Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1916, Image 1

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Said To Be On His Way to Massacre Trainload of 500
Mormons Fleeing From Ca cas Grandes-Carranza Sends
: Troops to Protect Them But They Will Arrive Too Late
American Troops Expected To Be On Their Job In
1 Mexico by Monday-Funston Will Strike Hard
f By H. D. Jacobs
El Paso, Texas, March 11. General Francisco Villa's
plan to massacre American Mormons fleeing from Mexico
to the United States has been foiled, Carranza Consul
Garcia informed the United Press today.
Carranzistas, Garcia declared, have halted all trains
on the Mexican and Northwestern line by which the Mor
mons were traveling, pending the result of Villa's new
movements. The exact whereabouts of the Mormon party
is unknown, but Garcia is confident they will now escape
the trap.
The Carranzistas had positive information that Villa
planned to intercept the Mormons at Guzman and mas
sacre all, men, women and children. He left La Ascension
at daybreak, it was reported, heading for Guzman with
No steps toward executing President Wilson's orders
to smash Villa are apparent yet. The censorship is evi
dently in effect. Brigadier General Pershing stated at
9:H0 a. m. today that he knew nothing of any contem
plated movements. Pershing said the war department's
instructions were going direct to General Funston.
It was reliably learned several garrisons have been
ordered from Wyoming to the border. Officials refused
to reveal which regiments are affected or where they are
By H. D. Jacobs.
I I'nited Press staff correspondent.) !
F.I Paso, Texns, Mar. 11. While I'ni-!
led States troops are expected to enter J
Mexico at half a dozen places before ;
Monday to avenge the attack on Colum-J Brigadier General John J. Pershing
luis, N. M., and the Santa Ysabel nias-iand Colonel Herbert Slociun. in com
stncre, the border was gripped with an maud of the I'nited States troops on
awful fear today. j the border, expect to receive marching
The greatest slaughter of American orders today,
colonists in Mexico's history is report-1 Troopers, privates and non-commis-ed
to lie the object or General Fran-1 sioned officers of the Fourth cavalry
cisco Villa's rush toward n train of and the Twentieth infantry today
Mormons due this afternoon nt Guzman, crowded telegraph offices, ' sending
nil miles southwest of here.
Warned of the proposed American
cnmpnign of extermination against him,
A'illa is reported determined to strike
the "gringoes" another terrific blow
before retiring to the mountains of
western Chihuahua where he hopes to
escape vengeance
A special train bearing ."00 Mormon i
refugees from Casas (irandes and adia
cent colonies is en route here. They
left their homes after hnving been re
peatedly warned of flic danger of re
maining, in view of Villn's therahs.
Two thousand Carranzista troops loft
f'hiliunhua City on 10 trains Fiidav nft-:a
rriinon to protect the Mormons. They
must first go to Juarez on the line of
the National railway, and tlien proceed
souuiwnrd tiy way of the -Mexico Xorih-
western line, on which the colon
tni veling.
ts are '
Aid Cannot Reach Them.
American and Mexican officials con-
cede there is no chance of the Car-1 ,""" Ao A"H'"cans were mo
ranzistns intercepting Villa, who wn-s I s . ..
Inst reported nt I.a Ascension. ?.C, miles I 1 he rignlness of the American patrol
northwest of Guzman, with 200 l,,i I around Columbus, X. M., is indicated bv
its. These :;00 form only a sort of per-
minnl body guard, however. The total
number of Villistas in Chihuahua is
known to be nearly -l.OllO.
General Bertani, in command of n
Carranzista column several hundred
Aba Martin
It must be tryin' t' come out of a
wa'-oi nickel the ater an' gfo i nt ' a
cold home these dark winter days. T'
git along well a feller ought t' be at
lea-! a hea l taller than his trouble?.
dlfo Ml ..
-strong is reported 50 miles west of
Villa s
headquarters, but there is no
of hi m overtaking the rebel
Villa is known to have fresh
He travels light and fast.
orders and messages of fnrcwell to rela
tives and friends. They are greatly
pleased at the prospect of real action
after years of routine work on the
border. All the men are apparentlv in
good trim for the campaign.
The Carranzistas are apparentlv pre
paring to nni the -.merican forces.
General Sallos, veteran Carranzista war
nor, lias distributed his men strategical
ly ready for the fighting, Calle's, as
military governor of Sonora, telegraph
ed Provisional President Carranza in
forming him that the A niericane wprr
about to invade. Carranza in replv sent
brief message expressing rccrrer Thai
tue I nited Mates had found such action
American Ranches Raided.
American ranches in -Mexico smith nf
Osborn Junction. Ariz., have been raid.
ed, livestock killed and property dam
aged, supposedly by Carrauzi.-ta soldiers
Wn0 hail Keen drinking, according to re
fa,,t ihat u Mexican who failed to
l halt at command was shor and killr.,1 1.
' a sentry yesterday.
Columbus was restless all night, ex
pecting another attack. It is believed
i that warning of the American punitive
, expedition reached Villa, however and
that reports that he was reluming to
attack Columbus again were baseless.
Army men deplore the publicity
which has been given their plan of
campaign against Villn. They believe
tnis publicity prevented the
m from mir.
prisiny bim.
All talk here is of the hunt for Villn 1 ,0,1!"',""'s Ilursllt ot to aDove-mention-Xoitf
is positive when it will begin! j 0,1 f"r',,s-
It is believed the main movement of' "The above lamentable incident is
troops will not start before Mondnv ' similar to the incursions which wore
General Pershing has received no tn-!ml"'p fo states of Sonora and ('In
formation giving hint of when the ! huahiia by Indians from the reserva
smash is to be launched. He said nil Hons of the government of the I'nited
communications with regard to the in-i
nsion Had apparently been betni.nn '
Secretary of War Baker and General
Funston. i
To Start From Several Points.
Pershing's officers admitted, how-
ever, Ihat they believed the invasion
would lie started simultaneously frm
Kl Paso, Columbus. Dnii'dn. ' Fnrrlna '
lass, Texas, and nernans Hrr.wnav
with the purpose of making a clean
sweep of all bandits. j
Pershing has sent a detnehment to
pursue a Mexican wagon train moving;
westward along the horder with sev
eral hundred thousand rounds of am
munition ilia had cached near Chilnia
: hua
a Mexican settlement on the Am-'the
erican -dite
the border
armv men
If the Villistas approach
to save this wagon train,
admit a clash would re-
! The prdice are rounding uri n!l form
(Continued on Pass Xine.)
"I I 'I' f vV t
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Left, General Zapata. Top to bot
tom, right: Felix Diaz, Gen. Pablo
Gonzales and General Carranza.
Washington, Mar. 11. General Car
ranza does not definitely approve or
disapprove of the American expedition
into Mexico after Villa, according to a
message from his foreign minister, Jes
us Acune, received here today. Car
ranza in this message suggested a w
ingness for Americans to enter Mexico:
in case the Columbus attack "should
unfortunateily be repeated" elsewhere
The communication follows:
In due reply to vour courteous note!
dated yesterday and transmitted today
through Mr. John . Belt, 1 have the
honor to inform you that having
brought the above note to the atten -
tiou of the first chief of the constitu
tional army and depository of the exe
cutive power of Mexico, ho has directed
me lo say to you, to the end that you
may in turn transmit it to the depart
ment of state of the American govern
ment, that he learned with regret of the
lamentable incident which occurred in; "JKSUS AC'I'NA,
the town of Columbus, N. M., on ac-1 "Secretary in charge of the depart -count
of the assault it suffered 'from' ment of foreign affairs. "
the bandits led by Francisco Villa. The message was addressed to Consul
"That although there has been a com-; Silliman an 1 was dated Guadalajara,
petent number of forces in the state of , March 10.
Chihuahua to re-establish order and af
ford protection to nationals and for
eigners, ever since rrnnefsco ilia ap
! peared in the mountains of the above
; state, at the request of the governor
of the state and of the constitutionalist
: consul in hi Paso. Texas, the first chief
i ordered the timely departure of 2. SOU
! men commnnded by general T.uls C.ui-j
! tierrez with instructions to actively
I riursue the bandits who had lust crossed.
the line into American territory, which
they nnclouhteilly ill. I. compelled bv the
stato. Incursions into the slate of
sonora occurred more or less about t lie
VPOr 1 SsO, when Geronimo, the Indian day holiday. The market rlosed quiet-
chief, who died not many years ago in 'er, but far from the earlier low dices
Fort Mount. Ala., led a numerous horde i prevailed.
anil invaded apart of the north of thej "
statl' bt Sonora, committing many mur-l
den and depredations on lite and prop-
ertv of Mexican families, until after a
long and tenacious chase hy Americanist
and Mexican forces the band of male
factors was annihilated and its chief
was captured.
"The incursions into Chihuahua, led
bv the Indian chief Victorin, command
ing about ROO Indians, took place be
tween the years 1S1 and ISSli Then
bands of marauders committing also j
many crimes went into the country as
far as the village of icfnlochic. or Tres
f'mtillos, very near the capital of Chi
( lii ahua. and during the first formal en
counter between them and Mexican
l fores, after hnving lo?t their chief.
'th"y were dispersed.
"On these two occasions, through an
agreement between the governments of
the United States and Mexico, it was
decided that tiie armed forces of one
and the other country might freeh
cross from the territory of one to th
other in pursuit of and for the pur-
pose of punishing the above-mentioned
bands of marauders.
' Recalling the.e incidents and the
good results
for both countries on ac-
count of the above agreement, the irov-
I eminent presided over by the first chief
! addresses the government of the United
' States reotiesting the necessary pernii
jsion for Mexican forces to cross into
American territory if the incursion
which took place in Columbus should
unfortunately be repented in nny other
part of the boundary line. The Mexican
government would appreciate a prompt
and favorable reply from the govern-
ment of the United States.
Markets Fluctuate with
German and Mexican News
(Copyright lOUi by the New York Kv
I eninir l'crst 1
X,.- yurk, Mar. II. The sinking of
the Silius and, Carranza 's reply to the
A mi.rii'ti n funiniuwumoiit th.i r..it,i
i .
States troops would enter Mexica
served to alternately influence the mnr-
Ret today. Mie first caused a sham re-
action. This was halted when all Aincr-j
icans weie reported rescued. There wnsi
a slight recovery when Carranza 's nt-
tittide was made known. His attitude
was interpreted as being favorable. The
Silius case was recognized as opening
up enough lormnlabi possibilities tolsibly
i dictate a ncsiianr attitude over the Sun -
Oregon City, Ore., Mar. 11.
After terrorizing people near
Kelso and Poring for nearly a
month, Daniel Clifford, aged 2t,
t "the wild man of Kelso," is in
jail here today. In a brief
lueid interval he said he had
relatives in Massachusetts. Clif
ford r oann-d the woods stark
naked, for weeks during ex-
trcnicly cold weather. Deputy
sheriffs, t.rmed with a suit case
full of cbitlie". captured him
yesterday. He has lived on
Passengers of American Lin
er China Tell of Latest
English Outrage
Act Same As If Germans
i Had Been Taken From
American Territory
San Francisco, Mar. 11. The inside
story of how the British cruiser Laurea
tic fired on und held up the American
liner China on the high seas out of
Shanghai was brought to port by pas
sengers on the American vessel today.
They said the British ship first fired
two blanks mil then a real shell at the
American boat; then boarded her and
dragged OS German men passengers
from the arms of their wives, carrying
them prisoners of war to Jheir cruiser.
Captain Frank Frazier of the liner
China sid his lips had been sealed by
Washington on the affair. 1 1 o has
been instructed to appear before Col
lector of Port Davis and tell the story
of the British raid. The captain's ver
sion of the affair Will (lieu be sent to
the president.
When the liner China docked her
rails were lined by weeping Germ in
and children. They said their husbands
and fathers had been torn from their
arms by the British .seamen.
Mrs. W. Nchulter, a German woman
whoso husband, was , taken prisoner
"We were scvenl hundred miles out
of Shanghai when the British cruiser
appeareil. She ran us down and tired
two blanks at the American boat. The
American kept on until tho British ship
tired a real shell over the deck.
"Then a boat lonl of British came
toward us. The officers and men were
bristling with guns and swords. Cap
tain Frazier of the American boat told
them to disarm before they came
aboard. But they would not hear
"The passengers were lined up on
deck ind searched. The German men
were dragged out of the ranks. The
British hustled them down the gang
plunk to the boat and took them to
their cruiser. They said the Germans
were spies and that they were raiding
the American ship on orders from F.ng
lanil. I
Americans On Vessel Were
Saved No Warning of
Attack Was Given
Washington, Mar. 11. Dispatches to
day said the Norwegian steamer Silius,
torpedoed ill Havre Roads, was the fin
vessel carrying Americans reported
sunk without warning since the kaiser's
decree of submurine warfare against
armed merchantmen became effective.
Three of the crew were drowned. The
Americans were saved.
Immediately upon receipt of dis
patches describing the sinking, it was
stated unofficially that tho 1'niti"
States would hold to strict account I he
nation whose submnrino made the at
tack, provided later messages confirm
ed the original meager messiige.
it is nciieved the suomarino was
Secretary Lansing will not
..t fn,.iM nt;i h. t.n .r.m,,ii
p,ef0re proceeding Lansing must have
affidavits 'from passengers and crew
showing " bevond a reasonable doubt "
that the Silius was torpedoed.
The affidnviu. it U i.in,t r.,..
get here lietore a week or 10
1 dnvs,
That the Silius was unarmed is ac
cepted as fact, as she was a neiitrnl
merchantman. Officials said this might
make the case more serious than any
i yet confronted by the government dur
Jjt ; ing the submarine disputes.
No power has ever hinted that non
sis j combatants, whether neutral or belliger-
ent, have no right to trnvel on neutral
sis ; vessels. Kven if the submarine made
(sure of the passengers safety, America
!j would not be satisfied, it was stated
I authoritatively.
If the attitude of President Wilson
and Secretary Lansing, as frequently
j expressed in notes to the central pow-
j ers. has not changed and officials
t grimly declare it has not America
! must insist on an immediate disavow
; nl, reparation and condign punishment
for the olfendiiig submarine command
l (Continued on Page Eight.)
Five Miles of Front West of Meuse Imperiled Germans
Sacrifice Lives With Recklessness In Attempting M3e
Advance On Forges Road Fierce Bayonet Fighting la
Streets of Vaux Germans Develop New Attack at
Rheims Gain Two-Thirds of a Mile
By Charles P. Stewart
(United States Staff Correspondent.)
London, March 11. Continuing their onslaughts on
Verdun, the Germans suddenly broke out with a new of
fensive during the night, according to the official com
muniques. Six miles west of Verdun they unexpectedly
attacked Rheims, 100 miles northeast of Paris, where
there has been no infantry fighting of any importance
for months.
On a front of 1400 yards the Germans smashed
through to a depth of nearly two-thirds of a mile, it was
claimed by Berlin. More than 700 prisoners were taken,
together with machine guns and trench bomb throwers.
Paris failed to confirm the reported German gains.
The French war office stated all German attacks had been
hurled back. In their announcement the French
described artillery battling around Verdun and admitted
the Germans had captured a few houses east of the
church in the village of Vaux.
Hand to hand infantry fighting continues on both
banks of the Meuse. Berlin declared all French troops
had been ousted from the Corbeaux and Cumieres woods.
Paris denied this, asserting counter attacks had driven
the Germans from those positions.
London, Mar. 11. A sudden German
thrust into Corbc.uix woods has imper
illed the French on a five mile front
west of tho Meuse, according to dis
patches received here today.
The ticrinnns annexing vermin are
renorted wastinir lives recklessly in an
attempt to advance one mile to tho
I'orges-Cuinieres road, success in tnis
move would force General doff re's men
to ev.icuuto their trenches on tlooso
Hill and around Hethincoui t.
Latest Paris advices admitted a Ger
man gain, but declared tho Teutons
were driven from their captured posi
tions by counter attacks. A cross fire
from Ciooso Hill and Dead M ins Hill
was brought to bear on tiie Teutons.
This same fire earlier this week forced
the Germans to relinquish gains in
Verdun forest after a loss of 0,0110 men.
Around ' Doiiaiimout, Vaux and Fort
De Vaux the battle drew more intense
yesterd.iy. Reports are contradictory,
however, icgarding the results.
Zouaves, Tun os and Senegaleso
fought like demons in the streets of
Vaux. Charging from house to house,
they rushed the Germans from town at
tin; points of their bayonets.
"These troops," Paris reported,
"drove their bayonets home with an
overarm plunging stroke. It was en
tirely unlike the method ot llritisli ana
Fre.ich inf iiitrynien, who usually thrust
upward The French-African soldiers
raised their rides above their heads
... , . i,., ,;,!, ,!,,.:, cii
... I 1. ...... ,.l.t .1,.,.,.. .UI li,..,, full
weight behind each blow, forcing tho This sentiment I found unanimou.
bayonets entirely through their oppon- today in a visit to the great Leipzig
cuts' bodies. commercial exposition, to leiirn the at
"The Germans suffered even more titudo of the people toward submarine
heavily from French artillery ami ma- warfare and the German American con
chine guns. Vet when General Von trovcrsies.
Giiretskv Cnrnitz's troops wero being Leipzig's opinion is of the greutest
swept whole companies at . timo into
eternity, the kaiser's press bureau an
nounced they had captured the fortress
and village of Vaux,
Tho French Version.
Paris, Mar. II. A few- houses in tho
village of Vaux were captured by Ger-
i i..,.. i ...i ;,. ii, ..i r,
wilh great strength during the night, it tween what President Wilson doe
was officiillv announced today. All and what the American people want
assaults against Fort De Vaux were re- him to lo. They count President Wil
piilsed. on ns an enemy and tho Amcricau
Fighting was most severe on tho t'cp'o as their "passive friends,
west bank of the Meuse, near the east-. Loading Leipzig business men told
cm border of Corbeaux forest. I tho United Press very frankly today
"After a bombardment, German in-
funtrv charged between Trovon mil
lllerry Ail Hue," said the coinininiqiio.
;"They were repulsed. In successful
'counter attacks, we drove Germans
from communication trenches they had
! occupied southeast of Uethincourt.
I "Fast of the Meuse Die Gerninni
iniade desperate efforts all night to cap-
turo Fort De V lux and the village of
Vuux. They seized a few houses east
of the ciiuicli, but elsewhere wero re
pulsed. "In the Woevre district the cannon
ade continued between Hix ami Fort
Moulunville. G niiau works near Km
berinenil, Lorraine, were damaged by
our fire."
French Loss 2.500,000.
lierlin, Mar. 11. French losses up
to the beginning of March totalled
'.'."iiiii.ooo it was semi offiei illy claimed
Turks Still Fall Back.
Pctroirrnil, Mar. 11. Trebizond will
be surrendered by the Turks with littlo
!nr no resistance, Tiflis dispatches do-
dared today. Hig guns in the harbor
district have oomi dismantled ana ail
vain ibles have been removed.
Tho Russian van guard is within a
day's march of the city. Tho Slav
fleet is harassing retreating Turks,
shelling roads vfcich skirt the snore.
Herman ntlac.ks east of Kozlov b.v
been heavily repulsed, according to di-
notches from the front. The Hermans
are reported active an aiong me ironr,
particularly near Itiga. Russian artil
lery materially afsisted in breaking up
strong assaults.
Germans Make Gains.
Berlin, Mar. 11. Hy making an un
expected .lttaclt near Rheims tho Ger
mans penetrated French lines nearly
two thirds of a mile on a 1400 yard
front southwest of the Villeux woods,
it was announced officially today.
In the fighting around Rheims th
Germans captured 7:17 men, 12 muchino
guns and 13 mine throwers, tho state
ment asserted.
Commercial Interests
Indorse Submarine War
By Carl W. Ackerman
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Ijcipzig, Germany, March II. Pig;
commercial interests of Germany,
though desiring to avoid a break with
Am- f.lvor n ,, vi(?or01s
waged since the beginning of tho
hasi . . i. .I, ,-
UK';U nilire Ulf IMLIMMIHU ui iiu "..
valuo because of the great business in
terests centered here which gave to the
world the "made in Germnny" phrase.
Hut it has been formed for the most
part on inaccurate Knglish press report
of what is going on at Washington.
Tho result is that the people of Leip
zig believo there is a difference be-
they desire a cont.nuunco of good
relations with the United States not be-
cause of the relations themselves, hut
because Americin intervention might
prolong Germany '-j (ask of winning the
j They added, just ns frankly, that the
submarine war must be pushed, despite
all objections.
night and
ICOrVjE. roo