Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 29, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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IhZ7 S .m D L A C K S E A )
II- TfcO l. .-fT"" OA:.. II . . iT Jy".,.:...,' 1
jHsjy Naffer lpnVTRANS, ;cauu!!.
Soma) ? , . J"i' 1 j"""-' M ,'AMiAi(V
V ' ATTACK j JtS. j 0 Js ' 10 J
. ' ' Jr Ldamascus H
To Salonika . fiir t,3i hM Kpi-1ip1- XM,tBH'.XPHI,IOMWV
' 750 miles 1 j A . , isri ueia V-P'" ?
jWJUruh f'k. - 0 C S i R T p$J&L
iMwwiFowtl frji WVCSL-.F2fSfiir fefel W)" i SAC or Mlt:,,l ,r
Ki There is a better taste a zest to food m
Map of eastern Asia and Egypt, showing position of Russian forces in Caucasus and of English forces on the Tigris.
Proposal Made for Co-operation
of Fruitgrowers of
Four States by E. L
GoodseH New York
Several possibilities are opened up toy this seems the most probablo
(irand Duke Nicholas' rapture of Krze-iwill it ilesccnd the Kuphrati
solution, , AnL'lo-InJian force on the Tigris and i at present be made to illustrate this
uphratra to th'!,i,n R.inn in Armenia and ; theory. From Confltantinoide to Krze-
jum. Will his vii'torioiiH army which point where it is crossed by the Bagdad ; . , ,! ,inv,.innpi1 rum is 4U miles; trom t.rzerum to Kut-
thus has forced its way through, the j railway! The lntter achieved and this u CMia 'nere u fcu" . 1 , el-Amara, the immediate objectivo of
back door of Turkey attempt to reach , alternative could bo indulged in awlth tbe ldea ot' ?rving as deterrents ,lt, Anglo-lndinn force on the Tigris, is
Constantinople through the mountain , march on Constantinople or one across j to a second attack on Kgypt, ,iust as it till), and from the Jiussinn udvancc in
passes of Armenia! Will it send an ex-! the desert to Aleppo, where is said to be 1 is expected that an offensive of the ul- Persia to Kut-el-Amnrn is 2.r)() miles;
pedition north to Trebizond on the 1 gathering the Tui ko tiernian army for! lies on the Salonika littoral will short- while Krzrrum, tho liussian position in
Black sea, through an equally forbid-n second attempt to capture Kgypt and j ly be developed with the same end in Persia, and the Anglo-Indian position
ding country! Will it descend tho Eu-1 tho .Suez canal. view. on the Tigris form a broken lino whose
phiates with the idea of relieving thej Some military experts believe that The distances, however, are so vast nearest point to the Suez canal is 725
British position on the Tigris! Or, and, the recent activity shown by the that at no point can military operations , miles.
Tried Various Kidney
Remedies But Only One
i Republicans Trying
I To Reach Compromise
Backache Just
Like a Toothache!
It is with great pleasure that I write
these lines of praise for your wonderful
kidney and bladder remedy. 1 had kid
ney trouble so bid 1 became very much
alarmed. I had tried various kidney
remedies I heard of but without re
lief. I was about discouraged ot ever
Sun Francisco, Feb. 2H,
bring peace between the
-Kf forts to
Claxtar News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Claxtar, Ore., Feb. -'!. Mr. and Mrs.
William Fowler, of Wheatland, arc
week-end guests of the William West
leys, of Claxtar. The Fowlers are the
beinL' helued. when, one dav 1 picked
up a book containing testimonials of slate of republican national conven
people wiio had been helped and cured jtion delegates, imbued with the iileai
Dear Mr. Editor Sometime aeo I
republican had backache very bad: it would ache
state central committee and the "in-: just like a toothache. I tried a new
dependent" republicans will bo con-1 disooverv of Doe.tir Pierce's, called
tinned here tonight. lRAnuric." This is for kidneys and parents of Mrs. William Westlcy.
A committee from both organizations! backache. I Boon felt relieved of all I Mr. John Westley lias purchased a
will confer. This is the outcome of over-' backache and had no more pain, and I handsome automobile,
tines from the state body Saturday and 'hope others troubled in the same way j Mr. James Sears, of McCoy, Oregon,
a preliminary peace session, after the j will try this wonderful new remedy. has been appointed administrator of the
"independents" had resolved upon a; Yours sincerely. estate of the late Mrs. Isabell Alder-
ftLRS. UNOOLN 6TEAKNH. man, 01 rum cuuniy,
The marriage of Mr. Hoy Westley, of
aud bull moose factions of this state.
of their kidney trouble by the use of,f backing 'p prog resi,Ve candidate! NOTE! It is now asserted with con- I this place, to -Miss Huelah Miiplethorpo,
Dr. K mer s Swamp-Hoot, so 1 ileciiieu for president and a so uniting tile U. IJ. 1 j.... ...... jy in .-uicm, was imiungru so in mmmi u.m-
. .. ... . ' 1 . . .. .... P., . . . nne. an4d in t.hn pvstrm am ent relv erad - i.. t i. t :i:.,
z . - , ,, . f . - 1, lllill IHJ OIH i-.ct-iii nil- jiiiiiiiii n
catcd. A new remedy, called "Amine." ,. -....i , .i;..,i ti, u
has been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and is ,h(' 'wo ou"l-' People, realized that it
the cause of a drainage outward of the would occur this week. Many good
uric acid with which it comes in contact wishes follow Mr. and Mrs. Boy est-
Itwill ward on oack- t lev to their new home in Jiusby, M on
to try it and I know 1 owe my present P
good health to the wonderful curative
power of Swimp-Koot. I sincerely hope
iny words will be the means of restor
ing many other sufferers of kidney and;
pladflcr troubles to good health. I
Verv trulv vours,
Two Hurt In Portland
Fire This Morning
within the hidv.
ache, headache, and the dartinit Dains and
aches of articular or muscular rheum.
., , u oo rr tisin of thoso dlseasas which are caused
Pnrtlnnd Ore.. eh. "S. Tw o w ere i - 4 u na ,,,t
inn u t, a... i ,.i.-..tvn,i iihin. , . .. :. .. '. '"u' ' r svi"
uui,iv. .'-., -----1 injurca anu si. inmans oi ruoiinug astnma, sciatica, renal caicuius. "jiu-
l'ersonally appeared betore mo tms.jjjmjp wpre r(,Ht.ucd hy firemen early uric" prolongs life because old people usu-
todny when fire gutted a two-story ally suirer 'from hardening and tnicHening
tana, where Mr. Westley goes to accept
a government position.
1Mb dav of October. l'Jlo. li. J. Fenster
maker, 'who subscribed the above state
nient and made oath that the same ia! streets.
true in suDstinee and in met.
Notary Public.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co
Binghamton, N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do
For You.
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample sizo
l.ottle. It will convince anyone. You
Fiurcne Ore.. Feb. 2!!. Not one co-ed
frame building at Fourth and Stark f the walls of the arteries, due i to the ex- 0, of 03 ,,!ls pt.rf(.(.t ft, the physi-
, . , , 1. ., r j, . Dr. Pierce, who Is director and chief
Irnnk Noland, fireman, fell 35 f eet ' nhvsie.lan at the Invalids' Hotel and
from the roof of a nearby building and Surgical Instituto, Buffalo, N. Y., has
was seriously hurt. Mrs. I.ula McCul- 'rjctn testing this wonderful m!dicine for
lough, landlady of the rooming house, I the relief of over-worked un weakened
was8 badly bruised when she t down "tT
stmrs trying to escape the flames mined to place "Anuric" with tho prin-
The cause of the fire is unknokn. Upa druggists in town where people
1 " i;ould get this ready-to-use medicine.
YOUNG TRArPER LOST j'Anuric" Is not harmful or poisonous,
out aids ttttrc in throwing oil inose
cal director of the I'niversity of Oregon
reported after examining the feet ot
freshman girls. Only three girls were
found to have good feet. The rest, re
ported Miss Freida Goldsmith, foot ex
pert, are suffering trom tint toot lie
Work on a plan to arrange for
tho chartering of a steamer to market
the fruit of the Pacific coast abroad.
just as an object lesson to the grow
ers of the west of what can be ac
complished by co-operation, E. I., flood
sell, of New York, arrived in Tort
land yesterday and will go to Salem
today to lay his plan before Governor
Governor Alexander, of Idaho, and
Governor Lister, of Washington, have
bth declared themselves in sympathy
with the plan, nnd indications are that
the governors of all the western states
will concur.
Mr. Goodsell will speak in Corvallis
tomorrow and will return to Portland
nnd deliver an nddress at- the Y. M.
C. A. Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Goodsell yesterday outlined the
plan as follows:
"In view of the present shortage in
shipping facilities by both land and
water, with the prospective greater
shortage in the northwestern apple
crop period of 1!H(!. action should be
taken now to meet this serious situa
tion. Wenatchee Estimate 8,000 Cars,
"Take Wenatchee, for example; the
production of apples promises to ag
gregate 8,000 carloads in that district
The Great Northern Railway is able
to haul to the east only nbout 200
, carload weekly. Thus in five months
the maximum of exportntions from this
particular district could only be 4,00(
"With the object of demonstratinr
what unit co-operative organizations
among the apple growers could do not
only in partly solving the transporta
tion problems, but as well economically
I have Put before Governor Alexander,
of Tdaho, and Governor Lister, of
Washington, and propose to place be
fore Governor Withycombe. of Oregon
and Governor Johnson, of Californie
this suggestion:
"The states named shall cause to 1
guaranteed the charter of a refiic
ated equipped steamer, now- engn"
in fruit transportation, of 8,000 "v
tonnn tre, with a carrying capacity o1
M0.000 cubic foM. to 'take a enrg'o of
the freen and dried fruit products of
all these states named, to Liverpool or
London about Xovember 1. MMll
Cost to Oregon of $10,000.
"On the present market for charters,
such a steamer would cost about $511,000
for the voyage.
"Idaho, Washington, and Oregon
would guarantee one-fifth each of the
cost of the chart c party of .j'M.liOll, and
California two-fifths or 20,00u.
"The first three states would then
each have the right to one-fifth of the
space or 110,000 cubic feet, into which
about 1)0,000 boxes of apples could be
stowed. The total cargo would amount
to 150,000 boxes of apples, if Cniil'ornia
used her allotment of splice for that
kind of fruit. I expect, however, out
side of some Watsonville New towns
and navel oranges, dried fruit will gen
erally be shipped from that state.
"As it is proposed that no one shall
profit by this charter exc.pt the own
ers of the steamer, the charge to the
fruitgrowers will be bused upon the
actual cost of the charter party in pro
portion to the number of packages
"Thus a full cargo of apples would
cost the growers from sen boa id to des
tination, 011 the basis stated above,
about .'!.'! 1-2 cents n box. In 1015 th
Used as shortening, it blends with the flour easfly
and the result shows in the fine baking. Used for
frying, it makes the foods better tasting and more di
gestible. Try it realize the quality it gives to foods.
Your grocer will Bupply you regulaily Cottolene is pecked
in pails of various sizes.
j ' ESI5FAIRBANKjsgaiaad '
2 UUM UU 111- I I IVlihlil llihl! ill till HI I 'I.n II MlihiiJ Ul 'I' f
;. lip
1 ' Mm
E.-"- I
M - S, 5 "1 r-
tr .V ;-w : tiki's . - .
.v - ;
O Flood scenes at Newton, Arkansas.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damnge was done by tbe re
cent Hoods in Arkansas. These floods were particularly severe in anil
around Newton, where railroads were undermined by the waters and ut
out of business for many (lays. , 1
!t ls ! -'( s)c . '(
cause they wear high heels and pointed overland freight rates from northwest-
,p wni;Poisous within tho body which cause so
v , ,. much sulfering, pain and misery. Scicn
r.uuie ,ist8 assi,rt this remedy Is 37 times more
Medfrd, Ore., Fell. 20. Hope
practically abandoned today tor r.ddie .ists assert this remedy
liail. a vouilK irappi-r, iieiier 10 iron: vitwit thin llth a.
w ill also receive a booklet of valuable ! heen lost in Cow Creek ennyon during Jfor Diabetes and Brlght's Disease this
;.,f.rn,otln,, ti-llinn nbnnt the kidncTs ! tho .Tnnnnrr snowstorms. A senrchinc "emedv is buildinir un a reputation as
and bladder. When writing, be sure 'party returned to Trail today after ?ocd as Dr. Pierce's other well-known
and mention the Salem Daily Capita. , lfs Hall cabin eml;ty Al. hisef- 'n
, 1... ,...fi.. nn.l inn.ilnl. 1 fnofa nrflflut lite r,tln worn thorn In n . . M , ....
journal. nrnniriu.j-..i u... .... 1 , ' uogjQf fierce s I'avonio rres:ripiion
lar size bottles for sale
If U.e carrier does not glre
eervtce notify the offic.
at all drug diary the last entry was made January for tiie m3 0f women. Doctor Pierce's
li. it said: "Still snowing and plow- p.easj.nt Pellets, the liver regulator, ana
ing hard." Doctor Plerco's Uolden Mudicul Dibcovefy
lyr red biooa.
Everyone should drink hot water
with phosphate In It,
before breakfast.
111 .null ,1111111 j I ' ....... .li....... .i ..mi,..,., ...,.u..... 1 i. .'I lliUI IW -J
s n ,lir,,. r. . T.fci-irY nifti ilteiit - rfcli.fi'ritf r- -if Ji il I mi iir. Vrr r-rwi i.nmrrr '1 r mic '-'-.i' - " ;.J
Salem's Handy Repair Guide
"fl Stitch in Time Saves Nine"
The Capital Journal Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
:Zf;L shoe Repairing while Exds5or Motorcycles
we will save you money r a Ivpf j h a El,sior
n,l we 11 save vou the time . .
vo'u might waste waiting for a I0U Wait H.cycles; Repairing; Accessories;
new part Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
Oxv-acetvlene welding makes 01r Speeiaitv
the broken part good as new. yi? D AAT CHOP
Estimates cheerfully finished. IL DUU1 OUVi P DJ-
vicK brothers carage, 3;5 STATE . Mrsc & Ramstien
260 N. High Salem, Oregon Phone 1687 221 S. High St.
Springs Made and Modern shoe Repair Co.
UCDaired Capital Journal Advertising
Welding and brazing of aU kinds will repair, buy or sell any- 1 ffllirr tyrPPf
-all kinds of Auto Repairing ' vUuIl JUCs.1
and palntir.g-aU work guaran- hir.?. R":ovw the lost or
restore found articles.
R J. Hcrschback Fine Shoe Repairing
229 State St. Salem, Ore.
i em shipping points through to Dug
I land were about )1 a box ot apples,
I with pnly about 2.1 per cent of the re-
quired space obtainable and a greater
1 shortage of space prospective in 101(1.
I Great Saving Shown.
I "The saving on this cargo, as com
1 pared with the cost in lfU.i. to the
i northwestern fruitgrowers would there
fore be about lll(l.li(l.
"The time of tho voyage from Port
land to Liverpool would be about il."
I "lays.
j "The Idaho and Washington portions
'of the cargo would be loaded in Sc
I tittle. The Oregon part in Portland
lor Astoria, and the California part in
I San Froneisco.
To feel as fine 11s the piovorlual t ul-J "It tins plan is earned through sue
die, we must keep the liver washed clean cessfully as outlined, it would he the
almost every morning, to prevent its! greatest possible demonstration to the
sponge-like pores from clogging with iu-j fruitgrowers of what a saving a fin
digestilile material, sour hile and poison-l ancinlly strong en-operative fruit or
ous toxins, says a noted physician. gani.iition could effect and how far-
If you get headaches, it's your liver. I reaching its powers and benefits could
It' vo'u catch cold ea-ily, it's your liver.jlm in transportation problem.
If you wake up with .1 bad taste, turmr "Waterway shipments of nor
tongue, misty hreiitli or stomach he-' cm fruits to American ports, as
conies rancid, it's your liver. Sallow! as to foreign, at a minimum of
skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes all nro thus within the range of poi.
denote liver uiieleanliness. our liver; flt.n un, sequence." Orcgoiiiun.
is the most important, also the most! .
aloied and neglected organ of the body. I MARRIED AT CLAXTAR
Kcw know its function or how to re-
leu,,, the diimmeil-up body waste, bile; ri'iipilnl Journal Special Service.)
and toxins. Most folks re.-ort to violent I Clnxtar Or-uon lYhruarv -il.
c.ilome, which is a dangerous, snlivat- The marriage of Miss P,uel,,li Maple-,
ing rhemical which can only he used oc-1 1 norpc, of Salern. ami Mr. Hov We-ilcy,1
j asionally lic ause it accumulates in the ,,( clnxtar, Oregon, occurred at
j tissues. alo attacks the bone, Sal iirdny .iftemooii, Frbruaiy IJ1
j Kvery man and woman, sick or well, j at the Mnplcthiirpe home in Salem, he-i
'should drink each morning before" yon. j
, break IW, a glass of hot w.Her with al ,jSH Ihu'liih Mil plethoi pe is the oldest j
! tcasi'oiuifi.il of limestone plionpoate in j daughter of Mr. and Mr. Thomas Ma-j
it, to wash from the liier and bowels , ,,.t horpe, i' Salem, nnd Mr. iioy We-t-l
! the previous day 's indigestilde nialcrial ,.y is the third son of Mr. and Mrs.;
the poi'-ous, sour hile and toxins; thus .,', T. Wctlc.v, of claxtar, Or. ton. j
; cleansing, -weeteniiig and freshening! The I, ride was beautiful in. I girlish-!
the entire alimentary canal before put-j looking in a tiavcling suit of dark-!
ting more food into the stomich. Ililue hioinlcloth.
Limestone phosi hate does not restrict I The home was artistically .ecorne.
,the diet lil.e calomel, hecnuse it can j ,vit nsput'igus ferns and violet. Thei
not salivate, for it is harmless and you , ,rj,c ' hominet lieiii'' a dniiitv arriuiL'C-
inent or as'.iiiigus leiu and pins car-.
beautiful feleclions of music.
The guest list which included only
the relatives and ( lose personal friends
was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Maplethorpe, Mr. ind Mrs. John T.
Westley, .Mr. and Mrs. James Maple
thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. William Westley,
Iir. and Msr. John '. Kvan, Mrs. Mal
colm Hump, of P.rooks; Miss ltuelah
Roberts, Miss Xellie Keeton, Miss Kdith
Mnplethorpe, of Portland; Miss Freda
It'll., Vi:u. LV.1,,..;., SO.I.mnn ATisseS
Kva nnil Lucile ,M iplet Dorps, ilshorn j musv m. -
Maplethorpe and Kluicr Westley, ol'jwith it. Repenting; this daily, the en
t'luxtar. I tire outer film skin is soon absorbed,
Many choice presents were received i m,lmnv, there's not the sligh.-
by the couple mute testimony ot the, m. j ...I, V(. ir-nc-.-. Kven tho
esteem in wiucn mini are ueui. .,i:,lt, ., ivi..., Lh.hu o, thi tieut-
meiit. The underlying skin which form-i
tiie new complexion is so freh anl
youthful looking you'll marvel at th '
transformation. It's tho only reliah''i
If your skin is chapped, rough or
harsh, dab a liberal amount of merco'
i.ed w ,ix un the face and allow it to re
main "over night. When you whs'.i 01 i
the wax in the morning, fine, flaky, nl-
Iinmcdiutely after the wedding the
voung people icrt lor tneir new nome
in Hushv, Montana, where Mr. West-
ley goes to accept a government posi-
. . . 1 .... in
tioi. at tlic large Indian school at Ui.u-M.1V tn .,..,,..., ,iis,.,,ni ,m a,(l. fadd.
Il'01llt- . . , I freckle. I. hlotchv or wcather-hcateo
complexion. One ounce of ruorcoliz. d
I'oitland. and two davs in (lieat l alls.i
I Knroute for Hushy, .Montiina. Mr. nnd;
i, ,.- ., .. -.."u 1 ., .1 1
.U1S. ltO W'!lie, " irnii m ... ,.,,1.1,. f .l,n- -tftr..
.UOimillil, IMieie iue oc in,:
of Mr. Westley s sister, Mrs. Alex S.
Not only were the young people
showered with good wishes, hut. with
rice also, and one joker m.'in.iged to af
fix a stout tag to one of the suit eases
hearing the hgend "Just -Married."
Mr. Westley is well known in Willam-
..tr., niiivcrudi- fir.'lca lui.l l.tso in
business college circles. j 'J
The bride is beloved by n large circle! V
of friends in Salem, who regret, to lose,
their hright, lovable companion, and a rlt
If wind and cold mako yon squint an I
f row u, you're bound to cultivate, wrio
' kl.s ami crow's feet. To overcome the-' ,
I bathe the face in a solution made by
I dissolving 1111 ounce of powdered stixu
i lit..' in .1 hall' pint witch ha.e!.
'f : ! 'f
' well
host of good wishes' follow both ofj
thesi' young iicoolo to tlp'ir new home in .
I'.usbv Molilalia. 1
. 1
! good service at Swedish church yes-1
terdny. A good congregation filled the
Swedish church, corner loth and Mill
jis increasing. .Next Sunday the Itev.
i.lohti ). Wahlliey, liistrict. Superintend-;
' nt fioin I'lisadeiin, Calif., will preach, s
at 't p. 111. and M p. 111.
England was expeeUd bmirly
to ilc. lure tho coinincrciat block
t.de, as retaliation for Ger
many's submarine war cam
paign. Kiiglund also was nudy
to lestriet liquor sales. A a re
sult of the allied bombardments
of the Dardanelles, tho Ccrstan
t!i;ople government wtis report
ed reii'Iv to flee to Asia M cor.
sk sk '!"
can eat iinvthing afterwards. Jt. is in
expensive nnd almost tasteless, and any
ph triiiii'-ist will sell you a quarter
('Oi:nd, woicli is sufficient for n deinoii
stration of how hot water ami lime
stone phosphate cleans, si imulales
freshens the liver, keeping you
ing fit dav in nnd day out.
hat tons.
Miss I'.yn Maplethorpe acted n the
bridesmaid, while Mr. Kluicr Westley,
i brother of the groom, acted as 1
Standin" boneaih an nr.li of
pnriigue tern, lievcren.l Avison, or the
nnu ,ati.
Midhodist-Kpiseopiil church, of S.il.-m,
rend tho vows which made them bus-
New Todav ads costs vou less than band and wife.
j you think worth .more thun you j Mrs. Malcolm Pinup, of Tlrook", a
! realize. well known musician, reh.len d twij
mm mmm m
tdUutaSUf. -. 1 rtn.iw.,ri.i , - Jj-Jis.cs.Mf,
Guaranteed -cr Hot a Cent's Charge p
Y'"i tif-'i rot ,;uiiVr hnnfon torture an hour r,wr. V in.iiierliow lartro
(11 t-iiuii in 11t1r lj'iiii"ii,t may beT how nr. en : i,y v. i-.-rti (fitte! und
i r'-ii'in nr cO m- m..hle Iitc at i. i unvoicing fiaof that Ihuro
iy poM'.ive 1 u.it-i it you riK'it now tujuy,
"Human Qomfatf
Is Cuarenteed to Givo Instant Relief
pitI p' Hitlvuly n:rn thi lrnst filubtjnrn bunioni, Yin'.I lifive iracr iiml cointrrt ti onn n vidi
ni'ii-y (me, '1'Iip tam riml inlluiiiinatiuii i!p .irprnr Ike ii. iio. Vou can really enmy wa'i.InK
o,, e inure. Lmlic t.-.ut wf ar their r'uunul, s-...il without lis''tiiit"irt Jmi't cut hole,
t,i yi,t- ihoH u'nl -4 1 la iluoiwd eittou ,r t'ol; v,-;n!.. w.i-'.icrs a'ul stool cintr.ip,i--ni. "Uu v
ion t '-mfort" ii t lie cuinm-m h-vu- luuri.-al i rr - v h". i ;ir .'.r,-i. It abMirbs mill Ji aw-i oat the iit-f!a-nmnticii,
'ftfii; nnti til'. nlvii tli !! i-iir.il.iif l -r -i curr iIjk which really iiiakd tho
buri-on, thin tftt'.vH.ir.K th'S'ilurKutueM aial rviV ;:;. t.ic i "fjI.l:eJ fuitt toiiihoallliy imii ;ual -.i
Get a Box ot "SSun'mn Comfort" Today
uiontiJijrvtlymibitutourtait'Jy juu'vu yver tntnl iiturj Uiu wibt i tcu Huuh h tiu l nit jour ui lie t-a. tc. ', t
J. C. PERRY, Druggist, 113 S. Commercial Street
i ' CI
J. -l