Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 08, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The wax and oil polish that
shines auicklv and saves
the leather.
o . ......
Best at any price
bold to ominoiA
users at nom
inal cost.
At all dealers.
Take no
Second Hand and
New Furniturej 8
A visit to our exchange department will both sur
prise you and convince you that this is the store for
the economical buyer.
We have been so busy that we have not had much
time to write ads but here are a few good buys taken
at random from the contents of several houses we
have just bought
Two $14 square 6-ft. extension Tables, each . .$ 6.00
One $17.50 round solid oak 6-ft. Table $ 8.50
One $35.00 full quartered oak Buffet, like new $14.50
One $22 solid oak Buffet $10.00
Two fine sets hardwood Dining Chairs,
set $3.00 and $4.50
Rockers, today 75c to $3.00
Library Table (made of fir but heavy and
massive) $ 4.50
One $15 Couch $ 5.00
One $6.75 Sanitary Couch $ 3.00
Iron Beds $ 1-50
Heaters $ 1-00
Ranges $10.00
Kitchen Treasures $ 1-50
Kitchen Tables 50c to $1.50
One $18 9x12 Brussels Rug $ 7.00
We guarantee to save you money. We usually get
the business if you fiigure with us.
One Ship Sunk, Another
Escapes Submarine
Portland, Ore., Mar. 8 Captain J.
Grondin, master of the French Bon
champ, in port today, told how a Ger
man submarine chased him and his crew
off the ship Chateaubriand and tor
npdneil her uenrlv a vear ago.
"Five minutes' they gave us to get j
away in the boats. Then they sent ajtionsnre the stronger that tne mm
torpedo into her -side. The explosion ; will resume active operations, cutting
phot water as high as her topmasts. 75,000 or 100,000 feet of lumber daily,
Three minutes later the Chateaubriand j The mill gives employment to ap
took her final plunge." proximately 75 hands and a lnrge ad-
' It isn't true, said Captain Grondin, ! ditionnl number is employed at the
that the French bark Geseral Do Sonis logging camps and on the railroad,
was damaged by a torpedo at the same bringing directly into Falls City the
lime The lie Sunis was nearbv. off the benefit of a very good payroll. Three
Isle of Wight, the submarine which
sank the Chateaubriand attacked her.
The tug towing the te Snnis attempted
to ram the U boat, and kept her dodg
ing until the De Souis escaped under
her own canvass, the skipper asserted.
There will be very little further de
lay in causing the resumption or opcr
utions of the Falls City Lumber com
mill at Falls City, according
pany 's
A. ..1 .1, n . n nvi I, t . , , Tl
111 fV 1UUIC II I Wi 1IJU lll'll l''utiiv
brought to
The Observer this week. Bond hold-!"."""". '.-
ers are trying to come to an agree- " .1'Bjk of the r,ver The court ad
ment among themselves and with tb I vertiaod for bids on the operation re
completion of these plans and the re-1 cent,v nd ft the present session many
turn of favorable weather conditions P'- was the firs intention
it is altogether likely that the mill "f thfi ,urt to rejret all these bids
rf it, Wcrim, enmns will steam in) "t an irregularity, but later
within a very few weeks,
ler, who recently made a
W. V. Ful
trip of in-
It stops all Itching snd p.-iin the instant it
3s smoothed orcr the discard flesh.
It acts like a poultice, diawtng out all poi
son, healing and cleansing aores, Kales, erup
tions. The rich herbal essences in D'EXMA sink
!erp into the tissues and start new, sounii
Sesh growing from undernealh.
D'EXMA is rescuing hundred! (rota flesh
sating diseases. W h)r not jrouf
It is nature' way.
V'e are the only dniejists in this town
Irons whom D'EXMA. tlie great herbal ski
Jisinvum te secured. Ask us today.
Crown Drug company, 332 State St.
Home, Grip
or Automobile
spection with, officials of the com
pany is one who believes things will
get going very snortiy mt rimer
said to The Observer: "The proba
bilities are that as soon as logs can
be hauled over the Teal Creek rail
road the mill at Falls City will re
sume operations. Work is being pushed
on the railroad as fast as weather con
ditions will permit."
With construction going on in con-
nection with the railroad the
feet of snow along the line of the
Tenl Creek railroad mndo work last
week impossible, but with the melting
of the snow the construction will
start again, and the road will be com
pleted as rapidly as labor can do it.
Dallas Observer.
The county court on Friday after
noon awarded to George Wilson of In-
Pnce the contract for operating
- , -
decided to turn the ferry over to Mr.
Wilson, who has been operating the
boat since the first of the present
month. His contract will be made to
include the length of time he has been
in service. Mr. Wilson's bid was the
lowest of the many received and asks
for $0 a month for the work and re
sponsibility attached to the position.
The court has made a contract with
Mr. Wilson to operate the ferry for
a priod of one year, and at the end
of that time, if things are satisfactory
to both parties, the contract can be re
newed. Dnllns Observer.
Portland, Or., Mar. S. The f7th
birthday of Luther Rurbank, Califor
nia plant wizard, was observed in Port
lind schools today with special studies
and lectures relating to Burbank's
work .
Domestic and Foreign
Politics Dominate Business
York, Mar. 4. Domestic audi
politics dominate the entire
business situation, and these again are
chiefly influenced by war. This week
more "or less unsettlemeut prevailed
owinw to fears of a conflict between
the president and congress. President
Wilson very properly desired to ascer
tain the willingness or unwillingness
of the legislature to support him in his
negotiilions with Germany. In a for
eign situation of such extreme delicacy
and importance as now exists, the vniei
executive could not attord to nsK em
barrassment from a division of opinion
in congress arising from party plitics;
hence his bold challenge to the senate
which brought out, as expected, solid
support. In its foreign policy at this
critical period, the country must be in
unquestioned unit, and public opinion
should in unsparing terms condemn the
taking advantage of international sit
uitions for partisan purposes. The
consequences of such practices are far
too dangerous to permit their indul
gence. What will happen when the war is
over oannot be definitely measured.
In some quarters there will be violent
reactions as soon as retnobilization on
a peace basis begins, while in other
quarters there will bo a resumption of
activities now held in check. Infll-
tion resulting from a plethora of money
and lingo war purchases has not yet
run its course; and the higher prices go
to the more severe will be the reaction.
The true prevention or offset against
these contingencies is n clear apprecia
tion of tho inevitable; followed by
thorough urepirediiess for the event
when it arrives. Fortunately, our big
industrial leaders and our prominent
bankers are keenly alive to the econ
omic dancers of the times, and arc set
ting their course accordingly. The
turn, when it conies, will find them en
tirely readv to take advantige of new
conditions. Tn many eases current large
profits are being utilized to wipe out
indebtedness and to lower fixed
charges; old plants will be written off
or new ones created, thus leaving tue
ut .nn.i Hon-- ff f ter .
the wu than before it. The whole
country should begin at once conserv
ing its war profits, not spending waste
fully, not swelling dividends unwisely
and not too recklessly inflating se
curity values; but aiming to strengthen
itself for the world struggle for indus
trial supramacy which will come upon
us irresistibly when the war is over.
That strutcle will be won by the na
tion which can produce and distribute
the best goods at the lowest prices. Tiii
lppronching competition is absolutely
unavoidable; we are not yet prepared,
and the higher the level of prices and
costs maintained now, the more diffi
cult our readjustment nnd progress will
be later on, and the less our ultimate
ability to meet the strenuous rivalry
with Germany md Great Britain that
will beforced upon us. The. war has
not vet approached the end, nor have
its inflationary influences yet exhaust
ed themselves; bu preparedness for the
change that is coining should not tie
confided to industrial and financial
eiders, and conservation of our re
sources will be the policy of all pru
dent business men until the present
world chaos begins to clear and the new
tendencies become more definite.
Business Booming.
General business conditions at home
continue highly favorable. Bank clear
ings are satisfactory, running about 50
per cent aiietd of last year, the great
est activity being in states east of the
Alleghenies. No more striking evi
dence could be found of tho violent
changes which the great conflict across
the sea has wrought on this side of the
Atlantic than in our own steel trade,
which maintains unchecked its head
long and sensition.il upward movement
in prices and production. Many mills
are sold ahead into 1017 at unheard of
protits. The copper industry also shows
extreme nctivitv, closely paralleling the
course of steel in prices and p
Tl,n I.- .. t.nn nf nlhn n.al.l.
Petroleum is jlso rising to a sensational
level owing to the tremendous demand
both at home and abroad for motor pur
poses. In the (homical industry many
products have shown spectacular ad
vances as a result of scant supplies,
which can iisiullv be traced to the de
mands of war. Seedless to say the se
curities of these companies have made
IriTge advances and are common favor
ites in speculation.
There has been a wide revivil in new
enterprises. The new corporate issues
reported since January 1 aggregated
over Kn;,H0ii,000, compared with $.')!!, -000,0111)
last year, an increase of $105,
OIMl,inio the year before. These are un
usual gains ind some deduction must be
made for the transformation of capital;
but in the main the increase was chief
ly in new concerns in the steel, copper,
petrleum ami other industries directly
affected by the war. There was also a
1 irge increase in the number of new
shipping concerns, the total of which
organized since the war aggregated
over $10,000,000, also the total contem
plated in President Wilson's shipping
bill. American ship owners engaged in
foreign trade are making fabulous prof
its, freight rates in many instinces be
ing ten times what they were before
the war, while ships have risen two,
three ami four times their original val
ue, paying their cost in a few voyages.
Singularly enough, there was a decrease
in Janu iry and February of over $200,-
When a cold grips your system it is
convincing proof that your condition is
weakened remember that, It is risky
indeed to simply trust your strength to
throw it off, because neglected colds
have brought more serious sickness
than any other one thing, while weak
cningcatharticsandstimulatingsyrups are often depressing and dangerous.
The one best treatment for any cold
the one so often relied on when others
fall, isthe powerful blood-nourishment
in Scott's Emulsion, which feeds the
very sources of bodily strength to sup
press the present cold and generate
otrength to thwart further sickness.
Get Scott's first, not last and insist
on the genuine always free from al
cohol and injurious drugs.
Ectt ft Mowac, Blaosnfield, N. ), 15-JJ
000.000 in new railroad issues of stocks
and bonds, the applications for new
railroad capital being materially re
strained by the return of choice Ameri
can securities from abroad.
Conditions More Normal.
Our foreign tr ide is gradually return
ing to more normal conditions through
a declining export movement and larg
er imports. The exports for January
amunted to $:t3j.r-'I.:io:, a decline of
$17,000,000 since December, compared;
with $2C7,801,:tTO a year ago. Both
weekly and monthly exports have lately
been "running upon a smiller scale,
chiefly owing to lessened shipments of
munitions, breadstuff's and other raw
materials. The largest gains have been
in exports of manufactured products.
Imports have lately shown gratifying
increases, the total for J inuary being
$184,000,000, an increase of $02,000,
000. This is the highest January on
record, and compares with $122,000,000
a year ago and $157,00(1,000 in 191.'!.
The increase in imports was mainly of
raw niiteirals and non-dutiable goods.
As a result the excess ot imports was1
less embarrassing, and tends to improve
the foreign exchange situation. Se
curities are still being returned on a
considerable scale from abroad, but the
movement is loss pronounced than a
few weeks lgo. Of course the influx
of British holdings must be expected
to continue as long as liquidation re
sulting from the war requires. The
selling, however, is under control of the
British government, which for reasons
of self-interest finds it imprudent to
overstrain the buying power of this
market. Many high grade American se
curities have been offered at unusual
prices, and American buvers find op
portunities for procuring high grade
home issues it attractive prices.
Our railroads continue pressed with
traffic, the handling of which is ham
pered by difficulty in finding ocean
tonnage for export trade. Kastern
trunk lines are still congested by the
large number of loaded cars awaiting,
release. Oener il trade is active, nnd a
largo distribution is reported in tex-
t i los, food products and general neees
sities. Some improvement n lie re-
ported in the labor outlook; indications
being that threatened disputes between
the enl and railroad l.iuor and tneir em
ployers will be ail justed without serious
Money continues ibundant at reas
onable rates despite expectations to the
contrary. The local bond market is
fairly active, and prices are well sus
tained by a oood investment demand.
More or less interest is excited concern
ing heavy impending foreign loans.
These are i factor which must be tak
en into consideration for some months
to come, and it is estimated that at
least five billions may be placed before
the summer months ami a considerable
portion of these applications is likely to
be allotted to the United States.
The future of the nnrket is involved
in much uncertainty. As stated above
homo conditions are entirely satisfac
tory and justify ample confidence, but
the possibilities of home politics and
the danger of foreign complications are
constantly present, and must continue
to remain the controlling factor in ill
financial operations, which ran be con
ducted only upon a dav to dav basis.
Fishing Ban In Polk
County Is Raised To
Take Effect April 1
Dallas, March 7. I'olk county fish
ermen can fish close to home again
this year. For a time it was feared
they would have to journey far to
enjoy their piscatorial sport, as last
fall the state fish and game commis
sion closed all streams in the county
to angling, following the placing of
more than 25,000 trout fry in the
streams. The commission issued an
"rilt'r V."" "'V ' "'reams
to angling after April 1.
Election Returns From
Indiana Primaries
Indi.inapolis, Ind., Mar. 8. Harry S.
New, of Indianapolis, former chairman
of the republican national committee,
and Jmes K. Watson, of Kushville. en
congressmau ami former republican
whip in the house, are running so close
in today's primary election for the re
publican senatorial nomination that the
entire election is apparently entirely
useless as far as they are concerned.
The law provides that unless one has
a majority, the state convention must
select the senatorial nominee.
Seven hundred and sixteen out of
.1177 precincts give .New -1,7M, Watson
ill, 001 ami Hobinson 2,ill. J. M. Adair
defeated Close for tne democratic gu
bernatorial nomination, and James P.
flood rich of Winchester probably won
the republican nomination.
Anglo-French Reply Is
Made to American Note
London, Mar. 8. The Anglo-French
joint reply to the American note pro
testing against seizure of United States
mail was sent today to Ambassador
Spring Hice in Washington. The Hrit
i"h reply to tho American note on
blockade controversies has been com
pleted and is to go forward to Wash
ington by the neat mail. The letter
contains 8,000 words, but no hint as to
its contents is given.
Germany Explains Decree.
Washington, Mar. H. Ambassador
Von liernstorff today handed Sec
tnry canning a new memorandum on
the question of submarine warfare
against irmed merchantmen. It is un
ilerstnod the memorandum further ex
plains the decree directing submarines
to attack armed ships wtihout warning.
Engene, Or., Mar. 8. Petitions for i
special diction in Lane county for the
purpose of bonding the county for the
sum of $700,000 to build a hard sur
face road from Cottage Grove to the
northern boundary, between Junction
City and Monroe, arc in circulatin.
j Club Evidently Thinks
Salem Needs Hospital
The Civics department of tho Com
mercial club, O. M. Elliott, director, at
as favoring the deaconess' home pro
as favoriug the deacuuss' home pro
posed for Salcin by the Christian Men
nonite church, ami as being in favor
of tnking action by which play grounds
will be established in tho city during
the vacation months.
F. B. Wedel, of Idaho, proposes to
build a deaconess home and hospital
to be in charge of tho Mennonito
church, the money to be raised partly
in Salem by subscriptions. After mak
ing an investigation of Mr. Wedel and
bis plans, the department gave nun
their support and will bring his propo
sition before the members of the Com
mercial club at the meeting next
Wednesday evening. Mr. Wedel had
brought his plans for a deaconess home
for mothers and a nurse training school
before the Business Men's league of
the Commercial club but this depart
ment was not disposed to look upon
his plans with favor.
That the city needs play grounds for
the children during the vacation mouths
was the unanimous opinions expressed
by the directors of the civic depart
ment and in order that money may be
secured for employing u permaueut
superintendent, a committee consisting
of O. 0. Brown and O. M. Elliott was
appointed to appear before the city
council to secure its co-operation aud
also financial assistance.
A committee was also appointed to
confer with the women's clubs of the
city hope to institute a general clean
up day early this spring in which the
children as well as the women und busi
ness men will become interested.
Roads Must Raise Wages
or Meet Great Strike
Chicago, March S. Heads of four
trainmen's brotherhoods, canvassing
their memberships ' veto with regard
... :....nu..l uuiKi ilmiin mlti i Ti t itll!l (eil
- - overwhelmingly
"""" . i i . n a,.,.
favor presenting demands to all Amer
ican railroads, with tho alternative of
a national strike May 1 unless they are
Another referendum may lie canon
for before the strike begins, if the
railroads reject tho employes proposi
Eugene, Ore., Mar. 8. Twelve inches
of snow crushed in the roof of a barn
killing W. R. Parker, aged 70, accord
ing to reports reaching hero from Dex
ter. This is the only cnsualty reported
thus far as a result of the heavy snow
storm which swept Lane county last
Saturday. Communication and street
car service in this city was practically
normal today.
Fresno, Cal., Mar. S Fresno today in
half an hour raised .tlo.OOO as a guaran
tee to get the Vandebilt and Grand
Prix automobile race April 2!), the sec
ond day of the annual racing celebra
tion The guarantee was wired to L. N.
Nares, vice-president of the California
Automobile association, who is now in
New York working for Fresno. Several
cities are in the bidding for the twin
motor classics.
Vancouver, 1). 0., Mar. 8. No word
had been received here today ot the re
sults of an attempt to float the steamer
Camosun of the I'niou Steamship com
pany, which ran ashore yesterday morn
ing on Lucy Island, near Digby Island,
at the entrance of Prince Rupert h.ir
lior. The passengers were all taken
ashore safely.
Hoquinni, Wash., Mar. 8. The body
of Stephen Carl, a. trapper, was found
20 miles from Sheltun, in the Olympic
mountains Thursday of last week. He
had been frozen to death, looking after
his traps. A raft was built to carry the
body down from the mountains, deep
snow preventing overland travel.
Washington, Mar. 8. "The Anieri
can government will not warn citizens
against traveling on armed liners, re
gardless ot wli.it action is taken in the
pending controversy, it was author
itatively asserted at the state depart
ment this afternoon.
Wnukegan, III., Mar. 8. Attorneys
for W. H. Orpet, charged with murder
ing his sweetheart, Marian Lambert, to
day asked Circuit Judge C. F. Ldwards,
to dismiss the indictment. Arguments
will be heard Monday.
Portland, Ore., Mar. 8. Government
engineers hnvo purchased two tugs in
Portland to be taken to Anchorage, the
end of the government Alnskan rail
road, according to a well authenticated
report on the wuter front today.
New York, Mar. 8. Maud Allen'
classic dancer, was reported near death
at the Gerninn hospital today. She wa.i
operated on for appendicitis Monday
Miss Allan was born in Sacramento,
Cul., in 187'J.
Washington, Mar. 8. Captain Mcln
tyre reported today tho Fourteenth in
fantry barracks at Fort Gibbon, Alas
ka, had been burned. Tho causo of
the fire was not stated.
Portland, Ore., Mar. 8. Creamery
butter jumped two cents in tho local
market today, city creamery prints be
ing quoted at 34 cents.
Tho Grants Pass council lias voted
to continue in effect the billboard
high license ordinance and hag enacted
a d"g muzzling measure.
Take a Glass of Salts Before
Breakfast If Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
Bothers You
The American" men and women must
guard constantly against kidney trouble
because we eat too much and all our
food is rich. Our blood is filled with
uric acid which the kidnevs strive to
filter out, they weaken from overwork,
become sluggish; the diminutive tissues
clog and the result is kidney trouble,
bladder weakness ind it general decline
in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
is cloudy, full of sediment or you arc
obliged to seek relief two or three times
during the night; if you suffer with
sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells,
acid stomach, or you have rheumatism
when the weather is bad, get from your
pharmacist -about four ounces of '.tad
Salts; take a tablcspoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes aud lemon juice com
bined with litliia, ami has been use'i
for generations to flush and stimulate
clogged kidneys; to neutralize tho acids
in the urine so it no longer is a source
of irritution, thus ending bladder dis
orders. Jad Silts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water beverage, and belongs in
every home, iiecause nobody can make
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time.
May Han? Carson for
Talking In His Sleep
Sacramento, Cal., March 8. Unless that the city is to construct the bridge
Charles ("Silent") Carson ceases talk- tn-ross the Mill race,
ing in his sleep he may have to go to Tn petition has boon-referred to the
his death on the gallows. Word reached ! ffmmitteo on streets of the city coun
the state lunacy commission today that. U''1 ,ho ''lty c""lccr- At fhe ne?
Carson, convicted of murder, but spared 1 "'' ti"tf of tho city council they wi'l
from the noose because of his apparent-! Zvurt cit,,l,r ?"r r n8a)1?s' n P?v,"
ly unbalanced mental condition, lnJTh K!: "l'rf"Vu 18 that r'',"
lieen detected talking in his sleep at j I1"1'! "T tl ''"Pr'.vement, and
th Stoektnn t te llitn t f, i J tin. t the work will begin early th.
Up to this time he had not spoken a
word for seven years.
Carson was removed from tho dealh
row in Folsom prison to tho Stockton
hospital a year ago. His caso puzzled
investigators who did not know
whether Carson was deprived of the
power of speech or whether he was
feigning insanity. The fact that he was
caught talking in bis sleep will lead to
further investigation and if it is de
cided he is not insane ho will have to
pay the death penalty.
Francis V. Galloway Files
Candidacy For Office
Francis V. Calloway, of The Dalles,
filed todav as a candidate of tho, demo
cratic party for the office of District
Attorney of Wasco county.
His statement is "To tho best of
my ability, perform the duties of the
office." Slogan "Strict and eco
nomic enforcement of tho law."
Mr. (ialloway is the son of Judge
and Mrs. Oallownv, of this city, and
recently appeared in the courts of this
county as one of the attorneys for Ihe
plaintiff in the famous Stool damage
case against tho Southern Pacific,
Grand Jury to Take !
Hand In Tong War:
San Francisco, Mar 8.-A special i"'- Sid is a member o no organiza
session of the gr.nd jury will be held ! "" kl linfT believed to have
tonight to devise, some means of guard-1 'I"" to niihtaken identity He died
itiig Chinatown against further long "t the hospital a tew hours alter being
war outbreaks. pounded.
All was quiet in the Chinese quarter! n'her wounded Chinese aro only
today. Highbinders remained concealed, ; slight ly hurt, and aro recovering,
fearing arrest, while others were afraid , "
to venture into tho streets. Fosters Will Not Reach Los Angeles,
were boldly bl.izoned on walls, urging Angeles, Cal., Mar. 8. Heads of
gunmen to 'be sine of their victims idea- Hie Hip Sing, Iling Kong, Suey Ong and
tities before shooting. i I,mv tongs have guaranteed the po-
A largo number of wealthy ( hinese lice today that the long war raging in
plan to attend the grand jury session San Francisco will not extend to tho
tonii lit and offer suL'Slestioils. i south.
The Latest New Job
Is Germ Detective
San Francisco, Mar. 8. The germ
detective is tne latest. j
Sherlock Holmes had no sharper nose
for clues than she has for germs. Miei
gi.es tibout in a neat white npron nnd.
nurses cap.
It is i new department, originated by
the University ol" Culifomia affiliated
colleges, and its operations are being
ill inuiislrnted for the first time by lir.
Kn:g .luring "baby week" now in pro
gress here.
A score of "germ detectives'' aro
daily canvassing the tenement and
poorer sections of San Fmicisco, look
ing for germ deposits.
England Files Denial
of German Charges
Washington, Mar. 8. State
ment ndvices today said Anibassnlor
l'age in London had received Great
Britain's reply to the Gerninn charge
that a submarine crew was murdered
by British sailors on the stcimer Bora
long. Pago will send the note to Ber
lin through Ambassador Gerard.
The evidence America secured from
the crew of tho steamer Nicotian prom
ises to be a turning point in the dis
pute. Great Britain's note courts full
est investigatin nnd asks for an impir
1 1 ill inquiry. It denies Baralong sailors
fired on Ihe submarine's crew as they
swain helpless in the water.
Gilveton, Tex., Mar. 8. It was re
ported here today that the British ad
miralty hail taken over tho entire
W hito Star line. 1
get such beautiful shirt pat
terms?" said a customer
We certainly do take
great pains to select the
choicest styles of shirtings
and before the best styles
are sold.
This is done three or four
months before the shirts
can be delivered to us.
That's one reason why we
can show such attractive
shirts at
$1, $1.50 and $2
Drop in and look them
The Toggery
1G7 Commercial St.
Leading Clothiers
Petition For Paving
Church Street Signed
The petition for the paving of Church
utroet from Slate to Mission has al
ready been signed by 15 property own
ers and it is thought that enough ig-
naturcs have been secured to insure the
i improvement. Tho petition provides
spring. 1 lie city already has plans ie.r
a siphon bridge ncross tho mill race.
According to the city charter, owners
of assessed property will bo given 10
years in which to pay the assessments,
one-tenth of the nmount to be paid each
Several property owners on the street
have given assurances they will sign
the petition while others have stated
they would not be in favor of U remon
strance. The petition praying for the improve
ment, which will begin on Church street
adjoining the First Methodist church
has been signed by tho following prop
erty owners:
William Brown, Ella S. Croisnn, N. .T.
Unas, J. C. Clenrwater, A. L. Cleunva
ter, William It. Trindle, First Methodist
church, by ,T. K. Allison, U. G. Shipley
and I. II. Van Winkle; Bryant nnd
Trunk, ('has. II. Jones, A. M. Hansen,
Mrs. E. M. Vandervort, Cherry City
Flouring Mills.
Chinese Keep Peace
Outside of San Francisco
San Francisco, Mar. 8. Extra police
guarded Chinatown closely today fear
ing a renewal of the tong fighting, in
which two men were killed and five
The dead aro one Hop Sing member
li n.l an innocent victim, Sid Yet, who
was fatally shot just us he stepped into
the street from a (Irnnt nveuue restnu-
May Stop it in Portland.
Portland, Ore., Mar. 8. After callinfr
a hasty meeting ot tong leaders last
night, members of the Chinese pern
society believed today that thev had
averted n fresh outbreak f the toiu'
war as a result of tho San Francises
shooting yesterday,
The long lenders conferred until lontf
after midnight.
San Jose, Cal., Mar. 8. War
department representatives arc
hero today to see the trial flight
of what is said to be the largest
aeroplane in tho world. It was
built at Siinnyside, has wing
spread of 72 feet and a length
of 40 feet from nose to tail.
The pilot house is enclosed in
glass. If tho machine is a suc
cess it may be taken to the gov
ernment aviation station ut San
Itching Torture Stops
It la unnecessary for you to suffclt
with eczema, ringworm, rathe aud aim
ilar skin troubles, A little zemo, gotten
ut nny drux store for 2.V, or $1.00 for
extra large bottle, and promptly applied
will usually give instant relief from iteh
ine torture. It idealises and soothes tli
skin nnd heals quickly and effectively,
nmst skin diseases,
Zemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid
and does not smart the most, deliente skin.
It iH not greasy. Is easily applied and
costs little. Get it today and nave alt
further distress.
Zcino, Cleveland. .. .