THE DAILY CAPITAL .TQt ftNAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAR. 4, 1916. FTVR Another Big Show SIX ACTS EMPRESS S. & C. VAUDEVILLE Ray Conlin Ventriloquist Carl & Rheil Simpsons Essence of Refinement in Song Comedy Playlet and Dance. "HIS WIFE" Harry Sterling Musical Kuehns VERSATILE ENTERTAINER Singing, Yodeling and Violin Geo. Lee and Girls "AT THE GOLF LINKS" A Big Musical Comedy . Offering. GRAND THEATRE SEfSSg i FRANCIS X. AW and leverly BAYNE IN ft Five ftct Metro-Wonder Play Home of Paramount Pictures Sunday YE LIBERTY Monday h V' '.V'- : A l i-,,,. ,,r , f- 1. SitSiiwi.'J Francis X. Bushman, an old favorite of the Salem movie fans, who is appear ing in "Man and His Soul" at Ye Liberty theatre next Sunday and Monday. Pathe Color n nr-r JACKIE SAUNDERS WM. CONKLIN AND T paiii nrr.Mnnrr in A Beautiful Colored Feature "THE SHRINE OF HAPPINESS" and a Specially Selected Comedy SUNDAY AND MONDAY life .epMinjif-MiiPfiiiiii Three Days BLIGH THEATRE The Great SANTANELL Master Hypnotist KING OF LAUGH MAKERS Mystifying Magic MISS MARJORIE BURKE in SHADOWGRAPHS That Create Wonder and Amusement Regular House Pictures A Dollar Show for a Quarter LAUGH WITH SANTANELL1 PRICES 15c-25c THREE DAYS OEY-MGN, TUES, WEDNESDAY ll ' -v.- Uca . - L - ' i I. i '-miTTri - - Musical Kuehns, appearing on the Empress Vaudeville Show at the Grand theatre Sunday. i . ; . ' '-':' t' j 15 f , )i ( . : ''.;:r x-President McKinley, the man who had faith in Al Jennings. SNOWING IN PORTLAND Portlan.l, Or., Miir. 4. Snow fell throughout the nin'lit. And Portland liiy under a white Maiiliet this morning. This is the first Mn re h snowfnll in I'ort land for many years. JULIA DEAN in THE RANSOM Last Times Today Big Equitable Feature MUTUAL WEEKLY KEYSTONE COMEDY Today and Tomorrow vy THEATRE : I Mm 'BEATING BACK" APPEALS . TO THE LADIES Al Jennings, erstwhile bandit train robber, convii t, and later lnwyer-poli- i tieian, and a leiding candidate for jrovernor of Oklahoma, was the pnest of honor at a banquet in New York given by New York's Four Hundred at whiih there were ladies and gentlemen of nobility, Ameriean millionaires, and miny other persons of prominent name and position. When tho Million Dollnr linsc Garden j t'neatre otened in New York, Oetober. first, these same ladies and gentlemen made a ruh with thousands of others to see Jennings himself in what the critics call n masterpiece photo drama, "Boating Back,'' in six reels. And it might bo interesting to ad.l that the scale of admission prices on liroadway to see this piure was up to one dollnr while in our city Maniger I.nflar of the Oregon theatre has ar ranged to snow this unusual production Sunday and Monday at very much low er prices. New Today ads costs you less than you think worth more than yna realize. y Last Times Today HAZEL DAWN in "MY LADY INCOG" r Pathe Weekly Home of Paramount Pictures I" i -A 'PEG O' MY HEART" TONIGHT V V " ':. " . 1 "' . .. V -tit . .' 'f- Who 11 we talked "Dc Luxe!' Hats for six dol lars last fall, we had reason to think that some people raised their eyebrows and smiled. Some old fossils had im agined that a Chinese five dollar wall existed in hat dom forgot that the world was moving. Well, we sold six dollar hats not a large quantity, perhaps, but enough to require us to sev eral times re-order. The new spring blocks of this "De Luxe" quality arc here. Perhaps you are one of the men who feel you arc entitled to the best. HAMKOND-BMOP CO. The Toggery 167 Commercial St. Leading Clothiers FLORENCE MARTIN PEG 0' MY HEART Vied i Tildeu, who is playing the , fits the role of tho baronet ailniir leading male role of Jerry in Oliver ably. Mr. Tilden has been n successful Morosco's -successful nnd farewell pro- ! I' man having playe, engagcinenlg , .. ,, , ,, I here with illuini 11. (rune, Henry duchon, "Peg O' My Heart," was en- , WlUvr , ;;., Au,.u, ,,,, ,,, Drew, Mine. N'aziinovn nnd -Henrietta Ciosnmn, at the (Iriind tonight. magic a part of his entertainment. Miss Marporio Ltuiko, a member of gaged especinlly by Manager Morocco tor his remarkable personality which HYPNOTIST IS COMING ! Manager l!l:;;h has ai'ranged for San- ' tanelli, the muster hypnotist, and his1 company to appear i:t the llli:;li tiieatro for three dava, beginning Monday, I March (i. : Santanelli's niclhods are diri'erent ' front any other hypnotist now before' the public. Iteing the only psychologist understanding the why ind wherefore! of the human mind he will not resort to ; the huncuin of tito inonoy-buek in order j to gain favor in the opinion of tho pub- J lie, but instead takes his audience into; his confidence and tells tlient what hyp-! nosis really is when sifted down to a basis of common sense. Being the author of "Tho Law of Suggestion," ho knows more about tho - :.-' .."' ---- . i .,7- 1 .. . (. , v.. f .'. II . , !!... I, I in... ..-., .M,.m..i.. ,u giving of suggestions than nnv in in liv ing, in which lies trie nrt of hypnotism, ' thereby enabling him to obtain start-; ling direct results. To appreciate tins ; one must watch closely the facial ex pression of the subjects. Mr. Santanelli carries no "horses."! His performance is given with local young men of reputable charicter who, are put to "stunts" Irom which whom some, clean fnu is extracted, Suntnnelli first entered the theatrical profession as a magician. While he did not. practice it publicly for many years, niany hours each week were devoted to. it in the priv lev of his hotel, purely for tho love of it. It is only since tho I ' . moving pictures drove him from the!"'" Santanelli company, is considered opera houses that he has again made ono of the cleverest ex ents of digi- I tat ion hclore hte public. v '(ll n Mignon Anderson who appears in ' "Beating Back" at the Oregon Sunday and Monday. j Xo piny that contains the pathos, the ipuiint humor, and delightful situations as docs, "Peg O' My Ueirt" can fail to please, and when it is announced that it will lie presented here it is sure to arouse the enthusiasm of all theatre goers who love a story of this nature. At the Grand tonight. ROCKPIXE IS SHf Portlind, Or., Mar. 4. "Send us more prisoners. We can't operate on the number we have now." Thus pleaded the superintendent, of Portland's rock pile to city officials to day. The city is thinking of borrowing county prisoners to keep the rock pile going. Two years ngo city prisoners kept two rock piles going full blast. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Grand Theatre Tonight 6 AM OLIVER r'OROSCO OFFERS ' A Superb Production of tha Most Brilliant Comedy yet Written In Amerloa By J. Hcrtley Mlnr:or ' " , MS ' i Hi : .': : v. . "'V '.. i ' ' . ;.- " ' .v , : " ': i.... x,. .... ,,r,..,yjl.. Ty,,4,- j, Oregon TOMORROW . r The Mo:;t Famous of tho Saturday Evon ing I'ost's Human Document Stories. 1 FANNIE BOURKE LUCY TEYTON IN BEATMG3BkGIC nith FLORENCE IJARTIN nnd a perfect M'tusco cast. NOT A MOVI.'IG PICTURE Seats Now Belling. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Curtain Rises 8:45 The Life Story of Al Jennings, one time Cowboy, Lawyer, Bandit-Now one of the Country's Most Useful Citizens. Complete in 6 Parts. A Bandit Story for Respectable Audiences. Remember TWO DAYS ONLY SUNDAY AND MONDAY ARTHUR BAUER ADMISSION Special Matinee Each Day - - 10c Evenings - 20c ANITA STEWART in THE GODDESS will ho shown in ad dition SUNDAY ONLY -.: MORRIS FOSTER