Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 01, 1916, Image 1

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nmnr? TTf n?XTTa 0N TRAINS AND new
PRICE TWO CENTS stands ftve pent
: . 1. .
7n pk.
Relations of This Country and Germany Depend Entirely
. On What Future Develops Many English Think Ger
l many Was Running a Bluff In Her Decree Others Made
Uneasy by Reports That Germans Had Loosed Big Fleet
V of Submarines for Spectacular Opening of C o.aign
f By Charles P.
United Press Staff
London, March 1. The Teuton proclamation
on armed merchantmen went into effect at midn.
Thus far there have been no results. Moreox
definite renorts of tornedoiners
possibly two, -and there is nothing to indicate that the
sinking of the British vessel Thornaby, as reported to
Lloyd's today, was the first Austro-German blow.
The number of submarines operating off Italy is
known to have been greatly increased .lately, probably
in anticination of the new campaign. Through that zone
are now passing several armed Italian liners, legitimate
prey under the new decree.
The situation here is similar to that prevailing at the
dawn of the first German submarine campaign more than
a year ago. Shipping men are divided in their opinion as
to what Austria and Germany will do. Some regard the
decree as a "bluff." Such persons are offering bets that
no submarine will sink a liner without a warning.
Others, made uneasy by reports that the Germans have
loosed a big fleet for a spectacular opening, are con
cerned for the safety of the crews of merchantmen and
the passengers on liners. . .
Great Britain contends the campaign is without justi
fication; and holds, officially, that the Germans have dis
dish orders, seized from captive ships, to make
it appear that the admiralty
shins to attack submarines.
Lord Robert Cecil claims that the distortion arises in
construction of a paragraph of English instructions to
ships to restrain their fire until a submarine is within
son vnrds. He. claimed that this is a defensive measure,
though the Germans asserted that it meant to restrain
the fire until the submarine was within range so that the
shot would be the more effective.
Washington, March 1 Congress will very highly developed in the house,"
so,.u' go on record as to the ndminis-j said Kitchin
Nation's course toward Germany. Lead- Chairman Stone of the f.r
ers today ratified President Wilson's ! eigu committee declared he had found 0
proposal to Acting Chairman Pou of the' rule whereby it is not necessary to ob
house rules committee of a tost I tain unanimous consent to pass resolu
strength as to warning Americans off j Hons approving the president s course
: .a i -.. I .i:...,.,.i ;!. Senator Jones had declared lie would
urincu iuerciinniuicu uu wimuh, .......
1,:.., lw mitnna r.f irt'tllllfr SI1C I n VOtC.
since it is the president's purpose
to demonstrate to Germany tuui mt
...! I.:... :. ho. Intupiintldll.
l situation the leaders will frame the
;,,. t i,,: nt l,nf id,.n
(Oven while taking steps for a "show !
j n i i., ;.,.i;..t.,.i thuir
i...i:.,f ou i. l,,,n nti
lenst-is willing to support the prcsi-j "import "f the general administration
dent whole heartedly. policy.
Majority Leader Kitchin referred ,
ironically "to the executive 's power over . , wilsn passes Buck,
congress and intimated his belief tha' I ash.ngton March 1--Support nnd
the majority of the house favors is- i repudiation ot President S ilson s Ten
nuance of a' warning to Americans not ! ' Heies 7 congress hangs in the
to travel on armed ships, in spite of the balance.
president's opposition to such a step.' n!11 government gravely waits
Speaker Clark has made a similar do.-!'10 f"",t Austro-Germnu .shot in the
lnration, though he made no comment!1"'" H"B) nplns Rr merchant
today I men- ""' cai"'0! prepared today for a
"The faculty of obedience has been i "s,low own" on the Wilson program,
I a a result of Ins request to Represen
kit Oartia
' J J
I.pmm Pash, who graduated with
eiu'h high honors in ,lune, U still
lnokln' fe.r somethin' light an' re
Tiiiinerative. "Well, if ther hain't n
liics an' buggy!" aid Lafe lluJ, thi
L'ttriiia '.
1 r
are expected for a Gay, or
has ordered armed merchant
- . .
thwart unanimous consent joi umui-u-
iate consideration
Stone intimated that the resolution
: will be limited to an endorsement of
the Wilson course in the armed sup
controversy, and will not refer to other
l'hnses of foreign policy
Thus, the nr'
ministration would gain
votes which would not be given to a
tative roil, acting rules committee
chairman, for a vote on the question of
warning Americans from armed ships.
Negotiations with central powers
f waited while the contest between con-
gress and president was pnt into mo
tion, congress wag in a turmoil over the
Wilson challenge. 1'ne administration
wji3 confident that its hand-i would be
upheld, despite the recent claim of
.Speaker Clark that the house stood two
or three to one in favor of a warning.
There was little chance of a final
vote today in either house, inasmuch as
the president ' letter to Pou Btiggcuted
"full public discussion." Several days
of preliminaries, with much oratory,
made it possible that the final roll call
would not be taken before next week.
Held Conference Today.
Senators Stone, Kern anil Represen?a
tive Flood conferred with the president
at the White House today.
After the conference. Stone said that
congress would act on the president 'a
request "at once." He added, how
ever, that final action was impossible
The conference lasted for nearly in
It was agreed that the test would be
on a straight warning resolution, includ
ing the exact controversy about sustain
ing American rights of travel on armed
ships. Flood said his foreign committee
would bring out. a new resolution,
which Wilson will armrove before the
I committee reports if. The rules commit
I tee then will report a special rule to
make the resolution in order for enn-
I (Continued on Pag Two.)
Paris, March 1. The French
auxilindy cruiser, Provence, re
ported yesterday officially us
mink in the Mediterranean went
to her fate through the attack
of a German submarine said an
official announcement today.
Tho first figures placed the
rescued at 870,' but today's fig
ures said that only (iS'J of the
1.SO0 aboard were rescued,
though it is possible Greek fish
ing boats may have saved oth
ers. It was confirmed today that
the Provence was tho formal
palatial trans-Atlnntie liner,
more recently in the marine
Made Profound Impression In
Showing Country's
Kdgar B. Piper, managing editor of
tho Oregonian, is emphatically in favor
of preparedness. In an address last
cveuinc before the largest attendance
of the winter of the members of the Six
o'clock club of the First Methodist
church he gave reasons for his prepared
ness opinions bv citing general world
conditions of today and then referring
to our military history.
As to tho military achievements of
our country, he referred to them as dis
astrous and disgraceful, in tiie sense
that legislators had failed to under
stand what should have been done to
prepare the country for warn that could
have been forseen, or had been brought
on by the legislators themselves.
Following the history of the Japan
ese nation and its rise to world prom
inence within the past 60 years, he not
ed the fact that the .T.ipanesc were now
asserting their rights to take a place
among the nations, and that their in
terests and ambitions are sure to ulti
mately cross the United States. Refer
ence was made to the .lap.inese trouble
in California a few years ago, in which
a crisis with Japnn was averted only
by the federal government asserting its
power ami compelling California to
nuke peace with Japan.
Great Britain u-raoomg.
Reference was also made to the fact
that Great Britain was surely taking
all the strategical positions in the world
in order that it may eventually control
the commerce of the world, .nd to the
fact that finally this country will mn
counter to the ambitions of Kngland.
"As far as our relations with (ler
many are concerned, 1(10,000,000 million
people have been walking over a pow
der magazine," Mr. Piper declared.
" Right now our relations with Germany
depends on whether we back down, or
whetiier Germany backs down. Should
Germany back down and be crippled in
this war by the stand taken by the
United States, a day of reckoning was
coming and the same will happen should
Germany win.
"Hurt, restricted, damaged jnd in
censed by the stand we have taken
against submarine warfare nnd our
manufacture of munitions, does anv one
imagine that Germany will not feel
angered igainst this nation Personal
Iv, I think that if Germany is victorious
wc will be held to strict accountability
at the close of the war and that possibly
we may asked to pay damages.
Have Angered Germany.
School histories tell of the wonderful
valor of American troops .ind of Amer
ican militia, but Mr. I'iper branded
school histories as false and to a great
extent, responsible for the unprepared
ness of the country, from the fact that
every man was taught that our inexperi
enced militia had won wonderful victor
ies. In reviewing history, Mr. Piper
told the other side of the actions of in
experienced troops, in which they not
only ran away but even refused to
figiit. "America is always ready but
never prepared to figiit," he said.
A militia officered by competent men
not political appointees was favored by
Mr. I'iper, provided the militia was un
der feder.il control and acting in uni
son for the country and not a particular
state. Ho believed that such a federal
ized militia would be equal to any task.
In the formation of the new army pro
posed, And new militia, he was in fa
vor of hnving it under federal control.
In a few preliminary remarks, Mr.
I'iper aaid that he had been in Salem
.",0 years ago, as a student at Willam
ette university. The l.V) men present
gave the elotest attention to the speak
er, urging him to continue .ifter the ex
piration of the time limit. His remarks
were frequently applauded when urg
ing preparedness. The address made a
deep impression.
Stole Purse From Pulpit.
Portland, Or., March 1.
While Miss Mollie Best told an
audience at the fashionable
White Temple church yesterday
about conditions in the New
York ghetto, a thief stole $10
out of her handbag lying on a
chair on the pulpit. Miss Best
did not report he.r loss until to
day. She hail just received the
$10 as payment for her lecture.
Third Decree Methods Fail to
Furnish Any Cue to
Auto Gang
Another Gang Pulled In San
Francisco Is Caught With
the Plunder
Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 1. Kench of
the Hi bandit suspects arrested in the
sudden police activity here remained
firm tod.iy in protestations of inno
cence. Third degree methods availed detec
tives nothing. The' investigation is
seemingly at a standstill until the Port
land, Oregon, police telegraph import
ant information which has been request
ed by Chief Snively. !The alleged auto
mobile bandit gang in jail here is said
to hive operated in Oregon.
In spite of their talaire to elicit con
fessions, detectives still sav thev be-
ledge or the ( ulver t.itv bank robbery1
and the murder of Captain Jack Hen-
ilni'kson on West Adams street, as well
as of the automobile bandit outrages
of the past week.
Three women were caught in the raids
nd the police are especially interested
in Miss Kva Douglas, alias Mrs. R. E.
Renwick. She is said to have a mother
and sister in Reno, Nevada. R. 10. Ren
wick, one of the men arrested, is be-i
icvcd to be a recent arrival from Port- v01.,i!nll, Or., Mar. L Without cx
Iand. ,,.,!
Assistant Police Chief George Home l'Bl't,on' r,'l,ort8 on ,ho fl,,x 1,",ustrv nr"
today decl.ired he had discovered, to the effect that the Willamette vul
Rogues gallery portraits of many of the ley, both from the standpoint of soil
prisoners. " and climate, offers a splendid place for
The police have confiscated twelve I its development while the industry in
rifles, shotguns and revolvers as evi- other countries is demorilized on ac
dence. The weapons were found in the' count of war conditions,
apartments rented by suspects, togeth These things are emphasized in the
er With loot from recent robberies nnd i bulletin prepared under the direction of
a nunntitv nf contraband lnur
Woman Furnished Clue.
San Francisco, Mar. 1 "Tipped off"
by a woman, police early today raided
an apartment here, recovered $'100
worth ot alleged loot and arrested a
woman giving the HAme of Josephine
White, together with two ex-convicts
and a thin) man. Further investigation
led them to another apartment where
they found stolen cut glass hidden in a
pen ami arrested bonis Uoelime on a
charge of receiving stolen property.
They claim Bochmc received some of
the goods taken by the alleged thieves
discovered in t lie lust raid
The woman was takeu to 'police head-
quarters in lier niglit clothing. Author
ities believe she was a "look out."
Woman Does Not Want
to Face the Charges
Los Angeles, Cal., March 1. Pend
ing settlement of extradition tangles
in the case of Mrs. Isabel Clayburg,
Seattle girl accused of blackmailing
wealthy men there, Superior Judge Wil
lis of Los Angeles, has continued the
habeas corpus proceedings until March
Karl Hogers, attorney for Mrs. f'lny
burg, Is in Sacramento today to argue
before a representative of Governor
Johnson nnd cite legal reasons whv the
wonMn should not be extradited to
Washington for trial.
By Carl W. Ackennan.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
(Copyright 19P5, by the United Press.)
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, I.. I.,
March 1. " Germany Ni memorandum
declaring that armed merchantmen in
the future will be considered warships
does not change pledges Ambassador
Von Bernstorff gave the United States,
because when they were give no such
thing as an armed merchantman liner
was thought of "declared Baron Mumm
Von Schwnrzenstein, of the foreign of
fice, to the United Press.
When Germany made those pledges,
he saifl, she never dreamed that the
British would instruct merchant liners
to conduct an offensive warfare.
'Therefore." he continued, "tt
t f.ermnn tatemcnts remain distinct
nnd separate. The first, as made by I yet they instruct merchantmen 'not to
Von Bernstorff applies to liners as they ) open fire at a range grenter than sno
should be to conform to international yards unless the enemy has already
law, not armed for offensive purposes. I opened (fire: ' and to 'fire in self de
The second memorandum applies to fense notwithstanding that tho sub
ships armed for offensive purposes, eon- marine mav not have committed n ilcf
trnry to international law." I initc hostile act,' "
Santa Monica, Cal., March 1.
Here's today's prize fish
story :
S.' T. Lassen was angling from
the municipal pier when a !)
gold piece fell from his vest
pocket into the sea. An hour
later he hooked a big halibut,
landed it safely, whereupon it
immediately disgorged the coin.
Beat it if you caji.
Redwood City, N. ,L, March L So he
could dodge the usual round of wedding
anniversaries, and thus "not feel so
old," Henry Alton, San Francisco, se
lected February 2!1 as the day to wed
Miss L. L. Bresec. San Francisco.
Experts Who Know Condi
tions Unanimous In This
Corvallis, Or., Mar. L (Spe
cial to Capital Journal. Frank
C. Miles, flax expert of the feJ-
eral biirem of plant industry,
expected to reach Salem this ev-
ening at 7:!5.". He will be joined
tomorrow by A. B. Cordley, di-
rector of the Oregon experiment
station, and these two special-
ists with Governor Withycomhc
will inspect the flax plant at
Salem. Mr. Miles and Hcan
Cordley will go to Portland Fri-
day inroniug.
II. B. Miller, head of the school "of
'commerce. University of Oregon, and
which will soon be ready for distribu
tion. Government reports embodied in
the bulletin point out the large market
that this country offers for flax fiber.
Demand Is Heavy.
' The United States imports annually
about $.'1,000,000 worth of fl.ix fiber
and more than $20,000,000 worth of lin
en goods," says the bulletin. "About
one-third of the fiber conies from Rus
sia, and about one-fourth from Belgium.
Fully three-fourths of the linen im
ports arc Irish. There appears to be
no renson why American grown tiuer
I and American manufactured linens
should not be substituted for at le.vst
1 n l......n nF iUnun imnm't
For vears it has been demonstrated
that a "very high grade of flax can be
produced in abundance in the Willam
ette valley and to nuke the industry a
success seems only to recpiire experienc
ed persons to handle it. Retting is one
of the processes in producing flax fiber
which requires the work of a person
with expert practical knowledge. The
government report says:
"The retting of flax consists of a
treatment which will loosen the fiber
from the woody portion of the stalk so
that it may be readily removed. There
. . ...i . . ,.e ...t;,r
are tnrco prm m '"y ' "j
chemical retting.
Work Is Difficult.
I'hc process is of such a nature that
an inexperienced person should not at-
(Continued on Page Two
Asked why, in view of President
Wilson's letter, Germany will not ad
mit tho right of hostile merchantmen
to arm for defensive purposes, the baron
"Well, along with necessity, the priv
ilege of arming merchant ship disap
peared long ago, for 'cessnnto rations
legis eestrat lex ipsa' (when the reason
for a law ceases, the law itself ceases)
"This question can take a back seat
for the merchantmen of our enemies are
not only timed for defensive, but also
for offensive purposes. This is clearly
proved by British admiralty orders that
fell into our hands. Look at Hieim and
you will see that nlthough there are
headlines to throw dust in people s eyes
I bv sneaking of defensively armed ships,
Paris Issues Warning Lull Only Prelude to Further Offensive
Against Pepper Heights and Forts East of There
Fighting Yesterday Was Fierce With No Decisive Re-sultsv-Fresnes,
13 Miles South of Verdun Is Captured
by Germans Storm to Break Soon
London, March 1. After days of furious struggles,
the fighting around Verdun came almost to a complete
stop last night, today's official statements agreed.
Paris uttered a warning, however, that the Germans
probably are preparing for a further offensive on colossal
lines. New drives against the Pepper Heights to the
north of Verdun and against Forts De Tavanne and De
Vaux east of the position where there was lively fighting,
are believed presaged by the quietude of the night.
Berlin reported artillery fighting along the whole
front, but no infantry attacks around Verdun. Pans told
of an intermittent bombardment northwest of Verdun,
but nothing else there.
German concentrations at Pont-a-Mousson were re
ported repelled by artillery, while both sides claimed
minor air activities.
Before Lull Came.
In the death area to the east and north of the great
Vovrlnn fnvt t.hft fihiftincr German attack in the drive to
capture the city is now directed against Forts De Vaux
and De Tavennes.
The Teuton warriors are battering the French on the
Metz-Verdun railway with heavy artillery brought up
from Etain to the eastward. At De Tavennes, the f rench
have repelled repeated onslaughts. Teutons from Dieppe
are advancing to De Vaux fort behind a curtain of
artillery fire. The French are answering this attack and
holding their positions east of Vaux village.
The German ring of iron is two-thirds around Fres
nes 13 miles southeast of Verdun. Particularly terrible
is the fight around Manheulles, which Paris yesterday
admitted the Teutons had captured. The French are try
ing hard to recapture it and to strengthen their front
around Fresnes.
Meanwhile the artillery struggle to
the north is increasing indicating that
a fresh assault is under way ngninst
tttrt 1'nntinr Tleil'llts.
Artillery roars in a new outbreak
along the whole western tront. inns
far it is not a mn.ior offensive, except
around Verdun and opinion is divided
as to whether or no the reawukeninft
on the entire line is the nreludo of a
general offensive or is merely designed
bv the Germans to engage tho French
so that thev cannot shift reserves to
Hand to hand fighting continues
around Fort Douaiimont. Buyonettcd
men are adding to the heaps of those
slain by the guns. The struggle is at
such ciose quarters that neither sidf.
can use artillery.
Paris reports that the Brandenburg
troons inside the ruins of Dounumont
are surrounded und that other Teutons
are endeavoring to relieve them. Un
the other hand, Berlin claimed Douaii
mont is firmly held by the Brandenburg
1 ii
men, nnd that the entire neighborhood
i ut,der German control.
Lull in the Fighting.
Berlin, .March L A lull in the fight
ing before Verdun and elsewhoie on the
French front, Has officially indicated
Tne German statement reported ar
tillery battling there but mentioned no
important inluntry engagements.
An Kuglish biplane was shot down
near Mcnin mid two French biplanes,
near Soissons.
"A German aeroplane stopped an en
emy military train at the Besancon
Jusscy road" by bombs ami then suc
cessfully attacked it with machine
guns, fonfing the crew to alight," said
the official stntement, reporting the
first incident of this kind in history.
Offensive Not Abandoned,
London, Mnrcu 1. A lull in the but
tle for Verdun was reported by a Paris
wireless message today which warned,
however, that . there is no reason to be
hove that tho offensive has been aband
oned. Swedish Ship Torpedoed.
titockholm, March 1. The 1,200 ton
Swedish vessel Torborg has been sunk
by au Austrian submarine in the Medi
terranean, Her crew was landed at Leg
British Ship Goes Down. .
London. March 1. The l,WO ton Bri
tish steamer Thornaby has been sunk,
and her crew has perished, according
to a Lloyd's dispatch today.
Insurance Rates Increased.-
New York, March 1. Because of the
German enmpnign against armed mer
chantmen, Insurance rates for trans-Atlantic
ships, engaged in Mediterranean
service, rose here today.
Trench Evacuate Trestles.
Berlin, March 1. The French evacu
ated Fresnes, southeast of Verdun on
Tuesday, the I.okal Anzeiger's corres
pondent reported today.
The correspondent said also that the
Germans occupied the Henncmout;
woods, four miles south of Etain, mid
that their westward movement con
tinues. They had reached the foot of
Coto Lorraine at several points.
This is the first report of such a.
move, London reported, however, that
the Cermuns had ulmost surrounded
Wants War With Germany.
Koine, March 1. A strong party was)
prepared to advocate war with Germany
when parliament opened today. No ac
tion, however, is expected for several
days, pending the outcome of confid
ences being held at the foreign office.
Amsterdam, Mar. 1. A Ger
man declaration of war upon
Portugal is imminent, according
to Gerlia advices today.
Portugil recently seizej in
terned German ships in the Ta
riis, and followed this within
the next two days by further
seizures. At that time, Portu
guese advices to the United
Press declared that Portugal an
ticipated Germany would ans
wer the seizures by a declara
tion of war.
Portugal his been frankly
pro ally because of her relations
with F.nglnnd, and has even aid
ed against the Germans in Af
rica, respite tho fact that sh
was not at war, officailly,
Against tho central powers.
Oregon: Tonight,
and Thursday fair
northwest, rata in .
southwest, rain or
snow east portion,
winds most from