Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A pretty girl,
A summer night,
A man,
And he'll succeed, 0 !
Get yourself properly Tux-ified and you'll make all rivals look as
though they were tied to a post 'cause there's no tobacco made
that rivals Tuxedo for speeding things up. .
You just can't taste the savory flavor and whiff the snappy fra
grance of "Tux" without feeling the spirit of hustle shooting through
vour whole system.
li -Chief of tins Untied
States Wcatlier Uuiuuu
"1 uxeJo appeals to me because
II Is fragrant, without being heady;
ml! I, tut not tastclest. A thor
oughly cnjoyaUe, tjtisftlng pipe
fohacco that affords whuLioms
V ... , ..J
Last night the Armory had the up-:
peanince of a miniature concentration
iMiiip. The new ivci'nits who answered
the. call of preparedness swamped the
ipnirler master 'h department, nnd niiiiiy
were unable to be filled with the serv
ice equipment, prior to the hour for'
The Annual Federal Inspection will
he held tomorrow night nnd every mem
ber is working hard to maintain, the
ranking position as the bnnner company
of the slate on the records that will go
back to the War Department.
The company lias filially secured (
permission of the (leueral Staff toi
iceruit up to Kill men. Notice was re-!
ceicd fioui headipiiirtei's yesterday by
Captain Max (lehllinr Hint in ease lob
jiicu were present for the inspection to-,
morrow, nddilioiial equipment includ
ing clothing, rifles, lockers, and all
oilier military paraphernalia would be
forwarded immediately. The company
4 m..
aiem s nan
Stitch in Time Saves-Nine'l
The Capital Journal
Pave the pieces of your broken
castings or machinery parts and
we. will nave you money.
And we'll save you the time
yon might waste waiting for a
new part
Oyv-ncetyliMio welding makes
the brokeu part good as new.
Estimates cheerfully fuiui.slo'd.
260 N. High Saleiu, Orcgou
Springs Made and
Woldlng nnd brazing of U kinds
all kinds of Auto Repairing
nnd painting all worlt guaran
teed. R J. Herschback
2:9 State St. Salem, Ore.
Because his pipe
Is filled with sweet
And mel-
Low,rich TUXEDO!
. -I : .
Li a wrm ww jnk . trm m imw
The Perfect Tobacco
And no wonder 1 For there's
vvido world so rich as the choice, (
ripe Burley that Tuxedo is made'
of. When this wonderful leaf is1
mellowed to perfect mildness and
" every last bit of bite taken out by
original l uxedo Process"
have a smoke that's packed
of life and joy and satisfaction.
Tuxedo for a week.
Convenient, famine wrapped,
nwistuie-proot pouch . . . OC
Famous green tin with gold
lettering, curved to ht pocket
In Tin llnmidart, 40c and SOc
In Clan llumiJori, 50c and 90c
CO. M, 0. N G. ii
unanimously agreed last night to se
cure the recruits. About l" vacancies
exist under the new proposition, ino-
the new proposition, pro-
...... i, ,., i,-,,., tin.
volecl I hey
Inspect ion.
The recruit in: office will;
be open all dav and tomorrow, at the
Armory. ( t t
All applicants must be over IS years
of age, of good moral character, and
of permanent residence, or occupation,
so that they will be in n position to
al lend the drill regulahly every Tues
day night.
A. K.
ence T
irsda v.
has a fire tit their resi
No damage was done.
but a L'nod deal of excitement ensued. '
Mrs. Frank V. I.athrop, of Pleasant i
drove, visited lit the C. M, Uubinsou j
home Thursday afternoon. j
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ivnhinson and
children, Carrol and Lucille, went to
Salem Saturday. They returned home
mymvm f Wn " FW wi'. 'I'll P1 W WW 1 " J-W W i fr"tf. wtyn.iyy, wmm wnWH
dy Repair Guide
Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
Shoe Repairing while
You wait
Capital Journal
will repnir, buy
thing. Recover
or sell anv-
the lost or
restore found articles.
for Pipa and Cigarette
no tobacco leaf in the'
Ash Wednesday's Services
at St. Paul's Episcopal
, j Tomorrow lieine
the beginning of
I ' I 'mil 's Kpiscopal
. I celidiratiiin of tin
Ash Wednesday, and
Lent, services at St.
I'hurch are to be n
Holy Communion at
!':.'S0 a. m. with
litany a I 7:!0 p. in
Services for the
brief address, and
also with address,
remainder of this
i week at the same church will be
song Thursday evening at 7:110 when
llsll"l' '"'" "r -'M''i win no tne
preacher, and lilnuv and address on
Friday evening at, Hie same hour.
The regular weekly schedule of Len
ten services at, Ht. I 'a ill's is to be. even
song on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs
day at -1:110 p. in. and litany Wednes
days and Fridays at 7:iH) p. m. Brief
addresses or meditations will accom
pany each service. The regular Sunday
schedule is undisturbed.
Rehearsals are in progress by St.
Paul's choir for the . presentation of
the Passion oratorio, "The Crucifix
ion" composed by Sir John Stainer.
which it is planned to present on the
1 1 ning or. noon num.,,
(pril .1.
Sunday evening,
Mrs! deo. Hurst retuniod to her home
in Silvortou Saturday, nfter a visit w it
lief mother, Mrs. W. (1. Merrificld, c
this place. Ilecord.
Excelsior Motorcycles
Tver Johnson and Excelsior
Bicycles; Repairing; Accessories;
Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
our specialty.
Morse & Ramsden
Phone 1687 221 a High St.
Modern Shoe Repair Co.
474 Court Street
Fine Shoe Repairing
Says He Is In No Harry Joe
Howard Says "The Spirit
Moved Him"
New York, Mar. 7. Boer Rodcl to
day joined -the corps of ring veterans i
willing (.'lampion Jess Willard to ;
round into shape for his fight with I
Frank Meruit He donned the gloves I
and exchanged a few Mows with the I
champion, hut the workout was brief j
and light Willard refused to work:
hard lie said:
"Why hurry? I'm in good condition
now and we still have nearly three
Weeks before the fight."
It is understood that Al Reich, an
other, old tinier at the padded mitt
game, will enlist in the champion's
training squad within a few ilavs.
While Willard was buffeting "Rodol
nnd doing a bit of gym work, Frank
Moraii was floundering in the snow
iriund Westchester countv.. He plod
ded more than 10 miles through heavy
gi--iig ami trottol
blowing a bit, but
back to his
still strong.
All Stus Boat Portland.
Portland, Ore.
fi's" half under
the last half .
rissoiiation sty'
tr.:.M last niL.li;
chi. inpions, (i to
, Mar. 7. Plav
Pacific coast r
etding to the Natio'i
' the All-Star hod:
trounced the Portlr
Not a Vaudeville Stunt.
Portland. Ore., Mar. 7. ,loe Howard,
vaudeville star and musical comedy
composer, may find n court .judgment
lor $oil,(Kltl hanging over his head un
less he presents some reason to the
contrary before next Saturday.
Mrs. Kdah Withempoon has sued
Howard for breach of promise. Papers
were served on Howard when he was in
Portland in January. He did not answer
them. The time limit has expired. Yes-t.-r.liiy
Mrs. Witherspooii asked for an
order of default, and the hei.i'icg it:'.?
s"t for Sat unlay.
Mi'f. Witlu 1 si'ooe says Howard made
viieent love If) l'er when he v.is -n
I'oi tiaii'! two yi nr.- ago. and nrembed
to ci nie back Mid ninrl'y her. .'fowar,!
said he t!i if;'lv ii:opuscd to t'' u i-l-ov
-it a dinner a'tcr he had driiuif Cen
'(ilerable ,sine.
I aukec.
only a s
l'e'eutsw Wolgr.t.
Wis.. Mar. 7. Ad Wo!
icll of his 'former self, was
',1 by Fr.'ddie Welsh i'i
decision bout last nii;ht
the unanimous verdict of
easily defend
."-I'liuiiil in
ncc' iding to
local sporting ,11'iters today. Welsh
was much too fast for Wolgast and did
not lit: ve to e .fi nd himself.
Berkeley Poor Tacklers.
Berkeley. Pal.'. Mar. 7. Tackling
practice featured today's workout on
the Cuivci'sity of California oval by
the Blue and Cold football sipiad un
der direction of Andy Smith, the new
coach. The first spring practice yes
'(I'diiV was satisfactory to Smith, al
though he belie, cs the men are woeful
ly weak in tin kling. More than M)
men were out todav.
His Honor Makes No Prem
ises Except To Do His Best
As In the Past
Judge Calloway, who presides over
Department Number '2, of the circuit
court of this district which comprises
(he counties of Marion and Linn, to
day filed his declaration of candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for re
election. During his sojourn on the
bench Jdge Calloway has had some
knotty problems to settle in the cipiitv
department and has won a host of
friends by his impartial decisions and
fair honest dealings in all cases that
come before him.
There are two nukes elected in this
district but there is 110 judge elected
for the eipiit.v department nor for te
criminal department, the two success
ful judges simply settle the ipiestion
themselves as to what division of the
court business can best be maintained
in the interests of eeerfiomy nnd justice
in the courts, licports that certain
candidates are running for the office in
the criminal department and that oth
ers ars candidates for the eipiity judge
ship are erroneous and all of the candi
dates will find that they are running
for the office of circuit judge alone
and Hint the two highest candidates
will settle the headship of the depart
ment themsehes
In nn interview today Judge Cullo
wav slated that he had no slogan and
1. . t ..!.., (
no promises 10 niaie ri'i'i
elected he would give the best in him
to the. service of the people irrespec
tive of part,', politics or other consider
ations. If he was not elected ine
judge said lie and Mrs. Calloway woulil
return to their Yamhill county ranch.
The judge also added that the days
which he and Mrs. Calloway spent on
that farm raising prunes, pigs and
babies were the happiest of their lives.
If tt. earner doe not girt
lervtce notify the office.
11 mm
News 1
Stov.Hl to Play First Base
Toledo, Ohio, Mar. 7. George Sfov
a:l will be Roger Bresnnl.un 's first
baseman on the Toledo club this rea
son. This became known todav win ii
it .:s learned I'resnuhaii had assumed
stall's Fodeisl league contrai l.
The Eerjamin-Fox Bout.
Portland, Ore., Mar. 7 .Toe Ben.jimi:i
of !-pokan , tonight will take n cru 'k at
tlij allege I title of Jimmy Fox of San
Viaiiciseo, win- claims to be the p.vr (f
all featherwi ight:' on the Pacific coast.
1 u ey v.i'l Lex six utatiitory rounds
of iwo niiiiViS each. Both have inet
rJli!y Mascott recently, and in each (a. e
.!- result as a draw.
n one of (he five other bouts on the
card. .Tiniiey Kelly, 1 !i I pounds, will
Ejttli. his irfferences with Ike Coa.ii.
Training in Tull Swing.
San Francisco, Mar. 7 Hy next Monde.,-
the Const league training season
will be in full swing. Cliff Blanken
Mii;, manager of the Salt Lake Bees,
and Rowdy Elliott, Oakland pilot, are
alicndy at their respective training
spots, preparing the way for the play
ers themselves who will begin to arrive
before the end 'if I he week.
At Modesto, 0a'.. today Blankenship
ad Billy Burke, the Bees' trainer, lire
p:epnring the groends for the coming
training. Klliott r.r.,1 his trainer are
nerform'r.g the same duties at Roves
Sonne's ulit.m tl... i.,L-t .. 111 ...-..,.'
.. I Manager Wolvevton. of the Seals, ex-
pi cs all ot his plavei
training cpiarters in '
c to report at the
'an Jose bv Mon-
President Wins Two First
Falls By Decisive Vote
(Continued From Page One.)
Ton wirr.ud up to his subject toward
the 11st, unl shouted his declaration
alieut the imps hell with consider
able spirit. '
.More than nOft members were present.
By 10 o'clock every gallery was filled,
mostly by women. Mnii.v brought their
knitting, and prepared for a long stfy.
The highest diplomats appeared at their
places in the diplomatic gallery before
the debate began.
Tn his opening prayer. Chaplain Con
don said: "God grant that the mem
bers of thiu'liouse may think of tlfeir
duty in this hour ami serve the best
interests of the great republic thcy
He closed with a ferent plea for
' ' peace and harmony. "
President for Peace.
Continuing his address, Pou said:
"President Wilson is for peace. He
would not sacrifice a single life to lie
president fur a life time. Our two
living former presidents are with him
in upholding the country's honor and
id'iiresentutive Campbell, senior re-pul-lican
member of the rules commit
tee, declared that if the house voted
down the "previous question," and per
mitted debate, lie would offer a sub
stitute resolution to give a "square
vote" on the merit., of the warniiijt
"J' this is not done," he asserted,
"the house will iif be able to express
its views on the main issue by tabling
Mcl.emore's resolution. The belligerent's
are fighting for existence. Thing for
us to do in order to avoid war is to
warn America as to keep off nrnied I
Hepresentative Harrison, nu admin
istration leader, followed Campbell. He
said: "The issue is absolutely clear,
although some tire trying to confuse it.
If the rule is defeated you will send
joy to 'Some foreign capitals, and stub
your president in the back."
Chipperfield as Leader.
Hepresentative Chipperfield leaped
to his feet and cried that the presi
dent's policy meant either war or hu
miliation. He shouted: "The man
who speaks for peace isn't a coward,
lie is not a poltroon, in Illinois the
people nre not intoxicated by uinmuui
tiou profits. The American people wiil
never shed blood excent for inent
principles. "
Representative Gardner supported
Wilson in a brief speech. Representa
tive Bennett demanded the right to
amend Mcl.eniore's warning resolution.
Hepresentative Maun -said he favored
issuing a warning, but urged that the
best way to get a straight vote on the
issue would be to vote down the "pre
vious question. ' '
"We don't express our opinion by
tabling Mcl.emore's warning," he said,
"unless sueli action is construed ns an
invitation to American's to travel on
armed ships. 1 do not want to extend
such an invitation."
Defeat of the "previous question''
was demanded by liepreseuttive I.en
root, so as to permit amendment of
Mcl.emore's warning. He declared the
house favored issuing a warning, and
that tabling of the Mcl.emore reselu-
rion wouiu not show tile real sentiment
of the house. I, enroot cried:
Some Loud Talking.
."The man who votes to table the
Mcl.emore measure, and who actually
favors issuing a warning, iy nothing
but a coward!"
This caused treat minimise nn Hie
republican side. In the midst of it Hep
resentative Fitzgerald secured recogni
tion and startled the democrats bv"ile
clnring he would vote against tabling
the warning.
"I do not believe we should jeopard
ize the nation because a few foolhardy
Americans want to sail on armed
ships," he said.
He added, however, that he would
support the rule.
Hepresentative Farr, republican,
pledged himself to vote in ftvor of tab
ling the resolution.
"Tabling that resolution will prevent
war with Gerinnny," he declared.
The real issue, Representative Gra
ham asserted, is whether congress in
tends to mind its own business and til
low the president to attend to his
Representative London, socialist, of
New lork. voted ill favor of permit
ting nuicudtucnt in the resolution.
Representatives Kitchin and l'age vet
el against the amendments.
Got Rid of My Corns
With Magic "Gets-It"
Simplest Corn Cure In the World No
Pain, No Fuss. New, Sure Way.
When corns make you almost "die
with your boots on," when you've
snaked them and picked them and
sliced them, when corn-swelling salves,
Why Have Corns At All When "Gets-It,"
lloinovrsXtiem the New, Dead-Sure Wujf
and tapes, bandages, and plasters that
make corns pop-eyed have only made
your corns grow faster, just hold your
heart a moment and figure this: I'ut
two drops of "licts-lt" on the corn. It
dries at once. You can put your shoo
and stocking on right over it. The
corn is doomed. It makes the corn
come off clear and clean. It's the new,
easy way. Nothing to stick or press
on the corn. You enn wear smaller
shoes. You'll be a joy-walker. No
pain, no trouble. Accept no substitutes.
"Cets-It" is sold by druggists every
where, L'oe a bottle, or sent direct by
l'J. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111.
Winston-Salem, N. C, Manu
factures More Tobacco
Than Any Other City
Following are extracts from an ad
dress delivered by Col. A. I'. Watts,
collector of internal revenue, Tor the
Fifth district of North Carolina, at ft
smoker given by the Twin City club,
Winston-Salem, February 4, H'lii:
"Some Comparisons."
" Wiuston-Sulcm is supplying one
foiirth of all the chewing anil smoking
tobacco consumed in the I'nited Stutes,
besides exporting vast quantities tu for
eign hinds. This statement is taken
from the report of the commissioner
of internal revenue for the first quar
ter of the present fiscal year and from
private advices from Washington, as to
the second quarter, which ended De
cember Ml, last.
"Vour ciU is makr.ig one-seventh of
a.! tobacco products chewing nnd
smoking tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and
snuff manufactured ill the I'nited
States. Vour manufacturers are pay
ing 011 an average about .:!7.(il) a day
revenue taxes to the government and
the amount is increasing from month
to month. When your government build
ing, much the handsomest in the state,
was completed last July at a cost of
'J-oO.u'U'l your newspapers made the
statement that the taxes paid in your
city to Pncle Sain for the first eight
days of its occupancy would pay for it.
Since September, it has taken only a
fraction over seven average days collec
tions here to equal its cost. So far this
week. .Mr. Oranford has taken in $2nti,
42t."0. I predict that before llllii shall
have ended your-average weekly pay
ments to the government on tobacco
will more thuii luiv fur this magnificent
building, leaving the collections for the
otlwr fifty-one weeks as clear profit to
tn" government.
"Tobacco Shipments."
"Winston-Salem is shipping on nn
average each week day to all parts of
this country and to foreign lands at
least ."loli.iilill ot tobacco products.
" In conclusion, Winston-Salem niaun-
fuctures more tobacco, nil tobacco pro
ducts are taken into this statement,
than any other city on earth, little or
lug. Industrially, she is easily 'first in
.North Carolina, population considered,
first in America and I believe, in the
world! socially, a never failing delight
10 ner menus. ' '
V,. M. Rcaslan. nuidislier of tlm Al
banv Herald, as in Salem, returning
ironi a nusinoss nip to Portland.
To Promote
it Is necessary to keep the Stom
ach strong and active, and In
Stomach Bitters
you have a remedy that should help
Nature correct any such weakness.
Try it.
FOR RENT Four room modern new
house completely furnished. Phone
FOR SALE Eight or ten stands of
dees at .f'.'.-Hi. Irani; Dion, Route S,
Box Km. Mar7
DEHI li AliI.E ROOMS Furnace he,t,
fine location, excellent metis. Phone
1 150-M. 1510 state. April"
INFORMATION Is wanted as to the
whereil.outs of C. L. Petermnn. Will
I'll,' for same. P. C eo 4JU jth
I A,e., New York,
PHONE 937 tor wood w.
HARRY Windowcleancr. Phone 70S.
2153J. Mur7
1-lCO-J. Marl!
cuttle and
DRESS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Bod
gers, 242 B. 19th. MarlD
lady. Phone 210. MarS
WANTED Hume canned fruit, J'hone
1109. 4"i9 Stato street. Mar!)
FOR HEMT Furnished and iinluruisii
ed modern house. G. W. Johnson, tf
WANTED A girl for house work. Call
afternoons at 7J0 Hood street. Marfi
UAK, asb, fir and maple eora wood.
rboneldzz-j. w. jr. i-roeior. muuv
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Llewellyn
pups . Five weeks old. Phono 13:3.
ROOFS REPAIRED Guaranteed not 4
to leak. Phono G44-R, or 747-M.
FOR SALE Store shelving counters
and 0110 showcase. F. W. Woolworth
Co. Marlj
work. Can gi
Gl It j Wants house,
,0 references. Phone
FOR SALE One horso cart, used one
season, $8.00. Frank Dein, Koute S,
Dox 105. iIar7
FOR RENT Threo or four room mod
ern furnished apartment. 3-5 South
14th street. Marll
WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room bouse
reasonably close in. Address JN. U.,
care Journal. tf
FOB SALE 15 acres hottom lind,
south of Marion. Mrs. E. Thomas,
Marion, Oregon. AprUl
FOR SALE Swedish select white oats
at 40 cents per bushel. Geo. Schaap,
Pratuni, Oregon. MarlS
FOR SALE Chop, a good road or
work horse, weight 1100 lbs. Nine
years. Phono 003. Mar7
WANTED To buy a work horse,
woight about 1-00 pounds, not over 8
ye.irs old. Phone 14F15. Mar
WANTED A girl or woman to h
house work nnd take care of chil
dren. Call 1S7 S. Coin'l. MarlJ
WANTED ISeef cattle and horses,
weight about 1200 pounds, not over
8 years old. Phono 1 IFI5. Mar7
will trade for heavy horse or cow.
Ed llarr, 1980 Waller street. Mailt
young men. A piece of good land for
your labor. "M" cure Jouni.il. Mar!)
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 acres of good potito land. Must
bo cheap. Adress Journal C-50. MayG
np to date power equipment. List your
order at Salem Fuel VarJs. Phone
529. tt
FOR SALE Cheap, or trjde, a new
room house. What have you L. H.
liarbor, at Spencer Hardware com
pany. Mar7
FOR RENT Improved 5 acres in bear
ing fruit, also 5 room modern housei
cheap. Joseph Barber. Phone 251
or 1722. Mar9
EXCHANGE Will sell good Harley
motorcycle cheap, or trado for horse
and buggy. Apply at Capital Journ
al office. tt
board and room in nico home, close
in, reasonable. Address M, Capital
Journal. Man
into housekeeping npirtments, 1, 2
nnd 3 rooms, ready for occupancy,
100 Court street. Mario
FOB BENT Store, 21x165 feel, elec
tric lights and Bteam heat. See Watt
Bhipp Co., 219 North Commercial
street. Pnone 363. tl
FOB SALE Fine residence lot, 62x10s
feet, Cipital and Center streets. Pries
$2800. Write J. W. Beckley, Ner
strand, Minnesota. Mar23
FOR SALE Very cheap, one 4'j horse
power Newway gisolino engine, can
bo seen at 147.) N. 4th street. Phone
2017-J. Arthur Tucker.,
NICE ROOMS Furnished or unfurn
ished, with or without board, by day
or week. Apartments. Phone 635 for
special meals. 303 N. High. Mar
FOR RENT Houses with bams, from
four to ten dollars, ,Iso twelve acres
of garden land, hnlf mile north of
Deaf School. R. R. Ryan. Marl3
WANTED For cash, good horso for
general purposes on small ranch
weight 1 100 to 1200. Not over 9 vrs!
old, must bo Bound. Phono 89F22.
FOR SALE-Cheap, IS acres of good
grain or fruit land, well improved,
with or without stock and imple
ments. Salem, Routo 9, Box 78.
WANTED Man to care for ten aero
orchard tract near Crowlev station
for season 1910. Address Chirk Mu
sic company, Walli Walla, Washing-ton-
wagon and harness to exchange for a
late model 5-pnssenger Ford; arsn '
good Ford roadster for lite model 5
passenger Ford. Will pay cnsii dif
ference. Phone 1722. Mar!)
FOR SALE Or exchange, 54 acres of
farm land, nearly all in cultivation
near R, R, station and good school.
Will sell my equity or exchange for
a smaller trict. We also have a five
aero tract well improved, house, barn,
well and family orchard, gooil rnnd,
near Salem, for $1500. Cash $000,
imianee. easy terms. Square I
Realty Company, Rooms 202-203 V
i.niiK. uidg. rnone 470.