MAGAZINE SECTION raw 7u Fil - aim.'' .rfe V - SPORTING NEWS fill foKriiinlfni JSU TJUBTY-EIGHTH TEAS. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS. Vhitft CSNi ink DAILY Gfc 0 ,: PJIl'.'i VI" P.' I' '.Si ll i Shortest History of Ring Is; Recalled By Fahie; ' The shortest fight in the history of the prize . ring w as recalled by Jack Fahie, who handles Alex Trambitas, the Portland bantam, when he attended the smoker held in Salem Wednesday night. Fahie was managed by Mysterious Billy Smith, on March 17, 1897, at Carson City, on which date James J. Corbett lost the heavyweight crown to Robert Fitzsimmona. Corbett and Fitz fought in the forenoon at 11. o'clock and in the afternoon Mysterious Billy Smith and George Green were scheduled for a 20 Tound fight, also .Martin Flaherty and Dal Hawkins were to meet in the same ring. Both afternoon bouts were main events though they were witnessed for a single admission. . Flaherty and Hawkins were to go on first .and Fahie. appeared as the princi pal second for Flaherty, who weighed in at 122, while Dal Hawkins weighed 128. Hawkins refused to make any lower weight hut so confident of victory was the Irish boy that he gave away six pounds for the chance to meet Haw kins. . When time was called the boxers rushed at each other and both neglect ed to feint but each lead with his left and both missed. Their rushes carried them into' close quarters and Hawkins recovered his poise soonest and planted his right flush on Flaherty's chin. Flaherty dropped his hands to bis sides and toppled over without bending his knees. His head hit the canvas just four seconds after the bell hit and thus ended the shortest fight in the history of the pribze ring. Fahie was the brat of Flaherty's seconds to leave the ring after time was called and still had one foot under the ropes when the knockout punch landed. He saw Fnherty start to fall but was unable to reach his man before lie fell to the floor. . Flaherty was still out when Bob Arm strong picked him up underpins arm and AD WOLGASTTO GET ANOTHER SHOT AT ) LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MARCH 6 ? A 9ilt .' . J'S . ::'..:'.. oWiWnw,,", .'f j Freddie Wekh (left) Milwaukee, Wis., Mar. 4. Ad Wol gast is going to get another shot at the lightweight championship. He meets Freddy Welsh in a ten-round, no-decision bout in Milwaukee, March 0, and hp hopes to win hick the title he lost on a foul to Willie Hitc'nie. If there's any lightweight in the game who has a chance to get away with Welsh it's WoltJiist when Ad's in shape. And Larney Lii'ntenstein promises that AJ will be just right for the Welsh bout. Ad came within an ace of winning from Welsh November 2, K'14. He had Freddy all in, hinting on for dear life, and nil ready for the kayo wallop. A hard blow to the head snapped a bone CAPLAN TRIAL POSTPONED Los Angeli-s. Cal., March 4 The mur der trial of David Ciiplan, alleged Times dynamiter, was continued todav from March 14 to April 3 by Judge Willis. The motion was made because of the illness of Edwin D. McKenzie. of San Frnnc ujo, associate counsel for the defense. Fight In carried him into the dressing room where he was laid out on a rubbing board. A few drops of brandy wore forced down his throat and Flaherty opened his eyes and looked around. He was a bit dazed at first but it did not occur to him that he had been in a fight and he sat up and asked Mys terious Billy which fight was to be called first. No one had the heart to tell Flaherty that he had been beaten and Mysterious Billy told him that the Smith-Green bout was to bo called first and Flaherty did not know that he had been knocked out until he recovered his scattered memory. Mysterious Billy Smith filtered the ring that day with a weak arm that he had broken six weeks before in Cali fornia and in tho third round of his bout with Green he broke it over. It was taped from his wrist to his elbow and he fought eight rounds more be fore he was forced to quit by his sec onds in the eleventh round. The next year Flaherty fought a 20-round draw with Hawkins in the east and Smith beat George Green in 20 rounds. Fahie, who is now located in Port land, took a' friendly interest in Alex Trambitas, the school boy boxer, and is handling the youngster in order that the lad may work his way through school. Trambitas is 15 years of age and will finish the ninth grade this spring. He is in school until three p. m. and then he sells papers until supper time and does whatever training he can in the evening. Trambitas is a fast, clever youngster, but his extreme youth bars him from taking on any of the clover veterans about Portland. He intends to 'finish the high school before he takes up the boxing game in earnest but in the meantime he boxes in preliminaries and has a large following in Portland who like his speed and his agressive style in the ring mm,; .-V ' y .... j. T-. : j i, ft m. i- .v and Ad W'olgast. I in Ad's arm an experience not at all ! norel to the Fighting Dutchman. Welsh, 'verging on a trip to sluniberlaiid, sud (dcnlv found himself opposed to a one armed man. Try as he might, Freddy i couldn 't drop his antagonist, much less 1 . i ' t .1.- :..... pui mm away, nui Riinr me eigm.i I round the referee stopped the slaugh- jter and Welsh was winner by a techni : cal knockout. Now they're to go to it again. If Ad's chinaware bones hold out he ins Ian outside chance to win by a knock 'out. And of all the lightweights now , before the public Ad is the only one I who has anv sort of a chance, harring one lucky punch, to stop the champion 1 in ten rounds. A. S. Johnston has received notice jfrom the first assistant postmaster geueral that he must resign either as ' . ..1 -.1 lnnnkn. noarms'jtnr nt Pnrt Orford, and the Tribune wonders what ' kind of persons the first assistant : hones to secure"in towns where the ' postmastership pays from -10 to 40 per month who will te satisiici to live i on that ralary alone." Club Came Out With Lead In Titles Jess Willard Get ting In Good Form . Portland, Or., Mar. 4. Although Multnomah club boxers didn't win one real boxing match in the Pacific North west association ' championship finals last, night, the Portland club was on top of the heap today with seven titles. Seattle won five, Washington high school two, and' Oregon Agricultural college one. Val Sontng. tho Seattle light heavy weight, was the sensation of the even ing. He whipped John Bosoovitoh, of Multnomah in thine rounds for the liS pound title, and a little later hammered Tom Louttit of Multnomah info sub mission, winnine the 17.) pound cham pionship. Two Multnomah boxers were handed titles without . stretching a muscle. Their opponents, from the same elnb, failed to appear. Butte, Mont., Mar. 4. .Toe Stetcher, rne xvenrasKt neavyweignt wrestler, has wants to hold out on Manager Wolvcr f'eated Pat Connolly, Irish chimpion, lnt niutlt in ttrn a..nlr,t,t tfH., Tk - first came in 15 minutes and the 'second in six minutes 35 seconds. East and West Play Golf. Santa Barbara, Cal., M ir. 4. Eastern class was pitted against western eolf- ing skill today when the finals in the Santa Barbara, invitation tournament began at the Santa Barbara country club. Ervin Armstrong, California state champion, met 1. DeWindt, of Chicago, in a, 36 hole match which promised to furnish the brilliant golf seen here uunng rne entire tournament Willard Training Hard. New York. Mar. 4. Jess Willnr.l rapidly rounding into condition for his coming light with Frank Movun at Madison Square Garden. He declared today that the last trace of his recent heavy cold had disappeared and that he was practically in shape already for the battle. Willard is devoting a greU deal of at tention to iiis road work, getting out at (i:H0 every mornim? for si. in ho. fore breakfast with Jack Hemplc and Walter Monnhnn. A great deal of his nioininp activities are devoted to in door 'activities and he usually boxes from eight to twelve rounds iii the af ternoon. Advices i roni Syracuse say Moran's conidtion is satisfactory to ' his train ers and that he is supremely confident of the outcome of the scrap." Will Play With Oaks. Oakland, Cal., Mir. 4. Bill Kenwnr- thy, erstwhile Federal leaguer, will be seen at second base for the Oaks during the coming season, it was announced today. He has signed contract, after living made a strong effort to land a uertli with the. Seals. Ultimatum, to Robinson. San Francisco, Mur. 4. If Lofty Robinson, former St. Louis pitcher, ton of the Seals, he can hold until doom- of the Seals, he can hold until dooms day, according to a declaration by Wol- vcrton tdiv. He will not get a liennv niore salary than that offered him in the contract forw ------- - umu in uue oi rne siionsmen larded by the Seal boss. !of that burg who own jointly an 800 cd Wolverton that lie, ,., amc T)reservc known ' Cnmn .nooinson wirec couldn't sign a contract for the salary stipulated and demanded more money. LEAGUE BALL AT WOODBURN Arrangements have all been comidet- ed and the necessary money raised for Woodbnrn to have a team in the Inter- City Baseball League this season mid representatives are now in I'ortlaud ar ranging lor dates, panics, etc. Great enthusiasm is being shown by the busi ness men and all baseball fans who ire sure that Woodbnrn will again support a good ball team. Many of the old players are available ind there is a largo amount of new material to select from that should insure it fust aggrega tion. The dates and rules of playing hive not yet been fully agreed upon, but thero will be a proviso in the agree ment that no bull players under con tract wifli otiier ball teams will be al lowed to play and that will cut out the old system of Portland terms getting league players for outside games. The first game, will be played not later than April 2, and possibly it will start about the latter part of March. -Many ot the younger players are get tin,, n,",f f- r.r"i,.n,. o i 'i., ,;iih I keen rivalry to sco how many will bejtect his trademark, but he added ad-if" .Y1,"iC '""B1' 8"in8 "v"r ''' able to make the team. The oid players i verlising had dune the most to mukej will get out soon nod knock the kinks,n,! success ni'wthe brand. .Mr. Carr said: ! T , out of their old joints because thev " When 1 signed my first advertising 1 ,(," '"'and game commissioners know they will have to hustle to beat 'ontrict lor :'.")0,000 I didn't sleep for:"""1" a N3 'f'nntic hunt for game viola out tho vouneer bunch. I week. I thought I was ruined. lint t"r" nrreste.l ,')0 at one time for A meeting will be held in n few davs to effect an organization and elect the;10011 ' wa" spending $.oi),000 a year) officers and imnager of the team. Leti'or advertising. The biggest part of it I every one get in and boost and help . w,'nt to the newspapers for I hail learn-1 give Woodbnrn another fnit winnini? ed that the newsipaper ad is tho best. jn ' team that will be one of the hest adver- tisemcnts that the town can have. dependence. ASSESSORS COMMENCE WORK Tho deputy assessors started out Wed nesday morning and nre now busy list ing the property in the county. Those who have received ippointments nil field deputies from County Assessnr Meyer this year are: .!. T. Ford, Troy Turner. O. K. Warden, J. S. Hohnntinn, O. K. Huntley, 1". If. Kmn'orn. John Bnrch, Lew K. Wallace and 1(. M. Won- dcrlv. Dallas Itemizer. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Buck Herzog Says Experi- . ments Are Finished Reds Will Climb Pennantward Cincinnati, O., March 4. Buck Hor zog, re inforced . by six former Federil leaguers and a few recruits from the minors, will start for their new training c-amp at Shreveport, La., tomorrow, con fident they are going to crawl out of the last division hole this season. This will be Buck's third season as skipper of the Red ship. He Tan into eighth place in 1914 and seventh posi tion last yeir. Both seasons, however, he did a lot of experimenting, lie says he spent these two years putting his machine together and that this year he believes it will perform the way he wants it to. : There area's, many jobs open to the new Reds. However,, should any of them display unexpected class Buck will nuke room for them. Tom Clark and Ivy Wingo, mainstays behind the bat last year, remain on the job with Kmil Huhn, a Federal league product, added as third catcher. Fred Mollwitz again will hold down first with Herzog at short and lleinio Oroii at third. Bill liodgers, who wound up last season at second, will defend his position against Bill Louden and Jimmy Ksmoiid, purchased from tho Feds. Frank Emmer, an Ohio State league re cruit, doesn't seem heavy enough for a big league job at present. Tom Griffith is the only old outfield er sure of his job. He'll play right with George Anderson, late of tho Buffalo teds, h.arl Meale, chimpion batsman th w'?,? tral lca?"; Juh".Rc!lll neth Williams and Wade Killifer. lteds of 1915, arc scrapping it out for the other berths. Ten pitchers, three of them south paws, are booked for tho Dixieland frolic. Al Schulz, once a Yankee who was bought from the Feds; Clarence Mitchell, recently of Denver ami Frcnk C.iporel, a New York Stntc league pro duct, aro the southpaws. Schulz and Mitchell appear to be fixtures. Dale, Toney McKenery and Schneider, right hnnders left over from last year, all satisfied Herzog last season that they are of big league c.tlibre. Mosely, who pitched good ball for the Boston Red Sox before jumping to the Fods, is a welcome addition to the staff. Dou gan and Dowd arc the other right hnnd ers Buck will have in camp. Both come well recommended. The general verdict of baseball men last fall was that Herzog 's team was better than its finish indicated. In juries played tied ' with his team -at various stages of the .race. Buck be lieves he'll have no trouble finishing in the first division this year if his players, only can escape more than an ordiinry amount of sickness and mishaps. New Owner of the Indians Hails from Pop Anson's Bailiwick Cleveland, Ohio. March 4. The new owner of the Cleveland Indians, James . Lunn, nans trom a. town made fa mous by that immortal pioneer of the national pastime, A. C. "Fop" Anson, of ilarshalltown, Iowa. It was in the Iowa town that Dunn, who weighs 240 and wears a number seventeen collar, got his start as a contractor. Tho son of a farmer, he becan contracting on n shoestring when 19, and has umassed sufficient wampum to buy the Indians or any other old ball club ho wants without missing the change. Jim is iS and married. Ho lives in 'l.:.... i :.. e .i Jerome, in Mercier county, Wisconsin. Ho confided to friends hero that the baseball bug hit him when he was quite young. "1 was quite a fan as a kid," Dunn related, "but not much of a player. When a ball club was formed in Mar (halltown 1 was made its president. Ever since I've been aide to muster the cash I've had hopes of becoming u big league owner." Dunn says he will make the Indians a first division team. He has given Lee Fohl, manager, full sway. "I'm only the owner," Dunn told Fohl. " Whnt you say goes and I'll see that it goes. ' ' FAITH IN NEWSPAPER ADS Made Millions For General Carr, Who First Made Bull Durham Tobacco The story of how newspaper advertis ing and. a trademark built up a fortune of !f-l,0OO,0i!U from an investment of IJ.000 in twenty-five years was rdat edby( Durham, N. fim"; '"u n 0VPr n,t' ,cn'e M ( ., when he lrnved in New York from i " Honolulu recently. m , , Carr was the 'first manufacturer of'cf t "'l''1 ""'"'H'" ' Hull Durham tobacco. Ho told how he Sf' Vn m'"" t,u er"ml l"rv r'" had si.ent lilll.0(i(l In Im.,,;.- in ,.rn.'tws' "1C Jn'lges to put heavier fines ;t,ie results justified the expenditure and 'I'" world. There is no lino of business In-11""' 't docs not help. "I was in the banking business, and I built up m much trade as mv two nearest competitors oomlnnod by news paper advertising. My four boys are the biggest hosiery manufacturers in the country, and they have relied on newspaper advertising to make their success. The first thing, of course, is to have the goods, but after that you must mase your goims Known." weiieiiii rr is one or tne lew re-1 gon Agricultural college is in the city, Columbia and Clatsop counties, miiining gcnerils who surrendered at 1 conferring with ('. O. Constable, county j C. Schuebel, of Oregon City, ci.ndi Appon.attux. Ho is now lieutenant gen- fruit inspector, regarding plans for date for nomination by the republican eral of the Veterans of tho Confederacy. I treating the brown rot. r.nrlv f,r Ilin nfiicn i,t rcnrescntnl ive j He is retired fumi business now, nnvingj sold out his tobacco industry iu 1 sltS. 1 SOME EXCITING NEWS! BEN HECK CAME: IN AND PAD HIS SUB SCRIPTION, THIS MORNING. BEN INFORMS US THAT HE HAS MADE A, LOT OF IMPROVEMENTS LATELY. HES PAINTED HIS HOUSE, GOT AN AUTOMOBILE, AND NOW HE SMOKES VALUABLE J051 coupon in J IT'll CIGARETTE 'package y J?T XNQUAUTY i vfEnP fl 1 V H lr" "IIII1M' irrnn-' I II iyS3 Sis JH I SPORT GOSSIP Manager Herzog will be the only playing mnnngcr in the major leagues this season. Ban Johnson is after the author-players. He says that they must confine themselves strictly to the game or re tire from tho diamond. E. B. Moss, of the Associated Press, has been elected president of the Sporting Writers' association f Great er New York. Dunn &, McCarthy, of Chicago, have purchased the Cleveland Americans for $500,000, paying $3lKI,000 cash and as suming the balance of the bonded in debtedness of the club. Mrs. Virginia Madeline Anson, wife of "dipt." Anson, famous veteran ball player, died in Chicago recently. "Homo I?un" Baker lias signed a contract with the New York Americans for 1010. Jim Trice, sporting writer of New York, and Fred Tenney the idol of thi ol. flintit team, have purchased the Newark, N. J., club. The club will have a salary limit of S.'fiOO per month and includes 17 players. The body of Tom Seymour, former National league star, was found frn7cn on a trail in the l ong Vulley west of the mountains in Idaho. . "So the National league is only -10 years old," says Hans Wagner. "Well. I always thought I knew more than the league." Ty Cobb and Lieutenant Berg's methods are about the same. They take a chance. Criivitth li'd in )iidiri(r tjo hnt '"''K11' killing of the game birds. , ; r"' A'la 'li'lling, champion woman amateur of the I'nited States, mad" a r'nr.l of (II targets out of a rssiblc for her initial appearance tit the traps in Portland. The Schillings have I recently moved to Portland from Call. forniu. Planning a fight Against Brown Rot Prof. f!. B. Posey, research assistant of the exnetimciital station nf the (Ire- In outlining his plans fi.iftiie control of the brown tot and its etfect osi ecial- on prunes, Mr. Posey said tint sev- i-rnl of the Ht :i iiflu rcl nhi-iivs wnnlil 1m . tmefl ' Tlis inclurli lti,lcti n v in i v t n-p. I lime-sulphur mixture and an atomic. "sur-'r phur mixture. . So far, experiments have not been, Boston, March 4. The Bra' os .ire on satisfactory in this climate, and accord-1 .i , , , , . .... ing to Mr.'Posev, plans will be made t0le ,n"' 0 t."e "'""'S l'n,"l' develop a spny that will be efficient Miami, Honda, today. They .ire t-.-and practical and ouo that will control ported to arrive there for their initial the disease. The three standard mil-h()io pow wow with the ball and bi t tuics have been successful in treating,,h m Ajl, , , , , b brown rot in I'.urope and the eastern , states, but climatic conditions are dif-1 addition of some rnre talent trom the ferent in this valley, and for tiiis rc ison i defupct Feds and under the tutelage '.I' certain tracts of prunes will he selected la new boss, the Hoston 'Nationals look "n,..7!hi:'!1 ! ?x'.rir,lt with differentl letter to local fans than ever as they solutions and mixtures, . exper " Although several spraying ments have been tried within the past! two years, .Mr. rosey saiU that the rops had not been large enough to dc tennine exacthy what effect had been Z Tl 0 t''-"l'ray",1K- "'""K ,h,t' pist two years t..e weather ,u he yal- Icy has been tavoruble to the develop - ment of the disease. These experimental stations or tracts! iiinler the care ot Prof. I'osec and I . (I. uiirinuii.- ii.iw nouiiiig iu uo iin ine.t;,j , urulIn) "7 "','" ! In"1 ,nn- "' Local f,,us believe the Stalling st.,,-v h f government, both , h d , , fighting for the control ot the browi i. ., f unprecedented flock' ot. The work of Mr. J'osey is direct. ,,,,, in ,ho fo. ,. glli,,M.n!,iull., Wh . i I i V ' Tr f I'"'." i"a CO"',!e- :iiUri. sndsooi,. Said fans also know W hile ti.ig l.r blight last summer , fa , f ch.impions .-or,st it .. to ,1 in this section ot the v illey Mr. Posey , f M , noticed several trees in winch brown with ,rv iu ,. rot as developing and from these oh-, . .' Mm,t, whoLe shoes should nat on , as research rss.s ,,t ot the b ' , , . , (1J . Ki),, , , 1 '0r';XV'r to come Wk to tho. t,J, pe , mental t acts hero ,h,s spring . j , h somewhat pc tacul,.,' I he situation was discussed this jjj 1 moining bctweea Mr. Constable and Mr j Thu ;.hc,lllfl nP (h(, Br!l,.., i(i ,,,, ose.v and the ex penmental traCs w.ll,,nr,. l.xt,.llsiv(,, ,xpcsive a,:d compic deeded o w.thu. a few days. (,i..,1ive th.,n ever Lefore. List of Candidates Shows Healthy Growth jjtd'ti &r " Hapgooil, Tvler, Lowe, Lie, Kicco, H. II. Corey, 0f Baker, filed todav an . I,'hbl,it" Maruivillo, Kvers, J. and M. a candidate for nomination by the re. 'shannon, Ma gee, lfudolph, Pii.pntricl., publican party for the office of public ' Kl" tz'-1'. Collins, U'ilhoif, .lam.-,, service commissioner for the district ' lip' n.''T'i." r "'n"!''1' K-Wh i HlacMiiirne, .Neht I'.gan, t.regg, Tragriv: lying east of the t.ascade momiti.nis. sor. Allen, Smith, (loivdy, lingun, Hugh His slngiin is "Present secretary of s, ( haun. ey, Connolly, and Sculgras '. commission. Kfficicucy endorsed" l,v ' st illings is known ,to be on the ivar , ., ,,. , . ,. ,", j'atli for a catcher. With Konctdiy both republican and democratic press." ,,,;,, ,,,, n,.st) , m,hii.Kl Others who filed are! :t.rH cunitiir.ntion around the kev-stnrm M. A. Higgs, of Hums, candidate for sack, and "Kcd" Smith on the hot nomination by the democratic, party ' corner, thev will not have to take ntij far the office of district attorney fur! body's dust when it comes to infield-!. Harney county. Init near the fence, there will be a Wils'on S. Wiley, of Klamath Falls, i hot fiht for tho three steady job,, eandidato for nomination by the repnb- 1 Magee, Snodginss, Connolly, L'giu. Ivt licnn party for the office of circuit j die i 'idlins, Fitzpatrick, Coinpton, Shan lodge, Thirteenth indicia! district. W. T. .Miller, of (irunts Pass, candi- date for nomination by tho democratic , ina. ria I in the bunch to make thrcn pnrty for the office of district atturney , ''im clas outfields for any in the for Josediino county. 'league. W. O. Sims, of Sheridan, candidate j H''1""1' the bat there will be "H.ini for nomination by tho republican party merin. Hank" Oowdy, Tratr.ssor, and I for the office of representative iu the I legislative assembly, Thirteenth repre- sentntive district. I Jamc, T. Jeffries, of Astoria, candi "'"? "1'"'I' "'!" ?r "viners toe no date for nomination by the republican I t"" ar '" " "'"1 chucking. I pnrty for the olliee of district attorney ' r,, r'ltiiu,,., .,.,.,. v .1. A. Ka.kin, of Astoria, candidate for nomination by the republican party ' for the office) of circuit judge. Twen tieth iuilicitti district. cniiinrisine j the legislative assembly, Sixteenth J rcprescntativo district. TJ l D J TL i uuaiuu viavca dim mui Spring Trainng Camp whirl away for tho dirt diamonds a;irt Mlmlv Hi,iiiii nilu t)f the Minuv nnlit Percy Ilatighton, famous Harvind oach and new president of the Urave . -, " ? t V" ,. ' The Braves w ill have their usual l.r W()rk.out 8nJ for( ; ti,.tl .;, K,, Ko': ! .,h , ,.,. nf n(h, i,,,,,,.,,. .i:.i ..!.. i. ...... ...i .i .i. League stars, are expected to attract. every lut as imicii altenlion as thev ili l I When they finally all got together, the ilraves will have the following eol i.,.t,,,,, ,,f i,,i,.,,r '.,;. ,i. i,,, , . nnn, and Wilhoit will all be in tiio , struggle; and there is lust ato it enough ! (i ' ''"i""?. or j oungsiers, w in, ,n the no well with Hill James in 10 M torn, ar.d Knctzer and Allen added to the al- CONFESSES HJS CHIME. I. -,.,V.t,.n, Or., March 3. Doclnrii j ),, desires to be right With Hod an ' mk.1i, l'!jn liesancon, Noi'h Yakim.i. W.-iph.. nude to Distit't Attnrni' Sfiwer ..'iiil'cssing burning a r si'looc. in fviidictnu eight years ago. He siiyi iu his letter, received today, that, he Im ' r'orgid. the name of tho ouu.r. Steiwcr Jin eking fuithor infonu;i;ifU.