itorial "The wkiiN'ksdav kvi:mm;. Mar.-h l!Uo'. age CHARLES H. FISHEB, Editor sad Manager. 17 J aLO. of Capital Journal ii jiusHKi) i:vi:i:y i:vi:.i.(i except sinday. s.i.i;m, oukgox, by Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. I.. S. BAIiXFIS, ( HAS. IT. FISHER, JmliA C. ANDKKsEX, President Vice-President S. and Tresis. si'HstiarTiux i:ati:s U:iily by carrier, per year .".o(i lvr month Daily by mail, per year ;s.0U Per month .I'm- IV IX LEASED W11IE TEI.ECi 1! A I'll KEI'OliT E a st i : i ; x i ; e i ' i : i : s e x T at i v i :s Xow York Chicago Ward-Lewis-William Special Agency lliiry K. Fisher l'u, Tribune Pudding .",o .X. dearborn St. The 'it i t:il Journal carrier boys arc intriHted to put tin- papers on the porch. If t Ho carrier i!oi s mt 1 this, misses you, or neglects, getting the ;iicr to you on time, kindly phone tin.1 circulation manager, as this is the only way we ran determine whether or not t lit carriers arc following instructions, rhonc Main SI. NEWS SUPPRESSION A MISTAKE WHAT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB MIGHT DO Publicity seems to be a word that has dropped out of the vocabularies of the warring nations. One and all they censor all news, not only that sent abroad but that for home use, and perhaps the latter the more thoroughly. Germany, so far as the news allowed to reach the world is concerned, is less secretive than the others, but her news statements are pretty closely watched and ex purgated before being put on the wires. However, the war news coming from Berlin seems more reliable than any other. France comes next, but is more secretive, while England goes the limit and sends out only such stuff as she thinks will not damage her standing in other countries. Of course there is one class of events that it is right to keep silent about, and that is those which have not yet taken place. What the army proposes doing is an entirely different thing from what the army has done. The latter is legitimate news that the world is entitled to know, and the people of the country interested are especially entitled to be informed about. England utterly ignores her own people, who actually know less about what is going on at the various fronts than we on this side the pond know. The British govern ment has always refused to take the people into its con fidence and let them know what has been done. This is the greatest mistake any government can make. If it wants its citizens solidly with it it must let them under stand the situation, whether it is good or bad. A victory is published broadcast, but a defeat, at first denied, is admitted on the homeopathic plan a little at a time, and finally when it is learned, instead of arousing the masses to greater effort it causes a feeling of soreness and dis gust. The widest publicity, and the exact truth as to the results of battles would do more to arouse England than any one thing the government could do. No government can reasonably bo expected to be trusted by its people whom it refuses to trust. Some of the practical things the Commercial club might do would be to work to hasten construction of the electric road from Mount Angel to the city. President Dimick, of the railway company, has stated that the road expected to come on to Salem, and the date set for be ginning work on the extension is several months overdue now. That road would mean new business for Salem and the higher development of an important section of Marion county. Another thing the Commercial club should not lose sight of is the fact that when flax weaving mills are established in the Willamette valley they should be located at Salem, when the industry has been promoted and the centre ot the territory which will in the future be devoted to flax growing. It is not too early now to be gin planning to secure the payroll industries which should in due sequence follow the initial experiments now in progress. There are practical things of far more benefit than "surveys" to ascertain facts that are of no particular benefit because conditions are generally well known any way, or "playground" movements which are mainly fads which give jobs to more people at the expense of an al ready over-burdened tax-paying public. The commercial club should work for those things which mean develop ment for the country and payrolls for the city. The senate yesterday afternoon confirmed the ap pointment of Newton D. Baker as secretary of war. From the new secretary's statements since the appointment he is that kind of a pacificist who believes in maintaining peace even if we have to go to war to secure it. He says he is for peace at "almost" any price, but draws the line at smirching the national honor in that behalf. Senator Chamberlain voted against the president in the final show down over the Gore resolution regarding warning Americans against travelling on armed vessels, and yesterday came the report that he is lined up with a boom for Champ Clark for the democratic nomination for the presidency. Is there any connection between the two acts? England is evidently following in the footsteps of General Butler in her ideas of what is contraband. Butler suggested the confiscation of slaves during the civil war by declaring them contraband. England is declaring anything contraband that she takes a notion to, but has kindly told us that she will let her agents here examine cargoes Americans intend shipping and tell the shipper whether England will permit him to ship them. She kindly adds that "there is no absolute guarantee of im munity under this plan." In other words if she feels like seizing them after they have started on their voyage of course she will do so. The Chinese tong war has broken out again in San Francisco and will soon, no doubt, spread to the other cities of the coast. When peace was declared recently no money was put up as is the usual Chinese custom on such occasions and by Chinese law, if there is such a thing the argument was probably considered as not binding. General Grant was far from talkative, hence when he spoke he usually said something. At one time, just before the presidential nominating convention met, some of his political friends were a trifle shaky as to the outcome, saying the democrats had a fine supply of campaign thunder. "Oh don't worry about that," said Ulycses, "You can always depend on the democrats doing the wrong thing at the right time." Under the civil service rules a government job is a long one. The great trouble with these though is that any job that is worth having is unknown to the list. Wage earners are under civil service rules, but where there is a salary, that is loft for the senators or congress men to pass out among their friends as a reward for services yet to come. & ALKALI MAKES SOAP DAB FOE WASHING HAIR . Most soups nail prepared shampoos I ontain too much alkali, which is mvi injurious, as it dries the scalp audi makes the. hair brittle. ' The lu-st thiinr to use is Inst l.b.ln niulsified cocoanut oil. for this is i.nre and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and heats the most expensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can act this at anv ilrnir store. and a fen- ounces will last the whole family for months. Silllltlv moUten the lmir ivltli -ntar aiol rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all mat is require!. It makes an abund ance or rn-li, crcamv lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh lookine. brieht. fliiffv. wavv and easv to handle.. Besides, it loosens and takes out every .article of dust. dirt and dandruff. Business In British Columbia Paralyzed H. W. Pnust returned this morning from a week's visit at Vancouver. ISritish Columbia, with a tale of a war country that would make the average citizen thankful he is living on this side of the Canadian line. Business in Vancouver is paralyzed and the talk and thoughts of the city and the country are of war only. Ef forts are being made to enlist nay male over the ace of Id years. As an inducement, the government offers a bonus of cash upon the return of a soldier from the war, or .'iO acres of land, in addition tn the regular army Sugar has gone up 25 cents a hundred since last Friday,! L'";;. IVZut rTnru,t!o .1 Z and is now $7.25 the hundred pounds. In the face of i Canadian land. this beet as well as cane sugar growers are yelping for ,, JttTan", T'Z protection. Is there no balm in Gilead for the rOPe- ginnine of the war. The only survivors vwvnnil nrwi Vino-.tWl nnncninoi-? I' a sergeant and one staff officer Senator Phelan, of California, has filed a protest with, Secretary Lansing against England's action in forbidding the importation of dried fruits until October. We impose tariff practically prohibitive on many foreign products, and as England is running her own affairs, it is hard to see just how the secretary is to help the California senator. Liebknecht Charges Germans Sell Guns To Enemy Countries London, Mar. S, A Ileuter dispatch from Amsterdam says: 'Stormy scenes ocuMficd in the Prus sian diet during the debate on the bud get. The socialist, llerr Liebknecht, said thit the government had not al lowed the Vorwaerts (the socialist or gan) to publish anything likely to cause excitement. "He charged Herman capitalists with selling war materials to the enemy through neutral countries. " Mlcrmau sol.liers have been killel by Germ m guns supplied by Krnpls, said llerr Liebnivht. adding, you all know how capitalists are international ly related to each other, especially as regards the armament inquiry.' "The president called Liebknecht to order, but liter Liebknicht was aii'.tin on Ins tcct warning the government against the danger of opening; the pris on doors and turning criminals into the army. " 'The danger must not be over looked,' he said. 'There are in the army hundreds of men of criminal ten-i dencies. Our great responsibility to-1 war J the defenseless populations of the! occupied territories ought to make us; very ciutious. j " 'The degeneration of the young is! the natural consequence of the dogen-j eration of mankind and this war threat-: ens the degeneration of our whole cul-: Hire.' j "Again Herr Liebknecht was called to order. He protested against the; president 's attempt to 'gag' him. ".Minister of Justice Jiezler. declued' to reply in detail to llerr Liebknecht 's interrogations, whereupon the budget' was adopted." j m - , rhL n TC3ACC0 THE man that don't build castles in the air don't build any with bricks, an' thar's no better air castle building material tnan vllvi. A man who knows pipe tobacco won't fait to "citch" the aged-in-tbe-wood mellowness of VELVET, the smoothest smoking tobacco, the very first time. 10 Tins and Metal-lined Bags 3UZ 1C RAISE MINERS' WAGES ! d Congressman Chipperfield is not only chipper but is also some leaper. The dispatches yesterday said he be came so excited he "leaped to his feet." ' Now we submit that a man let alone a congressman who can leap from a sitting start is both chipper and a leaper of some class. Xcw- York. Jlar. S. Half million bituminous coal miner in Pennsylvania. Oliiu. Illinni and Indiana will he grantc w aue increases aggregating. 1 1 . Ol'ii.imil annually on tormal ratification of a two year wage ntirecinent. agreed upon bv joint Mili-commit tees at mid night, it was learned today. f i 'f : ; Real Estate Transfers United States to Albert E. Mvers. S. W. 1-4, ;j. !. J K. 0. Ireton ct us to Roy Coffey, lot 12 Ireton Fruit Firms. K. A. I'.ennett et ux to Thomas Hol-i man, part lots o au 0, ('artwright 's Aid. K. C. and Alice K. Mays to Henry X. Goode. all lots -J7 and S l-i; lot' lis, Donald Fruit Farms. I Mnys-Coode t'o. to Hcnrv X. (inode.j part of lot block 1. Fillus Add. to! Donald. Klmer W. Kendall et ux to Xettie H. and Xithnn A. Clem, State, ij. f,. 1 W.I Aaron L. lie. kner to (';. (!. lieckner. part D. Savage claim, L't, li. ;i V. W. F. Wintermantel et ux to An kenny Orange. No. "ilu, part .las. 1'rit cnett claim, 4ii, '., .'! V. lieoigia .M. Jewctt to YA'. A. Heater, lots I, 4. and ."i of Sec. 11, s, 1 S. Kugene Ilogert to Clara Hogert. lot S, block u. W limit Grove Add., Salem. LOGAN BERRIES IN DENVER. Lung Trouble Yielded to This Medicine It you are suffering with ierloua lung trouble, It will pay to fully In vestigate Eckman'a Alterative, remedy which has caused many re coveries. One follows: &I23 Girurd Avr., Phil., Pa. "CentlemeDt .In the winter f 1903 I had nn attack of Grippe, fol lowed br Pneumonia, and later 7 l.unK Trouble, in the winter af 1IH4 1 had a eouah, night aweata fever and raised quantities of awfal looklna; stuff, aud later I had mair hrmorrhaKea, at one time three- la three successive days. Three physi cians treated me. I waa ordered to the mountains, but did not ko. Eck man'a Alterative waa recommended by a friend. After taking a amall quantity I had the first Quiet Blaht'a sleep for weeks. My Improvement was marked from the flrat. I ajalneal strength and weight and appetite. 1 never had another hemorrhage aad my cough gradually lessened until entirely gone. I am perfectly well." (Abbreviated.) ( Affidavit) AXXIE P. LOVGHRA. Eckman's Alterative Is most effica cious in bronchial catarrh and se vere throat and lung affections and up-buildinsr the system. Contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Accept no substitute. Small size, SI; regular size. 2. Sold by leadlne druggists. Write for booklet ot re coveries. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST Hi li.i. and these are m ancouver assisting the recruiting officers. The big cement works in this country and Canada are trying to fill the orders of the Hussian government ami snipments are oeing The English admiralty is peeved because the German raider Moewe cruised northwest around Ireland and dodp'od into hor lmmp nnrr frnm .1 nninf- tho TWlish fW i 'I""11' t'""" Vancouver by the F.mpre -o- 1 " 1 --e,-". 1 was not watcning. it was a low down trick, and decided ly ungentlemanly conduct. f steamers. Mr. Pnust will enter tiie employ of the Portland Superior Cement company and will be located at the town of Cement, 12 miles this side of the (Kugene Register.) j "One thing J want to tell the people I of this valley, and that is. ,lo not dig! up your loganberry bushes," .-aid James j Fullerton. of this city, who returned, the last of the week from Denver, Colo.,' where he has been working for a Salem! company that puts up loganberry juice I and handles the berry in other forms. Mr. Fullerton spent several weeks i n j Denver ami declares that lie has niadei the loganberry and its by-products verv j popular in that city. "There is only one way to sell the ' berry, and that is to let the buyer taste it." said Mr. Fullerton. i soaked a lot of dried berries and let the peo-1 pie of Denver taste them. I had piesi made, and T served loganberry juice at church socials. 1 also had a large Hum- j her of demonstrators all through the! business distiict of Denver. When I went to that city perhaps two per cent I of its population had ever heard of loganberries and 1 failed to find any i one who had ever heard of the juice n'jj a beverage, lint they all seem to know that it is now. They called me " Lo-j ganberry Jim' before I left there.'' Ahrmr tVui nnlv u-nir fn an A Vin frnr- n-o. nmnnrt f Vi a 1 anadia n border. His position is that . , ; . , , , V. . ., ,: of assistant tester 0t Is Advertised March Abbott, Mr. W. II. Aebi. Fred. Alexander. Mrs. Mattie. Anderson, M i s. .1. K. . Panto. Mr. 11. II. lilooni, C. A. . I'oss. Mr. I ikris. ISunn, Mrs. S. H, Clark, Mrs. (I. 1 1. Clark, Mr. b'ov R. Dunn. Mrs. William. Dnttoii, Mrs. Walter. Klliott. L. W. Fil-iuger. Jlrs. K. X. j Finley, Mis. Louella. ' Fraser.vMr. Angus. Gootz. Mr. Justus I. Green, Mr. I'.. 1!. Gunsley, Frank. Harris, Win, ; Hawkins, Mrs. Hattie. Havs, Mr. Ch.ules. ; Hill, Miss Lefa. Hill. Mr. Otto. Hink, Miss Lily. Johnson, Mr. C. C. Lousignot, Mrs. C. L. Morrison. Mr. (.'. F. Rasch. F. A. Hi i hardson, Mr. Ed. Tharp. Mrs. C. Shaw, Kiniiia. ' Skavan, ilr. L. P. Smith. Mr. C. , stitt. Mrs. Ira. Thoni -on, Mr. E. P. Trace, c. f. Ward. Mr. M. X'. Al'dl sT H FCKKSTETX", p. jr. Mr. Roosevelt is a case of a man being much bigger Hum his party. Instead of obeying it he brings it to its knees before him. Must be a great scarcity of presi dential timber in the party if it can only find two men big enough for the job, and it with at least half the voters of the country in it. It appears that the chief qualification of a secretary of war is to know absolutely nothing about war. Chinese is to serve notice on the leading Chinese that unless ;in end i; nut- tn it Inws will ho nncitul tn rlpnnvt thp l i i ii o ,i 1 1 ! ana nnlitarv institute. wnoie cauoouie 01 mem laboratories, hav- j iug received his training in the ordi-j nance department of the Culver, ludi-i BACKACHE, PAIN IN SIDE, RHEUMATISM. Ik 71 ' it? cm no jvm h .,m Y 1 SETTLING UP Silverton Talent Will Present Play at Gervais The drama "Home Ties" given by the Dramatic society of Central Howell March the third n that place was a pronounced success. The comical situ ations caused by Mrs. Poplin, Mrs. Pe Sart, Josia Ti. Care Knuisden and I.iudy Jane,, Kathryn Dougherty, kept I the nouse in a rouiol ot luutintcr. 1 lie people blue. LADD & BUSH,! Bankers Established 1SGS CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking: Business Safety Depesit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT If PVPl'V ln.nn wnilbl nnr Ilia hUa incf i.-Vinr, flirvo KUlo1 tarts of the father and his nniden sis- , wwoc uiii3i,1)r .erp eX(,Wl,itlf! w0 taken bv Earl are due, we d sidestep many grievous ills which now make1 iv srt ami iridic mm-nr. i.ourei Jan., as the girl troin the city, ami .lames Lamierback, as the man from X. V., brought out the stronn points in the puts. Hael Harris ami Fred Durbin, as the leading characters, showed great talent in developing their roles. The song sang in costume by Miss Dougherty won the entire house. Owing to the decided success it will be given at (jervais Saturdav, March 11, ISMli. 1 The merchant carries on his books about a million debts, and some who figure there are crooks, and some misfortune's pets. Some hope to play the honest game when they have got the tin, and it may be they'll do that same, soon as their ships come in. but some ships travel mighty slow, of winds and waves the sport; some hit the reef of Norman's Woe, and never come to port. While merchants have to charge us more for everything they sell, to cover the de faulter's score, and hence II. C. of L. Whene'er you buy a pound of Dills, or quart of pumpkin rind, vou're paying something on the bills of I K"r ,,nir a,'i'1 i"i,,iiul,s-tt,ul f- il . . u'.l Ttf i i n i I mentation of toed. A teaspoonful in a those who are behind. If you, who read these simple .fourth of n glass of hot water usually runes, would nav vour bills on time, von'd hpln tn rut thp svw instant relief, sou i.v aii price of prunes; and make your life sublime. w ITm JZtZ. Dear Mr. Editor: I For a long time I suffered from back-; ache, pain in left side, frequent urina-1 tion (bothering me at all times during' the day and night), and the uric acid in my blood caused me to suffer from rheumatism along with a contsaut tired n-om-out. feeling. I heard of the new j discovery of Dr. Pierce, of the Invalid's! Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, i X. V called ''Amine," and obtaining' these tablets I at once began their use.' After giving 'Anuric" a good trial I believe it to be the best kidney remedy on the niarket today, I have tried other I kidney medicines but these " Aunric Tablets'' of Dr. Pierce's are the onlvi ones, in my opinion, that will cure1 kidney and bladder troubles. j "Signed) Henry A. Love.. ! j Xote: Experiments at Dr. Pierce's1 I Hospital for several yearn proved that ; it An- Amine' is " times more active than Litlua in expelling poison, from bodv, lor those easily recognized symptoms ot nit lamination as backacshe,' scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in me woo, has caused rheumatism is simply wonderful how- surnlir ' uric-' acts. The best of ...... t i i juua aic tvi- ways obtained in cases 0f acute rheu matism in the joints, in gravel and gout, ami invariably the pains and stiffnesj "Inch so frequently and persistentl v ac eompany the disease rapidlv disappear. Send 10c for large trial package or go to your nearest drug store and simplv as,; for a SO cent package of 'Anuric'"' manufactured by Dr. Pierce. If you suspect kidney 0r bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and de scribe symptoms. Dr. Pierce will re port to you without free or any chare whatever. pisu RATED or table band Strictly correct weiM square deal and highest prices for .11 kinds of lunk. metal, r.fhher. hid .nt .. t t)- f i. pay per pound for old rigs. B:g stock of all size, second hanl incubators. All kind, corrugated irn for both rnnft on K:,,ii;.. t..- s ,. , ""uu,"i' nooung paper and second linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Mdlion Bargains. 302 Xorth Commercial St Always Watch This Ad Changes Often : P'jon 803