SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MAR. 4. 1916. AFTER MISS CLAYBEEQ Sac rn m en to, Oil., Mar. 4. Washing ton officers are today en ront from Los Angeles to Seuttlo with iris. Jsubel Clayberg as tlieir prisoner following the granting or an extraction Friday af ternoon at the governor's office. .rrs. Cliyberg, with otiiers, is charged with attempting to blackmail prominent ineu by securing photographs showing them in compromising positions. The case, has caused quite a sensation. Synopall of tha Annual Statement of tha , NORTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY Jo.' New Viirk, In the Male t Ni'iv Yurk, rm the aiM 'lay of Oi'i-cliihiT. Illl.'i. iiiuilf to Hi? tluaiirame I'oiiiiulsHldiit'i' nf Hit: Klatt uf OreKMU, iil;rauaiit lo law: CAPITAL Amount uf caiiltal palil up $ XMi.oOtl.i 0 ! INCOME 'Ist pre inliiiiw rrwlvril ilni'ltiK the ! .vi-ar t SIT. ml-.'. Ill 'IntprfMI. illvlilfiitl. ami rt'iits re rclveil dnvUin Hip vi'ar IKI.1'77.:(1 Incini f j"i fiii other amiicva rcrelvil ' diirluii Hie jpar Wl.l.'ls.M) Total liR'ouie xm,iVi;J7 DISBURSEMENTS flut Iiwaca pulil tlititiiK Jif iviil..$ l4L',4S.-.-IO lit Idi'uil paid on lapllnl tni'k dtuliiK 0"' .vein' IM.IaiO.iiO IV'inmisMWfiM and aitlarlea lulltl dur ing (lie vi-ar aiO.llso.lo TavcH, ll.tMiai'i and fccn paid ilur- i Inic Hie year l.-.'Jlli.M.-. .Amount of nil other expi'iullliin-K :HI, -14.YS4 Toiul exui'ndltiin-H $ s:;'.i, 1:: .in ASSETS (Value of .link nnd IkiihIk inm.'il 1 market luc f I.2Ik,h(SI.i4 Ixiana oil ucirlai;i'i mid illiileinl. cto Iln.ikiIi.iki Ciiriii in ijnnliH and on liiiud r.;i..';n:i. in rriMlllllllH III rolll sl' of coll'-l'l loll wrlllen -.llnri .s.-pli'inl.'-r :i. imr. l!::.iwji.ri lelrraat and rrnla dm' mid mnii'il s.'iil !ij Total asiMMi .. . 1 . r.ii 1 . r.i in . r Total imwets ailiultt'd In llreiiou . ft ,:Z I . O.'i LIABILITIES Glnxa cluilin for ln-..n 1111 p 1 Id . . . , $ .".l,:;i l.ftl Amount of iiiii'iirniid priMiiiiuiiii on nil oiitrtiaiiiMin: rlka 7'.7.7'-ii ivk All oilier ll.ilillllii'S I.'i.iiim.'ui Total llahllllli'. -M-lmivi. of i-npltnl Him-k of ::.,ii..hiii . . . mir.KM.Lti 'J il II I pieiillilliiH III fnl'i'e I'eieiii- .11. i;iir, ti.r.i 1,17s 21 TUBINE8S IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Total liiMliaine ullli n ilorliiK Ho' i.Miiir l!T.l:M.HJ tin pieiiitilnia Ireflvid dining I I lie year O.Kni.l 1 Jienilllina I'elill'lli'il llill llllt Hi year H X'.V is I.....' paid duiliiK Mie year o,:!!i.'..::n l.,iiai-a Ini lirrf'il ilnrllin llle year.. ft , III al . ;a I Total ntnoilnl oT liHiir ne'e tint- KtandlllK In llre(.'oli lie Illier ill, 11115 Him, SOS 00 It JAMKS MAI1SIIAI.1., Serrel.-ll.v. Slallltorv re Idenl tfi'liTlll aifent ami II I lorney for wivlir: J. I'. i illilUN, l.enla ItiillilliiK, J 1'ortlanil, Or. Synopall af the Annual Statement of the HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. if llnniuilrif In llaliiliiirit. llennanv, on the Wat day of lleieinlier. llllo, 1 ,. to lln In- lurailee eouiltilaaloiiel' of Hie attue of lliejfoii ourauuiit to Imv: CAPITAL. Anouut of V. S. iposli eipliul.J iiio.iaai.oo INCOME. Net premlunia reeelved iliiiini. Hie , ,l-ur i,i:i:i.! Intereat, dividends anil renta re- celTi'd during Hie year , till. I ,L',42 Jiieonie from oilier aoureua reeelved duriiur Iho year 2OI.0IS S:l Tutal Income DISBURSEMENTS, Nl loaM'a paid durliiK llof lear H.I'H.iiki lo I 7a:i,ll.a) L-ouiiulaaloiia aiol Hiilariea Nild riurliii; Hie year Tinea, llrenaea and fees paid durlitd the year Amount of all other exieiiil!ure TH,5lll.l ."H. HIS III 170,71). 4 J Total rxiienilllurra l,41H,:ws.4a ASSETS, Value of atooka 11111I ImiiiiIk owuril (market Talue) $1,. Mil). 7:18.00 lleixiveralila for leinaiirauie un liaia lima oa i'aah In bauka and on hand...... ;tl,nsp,!l7 I'lYUllllllia lit eolirne of eelleelloil wrltteu alnee Sept. ;l ll)l,i, ,. 2IU S.'IO ,'IJ IlileiKI and rente due anil ci-rued 22.418.S7 Total aaeata .i..M):i,:u:i.r,s Twtal IHftl admitted In nn(un.ll,N4;ia4t.BS LIABILITIES. Oroaa rlalma fur liee unpaid $ 100,114.00 Auiiaint of unearned preuiliiuia 011 all onalandliiK rlaka 1 ,0114. HOT.. t) Dint for ivnimlaalon and lirokeraKe 1 1"0 lal All oilier llabllltlea Total llaollttlea. eielualee II. H dealt capital lltlO.OUO of of . .l.2)!i.70ll.S Tutal pramluiua In force lieeein- ber .11. 1 1 I fi too2,i,i7.a BUSINESS IN OREGON TOR THE YEAR. Total ItiHUianee wrlilen iIiiiIuk the -ar I wto,.VX).l)0 (inaa premiums reeeUed durliiy Ihe year .1,0.1 1. SS rretnluiaa relumed during the year 2,0711.76 Usee paid during Hie yitr.'.... S77.40 leeiael lUL'tnTttl during Hie year., 2N7.40 1'otal amount of Inaiiranee nut. atandtng 111 Oregon lleeeuilier SI. HUB sicj 4ti' in XAMBURO-BBEMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. lly II. N. Uelaev. Manaiier. Stahitor; raaldent general agent and at toruej for eeMlce, A. II illriell, I'orlland, Dr. fynopalt of the Annual Statement of tha STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE 00. f Hartford In the alate f Conneitleul o the Dial day of lleeeuilier, II, in m, lo II,,. Iiifilreuee iMniuilwloner of ,e ,,, , 0. V, puiiuaut to laiv- CAPITAL, Amouut of capllal paid no 1 7.1IHHKI 00 INCOME. ret preiunmia reivhed during the 7ar 7iui Mn r.h Intereal, dllil 1. and r a re- celted dtu'lug the year III. .17.1, 10 Total Income DISBURSEMENTS, et loaaea paid during Hie rear. f s:ii,o!i:i.07 47S,:o,01 Illvldetula paid on eapltal atoek during the y,r v t'ouiinlahloiia and aalarloa paid during Ihe year Tinea, HeeiiHea ami fee paid ifitr lug the year Amount of nil other - ,i- n, 1 1 1 1 n ,.k 00,000.00 2:i7,:iss.(Ki 40.1117. 7;i "4..V.',H.S4 Total espeiiilltiirei t stK:i4ll ASSETS. ' Value of atiieka and lunula oun.d (market value) , . . .$l,:i.',S iSI.On 'ah In liauke and on liand ' (W oss'l7 t'll llllllina 111 eolira,. of eolleellou wrlilen alme Sepl, ::u. him.. hiukiimw lnlerewt and reuta due and Binned 17.l!t:luo Total aaaeta ....fl.MI:l.ltl7..1i k' hi i,.ii:i,4i7.ri,i Totnl laaeta admitted In 0,-e I.IAHIT.1TIVU Orine, elalllla for lohaea lli,',i'ild . , $ Amount of unearned preuiliiuia uu nil oulHlniiillog rlaka All other llalilllllea ' M,ri;t.i.i i Wui.:ou.ii,i i.-i.:,oi.p; Tulal llalillltlea. evelnalve of ciiplliil alock of 7.'ai,lKliJ llll,:ilU.2; TNital premlunia In force lleeein- l-'t .11. luift ft 1i r 8! BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Total Inaiiranee Hillleu during (he ., "'ar . MM,S4ll.(a) fcroea preiuluma reeelved durlug 'he year lil.dl'l d2 a iruiiiiuiR reiiiiueil illlrllig llle year y.t.M.M ve win uiiriug me lear...... Leasee lueiirred during the year.. Total amoant of Inaureuee out- 14 elanillug In tlregou Heeemher si, in i ft riw 'uisou STANDARD T1RI INSUmANCE 00 ' ll 11. U. Anthony, iteerelary. Jatatutory reardeut general agent aud at torney for erle. I.kiyd H. Smith Always Watch This R(i4li Arroct aroinnK Inuara rjcl junk, metal, rubber, hide and furs. I py ! per pound for old MR. Big stock of til sir-n second band incubators. All kinds corrugated iron for both roofs and buildings. Hoofing paper and second kaud linoloum, IL Steinbadc Junk Co. TJ Boum af Half a Million Bargains. JOS North Commercial fit Fjobo 108 TTTmWTTTTm4TWTTHMMMHMTMMHt THE CHURCHES Tree Methodist, .fo. 1228 North Winter street, ixv services: Sabbath school Sun 8:45. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, U:o0 a. m. Huuday school and Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. L., 0:15 p. m. Kalvation meeting, 7:45 p. m. Week night services every night except Monday and Thursday. C'apt. and Airs. Kelso. Nazarene Tabernacle. North Nineteenth ami Marion streets. Bible cchool, 10 n. in., Win. Dcnni.t, su perintendent. I'reiichiug, II a. in., by the pastor, and 7:1)0 p. in., by liev. K. I). Patterson. Prayer meeting Weilnes dtiv. 7::l n. m. You are cordially in vited to attend all these services. Bring your family nnd friends. Monthly meet ing of the church board Monday, 7:110 p. in. 13. . Shaver, pastor, .I.Hi5 Waller si reel. Tlrst Presbyterian. In the evening at 7:110 Dr. Henry Marentte, of Portland, "ill give an nil dress in tibecrvance of the fiftieth an niversary of the organization of llio Y'lung Wnmeii's fhristinn association. Mrs. ".'has. Park nnd Miss Holt, prosi-j dents of the city and college associa tions, respectively, will preside. In the morning the pnshir. 1'nrl II. Klliott, will prcaeh"ou New Life. Beginning on Wednesday evening. Mitn'h N, Dr. A. 1.. Hutchinson, of the Pietlmont Presby terian church, of Portland, will prencl the first sermon of a series of 10 days' evangelistic meetings. Dr. Hutchinson was for some time pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Seattle, which is now known as Ihe largest Presbyler inn church in the I'nited States. Tirst M. E. State and Church streets, H. N. Avi son, minister. II a. m., Cluss meeting. !l:l"i a. in., Sunday school, .Messrs. Schramm nnd (lilkey, siiperintenilcnts. II it. in., Sermon siiofecf, "llio Ke snoiise of Moral Oualilv in Man to Mor- 111 IllllHy HI t roil. ni.lil p. IN., i.pniMiii League, .Miss rv;i .srni r, presiiieni. n:-iu p. in., liitennediate League, Mrs. M. C. Pindley, superintendent. 7::I0 p. m., Sermoii subject, "The Motive That Dignifies Life's Common Task." Music by the chorus choir, directed by Dr. P. B. Chace. Mid week services Thursday evening at 7:'i0. First Congregational. .Tames Klvin, paslor. Sunday school meets promptly at 10 o'clock, W. T. Slalev, superintendent. .Morning serv ice at 11 o'clock. Special music morn ing nnd evening by chorus choir, direc tion Win. Mcdileiirisl, Sr. Preaching in the morning by the pastor on the subject, "The Refuge of the Soul in Trying Times." Christ inn Kndeavor meets at Ihiio in the evening, young people cordially invited to attend this service. liogulnr "Pleasant Sunday liv ening" meeting at iinors open at 7 o'clock, (rood music, lienrty lei lowship, genial atmosphere. A delight ful way to spend Sunday evening. Ad dress by Mr. l.aiuar Tooze, president of the student body of Oregon university and member of the Ford expedition to Kurope. Mr. Tooze will describe the experiences of his trip. All trienils of the University of Oregon most cordial ly invited. At the close of the address the beautiful moving picture, "The Battle llvmn of the Republic," will be shown. Kvervbodv welcome nnd every body invited. Thursday evening meet ing nt 7:o0. Acts. Studies in the Book o'f Jason Lee Memorial. At the comer of Jefferson nnd North Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown t" lor. Hunduy school at 10 n. m C. M. Roberts, superintendent, and Mrs. W. C Tlminel. superintendent prininry ilepnrt- ment. Preaching service nt 11 a. m. nnd 7:M0 p. m. Knworth League devotional service nt ti::i0. Strangers made wel come to nil services. Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Bible school, 0:15 a. tn., Joseph Bar ber, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, sermon topic, "The Arrows of God." Junior League, .1 p. in., Mrs. J. C, Spencer, superintendent: Mrs. Mary Bishopf lender. Knworth League, (i:.'IO p. in., Mr. Arlie Walker, leader, topic, " 'Others,' as a WalchworiT for Christians." Kvening service, 7:'t0, sermon by Vrof. W. S, Mathews, of Wil lamette university. J. 0. Spencer, pns tor. United Evangelical. North Cottage street between Center nnd Million. A. A. Winter, minister. 10 ti. in., Sunday school, Mr. A. A. Flescher. superinleuedent. 11 a. in., Sermon ami reception of members, "Player and Bible Study." .1 p. iu Junior Endeavor, lenders, Miss Reming ton nnd Miss Flescher. H:H0 p. in., Young People's meeting, topic, "The Consecration of Strength," leader Mr. F. lbidnick. 7:110 p. ni.. Evangelistic service. Monday evening, Bible study. Thursday evening, mid-week prayer meeting. Public cordially invited. German M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets.! .. J. weigie, minister, funilny sciiooi at 10 a, m., mid public worship at 11 o'clock. Kpwui'tb. League nt 7 p. m., Mrs. Henry Carl, lender, Bible study at 7:. 10 p. m. ' Highland Friends. Corner of Highland ami Elm streets. Ad Changes Often 4 and htehsst Irricea for 1.11 klndl of f New Baptist t. GEOHGE FREDERICK HOLT, D. D. Who succeeds Re.v. Harry Marshall, pastor of the First Baptist church, and who preaches his first sermon here tomorrow. Dr. Cenrje I' Mult, tin1 new pastor 1 of Ihe first Itaptist the citv this luoriiin l.,,,,.l i ; IUIi'llt and will preach tomorrow it both services. He comes from lii' eisiile, California wiiere he has I a pastor of the l.aplist church for ihe past eight years. Sini-e entering the minndry he has been associated with but three churches, His first pastorate was hi Minneapolis. ,ro that city he wool lo Waterloo, lowa, lad from there lo liiveiside. During his wink with the church in Riverside, Ihe membership has almost doubled ninl the activities of the church 1 has ureal ly increased nil the de- piirtments of church work. Regarding liiH work in Riverside, in writing to a friend in this citv, a ineni ner of his church refers lo Dr. Holt as follows: "You will find him a splendid orgaii- Sabbiith school, 10 a. in.. Mis. Myrtle 1 (Irace McDonald, leader. 7::il) p. in., Kenworthy, superintendent. Meetings Sermon subject, "The Ideal Wife." for worship 11 a. m. and 7:.'I0 p. wi. ' Great crowds, large chorus, stereopticon. Junior Kndeavor, :i p. in. Christina j Kndenvor, (i:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Rural Chapel. Thursday, 7:110 p. in. All lire welcome: 11. t'. Stover, minister Sunday school to these services. Josephine llockett, JuiIM a. in. , .Morning worship at pastor. Phono 14115. !ll:.!0. Christiair-Endeavor at 7 p. m. Swedish Tabernacle, M. B, ,1 Coiner South Fifteenth nnd Alill, streets, Itev. John Ovnll, minister. ! ) roetn. It. C. Stover, minister. Sunday Preaching by Rev. ,1. 0. Wnhlberg, dis- j whool nt 10 a. m., Mr. Isaac V. .Mc trict superintendent from California, at Adoo, superintendent. Junior Christian I! p. m. nnd 8 p. m. All are most cor-1 Endeavor at (i n. in. Senior Kndeavor dially invited to attencT. Unitarian. Corner of Chcuickctn and Cottage: streets, Richard K Tischer, minister. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, Miss lilhel Fletcher, superintendent. .Morning ser-.; vice ut 11 o'clock, subject, "What Is the Real Value of Helii'ion f" Music bv - ttailoHiiy; .Ml'. Harry Jlills, organi-st. All Ineiuls ot liberal re ligion nnd of progressive thought are cordially invited to our services. Bring n friend. Lutheran. East State and Eighteenth streets, G. Ivoehler, pn.itor. Sunday school in tier- man and English nt It' o'clock. Divine service at 10:.'I0 a. m. There will be no evening service. i , it i Ministerial Union. , ... . , . , .. . .,, I lie Sulein Ministerial I iiion will hold its regular weekly meeting Mon- day nio,uing, I0:.1(I, nt the Y. M. C. A. building. Rev. Montcalm Brown will rend a paper entitled. "The Prophet and Israel's Messianic Hope." Al: members lire urged to be present. United Brotnren, I Castle Chupel, corner Seventeenth street and Nebraska avenue, H. B. Dorks, minister, Bible school, 10 n. in.' Morning worship. 11 u. in., "What Savs!1916 RoIB Festival Design Advertises the Guide Pirstt" Christian Endeavor, 0:.10. At 7:.I0 Rev. R. II. Kennedy, of Cheinawa school, will deliver un ad dress on "Work Among the Iiuliuns. " lie will hnve with him a quartette from the school. This will be u rare treat, don 't miss it. Commons Mission. No. 211 Sttite street. Captain Slover! speaks Sunday lit ,1 p. in., and will also lead n holiness class meeting ut the close of the wrvice. Services Tuesday and Friday at 7:110 p. in. Mission board meets March 14. J. 1). Cook, superin tendent. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows: Knee drill, ! r-ftl a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:,'I0 a. tn. Christian praise meeting, 2:4.i p. in. Y. P. I... 0:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, speaker, Mr. E. A. Slover, ex-chief of Portland police, :43 p. in. Special evangelistic services every night during the week at 7:45 p. in. Different speakers cacn" night. A hearty invitation extended to all. Capt. and Mrs. Kelso. W. C. T. U. There will be s gospel temperance meeting at 4 o'clock at Knmp Memorial hall Sunday. Good music and a geueral good time. Everybody invited. First Christian. Corner High and Center streets. T T. Forter, minister. Biblt school, 9:45 a. m., Dr. H. C. Kpley; director; l.lnyd Holdiuuiu, nssistant. Great contest nnir on with First Church of Christ. A class of merit for evrryono . Finn orchestra. 11 a. m.. Worship aud sermon, taubject, "The Temptation of Christ." Msry Schult, vieliuist. 0:30 p. m., C. F.., Pastor Arrives 'i : i'.er. Kvery depai tmeiit of the lunch I'liool. sought Ills council, the .nuil iv t.'ie x'oung peoples sociel holies' aid anil missionary societies, the .Men s i u ( lii-rlioinl, the board of trustees and tlie different committees organized to carry on Ihe work. In I'.iurcli Pedern- tion work his fellow pastors nckuowl- edged him as n leading spirit and sought and accepted his iUe council, la the Southern Cilifornia convention work since Ins coining here, ur, unit nas ui- most from the first, taken a very active and prominent part in the different coinmitties. In educational work he is on the list of Hoard of Regents of the I'nivcrsitv op K'edlands. The Holt family consists of Mr. ami Mrs. (ieorge I' . Holt, four boys ami one girl. On account of the children at tending the schools the family will not move here until the close of the school ve ir in June. Central Congregational. Crncr South Ninteenth and Ferry at 0:45 p. m Lveniiig 'services at :3fl. Sermon by the pastor and pc inl music by the choir and men's horns. South Salem Friends. Corner South Commercial and Wash- ington streets. Bible school at 10 a. ni.. price, !j;r0.75 has been realized. This j Helen, were Portland visitors the first B. C. Miles, superintendent. Meeting money has been used towards paying of the week, for worship and preaching at 11 a. ni. j the expenses of carrying on the work. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. .1. Elliott of I'erry and 7:.'t0 p. m. Christian Endeavor Mniiv families who were not able to (dale, were county seat visitors this meeting at Ii::i0 p. m. Prayer meeting .at 7:15 and song practice at SMS Thtirs ' day p. m. Arrangements are being made !'for J. L. Glascock to begin a series of i meetings, Sunday the 12th, there w ill j he further announcements. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday services are held at 410 ! Chemeketa street, at 11 a. in. and S 1'. ai. Siilnect of Bible lesson, "Man." ' ,' . ' , , Sunday school at 0:45 a. m. Wednesday ... evening testimonial meeting at I o'clock. Rending room in the Hubbard ; building, suite .'to.'), nnd is open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from j 1 1:45 n. in. to 4 p. in. All are welcome to our services and invited to visit our rending room. NEW POSTER IS OUT Scenery of Famous Columbia River Portland s 1916 T.oae Festival poster Is the first publicity, natloual In scope, to go forth advertising the beautlaa of th Columbia river. Tha fsstival will be held June 7. and 9. Opening day will wltaess the national dedication of tho Columbia rivar highway. The uoaier carries the -all "For Tou Roan-hr Ferttond Grvws." , Tha -ooater was inaad by Fred 0. Oa-r,-ftr-mar Oregon boy, - bow - faraoow- m an artlat. Tha oaxrtgn-will aoon hang in traoaportattoB off lea all o-r tha Dnltea Stat. if, - a " ,(i 'tttt4t)M)mtttHHTTTTT1 DON'T MISS THIS A Cleanup Sale on al! figure and flower pattern Wall Papers in our store. All good clean stock and clever pattern designs. PRICES CUT TO 2 YOU GET MORE AT MOORE'S Salvation Army Makes Fine Showing of Work The Sttlvation Army finds its great est work during the winter months when the demand for help and espe cially clothing is greatest. The fnllow iiitr fiirures will trive an idea as to the work Immiil' done bv Ihe Annv corps in the city during the past five months: Number of conversions In Number of open air meetings held. 1 1 1 Number of attendance at the open air meetings I.'IS Approximate number of people hearing street addresses 3,500 Number of indoor meetings con ducted 105 Attendance at indoor meetings. .4,72:1 Relief for the Past Five Months. Christmas baskets given oat .... SI Baskets containing food given out. 405 Number of persons given meals .. 01 Number of persons given beds .... 25 Employment found for 00 Garments given out 5.5S5 Tairs of shoes given out 1 7S Persons given medical aid Total number o'f families given re I lief 150 .Totnl number of nersons riven help 7S0 i From the snle of crothinir to those who could not afford to pay but a small who could not afford to pay but a small price, i);50."5 has been realized. This j pay for clothing, have been supplied and no charge made. I .1. C. Talbott, a prominent Falls City Captain J. L. Kelso is in command of j citizen, as a Dallas visitor Wednes the Salvation Army barracks in this I day. city and the above statement of lhe Mrs. Mabel Kenrns and little son of work of the Army for the past five I Salem are guests at the home of Mr. months was made by him. jr Mls. L. . Adams. " William Crook of the Airlie. neigh- DallaS Hotel Sold borhood was a Pallas business visitor To Portland Man (I'apital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., March 4. The Imperial Hotel property including the large ; srore room occupied ny the Merling r urniture company ami the vacant j building adjoining it on the west to- .geiner w itn ine otii iMimn property on the north was sold the first of the week by the owner, J. W. Crider, of Sua dose, California, tn F. L. Shall of Portland. In the deal Mr. Crider ob- tains possession of about IU7 acres of' farm land near Goldendnle, Washing-! ton. The new owner has leased the, rpj,,, fuiblren 's Bureau and the Gen hotel property to .1. M. Anderson of eral Federation of Women's clubs has Carlton who opened the hostelry ! Wednesday. : Polk Streams Open April 1. Phil Begin received a letter from the state fish and game commission Mon-1 day informing him that that body had decided to grant the petition of the anglers of this county for the opening i of the streams for fishing on the first j of April. Last fall the streams were closed upon a petition from the fisher-1 men so as to allow the fish that had: recently been placed in the streams to; attain some size. Heretofore n lnrgel number of the small fish hnve been j caught during the winter months nnd , as a consequence very few fish of any j size could be caught during the spring and summer. About 2"i.mi0 trout fry. were planted in the Polk county streams last fall. , Fruit Growers Meeting.' The regular monthly meeting of the ( Polk County Fruit Growers' associa tion will be held in the court house Saturday afternoon. A number of prominent speakers on the fruit ques tion will be present and address the meeting. W. V. Fuller and F. .1. Coad, who recently looked into the canueiy business in Washington, will be present and teH the information gained by them in ttieif trip to Chehalis, Wash ington. . Fiveryone interested in the fruit ffrowmg business are cordially ia vited to attend the meeting. New Case Med. I. W. Crites has filed a suit for damages sgaiust the Willamette Valley ONE Ail 30-Cect Wa!! Paper 15 Cents Per Roll A!i 25-Ceo! Wall Paper 12V2c Per Roll Ail 20-Cent Wall Paper 10 Cents Per Roll A!! 15 Cent Wall Paper ll2 Cents Per Roll AH 12!2-Ceni Wall Paper 5 Cents JPer Roll we Lumber company of this city for ages. llio case will come up at next term of Circuit court. Prohis Hold Meeting, limit v Prohibition parly held The cnuntv Prohibition parly held a meeting in the Methodisl church Tues-! day afternoon and evening. O. C. I i ., . .. , , in . , Win Prohibition club, presided nt the J meeting. Plans were laid for the work of the parly during Ihe coming dec turn. Miss Helen Art wood, of Salem, visit ed with Dallas friends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herbert have ar rived in Dallas from Portland and have rented Ihe ('rider cottage on i North .Main street. Mr. Herbert re-1 centlv purchased an interest in Price Brothers' clothing house. j Mrs. u. .1. Grunt and little son oi Falls City were Dallas visitors Wednes day. Mrs. Frank Van Nortwick nnd son have returned to their home near Cot tage Grove after a short visit with Dallas relatives and friends. R. E. Williams, of Portland, was a Dallas business visitor this week. Mr. Williams is president of the Dallas, I City and the National Bunks. ! Mrs. I. j Helen, wen 1 Mrs. 1. Casey and daughter, Miss w eek. Lewis Sachtler has returned to his home nt Ridgefiebl, Washington, after; In visit at the home of his brother, j ! Robert Sachtler. I Walter Nichols, cashier of the Bank ! I of Falls Citv, was a Dallas business visitor Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Win. Tyler Smith of Sheridan, were guests nt the home of their daughter, Mrs. F. .1. Craven, the first of the week. Ernest Earl of Salem is visiting this city this week. BETTER BABIES WEEK r" . ' H-sr r 1 f AW V SAVE To con vmca jroux by trial thai ir is better' than j Can U-a ether coffets, and to indue yon to makas tha test, w reduca tha price durirg FOLCER WEEK. S'telai saKK , 1 LB. 2 - 2V. 1 5 .43 .85 1.00 2.00 OrderToday;.J.i.ti.l,...Ita,i:.L.,..l..vil Wm. Gahlsdorf The Store of Housewares, 133 N. Liberty, Phone 67 WALL PAPER .ALE HAL 1 MOORE MAKES THE PRICES "XjLots of New Books for the Public Library r ,., 1 '"' "00l(s ''!'!? '"' ' l1"." .,",,1'"'V, i,n' mit 'lire y or the ol.ler 1,1 , lxV ''' dren are novy getting their toll share ot attention in the public libraries as well as else where and even the b illies are having books written about thein and their care and stories for theiu as soon an the age of understanding arrives. The following books were placed on the shelves this morning, all for chil dren: Brooks, In Leisler's times, a histori cal story of Knickerbocker New York. Coluin, Boy in Kirinn. The boy is Finn O'Donnell, and his story is full of interesting things. Denton, Little people's dialogues, de signed for young people of ten years. Dodge, Baby days, a new selection of songs, stories and pictures for very, little ones. Hauler, Little folks' book of wonders. Some of the wonders are animals that lived thousands of years ago. Others are things men are doing now. Harrison, Making wireless outfits, y .simple explanation of the construction and use of an inexpensive wireless ctpiipment. Murai, Kibua Daiziu. or. From shark boy to merchant prince. A Japanese, story written by a Japanese. Smith, Boys of the border. One of the "Old Deerfield" series. Stedinan, Story of Merewurd, tho champion of England, jn part fancy and in pint reality, the story of one of England 's heroes is full of interest. Wood, Children 's first story book. An easy book for the little ones. advocated having a "Better Babies Week" from March 4th to Otli. Tho public library is helping in this celebra tion of Better Babies Week by having on display its books on the care of ba bies and its books for young mothers. Ihe library also has a book mark list of tJood books for each mother. Uel eelebrntc Hotter Babies Week hy get- ,inK 1 1'00,f lnllrh ,i,!t nl reading some I hooks w.uch will help vou with j your own babies. PUBLIC LIBRARY LECTURE " Dr.inia of Today" is the subject of the lecture at the public library next I Friday evening by Professor MeMurrav i" ! nf ;, il Ii,f.,.. At..- Murray has made quite a study of the drama and speaks with authority on iiis subject. The lecture was 'postponed from Much ilrd and will bp given next Friday evening, March 10th, at eight o 'clock. ' 1 i 10c A POUND MARCH 6 to 11 FOLGER'S CSS? COFFEE 45c COFFEE 45e QUAUTT . a M-a..a , Q I SEND OR TELEPHONE TOUR ORDER J0D.T EL-,-.