SEVEN The Store That Saves You Money ens THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916. CAPTAIN TELLS LURID TALE OFYELLOW GOLD Shipwrecked In Patagonia Brings Back $3,600 In TODAY OREGON SYD CHAPLIN IN TOMORROW I SPECIAL ti IS at E. L. Stiff & Son, Furniture Exchange I j A Fine Aluminum Wash Board FREE with every cash purchase of $1.00 or y more. Only one to each person. Come early as we have only 10 dozen. 3 A Few Items we list from our store of wonderful bargains all these slight ly used: One regular $15.00 White Enamel Dresser best value ever offered $9.50 One regular $12.50 2-in. White Enamel Bed, can't be told from new $500 One regular $6.50 full quartered oak Rocker $2.00 One regular $3.75 hardwood Rocker $1.50 About 20 Others - 50c to $3.00 One regular $12.00 6-ft, extension Table, beautifully finished $5.50 One regular $12.00 Set fine hardwood Diners, set $3.50 One regular $18.00 extra large ash Dresser, like new $9.50 One regular $25.00 hardwood Kitchen Cabinet, with roll top $12.00 Kitchen Tables, values $2.00 to $6.50, now 50c to $1.50 One regular $12.50 No. 8 Cook Stove, like new $4.50 We have all sizes and makes of Stoves and Ranges at prices that will al most make you think we stole them. One regular $1?.00 9x12 Wool Fibre Rug, dandy pattern and good as new $5.00 One regular $18.00 Brussels Rug $7.00 One $6.50 Sanitary Couch, like new $2.50 Trunks $1.00 to $12.50 u o tn m a a -a t0 a o u vi H 11 II H H 11 II II II 11 II 11 II M II 11 II II II 11 care o c -c c Nuggets Picked Up Portland, Ore.. Mar in. Telling a ! lurid tnle of yellow gold and thrilling adventure in far-off Patagonia, Captain j Thomas Owen today tried to interest I several Portland men in helping him fi out the little steamer Liny fur a treas ure hunt. Ilia expedition on the schooner Acad emy reft San Francisco June 2l, 19 JF In Patagonia, lie said, his wife anil most of his erew died of yellow fever and fought with the natives. The erew mutined and lie had to shoot one; he was held prisoner aboard a British cruiser 'which suspected him of being a German private all these adventures and more he related. But the $.1,000 ir gold nuggets which he brought back with him is a mere bagatelle, just a drop in the bucket compared with thr treasure trove untapped in Patagonia, says the cap n. 1 1UG I U 4a FOURREELS FOUR One Hour of Continuous Labtjhs Greater than Tillie's Punctured Romance Also a Griffith Feature, Willard Mack in "The Edge of the Abyss" J itiiF'T.T'.!""W" ? W bo a n M ii n ti u ii ii ii ii ii PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL STOVES E.L. Stiff &Son THE BUSY STORE E222a-snaa We Make Your Dollars Do double Duty n n ii n El II II 11 M II II ti ti 11 11 ti 11 y EWI J MmAmM id kJi mm Mi mmmJ How to Destroy Catarrh Germs and End Catarrh Forever 0RB0N DE LUXE and AND0RB0N IDEAL RANGES Catarrh is a germ disease and the only way to euro it so it will stay cured and never come back is to kill and drive out of your system the catarrhal germs which have found lodgement there. When the germs go the catarrh will stop. The trouble with most treatments, like sprays, salves, creams, greasy balms, lotions, etc., is that they give only temporary relief by opening up for a while the clogged head, throat and nostrils. In a little time the catarrh comes back as bad as ever. People who suffer continually from catarrh should drop such temporary makeshifts and get A GREAT S. & C. SHOW SUNDAY SIX BIG ACTS Including MLLE. ELMINA World's Most Perfectly Formed Woman! and-JOE SHEFTELL'S Eight Black Dots ONE DAY ONLY "Matinee and Evening Grand Theatre Last Times Today and Tomorrow The Great Drama DAMAGED GOODS In 7 Awe-Inspiring Acts. Grand Theatre, Mat. 15c. Eve. 25c 4 t mr--- --"irMniti iL. Ti "So Ions as-the border is their shel tor they will continue to harrass our ranchers and oui'n towns, to our chagrin. "General Poshing, the Mexican con sul at Kl l'aso, thinks, there should be no objection to our troops entering j giving a pocket inhaler made from hard Mexico in pursuit of Francisco ilia rubber with every complete treatment and that the consul would wire his gov- sold. This makes a very simple, easy really gets atthe root of the disease and stamps it out. There is nothing better for such cases than breathing into your nose and lungs the pleasant, soothing, healing, germ destroying air of Hyomei (pronounced ITigh-o-mo) made from purest oil of Eucalyptus and combined with other powerful healing, antiseptic and germ destroying ingredients. Hyomei penetrates and heals the. inflamed swollen membranes of your nose and throat, Btops dis charges, clears the passages and com pletely overcomes the disease by de stroying its cause. For catarrh germs cannot live in your body after Hyomei reaches them. Daniel J. Fry and many other good druggists in Salem and vicinity have long sold Hyomei on a positive guarantee of successful results or money back and find this generous policy pajs. Most druggists are now fight, confirmed the statement of Mrs. Maud Hawk Wright, American woman held prisoner by .Mexicans for nine lavs, with reenrd to threats made against the I'nitod States by the ban-j dit leader and his followers. j Mrs. Wright's Experience. j Mrs. Wright was the guest of Colonel : Mocum's wife today, recovering from her harrowing experiences while in the I raiders' hands, .she declares she was captured March 1, when Villistus raid- ed the Wright ranch. Her husband was j taken nwav and probably killed. The! something thatl bandits made her surrender her baby j Seventeen Dead at Columbus Are Charged to (Continued from Page Three.) I exterminate the Vilnsta bandits asked todav bv Maior General t red oriel; Funston, commanding the I'liiler States forces along the border. He telegraphed General Scott, chief of staff in Washington, saying: "1 urgently "recommend that Amor- ' icau troops be given authority to pur sue into Mexican territory hostile Mex- i ican bandits who invade American ter- wasiritory. eminent recommending co-operation with us. ' ' 'u ns ton ordered a battalion of infan try to garrison Columbus, N. M., loav iiur all cavalry free for field move ment.-:. He ordered two companies of ! infantry from Douglas to San Beruar i dino. 1 Americans Cross Back. All American troops haev returned I from Mexico, according to Funston 's re 1 port. The wur department said orders f rom a "higher up" were awaited be I fore further action could be taken. It is understood definite directions from j President Wilson are expected, i "In the meantime," the war depart ment announced, "the situation is end ed for the present. At leasl, there is nothing more to do unless we are order ed to go in." General Scott said General Funston had not been ordered to Columbus, and that, there was apparently little chance of his going there at present. Shortly after General Funston 's re quest for authority to enter .Mexico was j received, the war office announced Sec retary of War Baker would discuss it I with President Wilson. General Funston today sent the fol lowing message to the var department: 1 nave lust maoe tne tniicuv and convenient as well as a thoroughly reliable means of treating by tho best known method this dangerous and often disgusting disease, y TODAY AND TO-MORROW JESSE L. LASKY Presents BLANCH SWEET in to a Mexican tainily. Shortly after Villa seized her, Mrs. Wright said she heard him threaten to "., t : l n ut..r,.l -.!.. f,.l...l..u t ntw., Mlhmorh lit! ordinarily wore civilian's clothes, just m before leading 1.5(1(1 men against Col- umbos, Mrs. Wright said he changed imui to a trim military costume and mount ed a splendid horse. The raiders. Mrs. Wright said, cross "THE RAGAMUFFIN" YE LIBERTY THEATRE Two officers lire among the eight wounded cavalrymen. Private Johnson, when his ammuni tion was exhausted, sei.ed an axe and r ed the border near Columbus lit 1 a. in. killed a Villista with it. and immediately attacked. As they ad- Pablo Lopez Killed vanned, iiirs urigoi nearu inn su, ; "We will lay that town waste and make torches of everv man, woman and , streets, according child in it." The .Mexicans also said j A number of Mexicans, including Cnp they had sent spies over the border! tain Garcia, who was taken prisoner, beforehand to ascertain the number j identified Lopez' corpse. VnltTrt t nni itiwf I ionl nit, ill t nf Vil- I In, was found among tho dead in the to Private .lohnscin. ncgas, two to San Bernardino, two to Nnco and one to guard the San Bernar dino railroad bridges. "These dispositions will relieve the cavalry, making it available for any call. "The Tenth cavalry lias been order ed to Douglas, leaving n guard for Hun chuca. Troop A of the Seventh env airy goes to Alamo Hueeo tonight. Five troops of cavalry and a machine gun squad 'from the Seventh regiment -should arrive at Lang's ranch by noon tomor row. " Funston also transmitted a communi cation from Colonel Slocnm saying he had sent three troops across the border to pursue Villa. He said they scatter ed Villa's forces at a point five miles below the border, then returned. One corporal from Troop G was lost. Fear Further Raids. Columbus, X. M., Mar. 10. Fear o( more .Mexican raids gripped the border from Nognles to 1.1 Paso today, follow ing the Villista attack mi Columbus in ing dis-1 which .11! Americans and upwards of Hli" and situation of the American forces. When, the bandits retreated before the American fire,. Mrs. Wright "said Villa rode among his men, cursing and threatening, trying to rally them for a second attack, in their flight they stopped at a ranch and killed ,1. .1. Moore, American. Several other raids and murders of Americans, preceding the Columbus assault., were described by .Mrs. Wright. Soldiers Fougnt Well. Mrs. T. F. liyan, wife of Captain Ryan, Troop 10, had a narrow escape wiicn the invaders, advancing ulong n ditch near her home, opened fire on it. The place was riddled with bullets but Mrs. Kyan calmly walked out and into an adolic gangi , w here she sat in nu automobile during the two hour bat tle. Mrs. K. 10. Smyser, wife of Cap tain Smyser, Troop II, escaped from her burning house clad only in a night gown. The reason why more Americans were not killed, it was agreed, was the fact that Mexicans devoted considerable time to looting. While citizens were inclined to be rate the alleged unproparnedncss of the Thirteenth cavalry, most of the snl diers being asleep when the Villistus stole up, they praised the brave fight ing of all American soldiers. Colonel Slocum's pistol was shot out of his W'WWI'W' ii Ml itffliiiHl thll Captain Garcia also stated Villa was attacking the border towns to force in- i tervention. ' , ' " ' Among the circumstances noted was; the fact that American forces took very j few prisoners. Most of the captured i were wounded men. j A score of dead Mexicans were picked up in the streets. Fifty Mexicnn bod ies have been recovered, and it is waii' ninny more mark the line of Villa's flight. The condition of Trivntes Taylor and Kntbzorke, who fell in the street fight ing here, is very serious. Both were budly wounded. While tho cowboys, militiamen and every citizen capable of bearing arms arc flocking to protect border towns, extensive troop movements lire occur ring along the border. 101 Paso's Mexican quarter was close ly guarded last, night, according to re ports from that city. Patrols at the international bridge and along the liio Grande river were doubled. position of troops for protection of the i invaders were killed. border. "Three companies of infantry have been sent to Columbus, one to Victor iauo, two to Haachita, two to Las Cien- j M M t M M M M M M M U M Toll your neighbor or the sat- lsfaction of loading tho Cap- ttal Journal. Todav and Tomorrow Held over SANTANELLI Master Hypnotist King of Laugh Makers Mystifying Magic Marjorie Burk in SHADOWGRAPHS MARGARITA FISCHER in "THE DRAGON" A five reel Equitable feature GEO. OVEY Comedy 1 HtAI If tl.e carrier floeb not glte service notify the office. MILL WOOD For Immediate Delivery QJQ) Loads Loads at ORDER NOW . . . M r7 m . SPAULDING Front and Ferry Streets LOGGING CO. Telephone 1830 - UMMMttMl Telephone messages from Vi'torinno said large bodies of Mexican bandits were reported approaching. The tirs battalion of the Twentieth infantry from Fort Illiss arrived here todav. It did not stop, but proceeded immediate ly toward Victorinno. The Gibson ranch near llachita re ported armed bodies varying in strength from 50 to 200 or thereabout prowling in that region. The residents are panic stricken. American ranchers mid farmers along the border have deserted their home and huve brought their families to Col umbus. Others hnve gone to Kl Tuso, Many inhabitants of Columbus, feaiTnl of remaining here, have hurried to Dom ing N. M. Before the town of Douglas, Amer ican troops hnve entrenched ready to repel any nttempted Mexican Tuid. 100 Mexicans Rilled. There was much uneasiness in Colum bus last night. People feared Villi might return for another assault. A company of militia and armed citizens joined Colonel Hlocum's patrol, read) to meet the raiders if they came bind But daylight revealed no trace of Vilhi or his men. Tho Americans who chased Villa's bandits over the Mexican border have all returned. They reported having killed over 100 in three pitched bat tles on Mexican soil. All American soldiers arc fodny on their own side of the line. Colonel Hlocum reported the Amori can cuvnlry penetrated only five miles into Mexican territory, but unofficial accounts said they traveled JS miles south of the bonier. fienenil Villa is now reported en camped just south of the boundary. Be sides thp 1,500 men with whom he at tacked Columbus, he ha D.flOO others scattered over western Chihuahua, all well armed mid mounted, Julio Garcia, Mexicnn eowbov, who camped with Villa after the Columbus BiiillBlhlS il IBIS'S IPillllllilllllllll 1 j 1111111 I t-'i III ' i.1 1 mm iiKiimwi Try this recipe for making orange layer cake Cream one-half cup Cottolcne with one cup of suRar until very light. Add three prrs, one at a time, beat ing in cuch for five minutes before adding another. Then sift two teaspoons of baking powder with two cups of sifted flour, mixing thoroughly, and add to tho other mnterials, alternating with a half cup of milk or water (water if tho cake is to be eaten while fresh). Beat the batter well after all the ingredients are in. Bak in 2 layers in a moderately hot oven for about 20 minutes. Cottolcne' is superior to anything else you can use for shorten ing or frying. It is wholesome, its use is simple, and it gives a delicious flavor to all foods that are shortened with or fried in it. Order a regular supply of Cottolcne, the Natural Shortening, of your grocer. It is put up in pails of various sizes to suit your convenience. Write our Central OITicen, Chicago, for copy ol our real cock book,"IJOME HULKS." Ithb h.k:tai R B A N KZEHSZ -- I mil ! iiill-MIMMMHHHIMIIMIHm lillliWWl