CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES IlllJilil HI nn,rT, rimm ni?TWTS3 ON TBA1N8 AND NEW PRICE TWO CENTS stands -fivk cents THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916 fin I bmfmd nj'i HOUSEW TAKE 1 0 10 IE NEXT TUESDAY Claim Made That Senate LeVatter Unsettled and Uncer- tainLower House Will leavor to Correct This and '' Make Administration's P s on ClearDemocrats Divid ed But Belief Is Presidei ill Be Strongly Sustained-- GALICIAN TOWN TAKEN AND RETAKEN BY AUSTRIANS AND RUSS 3 Row Breaks Out In Sens Lgain Over the Bill Washington, March 4.- .a house will try its hand Tuesday at saying whether congress shall mix into diplomatic affairs. After a day of perplexity over the significance of the senate vote on the Gore resolution to warn Americans off armed ships and a threatened division among their own ranks in the house, administration leaders announced that the matter of voting on the McLemore resolution similar to Gore's will be deferred to Tuesday. Differences of opinion in the house rules committee, which must pave the way for consideration of the Mc Lemore measure by reporting a special rule, were mainly responsible for delaying action, which had been slated for today. Those favoring immediate action harried the commit tee to report a rule this afternoon, declaring that the sen ate's confusion of issues yesterday ought to be counter acted at once by the house. Political arguments, however, finally appeased such persons. President Wilson's friends were reported to be seek ing republican votes on tabling the McLemore resolution, and they argued that few republicans were in favor of a strict "gag rule," necessary to bring up the measure. It was reported that the house, with Wilson's approval, mie-ht vote strictlv on the merits of the McLemore resolu tion, instead of merelv on whether or not it should be tahlpd as recommended bv the foreign committee. Advocates of immediate action urged this on the sround that the senate had tabled a substitute proposal without realizing its provisions and that the house must clear up the muddle. . In the senate discussion of the armed ship issue burst forth for a time today. Scrapping In the House. Washington. Mar. 4 Division among President Wilson's supporters in the house broke out today. After 1 : 1 1 1 i o 1 to postpone a vote on the Mc Lemore warning resolution, providing the desired Wilson "show down," oth ers, including Representatives Sherley, Allen nii.l Cilass begun a fight to t'urce a vote today, claiming (hat the muddle bin rounding the vote in the senate yes terday on the (lore warning resolution must be cleared up immediately. The advocates of immediate action condemned the 'dans for postponement announced bv Acting Ciiniran I'ou of the house rules committee, who said it was due to the fact that many -congressmen were absent from the city. Su'-h advocates started a canvass of the ru'cs committee, seeking enough votes to force n report of the rule that would make the Mcl.emore resolution in order fur a vote this afternoon. I'ou admitted that the resolution illicit be brought up, in view of the strength of those desiring immediate action. Speaker Clark thought the matter would go over to Monday, but was not sine until he could confer with house le 'ders. ilis private office was the M'cne of ninny conferences with heads of both factions. m Aba Oartia . j r V !lCT . -Iks Vvv i 1 iroyw otr r, FOOT BY FOOT GERMANS GET NEARER TO VERDUN After Fierce Shelling French Make Gallant Attempt to Re capture Douaumont But Are Repulsed Graphic Story Told of Charge at Night Over Plain Lit by Bursting Shells When Germans Took, and Held This Hamlet French Confident Their Lines Cannot Be Broken Street scene in Erzezany. The unfortunate city of Brzezany in Kast Oalici'a has "heen'in the midst of Austrians and Russians since the begin ning of the war. armies as they have surged to and fro. It a great deal of fighting between the is been taken an d retaken several times by tho fighting WANT WOMAN NAMED LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR -Sacramento, Cal., March 4. Prominent Sacramento -.fomen took a stand, today for a woman lieuptennnt governor to succeed the late John M. Kshlemau. Names of numerous California women said to bo well qualified for the place were mentioned, including Mrs. Katherine Phil ips Edson, of Los Angeles; Mrs. 0. Hhepnrd Barnum, of Los An geles; Miss Katherine Felton, of San Francisco; Mrs. Florence Collins Porter, of Los AngelcR, and Mrs. Clara Shortridgo Foltz, of Los Angeles. SAY IS IMPOTENT IB CHECK IIVASIOti t;v.: -s MAI . Iran rt I 1 4 - Jl- 1 I t 4 Want Immediate Action. The sentiment generally among rep resentatives was in favor of immediate action. Republican members appeared to be willing to have the vote todiy, wuile administration men hem tuat a postponement would be an indirect slaj at the president. The house rules committee was sched uled to meet at 10 a. m. today but post poned its session until 2 this afternoon when it expected to pass a rule enabling i vote to be taken Monday. The house had anticipated voting on the "show down" desired by Wilson todav. The Me. Lembre resolution, wnrn iug Americans off armed ships had been reported from the foreign conuuiteee with a recommendation that it be tabled. This gave the administration an op portunitv for .1 complete "showdown' upon support of President Wilson in his stun. I against such a warning. The effect of the vote on the Gore resolution in the senate yesterday was still disputed. The discussion follow ing upon tabling of the resolution was held by many to have killed the effect of the tabliifg. Some said indeed that it failed to show support of the president nd was, instead, tiie direct opposite. Debate in the senate was expected to break out anew today. To Clarify Issue. The house situation was such that a vote on the McLemore proposal, how ever,' seemed likely to make the issue clear cut whether President Wilson should be supported or not in his inter national position. ('Illinium Flood of the foreign com mittee reported formally to the house, w nen it convened, his committee s ree omendation for tabling tiie McLemore resolution. After conferring with Clark and oth ers, Flood said that it appeared no vote could be taken before Monday. Following a conference of House Leaders, Majority Leader Kitchen said lit wis paetically certain that the Jit- I.einore resolution vote would be post poned to Monday, nnd possibly Tues i ilny. He declared also that it was prob able the resolution would be re drafted ! so that the house could vote directly j upon the merits of warning Americans not to travel on nriued ships. TO WARN SHIPS San Francisco, Mar. 4. A wireless appuatus to warn ships of fog peril nas lien invented ami will soon he in stalled at government coast stations and lightships. It operates for a dis i tn nee of ID miles and is said to be an leliei'tixe warning. Greatest Marine Tragedy In History-Only 695 Saved of 4,000 on Board Paris, March A. In making public the 'fact that 4,000 men were aboard the French auxiliary cruiser Provence, which sunk recently in the Mediterran ean, the admiralty indicated today the there is no hope now for more survivors than the G95 landed at Malta and Me-los. Ex-Secretary Meyer Says It Has No Organization to Act On War Footing HAS NO TESTED WAR PLAN NO M0B0LIZATI0N PLAN REPUBLICANS GATHER ! I I ! The first official announcement of the disaster to the 1'rovencc, formerly in the trans-Atlantic, service, but more recently in war service, said that there were about 1,800 abonrd. The rescued were placed at over 800, leaving about 1.000 who perished. Afterward there were some hopes that others had been saved. Then the admiralty followed with i announcement that 4,000 were aboard and that about fi!5 were landed at A' ta and Melon. This places the number lost nt over 3,000, the largest number of victims of a sea disaster in history. Witlivcomhe Upholds Wilson's Attitude In Present Conflict fiovemor With.vconibe upholds Presi dent Wilson's attitude in the present I conflict in congress according to a tele-1 gnphic interview which was sent last night to the New York Times upon the request of this publication for an ex pression of the governor's views, (lovernor Withycombe 's reply says: "it is my opinion and 1 believe the opinion of loyal Oregonians that the It Shows Ships Built Hereto fore Are Slow and Practi cally Useless New York, Mar. 4." If war were de clared tomorrow, our navy tinder Sec retary Daniels would be absolutely im potent to check an invasion of our coast,'' Ex-Secretary George Von L. Meyer declared today. "Let us draw the indictments as fol lows," he continued. "Our navy Ins no organization pre pared to act on a war footing. "It has no tested war plan San Francisco, March 4. State republicans gathered in force today at 2 p. m. to pick their delegates to the June Chi cago national convention. Harmony appeared to be the watchword, though from one source came word that there would be insistence upon a pro gram of no further "trading with the progressives." Kvery section of the state was represented. From Los Angeles came a delegation of 40, while other sections of the south were on hand in force. It was estimnted that more than 300 were here to participate. London, March 4. Infantry drives for Douaumont continue, according to dispatches today, but both the Paris and Berlin official statements agreed that no im portant change has occurred during the night in the con test between German and French troops for Verdun. After an intense artillery preparation, the French at tempted to recapture Douaumont, but were repulsed in hand to hand fighting, the Berlin statement claimed. The French bombardment on both banks of the Meuse is re ported growing more violent. The Berlin statement, reporting the repulse of French attacks at Obersept, claimed that 1,000 prisoners, 115 field pieces and 61 machine guns had already been cap tured at Douaumont. The Paris communique told of artillery duelling north of Verdun but said there was no important infantry on slaught. A minor engagement at Eparges, 12 miles southeast of Verdun, was reported and Paris declared this had prevented the Germans from occupying a mine crater there. E Board of Viewers Says Sand Will Not Hold Up Con crete Structure The board of viewers in a partial re port submitted to the county court to day stited that on account of the under laying beds of sand it will be iniproctic able to erect a concrete bridge on the site ot the present steel bridge on On Iter street across the Wilainette river "It has no tested mobilization plan. ' at this place. The state engineering de- "There is no general staff, and no j partment took borings from the river national counsel ot defense. i oed down to a depth of ."O feet, below "There ire no enlisted reserves. the bottom of the river alonir the line "The navy has only a small supply of of the proposed' bridge on ('enter street ammunition, and there is a shortage of , and found nothing but loose sand in eniisicii men ami orricers on practical-; most places. ly every iignring snip. i Mnce the concrete structure ippears "There are no fast cruisers, except to be the most popular design the view three obsolete ones. :ers looked over the borings made by "We are lacking in armed hydro-! State Highway F.nginoer llowlby last ( ontinued on Page Eight.) (Continued on Page Soven.) "Had No Hand" Because Having No Trumps It Went Into The Discard OH! YOU APPOINTEE I Gladstone, fir., Mar. 4. Ilcause he Who remembers when ill' only cal! didn't pay his water rent, M ivor Howe amities that ever overtook us wn7 th ' of Gladstone had his water shut off by i"; ue an' th' town pump' up?, the man whom he had appointed snper l:.:i Cupid is Mill in Within 'ton. ' iutendciit of the water ib'pnrtu.cnt. lein republican "Harmony" meeting Wednesday night and tho adiniiiistru tion crowd "had no hand whatever in the proceedings at the meeting," ac- hands of tho president should bo upheld ; cording to one of the morning public by congress. Of necessity the executive tions of this city. The administrntioi must be depended upon to handle in a' crowd had no hand in the proceedings large measure the problems of our for-1 for the same reason that Jack Johnson eigu relations at a time of crisis. had no hand in the licking of Jess Wil " Wilson's insistence on the rights of ' Innl Jess wouldn't iet him. Johnson Americin citizens on the seas as guar- hnd an "explanation" and (o dm nnteed by international law is sound j state house crowd. and justified. If we are to retain ai' The explanation is simple, so simple place of honor nnd respect among iin-i f..t ,i,u, .. nlnl, m,,.(1 t,rr tiere. t on we must insist upon rigtitful pnv- ilL. According to the best ' explainers There was no factionalism at the Sn Ichrystiil gazers" sot out to defeat the theoretical Juggernaut. They explained that by pledging a solid block of votes to McC'allister anil by packing the meet with penitentinrv ami state house cm- ilegcs and protection for our citizens. While totally out of sympathy with much of tiie administration's foreign policy in the past the President seems to nie. ipiite right in his present appar ent conflict with congress." KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK Watertown, S. I)., Mar. 4. One pas senger and a mail clerk were killed to day when a South Dikota Centrnl pas- mUMmr train r.i li ...I llirn.Kili a iear Thomas which had been weakened i"" (" "n Sr,, i bv a smouldering fira, . Hy a direct method the "political' at tne state house the votes were pledged to .Mark Mci'ullister before thr meeting to defeat the anticipated can didacy for president of a suspected cumpuigu manager of a prospective no campaign manager of a prospective nominee fur "the. prominent office of district attorney of thi comity which office, should the prospective candidate be nominated ami later elected, would wield n powerful influence in the politi- ployca it would be possible to defeat the candidacy of the theoretical ram puign manager and it would also arouse the obi guard to put forth an eleventh hour candidate. Then the McCnllistcr pledges would swing to the eleventh hour candidate, regardless who he was. and assure his election. McC'allister i a Marion county product and a clean young man and would loom up ns a 'formidable candidate for the leadershii of the club, being an avowed adminis trntion ninu his candidacy would thus unite the Marion county republicans by the common bond danger ahead and thus would the greatest possible nmoiint of "harmony" be instilled into the re publican ranks. Then the administra tion crowd would shout with oie nieord. "It's nil for the best" and gracefully lUr.'t their d'-feat an' nr. nil' with th ranks now welded into n milled O. O. P Simple, is it not, jind no man need err therein. Germans Irresistible. London, Mar. 4. Germany 'a effort to break through to A'erdun today cen ters iround the Pepper Heights. General Petain's French forces have blocked the Teuton flank attempts to capture theso heights thus far, but fighting of the most desperate charac ter continues. I)riven out of Douan niout, Petain's men arc making their stand at a redoubt about a mile to the southeast, nnd have heavily repulsed re peated charges bv the (icrmans w.10 hoped to cut off the Pepper Heights do fenders. The fire around Verdun in tho ro newed efforts to batter down that fort with giant howitzers is is fierce as in the opening davs of the great Herman offensive. German sacrifices continue to be enormous. The Teutons arc roll ing up new regiments to smother the r rench t ire. Donniiniont is nlinosf entirely in fier mnn hands, but tiie French still are valiantly fighting on the western out skirts. A new attack against the town of Vaux, near Verdun, is raging as a pre liminary to storming of Fort De Vaux. A Ghastly Battle. The French were driven out of Dounu inont after a day of infantry hittling which started Wednesday night. Thous ands of men died or were wounded as the result of the kaiser's determination to capture this hamlet a group of 70 houses. Hut the significance of the struggle there arises from the fact that from the town radiates tiiree highwnys. Two (leriuan columns advanced at dusk. The flare of illuminating bombs spread over a ghastly sight. Clouds of smoke and darts of flimc from the French artillery showed clear cut against the bomb lights. The first lines were cut to pieces by the artillery and Hie French soldiers counter-attacked. All through the night the struggle oiitiaueil. At. dawn, however (iermnns massed their reserves stormed. The awfulness of that chirge was re lated in a Paris dispatch today saying: "On the first two occasions, the enemy bravely reached the barbed wire en tanglements, but the hail of machine guns and rifles melted the grey lines." Success Comes At Last. At last, however, success came to the German standards and the French were compelled to retreat. The heaviest (lernian nllack was dealt Thursday iftcrnoon. Heedless of the scorching French fire, the (lernians made their way through entanglements ami penetrated several vital points. Meanwhile, the German artillery pep pered the French rear, making it im possible for them to bring up fresh re serves. At niglitf ill the Teutons stormed po sitions and drove the French through the streets in hand to hand combats. A counter attack yesterday re established the French in the outskiits of the town. The Times Paris correspondent today estimated the French casualties in the early Verdun ntticks at .'10,000. It was suggested that the tactics of the Ger mans and the fact that llalkan brigades are participating ngiinst Verdun tends to confirm the belief t tut r l ieia .iarsii al Von Mncken.en is now directing tho offensive. Bunk Two Cmbers. Herlin, by wireless to Savville, Mar. t. German subm irines have sunk two French auxiliary cruisers and an lish patrol bout, said an official an noiiucemcnt today. Paris offieiallv stated vesterdav thit no auxiliary cruisers has been sunk off Havre bv submarine". Tne ubovo Her lilt story win the first claim reaching the United States that there had been such sinking, but the location was not given. An Artillery Duel. ' Paris, Mar. 4. Lively artillery bat tling occurred north of Verdun last night, said today's coinminiquo, but there -were no important infantry attacks. Italian Liner Sunk. Athens, Mar; 4. The Italian liner Java has been sunk by a submarine but the passengers and crew were rescue.! after being adrift In small boats for 2-4 hours. No Java is listed but there is a 2,000 ton Ginva. May Start For Egypt. Berlin, Mar. 4. Knver Pasha lad General Dycmal Pasha have arrived at Jerusalem prepared, it is believed, for tho beginning or a Turkish campaign ngaiiiBt Kgypt. Dyemal Pasha hns frequently beca mentioned as tho probable leader. I and Ship Brings Remnants of It, from Mexico-Was Used by Germans Kan Diego, Cal., Mnrch 4. "One box electrical apparatus," "copper and brass wire 2 1-2 tons American good returned." the! Theso items, listed today in the car go manifest of tho steamer Gryme, on her arrivul frjom Knsenuda, Mexico-, aro the last chapter in a story thai at tracted international interest. The wire ami electrical apparatus are all that is left of a powerful radio plant, erected more timn year ago in tho Alamo district, deep in the moun tain fastnesses, about 75 miles from Kn sennda. Undio messuges, said to be far from neutral, and claimed in many cases to be warnings and advice to German warships in the Pacific., wera intercepted by sliitions in this vicinity, about this time, "Mining engineering machinery" was tho explanation made bv tho men in charge of the station. Harry Von Denburg, former marshal of Coronado, Gnl., was one of the men connected with tho plant. Taken to Knsenada, he wan held for months in the Mexican prison. Finally, on deposit of 1,500 cash bail, ho was released. THE WEATHER Oregon: night and day snow ; night tion; winds, To-Snn- rain or cooler to cost po-variable