Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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"There Is a Point Where Cheapness Ceases to Be Economy"
ttf f f ttTTTTTTTTTTT "
A Remarkable
Showing of Dame
1 vf(Bf?BIpC
Newest Coats,
Newest Suits,
Newest presses,
Newest Waists .
Newest Skirts
These displays show the
very newest fabrics, col
ors and effects that will
be most popular. Gar
ments of utmost style
and quality backed by
the Meyers guarantee
of "good goods"
A Great Rummage Car
nival of Remnants, Next
Friday All at 1-2 Price
On next Friday, March 10th, we will hold a rous
ing sale of Remnants an accumulation of short
lengths which we intend to dispose of, as we need
the space they occupy for new goods.
We will pile them on tables in the main aisle and
you can pick out just what you want.
It will be a regular Remnant Rummage Event.
Silks, Wash Goods, Wool Goods, Linens, Domes
tics, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, etc., will be
represented. Real, Rousing Remnant Bargains.
Your Choice Next Friday V2 Price.
Free Embroidery
Over forty Salem women and misses have taken ad
vantage of these free lessons which are being given
in our Art Department daily by Mrs. C. M. Dickson
of New York. It costs nothing to enroll. Embroidery
instructions given absolutely free. Learn how to
do the new Grecian cut lace work over 38 different
stitches taught. Enroll Monday in these classes
instruction given from 8::;0 until 5 o'clock personal
instruction given to each pupil so you can enter the
classes each day at your convenience. Attend classes
in morning if possible.
Just Received
This Week
A beautiful line of Newest Underwear for Women
A Union Suit for Spring and Summer Silk Vest
with lisle woven tights $1.25 a Suit
Knitted Envelope Chimese. . 65c and 75c a Garment
Ladies' Fiber Silk Hose in black and white 35c a pr.
New Silk Chimese and Silk Corset Covers.
Children's Sox with fancy tops 15c a pair
No 785th
Wednesday Surprise Sale
March 8th
Tapestry Pillow Covers at
20c each
An immense sale of these ever popular tapestry
Pillow Covers in many designs well made
finished complete ready for the cushion, tossel
ends; chbice of square or oblong shape.
These tapestry covers are very scarce as they are
imported from across the water and on account
of the war they are difficult to get. At this
surprise price they should sell rapidly. Special for
next Wednesday only 20c each.
Sale starts at 8:30. See the window display.
No phone or.mail orders taken.
Putting a Stop to
In spite of all you can do, boys seem to
be always in need of new clothes. The
wear and tear is caused mostly by his in
tensely investigative turn of mind and
strenuous play both being only natural
and healthy indications of boyishness.
And yet, the boy's personal appearance
contributes more largely than any other
factor to the development of his self-reliance
and self-respect.
XTRAG00D Clothes for Boys
Will give him the best possible personal
appearance, being designed and made
with the same care given to men's clothes.
Because of this, they last longer and
maintain during the time of their wear a
better appearance than ordinarily accom
plished by boys' clothing.
Norfolks, Juniors and Vestee suits in
many styles and fabrics. For all ages of
boy. Call and let us show you.
$5 to $12
Clothe Your Boy in the Clothes that Last
Zurich, March 4. Following
publication of "grave wireless
press messages," from America
in the German papers, tli
Frankfurt bourse elusetl yester- ::.
day's operations in a panic, ac-
Cording to dispaftches today. :
Stocks Trend Downward
and Market Is Weak
(Copyright 3010, by the New York F,i
ening Fost.)
New York, March 4. In the stc-i;
market today, it was apparent that :l
definite trend of prices had ecase.j
at least temporarily. The day's mo.
ment was irregular on a very mode!
ate volume of transactions. Fraction! I
losses were the rule on most stock-,
while noteworthy advances were fo'v
and liisigniticaut.
I'erhaps a safe conclusion is that the
market reflected t lie Washington pes)
ponement of action on the intcriiution;
dispute, and also perhaps it was umle -mined
about the outcome of the figh:
ing in Franco.
There was little in the day's news
influence linanciai sentiment, oxecp.
the testimony from all quarters as t
an aggressive, prosperous general bus
ness activity.
The stheel business naturally hob1-,
the leadership, yet the trend of iiiuii
industries is appareutily similar.
TTTTTTTTtttrmttl H til ii I I li 1 H I I t.iiii....................... .....................I.-.-..-.-...-. -.Aii-.J-J.i.-.-l-.A.-. 1 i. i. j. i . i. . , , . .
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. 8. Hank, illdg.
Mrs. Julia Doherty loft this morning
for Portland, where she will speak
Monday at u meeting of weavers tu
protest against the eight hour system,
Dr. Stouo'i drug store.
Order your pure milk, cream and
Muplo Grove butter from Maple drove
liry, 1213 South Commercial. Phono
iC8. tf
The Salem high school basketball
players had an easy time of it last
evening at Corvallis when they played
with the high school team defeating
them to a score of '2 to 15.
Dr. Stone's trmg store.
Eat your Sunday chicken dinner with
.less (ieorge. Stale. I
The Brotherhood of American Teo-'
man, Olive Homestead lt.17, is a grow ing
and live organization, Fight members
were initiated ut the meeting Inst even
ing. E. L. Stiff & Son have secured the
services of an expert upholsterer and
furniture repair man and hnvo opened
a shop on Court street near their store.
They will gl idly furnish estimates on
anything y0u want done in that lino.
Walter Skelton, state engineer, is one
Dr. M. P. Mondolsohn, rooms 210-211
U. S. Hank llldg., corrects all defects
of vision. Ho makes a specially of fit
ting children's eyes correctly.
Our Willamette Brand awnings, tents,
flies and covers lire the best. K. L.
Stiff & (Son.
And now conies the rumor from the
east that sugar is likely to make an
other advance within n few days and
one, grocer even predicted $10 sugar.
Kvidently, now is the time to buy.
Dr. R. T. Melntyre, physician and
surgeon, 211 Masonic llldg. Phone 410.
Louis Lnchinund as exalted ruler and
the other lodge officers elected by t
Klks Thursday evdning, will be in
stalled tho first. Thursday in Apri'
which this year happens to be on tin
sixth of tho month.
Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures
heaves. Price $1; for sale bv ill druggists.
The hills south of the city received
Iheir share of the snow fall this morn-
March 4 Lninnr Toozo at
Commercial (Tub.
Hetter liubies week, March
Peg O' My Heart, Grand
Opera House.
March 7 Hurbank day.
March i Oregon irrigation
Drainage ami Rural Credits
Conference ut. House of Rep
resentatives. March 10 Salmon day.
Wallace Mae. Murray lecture,
Public Library.
March LI Salem Floral Society
at Commercial Club.
March 15 Monthly meeting of
members of Commercial '
March IS liepublicuu rally nt
is filed with the registrar of the Smith
sonian Institute at Washington and an
other copy with the registrar of the
Oregon society at Portland.
Chauncy Bishop has purchased one
fourth of a block on Fairmount Hill,
just south across the road from the Dr.
Cusick home. The sale was made by
W. H. Urubeiihorst & Co.
Edwin A. Hyde has recently pur
chased through V. H. (irabensorst & Co.
, . Vi half miles south of the eitv. which he
nurtu win pieucn '. intends to improve. The consideration
I Ernest Howell, at one time employed
with the Capital' Journal mechanical
: force, but now owning and managing
ja paper of his own in Kinsley, Kansas,
$ was married February 2". The Salem
girls overlooked a mighty good bet
I w hen they let Lrnest escape, but the
Kansas girls were wider awake. Hie
J uu rn al boys one and all "wish him
and his'n" all kinds' of good luck and
sincerely hope their troubles will be
nothing more serious than little ones.
initial sermon tomorrow morning at the
regular hour ot service, speaking on
"Faith or Failure." For the evening
service he will discourse on "A Life
j Purpose." Over Sunday he will bo a
guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
J j Frank Stearns, ISO South Nineteenth
I street. Dr. ll.ilf nr-rfi-..l in flu, i-itv
ing. C. H. Taylor just in from the
south reports a fall of eight inches.
Mr. Taylor brought with him n
that neighed 430 pounds dressed.
enter the employ of n farm syndicate
company, Hiking charge of a laige ranch
near Moosejaw.
C. S. Piper, who has been freight in
spector for the O. It. & N. raily in
Portland for the past three years, re
signed lust week and came to Salem
I today to make this city his home. He
half interest
Go Carts re-tired at E. L. Stiff & Son.
We urge you to stay hut if you must
of the latest good road advocates. Yes-j go we will pack your furniture it low
ter.lay ho bought tin eight cvlind
Oldsmobilo, regardless of the irieo of
gasoline and of proposed congressional
inquiry as to why tho price conlinuos
to advance.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Trices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
est prices. K. L. Stiff & Son.
Z. J. Rlggs has purchased the Mel
Hamilton homo on State street near
Fourteenth street, consideration -1,000
cash. The deal was made through the
office of L. Hechlel & Co. This is one
of the most attractive bungalow homes
in the city,
Mrs. S. T. Bratty will cater or serve
nt luncheons, dinner parties, weddings
and receptions, Phone 2501.12.
The annual convention of the Marion
County Sunday school association will
bo held this year March 24 and 25 at
the First Congregational church. It
estimated that the attendance will be
'lose to 150. Rev. James L'lvin, pastor
of the First Congregational church of
this city, is president of the association.
Ladies' hair shampooing. Eugene
Present t, of tho Avenue Harber Shop,
solicits your cuitoui.
The Mnccabeea gave a surprise party
Inst evening to Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Smart. 2515 Cherry street, and before
goodbyes were said, pr nted them
I with a silver servioe. Mr. and Mrs
Smart will leave Mondnv for Mooscinw
Tt'.RB.riattiMMI Saskatchewan, where Mr. Smnrt will
purchased a
I Scott & Scott bicycle and repair shop,
252 State street, bringing into the firn
the agency for one of the leading mo
torcycles on the market
A lecture on pruning will be given
at the rooms of the Commercial club
next Wednesday afternoon at I:.i0
o'clock by Professor Hrown of the ex
tension department of tho O. A. i
After the lecture a practical demonstra
tion of pruning will be given nt the
apple orchard ut South Cottage street
and Ii ii in 1 avenue. This orchard may
be reached by taking the South Com
mercial street ear.
To look after the flax interests and
flux industry, which promises so much
for the Willuniette valley, the Agricul
tural department of the Commercial
club appointed the following commit
tee: V. M. Hamilton, Joseph 11. Al
bert and Carle Abrnms. All mntters
relating to the industry which come bo
tor the Commercial club will first be
referred to this committee.
Sergeant Schuman, recruiting officer
for the I'. S. Marine recruiting station,
with rooms in the postoffico building,
will fob! up his tent this evening, close
the recruiting elation and leave for
Portlninl. Business has not been such
as to justify a continuance of the sta
tion in this city. As the young men
living near Salem seem to prefer the
peaceful domestic side of life, applica
tions for a life in the marine corps
were few and far between. Hereafter,
the only recruiting station in the state
will be located at Portland.
on the early morning Southern Pa
cific just in time to see a beautiful
Oregon snowstorm. He came direct
from Riverside, Oil,
A mass meeting will be held Monday
afternoon in the Chamber of Com
merce nt Portland to protest to the In
dustrial Welfare commission regarding
the eight hour law for women. It ap
pears there is quite a variety of opin
ions as to whether the eight hour iuw
is just what the women workers of th
was ifl,000.
A commission house in Poi-tland has
placed an agent in this part of the val
ley, with headquarters in Salem, who
has been buying pouutry and dressed
beef, shipping by express to Portland.
The civic department of the Commer
cial club will meet next Tuesday after
noon. Those having suggestions to of
fer or those having business of im
portance to be brought before this de
partment should confer with the man
ager, O. H. Luck, who will bring it be
fore the directors.
Here is a chance to get something for
nothing. On account of the ill health
of his w ife, L. H. Suter. of Knglowood,
loo". Vrtl, s:.,...,t.....l. ..-. ..
state want and those who w ill appear j R ,hort time f f - T '
He has a large assortment of dahlia
ut the mass meeting will speak in favor
ot longer hours. Salem will be repre
sented by Mrs. Julia Doherty, repre
senting the weavers from tiie Kay
Woolen Mills. Her address will be in
favor of longer hours for women workers.
bulbs, aster seeds, chrvsaiitliemums and
other plants that he will be pleased to
give to those who wish to plant them in
tho parkings.
To those who are still interested in
turned over to Sheriff Ksi-li to be held
pending the arrival of Portland of
ficers.. Dillard, who is a chauffeur, is
accused of the Portland investigators
of being one of the lending members
of the clique which works for the down
fall of girls whose tender years puts
them at a disadvantage against season
ed veterans of the underworld. It Is
stated that a dozen prominent Portland
men and women have been identified
with the vice clique and u number of
them are now under arrest. Dillard is
ubout 40 years of age and has a wife
and two children living nt Stavton.
The warrant for his arrest was secured
by the Portland juvenile authorities.
To Perfect Organization
at Albany Next Wee!:
Judge Bushey and County Comuii:
sinners (loulet and Ueckwitli were i
conference yesterday with Manager I
II. Luck of the Commercial club, rel;
tive to the promotion of the Willnmett
Valley Development association wli i-
will effect n permanent orgiinizatin
at the meeting called for March Hi
Albany. To represent the county coin.,
both Mr. Goulet and Heckwilh will '
tend W. H. Stevens, of (levais, i-i
represent the county at large on aecoiir
of his close association with the com -ty
Tho meeting March 11 to effect He
permanent organization of the Willnn
ette Valley Development assoeiatoio
promises to be largely attended not onl
by members of the several Comnierciiii
clubs in the valley, but by represent;
fives of nil the county courts, and tiio
in close touch with the granges. Alread.
tho counties o'f Folk, Marion, Yanihil
Linn and Lane have their delegnti '
selected and a partial sclectiou has bee i
made by Benton county. Hut tu
counties of the eight in the valley op
to bo hoard from and it is expected th--county
courts and commercial clubs it.
these will make their appointments U'o
coming week.
That a permanent organization wii'
be effected lit tho meeting in Alban
ia assured from the general interest n:
ready taken. The Willamette Yallo -Development
association will hob'
monthly meetings at different points a'
which time the interests of the valle.
will be fully discussed.
Several business elianaes have take"
place this week. Tom Shock ley move I
his barber shop into the opera lions'
building n Water and flak streets, J. i.
Smith moved into his building on Mai l
street, Henry Sc-liniidbauer will mov
the bakery into his building on Oif.
street, Dr. Tfeisley will take possession
of the hospital building on 1'isk street ,
T. F. Preston will soon move into lb"
Ames building on Main street vacated
by the bakery and it is quite prohahl"
that the room vacated by Mr. Shockley
will be occupied by the post office,
there being a demand for more room.
The month of February has gone
down in history famous for 'the birth an
niversaries of its important men and
women. Another birthday surprise party
idiled to the already loiig list for Feb-
ruarv s like festivities was held Friday!
night nt the home of T. K. Preston. We I
have lorgotteu the age of T. K. but a
large crowd was present to celebrate,
(lames and music furnished entertain
ment and a fine luuch wis eujoved be
fore the guests departed. Silver'ton Appeal.
Also S Nice Line
Masonic Bids.
HORN HI! At the Willamette Sanitar
ium March 1, pip!, .,-s. Anna J.
Horner, in her 50th year.
r uncial services will be held- Sat-
the adventures of the steamship Oscar j urday afternoon from the Seventh Dav
"Human Bobcats" appears to be
pet nauie of the Willamette university
basketball players and from the record
made ut several of the big games
winter, the name is about right. Any
how, the human bobcats will play the
Pacific university busketball players
at the university gymnasium this even
ing and according to those who know,
it will be some game. The Pacific team
claims the championship of non-eonfer-ence
colleges and also claims to hob'
a clean record of victories for the rea
son. This may be true ns they have not
gone up against the best on'the coast.
However, those who appreciate a first
class scrap will have nn opportunity t"
see one this evening nt 7:.'i0 o'clock
when the great "unbeaten" and tin
"Human Bobcats" come together. Th
game will decide the championship tor
noirVonfoienco colleges.
As soon as the final papers of N
who have made application for mem
bership into the Sons of the American
Revolution are acted on by the Port
land and Washinirton. D. C.'nutluirities.
a chapter of the Sons of the American I member ot a gang of repeated offenders
Revolution will be orgnni.ed in this I who have given the police much trouble
city, according to Winthrop llameiniul. ! iu this city.
w ho is a member of the Oregon chapter. o i
Blanks for filing proof of ancestry Luke Dillard, who is said to be badly
may be secured of Mr. Hammond. These j wanted in Portland as a member of a i
proofs, that one's ancestors aided or , gang of organized vice promoters, was1
wrved during the Revolutionary war. arrested at his home about five miles
are forwarded to Washington for final above Maytou yesterday by Constable
inspection, and if Mitisfactory, one copy I Henry Smith, brought "to Salem and j
nnu us travels wit n the iord peace
party, the address this evening at the
Commercial club by Laninr Too.e will
be interesting. Mr. Toozo did not get
his passports in time to join the party
leaving on the Oscar, but he was with
them shortly after their arrival in nu
Furopenn port and traveled with the
party, through Germany. The address
will be given in the auditorium of the
Commercial club and the llov. Richard
F. Tischer w ill preside.
Harry Fraser, commonly known as
"Tuffy", who has often appeared in
police court on various offences, was
arrested again yesterday on u chrnrge
of petit larceny. He was found guilay
mid sentenced to six months in the
county jail and paroled by Recorder
L'lgin from the bench. Falser was im
plicated in the theft of some liquor a
few weeks ago which was secured by
breaking into a basement. He left the
city hurriedly and went to San Fran
cisco but yesterday returned and was
apprehended by the officers. Fraser
is said by the police to be a leadinir
Adveutist church and will ho
by the Rev. H. (. Thurston. Burial will
be in the Mncleay cemetery.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank those dear friends
who so kindly assisted us with help
and sympathy during the death nnd
burial of our wife and mother Mrs.
Mary J. Reynolds.
A. F. R.UT1L
Phone 700
Good Garage In connection
storage of cars.
Seasonable Bate.
216 State Street.
But do you see clearly and with
out strain?
Our examination will give you the
exact condition of your eyes.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
20S-299 Hubbard Building. Phone 109