Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1916, Image 4

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    itorial Page of 'The Capital Journal"
March 7. 1 0 1 .
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
bee. und Trena.
ily by carrier, per year
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New York Chicago
Wr4-LewU-WUliams Special Agency Hurry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
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country. The roads instead of concealing their business
affairs give them full publicity. Acting squarely, they
have nothing to conceal, and as the people can see for
themselves they are attending strictly to their business
of giving the public good service, the bitter feeling is
vanishing, has indeed about disappeared, and both the
railroads and the country are the better for it.
The University is asking girls how much they think a
young man should earn before asking a college girl to
wed. Just why the University desires this information is
not known, but the consensus of opinion among the girls
that have answered is that it should not be less than
$1200 a year. Now the University will have to discover
in the interests of the boys whether this includes the
small change the young fellow would have to put up for
household and other expenses, or just the amount the col
lege girl would need for her own little self.
The Vanderbilt idea of the dealings of a great trans
portation company with the public, and duty of such a
corporation toward the masses was expressed in his1
r i. a . i ' : l . ...i l. u ut: I
lamous repiy 10 a cerium question us iu wnui me puuuu
would think, with a curt, "The Public be Damned!"
This is no longer considered the correct answer.
For years the great corporations of the United States
were conducted on this principle. It worked all right for
a while and then suddenly it ceased to operate. The peo
ple awoke to the fact that they were bigger than any
company or any combination of companies.
They refused to "be damned" as a steady thing. They
somehow did not like it, and they said so. They said so
so emphatically that their congressmen had to suddenly
sit up and take notice that they were not employed by the
corporations, although many of them were paid by them,
but were public servants, and had to obey orders.
The result was some drastic legislation that made the
corporations tired,-very tired. They kicked with the re
sult that still more drastic legislation was enacted and
corporate life instead of being one glad, sweet song, be- J
came a struggle tor existence. Iney found that tne
tables were turned and the people were trying their hand
at putting into effect some catch phrases of their own;
one of which was "The Railroads be damned!" The rail
roads like the public did not like being damned as a steady
diet; but they had had their innings and could not get to
bat again.
The big. bosses like Vanderbilt had wrecked roads,
watered stock until the owners had to carry it in a
bucket, fixed rates to suit themselves, gave rebates, did
as they pleased and knew no law but their own will.
The Sherman law gave them a hard jolt and the creat
ing of the interstate commerce commission with super
vision over them and the power to fix rates and compel
their observance, was a death blow to the old order of
The next jolt came with the creating of state railroad
commissions' with power over railroads within their
The railroads were to blame at first, for they puHed
the pendulum of justice so far out of plumb that when it
swung back it went to the other extreme and was unjust
to the roads, just as they had been unjust to the peo;,le
whom they were supposed to serve, but of whom they
attempted' to make servants. The result was disastrous
to the railroads, and necessarily also disastrous to tho
public, for injustice cannot be done without it.? reacting
on those who do it. This happened to the railroads in
their first injustice, and it also happened to the people
whim thin- in turn became Ulliust.
The pendulum has ceased now to swing beyond its;
proper arc and business feels the good ell'ects of this,
normal condition. The people have rights the railroads;
cannot infringe on without injury to themselves and thej
roads have rights the people must respect. j
It is well that we have arrived at this sensible stage m.
our mutual dealings. The prosperity of the country dc-j
ponds largely on the railroads and they must be treated,
fairly and justly else the people will in turn sutler fronv
their own misuse of them. I
Only yesterday Mr. William Sproule, president of the
Southern" Pacific railroad was in Salem, and before the
.,;iw.r inmmiiicwm TT.i p-niio ml 1 1 ti t M ril v because
J-.UUU UUIUV unimuimn'ii. a'v v.m..v ......, .
. 1 1 1 . 1 1. .. i. .... ..... ...... .-i H.f hdllHTl
there was compianu inane inai vueun wt; mi wwiif,
treated fairlv by his company in the matter of getting
cars for handling its products, lie promised to correct
this as far as possible at once, and give Oregon's products
5i fhnncn to rot to the markets. A few years ago Mr.
Vjinderhilt or other railroad managers would have appliei
the "public be damned" remedy and that would have been
the end of it. It is different now. President Sproule
came, examined into the complaints, saw they were justi
fied and then he so far as he could, corrected them. This
so different action is the result of the dispute now fortu
nately settled between the people and the companies. A
new era of mutual understanding and respect for each
others' rights has dawned, and it bodes well for the whole
This is Burbank day. Just what we are going to do
about it here in Salem is an unknown thing. However,
every citizen of the state will unite in wishing the plant
wizard almost anything he could desire and among these
a long term of years yet in which to continue his work so
beneficial to humanity. He is the Edison of the vegetable
world, making lots of things grow where none grew be
fore, and is at least a step father to our famous logan
berry. More power to your elbow Luther, may your meals
agree with you and your sleep be like an infants.
Those members of the First Christian Church who had
a chance to express their ideas as to what constituted an
ideal wife, missed the opportunity of their lives to make
themselves solid at home for life, with a welcoming smile
like the dawning of a perfect day awaiting them at any
old time they showed up. There is only one answer to
that question, and it is "My idea of a perfect wife is one
exactly like the one I have."
That "familiarity breeds contempt," applies to death
as well as other things. Yesterday a report of the sink
ing of a ship off the coast of Brazil and the drowning of
415 passengers failed to get more than a small display
head in any of the newspapers. Under any other condi
tions than those caused by the war, every paper in the
land would have had a banner head, a line across the
The jitney has caused trouble for the street car sys
tems and city dads in nearly every city on the coast and
now it is the cause of the attempt to recall the mayor of
Oakland, California, and all because the city fathers tried
to regulate the irrepressible and unregulatable jits.
The modern conception of a politician, and a tolerably
correct one, too. is "a man who rides his friends in the
race for office and rewards their political enemies for;
whipping up the saddle horse."
Married Men Tell Their
Ideas of a Perfect Wife
Closing a series of "ideal" sermons
in which members of the congregation
were asked to express their opinions as
to ideal folks, the Kev. F. T. Porter, of
the First Christian church preached on
"The Ideal Wife" list evening and re
ceived suggestions and opinions from
his congregation.
Several of the opinions as to what
an ideal wife should and should not be
are as follow., the opinions being read
and commented on from the pulpit:
1. An ideal wife is one that is good
looking, good n.iturcd, good housekeeper
and a good cook. She should be willing
to make biscuits and pancakes at least
three times a week. '
2. The ideal wife must be a church
member and attend church and prayer
meeting jnd insist on the Bible being
read in the home.
i. My ideal of a wife is one that is
kind and considerate of others and de
voted to her home and church. Sue
should ever be ready to lend a helping
hand to those thnt are not as well situ
ated as she is. She should believe in
helping her husbnd in every way.
i. My ideal of a wife is one that has
been born and reared on a farm and is
a judge and .ulmiror of all kinds of
stock and not ashamed to milk a cow.
She should be au expert about the house
and not he otten.lod it a five ( clock
breakfast is ordered, ami should prefer
to wear a hit that is paid for rather'
than one worth Wil to bo paid for on
the installment plan.
Beginning next Sunday Mr. Porter :
will continue his sermons on the ideal I
idea, only the ideals will refer to sub-j
jects not quite so closely connected with
the household. The first of the new!
series will be inviting expressions of
m. ;..;,... ... ... .... !. i .... i i... v I
wiMiuiia an Micai i n HIHI in liuj'ts,
to secure expressions from city officials
is to what constitutes an ideal citv.
Why shouldn't the Stand
ard Oil Company make the
best oil-with over 40 years
experience in refining -with un
equalled plant equipment? And
Zerolene is scientifically refined
from selected California crude-asphalt-base.
Prominent authori
ties have recently declared that an
oil correctly refined from asphalt
base crude can be made not only
equal but superior to paraffine
base oils. Next time you empty
Dealers everywhere and at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil
the Standard OilforHotor Cm
Bishop Rowe of Alaska
Will Lecture Thursday j
a large ilwemug house on .etteison
treet in the rear of the hotel, to t L.
Shall, of Cortland, for ill acres of
farm land near Ciuldend.ile. Washing
ton. The I 'alias property has a f rout
ine or 1. !4.jl feet on -Mill street, op
One of the most prominent prelates of!
the episcopal church will be in Salem'
Tlu.sday evening of this week, to I
preach at St. Caul's church. This is the'
'ft. l ev. Ceter T. Howe, bishop .;f
x'. iasi;a, wao, it is suit Knows more
nlijut Alaska than any other man liv
ing. For twenty-one years the bis!io;
has driven cIor teams around every sec
tion of our great northern possesion and
can tell m my amusing and interesting
stories of nils' most interesting land.
Ilishop Howe is a mail of wide repu
tation, both iu this country and abroad,
lie has been called time and again to
episcopates within the continental
Tuiteil St.ites but on each occasion has
.l.'plim.il tn lnai-a A1.....I,., S niiiva.ual.
Iv known and so' popular is he iu 'his Hop mea are getting busy. They have
owii jurisdiction that it is said that if'l a" 80U0 t0 tlltMr respective yard and
Mrs. George Morley enjoyed a birth
day Tuesday for the first time in four
years. Mrs. Morley was a leap year
luiliv and therefore sees lour years
posite the court house, and 210 feet on el ipse between bitrinlnys. When sh
Jefferson street.
Mr. Shall has leased the hotel to J.
M. Anderson, who has a hotel at Carl
ton, also and the new landlord opened
the place for business today. Mr. An-
I ucisou nas me repuiaiion or oeing a
good hotel man and no doulit will soon
place the Imperial in a place among the
front ranks of Willamette valley ho
tels. D.illas ltemizer.
does have a birthday, however, it 11.
properly celebrated. The custom for
several years past has been a big family
dinner and this year is no exception to
the rule. Besides the relatives, close
friends were present. Little Miss Mor
ley entertained her young friends in tho
evening, niiiong whom w is Helen Sham
ness, granddaughter of Arthur Cham
uess, who was also a leap year baby.
Silverton Appeal.
$19,945.37 PAID OUT FOR HOGS
President Wilson's selecting an "almost" peace at any
price man for secretary of war, shows he is God-like in
one respect: "He moves in a mysterious way his wonders
to perform."
A dispatch yesterday stated Mrs. Mary B. Dameron,
of San Bernardino, California, has three living husbands.
She should apply for a job lot of divorces, and another of
Former President Taft sympathises with President
Wilson in fiis muddle with congress. He evidently re
members the trouble he had with that bunch himsel1'.
oae wants a fight anywhere in, Alaska
all that is necessary to start one is to
make. some derogatory allusion to Bish
op Howe.
The visit of the Bishop was planned
originally for Friday the tenth, but this
had to be changed to the ninth, owning
to other engagements. Bishop Rowe
will tell of the needs and opportunities
of the church in Alaska. T.'ie services
begin at 7:'M p. 111. And the public is
of course cordially invited to attend.
Onlv about three weeks until the trout season opens
Silverton is indulging in a little
"watchful waiting'' for the building
of the new Silver Pulls Timber com
pany saw mill, which from all indica
tions is to be built near this city. A
spirit of 'preparedness"' has, however,
taken hold of the people and if sleeping
with one eye open will bring the mill to
this point, we are reasonably sure of
getting it.
W. C. Woodward, general manager of
the company, was in this city the first
of the week, but was not ready to make
a definite statement relative to the lo
cation of the mill, but slid that after
their engineers and surveyors had turn
ed in their figures and the same had
been gone carefully over he would be in
a position to give out definite facts.
The Silver Calls Timber cmpany al-
ready have a luge sum of money in
i v ested here for the enrrving on of their
iieguu to get ready tor tins year s croji.
Work done at this time of year is just
as important as training, spraying or
lucking. A hop yard after a crop litis 1 for i0,
occii piciieu, iooks iiiie rue lasr 11
We gather some figures of interest
from Y. 11. Decker local buyer for the
Cnion Meat comapnv, of Portluid.
From March 1, 1!U."), t March 1, MUti,
-u,. ni, :.l :.. .1.:..
...i. nil "nil Ullt 111 LUIS WCIIIIIV
gs alone $tli,94.'i..'17. Ho handled
e 1) Til.. . 1 - 1 . 1
, . " 7 """"-.i ur' S-7,Nf0 pounds. Mr. Decker has paid
no en nnil uiviis fiveil nml Tiiimomnw 1 . . '. . -
, , , , ' ,, .' . out as rtign as if
uui'ii auj tini iiicn 1 .1 ultiwu IICLUIU 11
4,201 head, the aggregate weight being
ready for another crop, and growers in
this section being the best and most suc
cessful in the world are up and doing.'
They have donned their old clothes ni
if not actually doing the work them
selves, are keeping a very close watch
on the follow who is. Independence
i.uiiit in one vear for
Silverton Appe.il.
Greenville, Ta., M arch 0. Setting a
loaded shotgun in his chicken coop so
that a thief would be shot when the
door opened, Jerry Rhodes, farmer, set
Ins own death trap. He opened the.
1 uoor himse r anil was l;ilcl
and Spring "wakes to ecstacy the living lyre."
word is just a stab at phonetic spelling.)
(This last ' '""W'"- business, whi. h would indicate
V c ! t list t the future whs taken into consid
eration when the moiiev was first ex-1
Ipended. ' j
I The few paltrv dollars this common-
Mavbe the reason the first catches of trout and thehtv or am- other, tor that matter, cm
, , i .1 iv ci. ,,. .u,l : 1 K've the wav of A bonus for the location
fish, also, are so large is because the fish are weighed in ;f tlu, mil,'is 11(lt asli0l1 ,u,ltnor (lo we
their own scales.
W .Aimmi
Hi' I W
Walt Maton
"I own my house, but have no home," said J. Augustus
believe is expected. They do. however,
want the co-operation of our people and
they have it. Conditions must be rigat,
such as site, accessibility, water, etc.1
Silverton has ill of these or will make
them possible. Appeal. i
The Muioii County Land i Invest
ment company, nt Mt. Angel, of which
1. ,1. Keber, ,1. W. Kbner and others are
stockholders, purchased the Schaffer'
Brothers' store iu that city this week.
The store is closed for inveutry and it
is expected t.iat tne new management
I In the trans iction the Messrs
V 3
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
t.iiu iiuc a owi vi nicuau uiii, tinvi uu 1 1 ; store ,, not Known. It his bei
'The Stag at Bay.' No kids along the hall-i "at the stock win t.e disP
i i .i i " i i. . at sacrifice sale and that the sti
way rush, or bump along the stair, but over i eventually be cioSed.-s,u eitc
Dr. V. A. COX
303 State Street
Trust to Luck
When you have decided to
purchase Dental work
don't go to a dry goods
store or blacksmith shop
But to a Sanitary Dental Office, that has all the
latest equipment, and employ the most improved
methods known to science.
Dentistry has advanced to such a high degree, that
the old methods used by our Fore Fathers would
seem to us inconsistant.
My office is fully equipped with the latest and most
improved appliances for the practice of Painless
Dentistry that can be obtained.
Lady nurses always present.
Cork, as wearilv he tried to comb his whiskers with a
fork. "My house is strictly up to date, with every mod-j whJh'u comnmi.iy'kmnvu"' 'life "id
Pl'n f.lif nntl visitors nvminnnrp it" DTP .it l-'ohn Kitsch place. Andrew Schaffer
i .1 1 t i ,ii it ti i- i 'will conduct the tarm and will move his
and think I ShOUld be glad. An English; familv there in a short time. George
butler buttles round, and wields a frozen x?Jit
stare; imported maids are on the ground, decided what course to pursue, liewas
to comb my lady's hair. And I have workslfe.Be SvVl"
of art to burn, all swell and reshershay, j teret.
'it, U.., t,..i. f ..: ... i i.U-,,.1 Who will be placed in charge of the
uu uac u uum ui viiaiaii uia, ami wieic store js not known. It his been inti
posed of
tore will
tun Trl
nil's n ciilfiiYin Vittsh nc rVimitrVi n pnrnsp i bune
. 1 m 1 11 1111 Mil 11. '
were mere. lneKiuswouiankeiuuweiito large real estate deal jt
.vmuF, uuu. v mioujuu, UU(, mv-j ...no,, I A ron, (st.(h, invl,villff jt.-30.000 ,
live up to our pomp and vulgar noise eschew. I have a worth of paiias business property and t
house but not a home, and hence my air of gloom: this ! ;;!;tc'rwa.hIlon.ll;l i;;;n:i t
mansion, with its eaudv dome, is cheerless as a tomb. I d . w.ien .1. w. crider. of
t 11 K., ...JfU 11 , l. this city md San .lose. California
litvf ill iijj una eu aumit-, im uii us v ui rvt. ui .u i, iui
that cheap cottage down the road, where first we made
our start."
303 State Street
Phone 926
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
t Strictly correct weight, -quare deal and highest prices for a!', kinds of
f junk, metal, rubber, hides and furs. I pay 2Ue per pound for old rigs. X
X Big stock of all sies second hand ineubatoi,. All kinds corrugated
iron lor coin roots ana Buildings, Hoofing paper and second hand
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Hons of Half a Million bargains.
ed the Imperial hotel Idnok. including
the large- store room occupied by the'r
sterling Piiriiitme company and the
vacant store room adjoining, and also ttttt t It IttHMtt ttHHtt t H 1 1 M III
302 North Commercial St.
Pjons 803