Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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"Salems Big Department Store the Style Center." We Sell Butterick Patterns.
s spring rasnton Snow
will take place at the Oregon Theatre
Tuesday Evening, March Twenty First
Newest authentic styles of garments for Women, Misses and Chiildren will be shown on living models. This
Fashion exhibit, the first of its kind in Salem will be interesting and instructive, showing models of various
garments that will be popular for Spring and Summer wear.
Remember this date-keep it for the Oregon Theatre
Newest Styles in Fashionable Footwear-See New Pumps
We Cover
Silk, wool or cotton but
tons made in many styles.
Bring the cloth to us and
we will make to your or
derreasonable prices.
A Varied Assortment of Latest
New York
A new showing every week no two alike. Popular
Prices. Visit this new department in the Women's
Garment Section.
Special Mention Column
An excellent assortment of
new De Bevoise Brassieres
The Corset is not enough,
a good brassiere makes a
faultless figure. This is
the only correct founda
tion for the new garments
especially are they de
sirable for use with the
newest sheer waists now
in vogue. Several good
models to select from.
Priced 69c, $1, $1.50, $2.75
New Colored Embroidery
New Dress Ginghams
New Taffeta Silks in
Stripes, Checks, Plaids
and Two Tone Effects.
New Suits, Coats, Dresses
or Waists arriving almost
New Underwear for Wo
men in Silks and Dainty
Cotton Fabrics.
No. 786th
Wednesday Surprise Sale
March 15th
A Special Offering of Women's and
Misses9 Silk Auto Caps at ....... 98c
Those who motor will be much interested in this Wednesday event for it offers
Motor Caps of unusual style and quality at a very low price; there are several
models to choose from black and white check effects poplin and taffeta
plaid effects. Special for next Wednesday only 98c each
Sale starts at 8 ::;0. See the window display
No phone or mail orders taken.
New Wash Suits for Boys; New Furnishings for Men
Main Floor
Scores of women and
mises are now making
Grecian Cut Lace Work
through the instruction of
Mrs. C. M. Dickson of
New York. All the new
est stitches in embroidery
are taught in our Art Sec
tion absolutely free of
charge; classes from 8:30
a. m. to 5 p. m.
Mrs. Dickson announces
that the week commenc
ing Monday 13th will
positively be her last week
of instruction. Get the
most out of these free em
broidery lessons attend
often and early in the day
is preferable.
t t t tt t t mil T TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT.t..t.tttt
Lights Stolen From
Police Judge's Car
In Front of Station
Working upon the theory that the
most unexpected attempt is executed
with tho greatest safety, a thief rub
bed Police Judge Elgin's auto of its
electric lights yesterday while the car
was standing in front of the police sta
tion. Judge Elgin reported the mat-
. ter at once to the police after he dis-
.1 V. l l .l.i-.. I" 1 i .
Huu'ii'ii me uoiu men out ins Mollis
; have not yet been recovered. If the
' thief is apprehended he will come up
..,(,.r., (,.. .,.... ,i i, ;
ti hereby warned, if he or any of his
'friends rend this notice, that he had
hi better make long and frequent tracks
1 out of this vicinity.
Tiie lodge next rrm.iy evening, i ucy
are counting on a large attendance as
......l. l.'ll.. 1,..., l....... v..-...,,,;....;,.., n
2 invite one friend. Those in charge of
tne dance are ( . Is. lleuison, Milo lias-
niussen and II. 11. Meiring.
! . o
visit . L. stiif Son s stove house
on Court street for a re il baugain in
any kind of stove from basement
laundry stove to iiighgnnle ranges.
The elementary teachers of the Sa
lem public schools will have an onoor-
t trinity of learning more of the .Palmer
.l.-Hrm 111 niltlliL'j -IS il S tec lil 11SI ,
Amhrosino ('. Murphy, will address
them next Saturday morning, following
tho address of r. II. D. Sheldon, of
the t'liiversity of Oregon. The ad
dress w ill be given in the auditorium of
the senior high school.
! Hurry! Only a. few aluminum wash
boards left. We'll give one to every
cash purchase of if' 1. Oil or more todav
as long as they last. J-.'. I,. Stiff I
& Son. " j
Here are a few pointers for the good !
housekeepers. Sugar climbed another
; notch today and the best beet style is;
now worth ifT.iiO a hundred. Variety
'of eatables .ire now possible as spring
vegetables are coming in from south-1
era California, lireen peppers and egg
I plant will be found at the retail gro-'
cers .Monday and a dav or so later in
Los .Angeles district will arrive to add'
genuine color to the table decorations.!
Special meeting of Chadwick Chapter '
N'o. .'17, Order of the K.istern Star,
-Monday, at l:3l p. m. at Masonic hall.'
I to attend the funeral of Sister .Minnie
I Mcl'auley, full attendance desired. By
orocr ot me wormy .Matron. j
Notice of the dissolution of the!
Mary's River Timber company was
filed tod.iy at the office of Corporation
Commissioner Schulderninu. Tho prin
cipal office of the corporation was at
Corvallis. The holdings of the Mary's
River Timber company were taken overi
by the .Mary's River Logging company
a new coinpanv which was recently or-'
ganized and in which the capital stock
is hold for the most part by the Charles
K. Spaul.ling Logging company of this
Card of Thanks.
We. wish to express our thanks to
our many friends for tln-ir kindness
during our recent bereavement.
Governor Major, of Missouri, would
run with Woodrow, according to a let
ter received by Secretary of State 01
cott yesterday asking information as to
how to file .i petition of candidacy lor
vice-president of the United (States on
the democratic ticket. Governor Ma
jors was informed that no filing fee
was required to place his name on the
primary nominating ballot as it could
be printed on the ballot upon his writ
ten request or upon the presentation of
a petition signed by l.UnO of his sup
porters from his political p.irty.
Don't wait about buying your gas
r.uige. See the prices on -New Jdea gas
ranges. All high class stoves. One 11 A
New Idea regular ifcJN.oO, special $1!)..)IJ.
One l").N'ew Idea, regular $3(1.00, spe
cial $21.50. One 12A Xew Idea regular
!f:i".00, special .L!7.50. One N'o. Pli New
Process, $4.").00. special 31.o0. One
.New 1 recess
vo .Not Buy i remiums, Buy
Real Coffee. ' Our Coffee i"a
roasted daily and ground as
you order. Wm. Gahlsdorf, 135
N. Liberty, I'houe (37.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
WATCtt and&
Also a Nice Line ol
j eweiry. --
- JMasouic Temple
Let Me See Your
hour 's
reading make
All Around Town
Ht .,
If an
eyes acho.
If printed matter occasionally
If you are obliged o stop work
periodically to res', your eyes for a
few moments.
If you find it easier to read nearer
than tho normal 12 inches; or further
away than this.
If you can not recognise people
across the street. j
If you ean not read street names
easily or can not distinguish the time
by public clocks.
If yon have to make an effort to see
clearly knitting the brows for ex
ample. If vivid light gives you pain in the
eyes, or if you require moiu light than
My experience, of over 33 years in
correctly fitting glasses to relievo eye
strain will be at your service, "if
glasses aro not needed, I positively do-i
eline to supply them. I guarantee sat
isfaction iu every respect.
I change your glasses for one year
if necessary, free of charge. N'o extra
charges for examination. No drugs or
tropj used, as they urn dangerous. All
broken glasses replaced while you wait, t
ui very reusonnoie prices
March 13 Salem I'loral Society
at Commercial Club.
Prof. J. O. Hall, lecture on
Ibsen, Cniversity Chapel,
S p. m.
March 1 1-Installation of ftev.
James Elviu, pustor first
Congregational church.
March 15 Monthly meeting of
members of Commercial
March Hi Salem Festival chor
us annual concert, opera
1'cMoss entertainers, Armory,
benefit Company M.
March 17 Miss Ida Havis
renting at public library.
St. Patrick supper by Ladies'
Social Circle, Central Con
gregational church.
March IS Republican rally at
Orange day.
March 21 LTi Marion County
Sunday school convention.
March I'niversity of Ore
gon musicians at Presbyteri
an church, benefit t hcnioketii
Cnip Pire tiirls.
2 roe or.
City Patent flour
at your
E. J. Stack, secretary of the State
Federation of Labor, delivered an ad
dress last evening at the Salem Trades
and Labor hall, followed by a short
talk from Otto llartwig of Portl.lnd.
Seed wheat, oats and veatch at Cher
ry City Flouring Mills. Marll
Governor Withycombo today issued
a requisition for the return of L'd Wil
son to stand trial upon a charge of
non-support at fnqmllc in Coos county.
Wilson is now in the county jail of Al
ameda county, California.
Dr. Stone'g drug store.
Dr. Stone's Drag more.
A musical program of more than i
usual interest and merit will be given1
by the First .Methodist church choir
Your dollar will do double duty at E.
L. Stiff & Sons.
A man and wife may secure a posi
tion on a farm near Turner. This in-
Phone 700
Good Oarage In connection foi
storage of cars.
Seasonable Bates.
246 State Street.
conference at Portland, it was shown
that the Multnomah Chapter is lid
years old and has 130 members. Tin'
Will.iinette Chapter is five years old
with HO members. The Linn Chapter,
age two years, has 35 members; Oregon
Lewis and Clarke, age two years, num
bers 4.) and Chenieketa Chapter of Sa
lem, less than a year old, has .m en
rollment of 2o.
Prof. J. O. Hall will give his faculty
lecture on "Ibsen, the Norse Oram-,
atist" in the university chapel next,
Monday evening at S o'clock. Having
written two books on this subject and
also having lectured frequently on tho
writings of Ibsen, Professor Hall is em
inently qualified as xn authority. As a.
preliminary the the lecture. (Irieg':i
Peer (!ynt Suite will be offered by Mis4
.loy Turner on the violin, accompanied
on tho niano by Dr. Frank Wilbur
Chace. To these faculty lectures, there
is no charge for admission.
The funeral of Mrs. J. L. Torres:,
who died Thursday in West Salnm, will
be held Monday morning at 0:30
o'clock from the chapel of AVchh &
Clounli. Pmrial will be in the Odd Fel-
used but in good eondi- lows cemeterv at Turner. Mrs. For-
Sumhiv I'vt.niii.r nl 7-311 fiVlni'k- Tim toniiation comes from the Salem Social
concert will consist of solos, duets, trios Service Center. Application should be i oratorical
and chorus numbers and an obligato
solo by Miss Jov Turner.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
Doctor of Optics
Phone nQ
Salem, Oregon
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
is correctly. U. 8. Dunk. Uhlg.
The Central Circle of the First Chris
tian church will conduct n food sile at
the Imperial Furniture store Saturday.
210-2U U. a Bank Building, , -M 11 ''''
Salem Festival Chorus, Thursday
might, M irch Id, at the lirunj. lie
j soived seals, "3 cents.
n. sonuon in ine sign language win, t'ago happens to be a retired farmer
be delivered at the state school for the i living at l."i7."i South Commercial street,
deif tomorrow by the Hev. 1.. F. Jen- he will hive ample opportunity to try
sen, The services will be held in the; his new Saxon six on all sorts of roads
evoninv nt the scaool beginning at 7:30as soon as the weather permits,
o'clock. I 0
made to Ivan II. McOaniel at the com-
merci.il club.
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves.
Price f I. For sale by all druggists.
The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Mc
Cauley, who died Friday, will be held
next Monday afternoon nt o'clock
from the chapel of Kigdon and h'ichard
soa. The services will be in charge of
the Christi.m Scienet reader and the
Order of the Eastern Star. Rurinl will
orporation i,tf in tlie ()li,i 1VH0,V3 cemetery.
Get a free aluminum wash board and
prepare for Monday morning. H. L.
0 .Stiff & Son.
Rorerved seats 25 cents. A small 1 o
price for a fine concert at the flraud, The boys of the manual training de
March lii, by the Salem Festival j partmont of the Salem high scjool have
Chorus. I been busy this week making frames for
o I the pictures owned by the several
Lloyd Kyan, agent for the Saxon schools. While the art displiy was
automobile, announces tiie sale of a late' shown here last winter, the children of
model to S. Page of this city. As Mr. I the schools were given pictures for se
Automobile for hire, passengers and '.
baggage traasfered, rites reasonable,;
country trips a specialty. C. G. Me- j
Klroy. Phone 047 or 631). tf
Articles of incorporation for the El-liott-0
'liricu company, a $1.1,01111 cor
poration were filed today nt the office
ot too state corpration ciiiiiniissioner.
The principal office of tlu'ci
will be Ic.ited at Independence and it is
proposed to conduct a general merchan
dise business.
tion. if-l.i.uo range,
slightly used double
New Idea, regular $il0.00, speci.il $25.
Buren 4; Hamilton.
Frank M. Jasper, of Willamette unir
versity, won second place at the slate
,'ontcst last evening nt .Mon
mouth. He spoke on, "The Invisible
Devastation of Selfish Interests." First
place was awarded to Walter L. Meyers
of the I'niversity of Oregon, speaking
on "Independent Sovereignty and
Vital Interests.'' The judges were A.
King Wlison, of Portland: Justice Hen
ry L. ltensnu. of Salem, and Oeorge L.
Koehne, of Portland.
. From the report of the secretary of
the Daughters of the American Involu
tion, now holding their third annual
Mrs. Neabitt has moved her hem
stitching, button and ideating shop to
the Hubbard building, Koom 212, Phone
S3. Morll
Carl Newton, the nine year old son of
.lames M. Newton, Kilil Mission street
was run over late Thursday evening by
Buy your tickets now for the musioai
event of tiie season at the Grand March
111, by the Silem Festival Chorus. He
served seats 25 cents.
The body of John B. Mills was ac
companied this morning to Corbett for
buri il in the h'iverviow cemetery near
Portland bv n nnrtv of seventeen, in-
u wood wagon, both w heels passing over I eluding immediate relatives and meni
his body. Fortunately the boy escaped hers of the Masonic lodge of Dallas,
without serious injury. of which he was a member.
Dance Turner tonight, 4 piece Salem-
Dr. R. T. Mclntyre, physician and orchestra. Dancing ode.
surgeon, 2U Masonic ltl.lg. phone 410.I o
" There la some discussion regarding
The Rev. Carl H. Elliott, pastor of i the advisability of introducing an or
the First Presbyterian church, will oc- dinnnce in the' tity council for the li
cupv the pulpit tomorrow of Dr. A. ceasiiu' of gasoline filling stations that
L. Hutchison, pastor of the Piedmont : are located on the sidewalk. Also for
church, Portland. Dr. Hutchinson is; a graduated license for heavy trucks
holding a scries of meetings at thejnsin' the streets for tl raying pur
Presbyterian chinch iu this city. Mioses,
ing tickets and it is these pictures to
tiie number of oil that the boys are now
Furniture repairing and upholstering,
mattresses made over, carpets cleaned
and laved. A. F. Tiagstroui, lil3 Court.
Phone 2311. i
According to the number at present
iu the senior class of the high school,
I OS will be graduated at t,he exercises
to be held June 2. Last year the class
numbered 07 which was the largest up ;
'to tint date. The exercises this coming
June will be the tenth annual, and t3
! girls and 4."i boys will complete their
education as far as the public schools
are concerned.
An especial musical service will be I
held Sunday evening, March 12. it the
First Methodist church, to which every
one is invited.
The entertainment and decoration
committee of the Klk lodge is laying in
a special supply of shamrock and green!
bunting for the dance to be given at
I t". r.t .T
Remember; Our Optical
Service Insures:
Accurate, painstaking, examination.
Courteous treatment always.
Reasonable prices and complete satisfaction.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109
Change of Business Location
I wih to notify my customers and the general public that I have sold
mv interest in the Capital Garage and have moved the office of my
transfer buines to my old stand at the Globe i 'onfe. tionei v iu tne
iuii'iiar.1 lildg. 1 have purchased a new three ton truck and
sit ion to handle a general transfer busines
a: m po-
1,1,0110 -:,TS K. I.. Ka phahu
tor it'2i).,")(). One rest died in her 47th year. She wa'i
oven and broiler .born in Ohio and came to this country
with her parents in 1874 from Miami,
county, Kansas. She was married to
J. Fdward Forrest in 1888 and came to
Salem in Isfirt. Besides 7ier husband,
she is survived by her parents. Mr. ami
Mrs. fleorue 0. Gardner, of Salem.
Three brothers also survive. Aeie and
Charles G.irdiier. of Salem, and John
Gardner, of Fredericktown, Ohio. Tho
seven children surviving are: Mrs.
Blanche Finlev. of Burns. Oregon; and
Ralph. Harold, Kenneth. Tone. Florence
and Olive Gardner, all of Salem.
You get a paper full of read-
Ins, no contest dope.