Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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200 ACRES FOR 1916
PHONE 637 lor wood aaw. V
HAREY Windowclcaner. Phone 768.
2153J. Mhi7
FOB RENT Furniihed rooms. Phone
4U3-K. Mar. 4.
1)B KALE ( heap, good second hand
bicycle. Phone !. Marti
DBESS MAKING Mrs. Carrie Bod
gen, 242 S. 19th. MarlC
HOUSE TO KENT Close in. Call 2C4
N. High. Phone 7S2M. Mar6
FOR BENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed modern house. U. W. Jobuson. tl
OAK, ash, fir and maple cord wood
rhonel3!!2-J. W. P. Proctor. MarlO
EXPERIENCED Gllili Wants house
work. Can give references. Phone
4U0. Mar l I
VOR SALE Thnrnuvhhreii White Lee-
horn eggs, 30c- per setting. Phone'
Zluij. mart
em six room house. 041 Market St.
Piione 185. tf
"WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room housf
reasonably close in. Address N. E. G,
eare JouruaL tt
i'OK HALE Full blooded Harm! Bock
eggs, $1-00 per. setting. Phone I!F3.
Call 3( Hoyt. Mar4
FOB BALE 15 acres bottom Hod
aouth of Marion. Mrs. E. Thomas
Marion, Oregon. ApriU
FOB SALE 1916 Six cylinder Buich
automobile A-l condition. Price right.
Phone 2346W. Mar4
FOB .SALE Cheap, if taken at once,
good eight room house, close in.
Phone 534 -M. Mir4
FOB SALE Good light rubber tired
buggy cheap if taken at once. B. E.
Townzen, 508 S. 25th. Mar4
young men. A piece of good land for
your labor. " II" care Jonrnil. Mar9
FOUND On North Commercial, a mu
sic roll. Owner may have same by
piling for ad at Journal office. Mar4
"WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 acres of good potito land. Must
be cheap. Adress Journal C-50. May6
FOB KENT 7 room modern house,
tlose in, very reasonable, some furni
ture and a range, if desired. Thone
331 M. Mar4
up to date power equipment. List youi
order at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone
529. tl
FOB KENT Buildings and about 20
acres of grass land on Crowe's plnce.
llione 127 or HOli. Russell Cntlin,
' EXCHANGE Will sell good HarleT
motorcycle cheap, or trade for horse
and buggy. Apply at Capital Journ
al office. ti
FOB SALE Established business, suit
able for lady with small capital. No
experience necessary. Address No. 75
care Journal. Mar4
into housekeeping apirtments, 1, 2
and 3 rooms, ready for occupancy.
300 Court street. MarlO
FOB BENT Store, 81x165 fee, el
trie lights and steam heat. See Wat'
Bhipp Co., 219 NortA Commercia
atreet. Phone 363. V
FOE SALE Fine residence lot, 62x108
feet, Capital and Center Btreets. Price
$2800. Write J. W. Beckley, Ner
strand, Minnesota. Mar23
NICE ROOMS Furnished or unfurn
ished, with or without board, by daj
or week. Apartments. Phone 635 for
apecial meals. 305 N. High. Mar8
FOB SALE Cheap, one span of geld
ings, H and 12 years old, weight 1300
lbs. Good pullers and gentle. C. W.
Train, 254 Ferry. Phone 288. Mar4
FOB SALE Eighteen acres well im
proved, best soil in Oregon, will take
small payment down and rest on place
on eisy terms or will take Salem
property as part payment if taken
soon. Phone 23F24. Mart
FOB SALE Or rent 5 acre tract 7 room
house, barn, milk house, hen house,
and two wells and young family or
chird. Price $2200, part cash, easy
terms on balance. Location, 23rd
etreet and Turner road. See owner
at 1294 S. Liberty street. Mar6
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel
demonstrate and sell dcilers. 25 to
$50 per week. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drag company, Dept. 315,
Omaha, .Neb.
resentatives to sell shirts, underwear,
hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct
to homes. Write for free samples.
Madison Mills, 590 Broidwav, New
York City.
The man who advertises a
little and then says advers
tisirig does not pay is like
nato the man who burns
one match beneath a five
barrel kettle of water and
then says fire will not heat
Continuing firing away
will remove any mountain.
bp " . - K ry
' v . -. U
i ; "a- 'HH
7 If:?
9 iV t, !&)t't'NStV9Bt
General ITumtert (left)
The two big leaders of the French in the terrific battle of Verdun are Gen
eral Joffre, commander in chief of the French army, and General Humbert.
General Humbert has received great praise for the skillful manner in which he
has handled his troops during the long drawn put contest.
List of Minerals
Found In Polk County
A partial list of mineral occurrences
in Oregon has been compiled in bulletin
form by tho state university, in which
eight minerals are reported as occur
ring in Polk county. All of them are
in the black sands near Falls City. The
bulletin is for free distribution and may
be had by addressing the registrar,
University of Oregon, Eugene. Eighty
nine minerals, with ninny hundreds of
occurrences of these minerals are found
" "' l-'e cnty, 40 in JiaKer anurive,l at Manilla, P. I., March 30, and
rv 25.
The eight from Polk eountv
Chromite, magnetite, gold, inonazite,
garnet, olivine, quartz and zircon.
Chromite is the source of chromium
salts and is also used in making hard
steel and for making brick to line
smelter furnaces in some instances.
Magnetite, which occurs in the black
uds of the Pacific coast, is found i
near Falls City.
It is an ore of iron:
strongly attracted by a magnet.
Gold and monazitc, the source of
thoria, from which the Welsbach gas
mantles-are made, are two more. Gar
net crystals, which are used for gems,
aro also used for abrasive purposes in
finishing wood and leather. Perfect
crystals are valuable as museum speci
mens. Olivine, which, when a clear variety,
is called peridot, is used as a gem.
Quartz is used Tor outical instruments.
Quartz sand is good for glassmnking li,e '"hiunce ne nas traveled in naval
and as sandstone is used for hones and i vessels since leaving has run to the en
grinding stones. Jt is fused in electric orra0"" ,0,al "f 3S,374 knots,
furnaces for making heat-resisting -'r- Humphrey gave an interesting
"silica ware." The last of the min-1 ta'k to ,,ie Stayton school Tuesday lit
erals listed for Polk county is zircon. " 1118 "avow and more parti
' i culnrly "China." He also exhibited n
The country homo of Mr. and Mrs.
8, W. Jones was the scone of a very
pleasant and happy occasion. Sunday
afternoon, February 27, it being the
40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and
.Mrs. S. W. Jones.
The immediate family arranged an
informal at homo to surprise them.
The floral decorations were red carna
tions, daffodils and violets. Light re
freshments were served by the Misses
Addie Tobie, Blanche Evans and Aretal"
rnll0a I
An interesting coincidence was that
it was also the 2-th anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fruit of Brooks.
Many friends and relatives who could
not be present sent congratulations and
best wishes. Those who called to ex
press their congratulations were the
following: John Cutsforth and wife,
A. E. Evans aud wife, H; H. Booster
and wife, Scott Jones and wife, Mrs.
Rebecca Jones, Adelaide Jones, Mrs.
(.. O. Collard, Mrs. S. E. Thornbury,
Sam Brown and family, A. E. Austin
and wife, Ruth and Julia Bell Austin,
L. K. Siegmund and wife, Mrs. Chris
tian Essom, Will Hubbi and wife of
Silvcrton, Brace A. Jones and wife,
W. R. Jonea and wife, Mrs. H. Haus
aker of Portland, M. L. Jones and wife,
Mr. J. W. Fruit, Luke Smith, Leroy
Esson and wife, Eva Urll Esson, Mae
Millan Jones, Howard Booster, Addie
Tobie, Blanche Evans. The immwliate
family are: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoov
er, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Collard, Alice,
William and Clair Collard, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Naftzger, Sarah Katherine,
Edward, Charlie and James Naftzger,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Ramp, Sylva
"W. Jones, Paul R. Jones and Areta V.
Joues. Gervais Star.
Tell your neighbor or the sat-
lafactlon of reading the Cap-
ital Journal.
& lift mw
and Osneral Jo.Tre.
Young Man Returns After
Long Time Abroad
B. W. Bumphrcy, one of Uucle Sam 's
boys, arrived at the home of his moth
er, Mrs. S. A. Fulton, Saturday, Feb
ruary 26, after an absence of ofur years
and three months
Young Bumphrey enlisted in the navy
at Portland, Ore., November 9, 1911,
and remained at the training station at
San Francisco until March 5, 1912,
when he left on the army transport,
"Thomas," for Asiatic Station. He ar-
nntil June 1. when he was transferred
to the P. N. S. Helena, finikin r,f
navy in International Yangste Patrol.
He remained on this pntrol o'f the
Yangstze Kiang river uutil December
12, 19.15.
Bonts of this patrol perform service
as far as Chenglu, 2,370 miles from the
coast, and due to the European war, the
U. S. boats are the only ones in service
all others being interned.
Due to the fact that Bumnhrcv has
always boon of an inquiring turn of
mind, ami having the opportunity of
three yJ'ars, he bus made an exhaustive
study of tha conditions of (interior
China. Readers of the Mail may re
member a long letter from him publish
ed iu December, 19 la.
After 1ih enlistment had expired ho
returned to the I. S. via Muniln.
Wake Island and Honolulu, arriving at
Bremerton, Wach.. February H. inn:
i-uiiun, ri-iiKs, ere, mar tie
brought home with him. Stayton Mail.
Arrangements have been made with
the Extension Department of the O. A.
C. for a pruning demonstration to be
Kiven on Tuesday, March 7, at the
Woodbimi Orchard Co.'s 200-acre ap
ple orchard on Elliott Prairie, by Prof.
Brown. Prof. Brown will precede his
demonstration by a lecture at the hall.
i.i .... .. . . 5
nun men go lino tne ore-Hard and give
Prai-,i'-l demonstration of the work.
crown is conceited to he
tne leading authority in the North
west on pruning and all matters re
lating to the culture of apples. As
there are many orchards in Marion
county that need attention it is hoped
that a large number will attend so
that the benefits of the lectures and
demonstration will be as widespread
as )MHhible.
The lecture and demonstration will
continue all day, beginning at 30
o'clock on Tuesday, March 7th, and
will be held at the Woodburn Orchard
Company's 200-acre orchard at Elliott
Prairie, five miles east of Woodburn.
In -spite of the long durntiou of the
snow aud later the high water, Hay
bell school, District No. 137, did not
take a vacation but continued school
through the bad weather. The attend
ance for the month ending Feb. 25th
was 93 per rent, while that of the pre
ceding month was 92.3 per cent. Fol
lowing are the names of the pupils
neither ahsent nor late this last
month: John Mays, Florence Ray,
Nicolua Zenzen, Hubert Zenzen, Aug
ust Zcnzen, Kenneth Peterson, Frances
Olson, John McNamara, Donald Mc
Namara, Marietta Peterson and Nor
man Veager. Miss Anna Ringnes of
Silvcrton is the teacher at Ruybe.il.
Woodburn Independent.
Board of Control Will Sell Seed
To Eugene Farmers at
$2 Per Bushel
The farmers residing in the vicinity
of Salem have contracted to raise 579
acres of flax next year which is au in
crease of over 200 acres over last vcar 's
crop when 3(i0 acres were contracted
for, according to the report of Secre
tary R. B. Goodin at the meeting of
the state board of control held yester
day afternoon. To encourage the rais
ing of flax in l.ane county the board
agreed to sell the seed to the farmers
. ..... ..n l... I. .1 , .i. . I
of that county at ji2 per bushel if the
Eugene Chamber of Commerce would
guurnntce the payment for the seed.
Warden Minto, of the state pen, was
authorized to manufacture 2.000.000
bricks with convict labor at the prison
brick yard to bp used in some of the
state buildings. Warden Minto also ad
vanced a few ideas in prison manage
ment that he picked up on his trip to
some of the best eastern prisons. War
den Minto recommended to the bunrd
that the prisoners be allowed commis
sions on their work and that a system
of merits and demerits be established,
also that black and white striped suits
be provided for unruly prisoners.- These
recommendations were taken under ad
visement by the bonrrf.
The board of control ot the state
of Washington sent a communication
which stnted that the Washington laws
did not permit the exchange of insane
patients between tho two states but
that an effort would be made to pass
such legislation as would permit this
exchnngo at the next session of the
Superintendent Hale of the Boys'
Training school was given authority to
parole a number of the boys not at the
school. Mrs. Esther Hopkins, superin
tendent of the Girls' school, reported
that there were 40 girls at the school
at present and 34 on parole and she
recommended a parole officer to look
after them. She wan given authority to
employ another instructor whose duties
would include parole work. Miss Cath
erine Doan will be employed iu this
The reports from the various state
institutions showed the number of in
mates during the month of February
to be as follows:
tate hospital for the insane. 1,617:
state penitentiary, 57(i; feeble minded
institute, ill; training school, 156'; tu
berculosis sanitarium, 74; state blind
school, 37; industrial school for girls,
40; state deaf school, 97; eastern Ore
gon hospital for the insane, 381; state
soldiers' home, 191. '
For nearly seventy years Mrs. Evanne
Ililtibrand Hived an the same farm
whore she died last Saturday, February
2t!th. Mrs. Hiltihrnud was i daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Tetherow and
was born in Missouri March 2fi, 1H2H.
She crossed the plains with hor parents
in 1S45 and settled with them on a do
nation In ml claim, on which part of the
city of Dallas now stands. One yeir
laier sne was married to Paul Hilti
braiid and they took up a claim for
themselves on the Luekiamute river,
about three miles from Suver. There she
had lived ever since Mr. Hiltibrand
died 22 years ao. For more thin 25
years Mrs. Hiltibrand had been totally
blind. Death was caused by pneumonia
and the infirmities of age. She is stir
vived by two daughters and one son,
Mrs. La Vine Cottle, of Portland; Mrs.
Martin Scafford, and James Hiltibrand,
of Airlie. Two brothers and as sister
also survive. Tbev are S. . Tetherow,
of Fall City; T. li. Tetherow, of Inde
pendence, and Mrs. Martha Burns, of
Dallas. Funeral services were held at
the home Monday, conducted by Rev.
H. Charles Dunsniore, of Independence.
Interment was in the Smith cemetery at
Lew isville. Dull is Itemizer.
San Francinco, March 4. Under de
termination of whether Fresno comity
Jack rabbits are "rodeutia" or " la
gomoplia" will depend whether hunters
can slay them The state fish commis
sion says they're lagomorpha what
ever that is and therefore entitled to
stute protection.
Well worth looking up by any in
vestor or hoineseelier. You can double
your money in one year.
House, 7-rooms, $1,800
Good house, modern improvements,
only 4 blocks north of postoffke, on
paved street, all assessments paid, clear
title; price 1,800 if sold before March
Another One
A good Broom eottage, plastered,
bath, toilet, concrete foundation, large
lot; barn; price $1000; terms.
Improved 5-Acre Tract
Clone in, $500 down; price 11500.
Beautiful . 10-Acrcs
Close in to be sold at a sacrifice if
sold in 10 days; price tlWO; terms.
In real estate what have you.
Plenty of Money to Loaa
On good farm security.
Houses For Rent
317 State street Salem, Oregon
iCosipion's Racket Store to Oc
ctipy Building at 141
North Commercial
O. W. Johnson S Co. announced to- j
day that their clothing .store would oc-;
cupy the room now in use by the Wool-
worth store in the I'nitcd States Na-1
tional bank building about May 15. The
Compton racket store will move from1
the present quarters in the Enright i
building on Court street to the room to
be vacated by G. W. Johnson & Co., I
and the Woolworth store will occunv a
.. ..... 1 "
ruum in uie new Aicuilciinst building at
the corner of State and Liberty street.
G. W. Johnson & Co. is one of the
oldest established 1'inns in the city and
Mr. Johnson located iu Salem about 34
years ago, moving here from I,elianon.
The store opened for business at 141
North Commercial street, the present lo
cation, about 27 years ago. The firm
is composed of G. W. Johnson, Sr., and
his two sons, Clyde K. Johnson and
Paul V. Johnson. Another son, Oscar
M. Johnson, now deceased, was formerlv
associated with the firm but later open- j
ett up a stoic ot .his own which was sold
out to Brick Brothers.
The new store in the bunk building
will be entirely remodeled before it is
occupied by the Johnson company. There
will be two entrances, one from Com
mercial street and another from the
main lobby of tho building. Tho room
is much larger than tho present quarters
of the company and will allow the firm
to increase their stock uud also permit
a better display.
The Johnson lease on their present
store room has not yet expired and when
negotiations were on w ith Mr. Compton,
the latter asked if tho back windows
were absolutely burglar proof. Ho was
assured that they were us nearly burglar
proof as it was possible to make them
and Mr. Compton stated that he was
confident that in his present location of
Court street no burglars could enter
from the rear and that ho slept with a
feeling of security. Both stores were
burglarized the same night, two days
later, and in both cuscs tho burglars en
tered through the rear windows. The
proprietors of the respective stores
concluded that it was a stand off and
neither would boast of a burglur proof
store in the future.
Denounces Papers For ,
Printing Silly Story
Washington, March 4. Denouncing j
the uction of certnin American newsnil- '
pers in printing a report that President
Wilson had resigned or was consider
ing resigning, the White House today is
sued the following statement:
"When Secretary Tumulty's atten
tion was called to a story appearing in
certain newspapers that tho president
had resigned or was considering resign
ing, lie said:
" 'An American newspaper thai
would publish a 'story of that kind in v
situation like the one now confronting
the United States dishonors itself.' "
Miiw Zorn will have only one-fourth '
of the usual baubles, riucs. bracelets I
and the like, and who knows but tlm'
he will grow old only one-quarter as
last as the ordinary mortal, for, you
see, MisB Zom was born Tuesday, iind
Tuesday was the 20th of February, and
the 2!Mh of February comes only once
in four years.
She weighs 12 1-2 ponndw, and was
born to the wjfo of Henry Zorn, of
Champoeg, who at present is visitinp
with her sister, Miss Marth Myers, til
Washington street, Oregon City. Ore
gon City Enterprise.
From the ami mil report of the state
game and fish eommissiou we lenrn
that 7,(lii4,2t'ij game fish were distrib
uted in the lakes and rivers of Orcon
during Mil.-,, (if (hi, number Line
comity received the most, l,2ii0,MO,
while Polk got next to the .smallest
number, only 21,13d. During the voar
17 arrests were made iu -Polk county
for violation of the game laws, in 13 of
which convictions were secured. Fines
totaling were collected in these
cases. Dalius Itemizer.
Tho one hundred and thirty-eighth
birthday anniversary of Robert Emmet
will be celebrated in the Hibernian
hall, Kuwell street and Rodney avenue,
on Sunday evening. Judge P. 1. D'Arcy
of Salem, will be the principal speaker.
Following the oration a program will
bo rendered at which J. 1), Wuhh will
preside. Portland Journal.
Steel Bridge Only
ForCenter Street
(Continued From Page One.)
year and found that the indications
were that the site on Marion street
would hold up a concrete structure.
However the board of viewers was
authorized to investigate only the Cen
ter street locition ami submitted the
partial report to await further instruc
tions. The report follows:
Any bridge erected nn the Center
street site will necessarily be supported
on piers erected on pile foundations,
such footings will enrry a strong steel
bridge hut ill not do for a concrete
structure, except at prohibative expense
especially for a concrete bridge with a
driw. The Engineers are unwilling to
recommend the erection of a concrete
bridge at this site, therefore unless oth
erwise directed your viewers will not
cause pluns and specifications to be pre
pared for a concrete bridge on Center
street, we therefore submit the mutter
for your consideration and instructions.
On account of the strong popular d-
Special Good
Economical Buyers in
Used Fimiture
We outfit hundreds of families every year who,
furnish their homes complete for one-half price or
less. You can do the same and we will help you to
select furniture that is good and up-to-date and in
many cases can hardly be told from new.
We quote a few specials for today and Monday.
Come and see them even if you don't want to buy.
One solid oak Buffet in Early English finish, $12.50
One full quartered oak Buffet in golden finish, can't
be told from new $14 50
One round heavy 6-ft. extension Table $ g 5Q
Two square heavy 6-ft. extension Tables, each $ 5 QfJ
One Set of 6 Diners, originally cost $1.50 each, can't
be told from new ' $4 5q
One 9x12 Brussels Rug $ 7 qq
Iron Beds, each $ 1 50
Springs 50c to $2.00
One $25 Couch, best value we ever had J 9 50
Rockers we have about 20 today and will sell
for - 75c to $3.00
Good Kitchen Tables: 5QC lo jjQ
Good Kitchen Treasures JJQ
Good Dressers $3.00 tfl ? 10.00
One $22 full quartered oak Hall Tree $ 9 5Q
Heaters $ LOO
Ranges $10.00
Cook Stoves $4.00 to $12.00
Don't forget that we also carry a fine new stock
of house furnishings and we will give you the best
prices for the old used furniture in trade.
We would like to figure on your bill cash or credit,
we usually get the business.
mand for a concrete bridge we have
ciusod additional bonnes to be made at
Marion street the result being shown on! The school boy' baseball tea... . f
he attached profile It appears ths it, Nrll Uowt.,, ,vif, give a ,,k, fllJcilll Ilt
ho foundations on this cite are ot ,!.., (. hu bT1,ursduv evening
ticient strength to uistity the erection . , . ' ,
of either a steel or concrete bridge with " ' h ' . !"."'t ""K"!"1
out piling foundation. Wo also submit ' !U'r 1 "'j1' !'' l
this for your information and await iu -Ut U,'IV"' r ' l,,,'!"i,1,'r,,'K
strnctions "r" c"r,'ially invited.
Should 'the Center street site bo ad-1 . Miss Maude Jleer wa the priest i.T her
...red to, it will be necessity to K,v. ! "tcr, Mm. l.oww Hun yet of Woodlmrw,
careful consideration to the foundation I n"' e week,
for the west approach as the borings I ft,r- "n1 Mr"- ,l""v U"gill nnd ehil-disrlo'-cd
only loose sand ami gravel.''!"'" wcrt' Winn ut Jos. Ungill's on
Further in our opinion there is strong ! SI,I".V-
probability that unless stopped by e s- Weisiier and son, Doryle,
pensive revetment, tho main channel of!!11"1 a ''''w days lust week iu Albany,
the river is very liable to Tepidly en- IM- Hi'nry Fletcher and daughter,
crouch upon the I'olk county shore and i and Mr. and Mrs. Howell, of Saiein,
unless the piers on which tne ipprnach visited tho Orange lust Saturday. A
rests shall have been most securely t.lnc-' special meeting will be held the eve:
en ami protected, tney will bo under
mined or washed away.
In neo any instructions nre to be
given us wo ask an early reply as theitives in this section Sunday.
splans and speciricitions for the main
bridge nro almost complete and uwait
only instructions as to the definite In -
n t io n and tho approach.
Kespect fully submitted,
K. I. M '('( HiX ACK.
.1. A. HA K Kit,
W. J. CL'LVtK.
For Sale or Trade
My equity of $11,000 in 1G0 acres Tillamook dairy
ranch. Fully equipped with stock and machinery;
23 milch cows, 5 heifers, 1 reg. Holstein bull. Large
3 deck barn; 11 room house with hot and cold water,
bath and patent toilet.
! n fi.11 nlviiViilavcl ir 4we4 lnilAe
unt lull pai uvuiais 111 uisi iviivi. g
Buys for the
Giving universal satis
faction and making
your dollar do double
for you is getting the
business for us.
ing of March 11 All granges are in
vited. Will fisher, of Salem, visited rele-
A dance will be given at the hull
Saturday evening, March 4. All aro
1 invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Krone ami son. Car
ter, motored to Kcizer Sunday and i
ited ut the home of Kd Hall, Miss Marv
Hull returning with thorn. Orvais
mfwi n Mt.Ma,iKin.w.'nwiims9La