Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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' -T M Alr -
oscuLvnos ova waooo
1J r'
ii 0 ,o
ureat iuoomg urrers oy
the Daily Capital Jouraa
WI7 Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the
CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who
will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate,
$2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica
tions for one year:
The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00
Boys' Magazine, regular price, . .
Today's Magazine, regular price . .
Household Magazine, regular price, .
Total of regular price, .
REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad
vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem.
Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if
you prefer it: . j
Today's Magazine, one year, and
McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat
terns of your own selection, free.
Today's Magazine is a splendid publication- bigger and better
than ever before.
McCalPs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction
it is growing bigger and better all the time.
Mnil CIiikcrrJkAVC t0 the CAPITAL JOURNAL may
ail OUDSCriDerS seCure either of these clubbing
bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of
$3.00 per year.
Call at the business office, or address
Record Sale of
Wool Made at
20 and 25 Cents
Tin; 1 r.'-t in1i ialtiully owned dip
ever ia I fit- I'nitod Mate- changed
bund Miur.liT when F. J. Bur!.e con
trite ted f..r IS. ntir product of ll
rtaM'idi Livestock iiMnj -.my. The lot
mil 1 m o;n-e I to "iO.iioo v.m i While
th evi t j rice an w:is not male
public, it n understood that the fine
wool r..a-ltt cent in. I i.Mirsc wool
2!! rent a pound,
l'espite the reports that wiwt will
e this year to n price between : and
35 cent. ('".latiH county grower ap
pcnj to l'v . t . f i-il with a reasonable
udvaio o over the price pail l..t year
uu buyer, ivlin arc on the ground
w-m t' Laviug lit'le treeible in
induc'n.g -'il' At price il I." -." Ocut.
ll.-S.i.'4 tfi Stllll(l-ll K.hU VlTlll
other at a siirilur yui- nr in tln
prMi' !' tui"t iutii'ii. Tho I'ln lirT""
M'ool'-n M.!I hii. t''a IV .1. N.
Hiir-v- U'i!' iliji nt a r! ? vt wb.iut
;'2 emit b'it Mt. tiurj:.'- b:ts n t y.'l
di.pj..' '. of tU I'ltlk I'f 1 p'.' tu't.
TI'O Ntiit.ul Wui.lnrower ' i.)iv
lion r..rl'.'S to a'hii' Kut'.fP. Onion
Kran.-'i on t'i'" 'Mij! fojMiu!ity. Mr.
It,ir.. s, hn U i'i' r,vB r.O'ri'oti
inliw i" h iiatim.al us.'u' tt-8. re
uHrod a Ii'Uer jMorduy f:ua Dt-
W. Mi-i'lur!', rrtatr of tbo awia
lion. : '.ut that the r. ir would
luivi to ii- tUir uu ju.Umvnt in the
inut'i-r. Thi li'tt.'-r t'ollon:
"Mv a hire i that aroaaj 0vO("(i0
oiuiiK cf iuti'r-n uriitain wool haw
now l.o.-a f ui:tra ti'J. Kmc wool is
.i1!u:j at t'fo.n to to throe cent
at'im hut )".'ir', with i ro Urfe is at
iroiu to to fivo ci'iit loe lat vear.
Ua M.-nJay eoral rrobrHl clijw
.vM at I:!!jn, Mont., at "1 n-nt, and
it i rvpurt.-J thst tin' Wool I.iw-tock
i'oi'ja:iy 's .'iip la od at oi ciit.
ani alo that S'J vont ha In'tu oft'e.'o.l
for ..hio 4'rti-r-l'lood oil in Vt.
oru Vmoi:i.. I Imp you will iii'
t h . . ir.furmat:on to onr hi'pinn,
but thi -.-'Cition rotas,- to adv imp
any oao whiMiifr to sell or not. to tell.
Ho n.iiji v.i his own juljiiiioat entire
lv in Ijui i!:ttir."
Eiotom Orvv(oa Coax Wool.
Aa imln atior. of tho jtj.'nth of the
wool ii'.srket thii )ar n seen in the
.nl.i .vatuiJuy lv the ivortlaiiil Wool
Varohuiiv Coai;juuy a lot of Kat
era trxju cjarse wool of t ttf H'H
flip at ;.l etfat. Thi ii the hijihe-t
pruo, j far i l.niu, that wa ever
pail for K4tora tpreiun coarse? wool.
The sale a'J matnej Ih cK-aninv'
up of tho lt (oui A of lat year's
wool ivrndimr m torai here. Ualy
.'tie s:n:ill 1 it fcf wool i left unsold ill
th .o.ntry ad that i l'.Vey to be
oW of ia the sett dV or twd.
Ail to'.J, lis csaiji'iii- Lm kaaJ'.ed
alif.ir 2.' '.: 1'' pound of Orepon, Idaho
ant W.i-hiniton ool during the p:t
,i aon. A nt i -: fo I iiij; larger shipment
to lVrtl.tiid iu the ton.ii! sea-on, the
company h;is sei'tirel 'Wte in the new
war'hon of Municipal lKn-k No. 1.
l!v offeriiijf t-heap storage and eheap
money to the wooljroer? a way is
pro ided for l-riiiging more wool to
l'ortlaiij than eer before. The ad-miiia;.-.
of this ity a- a wool market
hae lot c beoii '.nown. and it is hoped
that within tho wU few year pr.nti-i-aliy
ai the p.-od.ut of the Pacific
t.'oat states will be n arheted here.
There wa nr.seli vxeitement in th
interior yestenlav when a broad de
mand for contract was reported. A
iitcetiiiij of wool urower. was held at
ArUnuton, bet offers of 2ii to 27 cents
for w.iol on liep's back were refused.
IVudlet.m Tribune.
Wheu a man has built a barn
Tax hi in
Wh en n mail has cleared a farm
Tax him!
When ho lays another roof,
When he grows another hoof.
Hustle 'round aud get the proof,
Then tax him! .
lias a inan some idle earth-r
l'on't tax hnn!
Tlomjjh its climbing up in worth.
lon't tax Uiui!
IjI hi m reap what others tow.
They ar rather chumps, you know!
If they were not they would go.
And tax hitu! Kxchange.
I i I - j
- .... ' vk.W
I J . ? , v
leep I
Five happy poes of Marian Lambert
W'aukegan, 111.. March 4
Tho results of a searching investiga-J
tion into the immediate past of William:
'r-et. as it is known to hi. friends and'
ac.piaii.tanccs in Madison, Wis.. hae!
been placed ju ihe hau ls of Mate's At-,
toruev Daily of Waukegan by Harry
Ikardsley, the Hum detective, who has
spent a week prying into the young
student's career in the university town.
Deardsley. it is believed by the
prosecution, has forged the. fnal links
in a chain of evidence which uill con
vict Orpet a the murderer of his
sweetheart. Marian Lainbert. in the
woods near I.ake Forest.
Among other things Iieard.-ley said
he established the fact that three
months ago Orpet went to f'arl Fischer.'
a fellow student in the journalism
class at the I'niversity of Wisconsin
an.) begged Fischer to find him a
physician who would consent to per-,
form an abortion. (
The next day Fischer left word with
1'harles Ha-ir,;er. the drug clerk who'
afterward told of having sold llrpet a
tuo-ounce little, that he had done as
Oipet requested.
"Tell Orpet."' he said, according to
the detective, "that have a doctor
who will fix him up.'"
When Ha-siner wa questioned in
the office of ( hief of Police Shaugh
nessy' at Madison lieardsley asked for
the name of this physician.
Doctor' Ifame Kept Secret.
"You needn't tell that,-' Chief
Shaughnessy interrupted, hastily, and
so the doctor's name was not learned.
''This physician was not the only
one.' said Deardsley. "For some,
time, 1 found. Orpet had been consult-1
ing several doctois in Madison, making
inquiries about abortion operations and
means to relieve the condition of a girl
in whom he was interested.
,4He made several of his fellow stu-.
dents his confidants about his troubles
and talked with them repeatedly. With
them he used the Lambert girl 's name
openly. S-ores of the boys up there .
told me he has been restless and wor-i
ried for weeks. He couldn't
night, they said.
"A for his purchase of the bottle,
we have that established absolutely.
Another clerk in the drug store has
corroborated Hassingt-r ' story. This
man remembered aftervcards that
Hassiiijicr had asked him how much
he should- charge for an empty bottle.
an. that he l.ad siiL'gcst.M ." cents as
a fair pi ice.
.Wording to thee clerks. Orpet
asked fir-t for an empty -ix or sewn
grain capsule. He seemed disap
pointed when he found they hadn't one
that large, but took the bottle in
stead." !
On his return to Waultegan Beards-;
by. who has been employed by the city :
of Lake Forest, was formally retained
by the state to help prepare for the
Bottle Missing Link.
"I am going to devote myself now:
to looking for the bottle.'' he said, j
"We have reason to believe now that;
Orper took it with him when he
caught a train at Highland Park j
after Miss Lambert's death, and threw;
it out of tiie car window- somewhere'
between Highland Park and Chicago.
We are. going to search every foot of
the right of way.
"When we have the bottle we havo
everything. .
An interestini side light cm the prose
cution's probable plan of campaign
developed when Beardsley admitted
categorically that letters from Marian,
Lambert to "rpet were placed in
State's Attorney Dady's hands several
days ago. Daily has told James H.
Wilkerson, Orpet's counsel, that he haa
no such letters.
Neither Deardsley nor the state's
attorney would give any intimation of
what the letters contained. It i
largely on the existence of such letters
that the defense bases its hope of showing-
that Miss Lambert knew her con
dition was not serious, but deceived
her sweetheart into believing that it
was to persuade him to remain true to
"Those letters won't be given out
until the trial," said State's Attorney
:idy when he was confronted with
Beardsley's admission. "The court
must decide whether or not we shall
have to turn them over to the defense.''
New York. March 4. A cer
tain New York physician today
told of a new way to make the
baby stop crying. The plan was
successfully employed by a lit
tle boy to whose lot it fell to
cure for his baby brother a good
deal. His mother marked the
unwonted silence of the infant
when brother was watching him.
so she peeked around the door
one day and saw how it was
done. Brother, it seems, waited
until the baby got his mouth
open to let out a howl and then
leaned over and blew down his
geuerallv the bad stories on a nian have LINCOLN
their foundation in the hearts of those I
that hate him. Only the good things t
are the true things. For the temptation
Med ford Mail Tribune.
Porfessor Walter L. Davis of the h'3-
to tell good lies is not powerful; and atorv department of the College of Pu-
goo., e generally o es or ou , s d M Tat,oma ha9 A somo
weight. So. in considering the kind of " . .i ,
a man vour neighbor is. gather the good historical documents concerning the at
stories." discount the bad ones SO per titude taken by President Lincoln in
cent, and take ad off that, and you'll;lvU towards intervention in Mexico,
have him sized up about right. tuell oudly clamored for as now, show-
tititor Amrine is wasting ins vaiu-!jllr ,iiat Lincoln was reallv the origm-
able 'pace and his goon time trying
to untangle the love vine from the
hnrseweed. It will just grow up again."
(froital Journal Special Service.1
Fruitland. Ore.. March D.
Mar'in. who purchased the farm oc
cupied by Vi'm. Art?, has rented the Gea
Wittit g property ndioinir.p and ha?
moved into the house. Mr. Witting
having gone to Salem.
Oxnard. Cab. Mar-'h I Louis For
tune, confessed slayer of Handler I'ctei
. Ftincr. bis wife and baby, declared to
i day he did the killing f..r revenge be
came he had been rcpiimaiob-d by
jFurrer. The io clievk he attempted
I to pas wa f. riicd with Fnrrer's name,
after the insrder. while the three bodies
May in ttie little cottage. Later For
tme returned and burned them.
!A-i investigation into Ft-niue's san
ity i S'-hc l.i'e J tj begin this, afternoon.
Cleveland, March 4. Joseph
Stnlla. o. is reputed to be the
only liuotype operitor in the
I'nited States who translates
the copy before hitu and at the
saa.e tune sets it in type in any
one of even language. Stulla
was born in Hungary and came
to the Tinted States U years
ago. He has been a printer for
l.t year. Stnlla translates anil
set Fni'lish, Italian, Hungarian.
Polish, slavish, lieruiaa and
(Medford Sun.)
The Kmporia Gazette, edited by Wil- j
liam Allen White, of Kmporia. Kan., is;
generally recognized as the best conn-,
try newspaper in the I'nited States. j
There may be a multitude of causes,
but what pleases us most is the quaint,
wholesome humor which invariably il-
lumines editorial observations of un-,
usual penetration and power. The I.ru-,
poria (iazette is never dull. It is neveri
crabbed. It always smashes things, asl
it were, with a smile.
Ye quote the follow ing editorial, not '
because it is the best we have road,!
but because it has universal applica- j
tion aud is so characteristic of thei
temper of the paper. It is called "Ly-j
ing About the kditor: " )
"M. F. Amrine. editor of the Conn-j
eil Grove Guard, devotes a column of,
his valuable space to denying one of !
the town lies about him. Kvery town I
that has the same editor for a dozen!
years builds up a mvth about him. In i
the myth are many stories that are not!
tTop- the- rn- benven Iii-iitv V.o-v '
.- - " -
I in the air, and feed upon the malice
that lurks in every man's heart. Every
man is not malicious. But everv man
has a little malice in hi-s heart, and in
this malice lies grow as unconsciously j
and withal as beautifully as the love,
vine twines around the horseweed. J
"Sometimes an editor hears these lies 1
about him; and sometimes it hurts and!
puzlf him. puzzles him to know how !
the lie started. Sometimes he $ets out!
to deny the story, to run it to its Source.'
But denial does no particular good; and'
to find out ho the lies started is im-j
possible. Tt j ist rrew.
1 "The editor with anr ihilosonhr in
ihim will grin and let it'go at that." He
,has inevitably said a lot of things in a
l down years that are not true. He
thought they were true when he printed
I them. But those who Vne they were
j false thought he did it on purpose, and
so rne reaction came, and thev lie
about him. " j
"But it all comes cut in the m.li i
j A man must not be judged br what!
! people say about him that is bad. Fori
' Phortt SI for better carrier !
ator of "watchful waiting.
Following the Mexican war with iti
American aggression, Mexico had been
torn with civil war between a republic,
and monarchy. With Lincoln's election
came the triumph of Benito Juarez, who
set up a provisional government. Rev
olution and outlawrv still tore up the.
lieports were widely circulated th it
the provisional government was with
out authority to maintain order. Storiei
of robberies, depredations, murders and
wrongs agaiust American citizens flood
ed Washington. A member of the Am
erican legation was murdered on hi
K-a.i M:p.rv,or Kaplinger lias tia.i way (0 Ver. Cruz from Mexico City,
quite an amount of work done on the Intervention was loudly demanded,
road v.est of the church aud as far as' Here was a situation that paralleled
the turn "oirg south. The work was that faced by President Wilson. The
donated, those assisting were: J. B. question is frequently asked: " Wlat
simoon aud son. C. L Mdlwain and j Lincoln do." Here is what
son 'Dolia. Win. McXair. M. J. Ceruik. Lincoln did:
Y R. I.attin. F. M. Mitchell. Heurr iie proclaimed a policy ot wjtcuful
Smith. Levi Atterbin furnished a wag-!wa,,lnP. anJ forbearance. He opposed
on. M. M. Ransom and X. J. Bower... ;e".s.on. He appointed as minister
The old culvert just south of the;to o an op, onent of the Mexican
church was taken up and cement tUe aT 'rough Secretary Seward he sent
I:.? :- , :., ,..i. -.. nf i the following instructions to the new
illl 1 If . I'll ' C Vi I U V Vll .-V I. VI ;
iias a uot craae ana , ,
the summit ot te eld road . cut don M(fJii.0 hl5 ,)lW p0 unMM,eJ a9 , rJlistJ
ai.ou. .o on. M""-the question on both sides of the Allan-
a dilterence in the dratt at this point- ,u. whetn the time has not come when
A. H. Simpson, who has been visit- foreign power ought, in the pea-
ing in the home of his daughter. Mrs., i,erwt ot- SOcietv. to intervene to
H. C. Bressler. will return to Albany ; establish a protectorate or some other
Friday. Mr. Simpson ha property in-jfornl 0 government in that country and
terests in the place. guarantee its continuance there.
Mrs. Emma Bowers, who has bee- '-The president never for a moment
carinff for an aged invalid lady at Sa- doubts that the republican svstem is to
lcm for several weeks, returned home j pass safely through ill ordeals and
Wednesday. prove a premaaent success in our own
It is reported that Mr. Robinson, who I country, and so to be recommended to
bought the Schrunk place at Yeoman. 1 adoption by nil other nations,
will build a handsome bungalow soon, j "But he thinks also that t'uat system
It is also sai i he intends going into. has to make its way painfully througj
the chicken luisiness. difficulties ind embarrassments which
The social gathering at the Raasom ' result from the action of antagonistical
home a few eveaings ago was a great 'elements which are a legacy of former
event. People came aad keut eomina
till every room ia the house wu full,
liinging and phonograph musie helped
fill the program. Jos. Fliegel, Sr., en
tertained with some violin numbers.
Popcorn balls and apples -were served.
These gatherings aw pleasant event
time, and very different institutions.
"The president is hopeful of the ul
timate triumph of this tystein over alt
obstacles, as well in regard to Mexico
as in regard to every other Americin
state: but he feels that those states are
nevertueless .lastly entitled to a great-
tending to bring neighbors together iaier fooearanee and more generous sym
social contact. It is so' much better ! l';b from the government and people
than friction and division. jot the I nited States than they ire like-
Asher Ransom of the Lebold eream- 'VS-J1'' a nv other
ery. Salem, and Mrs Ranora visited I president trusts that your mi-
the parenta of the former 'suadar tslon' man'fest'n those sentiments, will
Also Walter Ransom, high school tu- jh oyframtn -""'o of
dent at Salem. " u ( his best dispjosmou to favor tlieir coni-
Mrs, J. B. Simr.on U rernrt.d ill nt'. ... ?-ml, luf r iMrl improvements
iicr uome west ot the church.
'I find the archives here full of
A resident at thi place own . i ''l'm',ia"1,ji ta Mexican gov
homo t.f 7 12 aerol vil I , , s;vrnment for violation of coutrwts and
) ,,
than W A,. k-- - i-oni.on n. cruelties prae
registered cow Tk .rl'.e . K"?a!"t American citizens. It is not thu
family Rail hi. o , 'V " 108 I president 's intention la send forward
vw " b Ml L I ' b;,ut lalllinglv defer, the performance of .
know how t t X li -V(u ! 7- ,"'',ll in'omiM iduimistra-
. Jl lV'hre ' m0no-v iu s!t,oa iu Mic shall have had time, if
iFoss.ole, to cement it authority."