EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 8, 1916. "There is a point where cheapness ceases to be economy" I Free Embroidery Lessonsl Over sixty women and misses are obtaining free lessons from Mrs. C. M. Dickson, the expert embroidery in- l structor from New York, who for the past week has been teaching all the new embroidery stitches including the newest Grecian Cut Lace Work. Absolutely no charge for this instruction ::j Those who have taken a few lessons and those who intend to enter the classes should do so at once as next week is positively the last week of Mrs. Dickson's stay in Salem. Embroidery classes from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Attend the morning classes if possible. (Art section) n tt tt tt tt iNew Millinery Departmen Under New Management, and a New Service tt We have just completed and per fected an arrangement with our buyer (Mr. Meyers of New York) to give us a WEEKLY SERVICE in up-to-the-minute MILLINERY, and until Easter we shall have the pleasure of displaying a new shipment of the latest ideas and styles in Wom en's Hats every Monday morn ing, in our Ready to Wear De partment. AN EXPERT MILLINERY BUYER AT YOUR SERVICE selecting the choicest Hats and at prices never before duplicated in Salem, the first shipment Just received and are now on display in our FRENCH ROOM in the READY-TO-WEAR DEPART MENT, Miss Lupton in charge. GREAT RUMMAGE OF REMNANTS NEXT FRIDAY ALL AT ONE-HALF PRICE On next Friday, March 10th, we will hold a rousing sale of remnants an accumulation of short lengths which we intend to dispose of, as we need the space they occupy for new goods. We will pile them on tables in the main aisle and you can pick out just what you want. It will be a regular Remnant Rummage event. Silks, Wash Goods, Wool Goods, Linens, Domestics, Rib bons, Laces, Embroideries, etc., will be represented. Real Rousing Remnant Bargains. Your Choice-Next Friday One-Half Price THE HOUSE OF QUALITY - 444 4.444444444 tt "- tt t t t Convict Who Imbibes Gets One More Chance M. F. Ilutdieson wolo up in tlio city jail this morning with- several things WATCH and .eJEWELEYl REPAIRING Also a Nice Line oiS. XjT KART. VRItflPBinrii 11 -,uwuxv Nil tf - masonic Temple "'Wil "I a .I J nn 1 1 i m mi n I in addition to a headache. Ilutchoson wns it nested Inst night by tlio Salem police cm n ch.trgo of being intoxicated but this morning tlio man remembered tliat he was nn ex-convict and is out on pnrole. lly brenliing his parole nml getting drunk ho was sub ject to a return to tho pen, but Govern or Withycnmbe, lifter II conference with P.irole Officer Joe Keller, decided to give tlie man nnotlier cliauco nnd tlio city will keep liiui five days while lie sobers up. llulclieson wns sent up from Umatilla county for obtaining money under false pretenses and wns pnroled Inst November, tittiimitttntttttt; Order your pure milk, cream and Mnplo Orovo butter from Maple Grove Dairy, 1213 South Commercial. Phono 208. tf J ri M U fil n u !i ii ei M n u it H li H B y Full Value Policy NOT ALONE, BUT STYLE, QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP AS WELL Fashion Made Middy Made of White Galatea, neatly trimmed, large sailor collar, extra good value, 98c We have also a good variety of other middies; priced from 50c to $1.50 One must see them to appreciate the value (afoury w Bros. The Store for the People 416 State Street-Next to Salem Bank of Commerce m n ri Ei SI 11 11 11 n ri M u ri ri n !! M 11 11 11 M ri ii ii ii ii M 11 11 II II 11 M 11 II 11 ri ii n n M 11 II II 11 11 II II 11 11 11 11 it All Aroun -t-t-t-tt-M-ft-tt tjmn:mtujm:ttJumnmtu COMING EVENTS C 5 TONIGHT March 8 Annual inspection Company M, at Armory. March 9 Oregon Irrigation Drainage nnd liunil Credits Conference nt House of Hep- resentutivea. Bishop Howe of Alaska, at St. I'ii ul's Kpiscopul church, March 10 Salmon day. Wallace Mao Murray lecture, Public Library. March 13 Salem Floral Society nt Commercial Club. March 11 Installation of Rev. .Tame Klvin, pastor First Congregational church. Murch 15 Monthly meeting of meiubers of Commercial Club. March 111 Salem Festival chor- us annual concert, opera house. PeMciss entertainers, Armory, benefit Company M. March IS Republican rally at Armory. March L'l -25 Marion County Jt Sunday-school convention. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fita glass es correctly. U. S. Bank, iildg. o Mrs. W. G. Prunk, of 333 South Church street, who iias been seriously ill for the past three weeks, is reported today to lie improving. Dr. Stone's drug (tore. J. W. Sherwood, state commander of the Maccabees, is in the city and will meet with the members of the lodge nt a special called meeting this evening to lay out plans fur th summer work. Dr. Stone's Drag Btore. The river this morning was at a gouge of 13.2 feet above low water mark and filling. The precipitation for the 21 hours ending this morning was .10 of nn inch. Bachelors home. Best in town. Room and board $,"i.U0. Fine meals. 3tio N High. Marl3 Eugene Riley, who was formerly with the Oregon mute hospital, writes friends here that he is now located at Nnpn, Culifornin, and that he is in the employ ot the state hospital at Unit place. E. L. Stiff A Son will refinish or up holster tnat old piece or furniture. The public is invited to be present t the .uiiuiii! Inspection of Company M to bo held this evening at the arniorv. The inspection will begin about 8 o clock and the drilling at Mil o'clock. Lieutenant Vililnnis of the U. S. regu lar army will be in charge. The com jinny will line up about 105 strong, the largest membership of any company In the stite. Estimates cheerfully furnished free on awnings by K. L. Stiff & Son. The Right Reverend Peter T. Rowe, bishop of Alaska, will deliver an ad dress tomorrow evening at St. Paul's Kjiiscojinl church, the services begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. For the Jiast -0 j ews he has been in the services of the church in Alaska. j Cherry City Patent flour at your! grocer. Marll Street Commissioner Low has a large j force of men cleaning out glitters on nroauway anil Hood streets in order that the drainage may be jirojiorly tak en cure of, and that the street cau be graded later on .ind placed in good con dition, I ! Seed wheat, oats and veatch at Cher j ry City Flouring Mills. Marll The !cwer committee of the city I council will soon order work to begin on Hickory street, this sewer district being kmvn as Xo. 2, 1!1. All of the work will be done by day labor since the motion to advertise for bids was lost at the last meeting of the city council by a vote of 4 to !. Ward's Southern California sweet oranges, L'.ic and .Ulc. Roth Grocery Co. The team workers of the Elk lodee who give new members the hailing sign and other secret signals by which an IMk may recognize a brother, nre jiost ing up on their initiatory work, as it is understood that a large 'number will be initiated the litter mrt of this month. lapesijry upholstering fabrics at about half juice. Huren & Hamilton, The Rev. Josephine E. Hockett, of the Highland Friends church will speak this evening nt the Salvation Army headquarters on Court street. The Cms pel team of the army has prepared sev eral music il numbers lor the meeting. Captain Kelso extends a hearty wel come to all. The meeting will begin at 7:4.") o'clock. Del Monte canned goods, 15 per cent reduction in doen lots. Koth Grocery Co. With the advance of 15 cents a hun dred on sugar effective today, the price for beet sugar is $7.00 a hundred nnd tor cane, $7.40. One year igo the: nignest price tor sugar retail was $ii.4.i and the highest in recent years, $$.20 a hundred. This was on August 17, H14, shortly after the declaration of war. Dealers nntici.ite additional ad vances within a few weeks. Golden Gate coffee, this week only, $1.00 cans for 7."o. At Roth Grocery Co. The 0. W. R. & N. reported to the i public service commission today that the shortngo on their -lines today wa 10 box cars and that they had a surplus HIS GREATEST DESIRE IS TO AVOID WAR Washington, Mar. 8. Presi dent Wilson's "supreme wish" is to avoid war. Senator Stone declared today. He said: "Last night I had a most frank talk with the president. His supreme wish is to avoid involving the country in war. of 205 flit cars. The efforts of the public service commission to relieve the car shortage are being rewarded by a substantial decrease of the shortage in other points of the state. Pumiture repairing and upholstering, cariet cleaning and laying, mattresses remade. A. F. Tingstrom, 043 Court. The Cherrians will hold their regular weekly drill this evening at the armory, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. As the an nual insjiection of Company M this ev ening is ojien to the public, many of the Cherrians have expressed their intentions of staying a while and get ting pointers. Anybody is foolish to leave Salem, but if you must go, let K. L. Stiff & Son pack your furniture at reasoii.ible prices. Portland's quotation today for hens is 17 eents and for broilers, 20 cents. A commission house from Portland has had an agent in the country around Salem paying 15 cents for hens and ex pressing them to Portland each day. j During the past week he has exjiressed about 20 coops. j Special meeting of Hodson Council ' No. 1, R. & S. M., this evening. Work in the 1!. & S. M. degrees. Visiting j coniiianious welcome. j This is not only "Better Babies", week, but Salmon day is also to be ob-: served which haipens to be tomorrow.! Hotels and all restaurants are snpjiosed; to feature salmon mid insit upon their! customers showing their patriotism, i especially in this part of the world. The next sjiecial day to observe is Orange day which is announced for Saturday, March IS. Now is the time to recover that couch or chair, tnjiestries at about half their former juice. See window dis play. Huren & Hamilton. The Business Men's league of the Commercial club has made arrange ments with the business manager of the Meier & Frank store, Portland, to give a business talk before the league next Tuesday evening. An invitation to at tend will be given to all members of the Commercial club. $3.00 tapestries now $1.50, $5.50 ta jiestries $3.25, $2.00 t.ipestries OSc. These are some of the jirice concessions in our big tapestry sale. Huren & .Ham ilton. The first meeting since its organiza tion two weeks ago of the American In stitute of Banking wns held last Mon day evening at the office o'f Walter K. Keyes. The members of this association who include men from all the banks of the city, have taken up as their first study, "Negotiable Instruments" and were given a lecture on this subject by Walter K. Keyes. Meetings for study and discussion will be held Monday evenings. Attention Maccabees. You are earn estly requested to attend meeting to night. .1. W. Sherwood, state command- er, wishes to jiresent matters of im- jiortauce. W. li. Gilson, W. H. S. The Marion county democrats will hold . meeting at the county court house March 18 at 2 p. m. to discuss some of the ways and means previous to tlie primary election. A primary nom inating pet ition for Woodrow Wilson for president has lieeu jilaeed at the ffice of W. A. Liston nt. 4(10 Court street where it may be signed by all regis tered democrats who wish to sec Wood row Wilson .is a candilate for re-election. The petition will not be general ly circulated and will only lie kejd ojien for those who call at the office to sign. The annual convention of the Marion Countv Sunday school association will be held nt the First Congregational church Fridnv and Saturdiv, Mrach 24 aThe Store That Saves You Moneyn CADILLAC BABY SEAT Sanitary conditions are what everybody Cnr canitarv ennt ic('i -r just what you need for your baby; owing to the great conven ience of this seat you cannot be without one fits on any toilet price $1.75 I " is, '; v. V,' - Crescent Ranges Our demand is growing more every day for Crescent Ranges. They have been tried and make good built from Ingot iron through out; sold on 30 days free trial. Priced fifl and up. Let us furnish your home for less money than others. Successors to Calef Bros.1 WHY COME TO US FOR GOOD EYESIGHT? -Y 1 ' " v" 1 Hccause your eyes will receive the f'Jfxi K icst of attention combined with tlie pg'tf :.;; J " i utmost skill in modern methods of eye M!SfSi examination. llie Hest is none too good, MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 Eighth Day of I rv r 1 iiamon s t)ig Grocery Sale 1-2 Gal. Jars Fruit (Loganber ries, Plums, Apples) ON SALE 25c 3 Pounds Mincemeat 25c 8 Pounds Fresh Smelt 25c 7 Bars White Soap 25c 12 Pounds Onions 25c 13 Founds Sugar $1.00 Cleveland Baking Powder, per lb. 40c Damon Unloads His Stock of Groceries at Sale Price DAMON & SON 855 N. Commercial St. Phone 68 We Deliver Any Place in Salem and 2.". Fully l."i0 delegates from all Sunday schools in the county are ex j.ected" to attend. The Hev. James Kl vin is jiresident of the association and will neside. Among the juominent sieakers from a distance who will tike an active jiart in the meetings are the Hev. ( has. l'hiiis, state secretary of inter-denominational Sunday schools, and Mrs. Clara O. Essen, state field worker for the Sunday schools of the Christian church. A live -wire, with a live message, for wide awake jeode. lle.ir Ir. Hutchin son in the first service tonight at the Presbyterian church. You will find it worth while. Daughters of the American Revolu tion will hold their third annual state conference Friday and Saturday of this week. The sessions n ill be held in Portland at the Hotel Benson. -Multnomah chajiter of which Mrs. James X. Dais vis Tdgent, will ieit,'ertnin the state gathering. Mrs. Kdniuud Bow Davis is regent, will entertain the give the greeting of the state. A strong feature of the program includes the giving attention to the obi trail roads. Mrs. Henry Met lenry, of Washington, who is national chairman of the trails committee, will sjieak on the historic significance of these old mads and of tlie pnrt the Daughters of the American Revolution are having in the restoring and marking of these old trails. Nomination of officers for the com ing year was the order of business last evening nt the Moose lodge. The elec tion of officers will be held next Tues day evening. Everything was calm and peaceful as the following officers were nominated and will have no opposition at the coming election: Dictator. Ern est Blue; vice-dictator, Benjamin Brick; secretary for the three year term, Donald Miles; trustee, Ed Brock; inner guard, Ernie Martin; treasurer. William B. X'elson. W. E. Hoage, who has been operating a merchants patrol, was arrested by tlio Salem juilice lust night on a charge of operating without a license as procided in an ordinance passed the night bo fore by the city council. Hoage wa'i released ujion his own recognizance and today he stated that he would apply for a temjiorary injunction restraining the officers from enforcing the new ordinance until it had been passed upon by the courts, linage maintains that, he is simjily a night watchman acting for the merchants who einjiloy him and iii.ii in l- mil ,ntiiiin nil. iiu isiuiLj j of any ordinance. Get prices on commercial printing at The Cajiital Journal office. ft t STENOGRAPHERS I if Why Not TJS8 Columbia QUALITY Caiboni? c Made in Oregon it 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. c Columbia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co. 9)1 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. 5t ?(c 3fC ic 3C 3fC 3jC 3(C 3fC S(C )(t )(l When in SALEM, OREGON, gtop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, J1.50 PER DA7 The only hotel in the business district, j Neareet to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home, T. G. BLIGH. Ptod. Both Phones, Free Auto Bus. RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE CARS OF ANT KIND, TOR ANT PLACE, AT ANY TIKE Good Oarage In connection foi itorage of cars. Seasonable Rate. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 216 State Street,