea and the Baltic will go a long (jay in this direction. Von ask, why America f What aliout her allies, France, Knglnnd and Italy! The answer is that Americans have the goods, and the gup- to fill is greater than, great Hits Mia, where German profits were sim ply enormous. Americans do not re alize the Inarkets Germans monopo lized. In linssia it was part due to favoialilo tariff rates which Germany exiorted afler the I!iisso-.TapniU'se war and which will never lie renew ed. .Much, however, was duo to Ger many's way of laying hands on other people's liUMiicss. Speaking of the opportunities of American lusine.n iucn in Kussin. nn American who tins carried on a suc cessful trade hero for many years de clared: "True succes can lie obtained only ley establishing branch house., with men in charge to stay and get the bulk of the business. The agent who has a number of other things to sell or even the American manufacturer 'n own representative gent out on a hasty trip to pick up trade will only skim the ground. "For war orders. I admit that we may be able to sit at ease and extort shipment f. u. li. an American port, money deposited in an American bank in advance; but it won't do the grand trade, any more than oar old American tende.iy to insist on our own methods of packing and "'"l'l''ti "le merchandise itself. These are details which count. If the Germans observed them, we can." As a mitigation, he points out that all goods shipped to Russian mer chants are habitually delivered "un frauko." freight and duty paid by the purchaser. As to the tariff, - it was never n hindrance and the com ing free harbors, imitated from Ham burg, will afford great facilities for Americans exporting, as they do from a great distance. Tn them large stocks of goods can be carried, free of duty, ready to fill orders either for Knssia or adjoining territory. HE'S ONLY QUAKER ! IN U. S. CONGRESS st TcJ thU lyju nf Iktho was sea re n all ovtr I In world i' ml iIumo won Ul lc nn in rrv.'iHinn iHmaiiii i!t'om year to year. Imlt'jiciitli' nf. STATE NEWS j i ! Albany Oemnerat: A peculiar inci- : dent happens nlong the t'orvnllis and I Kaslern between Albany and the San jtinni, reported by Engineer Hockey Wil li is, I lie engineer of the Detroit train, Out near the brick yard, when the train j p:is-es it is joined by a carrier pigeon j ev ery morning. The pigeon flies along j I close to the smoke stack until the San-' ; tarn bridge is reached, when it, alights ' i mi the bridge, and, of course, returns j i home tor ine next morning it is again on hand ready for another flight. Medford Mail: W. W. Harmon, for-j ini-r .IncUson county road master and nf-, lorward engineer for the Grants I'ass' municipal railroad, has been appointed; engineer for the Oregon-Ctnh Sugar! company t Grants I'ass, and will have charm' of locating the proposed sugar! factory on u TiO acre tract at South! Grams I'ass. Ground for the l'netorr1 was lu-oKen .Monday, for the ocncTit of the moving picture films. portant as training, spraying or (lick ing. A hop yard after n crop has been picked looks like the "lnt rose of sum mer." It has to be cleaned up, poles and wires fixed, and numerous other adjustments made before it is ready for another crop, and growers in this sec tion being the best and most success ful in the world, are up and doing. They have donned their old clothes nnd if not actually doing the work themselves, nre keeping a very close wntch on the fellow who is. Medford Sun: Screen Superintendent Sundry received the first of the Aikens fish screens Monday nnd is installing it in thii Kougelamls ditch, just below I'luienix. The screen is seven feet nine inches long, three feef six inches high, neighs (iHJ pounds,, nud niude in tho stale penitentiary. Albany Oregon is full of material fur drugs, now eoniuinndiiig good prices. It suggests n big field for i i wanting a source of profit, ns a man in Clackamas county is making :iliHO a year from ginsing alone. Sev eral years ago Hr. Hill, of this city, made out a list of Oregon's drug herbs, which would be of value nt this time. MT. PLEASANT NEWS ( h:irlc Buleman Timberluke. f on;re.s.suian Cliarloi Batom-.vr TimbeilaUe is a Q.iukor and hu ii t come from the stalo of Wil. bam I'enii, either, llu i.-i from Colo r olo and beside being iv Quaker is a li fanner and raiiuluiiuu. Tlogue 1,'iver l oiuier: The old saying at gold is where vou find it is proven (true in soul hern Oregon about every lav, J. I!, lieynolds came in froml Hirdseye creek this morning, and has! been exhibiting some of the richest j samples of gold-bearing ipial't inon taken from the ground. The find was' made only half a mile up the creek, and near the traveled highway, in one ot the most accessible places in the coun try, II was discovered by Messrs. Me lieynolds and Swncker about four weeks ago, the trace having been fol lowed up by the panning method until stringer was found. Harold Townes, of I'oi'tlund. spent the week-end visiting with his pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Townes. I'm nk llsbbernuin and wife were week end visitors at Muukers. Tony Schiiullir called at G. II. Ray's Sunday evening. The' Farmers' I'nion will hold their Nt meeting SnturduV atternoon. Lin'-i'iini.iiIi; ," .il.MLn'iiiii-mii.i."""iri HORSE SALE GREAT SUCCESS held The eleventh annual horse sale, by the Woodburn farmers, nndel' the management of 0. M. Rateliffe. on Saturday, wns a great success and could linvo been made doubly so it more of the right kind of stock hud been nut nn for sab'. As it over two thousand dollars worth of horse'"' were sold, the heavy stock bringing fancy prices, selling 'from '.'00 to '-."iO. while the small ncruh stock sold from ik.o to ."(. This sale demonstrated the fact that there is n Cood demand for large itock 1 mined. weighing from LftHd to l.siio pounds I and Maunger Rateliffe when thanking! Independence Monitor: Hop men are tho farmers for their aftendame and getting busy. They linve. all gone to eo-rpe.ation urged them to raise more their respective yards, nnv begun to tind more of the strong mu le, bb ky. I get ready for thin year's crop. Work '.i'i r-onoei typo or lu rsco, becninc j done at this Uuie of year is just a im- j Goal wns first noted in the Coos Hay region, Oregon, about tio years ago, Pro fessor ,f. S. iVewl'errv having reported in IS." Hint the co:i deposits of Coos Gay had begun hi attract attention. The first cargo was shipped from the Kinpire Itasln, but the discovery of coal near tho head of Coos Hay soon trans formed tho point of production, which remained the principal mine until with- the last decide, since the Beaver Hill mine has been more snceessfullv managed and became the chief produc er. The) first record of coal production is contained in the census report of Ism), when 4V0ofl short tons were Commercial P nm&n at the Capital-Journal Office 81 IM 82 Prize American Frock and Prettiest Chicago Girl on "Fashion Special" Sunday Chicago, Mar. 11. When t'.ie James A. I'ngh special fashion train pulls out I of' ( hie igo tomorrow for a swing through Illinois it will carry the six prettiest girls in the city and one htin dren gowns that have beeu pronounced the last word iu fashion, wjile two movie companies) will snap the mx car train as it leaves. More thin Ui0 girls applied for po sitions as model. ami more than out' dressmakers competed for the $1,000 prize offered iv Mr. I'ugh for the i gown. which is expected to demonstrate 'that Chicago can be made the fashion ! center of the United States, j I'nited States Senator James Hamil jton Lewis, Mrs. William II.dc Thomp !son. w-ifff of Chicago's mayor, and Miss Mnna Dunne, daug.iter of Gov. Dunne, I w ill have a job on their hands here in Itlie morning picking Chicago's pret tiest girl out of the bevy of lake city i I'ca ol leu The lucky one will wear the thous and dollar prize 01411 on I'ugh 's fish ion special! The fashion train is the mailorder merchant and speedboat king's contribution to the propaganda to win Chicago the style dictatorship of America. 'Entrants in the contest to make the gown which will win the "prize range from leading modistes of the city to modest dressmakers in small towns. The girls will !ive on the train while on the swing about the state and will leave it only long enough to go to the opera houses in the various towns where the display will be made. The smaller towns of the slate will not be neglected. They will receive just is much nttendtion as the cities. Here is the itinerary tentatively completed: March 14, 15, Gilman or Pontine; I", Id, Kaeirbuiv; 17. IS, Gibson, Cour ier, Enterprise; lid, L'l, Marion; 22, 2.1, Met. Vernon; 2t. 2."i, Ahioii; 27. 23. Fairfield; 2!, 20, Olnev; April 1. I'.ifingliam; :!, 4. Vaiidalia; ", ti, Tavlorsville; 7. R. lie udstown; Hi, II. Cuba; 12. 1.1, Macinaw: 14, 11, Dele van; 17,- IS, Clinton; 20, Sullivan: 21, 22, Watseka. "The war has cut off French gowns and besides Americans have gone to France too long for their clothing," said Mr. Pngh. "In intend to show Ainericins wnat can be done nt home and to make Chicago the fashion cen ter nf the I'nited States." March 11, instead of the evening as heretofore. narry Downing wns seen at the H. Senz home Wednesday. B. F. Lambert called at Nick Kndur';, of Jordan Thursday. Several of the young people attended tfce play at Blue Don Thursday. Linn Lambert was a Paturdav visitn at G. H. Rav's. H. R. Shank called nt the H. Shank home Sunday. Lliner Rny spent Thursday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Don McKuiglit. of Scio. A certain young man of this vicinity ha recently rented a large tract n't real estate, we wonder what the mean ing of all this i., of course a "tin can party will answer for nil curious thoughts. Stayton Mail. Report of the School Librarian for February High School. Xnniher of days high school library was open ; 21 Number of hooks circulated for home rending .., 1.1R0 Average daily circulated hooks.... 7o Total attendance in the library ."77S Average daily attendance 275 Number of bonks borrowed from public library 7i Number of books borrowed from state library Number of books cataloged nnd added to the library fi During (he months of January and February the books have been gone over ipiile thoroughly, mended and cleaned. Of these .'125 books were re paired with gluing. s Number of classes instructed, public speaking and teachers' training, five, Junior High Schools. Number of books circulated from Lincoln Junior High school Sli Number of books circulated from Grant high school l.'l Number of books circulated from Washington Junior high school 4.111 Total circulation o f books in Junior highs (wd Attendance in the. library at Washington M7 Number of books repaired at Washington 0 Number of books borrowed from public library lli Grade Schools. Number of traveling libraries sent out S Number of books in libraries sent out (57 Number of books issued to teach ers at public library 14 Number of mounted picture is sued !! Number of mounted pictures add ed to the collection 257 Stoty Hour at Public Library. Number of story hours conducted 4 Total attendance at story hours ,15" Average attendance f0 It is to be noted from the above re port that (here was on an average 75 books circulated from the High school library There were one and two thirds times ns many charge, 1 out dur ing the month as during the corerpond ing mouth of last year. This is certain ly a indication of the studious work be ing accomplished by the classes iu High school. As to the work iu the room during the periods school is in session, there are hours in the day when as many ns fifty students wish admitlnnrii, whereas the room seals only forty. The use of the library at Washington 1ms shown a decided in crease, our third more books being charged out (his month than last; the attendance in the room is lowered from the fact that cold weather discourages its use. It is a source of satisfaction that a few lectures on the use of books and their choice could be inserted in (he course for teachers, for to teachers there falls so large an opportunity to influence the tastes of boys and girls in the reading of good books The above is respectfully submitted. i'UHiA M. CAK, Svlioid Librarian. COMMERCIAL PRINTING THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HAS COM pleted the installation of a new and complete JOB PRINTING plant and is now prepared to handle society, commercial, book and poster printing. Reasonable prices and best of workman ship is guaranteed. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO. TELsEiTs 1 WILLAMETTE NOTES MMM The Ground Hog a Gay Deceiver (By Llki McMunn.) J ist or something a little off color, any. r , ,. . i way I've never got arr. You'd get a 1 neneve that the ground hog is a, lot more, of course, if their would let The. next number of the Willamette faculty lecture course to the public of Salem will occur on Monday evening, March l.'l in the ch.ipel of Waller hall. At which time Prof. John O. Hall will speak on the gr"at. man or drama. "Ib sen." Prof. Hall will give not only an interpretation of Ibsen ns iie is viewed1 iu America, but also tho opinion of fraud, a false nroidiet. a- nrevancntnr . I TOU be both n democrat nnd a rennlili. European critics, for Trof. Hall has! At least lie is trying short weight on u : can, and you could be easy as not, traveled and studied considerably in j Did he not through the newspapers, an- j when you are right at the pulls, but. I'.lirope. uounce that we u-erp In tiftc, tsr wul-I thev won't let too ha hnf nn t-hlnir l- Uriel; Brothers have a large photo of! of good weather, owing to the fact that 1 a time, which shows how narrow poli tic Danish drainatiet Ibsen in tiieirj he had not seen his ugly shadow on tire nre anvwav. Icbrunry 2? He did. But how has he But you earn yonr garden seeds all kept his promise! It is true he gave us j right enough, after you have footed it two weeks of middling fair weather, j to the polls a couple of miles. You liavo lisplay window on Slate street. To those who are interested in modern so ciological conditions, as interpreted by the dramatic pen, the lecture by Prof. Hall will be extremely interesting as lie treats his subjects in' such in intensely humanistic manner that having once heard him lecture no one would miss the opportunity to hear In 111 the second I time. I ine cniioiioi inn society are but that was merely to dry us out so he could drown us till over again. How the old sinner must have chuck- L'lVlnS 1 .: . . . a t.artv to their sister societr M.e lM.iU "'"""' "e "P n' ", o.losin'ns in rl,e ll,il i,ii-i.; ,.. must coaised through lm to tell your age, nnd all that, and if you have forgotten to register and havo to be sworn in. it is a lot Worse. Th led i Win front paw when he saw the ! clerks and judges are all your old neigh lirtle birds hunting straws and pecking j lwirs, but they ask your name just as i' at the clothesline for a bit of lint they didn't know it as well as vou do. with which to line their nests. m . and thev ask where 'von live and all """-""a 10 i- i win nuns iuis even- 1. i 1 t 1 . .. ing. For the last day or so committees " "L uT! XY M ,,laJnt",a have i, in, ail.- .i ... our gariien seeds. 1 lie v were nood etot- Oregou grape nud ferns for decoration ' 'r"me"t eds'. t0' .from Washington purposes, so it is probable that the af fair will be quite an event iu social circles. The senior class hns decided to pre sent to the university as their gift this June a sun dial. This will be in keep ing with the gift of last year's class, namely, the brick pillars" nt the en trance to Faton hall. The sun dial will our year's salary for being what we are politically. There were peas, and two kinds of lettuce and radishes and beets, but no carrots. Last year there were carrots, but of course.' with the war on you don't get as much for being a democrat or republican as vou used to. about you nud write down vour answers 111 a book ns if they were going to make you prove it-, until you get so flustrt ed that you feel like the old woman in Mother Goose, who got her "petti-, coats cut round about" while she slept and upon awakening emlaimed: "Lawk a Mercy, if this be I, And I think It Be. I have a little, dog nt home. And he'll know me! " Well, the seeds are planted now, or rvnra tnt I,., il . 1, . t. J rp, , iw oj no., inc. iiiive wusiiea Ull Hie seeds nre such a-help i deeding ,nd floated off to Lake I.abish and be placed midway between Katou hall I w,li,'h .v0" "'ant to be. Now if you want j of course I'm a Christian and grass seed thiw year you have to be a democrat, and it you want vegetables you have to be a republican. I don'l know how you get flower seeds may be by being a prohibitionist or anarch- I lovo everybody and everything, but I wish it understood thnt if that ground hog ever tries any more of his February bland ishments on me I'll throw red pepper in his eve. nuire I n 1 1 In'l'v V", "P1 nAl- a'"' '"l"V donated for their en- 1 , ' S 'in" the l"'esl' ("tainments. They now have a, stage uuoi. on ,v 10 ,, .l,;..u . ,,!,, it H, IMCST-lIl LllCir and the entrance on State street. The cement walk will be built iround it and torn up in the spot where it is to be placed. It has not been definitely decided what to use as a base, two suggestions are offered, either a mnrble or granite pillar, or a large glazed bowlder. The former will perhaps be decided upon. The seniors will appear in caps and ir ,,,-ai ecu; iuis w 1 1 ne T 11 e 1 r 1 1 - . . ..... i hsi 11 ipi-iiuince tuns nttireil tins vear. ,,,,, :.,,,..; , ,1;..,,, ' ,, - ;':pmys una programs, tiiey will give Superintendent of Grounds p' f i!, inronning them ot this fnet, and,.. The Freshman" PH.lW t..hf -o... .1 ... , . -".-illllS IT is III ei Wl It :,. t w, uf ,, . 1 I. I . iniK nns neen insv tor tee nnst -nl.- 1 , , ... . "" looting our roses The: 1 Salem be uitif i beautiful lon2 hedge i, licino- sot t l,.f,' l"s .V". ,,u' y"'.g ln,(,es. Willamette Enron nnd Waller halls Perhaps it will ' -I""' well hare six tennis not be long before the slogan used l " T H ?" V""' ,tn'J , f"r luilt H. P...i.i i.... i.r' ' .. . l0,lt that only need n little work to nut ! can be altered to snv "For rou a rose 1 iB. M;'('"?t 'M This! Dr. Brewer reports a- fon lorn to Mr. at Willamette grows." 1 1 . . ,L 1,1 t'" twn alut Mr M- R- trhnn, of tllis city. has recently lnd I ' , , . ,a.r eT' WT. Hareh (I. and a-son to Mr. and body on n firm business basis. Tlielma L'off visited over Sam- em air. as so many of Salem's most , .'l e w 7 "r I ' Mil,n Wetherby b quite sick. Dr. STAYTON' NEWS r.i ir ir. n , , ... .icouus iro c tut tnoro nre n nn1Kr tw; ,nrg; sp.d.'Va's:: zrtz - t ioi I., I . .1 . . . -COIIllS. i nre verv 'handsome. The r,,f, 1 . , lhS quintette left yester- ... i.: . , , , nay tor Portland w of Sulilimifv-. on Tues- es; they sang at the I'en- store his many speenneiia of birds In 1 ,.,,. , ,. I mm no. I tl.,, I...... ....... I. 1 l . . "v..,.-. in ,,,,,, , ii 1 1.-, in,-, i ll, v oi- K ir in nr. , .. , der. Prof. Peck is constants adding o! t ' 'n- I his collection of mounted birds ,, I he , I ' 1 '","TW "V 4U'n"",,? Me: now has practically all of the common " T ,?:. for bird-s of tho Willamette vallev and f St 'ill ',- , L9,hpr Cox'i Oregon, tns class in ornithologv stitdv I ' ; ,i,I ' ' hS .r'1 1"',"0, 18 man first the specimens and their field trirfc 1 ?- ' , has "'l",'11'd num-; are mnde and t,,e students are ,e, i'e li1'" ? 'her """s f,,r ,l' to appear I The col leg too. Bell ley. Mureh 7. T lir ir . .. . ere thev wi l sine-:, " '. "lT'" 81 " ""d John l ake visited at the Sum r k hum. mar Mi hana Sunday. Mr. Lake is se riously lb. Cla-.-nt e- Anderson, of Davtou. W-wli., v:it il his pnrents. Mr. an i Mrs. J. i-r. And.-:: on, a few days the first of" the e-k. hi was on iiis w to Arimi.n wlii'i-e li. expects to live. His I'air.ii" bites. ' "-''II f iow as soon a he locates; V. M. ('. A. will la i.,.i! . Mavo, who undo .-wen-:' -in n- -, by Prof. J. T. Matthews Sun. lav after-' :v appendieiti at the Snlem hos- noon. At this time he will present 1 ' '"!'' ',,st Friday is ren-rted to be gi:t "Ghristianitv ind the Sneinl ( V! i ting aiolo; nice'lr. His w,r nA hi- ing his two lost pets returned.' No ther' A"er 'lle, a,1,ll''? the meeting wi'u"be: furhcr, Mrs. J.'O. May). f'ypok:t:e, .are not cats from the back nllevs but vl I nu.iieme to ask (piestion. : ' ' "'"' mm at tlie tin- Urn Bvr,l I two prettr little gm ter snakes' that ir .? 'n,sti,,n! whi"'" P.fc", '' nH Beuuchani ., ,.f Stayto-., hive been roaming about the corri- ,, .'"i l an? ''r "T What does : l'tr' rr.d the operation IdoMof Fatou hall. the church otfer the working man ? Is, id Young, accompanied by his- hroth- The facnltv committee who have had! f,",,,nv theatre justifiable-.' What r- Dan. arrived home from Moscow, charge of preparing a buneltes graduates are qnestionare was mailc ,aiuininis ,-isMug li tin to re i uesuons. i ue answers are coming in slowly and consequently the work is slow in prepnring the " Who's Who in Willamette. President of the Student, ITow-i , T' .T' Icllan and wife spent S srd P. Jewett. hn inst fi.iisl,,..! t',, " .vumsviin nil- in I ti L ,. r... to ut.l,- tl,., 1.I...1 :.. :, i . . 1,1 i in hit ... ..,,, ,,, ltn uiiiillilt COIIIU- iiinis, iciiiiig or its minus uul a gener al description ot its environments. Prof. Peck has also ben considerably gratit icd in the last few davs bv ha- Itee who have had! ' "'" V' , 'll!it,f,a,ll'' What". Dan. arrived home from Moscow, an index of V-',? e , ?"s'7. ot so'''11 u"rtt ofiMaho, Saturday. Mr. Young left for e still at work. A i i','.'1?; IT ."'1,lon l'il'le for an-! that place over three week a, upon d to everv known jf. , ' W MV'a ' .,,rln. the ideal . receipt of new-, of his brother '9 illness, to replv to tlicl,'11,:,'!"'", ,?rthJ Grist.anityHe was- delayed on his trip out, en- 1 I to 1 Hltie tor the (mint ivI n.. ... 1 . . to blame for the great war! WEST STA5TT0N Hub Bulew returned Sundav countering two snow slides and a wash out. The brother is reported to be in better health, and will make his homa in Stayton for some time. Mrs. John Thoma entertained at. a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss rrnm .i.irie t-rwn.- w. (.. it t. a Scio where lie spent the winter. : delicious lunch was serve,!' ls' fi,., working out of his new requisition sv rein an. I states it will go into effect ..March l.i. This will mean much to the . la.llv 01 " '"v"'"i "cmg put about U:W. Those eniovinir tho liusiness men of Salem in that it will i " neignnoruo.m. evening were: M.danics John Van. protect them from hming auv neeounts T1"" Farmers' I niou is trying to buy j Handla. Albert Neitlini' John Kerber wiih the various oigani.ntious or class-1 the old store building f.,r a warehouse D. M. n.iil and the Misses Ieona and ' es who have nt times in the past been a .and hall. If they and the owner can-; Marie Fmnk. Rosie and Marv R(-k I trifle iriesnonsible ill paving up debts not agree on terms they will build a I.iz.-ie I.ambrecht Mimie Fischer' ! tlmt have incurred in the name of j suitable building. 'Marv I.nlnv. Maririn Alexander Hildi I the orgnniation bv some individual. I The boys uf the high school raised bv , Reinjer. Helen Sta-ib Rose and nee Hereafter no one will be authorized to' subscription money eunuch to build a Hie Kintz. Clara and rraa "MtuiJl and purchase goods fr the student body siae iu the old store builJirg which j Urie HeuUel Mail