THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAR. 4, 1016. TWO Wn' Ns' . fi - -are:: Ol' N iwr - - - 1' THE Grand Military Ball at the arm ory lust night pi vcn by the Cher rians in compliment to Company M, O. N. G., made a brilliant finale of the gay season. It was the most pageant function of this type ever given in Salem, being superlatively well done. Patriotic insignia was given full sway in the decorations, the military 'atmosphere being wonderfully increased ly the galaxy of glittering uniforms wuich enhanced the harmoniously blend ed ensemble of lovely coloring. The npacious ball room had a veritable mil itary setting, the national colors, red, white and blue, waving over head. Fragrant fir boughs formed an entire embankment while the glow from soft led lights found their way through prigs of the same redolent trees. The famous "Homeward bound" pen nant of the battleship Oregon, more than tour hundred feet in length was used to drapo the balcony. Bed Cross nurses served punch from a lied Cross service tent completely equipped. At nine o'clock the Cher Tian orchestra played "Victorious flight" and the grand march was led liy Governor James Withvcombe and charming Miss Helen Dockebach, daugh ter of King Minx of the Cherrians. Mrs. Asahel Bush, who has advanced so much originality in the wonderful subscription dunces this season, gen erously assisted with the attractive dec orations. Much praise is due both the ."berrinos and the militia for their ef forts in arousing patriotism which has liestirred the admiration of even the tnost bin so cosmopolite. It is whispered that there will be an uther ball next season making it an un join) event. The patrons and p.itronsesses who at tended and added to the success of the liall were: Governor and Mis. James Withy eooibe, Brig, (len. and Mrs. Geo. A. White, Colonel anil Mrs. Cleuard Mc laughlin, Major anil Mrs. L. II. Knnpp, Jlajor and Mrs. Carle Abrams, Captaia nd Mrs. Frank P. Tebbits, Captain and Mrs. 1). E. Bowman, Lieut. Com. and TUrs. 0. F. Blair, Captain and Mrs. Max Gehlhar, Captain and Mrs. Charles L. Dick, King Bing ind Mrs. Frank Deck ebnch, M!rs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. Clifford Jim v. n, Mrs. Asuhel Bush, Mrs. CSiniin eey Bishop, Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. Hairy K. Cliy, Mrs. David Eyre, Mia. Charles H. Fisher, Mrs. ' W. M. Hamilton, Mrs. K. M. Hol'er, Mrs. .1. Frank Hughes, Mrs. Thomas H. Kay, Mm. Thomas A. Livesley, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. John H. McNary, Mrs. .'iiarlo L. McNary, Mrs. Beu W. Ol eott, Mra. Harry Olingcr, Mrs. Mclvin Plimpton, Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, Mrs. John J. Koberts, Mra. George F. Jtodgcra, Mrs. R. K. Bee Steiner, Mrs. Fred S. Stewart, .Mrs. Guy Snr Kent, Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Ben O. Sch licking, Mrs. V. G. Htaiploy, Mrs, Chas, K. ISpaulding, Mrs. John A. (Larson, Mra. Frederic 0. Thiol en, Mrs. Harley O. White. A charming bridge was the diversion of Thursday afternoon with Mra. K. 'ooke Pattou as hostess, her guests be ing, the matrons of the Thursday club. Additional guests were: Mrs. Joan P. Sutherland, Mrs. C K. Spaulding and Mra, Edgar Hartley Mrs. Sutherland won the high score Junior. Mrs. Patton was assisted by Mrs. 1'reJeric.k Stewart. Mrs. Frank M. Jordan, a ciinrniing so- -ieiy matron of Health1, who has been the guest of Mrs. Henry turned home Tuesday. Movers, re- Latest A r rivals You will see the latest in styles and colors at our store. The Colored Kids sure are winners Havana Browns, French Greys, Ivory Kids, and other colors in soft kid. You should see those 10-in. Napoleon soft kid Boots They are the season's rage. Mrs. P. E. Fullerton 270 N. COMMERCIAL J .-... , 1 J : ':' , ..." ........... I .fvZA'P-,.. V ! : MISS ALICE JUSTIN Who sang at the Moose entertainment Thursday night. B IUDGK parties and tens inter- spersod with dinners and lunch- eons enlivened the pist week. There are always a number of such af- j fairs at the close of t'.ie season, as ma-1 trims like to have the pleasant sitis-1 faction of cancelling their social debts before lent. Charming and artistic in detail was the smart bridge for which Mrs. Elmer Ludden and Mrs. William Council Dyer were hostesses Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ludden 's residence was the set- ting for tho affuir which Wis the sec- ond of a series of parties given by these charming young mutrons. Tho card rooms were effectively ar- ranged with golden hucd daffodils and n... willnwH l matron, hehor nsked for i pussy willows, matrons being asked for six tables or brnlgo inciu.ling: Airs. George Kodgers, Mrs. Kollin K. Page, Mrs. Beu Olcott, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Sherman W. Thompson, Mrs. Har vey Wells, Mrs. George liose, Mrs. Fred erick Stewirt, Mrs. Charles McNary, Mrs. Clyde Graham, Mrs. Komeo Goulet, Mrs. E." Cooke Fatten, Mrs. E. 12. Wal ters, Mrs. C. D. Cnbrielson, Mrs. lira rv Olinger, Mrs. Frank Dnrbin, Mrs, (feorgc G. Brown, Mrs. William Dancy, Mrs. J. G. Iiichurdson, Mrs. John Coughell, Mrs. Oliver Locke, Mrs. 'Frunk Mvers, Mrs. 11. .1. Schulderman, Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs. William Thiel sen and Mrs. George Waters. Card f ivors were won by Mrs. F E. Waters and Mrs. George Hose. The hostesses were assisted bv Mrs. Chile Graham, Miss Ellen Thielseu and Miss Gertrude Cunningham. Mrs. James Withycoinbo and Miss Mable Witliycombi1, who reside in Cor v illic, were guests of honor ut the Grand Military Hull last night. Mrs. Guy Sirgent had a small co-de terie ol matrons at her home tor a lightfully informal sewing Tuesday af ternoon. ft Charming with the glow of spring radiating from bowls aim vases or 'golden yellow daffodils arranged ir- tistically about the rooms about a dozen matrons enjoyed an afternoon over the bridgo tables with Mrs. George Post as hostess Tuesday afernoon. The affair was given in honor of Mrs. E. O. Siecke who left Wednesday for a sojourn in Mnnhattan, Kansas. Ihree tables were circled by the guesis mcimung .nrs. nierne. - ''"' Lytic, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mrs. John Coughell, Mrs. C. H. Webb, Mrs. l.rant lionnell, -Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Percy Cupper, Mrs. Frank 8. Gannett and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. ' " ' , TZ rl JZ Z ,)uZ ?'.V v. Cl"I' Mr- Jonu t-OUgliell llio card favors were Awarded to ami Mrs. Frank Meyers. For ten Mrs. Post asked Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs. Chas. K. Spaulding and Mrs. Koy Mills. Mrs. Louis Josse aud Miss Eugenia Belle assisted Mrs. Post in the serving. Adjutint General and Xfrs. George A.' White were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.! (feorge Palmer Putnam for the Military Ball last night, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers enter tained informally at bridge Thursday evening, guests having been asked to in ike up three tables of the game. Children's parties have divided the attention of society matrons this past week, for as i rule, many of the moth ers drop in to these gay romping enter tainments lor tea aud to see tho little folk in their frolics. One of the prettiest of these parties was given by Mrs. Thomas Livesley, Tuesday afternoon, for her small daugh ter, Dorothy, who has attained the age of six. Early in tho afternoon the little guests were entertained with a lino party at the Ve Liberty where they motored with the small hostess and her mother to see Mary I'ickt'ord in "Tho r ondling. ' ... ... , , Aiier ine snow, tney wero tanen oacK to the little hostesses iioinc where they enjoyed a lovely birthday collation. The table was adorned with a beiuti ful birthday cake glittering with pink candles and an art basket filled with an array ot exquisite pnio pink tulips. Miss Dorothy 's little guests includ - ', '""'' ""'-. ! uu - " - died Koberts Koyeni Lyre, Margaret and r.thel Livesley, Henry Wesley I liielsen, Kobert Hishop, Kenneth Allen, Harold Olinger and Thomas Livesley, . , ., . .,m,, ... u,Jv.,L3 33,riCu Livesley. An attractive and charming affair of Wednesday evening was the Leap Year while the dining room was most nrtis party given at the handsome residence' tic and spring like with pale yellow of Mr. ind Mrs. Frank G. Deckelmch ! daffodils. About thirty prominent nia for the benefit of the Woman 's Auxil-j troiis enjoyed an afternoon over the iarv of St, Paul's church. card tables, including the Thursday club A large number of men nnd women j and i number of additional players, thronged the rooms, which were a scene' The attractive guest favor fell to of exceptional bcautv, being decked with fragrant blossoms, rose pink, car nations, narcissus and smilax. A great part of the merry guests, espe- ei.illv the men, assembled in the billiard room where progressive games were, played, the honors falling to Mrs. Ar-j thur Benson and Mr. Puibrick. i One of the very delightful features! of the ti It'll ir was the programme, tiie j numbers of w hich were an inspiration i that eonpleted the evening. Generously contributing to the programme were: .Miss Mii.el r.rixou, -Miss .Margery .Mar vin, Miss Beatrice Walton, William Mc Gilchrist, Sr., Dau Langenberg and Hen ry llackett. In the dining room the table was particularly lovely with yellow blos soms. Mrs, Robert Gill. Mrs. George Wood, and Mrs. Cnskill presided at the table the young girls assisting in the din ing room were the Misws Anabel Ru pert, Beatrice Wilton and Bulah Fawk. Miss Margaret Gray, of Seattle, who has been the guest of Mrs. John Mc Nary, left today for Hillsboro, where she will visit friends. Mis Gray will return to Salem before going borne, About thirtv matrons and maids were the guests of Mrs. Louis Josse and Mrs. Armin Sterner t rklay afternoon, ar. an attractne bridge which they panned in honor of Miss Edna Jos?e a popular bride-elect. rtj. The affair was civen nt the residence of the charming honoree's sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis Jossc. The Inch score non- ors fell to Mrs. Merlin Harding and Mrs. Kov Mills. Mrs. Grant Honiicll re ceived the consolation. A lovely book was given Miss Josse. Jn tiie dining room the t ible at which the honoree and the girls were seated a delicate color motif of pink was de veloped by the use of graceful carna tions and ureens, prettv favors marking I the places. At the small card tables cor- sigo bouquets ot fragrant violets mark ed covers for the matrons. Mrs. L. M. Bonas. Mrs. Louis U. .Insse and Mrs. Paul Schmidt aisted inj llie Serving. I Their euests were: Mrs. William ' . . I.ytle, Mrs. Robert Gill, Mrs. Arthur, aorta eird club and the following addi Henson. Mrs. (irant Bonuell, Mrs. Wil-jtional guests: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar lis in McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. .Merlin Hard- Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. 1,'obert Downing, ling, -Mrs. tieorge lost, -Mrs. .lonn U'oughell, Mrs. Koy Mills, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Walter spaulding, .Mrs. nam LUjquist, Air. auu -urs. james Louis Josse, Mrs. Joseph Keinhart, Mrs. jChinnock, Mr. ind Mrs. David Eyre, Stanley Morgan, Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hoggs, Mrs. Lloyd Farmer, I Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mr. and Mis. Frank Mrs. Frank Meyers, Mrs. Paul Johnson, ; Durbin and Charles Wilson, of Oregon Mrs. Chester Cox, Miss Hazel Erixon, '. City. Mrs. Seymour Skiff, Miss Kita Steiner, j Mrs. J. A. Eichadson and Roy Burton Mrs. Harry Wenderoth, . Miss Hazel captured the high score" honors. Mrs. Downing, Miss Xaney Sknife, Miss Zoe! Craig Marvin and Chester Cox being Stockton, Miss Margaret Gill, Miss J awarded the consolations. Mary Eekerlin, Miss Eugenia Belle and Miss Jennie tYy. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. M. BoggB were hosts for an nttrictive five hundred party. The affair was given at the residence of the hastesses mother, Mrs. R. B. Houston. Spring flowers of a brilliant yellow hue were used about the rooms, where seven tables of the game were circled by the guests. The card favors were cnpture.l by Mrs. Armin Steiner and Louis Jossc. Mr. ind Mrs. Boggs' guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Keinhart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wender oth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Mauser, Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Koy Mills, Mr. and Mrs. ,T. ('. Carey,. Mr. "and Mrs. Gordon McGil christ, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benjerman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mauser, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, Miss Eunane Craig, Miss Edna Josse, Miss Kuth Boggs, Miss Zoe Stockton, Miss Anna Vantis, Miss Marv Eekerlin, Miss Eugenia Belie, Frank Dewitt, Clifford Farmer and Mr. McAllister. Assisting in the serving were: Mrs. I). C. Minto, Mrs. Armin Steiner, Mrs. Paul Schmidt and Miss Ruth Boggs. 4 The MonJay Xight Dancing club com posed of a number of the married and younger contingent will indulge in their cherished diversion Monday evening it the Moose hall. The matrons of the Monday After noon Bridge club and several additional guests shared the charming hospitality of Mrs. Douglas Minto Tuesday after noon. Lovely spring blossoms, daffodils, were used about the rooms, making an artistic setting for the. players. Mrs. A. I. Eoff was nwirded the high score honor. The hostess was assisted in the serv ing by Mrs. Lewis Alclrich. The club members include: Mrs. Charles Dick, Mrs. Ernest Hofer, Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, Mrs. Kobert Downing, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs. J. B. Craig, Mrs. Edgar Hartley, Mrs. W. P. Bubcock and Miss Florence McKinucy. As Additional guests, Mrs. Minto asked Mrs. Charles' Galloway, Mrs. Lew is Aldrich, Mrs. H. F. Poisal, Mrs. E. F. Parkhurst, Mrs. Paul Mauser and Mrs. A. 1. Eoff. Tn celebration of the anniversary ot' Mr. Henry B. Thielsen's birthday a number of the married folk were asked for x five hundred party at the Tniol sen residence Wednesday evening. The honoree was made the motif of the de lightful affair by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Kuesell Cat- lin, who invited the guests. Mrs. R. L. Steeves and Mrs. Fred I.egg entertained this afternoon at the former's attractive residence with a Kensington, their guests numbering about utty matrons or ine fmnroi ami i tvensingiou lei cuius, ami a nuiuucr i . .1 t i nul truest. The livinsr room was harming with a profusion of beautiful golden daffodils, while fragrant iolets wero effectively arranged about the dining room. The hostesses were assist ed bv Mrs. R. E. Downing and Mrs. v. , rniin f rimrinmir , young slrs :m.i,inc the Misses Helen j,int Muriel Steeves, .Margaret i.egi ,, Margery Brown, i 0ll0 o( thc m0!it delightful affairs g thp week was tlle brill),e ynrXy Ior ! which Mrs. Harry Olinger was hostess xhursdiiy afternoon. -j;ne liVing room was an array of fra- I grant blossoms, carnations ind pussy I willows being effectively arranged I Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs. Joseph Hauingartiier being awarded the high club honor. Mrs. Olinger was assist ed bv Mrs. Milton Meyers and Mrs. , Geo. Browu. A delightful mid week bridge was given by Mrs. John Griffith Wednesday afternoon, her guests numbering about sixteen matrons of the Happy Mour Undue club. i Mrs. L. F. Griffith was the only eddi tionnl guest. The high seore honor waa awarded to Mrs. H. J. Bean. Mrs. Jos. Albert assisted Mrs. Griffith in the serving. . Miss Alice Justin, of Portland, a na tive born Oregouian. who sang for the Moose benefit entertainment at the Grand theatre, charmed the audience with her rich contralto voice, and so pleased the Moose officials that they are contemplating featuring her in eon- cert in the near future Miss Justin's voice, although beauti- ful in tone, shows training. She studied under- the leading tutors or r.urope ind America giving credit to oer Oregoniaa instructor, Rose Coursen Reed, of Port- I laud, for her knowledge of music. Otieninir the week's festivities Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Baumgartncr enter tained Mondav evening at a delightful M x. i l.;.iit five hundred party, asking about thirty of the married contingent who ire mem bers of a card. club. Additional guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamil ton and Mrs. Lenta Westacott. Vases and jars of pale yellow jonquils' suggesting the approach ot lovely i snnnir were arrinned about the card rooms. Players circled seven tables of! Jj the game, high score honors falling to 3 Mrs. William Dnncy, Mrs. Harry Olin-jS j ger, George Kodyers and Dr. 1!. E. Lee II Steiner. !f Mr. and Mrs. I!oy Mills' home was the setting for an attractive five iiuu-. dred party Wednesday evening. The rooms were aglow with yellow daffodils, combined with graceful pussy i willows. I ..I... I. ..1 . .kin- r.f U liero :iicii-ii nnvii uuiiD ui iw game including the members of the ir. ana .urs. J. a. nieoanisnn, air. aim Mrs. K. M. Hoffnell, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Assisting in tnc serving were: Airs. Paul Johnson, Mrs. Walter Spaulding and Miss Zoc Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers enter tained informally nt bridge Thursday evening, guests having been isked to make up three tables of thc game. r. The Salem Festival Chorus composed of about one hundred of Salem's most talented artists will give a concert at the Grand re Thursday evening, March thc sixteenth. Tho chorus which is under the proficient direction of Frederic S. Mendeuhall will offer the beautiful cantata, "The Hymn of Praise" by Mendelssohn and the "Cru saders" a highly effective and dramat ic work by Gale. The chorus will be assisted at the pi lno bv Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., whose accompaniments will complete the artistry of the excellent programme. The Perrizo orchestra gave their sec ond scries of diucing parties last even ing in BaumgHrtner hall. About 1 couples of the younger set were in at tendance. Mrs. J. A. Irvin aud Mrs. Albert Feustman entertained recently at the home of the latter in honor of Miss Maude Clapper. The party was given to announce Miss Clapper's engage ment, whose wedding will take place in april. Tho notice ws prettily dec orated wSth yellow daffodUs, pussy willows, hearts and cupids. The guests were the Misses Bulah Presnell, Maude Presnell, Mabel Sav age, Hizel Fucstman, Myrtle Herdelinc, Grace Mullencot, Eulana Lindsey, Ber tha Johnson, Adelnna Johnson, Velma Brunk, Ula Beck, Katie Lynch, Verda Hay, Jean McGreager, Christie Jewctt, tier nice Kise, Mathel Churchill, Mario Schwab, Inice Bell, Loretti Dorks, Alice Sutet, Mrs. 11. Boersnia, Mrs. A. F. Chipper, Mrs. Marry Clapper aud Mrs. Elmer McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren wero hosts Tuesday evening for a five hun dred pirty, their guests being t lie mem bers of the Merry-Go-Kound Card club composed of a number of the married contingent. Six tables were arranged for the players, score honors being awarded to Mrs. Ruben Boise and John McNary. Miss Grace Bean was a guest at the Gamma Phi Beta Sororiety house in Eugene last week. Mass Margaret Putnam asked a small group of girls and men for an informal supper after the dance Friday night in cluding Miss Mary Stevens, Tom Stev ens, Dr. Walter Blyue. of Albany, and Mr. Thompson, of Medl'ord, who were her house guests, and Miss Ved i Cross, Miss Euiuiue Craig and A. Mull. ft 4 Monday evening the Orpheus chorus gnve an entertainment at tho State Training school and the programme wusi,fc. i' ,. : .-..;' ti ,.i,,h ,..,. highly appreciated by the boys. Among) tne nuuiners was .1 soio i.y jieiimnu, solo, Snvder; mandolin and guitar so lections, Alley and Carter. Much applause was accorded Carl Gabrielson and Kufe White in their clever black face skit. As a finale the chorus and thc boys sang America. The Orpheus chorus with Dan Lun- genberg as director, arc general favor- s general tavor- ites and are always entliusiasticaiiv greeted. . , ,, , . ; , Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown presided over a small informal dinner Tuesday night. The artistically appointed tame had covers for Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. John J.' Koberts, Dean Hayes, of Eugene, and j the hosts. ft Mrs. R. P. Mortensen nnd two daughters, Alice and Margaret, of ; Springfield, Oregon lire week end guests of Mrs. Mortensen 's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Henrv Sciiomaker. i 1 j The Pythian Sisters club met Friday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. J. C Perry. i Eleven members responded to the roll cull which preceded the election of of ficers. The new officers elected were: ITCHY SALT RHEUM Sometime Called EczemaRemoved oy Mood s SarsaparMla. Salt rheum la one of tho worst and unfortunately one of the most com- j mon of all diseases. How it reddens ) the skin. Itches, oozes, dries and ; scales, and then does tills all over i acaln! Sometimes It covers the j whole body with Inflamed, . burning 1 patches and causes intense surTertrnf, j which Is commonly worse at night. Local applications may do soma good, but they cannot permanently j relieve. The disease will continue to annoy, pain and perhaps aeonisa, j until the blood haa been purified and the Keneral health improved. Ask your dmcielst for Hood's Sar- j saparilla, the irooU old reliable family j remedy. It hna civen perfect satis- ; faction In thousands of cases. In- j Fist on havinx Hood's Sarsaparllla, I far no substitute acta like it. .Get ' it today. ECONOMY 40 PIECE DINNER SET SPECIALS In World Known Wares. Set Homer Laughlin China Co., White. . . $3.05 Homer Laughlin China Co., Decorated $4.63 Johnson Bros. English White ........ .$3.90 Johnson Bros. English Decorated . . . $7.05 The Store of Housewares Wm. GAHLSDORF 136 N. Liherty Street Phone 67 M n u u n tl 11 II a ri j M El 11 EJ Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fads and Fashions By Margaret Mason. 1 "Can she make a cherry pie, Billy boy,' Billy boy(" j "Xow really that's a question very ?illv. "All the'eherrics, green and red "Sho is wearing on her head "In a cap-a-pie, effect," says little Billy. j Xew York, March 3. A cherry may play it three wavs and still be well placed in a pie, a cocktail or on ; milady's bonnet. All three are ideal' settings for a cherry, but naturally thc third is the charm. Just as every cloud has a silver lining, so does every smart spring hat have its fruits and the cherry is the favorite of the bunch. Dame Fashion is musquerading as Po mona. In consequence, every peach, topped with a few cherries, goes around looking like a mixed fruit salad. It's quite all right if thc peach confines the cherries that go to her head to the oues on her hat. If she lets thc cherries in a cocktail go to her head too sho is apt to look more like a compote. Sec Webster's Unabridged: "Compote: A combination of stew ed fruit." The shapes of the new hats cunning little high crowned ettects without brims, or the fetching little Directoiro bonnets, lend themselves very prettily to the cherry habit. Fob lowing tho cherry, the favorite fruits Mrs. Charles Parmcnter, president; Mrs. C. E. Baibour, vice-president; Mrs. F. S. Schrnm, secretary. i iFaney work occupied t'.io matrons later in the afternoon. ; Mrs. Perry served l dainty colla tion assisted by Mrs. C. Parmcnter and Mrs. II. M. Perry who was , guest of the club. The next meeting will be in two: weeks at the residence of Mrs. F. S. : Schrani on South Commercial street. j i Of paramount interest to tho mem bers of the Woman's club will be thc meeting at the library next Saturday, afternoon. i J. Cortoiian, of Portland, the well known connoisseur and import c r of in melons oriental rugs will give an illustrated lecture bringing with him valuable samples worth many thousands of dollars. For many generations Mr. , CotoJnn's family have made these won- j derful rugs and ho will be especially; qualified in giving an interesting and intimate history of Oriental rug making.) Thursday afternoon Mrs. Guy O. Smith entertained the Kaphctcrians. The afternoon was enjoyably spent with needle work. j Yellow daffodils were used about the rooms, the same color motif being car ried out in the dainty refreshments. Mrs. Frederick II. Thompson assisted ,)m ,,rcsont wer(!. M',.a ciuy 0, Sm j,;, Mrs Fmiori,.k u. Thompson, Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mrs. Grover Bellinger, Mrs. V. II. Darby, Mrs. W. E. Eniinel, Mrs. F. 11. Ueeeves, Mrs. Roy Shields, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Lee M. Cnroli, Mrs. j Floyd L. Vtter, Mrs. O. J. Wilson, Mrs. I Walter Winslow and Mis. Elmo S. i White. Mrs. T. J. Rederich of Van- ,,,.. -.h;0., . ; v;iu., ho- . lar,lltSi was Hn ., ..i.Iitiomil guest . Mrs. Kederick was Miss Belle (.'rouse bo- fore her marriage, popular in university 1 ' . j "' We are such happy people We wanted you to know And so we send this little card And sign ourselves below. So read attractive little announce ment cards, sent out by the Junior Pi - ano pupils of Miss Beatrice Shelton, ; B a. . . . are found In our prescription room. You will aba find a complete line of Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Soaps, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Water, Stationary, and many other useful articles.. You are welcome to call at our store any time. Make it your homo when In the city or down town, OUR MOTTO: Quality, accuracy, h'onsty. Central 410 State Street. Formerly Pool's Drug Store. ts 13 u 61 13 13 II 11 El 11 13 It n ti n a n for hats are green and purple grapcn, peaches, plums, strawberries, oranges, lemons and apples for daughters of Eve. Some of the big, flat garden hats have an array of fruit around their flat, platelike brims, their vivid. colors flowing against a background of glossy ?reen leaves, for all the world like .Mike the Dago's pushcart display. But. why scratch the rest of tho 57 varied. : "off the factorial menu Surely a Cassaba Chapeau, a Banana Bonnet or a Pineapple Picture Hut. would l.o tasty little headpieces for the. j rruitlul lashums. Just :o "hat lengths can fruits go is best annwered by the fact that not only do they grow on spring millinery, but on narasols, bags, umbrella handles, neck ri.ffs, belts, sash ends, jacket, lapels, blouses, frocks, negligees and even Lngerie arc clusters of them, grafted. The new lawns, organdies and spring silks are printed in fruit designs and even the newest jewelry preserves tho peach, the plum, the cherry and tho grape in gold and platinum, in enamel and precious stones. Verily an up to date poach in a cherry "hat and a pear of lemon kid gloves according to the currant modes, could never lie a gooseoerry in any I crowd. Rather is she the apple of every j male eye, with all of them plum crazy I about her. Buy that new Spring Bonnet until you have your face toned up, lines and superfluous hair removed. You will look ten years younger. Try one and be convinced. If your hair needs attention, or you arc bothered with corns, we can help you there, also. Manicuring, Hairdressing, Shampooing, all Beauty Culture work. Prices right, consultation free. Open Saturday evenings. IMPERIAL BEAUTY PARLORS 301 Bank of Commerce Building, Phone 31)3 Salem, Ore. for a Valentine inusicale given Monday evening at the First Congregational church and which called together a large number of parents, musicinns and interested friends of the youthful per formers. The originality of the invitations was reflected in every detail of the af fair, which for its excellence and charm, occupies a foremost place among ama teur musical offerings of this season. The stage setting, representing a garden scene of thc palace of the (juceii of Hearts, was a veritable spring time bower, with masses of golden daffodils. pussy willow, palms, greenery, and fes- - i toons ot aleutiue novelties. j , (Continued on Taae Three.) EThe Best Drugs Quality, Accuracy, Prices Pharmacy Phone 276. Don f x& urn w