Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from Page Five)
Oak's Add., Salem
Pierce, Grace G., K. lot 7,
block 12, Oak '8 Add., talent . .
Pogue, M. E., 20 10 100 acres in
' Sec. 24, T. 0, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 106, page 127 Record of
Pogue, M. K., 4.47 acres in Sec.
24, T. 6, S. K. 3 W, dcs. in vol.
106, page 43, Iiecord of Deeds
Pogue, M. E., fr. lot 1, block 24,
Presnoll, Enos, lot 1, block 32,
Highland Add., Salem
Presnoll, Enos, lot 2, block 32,
Highland Add., Salem
Pugh, W. D., fr. of block 2,
Knight's Add., Salem
Pugh, W. D., W. Vi lot 1, block
5, Yew Park Add., Salem ....
Pugh, W. D., E. Vi lot 1, block 0,
Yew Park Add., Salem
Pueh, W. I).. N. K of lot 1 and
N. of lot 2, block 6, Yew
Park Annex, Salem
Randall, B. T., lot 12, block 1,
Randalls Add., Halem
Randall, H. T. (Brown, Win. K.)
lot 2, block 1, Randalls Add.,
Bnpp, O. B., Fr. of acre in Sec.
& 34, T. 7, S. If. .'I W., dcs.
in vol. 121, page 37S, Record
of Deeds
Ratcliffe, A. J., Kr. of block 27,
Sub. Div. of block 27, ITiii
versity Add., Salem
Itannu, Dorothy V., (trustee)
35 acres in See. 30, T. 3 S.
K. 2 VV., dcs. in vol. 107,
page 211), Record of Deeds....
Ranzau, Dorothy V. (trustee) 42
acres in Sec. I, T. 4 H. R. 3
W., des. in vol. II!), page 187
Record of Deeds
Rearden, Km mo A., lot 7, K ',i
lot 8, block 3, (juceii Ann
Add., Salem
Reeves, J. W., Fr. of block 11,
Meyers Add., Salem
Reeves, J. W., W. - block II,
Meyers Add., Salem
Reeves, K. U., Fr. of aero in
Sec. 11, T. 10, S. It. 3 VV., des.
in vol. 120, pago 30, Record
of Deeds
Rehmel, C. A. & .1.. lot 3, block
3, Owens Add., Snlein
Rhodes, M. .!., Tr. lots S & !),
block 2, (urtwrighta Add.,
Richart, Cyrus, lot It, block 1,
Hromlwny Add., Salem
Ricord, Geo. (Cuunter, A.,) VV.
i,a of block 43, North Salem
Roberts, I 'has. K., !l 03-100 acres
in See. 3 & 4, T. 10, S. K. 2
W., des, in vol. 10!), pago 334
(ex. vol. J 15, pago 83) Ree
ord of Deeds
Robertson, It. C, strip 30 ft.
wide 600 ft. long, adjoining
Potters Add. on south
Robertson, II. ('., lot 0, block 1,
Owens Add., Salem
Robertson, II. ('., lot 7, block 1,
Owons Add., Salem
Robertson,, ft. C, lots 1 jt 2,
block 13, Tumor
Robertson, i!. C, lots 1 & 2, 7 & 8
block 6, Western Add., Turn
er Robertson, F. B., 2 acres in Sec.
18, T.,5, H. K. 1 W., den
in vol 110, pago 7, Record
of Deeds
Robins, Win wood, lots 5 & 0,
block 16, Yew Park Annex ....
Robins, Winwood, 63 acres in
Sec. 23 & 24, T. 8, S. It. 3 W.
Robins, Miss K. 0., 305 40-100
in See. 35 & 36, T. 5, S. It. 3
W., des. in vol. 126, pago 100,
Record of Deeds
Robins, Miss E. (1., 50 acres in
Sec. 31, T. 5, S. It., 2 W., des.
in vol. 126, pago 100, Record
of Deeds
Robnett, M. K., lot 1, block 7,
ltrooklyn Add., Salem
Itoiiey, E. N. & O. (1., 48 51 100
acres in Sec, 24, T. 7, H. H. 3
W., des. in vol. 131, page 257
Record of Deeds
Jtoshoim, Mabel A., Fr. of aero
in Sec, 35, T, 6, S. R. 1 W,,
ilea, in vol. 118, p.igo 257,
Record of Deeds
lowland, II. F., Fr. lot 4, un
numbered block
Jtowland, O. 11., Fr. of lot 3, all
of lot 4, block 31, University
Add., Salem
'Jtowland, C. If., Fr. block 31,
Cap. Park Add., Salem
Jtowland, O. II., lot 1 & N. (j
lot 2, block SO, Salem
0. II., Pr.
I'. II., Fr.
('. II., lot 8, block
8!t. Salem
Jtawley, Ernstus M. & Maw A.,
1 81 100 acres in Sec. 8, T. 5,
S. It. 1 W., des. in vol. 131
page 106, Record of Deeds...
Jtoval, C. ('., 85 acres in Sec. 2,
T. 8, S. it. 2 F. des. in vol.
133, page 51, (ex. vol. 135,
page 386) Kecord of Deeds...
Ji.van, John .M ., acres in
Sec. 10 & 11, T.
W., des. in vol.- 05,
lfccoril uf Deeds ... .
Jtynn, It. It. & L. 1'
S. It. 3
l'ago 30,
lot 2,
& Fr. lots 1 & block 46, Ha-
Ryan, It. It. & I,. I'., Fr. lots
8 & 0, block 82, Salem
Ry.ui, II. It. i I,. I'., lot 6, & Fr.
lot 7, block 78, Salem
Ryan, W. A., lots 1 to 8, block
1, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Jtyan, W. A., lots II to 38 block
1, Prospect Pink Add., Salem
Ryan, W. A., lot 1 to 26, block
2, Prospect Pink Add., Salem
Ryan, W. A., lots 28 to 38, block
2, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Ryan. W. A., lots 1 l 21, block
3, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Ryan, VV. A., lots 23 to 38, block
3, Prospect Park Add., Silent
Ryan, VV. A., lots I to 14, block
4, Prospect Park Add., Salem
Ryan, VV. A., lots 18 & 1!), and
2!) to 38, block 4, Prospect
Park Add., Salem
Ityan, W. A., lot 3, block 5, Riv
erside Add., Salem
Ryan, VV. A., lot 4, block S, Riv
erside Adj., Sulein
Ryan, W. A., lot 5, block 3, Riv
erside Add., Salem
Rynn, V. A., lot 10, block 14,
Riverside, Add., Sulem
Jtyan, W. A., lot 11, block 14,
Riverside Add., Salem
Pel tr, Alfred, et. lot 7, block
10, Nob Hill Add., Salem
Schneider, Mrs. Theresa, lot 8,
Benedictine Add
Scott, .1. II., lot 8, bktck 1, Mel
wood Add., Sulein
420.04 j
79.30 1
8.20 !
3.0.8 ;
Scott, J. H., lot 9, block 2 Mel
wood Add., Salem 7.63
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 24,
block 2, Burlington, Ore., 3.81
Salem Dank & Trust Co., lot 1,
block 3, Burlington, Ore., 3.81
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 5,
block 3, Burlington, Ore 3.05
Salem Hank & Trust Co., lot 19,
block 3, Burlington, Oie 3.05
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (J. D.
Turner) lot 9, block 4, Burling
ton Add., Salem 5.33
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (John
son, C. J,.) lot 7, block 6, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem 20.58
Salem Bank & Trust Co., lot 8
& X. . lot 9, block ti, Hub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem 3.51
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (Min
ton, A. N. & C. It.) E, . of
lot 9, all lot 10, block 6, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Saloni 2.51
Salem Bank & Trust Co. (Spyk-
er, K. K.) S. lot 8, ull lot 9,
block 7, Sub. Div. block 3 to
7, Nob Hill Annex, Salem .... 4.57
Salem Bank & Trust Co., N. t.
of lot 13, block 7, Huh. l)i v. of
Mocks .1 to i, Nob 11 1 II Annex,
Salem 1.90
Salem Hank & Trust Co., lot
14, S. lot 15, block 7, Sub.
Div. blocks 3 to 7, Nob Hill
Annex, Salem 5.04
Salem Trust Co., Fr. A. of block
66, Salem 47.271
S.ilem Trust Co., lot 10, block I
28, Cap. Park Add., Sinem... 10.29;
Salem Trust Co., lot 11, block j
28, Cap. Park Add., Salem.... 10.30
Santa, E. F. & E lot !), & Fr.
lot 10, block 1, Broadway Add.,
Sargent, A., Fr. block 2, Brook
lyn Add., Salem
S .Hinders, .('. It., lot 8,'& Fr. lot
II, block J, Broadway Add.,
Hunter, E. .1. (K. E. Cole) Fr.
lot 2, block 17, Fail-mount
Park Add., Salem
Sauler, K. & M. J., 1 31, acres
in Sec. 31, T. 8, 2 VV., des. in
in vol. 124, iage 528, Kecord
of Deeds
Hunter, JO. J., Fr. lot 20,
Fr. lot 21,
K. .1.,
S. inter,
Seiiiiisler, A
H. J., Fr. lot 22
L., lot 9, block
" T.l I
Burlington Add., Salem
Heltleineier, F. VV., 2'.'. acres in
See. 7, T. 5, K. It. f W., des.
in vol. 117, pago 115, lteconl
of Deeds
Heltleineier, F. W., 100 acres ill
Sees. 18 & 7, T. 5, S. It. 1 VV.,
des. in vol. 106, page 474, Rec
ord of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. VV., 20 acres in
Hoc, 12, T. 5, H. It., 2 VV
des. in vol. 98, page 45, Record
of Deeds
Settlemeier, F. VV., 55 acres in
See. 13, T. 5, S. It. 2 VV., des.
in vol. 117, page 115, Record
of Deeds
Hettlemeier, F. VV., 71 7-100 acres
111 sec. J8, T. 5, H. R. 1 VV.,
des. in vol. 87, page 135, (ex.
vol. 117, pngo 12, and vol. 115,
page 520, and vol. 130, pago
161) Record of Deeds 145.55
Settlemeier, F. VV., 74 41 100
acres in Sec. 13, T. 5, S. It. 2
W., des. in vol. 108, p.ige 490
Record of Deeds 133.25
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 1, block
1, Park Add., Woodburn 2.42
Settlemeier, F. VV., lots 2 to 5,
block 1, Park Add., Woodburn 9.09
Settlemeier, F. W lot 2, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 5, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 0, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 7, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.43
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 8, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 9, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.44
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 10, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 11,
block 2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.43
Settlemeier, F. W., lot 12, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Hettlemeier, F. VV., lot 13, block
2, Park Add., Woodburn 2.14
Settlemeier, P. VV., lot 4, block
4. Park Add., Woodburn 2.44
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 5, block
I, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 6, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn 2.43
Settlemeier, P. VV., lot 7, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn 2.41
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 8, block
4, Park Add., Woodburn 2.44
Settlemeier, F. W lot 9, block
4, p.irk Add., Woodburn 2.11
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 10, block
I, Park Ad. I., Woodburn 2.43
Settlemeier, F. VV., lot 4, block
5, Park Add., Woodburn 2.42
Hettlemeier, F. VV., lot 5, block
5, Park Add., Woodburn 2.13
Hettlemeier, F. VV'., block 6,
Park Add., Woodburn 14.53
Settlemeier, F. VV., lots 1 & 2,
block 7, Park Add., Woodburn 4.S5
fomouioier, f. v Mock 8,
Pink Add., Woedbiiru 21.23
Hettlemeier, F. W lots 2, 3 & 4,
block 9, Park Add., Woodburn 7.27
Heltlciiieier, F. VV., lots 1 & 2,
block 10, Park Add., Wood
burn ;i,;3
Hettlemeier, F. W lots t, 2 & 3,
block II, Park Add., Wood
burn 4, SI
Seen, Patrick ,1., E. 1., of H. E.
' & N. W. or s". i:. &
X. V.. "', of S. VV. I.,, See.
10, T. 8, H. It. 2 K., 41.25
Hheppard, Fred, S. y lots 32,
33 Jt 34, Suunfsido Fruit
Farms No. 8 ay.M
Shields, J. A. Himpkins, Phro
11a, 20 acres in See. 2, T. 10,
S. R. 3 VV., des. in vol. 129,
page 634, Record of Deeds ... 11.38
Shoales, S. & E., 100 acres in
See. 21, T. 7, S. R. 1 E., des.
in vol. 09, page 594, Record
of Deeds, and vol. 1)1, pago
244, Record of Deeda 31.49
Simon, O. VV., 45-Ilk) nero tit
Sec. 34, T. 7, S. It. 3 W, des.
in vol. 113, page 264 (ex. vol.
125, pago 305) Record of
Deeda 9.15
Smith, C. J., V. 1,', of N. E.
& K. 1-i of N. VV. Vi, See. 23,
T. 8, S. R. 1 E 2S.20
Smith, C. J., E. Uj of N. E. H
N. E. 4 of S. E. V4, See.
i'3, T. 8, S. R. 1 E 13.28
Smith, C. J., N. W. M, See.
- T. 8, S. R. 1 E
Smith, Dr. E. O., Fr. block 3,
Hills Add., Nehaba
Smith, Geo. M., lot 8, block 6,
Englewcod Add., Salem
Smith, Oco. M., lot 9, block 6,
Englewood Add., Salem
Smith, Geo. & Marie, 2 acres
in Sec. 14, T. 7, S. R. 3 VV.,
des. in vol. 101, page 289 (ex.
vol. 124, page 98) Record of
Smith, Geo. & Marie, lot 4, block
1, Fairgrove Add., Salem
Smith, Geo. & Marie, lot 6, block
1, Melwood Add., Salem
Smith, Geo. & M.irie, lot 7, block
1, Melwood Add., Salem
Smith, II. H. (Dorrance, J. E.)
Fr. lots 7 & 8, block 12, Depot
Add., Salem
Smith, H. N. & S. K., 86 acres
in Sec. 16, T. 4, S. R. 1 VV.,
des. in vol. 105, page 320, Rec
ord of Deeds
Smith, M. E., lots 13 & 14, block
3, Broadway Add. Salem ....
Smouse, A. S., lot 2, block 3,
Englewood Add., Salem
Snvder, Laura B., Fr. of aero
in Sec. 26, T. 7, S. R. 3 VV.,
des. in vol. 118, page 320,
Record of Deeds
Sponce, J. S. & II.. 12 32 100
acres in Sec. 22, T. 6, S. It. 2
VV., des. in vol. 118, page 583,
Record of Deeds
Spier, It. V., block 1, -Mill Add.,
Sipiier, W. II. Si M. J., lot 2,
block 9, Houthwest Add., Sa
lem Ste.iins, G. L., Fr. of lot 3, Port
land Truck Gardens
Steams,. G. L., lot 4, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. L., lot 5, Portland
Truck Gardens
Htoars, O. I;., lot 6, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. L., lot 7, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. 1,., lot 8, Portland
Truck Gardens
Steirns, G. I,., lot 10, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. Ij., lot 1 1, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. I,., lot 12, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. I,., lot 13, Portland
Truck Gurdens
Stearns, G. L., lot 14, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. L.p lot 15, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. E., lot 16, PortUind
Truck Gardens
Stearns, G. L., lot 17, Portland
Truck Gardens
Stearns, (1. E., lot 18, Portland
Truck Gardens
Steel, ('has., lot 7, block 7,
Brooklvu Add., Salem
Steeinan, Mrs. VV. II., lot 4,
block 2, Toozes 1st Add.,
Steeman, Mrs. VV. If., lot 5,
block 2, Toozes 1st Add.,
Steeinan, Mrp. VV. II., lot 6,
block 2, Toozes, 1st Add.,
Hteen, A. M., Fr. of block 1,
Stensland, A. 11. & A., 80 acres
in Sec. 13, T. 8, S. R. 1 E.,
des. in vol. 116, page 157, Roe
ord of Deeds
Stevenson, O.' S., lota 4 & 5,
block 3, St. Alexis Add., Butte
villo Stew.nt, Josio U, lot 4,' block
1, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie L, lot 6, block 1,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio Ij., lot 4, block 2,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio U, lot 5, block 2,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 12, block
2, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 13, blek
2, Oaks Add., Salem
Stew.trt, Josio E., lot 4, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 5, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 0, block 3,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 4, block 4,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 5, block 4,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio L., lot 13, block
4, Oaks Add., Salem
Stew.nt, Josio E., lot 14, block
4, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio 1,., lot 15, block
I, Oaks Add.. Salem
Htewart, Josio L, lot 3, block 5,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 7, block 5,
Oaks Add., Salem
Htewart, Josie E., lot 8, block 5,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart. Josio E., lot 4, block6,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stew.nt, Josie E., lot 5, block 6,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 6, block 6,
Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 13, block
7, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 14, block
7, Oaks Add., Sulein
Hlewart. Josie E lot 15, block
7, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 14, block
8. Oaks Add., Salem
Stew.trt, Josie E., lot 15, block,
8, Oaks Add., Sulem
Stewart. Josie E lot 1, block
U, Oaks Add., Sulem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 2, block
II, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie 1.., VV. U3 lots 7
X 8, block 12, Oaks Add., Sa
lem Stewart, Josio E,, lot 1, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 2, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stew.trt, Josio I,,, lot 3, block
13, Oiks Add., En lent
Stewart. Josio E., lot 4, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 5, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 6, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 7, block
13. Onks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 8, block
13, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewnrt, Josio E., lot 1, block
14, 0.iks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie E., lot 2, block
14, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewurt, Josie L., lot 3, block
14, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josie li, lot 4, block
I I, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josio E., lot 5, block
14, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewadt, Josio E., lot 0, block
14, Oaks Add., Salem
Stewart, Josit) E., lot 7, block
14, Oaks Add., Silein
Stewart, Josie h., lot 8, block
14, Oul Add., Salem
23.50 Storv, Andrew, lota 7, 8, 9, 10,
Tract 18, Wise Acres 8.41
.82 Storv, A. (Morris, J. D.) lots 11,
12, 13 & U,'Trjct 18, Wise
8.39 Acres 5.22
Stroud, Frank J., 140 acres in
8.01 1 Sec. 0, T. 8, S. It. 1 VV 30.00
Stuart ierguson Timber Co., lot
13, Valley Fruit Farms No. 2 2.97
Sullivan, Sarah F., lots 2 & 3,
block 2, Mill City 2.82
47.88 Sullivan, sar.th lots 1 & Z,
block 6, Mill City 4.70
Hwales, . Alfred, S. W. 't, Sec.
22, T. 8, S. R. 1 K 20.08
14.49 Swartz, Ralph, lot 2, block 2,
noises 1st Add., Sulem 30.60
3.05 "wartz, k. & lot JO, r.ast
Mile fruit farms J8.ju
Swartz, Simon, 7 acres in Sec.
9.53 16, T. 7, S. R. 2 VV., des. in
vol. 75, page 445, Record of
Deeds 6.73
Swartz, Simon, lots 1 & 2, East
47.83 Side Fruit Farms 30.10
Swartz, Simon, lot 12, block 6,
21.35 Burlington Add., Sulem 33.07
Tinner, E. E., lot 1, block 23,
10.68 1 Vow Park Annex No. 2, New
I Plat, Halem 9.19
! Tanner, E. E., lot 2, block 23,
I Vow Park Annex No. 2, New
15.25 Plat, Halem 3.81
Tanner, E. E., lot 4, block 23,
, Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
I Plat, Salem 4.58
8.78 i Tanner, E. E., lot 5, block 23,
Yew Park Aunex No. 2, New
1.32 Plat Salem 3.S1
Tanner, E. E., lot 6, block 23,
Yew Park Annex No. 2, New
28.67 Pitt, Salem 12.96
Tanner, E. K., (Wait, N. A.) lot
3.44 3, block 23, Yew Park Annex
I No. 2, New Plat, Salem 12.96
3.71 1 Touil i nsoii, Eottie, Fr. of aero
in See. 18, T. 5, 8. It. 1 VV.,
3.72 dcs. in vol. 9", page 425, (ex.
I vol. 114, page 581) Record
3.37i of Deeds" 3.23
Traders Trust Co. of Oregon
3.38 End. V. Int. in lots 4 & 5, El-
I man Dorf Acres 11.48
2.70 Trullinger, C. II., 203 1-10 acres
in Sec. 24, T. 4, S. R. 1 VV.,
3.37 des. in vol. I, pago 107, rcg- "
istiation of title 161.20
3.38 ; Trullinger, C. H., lot 2, Will
Acres 6. SO
3.03 Trullinger, C. H., 53 acres in Sec.
23, T. 4, S. li. 1 VV., des. in
3.11 vol. 113, page 382, Record of
Deeds 50.40
3.71 Tuffli, II. & K., lot 9, block 4,
C.tp. St. Add., Salem 6.10
3.71 Tuffli, If. & K., lot 1, block 3,
Cap. St. Add., Salem 7.02
3.48 Tuffli, II. & IC, lot 0, block I,
Cap. St. Add., Sulem 6.10
3.91 Turner, C. E., lot Fr. lots 2 & 3
block 52, North Salem 18.30
4.05 Turner, .1. 1)., lots 8 & 9, Han-
shaw Fruit Farms 8.10
1 83 Universal Cons't Co., 2 57-100
acres 111 Sec. 3, T. 8, H. It. 3
VV., des. in vol. 125, pugo 45,
1.271 Record of Deeds 10.00
Vandervort, H. IE, Frs. of lots
7 & 8, block 2, University
1.26 Add., Salem 70.91
Van Eaanen, John, V aero in
Sec. 14, T. 7, S. K. 3 VV 3.03
1.27 Van E.ianen, J. & J., ( aero in
Sec. 14, T. 7, S. R. 3 VV., dcs.
30.50 in vol. 128, page 118, Record
of Deeds 12.81
Van Orsdal, J. P., 19 83 100
acres in Sec. 2, T. 5, S. R. 2
17.51! VV., des. in vol. 119, page 64,
Record of Deeds 31.35
Vearrier, W. IE, S. E. lot
1.55 7. Johnsons Add., Silverton.... 9.70
Vomer, VV. IE, 25 acres in See.
12.20 30, T. 7, S. If. 1 E 7.05
Veason, John (estate) 13 acres
11.44 in Sec. 27 & 34, T. 4, S. R. 1
W 24.43
12.20 Voget, Anna (J. W. & W. AI
bers) lots 7 & 8, block 27,
12.20 Cap. Pnrk Add., Salem 14.48
Voget, Fred. Fr. of lots 7 & 9,
12.20 block 38, University Add, Sa
lem 11.44
12.20 Voget, F. A. & F., lots 1 to 3,
& ti to 8, block 4, Sub. Div.
12.20 of block - "1", Simpsons
Add., Halem 12.20
12.96 Voget, V. A. & F., lots 9 to 11,
block 4, Hub. Div. of block I,
12.9C Simpsons Add., Salem 13.73
Voget, J. fl 15 62-100 acres in
11.44 Hoc. 22 & 23, T. 6, S. R. 2
W., des. in vol. 77, pngo 234,
11.43 and vol. 75, page 543 (cx
vol. 118, pago 174, 500 & 583
11.45 and ex. Eubish Eogan lands)
lteconl of Deeds 17.00
11.44 Voget, J. G., 10 ncres in Sec.
27, T. 6, S. R. 2 W., des. in
11.43 vol. .112, pnge 399 (ex. vol.
123. pago J42) Record of
12.20 Deeds 10.07
Voget, J. G., lot 1, block 10,
12.20 Jeff Mvers Add., Salem 11.44
Voget, ,i G., lot 7, block 10,
12.20 Jeff Mvers Add.. Salem 9.15
Voget, ,1.' G., lot 8, block 10,
12.96 Jeff Mvers Add., Salem 11.43
Voget, .1. G., lot 8, block 11,
13.72 Jeff Myers Add., Salem 12.20
Vose, It. IE, Fr. of acre in See.
13.73 20, T. 9, S. R. 3 E., des. in
vol. 129, page 295, Record of
11.43 Deeds 4.10
W.tcaser, W block 1, Siiaws
12.20; 1st Add., Seotts Mills 1.95
Wait, II. W. & Julia y., 52
12.20 1 acres in Sec. 18, 5, 1 W., des.
I in vol. 131, page 117, Record
12.20 of Deeds 93.83
j Waldo Hills Orchard Co. (Chase,
12.20 1 A. V.) Fr. lot 1 10. to be known
I as A. C. linhrnstort Orchards.... 4.20
11.13 Waldo Hills Orchard Co. (Stov-
i er, C. C.) lots 71 & 72, 87 &
11.44: 88, to be known as A. C.
Bohrnstert Co. Orchards .... 11.S5
Orchard Co., lots
& Fr. IS, to bo
A. C. Bohrnstert
Waldo Hills
10.68 1, 2, 3, 4
! known as
7.02 Co., Orchards
I Waldo Hills Orcrtrd
Fr. 27. to
19, 20, 25, 26
be known as A.
Co. Orchards ..
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
6, 65, m, 95, 96, 97, 111, 112
& Fr. 1 10, to be known as
A. C. ltohmstedt Co. Orch
ards Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 78, 79, 80,
81, 82, 83, SI, 85, 86, 114,
115, 1 17, 126, 128, 129, to be
known as A. C. Boiirnstert
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
103, 104, 107, 108, 109, to be
known as A. C. Hohrnstcdt
Waldo Hills Orchard Co., lots
130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Fr.
lot 123, to be known 13 A. C.
Bohrnstedt Orchards
Wallace, M. .1., (heirs) lot 2,
block 6, Coudits Add., Salem....
Wallace, T. li. & E. K.. lot 11.
tuocK 3, r;l.ly Add., Sjlem ....
12,20 1 Wallace, T. B. t E. E., lot 12,
block 3, Eddvs AdJ., Salem ....
.. 12.20Walling, Lorin, 8. W. U of N.
2 1.97
W. 14, See. I, T. 9, S. R3 E. 8.25
Waters, i VV., lot 6, block 4,
Cardwell Add., Salem 6.10
Waters, F. VV. (Ryan, E. S.)
Eot 7, Ireton Fruit Farms .... 4.05
Watson, Addie J., lot 14, block
5, Brooklyn Add., Salem 1.83
West, A. L., 11 acres in Sec.
20, T. 8, H. R. 3 VV., des. iu
vol. 104, pago 270, Record of
Deeds 12.11
West, A. E., 36 acres in Sec.
26 & 27, T. 8, S. R. 3 W., des.
in vol. 77, pa.?e 96, Record of
Deeds 105.60
West, A. L., lots 8 & 9, Sun
nyside Fruit Farms No. 6 14.00
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Eaud Co., (Derring, E. E.) 8
acres, lot 25, West Woodburn
Fruit Farms 9.90
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Land Co., (Lauritzen, C. O.)
13.35 acres, lot 26, West Wood
bum Fruit Farms 16.50
West Woodburn Fruit Farm &
Land Co. (Wolfe, Albert) 8
ncres, lot 24, West Woodburn
Fruit Farms 9.90
White, VV. J., Fr. block 40, Sa
lem 99.13
Whitney, C. E., lot 2, block 10,
Highland Add., Salem 22.12
Whitney, C. E. & Sarah W., lot
5, block 3, Coinptons Add.,
Salen'i 2.29
Whitnciy, C. E. & Sarah VV.,
lot 6, block 3, Coinptons Add.,
Salem 18.30
Whitney, C. E. & S. M., lot 2,
Smith Fruit Farms No. 1 13.99
Whitney, John W., (estate)
lots 1 to 42, Whitneys Petmi
na Acres 178.65
Whitney, O. C, lots 1 & 2, block
12, Jeff Mvers Add., S.ilem 2.28
Willets, E. It. & K., lot 1, block
3, Eddvs Add., Salem 9.15
Willets. E. It. & K., lot 2, block
3, Eddys Add., Salem 3.05
Mills, Davis, Fr. of block 16,
Nob Hill Annex, Salem 3.05
Wilson, A., lot 5, block 2, Cap.
St. Add., Salem 3.S1
Wilson, Alfred, N. , of block
K. block 74, North Halem 14.19
Wilson, Alfred, E. Vi mlock E.
block 75, North Halem 12.96
Wilson, Clara A., S. -50 ft, of
lets 1 to 3, block 4, Reeds
Add., Halem 45.75
Willson, G. A. & E., lot 30,
Fwald Fruit Farms 26.50
Wilson Inv't Co., 306 U4-100
acres in Sec. 18, T. 9, S. It.
4 E., des. in vol. 126, page
470, Record of Deeds 122.10
Wilson, li. J., lots 1 & 2, block
1, Fairgrove Add., Halem 4.58
Wiuslow, VV. C, lot 8, block 7,
Yew Park Aunex, Salem J5.25
VVintermute, I). J. & ('., lot 9,
block 3, Sulem Heights Add.,
Halem 3.5S
Wisdom, E., 8 80-100 acres iu Sec.
16, T. 4, S. It. 1 W., des. in
vol. 119, page 327, Record of
Deeds 9.35
Wisler, Elizna M., N. E. 14 of
N. E. 14 Sec. 16, 7, 1 E,.... 15.60
Wolfe, P. E., lot 10, block 2,
Halem Heights Add., Salem 4.62
Wood, Josephina, lot 4, block
1, Friekeys Add., Salem 22.S8
Woods, J. ' L. & Preston, 233
51-100 ncres in Sec. 33, 34 &
35, T. 6, S. R. 2 W 101.25
Wolff, V. H., lots 1, 4, 5, &
7, K'izer Fruit Fnrm Tracts... 27.00
Zooke, F. E. (Minier, J. VV.) lot
8, McDonald Fruit Tracts 18.30
WM. Escn,
Sheriff and Tax Collector of Marion
County, Oregon.
Quick Healing Remedy Drives Away
Eczema; Stops Itching
Poslam, the remedy for niling skin,
was made efficient for YOUR use. Its
concentrated healing power was put
there to serve YOU, to keep you free
from itching aggravation, from every
affection that might render your skin
It has helped others to attain per
fect skin and is available to you
handily and inexpensively. Try it over
night to clear away redness. Apply
it to any raw, abiaised or eruptional
surface and note improved results.
As to soaps for the skin if ordinary
kinds irritate, try Poslam Soap, medi
cated with Poslam.
For samples, send 4c stamps to Emer
gency Laboratories, 32 West 25th St.,
New York City. Hold by all Druggists.
Threw Diamond Ring
Out of Car Window
Portland, 'Or., March 7. Returning
from Coioiiado Beach, Mrs. J. H. () 'Gor
man sat iu the dining car, peeled an
orange and threw the peelings out of
the window. With them she threw two
diamond rings worth $1000.
The train was approaching Red
Bluff. Mrs. O 'Gorman told her hus
band. He disembarked at Red Bluff,
hired tun men and walked south on
the Southern Pacific tracks looking for
orange peelings.
For two days they searched. "
Today O'Goiinan arrived iu Portland
with the rings. He mailed to William
Krwin, a Red Bluff pioneer, a check
for $100 for finding the diamonds.
How French People
Cure Stomach Trouble
household remcdv of the French
peasantry, consisting of pine vegetable
oil, and said to possess wonderful merit
in the treatment ot stomach, liver and
intestinal troubles, has been introduced
in this country by George M. Mayr, who
for twenty years has been one of the
leading downtown druggists of Chi
cago and who himself was cured by its
use. So quick and effective is its action
that a single dose is usually enough to
bring pronounced relief in the most
stubborn cases, and many people who
have tried it declure they never heard
of anything to prodme such remarkable
results in so short n time. It is known
as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and can
now be had nt nil leading drug Btores.
It is sold with the positive understand
ing that your money will be refunded
without question or quibble if ONE
bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction.
Ti dure Tells
77 Story
ICuiyngbttU liUti by The riciuru Advertisers. Box 17, Oregon City, Ore.a
New Edison Disk
Each in every
style and all
records for each.
452 State Htreet
and Driving
170 S. Commercial
Phone 411
Phone 529
Old Shoes Made
The quality of our
work is as high
as the price is low
Ye Boot Shop
325 Htato St.
Opp. I .add & Bush
Glasses our
Eonsfts duplicated
on short notice.
Dr. Herman Barr,
Hair's Jewelry
Larnter Transfer
Phono, Office 030
or Residence 1808.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping, Moving,
Coal and Wood.
Quick. Reliable
Dr. Nelson re
moves corns, bun
ioni, ingrowing
nail.s, without,'
pain; also warts
and nudes.
Room 2S, Broy
nian Bldg.
Marion Dye Works
Cleaners and
245 N. Liberty St.
Halem, Ore.
Phone Main 2044
Furniture Repair
ing and Refinish
ing. A. F. Tingstrom
643 Court, in alley
Mattresses made
over, carpet clean
ing and laying.
Phone 230
Catering especial
ly to ladies. An
attractivq, invig
orating sport.
Over Salem Hdw.
Pianos 1 sell, the
Best and Cheapest
1'ianos rented.
432 State Street
Phone 15!)
Capital Dmg Store
Z. J. Uiggs, Ph. G.
Jsew location
State and Liberty
upon completion
of the McGilchrist
Auto and Car
riage Painting
Tops and Cush
ions repaired and
304 S. Com'l.
We make your
linen wear longer
nnd look better
by our nuto-dry
room mid press
machi n e wo r k.
Salem Laundry Co.
.130 S. Liberty St.
Jewelers and
Barr's Jewelry
State and Liberty
your Grocer
Royal Bakery
Made clean,
Phone 3S7
The Handy Man
Around the House
Pure Milk
and Cream
Oak Park Dairy
Auto Delivery.
Phone 009
W. F. Eooney
Salem's New
Painless Dentist
Watch papers for
Dr. C. A. Eldridge
Roomsl-8 Brey-
man Bldg.
ISO Commercial
Halem, Ore.
Clam Chowder
and Chili
Hhort Orders,
Sandwiches and
Truvclera Lunches
F. A. Evans, Prop.
Opp. Elec. Depot
Try Capital Journal Want Ada.
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this is nil
you will need), apply it at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scnlp and rub it in gently with the fin
ger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, mid three or
'four more applications will completely
dis-solve and entirely destroy every sfb
gle sign and trace of it, no'niattef how
. niucli (laiidrutt you may have.
I You will find all itching and digging
of the scnlp will stop instantly, and
'your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glos
sy, silky and soft, and' look and feel a
hundred times better.
Mann and Gardner
Clash Over Resolution
Washington. Mar. li While the son-
.ate today reuiwed its discussion with
i rogaiM to warning Americans armed
liners and across the street 21 represen
tatives talked over the subject while
at luncheon with VV. J. Itivin. the
nouse completed plans for a vote on the
. proposition tomoi rw.
The house rules committee agreed on
'the necessity of n rule placing Repre
sentative Mcl.emore's warning resolu
tion on the calendar for discussion nt. 11
o'clock tomorrow morning. Four hours
will be devoted to debate on the merits
of the resolution, and 00 minutes to de
bate on the role itself. No vote is ex
pected before tomorrow night.
Representative Clinde Kitchen nnd
ther advocates of the warning today
reiterated their nssiirtinn tliaf !,.,
its of the controversy would have to be
found out liner on a simple warning res
olution. Kitchen believes the house
will Mite to table the McEemore meas
ure, following the senate 'h le.id on the
Gore resolution.
Republican ind democrats joined in
n demonstration of approval when Rep
resentative Mann in a reply to Repre
sentative Gardner declared that Amer
icans should be kept off armed liners.
"Gardner." cried Mnnn, "chtrged
that inomlrrs ef house, for partisan
reasons, fear being forced to vote ou
this issue. I do not believe he is en
titled to speak for the entire house.
I 'm opposed to bringing this mutter bo
fore the house nt all. I have been con
tent to let the house attend to its own
constitutional duties, and tho presi
dent to his, believing that if the presi
dent w.intB tho house to act ho must
come before it and say so.
"There has been no open complaint
or citicism of the president's action
troiu the republican side. A resolution
was dropped in tho basket. Nobody
jever read it or heard of it until tho
president asked ttiat the house take
j action.
"1 believe that if a majority of tho
members expressed their own opinions
I they would say that Americans ought
: not to complicate the situation by trav
eling on armed liners."
j Amidst tho applause, Gardner asked
Mann if he thought tho United Htates
should abandon to tiieir fate Americans
j who traveled on armed liners in tho
event of a warning to keep off them,
j Mann replied:
j "When that situation arises we ought
to meet it. J hope we II never be put
to the test of deciding whether wo
ought to fight because some fool in
volves us. ' '
As March winds, flying dust mid
dirt, are apt to injure any complexion,
this information will be of special
value right now. If you have any cut
aneous blemish, don't use paint. pow
der or anything else to cover it up. Too
often t 'its only emphasize the delect.
Besides, it's much easier to remove tho
disfigurement with ordinary niercnlizeil
wax. Applied nightly, the wax will
gradually remove freckles, pimple,
moth patches, swallowness, red or yel
low blotches or any surface eruption.
The affected cuticiilc is absorbed, a lit
tle each day until the clear, soft youth
vul and beautiful skin beneath is)
brought wholly to view. Ask the drug
gist lor one ounco of mereolized wax
and use this Jme you use cold cream.
Remove in morning with soap and wat
er. Mauy who have tried this simple,
harmless treatment report astonishing
If bothered with wrinkles or fur
rows, i wash lotion made by dissolv
ing 1 07.. powdered saxolite in 1-2 pint
witch hazel will prove wonderfully effective.