Editorial Page of . "The Capital Journal" MUX HA V KVKXlXli. March (i. I Sill!. CHARLES H. FIriHEE, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. U 8. BARNES, President CHA3. H. FISHER, Vico-Presidcnt DORA 0. ANDRESEN, iiee. and Trens. SUBSCRIPTION BATES lly by carrier, per year Dally by mail, per year . . . .$5.00 . 3.00 Per month, l'er month. .45c .35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAM REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago WariLewii-Williama Special Agency Hurry K. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal currier boys are instructed to put the papers on the persh. It the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the faper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, as this is the only fay we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. WHERE ARE THE ENGLISH ARMIES? One of the things that no one this side the Atlantic understands about the war situation is what has become of the English armies and what are they doing? Last summer the world was told that England was organizing an army of at least four million and that these would be trained' and ready for the front with the opening of Spring. Out of a line on the French front about 500 miles long the British have a sector of thirty miles, the French hold ing the other 470. While the great drive against Verdun is being made nothing is heard of the British, except one small dispatch saying they had attacked the Germans in a sharp way, at some point along their short trench lines. Apparently so far as the dispatches show no effort is be ing made to assist the French in their defense of Verdun, although London is speculating as to what will happen if the Germans should force their way through and capture Paris. One would naturally think that with a million men said to be in the field from England, that some effort would be made to prevent the Germanic allies gaining this important advantage. Of course much may be doing that we on this side of the pond hear nothing about, but on the 'ace of the returns it looks as though England was neglecting an opportunity that she may regret. The Oregonian Sunday says editorially: "Now it is no longer a secret that the British have succeeded in putting at least 1,000,000 men in the field, a force organized and trained while France stood the brunt of the fighting." This would imply that this force was intended for aid ing the French, and that is where the mystery of the whole affair comes to the surface. Where are these mil lion men and what are they doing? , One thing is certain and that is that if France ever needed their help she needs it now, and if England follows the tactics toward France she used in helping the Serbians, she may have a big job on her hands to finish alone, should the Germans succeed in breaking through the French lines. "Good bye, God, I'm going to California." This was the somewhat startling text selected by a minister of Santa Monica, California, for his sermon yesterday, and from which he delivered a philippic against the proposed parade Easter day when girls arrayed, or disarrayed, which ever you please, in fetching bathing costumes are to march and mingle with fashionably dressed men and women. As between the bathing suits and the text, the former strikes one as being the less offensive. Jack Bernier, a Nisqually Indian, was sentenced to from five to fifteen years in the penitentiary at Walla Walla recently 'or stealing a pair of lavendar colored silk stockings, the property of Miss Hazel De Haven, he breaking into her house to steal them. This seems to be a pretty large price to pay for hosiery, and the mystery of it is what a buck Indian wanted with ladies' lavendar colored stockings and why he wanted them badly enough to commit burglary to get them. , A San Francisco Judge recently in granting a divorce to a wife whose husband spent most of his time and about all of his money riding in his Ford, made the pun ishment fit the crime by ordering him to pay her by way of alimony, "one Ford automobile." That was real cruel ty, for while it would have been easy enough to get an other wife, even a Ford costs money, and is much harder to get even though it may not be so speedy. Parties in Washington county are taking steps it is said for the recall of County Judge Reasoner, being dis gruntled over some of his appointments of road super visors. If the judge is true to name it looks as though he must have made good selections for the places. Then too it is certain those after his official scalp are not as strict reasoners as the judge himself. m - w j L u ,-yjr Mrs. Johanna Mann, of San Francisco, besides having a rather masculine name has also a rather bad manly dis position. For some reason known only to herself she has it in for the cops, and six different times has been before the police courts for disturbing not only the peace, but the peace officers. She had an especial grudge against the desk sergeant at one of the stations and just to show it, invested in a whole paper sack full of eggs, warranted not fresh, and going to his court presented them to the sergeant one at a time at long range. Then she smiled. that genial smile known only to those who realize that a good deed has been well done, and cheerfully took her medicine, which was six months in jail; but the judge, probably remembering that six months would soon slip into the past and that Johanna would be free again thoughtfully suspended her sentence. What the senate attempted to do and what it did were two entirely different things according to Senator Mc- Cumber, who says "Ir we take the usual construction on I the tabling, the senate voted that the killing oi an Amer ican isn't a cause for war." Our George says the same thing in explaining his vote. The annual appropriation asked by the agricultural department this year amounts to $24,500,000, o1' which .$225,000 is wanted for investigating citrus canker. An equal amount could be well spent in the northwest in in vestigating brown rot and other fruit diseases. Sam.Blythe, the incomparable writer, says "oratory is a pleasing art much practiced by those who have noth ing to say." This definition would by inference make an orator "A windmill hard at work and running the faster because not connected with the pump." Just as a change from harping on President Wilson repudiating the single term plank of the Democratic plat form, vvhnot tackle the republican administration that elected to revise the tariff downward, revised it the other way? A Portland to Alaska barge service is to be inaugur ated this summer according to a dispatch from the metro polis. Well, barges beat canoes anyway, and the move shows Portland is waking up. The LaFollette seamen's law went into effect Satur day, and despite the fearful forebodings of ship owners the world still continued to turn on its axis and remain in its orbit. If one term is enough for President Wilson, why figure on three for the Great It? The Oregonian reads a lecture to Portland people for patronizing foreign cities in the way of trade, by dealing with mail order houses; and insists the only place to deal is at home to patronize home merchants. Of course, no complaint is made about people from all sections of the state sending to Portland for their supplies. That is dif ferent. However, sauce for the Portland coose should be. equally good for the Salem gamier. If you want Salem to j grow and its payrolls to increase sec mat tne tilings you neeu are, n possuue, mane in Muem. ii inai poncy is good for Portland it certainly will not hurt Salem. Try it. 'I;, I . SiyiVf'K . ill a 4 rr. Alive With the National Spirit That lively, quick-action, hit the-mark-every-time taste of "Bull" Durham has made it the Smoke of the Sprvire from Maine to the Philippines. There's crisp, brisk snap to a fresh rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette that just suits men of spunk and spirit. genuine: Aik for FREE package of "paperi" with each 5c tack. SMOKING TOBACCO A "roll your own" "BuH" Durham cigarette has, distinctiveness character personality. It gives you that wonderful mellow- sweet flavor and unique aroma which are not found in any other tobacco. And "Bull Durham is so delightfully mild that you enjoy it more and more. Learn to "roll your own" with "Bull" Durham a few trials will do it and you'll get far more en joyment out of smoking. An Illustrated r K r,r Bookiet,how- ingcorrectway to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a package of cigarette pa pers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U.S. on re quest. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N.C. '.'A THE ASntRICAS TOBACCO CO. Was Taken for a German In England, and For a Swede in Norway passing through the country and wnsj league, (iom-go K. Kodgors was oallcil given a thorough examination. In Kngl j on fur an expression of opinion. As our land lie was taken for a Herman and in possible trouble would come from an in Norway for a Swede. , vtision, II r. Kodgers was decidedly in The general feeling in Germany is; favor of a great nnvv and that with hostile towards this country from the sufficient sea protection, our peace fact that w hen a lot of ammunition is j would lie assured, captured, it bears the stamp of made in j . tm' 1 s- ; Get prices on commercial printing As a member of the American Navy I at T'ae Capital Journal office. Two recent dispatches may not have any connection, but it looks suspicious at the least. One was to the effect that Germany would soon declare war on Italy, and the other that '.M Italians in Siskiyou county, California, had formed a society for naturalization purposes. In conse quence of this the county clerk had to semi a hurry up call to Washington for more naturalization blanks. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG8 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Depasit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE HERMIT . Old Hunx is a hermit and mystic, his manner is state ly and grave, his diet is antiphlogistic, he spends all his years in a cave. "My health," he remarks, "is a wonder, although I'm as old as get out; rheumatics don't pull me asunder, I have not the string halt or gout. I warble my optimist ditties, my soul's full of sunshine and hope; but when I resided in cities, I always was swal lowing dope. I always had shingles or colic, or Bright's justly famous disease; the rheumatiz often would frolic all over my fetlocks and knees. If man would keep grief in the distance, and feel like a Perch eron steer, he must lead the simple exist- ence, ana cut out me uroan career. "Methinks," I replied, "you are paying too heavy a price for your bliss; while far from the bright lights you're staying, just think of the fun that you miss! I'd rather have smallpox or bunions, I'd rather have seven-year itch, than fill up with turnips and onions, and live in a cave or a ditch!" After traveling several weeks with the I-'ord ponce party in Kurope and having the opportunity of talking with representatives of several nations. I.a tnar Tooze, of Oregon university, is of the opinion that preparedness is all right but that the best kind of prepar edness is economic rather than mili tary. The rankest pacifist who is too proud to fight and the rank militarist who de- mauds the largest army and navy in the world, are the two hardest men to please, nivoidiug to Mr. Too7P in his address Saturday evening at the Com mercial club. A few idealists favor the plan of nil nations disarming ex cept one. which was to act as sort of a policeman for the rest of the worrrl, said Mr. Tooze. but the trouble with thin plan was that each country itself niiuht prefer the job of policeman. in Norway the feeling was for the allies, in Sweden for Ocimiiny and in Holland the officials were leaning to wards (ivrmany. The Incnnans feel kindly towards the French, hate the Knglish, and believe we are helping the allies, were opinions expressed by the speaker. No one is allowed to possess any gold coin in (iermnuy and when any sueh coin is found, the government takes it and pays in paper money. For this reason, while passing through Ger many, Mr. Tooze found it advisable not to wear his $-.50 gold watch charm, lie also experienced the sensation of being suspected by the (Icrmans while Zemo for Dandruff L-s Mj,ad.'3 LITTLE TALKS ON EVERY-DAY FINANCE Knowing Where Your Money Goes ON the stubs of your check book which this bank furnishes you, or will be glad to furnish you if it is not doing so, C Is written your financial history. These check stubs tell the story of your receipts and expenditures. C Spending from the pocket is like scattering money to the four winds; you know not whither it has gone, or what it went for. C, But if vnu have the stubs of your check book to con suit, your position is fortified when claims for a second payment are made. C And if you would like to review your financial history of months or years past, and determine where you could curtail a little, your stubs and your canceled checks spread the story of your expenditures before you in clean-cut characters. C And if it Is your desire to create a surplus from your income, you can watch where it goes, stop many a leak, and insure your progress, by writing as you go along your financial history in a check book which this bank will furnish you. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , OP SALEM. OREGON MR. WELLS NOT A CANDIDATE "No, I tun not n candidate for re election n t the coming election," said I'onui... ifiuer Wells xesterduy when ni:es!ii;'id rolatixc to his po.-Stion. " cai-not afford to serve loui;er i' that si r.citv. It means negie : of my la.aiing operations dnring a set-: inti tided to denote "go nna sjii wh rii I nm most needed nt home. Mo." Folk County (.ibserver. Ask Mr. Feekett there," he on ic.ii 'd, directing his lomnrks to his eo work o", "hew much money he Vis tva.'e as ciitmui: siouer during the past year." Mr. IVckctt failed to respond to the in-' vti.tioi. other than with a si.uficant wive of the hand, v.hich ev.i Icntlv was trou- ou do not w-nnt a slow treatment wheu hair is falling and the dandruff germ is killinx the hair roots. Delay nieaua no hair. tiet, at nny ilnnj stotv, a bottle of enio for LV or 1.00 for extra lare fuze. I se as directed, for it does the work quickly. It kills the dandruff emi nourishes the hair roots nud irmue,luitei stops itchunc scalp. It is sure and safe, is not greasy, is easy to use and w ill not statu. Svmpsj and shamiKHis are harm ful, as they contain alkali. The best thing to use is leaio. for it U pure nud also tueipensive. Zeuit), Clereland, Always Watch This Ad Changes Often MM MM Mf Strictly correct weight, square deal and lughest prices for all kinds of junk, metal, ruhber, hides and furs. I pay ZU,e per pound for old rigs. Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kinds corrugated iron for both uofs a ad buildings. Hoofing paper and second hand linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargains. 302 North Commercial St. p-,. una t