Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1916, Image 4

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    "The Capital Journal"
itorial Page
Editor and Manager.
sATi'iiii.w f.vknimi.
March 4. Ill Hi.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treus.
B.llr hv carrier, tier vear 15.00 IVr month 45c
Daily by mail, per year
3.00 Per mouth 35c
New York Chicago
WariLewia-WilUama Special Agency Ilarry R. Fisher Co.
Tribnne Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on tho
poh. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we cun determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
The president of a bank when asked by a young clerk; Poison s plan is d
w rn ikrino-nish counterfeit bills at stent, renlied: I stomach is about the
Thomas A. Edison, who besides being our greatest in
ventor is probably America's leading sage, took occasion
of his sixty-ninth birthday to solve the liquor problem.
He is against alcohol on principle, because as a
scientist interested in efficiency he has become convinced
from careful observation that it keeps men from doing
their best work. He recognizes the weaknesses and
limitations of the human animal. And so, while he be
lieves in prohibition as the ultimate goal, and believes that
the whole world is swinging toward it, he wouldn't try to
force matters by harsh measures. Pie would taper off
"You can't take alcohol away from men all at once,"
he says, "if you do, he'll resent it. Beer has about 4 per
cent alcohol. Cut the percentage to 2 or 1 3-4 per cent.
Let men drink that for twenty years, and then cut it down
to 1 per cent. Cut out all whiskey, and strong alcoholic
drinks at once."
Edison's plan is based on the theory that every man's
i i.ui. i :iU o
how to distinguish counterfeit bills at sight, replied: swmacn is aooui ine same sue, aim uuu ueer wnn p
"Get familiar with the good bills and you 'will mog- cent alcohol won't make a man drunk because he cant
r,; thl hnVi n, without trouble " fi'et enou8'h into hls stomach at once. "A man gets merry
mZ He'e ZtVriSL summed up in a single on a little alcohol, but more makes him ugly. Cut down
: the alcohol and he will not get ugly. And when he has
ThU "homely, pointed advice applies not only to the! become reconciled to the milder beverage and lost his
detection of counterfeit money, but with equal force to j craving, it would be an easy and natural transition to
the detection of the counterfeit and false in all depart- teetotalism.
ments of human life.
The man who is accustomed to handling only good
Portland officials report an increase of more than 500
"v,i , ii ? - j? . '4. i:: : Trl
i , fVl nnA n.(,pni.:tlQ o'nnrl invtViincr nr to ! per Cent in tne importation Oi spinmuus liquors in r cut u
corn, good cloth, good giocenes, good pytmng oi to i The increase is attributed
largely to the fact that those who solemnly swore off New
Years, have been falling Irom the water wagon pretty
steadily, as is usually the case ; and that now a large part
of them are in the market for booze after "a long spell of
depression." The outlook is cheering for the dealers in
keeping good company, has no trouble in detecting the
faulty. He recognized it intuitively. Even without
recognized thought he fixes unerringly upon the fault.
The skillful egg-candler passes good eggs before the
light with a rythmic rapidity that is amazing; but an
imperfect egg breaks his routine and interrupts his
To the trained musician, accustomed to knowing and
doing high grade work, a false note comes like a stab
of pain.
Right and wrong are as unlike, as far apart, as day
and night ; and he who is most accustomed to walk in the
"8 Tl h oKy o oV , y o taSJth b i, the im,,'fect, a." That is a concise statement , ot the case and
the untlue andthat is by knowing the good, the true, and LA1, CM SlK CX"eCt
UUJ UtllUULlll.
Mrs. Smith, whose husbandfArt Smith, the aviator,
has brought suit for divorce, evidently has a pretty
thorough knowledge of Artie. She says he "was a regular
fellow and all right when he had only $400 and was work
ing" and that the trouble "is due to his swelled head and
crirr wcnie
Pendleton Tribune: Thousands of
rabbits are lying dead on the flats be
tween llermi"-ton and Heppncr, accord
im to the report brought back by E.
F. Averill, inspector of the United j
State biological survey, who litis .just j
returned from that section. Their;
death was due partly to the storm and j
partly to the poison campaign which j
has been waged by the farmers of that,
section. They were instructed by the j
member. of ihc biological survey last
vear and have profited by the lesson. I
Chopped alfalfa, poisoned and made in
to a soup, was put out for the animals.,
Mr. Averill says that, in some places.
he saw them lying two or three deep'
under the sage brush. j
Rogue River Courier: The fanners of j
the valley are taking full advantage!
of the weather conditions for spring)
farming, and many an acre is being
turned over every day now preparatory j
to being planted to beets. The af f i- j
cials of the sugar company have order-1
cd one carload of beet seed delivered'
here without delay, as planting can .
commence now as soon as the land is
prepared. The new tractor recently or
ilereit liy the sugar company arriveu
last night over the Southern Psu-ifie.
and is standing on the car near the
Sixth street crossing. !
Dr. W. A. COX
If V
303 State Street
Trust to Luck
When you have decided to
purchase Dental work
don't go to a dry goods
store or blacksmith shop
Med ford Mail: B. O. Vforthington
has returned from Olynipia, Wash.,!
where he sold the state rights to the,
use of the fish screen patented by him-)
self and J. C. Aitkon to the state fish
and game commission. The commission!
and fish officials are much pleased with !
the 'screen, pronouncing it the best ever!
devised. The screen has already been j
adopted by the Oregon commission, und !
is under consideration liy. otlier western
But to a Sanitary Dental Office, that has-all the
latest equipment, and employ the most improved
methods known to science.
Dentistry has advanced to such a high degree, that
the old methods used by our Fore Fathers would
seem to us inconsistant.
My office is fully equipped with the latest and most
improved appliances for the practice of Painless
Dentistry that can be obtained.
Lady nurses always present.
303 State Street
Phone 926
Coos Bav Times: It was.2S years ago
that Captain X. J. Cornwall and asso
ciates started the present stage line
from Drain to Coo? Bay. A few weeks
now will see tki close of the bench
route, l.rnhnb'.v for all time, for the
I ' '
We fail to find much of interest and
will be pleased to pass the book out j
to the fellow
That there is something in the psychology of woman
that is beyond the ken of man is evidenced every day. The
latest is the case of Charles Elliott, a white slaver, in the
hospital in Oakland, California, who recently tried to com-
KSX&.fX hShalUj f some Americans lie who are not dead,some
women a day come to the hospital bringing Elliott nowers,
candy, grape juice and delicacies made by themselves.
Nearly all ask it they can see mm inougn none wiuw mm
Senator Gullinger in the senate yesterday said he
favored firmness in the administration of government af
fairs but voted against it. He also stated that ""0.0 Amer
icans now lie murdered in Mexico." As the number of
Americans killed during the past three years is 7;) it will
lie who are not in Mexico and occasionally one lies in the
United States senate.
"Our George" in the vote on. the Gore resolution in
lOaim.t. Willi ilia; viiu in ,, , " . n-ii i. j.1 "Ji
great an enemy to their sex is the thing beyond under-; - - a , iJTirn
rimf fhpv should thus svmnathize with one who is so
v..-,, ' . . .. i
x is me uiuig uu
;rait that appart
l.i.ivm 4--.
assassinated his wife or some other woman. Women may , ll '7. " "Ju" -T 1 y'tLl 7 "kT"
, . . ... .in nrm unron vvun rnM riiiii'if'Mn vviui vvhih mumii.s. nun.
standing. It j tlllsIl ISS KI hi ' to the
Jhom to sond flowers and oluuine to some uiure wno nas, . . , .,,J .i i A .
understand it, but no man ever will.
Oregon mav suffer from business depression, lack 0f are all made
ships to carry her products to the world s markets and
lack of cars to carry them to the snips, one may nave
at all revengeful, Chamberlain's selection for office will
have hard sledding hereafter but then the appointments
i 1 VI. n I 1 1 I I I 1 1 . I I 1 11.111 I II I I. iiii i iiuai
u-Ken laying awaKe oi n g us n f u . February 2o and had a birthday regdlarly
systems, or joo leai go ng 10 or coming num . ... -tn mQ h h
fi:i dn,.ni. t,, Um tli.i rw-iininiinvvivi 1th nfhvit. Jtal man aw wntn m-i
111 u lllllli: uiuuiun vo v v V. I ,vnT1t p pht VP1f5 V thoilt OT1P
o i i, i -;ti-, fr,.a room. mn hfi n di cio-1 sne w cm t igui j tai s linout out.
m 1 I I 1 111. . .... 1 - . V t 1I1II1VI. I I 1 1 l. 1111 Li. U bAl VIU . V V V
ant trouoies. Mie may quarrei uuu m-i- -
i)e with land gr
self over terminal and preferential rates.
She may
An Albany woman, Mrs. Mary M. Hutchinson, is 92
She was born
every four
birthday failed to show up and
Almost long enough to
come around.
The vote was G8 with the president and 14 against.
Prneress nf true culture is thus on
coming of the rnilrcnd means a new and , ,.m,ril;ed editorially by the Hood Kiver
quicker way or travel, nut ueveruie
less, the stapes have aided materially in
the development of Coos Bay. The
Drain route at one time was the popular
road of Gardiner and Coos Bay. It is
true the Coos Buy wagon road was open,
but this was passable only about three
or four moiuhs of the vear, and the
other route was an all year one.
who don't pay his sub- ,;.,. . the vf above thee,
I'rlend of my better days!
Xone knew thee but to love thee,
Nor named thee but to praise.
Medford Mail: famiel Storey, soil
man for the Oreeon-1'r'h Sugar com
pany, received word yesterday to the
effect that Alex iMbioy. accompanied
!iy George :.;tin, -.griculli rist of the
libih I'lah Sugar enmpuny. v ill reach
Hid ford about the i.i: Idle of next
week. Mr. Austin is c i. it;! to hold
mietings with the farmers of the val
ley, to discuss with them sugar beet
culture. Many of the latter who have
not yet concluded to raise beets are
anxious to learn something about them
and the methods used in their success
ful production.
Lebanon Express: The largest sin
gle amount ever paid to one man bv
l.inn county out of the game fund on
hides of animals was the payment of
51.50 to John F. Short of Foster, Tues
day. Short got the money on four cou
gar hides, 10 wild cat hides and one
coyote hide. The cougars netted $11)
apiece, the wild cats $2 apiece, and the
coyote $1.50. And besidas the county
bounty. Short will get iWO additional
from the state, as the 'state offers $1."
on each cougar.
Glacier: "The Woman's club musical
department continues its meritorious
activities. To that true appreciation
of music that everyone has they arc
adding locally a knowledge that will
render an assistance to the apprecia
tion. The Saturday night violin pro
gram was full of instruction."
Tears fell when thou wert dying
From eyes unused to weep,
And long, where thou art lyiug,
Will tears the cold turf steep.
When hearts, whose truth was proven,
1-iko thine, are laid in earth,
There should a wreath be woven
To tell the world their worth.
Oliver Brant and
government trappers, who have been
operating all winter in northwestern
Lake county, report a catch of 175
coyotes, besides other game.
Fnisley's new Commercial club
starts off with -0 members. Officers
arc: President. F. I.. Young; vice
president. S. S. Thayer: secretary, R,
X. Huchw alter; treasurer, K. H. Con-
. , T, , i i, ,,,.:.,i ,.,M,Kina. Imr i me vote was os w in ine presiueia ami n ugum&u
fact have a Pandora s box o espe cial t ouUe ut a , V .g one
we gaze hrough the trouble with this state both in and out of politics: it can
clerk is doing to us, our heart purrs a gentle song ot
thanksoivinp- that our especial brand of climate is ours nmi aSKt "hitstll.
alone, and on top of this we have that Columbia highway. j f . a Boundg but
The Oregon Journal says in its morning issue Friday : j U isn'1 a bad idea aftcr a11-
"If factions in congress declaim against the president s
attitude there is a corresponding resistance in foreign
courts to what the president is trying to do. Senators
who oppose the submarine policy are, for the time being,
not American senators but the kaiser's senators in the
actual effect of their opposition upon pending negotia
tions." Senator Chamberlain voted against indorsing the
president. Does our neighbor classify him as "the kaiser's
Food and Dairy Commissioner Mickle, according to a
Portland story, has been tracing a lot of bad butter. That
does not seem worth making a news story about, as the
job would not require a Sherlock Holmes. Most any re
porter with a nose for news could trace it and never break
a lope.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
CAPITAL .... - - $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The editor of the Sumpter American,
who has been inspecting the earliest
files of the American 'a predecssors, the
Sumpter News, first published 13 years
ago by F. J. Hallock & Co., says: "in
looking through the columns of that
early paper we fail to note the adver
tisement of n single firm that is in
Sumpter today, and we feel justified
in the boast that the American is the
senior business establishment of Sumpter."
One of Fugene's oldest houses, built
in 1S51, has just been torn down.
Of its construction the Register says:
"The old house was solidly built, as
were all the residences built in the
early years. The workmen found in
tearing it down thnt the sills, about
a foot -square, had been hewn instead
of sawed, and they were in a good state
of preservation. ' '
Bum. February 25, li'lti. to Mr. audi
Mrs. Vliil Faynient, of Wootllmrn. an I
eight pound girl. j
.Mrs. A. lo Jardin and children, Luis
Lester and Stanlev, were Salem visitors
Mrs. J. O. Smith, Kitty and Clair
Smith and Donald Cauthorn motored to
Salem Sunday.
(.'ut sf ni th Bros, shipped another ear
load of fat hogs to the Portland mar
ket last Saturday.
Mrs. Harriett Matt, who lias been liv
ing with her daughter in Portland, re
turned to Gervais to occupy her In. use
t r' A ii.l 1 who woke each morrow
To cl.isp tli v hand in mine,
Who shared thv iov and sorrow.
Whose weal and woe were thine.
It should be mine to braid it
Around thy faded brow,
lint I've in vain essaved it
, And feel I cannot now.
. While memory bids me weep thee,
-Nor thoughts nor words are free,
The grief is fixed too deeply
That mourns a man like thee.
Fitz-Greene lialleik.
-Mrs. Kapliuger. of Mill City, visited
over Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
I Councilman ami family.
Tim Sweet and wife went to Flmira
i Friday to attend the funeral of tin
father. Mr. Sweet returned Sunday but
his wife will visit for a short time' with
-Mrs. A. Forette and little son and
Miss I.eona Forrette visited at the Gun
slides home Sunday afternoon.
Ace Trammel, wife and son, Merril,
wen' S;ilm,i viaitm.a A !,.. In
Brn, last week, to Mr. and Mrs. Have Miss Deris Dutfiehl, who' has been
Dahut, of Wooilbuni. a girl. Mrs. Da-1 visiting at the Price home the last week
hut was formerly Miss 1! ta l.esey. ot j returned to her home in Portland Sun-
Gervais. I, av.
Mrs. Kemmer and daughter. Helen. The dance given at the Hall Friday
who visited in Bntterville for several ; evening was well attended. Klecker'4
weeks came home Sunday. .orchestra furnished the music.
Clyde Battersby nnd family of Po-- ! Will Titus and wife of Kingston were
land, were over Sunday visitors at the greeting old friends about "the citv
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schwab. Snndiy,
Mrs. McAfee and little daughter. nf Several young folks from here at
Fortland, are the guests of Mrs. Mc-j tended the' party at McCoriuaek 's Sat
Atee's parents, Mr. nnd Mi's. Win. unlay evening.
Brown. j Oliver Forrette was a passenger for
.Miys vuui inceiir returneii home i 1 "" i emiexiay morning.
.Moiiunv from ( orvallis. where she li-ii '
visiting her sister. Mrs. "Wil-
l.i. -ueije Ian wus tr:insni-tina hu;.
ess in the Ciidtal Citv the first i,f tk
C F. Loose II ml wife silent Snmoiv ot
the Seinnitz home.
A large crowd attended tho TWauK
iTenchers meeting held at the school
house Friday evening. A fine program
was rendered and nil went home well
It has been a deadly season, which can't be denied;
and there was no rhyme or reason in the way men died.
I would hear a comrade coughing: "See the doc," I'd say,
and he'd leave me, mildly scoffing, to cash
in next day. l would say, to some one
sneezing, "Dope, er it gets worse!" He
would laugh, and then go breezing grave
ward in the hearse. Nobly did the men of
science exercise their skill, using up-to-date
appliance, potion, drug and pill; daily,
nightly were they waging war against the
foe, but the demon Grip went raging, lay
ing people low. All in vain their dark
brown bitters, all in vain their pills; sneez
ing to the last, poor critters climbed the
Epidemics are as senseless as is Europe's
war; foolish, cruel and defenseless, say, what are they
I for? What's the use of people dying, croaking in
', platoons, while the doctors, nobly trying, cannot cure
i for prunes?
: sunset hills.
Gardiner Courier: The Clear Lake
Water company has over "ihl feet of the
tunnel completed and expects to com
plete the remainder of the 1,100 feet
In about six months. A fine tunnel
I by 7 feet is being driven through
solid sandstone, which will tap Clear
lake about 1!" feet below the surface.
Through the tunnel will be placed 4
inch steel pipe. From the outer portals
the water will be conducted to Keed-
sport by pipe, which w ill bo gradually
reduced to M inches. This will not
only supply Reedsport with one of the
best and purest water systems in the
state, hut will also supply the townsite
of Winchester Bay with water. Petr
Mornn has charge of the work at the
tunnel, and is milking a plendid
Fortland, Ore.: Moonshiner? are do
ing business in Oregon, and others are
getting ready to establish hidden still.i.
according to information that has come
to L. W. Klliott. snei-lal agent of the
internal revenue department for tho
Oregon and Washington district. "In
dications of moonshiners have been call
ed to our attention," said Mr. Klliott.
"It nmienrs that they will require our
attention in the near future and we
certainly do not intend to let them do
business very long in this state."
Aretn V. Jones and Addie Tol.le. of i
Willamette university, spent the week
end at Miss Jones' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S W. Jones.
Joseph Seheeland nnd family, of Pi.rt-
:iln . mill . it in nr inoill lllo ftiiin e ,i I
ii . v i,. I satsified.
the parental h. me of Mr' and Mrs. B. ' , r; I'iv,;!' I,;'"'1 "antinter Hattie vis
A. Xnthman. i lte'1 W1" Uavia home Saturday.
Mrs. Singer, who unit been visiting!,, , ''.""lf ('""'based a horse from
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Man
gold for several weeits. left for Xew-
berg Sunday, where she will visit with ' Aurora. The F. L. Miller agency h-is
her brother. Mr. Liebel, and family sold the following machines thi's sea
The little threeyearolrl son of Mr. 'son:
and Mrs. Arthur Schwab was taken to i
the Willamette sanitarium
morning wnere ue was operate.! on hy Studebaker Six to S. A Miller An
Pr. II. 0. Hickman for hernia. T!ierora. " '
etiikl recoverci nicely am it is expected . Huiek Six to W. B. Tull, of Barlow.
ue iu ue uuu- u Me iioiiui in two ori iruueoaker Four
three week. Mar. I Hulibard.
' T ' Ford to Dr. B. F. C.iesv Worn- R
AUTOMOBILE SAXES M. Reenter, St. Paul; Felix Wo.
'Aurora; C. M. Margnr, Hubbard- Otr,
Tn spite nf the alleged hnrd time, the Miller. Hubbard; F. V Will Wort
automobile business is rather brisk in : Aurora Observer. ' "
' -'r. Lewis one dav last, weok "Vf.iM
Studebaker Sii in .Too T),n,
Tcl.r , v;i- :n.. w.m.vw, i
"-'.".' . .i llOUU III?.
to O. M. Fry, f
Book review in Coos Rav Harbor:
"This lmper lias received a small bonk
entitled. 'The Ciilorad.i Indufrir.
Phiii.' bv John P. Rockefeller. Jr. The
Tentlemnn 's personal card was slipped
between the cover and the first page.
Cooked To A Turn
there is n0 mcnt that e.(uals ours in
toothsomeuess and flavor. Kieh. frag
rant, tender and juicy, it is the joy of
hospitable wives. Try a roast for next
Sunday's dinner when you will have
plenty of time to enjoy all its goeJno?.
Independent Market
137 S. Commercial Phone