FIVE You Want to Laugh and Kill the Blues, Go See I 41 Ti O THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1916. 4; M u o m a r n eh L I .;,,., At the Oregon Theatre tonight, and laugh until your sides ache, then make up your mind right then and there, that you will come to the Chicago Store tomorrow and load your arms up with merchandise, until you anus ache, because for tomorrow, I have ordered some extra special bargains, that will make every man and woman in Salem sit up and take notice. Don't take my word for it. Come to the Chicago Store and take a ramble through, and then you can be your own judge, Pve told you and told you that I am here to sell a portion of the Chicago Store stock, regardless of prices or any thing else. NECESSITY KNOWS NO LAW r i pin.iinummpiiuiiiuiju I' Men's Clothing Special for Tomorrow ON SALE AT 9 A. M. - Thirteen in the Lot, sizes 3-36-S, 4-37, 3-38, 2-39, 1-40, at $12.50 and $15.00; while they last, $3.90. This Special Lot, they won't last long. sold is a Like a flowing arrow, each and every day I go through this big and busy store, cutting and slashing prices deeper and deeper, and playcarding them in the bins and on the counters for the public to snap up, at prices that is a very insult to the merchandise, but it can't be helped. It must be sold at any price I see fit to move it in the quickest time possible. GRAB ON TO THESE c SPECIAL Tomorrow Ladie's Dresses m For Ladies Afternoon and Evening Dresses, sold up to as much as $19.50, while they last, choice at $5.00; these are good styles too. SPECIAL Tomorrow Ladies' Dresses 19 Special lot of Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses, Sold up to $3.90, and they were good value at that price; for tomorrow they go at $1.25. SPECIAL for the Men 95c 29c 49c 35c 49c 15c 49c $2.50 Men' Soft Hats, Sat urday Special 50c Men's Balbrigan Under wear, Saturday Men's $1.50 Sweaters, Sat- urday special 50c Painters' Overalls and Jumpers 75c and $1.50 Telescope Grips, Saturday Lot of Men' s Odd Vests, Saturday Special $1.50 Boys' Soft Hats, Sat urday Special Millinery Department Ladies' Spring Hats, to (PI Ah $3.00 value, now pi.w Ladies' New Spring Hats M AC worth to $5.00, at L' Ladies' new Spring Hats (PO QQ worth to S6.50. at tfL.JO Grocery Department For Saturday, 100 size OQ- ftraiiiTWI dozen MVV 10c Corn Flakes for Saturday y. SPECIAL for the Ladies 15c 15c 9c 48c 23c 69c 75c 35c Ladies' Lisle Gloves Saturday, at 25c Tan Fibre Silk Hose, pair 15c Ladies' Black Hose, now, pair 85c Ladies' Flannel Gowns, now '.. 35c and 50c Ladies' Knit Underwear, garment $1.25 Ladies' Flannel Gowns now .". $1.25 Ladies' Union Suits, now at Muslin Unerwear 89c Muslin Underskirts, now ; $1.50 Muslin Combination Suits, now 85c Open and Slip-over Gowns, at 45c 85c 43c Lace Curtain Dept. 69c ' $1.98 43c L $1.25 and $1.50 Lace Curtains, Special, pair $3 and $3.50 Lace Curtains, the pair 65o, and 75c Lace Curtains the pair; now Special in Ladies'Shoes for Tomorrow For the Ladies' Special Lot of Patent Button and Mili tary Lace Shoes, $3.50 and $1.00 values, plenty of sizes, go at $1.98 the pair. 1 SPECIAL Tomorrow Dress Goods 8hn A yard, for Marquisette f Fancy Crepe, in back, blue, old rose, and tango colors, regular value $1.35, $1.49 and $1.98; for tomorrow, choice, the yard, 85c. SPECIAL Tomorrow Dress Goods A yard for special lot, of Fancy Satiii Finish Prunel la Cloth, with striped ef fect, and Diagnal Sergo, In blue and dark grcou colors, regular value to $1.C5 the yard. r..i.;;z.iL: M 200 coiumu. biv 191,- l 1 salmon. Saturday v 1 18o 1 25c S 12 1-2c I 95c g $J g i W.50 I 1.50 COe 15c j 15c j 15c l Ripplctte Kimona Outing Flannel I Quilted TiiWp Ili'"r Tailor- 1 Ln.lies' Serge Middie BIoumm Crope do Chine Curtuiln Vow Slips I I.inea Crash the yard ,lth. vard yard I Padding, yard I 1 bosses , I now I yard . rim, yard eueh I the yard I2c g 15c j 9c 1 79c 1 49c j $4.90 1 98c 1 39c 9c 1 11c 1 9c $1.00 1 $10.00 j 7.00 39e j Mereerized l.nditf' Xew j Ladies' Scotch Plaids Tahlo Linen S Spring Coats i Sweaters, now yard 49c 1 55.90 1 $3.90 25c, lit Flannelette the yard 12 1 2c Light Percales the yard 35o 50c 1.08 Turkish Mercerized Ladies' Wuists Bath Towels inble Linen now 25c 29c 98c $5.00 Ladies' Middie Sweaters $2.49 35o Shepherd Cheek, yard 18c --- Ml f v . T7 E. G Seaman, Representing Lewis Bros. & Co. of Minneapolis and Spokane in Full Charge good as the Florsheim Shoe" is what many shoe dealers say, in recommending a shoe. Just think what a compli ment to a maker such a re mark is! "As good as a Florsheim." We sell the Florsheim, and why not buy the best. $5.00 to $7.00 In Salem only of us. HAMMOND-BISHOP CO. The Toggery 1G7 Commercial St. Leading Clothiers Began at 2 o'CIcck This After noon In Session Over Tomorrow The ii ititiui I eonventinn of the Ma rion County Sunday School n.soeiiitioil will be held nt the Kirxt Conuiejjiitinu itl church I'Yidny .ind Saturday, March SM Mini L'-l. A inontr those from a dis tance who will siicnk are Mrs. Clara (.!. I'.hsuii, "t rotest, drove. uiierinteiident state Sunday school work of the Chis- tiau church and the Kuv. Chiiilea A. l'hiim, Keiieiiil secretary of ()rci;im st.ite Suinliiv School siiciilioii. A Imiiiiuct will lie served Kridav evening at the church imi'lorH. The iii'o(.'rnni is as follows: Friday Afternoon. 2:11(1, Devotional Services. -:l.'i, Words of Welcome, Jainca L'l vin, ciiinity luesident. -::t(l, Primary Department Work, Miss Olive Clark, I'rtland, Oregon. .'I:IH), I'riinary J icnartmcnt Method. Ojieu I'atli.imi'iit. .!:, Junior I'epai tinent urk, Miss Gladys Carson, Salem, OreKon. :i:Ul, .liinior Department Methods, 0en I'lirlininent, l:im, Music. -' '". Tim 1'lace of tlio Adult in tho Sunday School, Mrs. Clara O. Ksson, Korest drove, Siiioriuleudent Slalo Sunday School Work of Christian church, 4::il), Address, "The Sinwlny School Te.icher,'' Dr. ( nil (i. Donoy, president Wilhiiuctte uni ersity. 5:11(1, Appointment Committees. Friday Evening. (i:l."i, Dinner will lie served in dining room of Kirst ConKreyationiil church at twenty-five cents per plate. Charles A. I'liipps, toastiniistcr. 7:1".. I'uiisc and Devotional Service. 7 :;i", Awakeninj; Interest in Counly Siimliiv School Work, Mr. L. S. lloi Cield, president Vainliill County Sunday Scllool .Sf;iiciill ion, r :."iU, Music 7:"i"i, Hilile Stories hy M inin y I'ii-lurcs, S:l."i, Address, "Tin' Sunday School a World I'ower, " Uev. Chiu les A. I'hipps. (icueral Secretary Oregon State Sunday School association, Saturday Morning. !::), Di'votimial Service. 1(1:1111, Hcpoits from the field. ll'M, Teaiher Truininj;, I'rof. liur 'ess K I'ord. .IJ:(in, Ifcports and Klection of (Ji'i'i-cers. 11:15, "The Seven I'oind'd er, ' ' licv. ( 'has. A. I'liipps. Saturday Afternoon. I :.'!(, Devotional Service. -:"(l, Sunday School Finance, A iidersiiu, Secreta ry-'f reasurer 'cum I v Sunday School association. -:L'II. Conference Hour. Ilring (ues lions, Secretary I'hippa presiding. .I:.'!il, Music. :i:Hi, "The Dilde the Sundav School Teacher's Text Dook," liee. It. V. Avi soii, pislor first ,M. K. cliunh, Salem. 4:;HI, Adjoin rinicnt. Teach- rr. C. Marion Ail Student Loans Have Been Repaid for leu years a (i,(HH) loin fund li:i4 lieeu maintained at l!ie l.'niveisity of Oregon, mid the sums loaned to stu dents inline I nun snialler aiiiounls up Id $1511. In the ten veins uoL a loss Iiiik liecu recorded. This ciin lie said tod iy, hut ciiuld not imve U'en said a few days iiK. fight years ago a student was grad uate. I from the university indclilcd tu the loan to die anioiiul of V'1'. He v is a native of lioiiuiuiiia. As tho troulilii in the Kiilkaus wis uuiu on at that time lie sent for his lain, and drought them to America, supporting them as licst he could. Yens passed and I he. iiiithorities iieard no word rrntu him. All expectations of keeping clean the niin loss record of the loini fuml wero given up. Hut the unexpected happened. Yesterday a letter was receivcl ly President Campbell eniitaiuing payment from this long-lost student. Instead of tho nwkwiird, stuttering, foreign youth ho when he entered the university, tho youth is now u grown mini and professor of sociology of olio f the largo middle west universities of tho I'nited Still ch. -fugenc Hegister, FEOF. M'MURRAY AT TUB LIBRARY TONIGHT 1'rufessur Wallace Mi Murray, of Wil lamette university, will give tho puliliu library locturo tonight with the sub ject of the "Drama of Today." Th lecture will lie in tot) auditorium uf tho library and is free.