Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1916, Image 1

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trninT? rrnirn nTHHT3 N TRAINS AND HEW
PRICE TWO CENTS stands vrvw rwra
0 :11vaa1
Asserts German-Am. An Al
liance Backs Wart .
' Resolutions
Plan To Defeat Wilson and
Boom Champ Clarke For
i Place Is Shown
New York, Mar. 7. Declaring the
National (iorma n-America 11 Alliance is
backing the McLemore ind Gore reso
lutions warning Americans off armed
liners, the New York World printed
a copyrighted article today exposing
the workings of uu alleged widespread
pro-German propaganda in the I'nited
The World claimed Alplionso Koelble,
prominent New York ittorney was the
real chief of the alliance, and alleged
l. L. Marsalis. New York realty man,
was its leading lobbyist at Washing
ton. It asserted the alliance's prognm in
cluded warning Americans oft' armed
liners, controlling tile republican con
vention and defeating Woodrow Wilson
in his campaign for re election.
A copy of an alleged letter from ex-
'ongressman Bnrthnldt to Koelble sug
gesting a presiilenti.il boom for Chump
Clark was published in the article, to
gether with what purported to be a re
port from Alarsalis on, his lobbying in
behalf of the warning resolutions, nam
ing the legislators with whom he said
he hnd conferred. Among those named
were Seiutors Works, .lones. Chamber
lain nnd tlornh.
On January eleventh in a letter sign
(! "Locke," the World said Marsalis
wrote Koelble declaring he had inter
viewed Hepresentative Stephens of Ne
braska and Hen.itor Gore, suggesting
thev merge their bills preventing Amer
icans from traveling on armed belliger
ent ships, lie said they agreed and
that Marsalis added he would try to
have them include his own suggestions
in the merged measure.
The World chuged n secret circular
of the organization provided that no
Austrian, German or Jrish names ap
pear among the officers of the alliance.
Koelble 's denial that he is connected
with any such, organization or has anv
.oinection with any body maintaining
a loony nt Washington was also pub
lished bv the World. In this statement
Koelble was quoted as calling Mars.ilis
a " isrynn hug an.l a pacita-ist.
Auto Dashes Onto Ferry
and Off Into the Bay
nn Diego, Cal., Mar. 7. Investiga
tion is being mnde today into the
plunge of a big automobile off the Co-
ronado ferry boat last night which re
united in the death of Benjamin Crock
ett, amusement promoter and exposition
concessionaire, the car was driven at
racing speed upon the boat as it was
moored to the San Diego side, went
through the boat, broke the chain nnd
somersaulted into the bav. l-.dwnrd S.
Webb, driver, and Robert Heinze went
into the water with Crockett, but were
rccued. Webb, badly shocked, was tnk
vi to R hospital, where he was held
practically under guard. Several blue
jackets from the torpedo fleet were
uuth the party, but jumped as the speed
ing car approached the ferry.
Am faartia
"I'm fer Wilson 'cnue cool-headed
folks are generally right." said Squire
M -irs.il Swallow. thy. If th' butcher
would j,t leave tii' meat on th' sc lies
hriif enough t' see what it weighed wo
vuiildn 'l led ,-o stung.
jr jr -1
if bi 'oM
Three Men Attack and
Kill Crippled Peddlsrj
Taeoma, Wash., Mir. 7. Five men'
are held in the city jail here today inj
connection witn tiie murder ot ernon:
Ijindsav, aged 28 vcars, a crippled ped-
dler, whose body was found about mid
night in a rooming house on South
21st street with two bullet wounds, one
in the abdomen and tne other in the
left breast. Four shots were heird byi
.lames luompson, who lives directly
across the street, and yn going to his
door to investigate, he saw three men
running trom the house where the
crime was committed. Detectives later
arrested Mohlon linmer, James Wilson,
J. A. White, James Morgan and J. Red-
it, peddlers and laborers.
Lindsay, who wis the sou of Mrs. J.
I!. Dindsay, of Murphy, Oregon, had
been the traveling companion of iiunier
for the last 15 months. The two came
to Taeoma from Belling'.iam a week
ago. All ot the five men held for in
vestigation, lived in the same house as
Vessel Wrecked On Coral Is
land, Survivors Had Primi
tive Life Six Months
.San Francisco, Mar. 7. Captain
Thomas Torgersen, of the Norwegian
schooner Frehni, was back in civiliza
tion today after having been cast away
for six months on a coral island, main
taining a brave front toward unfriend
ly natives and living on what he could
get from the sea by fishing.
He was accompanied by 12 members
of lira crew, who built rude shelters of
driftwood and grass, wore Robinson
Crusoe attire, and practically said fare
well to the world, never expecting res
cue. Their ship was driven ashore on
a reef near Molten island, 200 miles
south of Tahiti.
Almost six months to a day after the
wreck a tramp steamer chanced by,
saw the white men's distress signal
waving from a tall palm tree, and sent
ashore a small boat to investigate. Cap
tain Torgersen came to San Francisco
on the steamer Sonoma, with Adulph
Stub, one of the men cast away with
Baker Is Evidently
Getting New Ideas
Cleveland, Ohio. Mar. 7. On the eve
of his departure for Washington, New
ton D. Baker, secretary of war-elect,
declared today lie favored the Swiss sys
tem of military training. He advocated
a number of transcontinental and coast
wise, rail'avs for strategical purposes.
'! belin.f." he faid, "in peace, and
in tlu proper .;;ifcrccment of pence laws
by forte if i.ecessary."
Baker believes the military railroads
should avoid passing through large
cities, being built to save as many miles
as possible in quickly transporting
ln go bodies of troops.
Congratulations poured in upon Baker
today. Many friends cnlleil to express
their fcntimenls personally. The new
c.ibii.et minister went home last night
hanging to h strap in a crowded street
car, recognized by few.
Finn Stand of Congress
Makes Prices Advance
(Copyrighted 1 f Hi bv tiie New York
Evening Post.)
New York, Mar. 7. The stock mar
ket tod.iv watched Verdun and Wash
ington. No very conclusive evidence came
from either place but the house's large
majority in supporting the wishes of
the administration hail its due effect.
The receipt of tiie early test votes, in
inid-afternoon caused a sharp ndvance
in which the well known investment
shares led.
The earlier movement of prices wis
irregular. Opening with no great
change overnight, activity was mostly
restricted to industrials. Trices rose
By Wilbur S. Forrest.
(I'nited I'ress Staff Correspondent.)
London, .Mar. i i he British gov-
eminent has adopted a new plan that
will eliminate many of the im-onveni-'
encM now suffered by American ship-;
pers I(i.t..sj it the blockade, the I'ni-!
tol Press wis informed today by Lord
1'obert ('ceil, new minister of blockade.'
At thf suggestion of I'nited Slates
Const. 1 Gcneial Skinner, Great II itai'i
in tiie future will notify American ship-
pers before their goods leave American'
iporls whether they will be permitted
J 10 pj;s the Uiitish blockade. This will
make it unnecessary in the future for
il'rti-1 warships to make seizures, re-j
j.ioit;t,g iu long contiovcrsies.
Adoption of this plan is one of the!
Nineteen Others Terribly
Burned Before They Could
Be Released
Roosted Alive In Red Hot Cells
Wiih Jailors Powerless
to Help Them
El Paso, Texas, Mar. 7. A match,
lighted by a morphine fiend, caused the
city jail fire which killed Hi nnd ter
ribly burned 10 prisoners, according to
the statement todav of Police Captain
L. L. H ill. He said':
"We know of 10 dead. Thirty four
naked men were in their cells waiting
to be bathed when a match, ignited by
a morphine fiend, set fire to disin
fectants used in the buth house."
Two additional deaths today brought
the total number of lives lost up to 10.
Twenty-five prisoners, mostly Mexi
cans, were caught in sheets of fhme
when the disinfectant exploded and
burned in the prison bath house. A
number of nude men, standing in line
awaiting their baths, were killed be
fore they could move to ilee.
Trapped in red hot steel cells, other
men cooked alive while their agonized
shrieks rang through the building.
Jailers niado vali.int attempts at rescue
but it was useless. The chemical fire
spread with great rapidity, radiating
so intense a heat that the turnkeys
were driven back with Beared faces ind
singed hair.
Within a short time after the flames
subsided many dead, some burned to a
crisp, were removed. There was no
wood construction nearby, but the gas
oline mixture made a short lived, fierce
El Paso, Texts., Mar. 7. Two more
city jail prisoners died today from
burns received when disinfectants used
in the prison bath house caught fire
last night. The total number of dead
and ying is now estimated at from P,
to eighteen. Three prisoners are not
expected to live through the day. Fifty
men were in the bath house when the
fire started.
Republican Senators
Surprised at Appointment
Washington, Mar. 7. "If President
Wilson selects a pacificist for secre
tary of war, why doesn't he appoint an
anarchist secretary of state!"
This is the way some republicans to
dny viewed the president's 'selection of
Newton D. Baker, of Cleveland, mem
ber of numerous peace organizations,
for the office of war secretary.
The republicans were surprised at the
appointment of a known pacificist, but
they evidently will not oppose his con
firniafion. The senators regard cabinet
officers merely as presidential advisers,
and hold that if the president wants a
i " peace-at almost-nny-pric.c " man, it is
his personal affair. It is the custom
not even to refer n cabinet appoint
hent to committee, but to confirm it im
I mediately.
I ' 1 -
and fell alternately and, in some cases,
Willamette Notes.
Last, night Eaton Hull was entered
by marnnders, and this morning when
the building was opened by Caretaker
( lark a sorry looking spectacle greeted
his eyes. All the doors had been re
moved from their hinges and the pins
that fastened them to the hinges were
first important results of the elcvilion
of Lord Hubert Cecil to a psition in the
I'ritish cabinet.
The operation of the new plan, t'.ie
minister said, will be left to the Irt
ish authorities in America who will
pass on the eligibility of shipments.
"There is no absolute gunriintee of
immunity under this plan," he said.
"The government retains the right to
seize goods if destined to the enemy,
but we will give shippers information
on which, from the business st Midpoint,
they can rely."
Lord Roberts said the government
was considering drawing up a new con
traband list. Great Britain's answer to
the American note on the blockade, he
added, probably will go forward With
in a few diya.
London, Mar. 7 Rumors that
Prince Henry of Prussia is in
command of the German fleet
for its expected dash into the
North sea were revived ind
given wide credence here today.
Amsterdam reported 2o Gcr-
man warships cruising iu the
North sea yesterday. They were
said to have been observed off
the coast of Holland proceeding
north in battle formation.
Kussian destroyer squadrons
were recently seen off the
Swedish coast. It is predicted
the British md Russian fleets
may combine against the Ger-
mans should the hitter seek
Lord Derby and other mem-
bers of parliament recently
foretasted a 'North sea battle,
which they expect soon. sje
rupr 10 nrwrnnrn
Willamette Valley Irrigated
Land Co. Wins Out Over
The supreme court today reversed the
rulings of Judire Gallowav in the cir
cuit court in the case of il. S. McGown
and Lida I). McGown against the Wil
lamette Valley Irrigated Land comuiiy
in an opinion written by Justice iiur
nett. This suit involves a realty trans
action of some on-hard tracts near
Siayton. This suit involves a realty
transaction of some orchard tracts near
Stuyton. The plaintiffs allege in their
complaint that they contracted for a
certlin tract of land containing about
:!0 acres and were to pay :i,000 for it.
They claim the agents of the company
stated that the orchard tract was set to
young trees of which 00 per cent were
Rome Realities, 20- per cent Gnnos and
20 per cent Thompk'ins. The phintiffs
further allege that the facts were that
the varieties of apples on the land were
equal proportions of Spit.enhurgs and
Jonathans which later varieties were
not adipted to the soil and would not
be as valuable as the former varieties.
The defendants answered that there
were two similar tracts of land for the
plaintiffs to choose from anil tint they
selected the one with the Spitzcnbiirgs
and Jonathans on it. The decree of the
circuit court was for the defendants
and McGowns appealed. Attorneys
Ernest I!. Ringo and Alfred Todd rep
resented the appellants and John Or
son appeared for the defendants and re
spondents. The other opinions handed down were
as follows:
The Molalla Electric company against
Irvine Wheeler ind Jennie Wheeler, ap
pealed from Clackamas county, opinion
of Circuit Judge J. V. Campbell affirm
ed in opinion written by Chief Justice
A. A. I.arrabee and Jane Lnrrabee.
appellants, vs. Erik Bjorknun and
Frieda Itjorkman, respondents, a suit on
contract for sale of real property, ap-
I'can-u irom .u uiinoniati county, ruling
of Circuit Judge Davis affirmed in
opinion written by Justice llurnett.
Esther P. Wetterstcu nnd Claries A.
Johns as guardian, appellants, vs. Susie
Eisher and Leonard Fisher respondents,
appealed from Multnomah county, an
action of ejectment, opinion of Circuit
Judge Davis Affirmed in opinion by
Justice Mcl'.riile.
Electa Helen Lyons, respondent, vs.
Charles J. Chaffee, appelland, appealed
from Hood River county, Circuit Judge
Hruilshaw affirmed in opinion by Just
ice Mcliride.
City of Albany, respondent vs. W. ll.
McGoldrick and the Title Guarantee it
Surety company, appellants, nn action
to recover on n bond, appealed from
Linn county. Circuit Judge Kelly af
firmed in opinion by Justice Mcliride.
Manual A. Jenkins, nppellint vs.
Carmen Manufacturing company, re
spondent, nn nction for personal in
juries, appealed from Miiltnotnih coun
ty, Circuit Judge McGinn affirmed in
opinion by Justice Mcliride.
Minnie Evia Stadeliunn and others,
respondents, vs. W. H. Miner, and ( has.
Worden, appellants, a suit to quiet title,
appealed from Coos county, opinion of
Judge, Coke affirmed bv Justice Mc
Lride. Marry G. Hoy, appellant, vs. V. G.
Gorst, respondent, uu action in replevin
to recover a I'or.l, nppealcd from Coos
county, opinion of Circuit Judge Coke
Luther It. Hudson, appellant, versus
lirown Lumber conipiny, respondent,
appealed from Lane county, an nction
for damages, opinion of Circuit Judge
Hamilton affirmed in opinion by Just
ice Iienson.
Martin Johnson and others, respond
ents, vs. Jo.ephine Paulson nnd others,
l suit to adjudicate claims, appealed
from Multnomah county, on motion to
dismiss, in opinion by Justice Harris
suit dismissed as to J. E. Shea.
gone. The hose had been unreeled anil
pulled from one end of the hall to the
other. Except that there was no water
on the floors or firo marks it looked
as though the hose had been unrolled
for fire fighting. The prafessors were
compelled to hold their classes in rooms
through which the cold bnezes fanned
through the open doorways.
Berlin Impatient Over Crown
Prince's Failure to Make
Checked In One Place Army
Is Hurled at Another, Feel
ing for Weak Spot
London, Mir. 7. Using the tactics
which brought victory to Field Mar
shall Von Mackensen at Warsaw, the
Gcrmun crown prince's armies today
smashed at Verdun with their right nnd
left wings simultaneously.
The rigiit jaw of this monster "nut
cracker" of fire and steel idvanced in
nn impetuous rush to within seven
miles of Verdun, seizing Hill -0."i, ac
cording to the Paris war office's ad
mission. Simultaneously the left jaw shatter
ed French lines around l'resnes and, ac
cording to the German claim, captured
the v ill lgc. Paris failed to confirm the
report that Eresnes was taken. The
French statement mentioned only nr
tillerv duelling on the Woevrc plain
around Eresnes, in the Bras sectors,
and in the region of Hardniiniont. Ber
lin claimed further gains north of
Lnchalade in the Argonne forest, but
Paris asserted all Teuton attacks had
been hurled back with severe losses
near Haute Chevauche.
Hunting Weak Point.
London, Mar. 7. Halted again in
their attempt to breik tho French
ranks north of Verdun, the nrwics of
the German crown prince have shifted
their attack to the northwest defenses
of the city. They have captured Forges
a village eight miles northwest ami arc
battering the French trenches on Goose
Hill with big guns, according to the
latest P.uis advices todny. The French
are resisting with great strength, giv
ing the Germans shell for shell and
meeting them with the bayonet at
many points.
It is evident that the French are not
worried about Forges, an advanced vil
lage from which tho soldiers of the re
public rapidly retired under i terrific
cannonode, heading for the shelter of
Goose Hill, a mile south. Another slight
advance in that section would bring the
Teuton howitzers within range of the
main northwestern Verdun forts.
Expect Complete Collapse.
Crediting the Germans with success
in their first rush at Verdun, Pnris be
lieves the repeated checks of the past
few days ire a forerunner of the offen
sive's complete collapse. The Teu
tons suffered severely in their three
day fight to shatter the French center
at Doiiaumont, being hurled back in
confusion from the defenders' barbed
wire entanglements time and time
again, according to Paris.
Failing in this effort, the crown
prince sent his men agiinst the French
along tho west bank of the Meuse in
another attempt to find a weak spot.
They smashed first at one point of tiie
line and then nt. another, hammering
hard at each but the French stood
firm everywhere, it is declared. Tiie ns-1
mu u It h in that district arc continuing
Tho crown prince's failure to make
more rapid progress is causing impati
ence nt Berlin. Evidently inspired ar
ticles iu newspapers urge the people to
be more patient. The Vossische Zeitung
said: "The battle at Verdun may
seem to be nuking slow progress to
people who like to dash through history
in an express train. German arms can
not alwavs win victories. But the deeds
already accomplished should earn im
plicit confidence in the magnificent
leadership of our armies."
Cost of Hill Is Great.
Paris, Mar. 7. Continuing their
smash against Verdun from the north
west, the Germans hive captured Hill
'Jii.'i near Rengeville, it was officially
admitted by the war office todav. The
Teutons charged and seized the hill
under cover of nn intense bombard
ment. Germans wiio occupied Forges storm
ed the hill, it was announced. The
French positions on Goose Kill are un
der severe shell fire. A general renew il
of extensive infantry operations is ex
pected. As the Germans charged out of
Forges and dashed toward Hill 'JO.") they
encountered a storm of shells from the
French guns, the war office declared.
Despite stigueriug losses they ad
vanced steadily up the slope, leaving l
trail of vlead and dying. As they nenred
the summit, struggling through a maze
of barbed wire, the French retreated
to Goose Hill, the village of llethin
court, the eastern part of the Corbeaux
forest, and Comieres wood.
Teuton irtillery immediately center
ed its fire on these positions. The of
ficial communique declared the French
still hold "the summit of Goose Hill."
This may mean the Gerans have al
ready occupied its slopes. Goose Hill
(Continued on l'ago Seven.)
Murdered His Family
Then Killed Himself
Lawton, Okla., Mar. 7. Daniel
O'Kane, aged 4tf, murdered his family
of seven ind committed suicide early
today, following a quarrel with his
father. He is oelieved to have been in
Detectives snv O'Kane killed his
victims as they slept. He appears to
have gone methodically through his
farm house, armed with a r.izor, a ham
mer and a revolver.
His wife was shot and her head
crushed with a hammer. The fivo chil
dren were alWiilled by blows on the
head and the throats of the four eldest
were slashed with a nzor.
The baby was both shot and beitcn.
O'Kane '8 audi father was killed bv a
bullet. Then the maniac tossed aside I
his razor and hammer, walked into a
front room and shot himself to death.
Suey On Leader Shot In Re
venge for Killing of Hop
Sing Member
Sin Francisco, Alar. 7. In revenge
for tho killing of a Hop Sing tong mem
ber and the woundim' of four others by
a Sucy On guiibnn iu the Chinese Ly
ceum theatre, u Hop Sing hatchet man
today siiot and severely wounded Wong
Loy, Suey On leader.
Tho shooting occurred in a laundry
on Geary street. Crawling through a
window, the assulant tired rive shots
at Wong I.oy as he slept. One hit him
in the chest. The others missed.
While other frightened Chinese
screamed and cowered in tiieir bunks
the hutchetinan leaped through the win
dow and disappeared. Police believe
they know who he is, nnd arc on the
lookout for him.
Gee Gong was sluin and four more
Hop Sing members were wounded by 1
gunman in a theatre lust night. Tho
gunmen fled and the police later ar
rested Mow Pong, u pottery dealer, on
Democrats of Marion
Ask Senators' Favor
for PartyMan In Office
A meeting of the democratic central
committee of Marion county was held
at the court house Saturday afternoon,
the meeting hiving been called by the
chairman, P. L. Frazier.
P. L. Fra.ier presided and William
Fleming was elected secretary pro
tein. A fairly good representation ap
peared, considering it was tho first
meeting of the campiign and harmony
and good feeling and fine spirit pre
vailed. Suggestions were made that
as to tiie making of nominees for tho
eomintr primaries none but the best bo
encouraged to stan.i for the various of
fices to bo filled. The following reso
lution was made nnd miiinimnusly
idopted, viz: That it is the senso of
this meeting that the administration of
President Wilson be upheld nnd heart
ily indorsed.
A second resolution was presented in
form and adopted ' without dissent
which read as follows:
Whereas, The present a liuinistrntion
has been iu office for over tiirce years,
Where is, Many federal offices, not
covered bv civil service rules are still
filled by republicans, and
Whereas, The keeping of snid repub
licans in office is not promoting demo
cratic harinnnv, therefore be it
Resolved, That the Marion county
democratic committee do hereby protest
aitainst republicans holding offices th it
should be iu democratic hands ami call
upon Senators Chamberlain and Lane to
tilny the game fair mid see til it only
the faithful are on guard.
A number of speakers were heard
nn 1 it was made manifest that the
democrats of Marion county ire to be
heard from during the campaign. Rooms
for headquarters are to be provided
and kept open and speakers abroad
will bo invited.
The name of Mark Weal her ford, of
Alb my, was suggested for the nomina
tion for congress and was favorably
considered and the secretary instructed
to write him and obtain his acceptance
and agreement to stanl for the nomina
tion for that offico.
The next meeting will be un open
ind general meeting mid will be hold
March 18 at the court house, if not
otherwise published, nt 'J o'clock.
Oregon: Tonight
n n d Wednesday
rain west, unset
tled ind probably
rain or snow east
Portion: souther
ly winds reach
ing gain force
near coast.
Congress Flooded With Ora
tory, Poured Out for
Public Admiration
Republicans and Democrats
Found On Both Sides-No
Doubt of Result
Tho MeLcmore resolution, at-
$ ter a preamble, recites tho facts
in tho armed liner controversy
and says:
"Therefore be it resolved,
That the house of rcpresenta-
$ tives request the president of se
the -United States to warn all
Americans from traveling on
ships of any nnd all powers now
or in the future nt war, which
mount guns, whether tho arma-
ment be culled ' of fensivo,' or
'defensive.' In case Americans
do travel on such ships, they do
so at their own risk."
Washington, March 7. The house of
representatives voted, this afternoon to
table the McLemore resolution warn
ing Americans off armed liners. Tots
made the administration victory com
plete in tooth branches of congress. The
vote was 276 to 113.
Great Crowd in Galleries.
Washington, Mar. 7. In a tumultous
session the house today went ou record
on tho issue of warning Americans ol'f
armed liners.
Tho first test resulted in a vote of
25(1 to KiO in tho administration's fa
vor. Tho house by that ballot refused
to permit amendment of McLemore 'a
warning measure.
A second roll call was immediately
begun on tho proposition of adopting
tho rule to bring McLcmoro's warning
before the house.
It was evident that the administra
tion would win again on a second early
roll call, and thut tho rule would be
adopted. 1
As the proceedings went on excite
ment increased. More than 10,000 spec
tators jammed every nvailablo foot of
xpneo in the galleries included in the
throng were many figures prominent m
world politics, as well ns representa
tives of the belligirent nations.
Some Warm Oratory.
The impassioned flights of oratory
stirred members as well as auditors tu
a frenzy. The applause increased in
volume. Women waved handkerchiefs.
Kumors that President W'itson would
not regard war as unwelcome, which
wero so hotly denied lust week, wera
revived and circulated through the cap
ital. Friends of the administration met
theso reports with heated denials and
On tho floor republicans and demo
crats got together on opposito sides, of
the momentous question.
On the second roll call tho adminis
tration won another victory. By a vote
of 271 to 13S the house adopted the rule
bringing tho resolution up for final
Party affiliations were generally ef
faced on the first ballot, but the demo
crats voted ns a rule to cut off amend
ment of tho McLemore resolution.
Following a cabinet session, Presi
dent Wilson with Secretary Mc.Adoo
and Postmaster General Burleson re
mained in tho executive offices to learn
tho result of tho houso fight. As news
of tho proceedings was rushed to them
"piny by play" they appeared much
The Tight Was Warm.
Washington, Mar. 7. The fight on
McLemore's resolution warning Amer
ican's off armed liners stnrted in the
houso at 11:10 o'clock this mnrninsr
when Hepresentative Poll called up for
consideration the rule submitting Mc
Lemore's mensure to the house.
After the house passed the rule for
a 90 minute debate, liepresntativ Pout
opened for the administration, unemo
tionally reciting President Wilson 's re
quest for a "show down," and tho
steps lending to it.
"It Is Raid," declared Tou, "that
tho Mcl.emnro resolution does not raise
the desire issue. Its express terms say,
that if Americans travel on armed lin
ers they do so at their own risk. Is
there a human being who would stand
for such a doctrine? Wo would brins
upon ourselves the contempt of all civil
ized men.
"It hns been unjustly charged that
the pif s'dcut wants war. All tho imps
of hell never devised a more infamous
(Continued on, Taga Eight.)