THREE El B 0 r Try Salem First Patronize Home Industry What we say we'll do, well do ... t 7 This is what you're looking for Don't Miss If! ESTABLISHED THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAR. 4, 1916. i t . We have been continuously I in business here X for I 23 years TR O VER WEIGE L STU DIO 77ie reputation and standing of this studio is back of this great offer "THE HOME OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS" Never before in the history of Salem, was such an offer as this given to the general public. Almost unbelievable most too good to be true but it is, for We MUST Have Some Ready Cash Although the war in Europe has caused all of our materials and chemicals to raise in price, some nearly 800 and some are off the market entirely and cannot be bought at any price. We were lucky and bought a big supply before the raise, hence we can afford to make the following offer which only lasts until April 1st: For 25 days we will make photographs at just one-half our regular price. Nothing reserved. Same courteous treatment and careful attention given to all taking advantage of this offer this month. The plan is, simply pay one half our regular price at time of sitting and when work is finished we deliver it to you without any additional payment. One Dozen $18.00 Photos One Dozen $12.00 Photos One Dozen $ 6.00 Photos One Dozen $ 3.00 Photos One Dozen $ 1.50 Photos- Pay at time of sitting $9.00--Pay on Delivery $0.00 Pay at time of sitting $8.00 Pay on Delivery $0.00 Pay at time of sitting $3.00-Pay on Delivery $0.00 Pay at time of sitting $1.50 Pay on Delivery $0.09 Pay at time of sitting $ .75 -Pay on Delivery $0.00 t 442 State Street, opposite Bligh Theater SALEM, OREGON 0 ..,-, iiih.,.i.ijuhjiiiii ! iii i.i i mi iii ii iii, '"i 1. 1 1' I1" rr QQCIETY ALINE THOMPSON (Continued from Page One.) the tunic, Eddy And Lucille Cam- U...U .luueiccd the enthusiastic. ,,,, hv small! nimluusu which they received for their ine piogu.m -- - i Margaret White, in the royai npp.uei ul p' the Queen of Hearts. Her only atienu ..... l......fto Sckcs as culnd. 11 rt.l ir'tiiivii -. - . Charles Hillnnl was an assistant Irom Anna Holers rish. School or. re pression, impersonating St. Valentine. The ushers were a bevy of attractive young (iris, Lois Martin, Edni Howil, Alta Johnson. Laura Arenz, ill dred Keid and Genevieve Yaniike. fhey wore dainty white frocks, relieved with fluffy red bows. Each of the small participants further typified the spirit of St. Valentine's day with their quaint costumes and musical messages from distant foreign lands and the far away County of Shadows. Alice Uaker and Kenneth Wilson op ened the programme with a brilliant number, the "iUrch of Triumph,' Wullaco Griffith followed with a Hev- Four pretty Dutch nijiids, Amelia P.abcock, Kuth Mendelsohn, i lorenee Shu for and Farrel Laubaugh, sang songs of their country. Francis Ward as a Troubadour, pi iye.1 the "Jl Travatore with splendid precision and skill. Heath Walling, an unusuaiiy luienii-u musician, surprised with her remarkable interuretation of the " Valse Chrornat eque. " Greetings from our own (J. S. A., "The .Star Spangled Banner" by Miycle lfunter, as the Goddess of Lib ert v, and her four little attendants, Constance Vantis, Klaine Foster, Pnrelle Anderson and Loraino Fletcher in ar tistic costumes closed the programme most apropriately and delightfully. Miss Shelton has been the recipient of a generil-voiced compliment both upon the novelty anil the beauty of the niusicale, ami she has shared the hon ors with Mrs. Blanche Liston Niemeyer Irillint? the little par ticipants, and also with Miss Ada ci. Mis Hnlih White ami Mrs. Niemeyer, who supeibised the mg. YYinefred Kheinhart was a daffodil maid sent from the "Garden of n.. " i ilnintv Austrian lass. Florence Young, brought greetings to St. Valentine in her "Austrian Sung. liarelle Anderson, an unusnilly talented i;iti, nlil emrirPKtpil snriiiir both in her costume and in her nuinber which was "Springtime." Titania, CJueen of the Fairies, sent her tiniest fairy to greet Ci VnlonKna in Vi TtPTSOll of little three-year-old Lorene Woodward, who! clirson city, Xev., Afar. 4. Nevada nu sn if 111 It II V IU110 Hie HUilirnci- ,!,,.,.. ,, resent COll H rCSSlOlKU Kel lor an encore. i uuuuwm j. . i was yiven bv Helen Corey, who Nevada Is Against Congresss Butting In SABRE UMBKELM, COMING IN VOUUE : PERSONALS ' I I WILLAMETTE NOTES El --ii sang tump, bird,' limt. presented a pretty "picture, and brought a hreata ot woomanu uaini mm "in sums in her selection. Two strolling idaverH, Ksther Miller, in Siiamsh cos ' . ... hi.. , itift..... ana r iora rieicner, us iu i.nntrihnted mi intprestin? Tii ino and the latter also played an ac- ouiKuiiinent for her sister Lorainc Fietcher, a little fairy, when she sang of her "Kittens" later on the pro giamme. Margaret McMuhin, as a demure Tur itan maid, gave the message of the "Cloister Hells." Esther Miller gave Sleep," and she was followed by Flor ence Young and Mary McMahan as jol ly sailors in the "Mirch Militaire." Albin, violin, and Ruth Feck piano, Haus and Gretehen came all tnc from their native land in Sabots all, to contribute a "German Cridle Song." Maycle Hunter, who played remarkably well, rendered Nev- Good -Night. ' trom a way in cnice," as a valentine onering iroin Ginevra, ot the court ot enice. Indian maids, in typical attire, Miles and Joseph Hiumgart whose greetings were from their The Naviios." Flora Fletcher Bluebird." voiced the bluebirds' Carol ot Guv and V Ladv Two tribe, low over the international .suuauon, in the view of Governor Boyle as given to the Vnited Press today. "The great majority of tho people of Xevada as far as I am able to judge are squarely behind the president in his ne gotiations with foreign powers" he Baid "and deprecato the action of those in congress who are attempting to em barrass him in his delicate task." WHERE THE CAES AKE Chicago, Mar. 4. that thous ands of cars, packed to enpieity are strung out on lines from here to New York, many of them sidetracked for three months, was the claim of tho Tribune today. Millions of dollars worth of goods are stalled, said an ex pert investigitor who contrib uted the article. He reported he had heard rumors that muni tions shipments were put ahead of others and that toe munition traffic is unbelievably huge. m Xy fr-i ,iV ti" vtf-' i r-f" IKfllili i p "Am - UN ' 1 " U 'i L ' ''1 J "I v 1 message of happiness in the i aroi oK- the Birds." "Venetian Waltz Song" was sung by Francis Ward, who demon-; Journal New Today will st rated talent as x singer as well as ftj A J""" piani-t. She gave a negro dialect num-; convert waste Into wealth. ber as a recall. Cuba .ent its message ,.... t 4 4 4 4 4 4 I ly two of its daughters in native cos- To be real smart one must now adays, according to the fashion men tors, carry an umbrella in a case re sembling' a sabre dangling" from the vrist. This mode is probuoly due to the military spirit invading Europe. Thv dress is suitable for the first balmy days of spri.ig and is of taupe colored velvet. The skirt is exceed ingly high waisted, and a bolero ef fect Is given the waist by thi ruf fling paging ovc and under the shoulder- AMBASSADOR TO RUSSIA Washington, Mar. 4. President Wil son will send the name of Former Gov ernor David If. Francis, of Missouri, to the senate Monday as ainbissador to Russia to succ eed Ambassador Ma rye, resigned. Finest Blue went to l'oi'tlniid this morning. Vola Selig, of Falls City, was in the city yesterday. 1. L." Williams, of Astoria, Has in the city yesterday. .Mrs. K. J. itiilderie is in the city from Independence. .M. C. Williams, u druggist of Inde pendence, is ill the city. John Gopleiude, of Silveitoii, ins a Salem visitor yesterday. H. F. Swope, an attorney of Independ ence, is here on legal business. E. L. liuihaiinu, living eight miles south of the city, vwis hero today transacting business. J. F. Kndicott and wife are register ed from Wilcox, Nebraska, at the Hligh Intel. Mrs. C. L. Sherman returned today from a two weeks' visit with her moth er at Jordan Valley. Miss Opal Hurt, of Corvallis, is sicud tug the week end with her brother, () C. Hart. She came to attend the mili tary ball at the armory last evening. Mrs. it. P. Mol'tensen, of Portland with her two children lire week-end guests of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. Henry Shoniaker. Miss Mary Tischer, t'nlversity stu dent, left last night at .r:L'.) on the Southern Pacific for Pnlein, to spend a week at home. Iv.igcne Register. Miss Nolle Swart and Miss Helen Gannett, of Portland, are week end guests at the home of Mr. und Mrs. F. S. Gannett at the Court apartments. A. H. Tartar went to Salem this morn ing, called by the illness of his wife's mother, iho is not expected to live. Mr Tartar is ticket agent at tho Southern Pacific depot. Kiigeiin Guard. Lieutenant John A. Beckwith and wife, of Portland, weie in the city yes terday, guests nt the home of W. F. Foster. They came to attend the mili tary ball tit the armory. The lieuten ant being on the governor's staff, rep resenting the .Marini! rorps. STAUFFER-KILMER WEDDING Wednesday, March , Mr. Klmer If. Stauffer and Miss Anna M. Kilmer were married in Salem by Dev. T. Ache son nt the parsonage on South High street, at 1 :HH. The groom's twin sister, Miss Id i Stauffer, was bridesmaid and itr. Louis McKinney, of Salem, was best limn. They returned to Hubbard the same evening, going to the home of their mother, Mrs. ( Is, '.. I.!, V'c tit,- IVAN O. MARTIN Announces Candidacy for l.ature. the Legis I Ivan knous and is known by a ma jority of the citizens of Marion county, anil by everybody in Salem. He was ' born on a farm in 18SI, and as he grew up in and with the country, he knows what hard work is, but also how much of it it takes to keep the taxes pi up. So can he (lependcil on it elected to help hold them down to ns low fig- ores as possible with the needs" of the j country. I He wns employed 'for some time on 'the Capital Journal as a reporter, and there learned to sift and sort stories i of the day an accomplishment of ! much value to ti legislator. ' He is a practicing attorney, believes in huildiug up industrials, nlmliMinig useless cninniissions and if elected wil1 stand solidly for anything that helps thr state or Marion county. He is well e(iiitied for the office and the returns next May will, it is hoped show the I voters are of this opinion. Claim Existence of Gang of Copper Thieves Sun Francisco, March 4. Existence of a Pacific coast gang of copper thieves, prospering through high cop per prices due to the war, was charged by the police today following the ar rest of two men said to have been mem- hristina Stauffer, -whem bers of the group. the wedding supper whs spread. Those present in addition to the bridal pirt.V were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith and children Opal, Vem and Mildred; C. I. Kilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stauffer, Mr. Harry Hinkle, Mr. K. A. Freeden, Mrs. Christina Stauffer and Johnny Stauffer. The happy couple grew up in the rom munitv iii'-t north of Hubbard ui.l arc highly respected. I Today is a big one for Willamette; 'preparations for tonight are occupying the thoughts of many of the students. First of nil the ball will he put into 'motion when the Willamette "Heal (Cats" and the Pacific university lias iketball teams line up to meet ouch other in the hist game of the season for both teams. ! Pacific has thus far won all of her l games with non-conference U'liins, while i Willamette has made an excellent show- ing against the strongest of the cou : foiencc teams. The game will be call 1 ed at 7::!0 in order that there will be sufficient time left for the award pro i grain which will take place immediately ! afterwards in the chapel. ' Willis flaielctt, president of the W. I (dub, w ill preside over the program anil I the presentation of awards this evening i ami among those who will appear on j the program are many of Willamette i most, prominent alumni. After the pro-! i grain and presentation of wards I he I W. men will be entertained at n ban- i (net at Sousnnne hall. The ai range-j j meats for the biintpiet have all been j I carefully worked out bv the Misscsi 'Beryl IMt and Helen Wastell. i Those who will receive official Wil-j laiueite awards tonight are; In football Raymond Archibald.' Clinton Archibald, Don Randall, Harold' Tobie, Paul Hclldl 'n ks, sweaters; f 'it lit. jEarl Flcgel, Paul .Miller, Athill Irvine.' certificates In basketball Frank Tlngley, How nrd Jewett. sweaters; Cant. Shisler. Wallace Adams, Karl Hegel, certifi cates. In baseball Paul Miller, sweater; Capt. Warren Booth, Lloyd Shisler, J. R. Bain. Wallace Adams, Karl Flcgel. Emery Donne, Warren Vickrey, certifi cates. In trnck ..Norman Tlnyner nnd Capt. Irvine, sweaters; Frank Hagley, Emery Donne, certificates. Ill tennis Paul Smith, Mary Find ley, sweaters; f'npt. Howard Ji wett. Earl Flcgel, certificates. In debate J. Read Bain, John I.. Gary, Walter Gleiser, Bur W.'s. In oratory Harold Doxsce, Bar W. ; Eric Bolt, certificate. These awards are granted to men who have won letters since the beginning of the year The award day is held every year in March and all men who have participated in Intercollegiate contests ami have complied with the M'cs governing the giving of awards, arc presented with fhcm officially to night. The public is invited to this program which will perhups begin about S:.'KI o'clock. -Mrs. Staueffer. Those who joined u,. club as charter members are: Th-i Misses Elmo (tilling, Leila Doiigln. Ruth Budge, Flora Hansel, and Ah-ssi's Joe Gerhurt, Frank Jasper, Prof, an ! Mrs. (iustar Ebscu, Prof, and Mrs. Staueffer. The next meeting of the dub will !. April 21, at which time a ter-centeiinial celebration in honor of William Shakei peare will be held; a mummers play 1. 1 lie given ami the setting will be simitar to an old English court yard This pla gium will be given In 'the Fatou hiii and the public will be invited Coach Matthews Is putting the fini .li ing touches on his "Bear Cats" in pn paratioii for the 'final struggle of tie season, when they meet the undefeat ed Pacific university basketball lean tomorrow evening on the Willamette floor. The same line-up that faced (). A. ( last Tuesday evening will meet the con fident P. U. team. Although Willamette has little doubt but what the victor will be one of a large score in their favor, yet the unfoi-seen must nlwnv-, be reckoned with. It is rumored th'u' Pacfic has the same confidence of beat ing Willamette. The game will start in 7:.'IO in order to be over in due season for the award program which will tnl, ' place in the chapel of Waller hall in -mediately after. Authorities estimate 1100.000 wort'. of ropper wire litis been stolen in thisj ''he English club, which wns recently vicinity in a few months, and as nilich organized by Prof. Robt. Stnuoffor, hel', more along the entire coast. I 'ts first meeting Thursday evening at - the home of I'rof. and Mrs. Staueffer. LIVESTOCK BURNED The program for the evening consisted i of a pnper rend by Frank Jasper, on Grangeville. Idaho, March 4. Twelve "The Literature of the Immigrant." horses and 24 head of cattle, it wns do-! Mr. Jasper had spent several weeks in dared today, were lost in a fire which ! its preparation and it was both Interest- TIipv are at home to! destroyed the Grangeville flonr mills, ft.lng and instructive. After the rending Linen Manufacturer Wants Oregon Flax Fiber Dr. If. L. iieiinal, who is known th-i world :iver from the name of an undo wear, lives in San Francisco and is the head of the lieinml Linen Mesh System i-ompiiny, He is perhaps oii- of the largest buyers of linen cloth i.i the world. In reply to n letter written him hi O. II. Luck, secretary of the Salei'i Cominercial club, in regard to his io vestigiting Salem as a location for tin maiiiilacttire of flax, he writes as fo lows: " 1 should like to receive and am will ing to pity n fair price fur a ton oi clean fiber to enable me to make a good spinning test. The small samples received wer1 submitted by ine to our fabric company in London ami their opinion was ipi'it" favorable. We also have other con nections In Scotland nnd at Belfast an.) these firms would like to receive sev eral tons of fiber. I will be in Oregon next summer when T hope to take this mutter up again with you." All of which seems to indie He the', when Oregon produces the right kiiol of flux fibes, there - is nn abundant mail. it awaiting it. Get prices on commercial printing at Tho Capital Journal office. their friends in the old Stauffer home lug stable nnd ft private residence yes-1 M the paper an hour was spent discuss place. Their tunny friends wish them (onlay. The damngo is estimated at j ing the literary problems tit the dny. well. Hubbard Enterprise. T.r)0,o60. Refreshments were then served bv Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists.