THE DAILY CAPITAL JQT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAR. 9, 1916, THREE n ITS AT THE CHICAGO STORE AND NO PLACE ELSE 1 OlLi OIvIlD. 11 IS IMow sit Full ISlsist p I r 8 aj.Xra.;r. Vllti. 'I The Second Gun Has Been Fired at the Chicago Store AM UP And am now making a clean sweep of all merchandise at the Chicago Store. Nothing is being spared; every piece of merchandise is on the alter of an un merciful slaughter, which means that for tomorrow, will mark the biggest day in merchandising that ever went on record in Salem. Be on the grounds tomor row and share in the volley of merchandise, that will be thrown to the mercy of the public, at prices that will shatter, demoralize, and paralize all competition into unknown recognization. Don't let anything stop you. I've made the prices, its up to you to buy. E. G. SEAMAN i wiwttrMrTiiwfrrff ymwiiMTwiwi urn in milium i mm rrsiiwgtiHWffafrwai B t lili Mild i-Timii . 13 M attle Cry Is Now On. HURRY OUT PRICE 18c Ripplelette now selling at, the yard 12y2c HURRY CUT PRICE iting Fla ig at, the 4c 6 l-4c Outing Flannel now selling at, the yard I mm out price tton Cha: ig at, the 4c 6 1-lc Cotton Challies now selling at, the yard EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies House Dresses $1.25 and $1.49 values Now then, here is a value in House Dresses that will create some rapid selling in Crepes, Ginghams, Percales and Chamhrys, sold up to $1.49, about 26 in the lot, only one to a customer. EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Crepe Petticoats Regular $1.35 value One special lot of Ladies' Crepe Petti coats, sold up to $1.35 regular, but as a special for tomorrow I have them marked at 85c; to appreciate these you should see them. M hurry out price ona Cloth now at, the yard 15c 25c Kimona Cloth now selling at, the yard hurry out price 12 l-2c Outing Flannel now selling at, the yard 9c HURRY OUT PRICE $1.25 Bed Spreads now sell ing at, each HURRY OUT PRICE ed Spreads now at, each 85c $1.15 Bed Spreads now selling at, each DB3 HURRY OUT PRICE 15c Curtain Scrims now selling at, the yard 9c HURRY OUT PRICE 15c Pillow Slips now selling at, each lie MEN'S FURNISHINGS 15c Men's Tan Sox now selling at 9c 50c Men's Work Shirts now selling at 35c 50c Men's Underwear now at, a garment 31c 25c Men's Sox now sell ing at, pair 19c 25c Men's Leather Work Gloves selling at, pair 15c FT' EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Serge Dresses Sold up to $12.50 $1 Q One lot of Serge Dresses that sold at one time up to $12.50; 9 only in the lot. These are really worth more than $1.98 but I am going to clean them out tomorrow at $1.98. 1 LADIES' FURNISHINGS $1.00 Ladies' Union Suits now selling at 49c C0c and 15c Ladies' Hose now selling at 33c 85c Ladies' Flannel Gowns now selling at 48c 35c and 50c Ladies' Knit Underwear, the garment 23c 15c Ladies' black Hose now Belling at 9c HURRY OUT PRICE 39c Scotch Plaids now selling at, the yard 25c HURRY OUT PRICE 45c black and while Walst iugs now selling at, the yard 29c HURRY OUT .PRICE $1.25 black and brown Suit- Q ings now selling at, the yard 69c HURRY OUT PRICE 75c Roman striped corded Silk selling at, the yard 49c HURRY OUT PRICE te and black selling at, the 39c COc white and black Serge now selling at, the yard HURRY OUT PRICE 35c Shepherd Check now sell ing at, the yard M Ladies' Lisle Gloves 35c value, SPECIAL IP'S be tLJlm I will also give as a special tomorrow a regular 35c Lisle Glove at the small price of only 15c the pair. Plenty of sizes. GROCERIES 40c Dependable Coffee, special at the pound 30c 50c Sack of Buckwheat Flour at special, the sack 35c 30c Wheat Flakes, at special price of 25c 50c Japan Tea at special, pound 39c 5c Heavy Glass Tumblers, only 6 to a customer 3c Each EMBROIDERIES and INSERTIONS M For again tomorrow I will place on sale one lot of Embroidery and" Insertions, worth 12 l-2c, 15c and to 30c regular, special price 6c the yard. I IJIJ II l""H1T'w''-lm"""'"1aM HURRY OUT PRICE 25c Silk dotted Mull now sell ing at, the yard 19c HURRY OUT PRICE pe Do Chines n ng at, tho yarc 39c 60c Crepe Do Chines now sell ing at, tho yard HURRY OUT PRICE ;red Silk IV ig at, the 39c 65c Flowered Silk Mulls now selling at, the yard O fin ii ii bMiiitaa xjE' y E. G. Seaman, Representing Lewis Bros. & Co. of Minneapolis and Spokane in Full Charge iR. D. CARPENTER WIL EMI Business Manager of Meier & Frank to Make Address On Co-operation Through the efforts of the Husines.s j lien's league of the Cuinnierciiil club and .Miinnger O. H. Lurk, the lumnrss men of the rity as well as irofessiouiil I will have an opportunity of hearing n ! praeticul Imiins talk from a man who ; has nuule (rood. This nuin is K. 1). Car : penter, luisiness manager for the .Meier & Frank store at Portland and it goes j without saying, that a man who can hold the ,jol us business manager for n 'firm like .Meier & Frank, will have . something to say. Through the Business Hen's league . an invitation w ill lie extended to the 1 M)) members o'f the Commercial club to hear Mr. Carpenter anil the aiblress 'will be jriven in the auditorium of the club next Tuesday evening, .March II. I .Mr. Carpenter writes regarding his talk as follows: ! "1 shall -speak on 'Co-operation, the i Key Note of Modern Merchandising." ; in handling this subject, 1 shall say 1 something . regarding the necessity of co-operation between all business inter ests in a given community, the neces sity for co-operation between nl:lnllflu, : turers and the necessity for en-operir-tioa within a given business organiza tion. ; "I shall also say a few words in re gard to what mercantile establishments can do towards assisting our educa tional institutions. And your members may be interested in hearing something ; about present market conditions, which at this time, constitute the most ilis cusscil subject in Ihe business world." I Mr. Carpenter also wrote that he ! would devote one hour to the address. i ! s DANDRUFF SURELY J DESTROYS THE HAIR : s :; : sje jjt e 'f Cirls if you want plenty of thick, .beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means uet rid of dandruff, for it" will t.-irve your hair ami ruin it if you do not. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wih out. The only suie'way to "ft. rid of dandruff is to dissolve ii, hen you destroy It entirely. To do his. get al t four ounces of ordinary liquid anon; .ipply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the ';il I rub it in geutlv with the fin ger tips. liy morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, ami three or lour more aplicalious will completely 'dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign ami trace of it. Vou will find, Ion, that all itciiing and digging of the scalp will slop, and your h.iir will look and feel a hundred times better. Vou can get liipiid arvou 'at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is ail will need, no j matter how much dandruff vou have. I his simple remedy never fads. WILL NOT WEAR 'EM Santn Monica, Oil., Mar. !. Ocean Park's Kasler Suudav iiainde will be shorn of its balking suit girls. This w is one of the results today of the inin 'isleiial opposition to the parade. I Keplying to 1,'cv. ,1. W. Iln.vd'.s ;"(iood bye, (lo I, I'm going to Culifor nia," senium, It. .1. Iladdeii, secretary of the chamber of commerce before ii mass meeting of business en explained that the paiade will not be .1 bathing 'suit parade, but a fashion parade sura s that to be seen in the icinity of any j church I'.'aster orniag. :fc :lt sc sie i sic PRACTICAL PRESCRIPTION' sie FOR SOUR ACID STOMACHS ! -! ! ! Xine-tenths of all cases of stomach 1 1 rouble nowidavs are caused by ton much acid, la the beginning the'stoni ach itself is not diseased but if this iacid condition is allowed to continue 1 1 In' Mri.l is very likely to eat into the stomach walls ami produce stomach ul cers which may render a radical surgi cal npei iiiiiii necessary e en to pro long lite. Tnerelore, an "acid sloin acii'' is really a dangerous condition and should be treated leriously. Tin' excess arid or stomach hyperacidity 'must be ii e u t in I i ed by disunited mag nesia t iken in teaspoonfnl doses in a fourth of a (jla-s oi' water after each meal. Larger ipiaulities may In; used if ueees-ary as it is absolutely harmlrss. lie sure to ask your druggist for the disunited ui ignesia as no other form of i iimgnesi.i is as efl'ecie as the bisur-ated. FOLGER WEEK SAVE ten cents a pound on Coffee It keeps well in sealed tins. Buy enough to last you a month... Large tins cost less a pound. Folger Week M N D A introduces thousands of families to higher grade co fee Many have never known the taste of Folger's Golden Gate Coffee 45c COFFEE 4Se QUALITY Folger week wins women who were indifferent or didn't realize the difference in flavor and aroma between Folger ' s Golden Gate Coffee and the others You serve it one week and we'll trust the other weeks to care for themselves. Tin Una!" SpkI.1 V fnc. Flic. 1 Lb. .45 .35 2 " .85 .65 2H M 1-00 .75 5 M 2.00 1.50 J.A.Fo!ger&Co. San Francisco Ttlcphoni or .nf your ordtr to your daUr to day MARCH 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11 GARY MUST SHOW UP Voungstown, liiu, Mar. it. "If .lodge I'.'. II. Uaiy doesn 'f eouie here oliiular ily for trial, we will bring him," de clared Prosecutor A. M. Henderson to day. Ilary ami officers of six big steel eoipoiations hae been indicted on a charge of violating the Valentine anli trust law of Ohio. Tne indictment was an outgrowth of the strike riots at. Knst Voungstown, Henderson tod.ty expected to fix a date for the liarv' trial. Jury Completed Last Night Minister Realizes Gravity of Situation t jc j! :t .e if. !t $ TO KEEP YOUR SKIN FREE FROM HAIRS sic ( Hrauty I opu s.) If vou are willing to spend n few minutes time in your room using a del atone paste, win can easily banish any ugly, hairy growth without discomfort or injury. The paste is made by mix ing some w iter with a little powdered jdelatoue. This is then spread over the ! hairy surface an. I alter about 2 minutes i rubbed off ami the skin wasiied. Vou will not be disappointed with this treat fluent, providing vou gr real delatoue. i If tl. carrier dooh not glT lervlco notify the office. Orovillo, Oil., Mar. !t Certrude sou, 1 5 veil r-obl school girl, was ex. t- ed to be the first witness today in in Kev. Mudisoa Slaughter's trial oil a charge of attacking her. Willi the jury completed, Slaughter arrived at court today accompanied only by his wife. His daughter had been barred as possible witnesses. There was no more laughing and joking among the minister and his friends. They seemed to realize a critical moment in Slaughter's life had arrived. . It was reported District Attorney Leonard planned a surprise by ralliai, defease witnesses to the stand before the I. unison girl and asking them ques tions which would prevent Slaughter later establishing an alibi. Mrs. Clarl Camper, of Chico, was reputed to be a new state witness who would give im portant testimony. An air of tension was manifested in court today, t1" crowd waiting eagerly to hear who would first be summoned. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 2i5c at all v'riij''ste.